Strong man's religion: Christianity or Islam?

Which faith came first: Christianity or Islam?

To answer the question of what came first, it is necessary to turn to history. Islam was founded by an Arab merchant named Muhammad (in other sources Mahomed) around the 7th century AD.

Christianity appeared much earlier in the 1st century AD on the basis of old Judaism.

Jesus Christ became a prophet in Christianity, from whose birth the chronology is calculated. From this it follows that Christianity appeared earlier.

You should definitely read the advice of priests on how to protect yourself from envy.

Strong man's religion: Christianity or Islam?

Once upon a time, at the dawn of the 7th century after the Nativity of Christ, in the middle of the Arabian deserts, far from the civilized world, a remarkable event happened.
In the darkness of the night, under the low arches of the cave of Mount Hira, someone appeared to a forty-year-old Arab who was spending time here in solitude. Someone strong and scary, who began to choke him, forcing him to read a strange text in the name of a certain master. Fearing for his life, the Arab yielded and repeated the text - and the vision disappeared. Terrified to death, he ran to his home and wrapped himself in a blanket in horror, not daring to show himself outside. For quite a long time after this, he was tormented by doubts, suspecting that on that memorable night he had met with dark forces, the spirits of evil. But later his family managed to convince him that none other than the messenger of God, an Angel, appeared to him, who thereby called him to become a prophet for his people. Believing in this, this Arab soon proclaimed a new teaching in Arabia: to worship God, lonely (Koran 112.1), distant (Koran 12.31) and cruel (Koran 17.58), the source of both good and evil (Koran 10.107; 39.38), to whom everything that happens, is predestined (Quran 33.38). For a person who wanted to please such a god, it was commanded to believe in his loneliness, and also in the fact that the Arab merchant who proclaimed this teaching was his messenger and prophet; perform a certain ritual five times a day, saying prayer formulas and alternating bodily postures; once in your life, visit a sanctuary in an Arab city and slaughter a sheep on a nearby mountain; spend a small part of the profit on their household from time to time, and eat and drink only at night for one month a year. And it was also commanded to wage a holy war with those who do not recognize this teaching until they are subjugated to it (Koran 2.193). Those who observed the above were promised prosperity in this life, and in the future life a beautiful garden with eternal pleasures - mainly of a sexual and gastronomic nature, and also, partly, aesthetic. All this was recorded in a book compiled after the death of the founder, which was declared to be the revelation and creation of this god, and its text was eternal and unchangeable to the letter.

This Arab's name was Muhammad, and his teaching was called Islam - a derivative of the Arabic word for "peace" (salaam), and many of his followers soon swept across the earth and in merciless bloody wars soon captured vast territories - both Christians, Western and Eastern, and Zoroastrians, pagans, Hindus. This “religion of peace” eventually spread to many nations, and its adherents continued to wage continuous wars, even to this day.

Everything can be learned by comparison, therefore let us compare the teachings of Muhammad and the teachings of Christ, and consider which religion is intended for a strong person, and which has the power to make him strong.

Let's start with the fact that the Muslim Holy Scripture itself is three times smaller in volume than the Christian Holy Scripture. Even just reading the Bible requires three times more effort, time and perseverance than reading the Koran. We will see the same proportion when comparing their contents.

Christianity teaches us to curb our own passions - such as hatred, lust, love of money; Islam, on the contrary, indulges all of them: for example, although it admits that mercy is more pleasing to God, it allows revenge, although it says that family unity is more pleasing to God, it recognizes divorce at any whim of the husband, although it encourages alms, it gratifies the passion for hoarding, honoring the rich.

Christianity blesses marriage with only one wife, Islam allows you to have four wives and countless concubines. It is clear to any reasonable person that maintaining marital fidelity in a legal marriage with a single wife is much more difficult than if it is possible, within the limits of what is permitted, to have a relationship with an almost unlimited number of women.

Islam commands us to pray five times a day, but Christians are commanded to pray without ceasing.

(1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Muslims fast for only three weeks, while in the Orthodox Church almost two-thirds of the days of the year are fasted, and the fast lasts a full day, and not just during the day, as in Islam. Of course, fasting for two hundred and forty days and nights requires much more effort than fasting for twenty days.

Some cite the example of the Muslim law prohibiting wine drinking as something lofty. But upon closer examination, even in this respect the religion of the Arabs is inferior to the teachings of the Church. Christianity does not prohibit the consumption of wine as such, but it strictly prohibits drunkenness - drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God

(1 Cor 6:10). And it is obvious to anyone that only a strong person can, when drinking alcohol, observe moderation and not fall into drunkenness, while complete abstinence from alcohol is a much easier way to overcome this sin.

Islam also prohibits eating pork and establishes some other restrictions on clothing and behavior, but it is absolutely clear that it is much easier not to eat pork and not wear silk than to observe the commandment to abstain from sin even in thoughts - as every Christian is commanded.

Let's take warfare. Those who try to push Christianity into the Procrustean bed of stupid pacifism are blind. Defensive war is clearly blessed by the Church. Of the holy warriors - from generals to privates - more than one division was formed for the King of Heaven in the guise of saints. But if in Islam the conduct of war is based on hatred of those being killed, then in Christianity the basis of military feat is love for the protected - there is no greater love than if someone lays down his life for his friends

(John 15:13), and these words rightly apply to those who died honorably in battle. This is the teaching of Christ, and only a person strong in spirit and will can bear it.

You can continue the comparisons for a very, very long time. But based on what has already been said, we can quite objectively say that Christianity is the religion of strong people, while Islam is a religion for the weak and frail. Christianity is for the free, Islam is for the slaves. We are talking here about the most important freedom for a person - freedom from sin and one’s own passions, from which the Muslim faith is unable to free its followers.

And this is precisely what explains the spread of Islam in the modern world. It is precisely because Islam is now becoming popular in the West that the era of the weak man is now approaching, secularized humanity is cultivating its weaknesses and wallowing in voluntary relaxation. How nice it is for them to hear: Allah wants to make it easier for you

After all, man was created weak
(Quran 4.28).

According to Christian teaching, man is created strong and is called to be strong. The fact that over the course of two millennia the Church has not lowered such a high bar for its moral ideal testifies to the fact that it is truly achievable in it. And examples of this are not only hundreds of thousands of saints, but also millions of ordinary Orthodox Christians who embodied it in their lives. himself , but everything is possible for God.

(Matthew 19:26), and the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all things are possible, gives the power to do both what we have listed and more.

Each of us faces a choice - to remain weak or become strong. Swim with the current towards the rapids or against the current towards the shore. And no one can escape it, and it depends only on the person himself what he will choose in the end.

You just need to know and remember that everyone who should have become strong, but who voluntarily remained weak, will be held accountable to the fullest extent - in due time. The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use force take it away

(Matthew 11:12).

How Islam and Christianity are related

Christianity and Islam have been closely related since their inception. These religions originated from Judaism. They are also connected by contradictions, which at all times caused wars between them.

The Koran contains many stories from Christianity: about the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, about Jesus Christ, who had the ability to perform miracles, about his death and resurrection.

Islam, as a younger religion, emphasized much of the knowledge of Christianity, on which the main provisions in the Koran were subsequently based.

Difference between Christianity and Islam

Although there are some similarities and relationships between these religions, their differences are more obvious and significant. So, Islam differs from Christianity in the following areas:

  1. The emergence of religion: as mentioned above, Islam appeared almost 600 years later than Christianity.
  2. Prophets: Muhammad in Islam had several wives, whom he beat, raided and plundered caravans, called for the killing of people of other religions, enslaved women and children in Medina. On the contrary, Jesus never married, did not kill anyone, and did not engage in raids or plunder.
  3. Sacred literature: for Christians it is the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and for Muslims it is the Koran.
  4. Place for prayer: Islam - mosque, Christianity - church.
  5. Holy City: Christianity - Jerusalem; Islam - Mecca.

Significant difference between Christianity and Islam

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The essential difference between Christianity and Islam is the difference between Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus was a spiritual leader who gave His life to save the world. Muhammad was a spiritual leader who became a political leader and then a powerful military leader. Jesus fulfilled His mission by dying on the cross. Muhammad accomplished his mission (at least most of it) by ruling with the sword.

Of course, there are great similarities between these two most widespread world religions. Both point to a supposedly inspired holy book in matters of faith and practice. Both speak of high moral standards and serious personal commitment. These religions share common traditions, as Muhammad studied with both Jews and Christians. And both religions have a vision of spreading their faith throughout the world.

But here the two religions diverge. One of them follows the example of the crucified and risen Savior. And the other follows the example of the prophet and military leader.

Bible verses about violence (such as the murder of the Canaanites, see Deut. 20:16-17 - approx. transl.) were limited to a specific place and time, and no such commandments came from the mouth of Jesus. The Koranic verses about violence (such as, for example, “kill the infidels wherever you find them”) have no such obvious restrictions. And while many Koranic commentators and Islamic scholars argue that these verses cannot be applied indiscriminately today, others, on the contrary, proudly quote them in jihadist literature.

Again, the difference is the difference between the cross and the sword. Therefore, Jesus and His followers never instituted the death penalty for leaving the faith. Muhammad established it as soon as he established military dominance. And the death penalty for apostates from Islam remains in force today in a number of Islamic countries.

For the same reasons, Muhammad beheaded some of his enemies. Jesus forbade His disciples to take up a sword for His defense. The difference is clear and obvious.

Just compare the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels with the teachings of Muhammad in the Hadith. Jesus never called for violent action against enemies of the faith, but Muhammad did so often. Therefore, in the Gospels (and other books of the New Testament) there is no equivalent to the whole series of military campaigns of Muhammad.

Accordingly, the most tolerant expressions of Islam are observed when: 1) Muslims are a minority in the country, as in the United States; or 2) the country where Islam predominates is quite secular, like Indonesia. In contrast, in strictly observant Islamic countries there is limited tolerance towards non-Muslims.

If you don't believe me, try creating a public Christian mission for Muslims in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iran. Tell me how many minutes it will last.

I respect those Muslims who call for more tolerant expression of their faith and condemn terrorism in its name. But if they were honest with themselves, they would have to admit that violent Islam has a long and rich history.

To quote the book of the famous Catholic scholar of Islam Samir Khalil Samir: “I speak about the violence that is expressed in the Koran and that Muhammad practiced in his life in order to address the widespread view in the West that violence is a distortion of Islam. We must honestly acknowledge that there are two readings of the Qur'an and Sunnah (the Islamic tradition associated with Muhammad): one that selects verses that promote tolerance towards other believers, and another that favors verses that encourage conflict. Both readings are correct.”

Thus, acts of violence committed to promote the Christian faith are the extreme exception to the rule. Acts of violence aimed at promoting the Islamic faith are quite common.

When it comes to religious freedom, countries like the United States, which have Judeo-Christian principles at their core, have had significant freedom from the very beginning. And in countries like England, which also has a rich Christian history (despite the current state of apostasy), Muslims are free to practice their religion, even convert non-Muslims. In contrast, if Muslims became the majority in England, non-Muslims would become second class citizens with limited freedoms (like Christians in Pakistan) unless they converted to Islam.

It is true that both religions try to spread their message using information channels. And both point to the sublime message of their founders. But the message of Jesus gives freedom, and the message of Muhammad leads to submission.

Again, I know moderate Muslims who are trying to reform their faith, and many of them are decent people. And I know that some of them believe that they are true to the true spirit of their faith.

But overall, there is a reason that true Christians are persecuted by true Muslims, and not vice versa. This is the difference between the cross and the sword.

Author - Michael Brown / Translation - Anna Ivashchenko for

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How is God different from Allah?

To answer this question it is necessary to make a reference to the scriptures.

Thus, Islam teaches that Allah is the almighty Creator and Ruler of everything that exists. Muslims emphasize the absolute unity of God with man, which does not recognize division. God's will is the embodiment of his love and mercy.

However, Allah can also be angry if His Will is not fulfilled. The word Islam means submission. Also, according to Islam, God cannot be considered a father; he does not have a son. Allah does not love sinners (Sura 3: 140).

Like Islam, Christianity teaches that God is the Creator and Ruler of all things. This is where the similarities end. Christians believe in one God who exists in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) who share one indivisible essence. God has only love and mercy in his power. According to Christianity, God the father has an eternal relationship with God the son. God loves even sinners (Romans 5:8).

Evils of Islam and Christianity

Sins in Christianity have an eight-step system and include the following vices:

  • greed;
  • fornication
  • anger;
  • pride
  • sadness;
  • vanity;
  • despondency;
  • gluttony.

As for Islam, its vices include not only moral ones, including arrogance, pride, self-love, hypocrisy, envy, cunning and greed, but also other vices. Which include: sins of unbelief and sins of the body (eyes, ears, tongue, arms, legs, stomach and genitals).

Christianity gives way to Islam - experts

According to authoritative scientists who deal with global problems of development and transformation of society, within the next decades, the religious picture of the world will change dramatically. First of all, this is due to the fact that the demographic crisis is worsening in European countries. However, scientists also note other trends that could radically change the situation in the religious life of Europeans.

The fact remains: today in European countries a dynamic balance has been established between the number of Christian churches closing and new mosques opening. The fact that the European continent is beginning to become Islamized is confirmed by statistical data.

The authoritative sociological center Pew conducted a large study in which it analyzed the dynamic development of confessions. Scientists have made the following conclusion: in total, the number of Christians by 2060 will increase by 34 percent, and Muslims by 70 percent.

Russia is one of the ten countries with the largest Christian communities. According to sociologists, 73 percent of Russian citizens belong to one or another Christian denomination. According to Pew forecasts, in 40 years the number of Christians in Russia will decrease so much that the country will no longer be among the ten countries with the largest Christian communities. In addition to Russia, the number of Christians will decrease significantly in China and Germany over the coming decades.

Experts say that Islam will become the main world religion that will replace Christianity. At the same time, the main drivers of this process will not be the countries of the Middle East, but India and the United States. India's population continues to grow rapidly, and the United States has traditionally attracted large numbers of people from all over the world immigrating to it.

The American establishment is showing great irritation. This is eloquently evidenced by the increase in attacks on Muslims in the public space. Even President Trump makes Islamophobic statements.

A number of studies have shown that the Muslim community in the United States may become second in size after the Christian community. Today, according to official data, there are 3.3 million Muslims in the country - one percent of the population.

In the largest country in Western Europe, Germany, the number of Christians has decreased by a total of 1.5 million over the past five years. The Lutheran Church is losing the largest number of parishioners. Because of this, churches are closed, and there is simply no one to go to.

The head of the Center for the Study of Problems of Religion and Society at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, religious scholar Roman Lunkin, admits that “... liberal Christian denominations, such as Lutherans and Methodists, will either disappear completely or there will be only a few parishes left.”

The Church of England is also in big trouble. The fact is that in two years the overwhelming number of clergy will reach retirement age, and there is a catastrophic shortage of young priests. It has even gone so far that the British government pays young priests extra from the state budget. So far these measures have not brought tangible results. Due to lack of flocks, more than 500 churches have closed in the United Kingdom over the past 15 years. The buildings of former churches are being converted into concert halls, hotels, even restaurants and bars.

Also contributing to the outflow of parishioners from Methodist, Lutheran and Anglican communities is the fact that, according to Lukin, the popularity of orthodox religious denominations is growing in the world, and these movements are too liberal. For example, the Lutheran Church of Norway performs weddings for gay couples, and the main bishop is a woman.

Researchers note a number of reasons that lead to the gradual disappearance of entire religious movements.

Most religions are leaving the historical scene due to their inability to change, due to their unwillingness to take into account the peculiarities of the new era and its challenges.

According to RIA Novosti

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