On what days is a Child baptized in church - when is it better after birth?

Baptism is a sacred sacrament that every Orthodox Christian goes through. In turn, this ritual raises a lot of questions among those who are planning to convert to Christianity, and among the parents of the baby they want to baptize. Parents are faced with such tasks as selecting godparents, choosing a temple in which the ceremony will be performed, what needs to be purchased for this, on what days the child can be baptized, etc. In this article you will find explanations for some points in preparing for the baptism of an infant.

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At what age is it better to baptize a child?

There is no clear answer to this question regarding the numbers of a person’s age. The rite of baptism should be completed at any age, if a person has not been baptized and wants to convert, or the child’s parents have made such a decision. But it is assumed that the sooner this is accomplished, the better. Often, babies are baptized on the fortieth day after their birth. Also, in parallel with the newborn, his other unbaptized relatives, if any, including parents, can be baptized.

What is Baptism

Baptism is one of the seven Church Sacraments, with which a person’s spiritual existence begins. After this step, he becomes an Orthodox Christian and can begin Communion and other church Sacraments. So the question of when to baptize a child after birth is not at all formal.

During the Baptism of an infant, the priest immerses him three times in consecrated water in the name of “the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” The godparents, instead of the baby, who cannot yet consciously confirm his choice, renounce Satan and say the “Creed” prayer. This short text contains the doctrinal basis of Orthodoxy. This is how a Christian is “born” for spiritual life. He gets the opportunity to enter Paradise at the end of his earthly journey.

“Whoever is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5).

Sacrament of Baptism

Choosing a Church

In this case, the parents of the newborn rely on their personal opinion - they can choose the temple that they like, which they usually visit, or simply the one whose location relative to the house suits them most.

Baptism ceremony at home

An option for baptism at home is possible. However, this is usually carried out in case of serious illness of the baby.

Preparing for baptism

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Before holding a newborn baptism ceremony, it is worth resolving some issues. Parents should decide who to take as godparents, choose the temple in which the sacrament will be performed, as well as the day. They themselves, or in agreement with the future godfather and mother, need to purchase a pectoral cross, a robe (shirt, etc.) and a towel for the baby.

In advance, parents should come to the chosen church to talk with the priest and discuss all the details. It is likely that the priest, as tradition says, will advise future godparents to confess, take communion and fast three days before baptism.

What requirements does the church impose on godparents?

As already mentioned, godparents take responsibility for raising their godson in the faith and make vows before God for him. Accordingly, they themselves must be Orthodox Christians, understanding the fundamentals of faith and living the life of the church, that is, participating in the Sacraments (confession, communion).

In former times, Baptism was preceded by a period of announcement - the time that was given to a person to prepare for the great Sacrament. In the first centuries of Christianity, this period lasted up to two years. The catechumens - those who are about to receive the Sacrament of Baptism - were instructed in the truths of the faith, studied the Holy Scriptures and Tradition, and attended Divine Services. Only after thorough preparation was the person baptized.

Currently, there is also preparation - public conversations, at which classes are held for adults who want to be baptized, and godparents who want to be the child’s adoptive parents. Conversations are held at churches. Most often there are two of them, but there are parishes that organize longer preparations.

Who to invite to become godparents

You can invite anyone you want to be your godparents, you just have to take into account that future godparents will only have a spiritual connection, that is, they should not be married and will not be bound by marriage in the future. Even his parents, even adopted ones, cannot baptize their child. Also, the proposed godparents should not be of other faiths or not at all baptized.

You should not invite complete strangers or people little known to you to become your child’s godparents. However, this condition does not apply to the priest, who has the right to take on the role of successor. Nowadays it is customary to invite both the godfather and the godmother, but you can limit yourself to one person, usually a woman for a girl, and a man for a boy. The godmother must not be under 13 years of age, and the godfather must not be 15.

How to choose named parents

Unfortunately, parents often do not attach much importance to this point. They are looking for someone who will agree or who the rules allow. Godparents are not always people who are ready to come to the rescue at the first call of their parents and be happy for their named son or daughter.

Many choose second parents based on the wealth of the named mother and father, in the hope of expensive gifts or an invitation to visit abroad. Kind, decent people with below-average incomes are, unfortunately, rarely considered as suitable candidates.

This is why many godparents see their named children only on birthdays, and even then, not on all of them. Sometimes godparents are remembered only before preparing for the godson’s wedding in order to receive an expensive gift.


Ideally, the named parents should be like-minded people or good friends. If you have such friends or relatives in mind, invite them to the christening, trust them to become the named father or mother. Good godparents are joy in the home. Remember about spiritual communication with your godson, and not just about the material side of the issue. Remember: finances tend to change for better or worse, but good relationships often last a lifetime.

Who can be godfather

Entrust the honorable duty:

  • good friends;
  • relatives whom you are glad to see in your home;
  • dear aunts and uncles.

Who can't be a godfather

New parents should know that there are restrictions. Traditions do not allow certain categories of relatives and friends to be invited to this responsible role.

Cannot be godparents:

  • parents of the baby;
  • children: minimum age of godmother – 13 years, godfather – 15 years;
  • a married couple cannot be invited to become godparents for one child;
  • mental illness is a reason to refuse help from a person who, due to pathology, is unable to fully understand the extent of responsibility;
  • people of other faiths. Sometimes the ban is violated if the future godfather is a very good, kind person.

Suitable days for christening - which ones are best?

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Probably every parent wonders on what days children are baptized and whether this has any special meaning at all. People often refer to signs associated with each day of the week, including the baptism ceremony. Here's what they say:

  • Monday – on this day it is undesirable to start new businesses, since it is likely that they will not be successful;
  • Tuesday is a favorable period for both new beginnings and baptism, wedding, which promises well-being;
  • Wednesday - also does not promise anything good in any endeavors, but on this day it is recommended to fast;
  • Thursday is a happy day, suitable for the rite of baptism, and also characterizes people born on such a day as kind and bright;
  • Friday is the opposite day to the previous one and is considered unlucky;
  • Saturday - on weekends people often come to baptize newborns or to be baptized themselves, and Saturday, according to popular belief, brings good luck and prosperity;
  • Sunday is also considered a good day by all signs, and baptism performed on this day should promise the baby the firm protection of God.

However, all these are just popular opinions and long-standing beliefs, which the church does not support and, in turn, says that every person can convert to faith on absolutely any day. Exceptions are possible only if a baptism ceremony is not held in a particular church on that day for some reason, often related to the order of certain services in that particular church.

There is not even a ban on holding baptisms on Saturday, otherwise known as funeral Saturday. Someone may suggest that the day of remembrance of the dead is not suitable for this, but clergy also deny the veracity of this superstition.

There are no restrictions regarding what day to perform the baptismal ceremony, including during Lent or a major church holiday. But here it is worth taking into account some other points - the duration of the services and the attendance of a large number of people.

  • Is it possible to be a godmother several times?
  • Rules of baptism;
  • Prayer to the godmother.

When is it better to baptize a newborn if he is sick?

When is it better to baptize a newborn if he is sick? If a newborn baby is sick, then they try to baptize him as soon as possible. On the one hand, this is due to fears that the baby may die unbaptized and the mother will not be able to pray for him in the Church. On the other hand, you should not think that if you decide to baptize a newborn early, then you think that he will die. On the contrary, if a baby is baptized, then you can pray for him and make a commemoration at the proskomedia during the Liturgy, you can give him communion, and this will strengthen him both spiritually and physically.

How to live after Baptism?

For a true believer who consciously accepts Baptism, this Sacrament turns out to be an opportunity to join eternity here, to become what God wants us to be. We are all children of the Lord, but after baptism we become closer to God. However, for this it is not enough just to be baptized; further life in Christ is necessary, participation in the remaining Sacraments of the Church is necessary.

So at what age should a child be baptized? Preferably as soon as possible. But you need to understand that this Sacrament in itself does not guarantee salvation, but is only the first step towards it. And it is good when, after the child’s baptism, the family continues to live in the bosom of the Church, setting an example for their child.

Don't believe in prejudices

The Internet is actively spreading rumors that baptism is dangerous. That the priests are careless about the health of children. And they can harm them. Get a cold. And sometimes even drown. This is a lie.

We urge you not to believe rumors. They are being dispersed by opponents of religion. In order to turn away the residents of Russia and other countries from the church.

Baptism is a safe Sacrament. It is conducted by real professionals who will make sure that everything goes as safely as possible.

What will it take to baptize a child?

Everything that is needed for baptism is bought by the baby’s godparents in a church shop (or other place) and is pre-blessed in the church. What do babies buy for christening?

Cross – aluminum or silver. Copper ones can cause allergies, and gold ones are considered a luxury item, and therefore are not recommended by clergy. By the way, crosses that are family heirlooms and are passed on from generation to generation are allowed.

Kryzhma (special baptismal diaper or white towel);

Baptismal clothes. For a boy, this is a shirt and socks in light colors; for a girl, a scarf or cap is added to the head.

An icon of the saint whose name is given to the person being baptized.

After baptism, these things are kept as a memory. Mommy's cream is used to wrap the baby when he is sick. The child wears the cross constantly, without taking it off.

Where to perform the Sacrament of Baptism?

Can be done anywhere. In emergency situations, as already mentioned, even a layman can baptize. If you choose, at home or in the temple - of course, in the temple, where the Spirit of God is present in a special way. There is also the possibility of performing the Sacrament on an open source (river, sea), as happened in ancient times, as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself was baptized. This issue can also be discussed with a priest.

Just do not forget that the Sacrament will be performed in any place according to the faith of the person being baptized or the recipients, if it is a child, and does not depend on the place where it will take place.

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