Why can’t you celebrate 33 years, but maybe you can still?!

Up to a certain age, celebrating a birthday does not raise any questions related to how old the hero of the occasion is and who is allowed to celebrate it widely. The birthday boy invites guests and, with joyful trepidation in his soul, accepts their sincere congratulations. Every year a person grows, and now reaches the mark of 33 years. It is from this age that he begins to doubt and think about whether it is worth organizing a holiday or quietly “sit out” without guests, pretending that his birthday does not exist. What is the reason for such unusual behavior of the birthday boy at his age?

Is it possible to celebrate 33 years? How to celebrate the Age of Christ: the secret of the ban revealed

There are many different superstitions, fantasies and speculations about the age of 33.
Sometimes they say that it is not customary to celebrate a birthday on this date. And why? Let's find out! As with many other superstitions (for example, the tradition of not celebrating 40 years), and the fear of turning 33 is precisely a superstition, there are approximately the same number of opponents and supporters. Some people do not pay any attention to signs at all, they live in a dynamic modern rhythm, as they say now, “they don’t bother.” Others acutely perceive any reason for doubt or fear, and worry about the consequences that are possible if the superstitious canon of behavior is violated.

In our case, the whole essence lies in the religious roots of the issue - it was precisely believers who once, a very long time ago, themselves gave reason to fear the age of 33, pointing to the immeasurable torment to which Jesus Christ was doomed and how at the age of 33 he suffered for everything human sins. This is where the name “age of Christ” for 33 years comes from.

It is believed that a person, especially a man, who allows himself to have fun and celebration at the time when Jesus was suffering, will suffer tragic failures, from a series of which it will be very difficult to extricate himself.

By putting aside noisy feasts on your 33rd birthday, you respect the son of God and his torment, which he took upon himself for humanity. But we must take into account that the church clearly gives its assessment of this interpretation and insists that a believer cannot believe in omens and superstitions; Holy Scripture excludes prejudices.

If you are an unbeliever, an atheist, then, in principle, celebrating as well as not celebrating this date is your personal matter, your own choice and the right to decide only how to spend this day and year.

From the age of 33-32, men often begin to feel the need to let them down

psychological trait - they wonder what I have achieved by this age - the so-called “midlife crisis” begins, which adds doubts and torment to fertile ground. So if you think it's best to hold off on the holiday, follow your gut!

33 years is a wonderful age, a time of prime strength, a time of great opportunities and achievements, energy and strength. You can celebrate your birthday the way you want - be it a restaurant, a quiet evening at home or a noisy party in the fresh air, the main thing is that you want a holiday and get a charge of vigor and positivity from it

What can and cannot be given for a birthday?

The tradition of giving gifts to the birthday boy dates back to biblical times. There are also many superstitions associated with what you can and cannot give for your birthday.

You cannot give the birthday boy an even number of flowers.

, since an even number symbolizes death. If you were given an even number of flowers, you need to break and get rid of one flower or the entire bouquet. If you were given a bush bouquet, you need to count how many branches they gave you.

Sharp objects cannot be given as gifts

, such as knives, needles and others. It is believed that these items carry negative energy and can bring misfortune, family discord and illness.

No need to give an empty wallet

and other empty gifts, such as bags, vases, as they can bring an “empty life.” In this case, it is better to give coins or small bills as a gift.

You can't give a watch to your loved one

, as this will lead to separation or separation. According to legend, separation will occur at the moment when the clock stops. Also, some believe that the watch will count down life expectancy and therefore do not recommend giving it to elderly and sick people.

It is not recommended to give pearls, mirrors, handkerchiefs, combs, bird figurines, thermometers, pots with plants.

, since these objects are believed to have negative energy. In this case, to protect yourself, you can pay symbolic money for a gift.

Belts, ties and suspenders

are considered “binding”, that is, they tie the birthday person to the one who gives the gift. Therefore, they are advised to be given only to very close people.

You cannot re-gift a gift

, since the giver puts his energy and a part of his soul into the gift. By re-gifting, we give away our luck, and the gift itself will not serve the new owner.

Is it possible for a man to celebrate his 33rd birthday: a modern superstition

In the modern world, superstitions continue to influence people's daily lives. Some of them are related to the celebration of birthdays in certain years of life. For example, modern men and women are afraid to celebrate their fortieth anniversary because it reminds them of 40 days after death. Also, at a certain point, people wonder whether a man can celebrate his 33rd birthday and whether this will lead to fatal consequences. It is believed that 33 years is the age that Jesus Christ reached in earthly life before he died a martyr.

How to make a birthday wish?

There are a number of signs associated with making a birthday wish. Everyone knows the tradition of blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Did you know that the candles on the birthday cake symbolize the stars in the sky that light up at the moment of birth?

When you blow out the candles, your wish flies up into the sky to your guardian angel.

who makes desire come true.

To make your wish come true, you must not tell anyone what you wished for.

. If you voice a desire, it will not come true.

There should be as many candles on the cake as the age of the birthday boy


However, you should avoid 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99 and 100 candles

on the cake, since these numbers have negative energy.

If there are a lot of candles, they can be replaced with one large candle.

If you managed to blow out all the candles the first time

, your wish will definitely come true.

If all the candles have not gone out, you can ask your friends to help you

, and then the desire will come true with their help.

How old was Christ?

In modern biblical studies, an important place is occupied by the attempt to reconstruct the earthly life of Christ. To do this, scholars compare Jewish and Greco-Roman sources with the New Testament.

The date of Jesus' birth is placed between 6 and 4 BC. In the Early Middle Ages, Dionysius the Small made a mistake when calculating the year of birth of the Savior. Because of this, the year from which our era is counted does not correspond to the real year of Christ's birth.

The story of Christ does not contain many dates, and some events can only be dated approximately. The beginning of his sermon is placed between the 27th or 29th year of our era. And the arrest and martyrdom took place between the ages of 30 and 36. Thus, there is no direct indication in Scripture of the age of Christ at the time of his martyrdom.

Research of surviving sources about the 1st century AD. show that the 36th year is the highest date when the crucifixion of Christ could have taken place. Calculations of the date of the Jewish Passover mentioned in the Gospels have led scholars to speculate that the crucifixion could have taken place in the year 30 or 33. Thus, Christ may have been 33 years old at the time of his arrest, trial, and execution.

The only indication of the earthly age of the Savior is given in the Gospel of Luke. He writes that Christ began preaching when he was about thirty. It is difficult to say when the idea of ​​Christ’s age at 33 years old appeared. It is known that in the European Middle Ages there was a superstition that a cursed person could not survive this age limit.

Why don't they celebrate a man's 33rd birthday?

Up to a certain age, celebrating a birthday does not raise any questions related to how old the hero of the occasion is and who is allowed to celebrate it widely. The birthday boy invites guests and, with joyful trepidation in his soul, accepts their sincere congratulations. Every year a person grows, and now reaches the mark of 33 years. It is from this age that he begins to doubt and think about whether it is worth organizing a holiday or quietly “sit out” without guests, pretending that his birthday does not exist. What is the reason for such unusual behavior of the birthday boy at his age?

"Insidious" age

Numerologists consider this age to be insidious because by this period a person goes through several life cycles. The first - at 7 years old, the second - at 14, the third - at 21, and the fourth - at 33. It coincides with the onset of half the average human life expectancy. And since the tragedy of Christ is associated with something tragic and dangerous, age itself, at a minimum, makes you think. Therefore, people become more receptive, which is reflected in almost all aspects.

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Listen to ancient folk signs

The fact is that popular beliefs still claim that it is better not to celebrate some dates. This is associated with many superstitions. Why don't they celebrate a man's 33rd birthday? Is it worth adhering to popular opinions, since signs are decades old (and even thousands of years old)?

Not everyone will be able to give a clear explanation of the unwritten law banning the celebration of this date. However, many try to avoid the celebration, being in some kind of superstitious fear, not really knowing why it is impossible to celebrate a man’s 33rd birthday, or what will happen to the poor fellow if he dares to contradict such an ancient belief.

Sign from the Bible

It turns out that the roots of such a superstition, oddly enough, come straight from the Bible. At thirty-three years old, Jesus Christ was crucified and suffered greatly for the sins of mortal people. It would seem why it is impossible to celebrate 33 years now, when this story happened a long time ago, because celebrating one’s birthday will not make anyone feel bad. But not everything is so simple. Since ancient times, it has been considered sinful among the people to indulge in fun in such years. Christ suffered at 33, and a person will suffer for a year without celebrating his holiday with a merry celebration. Thirty-three years is commonly called the age of Christ. It is believed that it would not be amiss to treat this age with all the respect and memory of the salvation that Christ gave to people.

Ideal from the ladies' point of view

The psychology of men should be considered from two sides. Therefore, the ideal of a man from a female point of view looks like this.

A strong man in every sense who knows how to admit his mistakes and correct them. It is also equally important to take responsibility for your words, actions and ability to perform deeds (sing a serenade or paint the nursery yourself).

Girls are attracted to young people who adhere to the traditional value system and treat them and their parents with respect. He is the head of the family, a support and a real strong wall.

The psychology of men, like women, is constantly being studied. After all, even a person who is familiar to every detail can give out a surprise at any moment. And this is the beauty of relationships!


When a doctor prescribes an MRI with contrast of the brain, anxiety and fear may arise; age-related crises can intensify these feelings. Age…

When a doctor prescribes an MRI with contrast of the brain, anxiety and fear may arise; age-related crises can intensify these feelings.

An age crisis is a certain milestone in life at which a person’s basic principles and views change.

For men, there are several such age stages, entering which you can radically change your destiny.

Are men scared?

Subconsciously, apparently already at the DNA level, fear does not let go of the birthday boy. The fear of experiencing severe suffering is one of the limiting factors why men do not celebrate their 33rd birthday. There is no other explanation for this illogical act. Thirty-three is a chic date: a man is still healthy and full of strength, he is young, he should enjoy life. And instead of joy on his birthday, for some reason he experiences an underlying inexplicable and superstitious fear. A representative of the strong half of humanity prefers to slowly experience his next birthday, so as not to be subjected to torment comparable to the torment of Jesus Christ.

Attitude to the fair sex and the surrounding world

The psychology of men in relation to representatives of the fair half of humanity largely depends not only on upbringing, social environment, but also on a certain psychotype.

But, undoubtedly, there are common features that characterize an adult, mature man. First of all, this is independence. He himself is responsible for his actions, acts without the interference of others. Also, an adult man is distinguished by external and internal confidence in his strengths and capabilities.

A man is a protector and support not only for women, but also for people who are weaker than him physically or psychologically. His self-sufficiency will not allow him to assert himself at the expense of others. Caring for others only makes a man stronger and freer.

Also an important quality is responsibility for your words and actions. But at the same time, a mature man does not take on someone else’s guilt. He is demanding of himself, first of all, knows how to control his desires and keeps impulses and unwanted emotions in check.

An adult is also distinguished by psychological literacy and the ability to properly build working and friendly relationships.

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