What does the word “god” mean and where did it come from? But first you need some introductory information that is necessary to understand the essence.

Russia (or otherwise - Rus, Ros, Russya) is a dispersed (settled) people who made a great exodus from the northern lands, where they lived before the onset of the glacier. But what was the name of this territory? It was called “Tyr”, or otherwise “Tyra”, with an emphasis on “s”. Until recently, Europeans called it “tartaria” (tyr-tyriya). However, in Latin we still sometimes call the Earth (the entire known territory) Terra. That is Tyr. And the word “territory” probably originates from the word “tyr-tyra, ter-tera, tor-tora” (sound variations). “Tyr” - this word meant an area that “carried” something or someone “carried” it, where it was possible to collect fruits, catch fish and game, stock up on wood, that is, “tyrit” - “carry - bring” » various benefits. Hence, presumably, the word “tree” means “tyrevo”, that is, something that “bears” fruit. And Tyr was inhabited by people who were called “tyraks,” or in other words, “fools,” since initially this word did not have a negative connotation, just as the modern words “village” and “collective farmer” did not have it. Rus', during the time of the great exodus from Tyri, concentrated on the periphery all the light of civilization of that time. And those who remained to live in Tyri were said to be living “in a hole” (in Tyra). The dull sound of consonants is characteristic of the ancient Russian language. A man is “tyrak” (mutated into the modern “fool”), a woman is “tyrka” (“hole”), “tyrachka” (“fool”). Yes, it’s funny, but you must agree that it’s logical, albeit funny in a modern way.

Alatyr, a white-flammable stone, in modern terms “altar”, a place where they sacrifice something rubbed. The tradition of sacrificing “tyr” (that is, usually food, but not only, it can also be other goods, such as things and even living people) originated from the ancient tradition of burying deceased fellow tribesmen, leaving their head sticking out from the ground, in order to then ritually “feed” it (the head of Svyatogor - Russian folk tale). After the head fell off from the body due to decay, a stone was placed in its place and then “fed” it. This was the first form of the altar. The rich relatives of the deceased erected a large stone, and those who were poorer erected a smaller one. They put a “tyr” (tar-dar, perhaps the word “gift” came from there) on a large stone, covered it with pine branches (spruce), and set it on fire. This is how the descendants “fed” their revered ancestor. Subsequently, the ancestors became the subject of divine worship by their descendants. This is how native faith arose.

Now the main thing is what does the word “god” mean and where did it come from?

God, in its original meaning, meant the ancestor who was worshiped (see above “alatyr, white-flammable stone”). As you know, the ancient Russian language was characterized by a muted sound of consonants. What happens if you mute the consonants in this word? It came out “fuck it.” Very similar in sound to the word “groin” (“groin” - in men, “pakhva” in women (“pikhva” is a modern Ukrainian word, part of the body where they are “shoved”), which in turn is associated with procreation, fertility (to plow) and reveals what, in fact, the word god-pokh may originally mean: God is the ancestor who gave rise to the clan (human tribe) and whom his descendants worship, thus expressing to him their aspirations for protection from adversity and misfortune.

People sought to become gods, gaining glory for themselves, which would become the basis for their descendants to worship them. It was common practice to perform “feats” as certain achievements required to cover oneself with the glory of a hero.

Hero is a Latinism that comes from an inaccurate transcription of the sound “I” in Latin. It was once written down as “he” and therefore was pronounced later as “he” (a similar metamorphosis in the name “Olga-Helga”). Thus, “hero” is “hero”, i.e. in the original sound - “ardent” (“what?” - adjective), or, what is more accurate and understandable to the modern Russian language, the word “ardent” (ary). The right to be called “ardent,” that is, “hero” (Aryan), had to be earned. That’s why “feats” were necessary.

The feat is most likely associated with the word “to strive” (for deed). In other words, you declare that you will accomplish something (for example, that you will kill a bear with one horn), that is, you “strive”, and you perform a “feat” - that is, in fact, what you “struggled” for. In the modern understanding, the connection between the concepts of “feat” and “asceticism” has been lost and feat can be spontaneous, like heroism.

The cult of ancestors is characteristic of all humanity. Modern worship of the graves of ancestors and close relatives, as well as great honored personalities (a kind of “heroes”, in our understanding), is the remnant of this cult, which was once the fundamental religious foundation of our ancestors, who thus created their gods. Laying funeral food (sweets on the grave, or a glass of vodka with a sandwich), as well as laying wreaths and flowers - all this is also a remnant of the ancient custom of “ritual feeding” of a head sticking out of the ground. Go to a cemetery, remember this and wonder if this is really true.

Monotheism, which includes Judaism (the forerunner of Christianity and Islam), is, relative to the much more ancient Rodnoverie, nothing more than a remake. Monotheism arose from the religion of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who introduced the cult of sun worship. Much was borrowed from Akhenaten’s songs into the Old Testament, which, in turn, formed the basis of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Monotheism destroyed the cult of ancestors in its esoteric sense and literally “put an end to” Rodnoverie, in which many ancestor gods were worshiped. Instead, only one god was proposed, who “created” the first man, and from him the entire human race began to be traced. From the point of view of significance, this gave certain preferences and political benefits to the people who proclaimed themselves the first descendant of the first man, and therefore more significant in terms of their more ancient origin. I am talking about the “tribe of Abraham,” that is, the Jewish Jews. In addition, they proclaimed themselves the “favorite” people of their god, thus providing themselves with some advantage over other peoples. Agree, the first Jews had a clear motive to introduce monotheism according to a book they wrote with their own hands, where they got the best “pieces”.

The modern concept of God distorts its original meaning. The God of modernity is a kind of “absolute”, a kind of “super-mind”, a kind of “mystery” and an incomprehensible “super-energy”. However, our ancestors knew that God was their respected ancestor, a very real person who lived in the flesh, that is, simply an outstanding person, a “hero” who, according to their beliefs, inexplicably exists after death and helps his descendants from the other world peace. And the modern distortion of the meaning of this word is another remake of the modern Christian era.

For information, Rodnoverie - this term is used as the name of the religion of our ancient ancestors, and not as a modern “Rodnoverie”, trying to be similar to the old faith of our ancestors.

By the word “GOD” I mean the very First Cause, which created everything, which we contain within ourselves and participate in the process of creating everything that exists, the First Cause with which we communicate through the feeling and state of Love. From this feeling everything is born, consisting of the Forces of Nature of Nature, manifested in dense material objects and not manifested, and existing at the subtle-field level. The general field of the Universal Mind, the Power of Vitality, which embraces all living and non-living material and field systems, which created the Worlds, Energies, Space and Time, Eternity and Infinity, manifesting itself in every subject or object that has a spiritualizing principle, the Grain, the Germ of the Primordial Power Energy-Information-Root Cause-Ether. I believe that everyone understood to the extent of their world perception and worldview, regarding their paradigm of thinking... This concept for everyone changes with time of understanding themselves and the surrounding space and cannot be described in any words, no matter how many of them are written, this is an internal state ...

The presentation is based on the principles of reflection and may not coincide with your opinion.


In Dahl's dictionary

m. Creator, Creator, Almighty, Most High, Almighty, Eternal, Existing, This One, Lord; Eternal Being, Creator of the universe. Glory to God, thanks to God, an exclamation of gratitude in response to a question about health. God knows, God knows, I don’t know. By God, God knows, god. God willing, a refusal to the one asking for alms. God will pay, thank you, thank you. Under God, the answer to the question: how do you live? To live with God, farewell wishes to the young. God be with you, with God, farewell wish: forgiveness to those who are guilty; a reminder to stop someone in word or deed. The wit offered a medal in memory of the annoying war to help a neighboring power: from the face was the Russian coat of arms with the inscription: God is with us; on the reverse side there is the coat of arms of the Allies and the inscription: God be with you. With God, i.e. go, begin, etc. God visited, a humble expression about the disaster that has befallen someone. God is merciful, consolation, hope, maybe. God help, God to help, God to help, God to help, arch. God to the field, greetings to the worker, to the worker. God forbid, God forbid, a wish, a calling for something. For God's sake, request, exhortation, prayer, begging someone. God judge you, complaint, penalty of the offended, defenseless. Judge the gods to lay down, cry, complain about the insult of the strong. God forgive you, the answer to those asking for forgiveness is in wine. Whatever God pleases, something will happen. What God sent, says the owner, treating. God have mercy, God preserve, God grant, the desire to eliminate something unpleasant. Gods plural icons, images; Gods walk, icons are raised, images are carried. He knows only his gods (with images) and does not accept anyone. In general, the highest being is also called God, according to the concept of the people about whom it is spoken, and therefore the gods are plural. means the imaginary creators and rulers of the universe, among various idolaters, and their very idols or idols are called gods, godlings, deities. Where to live is where to pray to the gods. Don’t drive God into the forest if he got into a hut. Happy is your god. As God is, so is the candle. Why pray to a god who does not have mercy? Our priests pray to the wrong god, they honor mammon. The bad god (idol) and the calves are licked. All gods have boots. Goddess pagan or fabulous deity, female god. The gods are of little use. God's, characteristic of, belonging to God. Alive, ours; died, Bogova. Godly expensive, devilishly cheap. A goddess belonging to a fabulous creature, a goddess. Bogovshchina fable, mythology. God lives, my soul lives. One God without sin. Only God sees (hears) us. Only God can cry. Truth lives with God. Whoever is not a sinner to God is not to blame for the king. God will forgive (have mercy) the guilty, and the king will favor the righteous. To whom God has mercy, the king also has mercy. God has mercy, but the king has mercy. I’m not afraid of anyone (nothing): I’m only afraid of God. Don't fear anyone, only fear God. God in heaven, king on earth. For the truth (for the right) God and good people. God helps the good. God help the good. God rules in a good way. The good (necessary) way God rules. God is pleased, and the king is pleased. If the king knows God, God knows the king and the people. We worship the month, but who will worship us if we don’t worship it? Belarusian They go against God, but they ask him for help! God endured, and He commanded us too. God is the judge of those who offend. God judges the offender. God judge who offends whom. Whoever has God in him also has shame (and fear). God is rich in mercy. And God will not please everyone. There is no untruth in God. God will look after the truth. He said everything as before God. Better thank God than God forbid. God willing - good, but thank God - better. I thought with God, that is, it was good. No matter how you live, just don’t anger God. The king is far away, God is high. As is her faith, so is her God. The Russian God is great. May God grant our God to live - we will all be alive. Everything is one God, what we have, what they have, the Gentiles. God is one, no matter how you call on him. We all walk under one God, although we do not believe in one. Even in Poland, but God no longer exists. God gives to the gypsy too. God gives to both the Jew and the evil gypsy. Everything is from God. God has a lot of mercy. God is not poor by mercy. To refuse God is to join Satan. In the morning is God, and in the evening is God, and at noon, and at midnight, no one but Him. You can't argue with God. Don't argue with God. God has a lot of everything. From the beginning of the world, everything has been prepared for the God of light. With God everything is possible. Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. God is God, and don’t be bad yourself. Neither a candle to God, nor a burn to the devil (poker). He trusts in people as in God; and at myself, like the devil, about carefree. Goddess resin ark, goddess; figurative; chapel. Pocket God will have mercy, I’ll pay off.

Divine Nepotism

People have always tended to identify themselves with gods. Perhaps this is why the divine pantheons had clear signs of nepotism. The same gods of Olympus were, to one degree or another, connected by family ties, their relationships were seething with passions: betrayals, disputes, murders, forgiveness and punishment - everything, just like on earth. This formed the basis of a mythological epic. It was as if the gods were playing an endless game of chess, with people playing the pieces. Shifting responsibility for events to divine providence is a technique found in literally all religions of the world.

In polytheistic religion, the meaning of the word “gods” most often came down to the phrase “divine family.” This is characteristic of the most famous cults of the past: Egyptian mythology, Greek and later Roman. Clear signs of nepotism are also observed in the Hindu religion.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

GOD [bokh], god, plural. gods, -ov, call. god, m. 1. In religion: the supreme omnipotent being who rules the world or (in polytheism) one of such beings. Faith in God. Pagan gods. B. war (among the ancient Romans: Mars). Offer prayers to god(s). Make a sacrifice to the god(s). Handsome as a young man b. It is not the gods who burn the pots (the last meaning is: you can cope, you can do it). 2. (B capital). In Christianity: the triune deity, the creator and the universal principle of the world - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. B. is one in three persons. Without God - not to the threshold (old meaning: God helps in everything). 3. transfer Object of worship, adoration (obsolete, bookish). Music is his b. This girl for him is 6.4 From God (high) - meaning. definitions: gifted with talent. Pianist from God. Born of God (high) - the same as from God. God-born poet. God gives the day. God also gives food - the aphorism means: you need to live calmly and confidently for today. How to (say, answer) before God - without hiding anything. We all walk under God (colloquial) - no one knows what can happen to him. God Himself commanded (colloquial) - absolutely necessary. Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself - last. meaning: in everything you need to rely on yourself. Man proposes, but God disposes - last. that things don't always work out as planned. Not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil - last. about something worthless: so-so, neither this nor that. God knows (knows) who (what, which, how, where, where, from, how much, when, why, why, why) (colloquial) and God knows who (what, which, how, where, where, from, how much, when, why, why, why) (colloquial) - unknown, nothing definite can be said. God knows (knows) what kind of person he is. He came from God knows where. Not God knows who or what (colloquial) and Not God knows who (what) or which (colloquial) - not very good, mediocre, so-so, not so hot. Health is not good. God knows how (where, where, from, when, how much) (colloquial) and God knows how (where, where, from where, when, how much) (colloquial) - not very good, average (not very far, not from afar, not very long ago, a little). Not God knows how smart. God knows where he lives (not far). God knows how much it costs (inexpensive). God bless everyone (colloquial) - about something. good, desirable. May God bless everyone with his health. God forbid (colloquial) - the same as God forbid everyone. God bless you! (also said as a sign of gratitude). God bless the memory (memory) (simple) - it says in the meaning: I don’t remember, I’m trying to remember. When was this, before God remembers? God bless me, where did I see him? It’s high to God, far from the king - I ate. that it is difficult for an ordinary person to find truth and justice. God forbid (god forbid) (colloquial) - 1) an expression of undesirability, inadmissibility, concern about the implementation of something. God forbid you get sick! God forbid you get lost!; 2) an expression of the extreme degree of manifestation of something. unwanted, as well as about someone in general. very bad. I was so angry that God forbid (God forbid)! Frost - God forbid! God will give (colloquial) - an expression of hope for something. desirable. God willing, everything will work out. As God willing (colloquial) - as necessary, as it turns out. Will you be back soon? - As God willing. What God sent (to get by, to treat, to have a snack) (colloquial) - with what is, what can be found. How God puts it on your soul (colloquial) - casually, somehow. It works like God knows how. True God (here is God for you) (obsolete and simple) - an oath, a true cross. (Yes) kill (beat, punish, destroy) (me) God (simple) - 1) oath, strike me with thunder. God forbid I'm not lying; 2) difficult, completely impossible (to understand, believe, imagine). For the life of me, I don’t understand what’s going on about- || comes out. For God's sake (colloquial) - please || I beg you, for God's sake. Shut up for God's sake! Help for God's sake! With God (obsolete and colloquial) - wishes for a successful start. Well, let's get to work, God bless you! Go with God. God is with you (with you) (obsolete) - 1) a wish for good, usually with parting words. Be happy, God be with you; 2) expression of bewilderment, condemnation, protest. Come to your senses, stop, God be with you. God is with you (with you, with him, with her, with them) (obsolete) - an expression of indifference or concession. I don’t need this money, God bless them all. God have mercy (obsolete colloquial) - an expression of disagreement, surprise. I didn't say that, God have mercy! God have mercy, where have we gone! God (god) you are my! (obsolete and colloquial) - an expression of surprise, bewilderment, joy. They are quarreling again, my God! My God (god), what can I do?! My God, how good it is that you came! God (to) help (help)! (obsolete region) - wishes success to the working person. Thank God (colloquial) - be grateful to fate. Thank God that you are alive. God give us a leg (simple) - about someone who started to run quickly. The boy from the watchman, God bless his legs. God forbid (deliver, save) (you) god (god) (colloquial) - the same as God forbid (in 1 meaning). Fear (fear) God! (colloquial) - have a conscience, be ashamed. Glory to God (colloquial) - 1) introductory. words, expresses satisfaction. Thank God everything is fine; 2) safely, well. Everything in the family, thank God. Again, not thank God (again, something is wrong, unfavorable). Well, him (her, you, them, etc.) to God (simple) - an expression of disdain, reluctance to deal with someone. || decrease god, -i, m. (to 2 meanings; usually in reference to God as one who is kind and merciful). || and. goddess, -i (to 1 meaning, with polytheism). B. fertility. B. beauty. || adj. godly, -ya, -ye (to 1 and 2 meanings), gods, -a, -o (to 1 and 2 meanings) and (obsolete) divine, -aya, -oe (to 1 and 2 meanings). ). God's judgment. God's messenger (angel). Man of God (wanderer, pilgrim, beggar, holy fool). With God's help (under favorable circumstances; colloquial). Divine mercy. To Caesar - what is Caesar's, and to God - what is God's (the message about the reasonable distribution of power and spheres of influence). * Ladybug is a small, brightly colored flying bug (with black spots on red or yellow wing covers). By God's grace is the same as from God. Teacher by God's grace. The light of God (white) (colloquial) - in certain combinations: the same as the world (in 3 meanings). I'm not happy about God's light. To come into the light of day (to be born). The spark of God is in whom God is. for some - about talent, giftedness. There is a spark of God in the child. Do (those) (show (those) divine mercy (obsolete) - please, I beg you. Divine punishment (colloquial) - about someone difficult, difficult, unpleasant. Not a child, but divine punishment.

Monotheism as a counterweight to ancient beliefs

Of course, it would be wrong to consider monotheism a relatively young category of religion. On the contrary, the first monotheistic religion is considered one of the most ancient - Zoroastrianism is one of the typical representatives of monotheism and is even considered the ancestor of all Abrahamic faiths.

The youngest of the world's monotheistic religions is Islam. Allah, that is, God (the meaning of the word and concept differs little from the Christian one) is the creator and ruler of all things.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

I I. ukr. big, gen. p. God, st.-glory. god, bolg. God, Serbohorv. god, gen. God, Slovenian bȯ̑g, Czech. bůh, born p. boha, Polish bog, b. n. boga, v.-luzh. bóh, n.-luzh. bog. Along with it: goddess, st.-glory. goddesses (Sup.), Czech. bohyně "goddess". Related to other Indian bhágas "giver, lord, epithet of Savitar and the second of Aditya", Old Persian. baga-, Avest. baɣa “lord”, “god” from Old Indian. bhájati, bhájatē “endows, divides”, Avest. baχšaiti “participates”, Greek. φαγεῖν “eat, devour.” Original "endowing"; Wed other - ind. bhágas “prosperity, happiness”, Avest. baɣa-, baga- “share, fate”; see Bernecker 1, 67; Trautman, BSW 23; Rozvadovsky, RO 1, 102; Brückner and Yagic, AfslPh 37, 501; Mladenov 36; RES 4, 192; Meilleux, RS 2, 66; Dial. Ideur. 127; RES 6, 168. Along with this, attempts were constantly made to prove borrowing. from Ir., but the phonetic argument (spirant ɣ in Russian god) does not seem convincing, contrary to Korsh (Sb. Sumtsov 53), Mikkola (RFV 48, 278), since this ɣ can also be explained in Ukrainian. influence in the Moscow church. pronunciation. Match value in glory and ir. also does not prove borrowing. due to the presence of other correspondences (for the sake of, saint), contrary to Solmsen (KZ 34, 49), Hirt (Indogerm. 589), Vasmer (RS 6, 173), Mserian (RFV 65, 171), Bernecker (Kuhn-Festschr 177 et seq.), Guyer (LF 46, 185 et seq.; 47, 52), Korzhinko (LF 67, 289) and others. Compare, however, reliable ir. borrowed in the face pavas, paz "god"; see Paasonen, FUF 8, 73; Vasmer, RS 4, 161. •• (See also Vaian, Gram. comparée, 1, 16; Grafenauer, Slovenski etnograf, 5, 1952, 237 et seq.; Moshinsky, Zasiąg, 92. – T.) II II. "damn", Ukrainian goddess "ghost" - euphemisms associated with the previous word; see Zelenin, Taboo 2, 98.

Can atheism be considered a faith?

In common parlance, atheism is considered to be the absence of faith, although this is not an entirely correct definition. If we consider faith in a broader sense, then it is convinced atheists who are the bearers of faith in the absence of divine providence. If you ask an atheist: “Explain the meaning of the word gods,” then the answer will include such concepts as prejudices, folklore, and misconceptions.

At the same time, militant atheists remember God almost more often than churchgoers who remember the Creator’s wish not to take his name in vain. If we consider the main sign of faith to be the desire to convert everyone around us to it, to bring them the light of truth and, sadly, to aggressively suppress the manifestations of any other faith, then militant atheists fit perfectly into this category. Life is much easier for agnostics who admit that there is some kind of power from above, but do not get hung up on dogma and any one direction of faith.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

boh, god, man. According to religious beliefs, a supreme being who supposedly stands above the world or controls it. The idea of ​​God is used by the ruling classes as a weapon of oppression of the working masses. “God is (historically and in everyday life) first of all a complex of ideas generated by the dull oppression of man and external nature and class oppression - ideas that consolidate this oppression, lulling the class struggle.” Lenin. (With the word god in colloquial speech, many common expressions have been preserved in which this word has already lost its meaning and which are used as introductory words, adverbs, proverbs, particles, etc.). God knows (sometimes ·pron. boznat, in the same ·meaning used. the devil knows, see devil" title='what is a devil, the meaning of the word devil in Ushakov's dictionary'> devil) or (·obsolete) God knows, from the field and pronominal adverbs. God knows who, what, which, where, etc. - 1 ) unknown who, what, which, where, etc. “God knows what secret is hidden in him, God knows what you invented for him.” Griboyedov. “Your beggar prince, God knows what, God knows how long.” Pushkin. 2 ) someone is bad, something is bad, etc. (with condemnation). Hanging around God knows where. He goes God knows where. He'll be back God knows when. God knows with what people or with God knows what. Thank God (colloquial obsolete) - 1 ) adv. Fine. Things are going well, thank God. 2 ) introductory word, used. to express satisfaction with something. How God puts it on your soul (colloquial) - arbitrarily, randomly. God forbid, God forbid (colloquial) - very bad, unpleasant, dangerous. “God forbid you get involved with a fool.” Krylov.

The first human gods

Researchers believe that even the beginnings of shamanism and all kinds of magical practices were already associated with certain divine personalities. Perhaps the meaning of the word “gods” among primitive people was firmly connected with natural phenomena; it is possible that the line between “spirits” and “gods” was blurred. A good example is the Slavic bear, which was avoided being called by its real name - ber.

He can come and eat everyone who knows his name. Therefore, the euphemism “bear” is firmly established in Slavic dialects - the one who knows honey. However, the name of the dwelling reveals the true name of the beast: a den, i.e. a den.

Of course, the bear was not a god, but he clearly demonstrated supernatural talents, at least the ability to find out who, when and to what extent disrespectfully pronounced his real name. The logic of ancient people was quite simple: if a bear is a mystical creature, but obeys the change of seasons and hibernates, then someone controls it. Who? Most likely some kind of god or powerful spirit. Nature was not deified in vain; it gave people the opportunity not to be tormented by uncertainty, developing the first rules of survival.

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

God (seeing, the spirits of all flesh), King of glory, Prince of peace, Heavenly Father, Heaven, Most High, Almighty, Life-Giver, Almighty, Intercessor, Creator, Lord, Lord God, Eternal, Providence, Creator, Creator, Power, Omnipresent, King Heavenly, Demiurge, Divine Essence, Supreme Being; Ga-Gadol - “Great”, Ga-Gibbor - “Mighty”, Hanun - “Gracious”, Rachum - “Merciful”, Shekinah - “Presence”, Ani - “I”, Gu - “He”, Ga-Gevurah - “Power”, Ga-Davar - “Word”, Makom - “Place”; little god, goddess, deity, celestial, Olympian, lord, gods; creator, creator, master, first in line; idol, lar, penates; favorite, God the Father, God-man, Boreas, Brahma, Bel, Baal, Bacchus, Varuna, Veiovis, Veles, Vishnu, Volos, Vulcan, Hades, Harpocrates, Geb, Helios, Hermes, Hesperus, Hephaestus, Hymenaeus, Hypnos, Horus, Dazhbog , Dazhdbog, Jatternaut, Dzhehuti, Dionysus, Dispater, Dit, Deva, Zeves, Zeus, Zephyr, Zmiulan, Znich, Jehovah, Jesus, Indra, Kama, Karachun, Quirin, Kyrios, Kolyada, Cons, Korsha, Kreot, Krishna, Kron , Kronos, Roof, Kubera, Cupid, Liber, Luperk, Mammon, Marduk, Mars, Melqart, Mercury, Min, Mithra, Moloch, Momus, Momus, Morpheus, Nabu, Neptune, Nereus, Ningirsu, Noth, Odin, Ozem, Osiris , Ocean, Onuris, Orc, Ormuzd, Osiris, Pan, Perun, Pilumnus, Pluto, Plutos, Portunus, Poseidon, Priapus, Prometheus, Pta, Ptah, Rarog, Rod, Rudra, Hosts, Saturn, Svarog, Svarozhich, Sventovit, Svyatovit , Holy Spirit, Sebek, Set, Silvan, Sin, Salt, Soma, Stribog, Summan, Tammuz, Thanatos, Telepinus, Theos, Term, Titan, Thor, Thoth, Triglav, Triton, Trojan, Uranus, Delight, Faun, Phoebus, Fides, Fonos, Fons, Hayk, Khaldi, Hapi, Khnum, Khonsu, Khors, Chronos, Khudich, Chernobog, Shamash, Shiva, Shu, Ea, Eurus, El, Eloh, Enki, Enlil, Aeolus, Eros, Eros, Aesculapius, Eshmun, Jupiter, Yama, Janus, Yarilo, Yarovit, Yahweh

Everyday and slang use

For thousands of years, humanity has relied on gods, so it is not surprising in the constant use of this concept, even in those areas of life where by definition nothing divine can exist. However, it is worth noting that the use of this concept in everyday speech makes it possible to more succinctly express emotions and emphasize their undertones.

In philological works there is often an attempt to explain the meaning of “God did not give his son a century” - this is a quote from Marshak’s poem “Dictionary”. This is a clear example of the use of the word “god” in fiction. And although the poem and stanza were not dedicated to religion, but to the “age” in the sense of time, this phraseological unit is often used as a sad illustration of the transience of human life.

It is worth noting that the word “god” does not appear so often in slang expressions, but this is typical for the Russian language. If we consider American English, then it is there that the slang is rich in references to divinity in conjunction with completely unexpected phrases that emphasize the utmost expression of expression.

In the dictionary Synonyms 4

agni, adad, adonis, hades, allah, amon, cupid, anap, anu, anubis, api, apis, apollo, ares, ariman, as, asclepius, aton, atun, ahuramazda, hashem, ashur, baldur, bastet, bacchus, white god, god-man, god, goddess, deity, boreas, brahma, bel, baal, bacchus, varuna, veyovis, veles, vishnu, hair, hair, the most high, almighty, volcano, supreme, hades, harpocrates, geb, helios, hermes, Hesperus, Hephaestus, Hymenaeus, Hypnos, Horus, Lord, Dazhbog, Dazhdbog, Demiurge, Jatternaut, Dzhehuti, Dionysus, Dispater, Dit, Deva, Life-Giver, Zeus, Zephyr, Creator, Zmiulan, Znich, Jehovah, Indra, Kama, Karachun, Quirin, Kolyada, Cons, Korsha, Kreot, Krishna, Kron, Kronos, Kryshen, Kubera, Cupid, Lar, Liber, Luperk, Mammon, Marduk, Mars, Melqart, Mercury, Min, Mithra, Moloch, Mom, Momus, Morpheus, nabu, celestial, neptune, nereus, ningirsu, note, one, ozem, osiris, ocean, olympian, onuris, orc, ormuzd, osiris, heavenly father, pan, penates, perun, pilumn, pluto, plutos, portun, poseidon, primordial , Priapus, Providence, Prometheus, Pta, Ptah, ra, Rarog, Rod, Rudra, Hosts, Saturn, Svarog, Svarozhich, Sventovit, Svyatovit, Sebek, Set, Sylvan, Sin, Creator, Sol, Soma, Stribog, Summan, Tammuz , thanatos, creator, telepinus, term, titanium, torus, that, triglav, triton, trojan, uranus, delight, faun, phoebus, fides, fonos, fons, haik, haldi, hapi, khnum, khonsu, horse, chronos, hudich , king of heaven, chernobog, shamash, shiva, shu, ea, evr, el, enki, enlil, aeol, eros, erot, aesculapius, eshmun, jupiter, yama, janus, yarilo, yarovit, yahweh

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