What is a curse? Types of curses and how does a curse work?

» Damage and the evil eye » Rituals and ways to place a curse on a person



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To take revenge on an enemy, to harm him, to punish an ill-wisher and a friend who betrayed him - the magical method of revenge works more delicately, and it is very difficult to determine the person who ordered the hex. How to curse a person?

How to curse a person at home

Even a beginner can do damage with a long-term effect or make a simple evil eye that does not have irreversible consequences. An experienced magician or witch will tell you how to curse a person at home. How to prepare for a secret ritual?

How types and methods are cursed

This is how a person can be cursed in different ways. It is worth saying that a person’s knowledge that he has been cursed or belief in his curse increases the destructive power of the curse. A good defense is disbelief and conscious denial of the curse. If you still believe and see that a lot of bad things suddenly began to happen in life, then try turning to a professional who will help lift the curse.

  • There is a general classification of curses. According to it, curses are divided into gypsy, parental, church, household and curses that a person imposes on himself.
  • A curse can be accidental or intentional, we have already mentioned this a little higher. Words spoken in the hearts of a loved one (random) can have a bad impact on the future of the one being cursed. An intentional curse is always specifically aimed at something: a person, their house, or anything else associated with them.
  • The curse can be specific or indefinite. With a specific curse, the harm is aimed at something specific: an individual, an organ of his body, his health, monetary income, etc. The influence of an indefinite curse falls on someone who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let's say someone cursed something out of evil and threw it away on the road. The first person who passes by, becomes interested in the abandoned item and picks it up, will be under the influence of the curse.
  • Curses can also be distinguished by who casts them. A specialist (witch, black magician, sorcerer) can cast a curse; the goal is revenge, influence, protection of something from the person being cursed. Such a curse can take effect immediately or after many years. A curse can also be inflicted by a non-specialist, someone who has enough energy and anger for this, so that the words of the curse can negatively affect a person. The most dangerous curses are those cast by people with religious or political authority, as well as those who are near death and homeless people.
  • Curses are also distinguished by who or what they can be directed at. A curse can be cast on one person, on a small group of people (family, neighbors), on a large group of people (followers of a certain political party, members of a club), on a people, a nation, an entire civilization. Also, a curse can be placed on a thing, on a place (where accidents, murders, etc. can often occur later), on houses, on mirrors, etc. Mirrors are especially often used to cast a curse, since it is believed that they are a corridor between the real and other worlds, are good energy storage devices and objects of influence on people. For example, it is believed that a curse can be placed on a mirror that “saw” death or murder.
  • The curse occurs in the first generation and in multiple generations. In the first generation, the curse is imposed on one person for the first time; it is easier to remove it. A multigenerational curse harms the entire family and can intensify with each generation. Such a curse passes from father to son, from mother to daughter, and it is difficult to remove.
  • A curse can be inflicted for different purposes. Typically, curses are divided into harmful and deadly. Malicious ones cause any physical and psychological damage - loss of strength, madness, illness, suffering, lack of money, etc. Deadly curses are aimed at destroying one person or several people.
  • Curses are also distinguished by the method of invocation. So, there are verbal curses (only words are used), as well as ritual ones, in which various objects are used (earth from a cemetery, charmed water, etc.).
  • Curses are also distinguished by the method of influence. With direct influence, the curse is realized in the presence of the person being cursed. With non-contact, a person is cursed through an item - they perform a ritual with the item belonging to the person being cursed, and then puts it back; a person, using a thing, transfers the curse to himself. This method also includes a curse induced through a figurine representing the victim. A mixed curse combines both methods.

Damaging health

The whole process of plotting will take no more than an hour of free time. The power that a person turns to will help destroy the energy of the enemy for the desired results. Which ritual is the most powerful? The enemy should not feel the damage before it squeezes the last vitality out of him, so the ritual is carried out in secret and without publicity. Magicians say “one hand speaks, one soul pays.” Any chosen ritual is powered by the customer, his emotions and motives.

The problem of any ritual is the selected attributes. It’s not worth skimping on items that increase damage. The necessary ritual is supplemented by the victim’s belongings, which store the person’s energy, or his photograph. Universal curing is carried out independently using the following attributes:

  • a piece of dark fabric (mostly black);
  • regular knife;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

Being able to harm another person and shortening his life are two different cases. If the thirst for revenge outweighs the risks, then there are no barriers to carrying out the ritual. First of all, the conspirator needs to visit the church and light a candle for the enemy (for the repose of the soul of a still living person). After going to the temple in the late afternoon, a person goes to the cemetery. The main part of the ritual is carried out at the grave of the deceased with the name of the victim.

You need to take some earth from the selected grave and wrap it in a piece of cloth. A small retribution is left on the gravestone - the dead do not like to be disturbed. You must leave the gift and leave the cemetery without looking back. At home, a handful of earth is chanted:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as the dead won’t move their hands from the graveyard, won’t move their heads, won’t move their legs, so you, slave (name), will lie down to dry and die, since you don’t leave this house, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. Let it be so".

The plot is repeated exactly 9 times. The charmed piece of fabric and the ground must be baptized with a knife three times. At the end of the ceremony, you need to walk around your own home with the cemetery soil, stopping near every corner and door. To protect his own home, a person says

“I need it this way, it makes me feel better, let go and don’t hold on.”

The second circle around the house should be done slowly. With your left hand you scatter some cemetery soil over your left shoulder. Under no circumstances should you turn around or linger on the road. If the evil eye is needed for severe damage to problems at work, it is best to throw earth to the enemy at the workplace.

Bible. A curse

I offer you a blessing and a curse

26Behold, I offer you today a blessing and a curse: . . 27 It is a blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today, 28 but a curse if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God and turn away from the way that I am commanding you today and go after other gods whom you do not know. . . . .

Cursed is the man who trusts in man

5 Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his support, and whose heart departs from the Lord. . . . 6 He will be like heather in the desert and will not see when good things come, and he will dwell in hot places in the desert, in a barren, uninhabited land. . . 7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. . . . 8For he will be like a tree planted by the waters, spreading its roots by the stream; it does not know when the heat comes; its leaf is green, and in times of drought it is not afraid and does not stop bearing fruit. .

If you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God...

15 But if you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God and do not be diligent to do all His commandments and His statutes that I command you today, then all these curses will come upon you and overtake you. . . . . . 16Cursed are you

in the city and you're damned

on the field. 17Cursed

your barns and your storerooms. 18Cursed

the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, the fruit of your oxen and the fruit of your sheep. 19You are cursed

when you go in and cursed when you go out. 20The Lord will send upon you curse, confusion and misfortune in every work of your hands that you will do, until you are destroyed, and you will soon perish for your evil deeds, because you have forsaken Me. . 21The Lord will send a plague upon you until He destroys you from the land where you are going to possess it. . . 22The Lord will strike you with wasting away, fever, fever, inflammation, drought, scorching wind and rust, and they will pursue you until you perish. . .

He who blesses you is blessed, and he who curses you is cursed!

1Balaam saw that the Lord was pleased to bless Israel, and he did not go, as before, to practice magic, but turned his face to the wilderness. . 2And Balaam looked and saw Israel standing by his tribes, and the Spirit of God was upon him. 3And he spoke his parable and said: Balaam the son of Beor speaks, a man with open eyes speaks, 4he who hears the words of God speaks, who sees the visions of the Almighty; falls, but his eyes are open: 5 How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, O Israel! . 6They are spread out like valleys, like gardens by the river, like aloe trees planted by the Lord, like cedars by the waters; . . 7The water from his buckets will flow, and his seed will be

His king will surpass Agag like great waters, and his kingdom will be exalted. 8 God brought him out of Egypt; he has the speed of a unicorn, devours the nations hostile to him, crushes their bones and strikes with his arrows. . 9 He has bowed down, he lies like a lion and like a lioness; who will lift him up? He who blesses you is blessed, and he who curses you is cursed! .


  • Greek and Hebrew Bible
  • Interlinear translation of the Old and New Testaments into Russian
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  • Translation of ep. Cassian
  • Bible Online
  • Bible (Russian Bible Home Page)
  • Blue Letter Bible
  • Vatican.
    New American Bible
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    on Google Books
  • Dallas Theological Seminary:
    Bible Interpretation

Categories: Bible

How does a curse, evil eye, damage work? When it works, when it doesn't.

(From a lecture by O. G. Torsunov)

– When you believe in it, it works. Moreover, it works a lot. And when you defeat this “faith” in your heart, then it stops working.

Is there really a curse? Damn, this is a very high level of relationship. The curse exists. But we “vulgarized” him.

Let’s say if you are dealing with a very exalted sage who actually acts as a representative of God. And let's say you did something bad. And he says: “This is what you will get for this. He just speaks kindly, that's all. And this will definitely come true. It's called a curse. And he does this in order to help you. That is, a curse is a type of help to a person. This is how it is described in the Vedas. I'm not making this up. That is, the sages, they cursed for the purpose of helping (to help). And they did it kindly. And God always fulfilled this.

There is another kind of curse. This is also the implementation of the will of God. But only for an evil deed. Let's say a man leaves his wife. Her children are small, she cannot work. Well, actually left him to the mercy of fate. There is no one to help, she is alone. He took it and left. She says: “You will answer to God for this.” Well, maybe not even to him, but so, she says to herself. Will he answer or not? He will answer. Because this is a curse. It works when you have committed an evil act. Or you put a knife in someone’s stomach, he dies, and thinks: “The same thing will happen to you.” Why does he think this? because he wants justice for this man. It is impossible to live without justice. Justice – eases pain. Let’s say they simply commit violence against you, and you say: “Yes, you’ll get the same for this!” This greatly relieves the pain. Sometimes this happens unconsciously.

I had such a case, it was about 25 years ago. I was just starting to engage in spiritual practice. And I went with a friend to the Vedic temple, it was through the forest, we had to go. And we went with him. Two men in cloaks appeared ahead. They walked along the sides of the path right in the forest. And when we passed by these people, I realized that a club was about to hit me on the head. But I understood it - “in the back of my head.” And just suddenly, like that, head forward. And at that time it really struck me on the back of my head. But it just struck. That's all. And my friend, he somehow couldn’t understand with the back of his head. But they hit him on the legs. God bless. And they hit him in the legs, and I said, let’s run, and we ran. Since he was hit in the legs, he could not run quickly. That's why they caught up with him. But they couldn’t catch up with me. I ran literally fifteen meters away, and I saw that they were starting to beat him with these sticks - clubs. Now, I have two options: either rush to them, and they will beat both of them already. Or the second option is to do something else. Well, that is, I think for myself, we need to save it somehow. But God stops me, I stand like this, I feel in my heart what is happening, I look at them like this, my voice begins to gain strength, that is, strength has gone into my voice. And the voice became so very strong, and in such a very thick strong voice, without expecting it from myself, I said: “I curse you!” Well, they kill him there, yes, before my eyes, my friend. “You will not die your own death.” And do you know what happened? Both of their hands dropped, their hands fell numb, and they ran. Well, because these were believers. They simply beat him for his faith ( Digression. Apparently, these were religious radicals, usually adherents of the traditional - “the only correct” (in their opinion) faith - admin’s note ).

Continuation of the episode from the lecture on the topic: “How the curse works”

Torsunov: – And believers, they have a conscience. And when I said this, their conscience worked, and their hands gave up, they ran away. And since he was involved in martial arts, he knew how to place blocks, and it turned out that they didn’t hit him anywhere. That is, a few bruises on my arms, that’s all. God saved us from such people.

(A woman from the audience asks inaudibly).


- “You won’t die your own death?” This is actually a serious phrase. So you know, it’s not very pleasant to know about this. And since there was strength in the voice, they saw that it was true and ran away.

Well, if you want to know, this story has a continuation. We then went to the police, described the portrait of these people, made a description of the portrait. And then the investigator found them. And he came to us and said: “What should we do with them?” I say, “Just let them go, that’s all.” They are stupid, let them go.” And he came a second time and said: “Where did this come from? He later found out that we were doctors there, and everything else. And he says: “I let him go, I didn’t put him under investigation. But first I did “acupressure”, “with a massage stick”. And they understood everything.” Well, that's what he said. Because he didn't want people to behave like that. He simply punished himself. Is it possible. It’s true that this is also lawlessness, but sometimes people act like this. This is fine. Be very careful. Every person has a belief in evil in his heart.

For example: fear is a belief in evil. Or let’s say when a person submits to evil will. This is also a type of faith.

A person always has an option: to succumb to evil or not. There is always such an option. And know that if you are being robbed, for example, then at this time you should NOT succumb to evil. Well what does this mean? If you have enough strength, you can give an answer. God will protect you. And if you don’t have enough strength, then you can behave very simply. You can very calmly and kindly say: “Please take everything.” And they will say: “Why are you giving away like that?” And you say: “But my life is more valuable to me.” And – smile at them kindly. God will save you. They may even leave you altogether and not take anything from you. This is also possible. Don't give in to fear and anger. This means that they have the right to continue to do what they want. No fear, no anger. We must have strong faith in God at this time, and rely on the conscience of people, although they are unscrupulous. I'm talking about those cases when you can't. And if you can, help. You can help them, carry out educational work.

I saw such a case once in Moscow, a drunk man stopped a man near the metro. A man is walking near the metro, and a drunkard is yelling at everyone. And, as it were, it stops a person. And starts yelling at him and hitting him in the chest. He seems to be defending himself from blows, saying: “What are you doing? Calm down". And he: “A-r-r-a-a-a” at him like that. And he helped him calm down. He just said, “Bale!” just here. And he said “Oops,” and calmed down. And this man moved on. Kindly, calmly. I punched him in the face and walked away calmly. A real man. And he rested. I immediately came to my senses. This is also help. This is how human kindness works. This is not malice. And everyone around him began to respect such a man. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Because this is a terrible situation, all the people parted and watched. Everyone was scared. ( Unintelligible remark from the audience ).


- Repentance. Look, damn it, this is what you believe in. If people say: “You are damned.” Let me give you an example. You come to some woman, or someone else, and say: “I can’t get married. My sister can't get married. My mother was lonely. And this is how we are up to our fifth generation. What is this?" The grandmother is like that, “kindly” takes out the “knife of truth”, and in her heart says: “Yes - you are all damned!” Thank you grandma. That is, the very word “curse” means everything, nothing can be done. Doom.

Woman from the audience:

– The curse can be lifted, perhaps?


- My dear, this is not a curse. What has just been said is simply an obstacle that must be overcome. I repeat to you once again that a curse can only come from the lips of a sage. Or that person who personally received unbearable suffering from you. You - just listen to me, listen. That is, the sage curses in order to educate a person. And it’s impossible to “remove” it. That is, the sage said: “You will get this,” study and sign, that’s all. And just digest it. And understand that you don’t have to do this anymore. And if a simple person cursed you, let’s say you left your wife, she told you: “You will be lonely,” this does not mean that you will be lonely all your life. You will be lonely until you repent as much as you need. And repentance should lead you to the point where you understand more: I will never leave anyone. Do you understand? That's all. That is, you repent, and everything passes.

But there is a third option. The third option is your faith. Someone tells you: “You are damned.” Let's say the astrologer is still there. And you believed it, do you understand? They tell you: “You have two brothers,” and you believed it. “You will not have children” according to the horoscope. And you believed. This simply means – stupidity of both!! The stupidity of this astrologer who deigned to say such things. Who gave you the right to say such things? What are you doing? Deputy of God? Learned to read a (natal) chart and started getting creative?! You influence a person’s faith. Because if a person believes that he will have children, he can pass the obstacle, and he will have children! And if he believes that he will NOT have it, then why should he go through obstacles? He will remain childless for the rest of his life. Do you understand what I'm talking about or not? Don't get involved with those people who doom you to suffering with their words. These people are in ignorance. They do not understand how knowledge works in this world.

Knowledge in this world is always given - only for victory. And not to suffer the bitterness of defeat. Knowledge always brings you closer to victory. A woman was born to have a husband, to have children! And if she doesn’t succeed, then it’s just an obstacle! Even if everything has already been cut out of her, there is nothing to give birth to, she can take the child in for upbringing. It will be her own son! Her own daughter! And it is true. Not someone else's child, but your own. Because God can give a child: from you, or from outside (adoption). And this is also described in the Holy Scriptures. This will be your child. Therefore, there is no way to prohibit a woman from having a child. And so does my husband. You conquered your fate - get a man. Which one you will get is another question. Which one she deserved. Let’s say that if you want tall and beautiful, you deserve beautiful, but not tall, which means it will be handsome and short. You think, “I don’t like it,” Okay. Then tall, but ugly. (Digression. What facial features are considered beautiful in a man and a woman, you can read the chapter of the book “BUTTERFLY OF LOVE” by Amalanov by clicking on the link: - WHAT FACIAL FEATURES ARE CONSIDERED “BEAUTIFUL”, AND - WHY?” - (opens in an additional “WINDOW” ) .

Continuation of the episode of Torsunov’s lecture on the topic: “How does a curse affect a person.”

“But if you say that you don’t like this one either, then I’m sorry.” We don’t have any other product “on the market” for you. Sit and think. Maybe you will understand that you still have to choose what is destined for you.

I met one, a second, a third, all of them “bad”. That means marry someone like that, and suffer if you want to get married.

And if you want to marry a good man, then I’ll tell you. In ancient Vedic culture, from the age of seven, girls began to perform “ascetics” (self-restraint in anything - admin’s note ) in order to marry a good (husband). They started fasting at the age of seven, standing in ice water, and so on and so forth. They performed austerities. And by the age of 18 they married a very good man, already as a result of eleven years of asceticism. What did you do to marry a good man? They didn't do anything. Well, that means you’ll get the one you’re supposed to. And already perform austerities together in order to purify each other.

Asceticism (also) means: learning to see purity.

The end of the episode of Torsunov’s lecture on the topic: “How does a curse affect a person.”

From another lecture by Torsunov:


- Can I ask a question? Now, my husband even insults me, last time he even cursed me.


- Oh-oh. Don't even pay attention to this. It's not even a curse. If the husband says: “I wish you would die!!” (laughter in the audience). He simply attaches importance to his words. This curse doesn't work at all. Do not pay attention. This is not a curse. This is simply nonsense.



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How does a person's magical curse work?

There are often cases when people come to me not to get rid of a curse at all, but on the contrary to bring upon someone a strong curse on the human race. Black magic can do this too. We are talking about very serious things now. Whether you believe them or not is up to you. But it’s better to insure yourself and turn to a sorcerer to find out if a person has a curse on you. Sometimes we cannot explain the series of negative events that happen to us or our relatives. I have devoted many years to studying the problem of a person’s strong curse and I must admit that most often we ourselves are the culprits of the black streaks in our lives.

But there is no need to be upset because there is a way out. You can put a curse on a person, I can do it too, but you can also remove it. A curse is not a joke and you should not take any actions to induce or remove it yourself. In this particular case, we are talking not only about you, but also about your loved ones and relatives. They may become unwitting victims of your actions and actions. To place a curse on a person yourself, a photograph and name are enough. If you and your relatives have suffered such a misfortune or you want to find out the presence of a curse, contact a magician!

The curse is interpreted in different ways today and a lot of attention is paid to it. In ancient times, a curse was considered as a magical action aimed at causing harm to someone.

There are many types of them, one of which is death curses

Death curses are considered one of the most dangerous in magic, and rituals associated with them can be observed in many cultures around the world. Usually applied as revenge, it has either an immediate effect or over several years. It can be committed by any person with the desire for some person to be harmed in some way. When performing a ritual, supernatural forces are called upon to carry out some action.

The curse has a terrible feature; it is almost always passed on from generation to generation.

Therefore, pay attention not only to what is happening to you, but also to what is happening to your relatives. There are coincidences in life, but when they turn into patterns, you need to think about it

How to remove a curse on a person's death

I have very rarely met people who sought help in time when they had a death curse. Usually people come running when a series of deaths have occurred and the thought that it will not end haunts them. This will end! I assure you that a black magician or sorcerer will definitely help you lift the curse to death. There is no need to be afraid of him, because in this case he acts as the ray of light that you so need.

Bring a photo of you and a photo of your relatives and the magician will determine what the problem is and whether you have a death curse. If this is discovered, you will have to work hard and success is guaranteed. Well, if you decide to put a curse on the death of an enemy, first think about whether you need it? I urge you not to do such things yourself. Even if you have read as much as you think, the literature is not enough. You can have the opposite effect and suffer from the ritual of placing a curse on the death of a person. Our life is in our hands! We also have the power to turn the course of events in our lives!

Removing damage

The manifestation of maternal fear, the anxiety of the head of the family, the oppressive atmosphere in the house - there are a lot of signs of damage. It is difficult to review the current program, especially for a person without experience in the fight against damage. It is not easy to cure the consequences of a hex with words and rituals; the life of the victim and the well-being of his family depend on it. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos will strengthen a person’s protection and give him the protection of higher powers. Words cannot describe how powerful such prayer can be.

Energy-cleansing rituals should be done with awareness of what is happening. Victory over enemies depends not so much on the Most Holy Theotokos, but on the sincere faith of the victim. Returning a love spell or canceling deadly spells with the help of prayer is the easiest and safest way. Full texts with prayer words contain parts of Holy Scripture. The power of the Mother of God will protect the victim from damage in the future and give her the strongest protection.

What should atheists do? Knowledge and faith are different concepts that need to be clearly separated. If it is possible to send damage without faith, then it will not be possible to destroy an active curse without an idea of ​​higher powers. There is faith to strive for. There is a guarantee of female and male happiness. A person must find out the difference between which forces one should believe in and which are just an illusion. Magic does not have exact answers on what to do next. Magic is only a tool, which by nature carries neither good nor bad.

To remove damage, you will need a ritual, after which protection must be installed. The threat of new damage cannot be completely prevented, but with the help of amulets and amulets, the victim repels the enemy’s attack. It is impossible to introduce a negative program by accident. Damage is a purposeful impact on someone else's energy.

How often does the curse work?

The actions of the curse do not always achieve their goal, this is due to a number of factors. There are several cases in which it fails in the slightest to influence the addressee:

1. A curse can be weakly charged energetically. For example, there are people who curse everyone and everything, including objects. For them, curse words are a common occurrence. With these words, they simply “dump” their negative emotions, so to speak, being offended, for example, by the government or workers of a utility company for not fully fulfilling their duties. Curses of this kind will not have much energy behind them.

2. The curse can also be repelled by providing energy protection, both with the help of a specialist and various kinds of amulets and talismans.

3. There are moments when a curse, which should act at certain moments, never achieves its main goal. Thus, it passes on to the descendants of the specific person to whom it was supposed to be sent.

4. There are types of curses in which there is a condition under which it must begin to act, that is, a person must perform some act in order for such a negative impact to begin to act. For example, a person can be affected by a spell when he gets married.

Why is a curse dangerous for the performer?

Placing a curse on someone who has offended is half the battle; protecting yourself from its reverse effect is serious work. In the practice of imposing damage, there is the concept of return.

A person who decides to curse another creates a strong flow of dark energy. At the same time, he himself falls under the destructive influence and the biofield of an inexperienced sorcerer can take most of the blow upon himself.

To create protection, wash your face with dew in the morning and read the Lord’s Prayer three times. It will give you confidence and provide energetic protection from the dark energy of corruption.

A curse is a black act, and the devil awaits the person who commits it. Think twice before resorting to a monstrous remedy. Look for forgiveness in your heart, an evil girlfriend, or your husband’s mistress is not a reason to lose your soul. If your mind is overwhelmed by a strong emotion, try seeking help from friends, family, or professionals.

How it works

In our worldly life, people most often use a curse as a last resort, when a person is overwhelmed with emotions, and he feels hatred, despair, and his own helplessness to change anything. These emotions have a pronounced negative connotation, they corrode a person from the inside, and he cannot cope with them. By releasing these emotions out along with cursing words, this creates an energetic message, a blow. For example: “ Standing with a tow rope in his hands on an empty highway in 40 degree frost, Deacon Nikodim anathematized the Volzhsky Automobile Plant


The further fate of such an energy attack may be as follows:

  1. The impact will not reach the recipient.
  2. The impact enters the addressee's field, is fixed in it and begins to perform the task that was embedded in it. And if there is enough energy in it, then the way it acts in this case can be described with the word “catastrophe” - the fate of a person splits, completely changing as a result of such influence. An example of a devastating instantaneous effect of this kind is described in the Bible - the moment when Jesus cursed the fig tree, and it withered almost immediately.
  3. The influence hovers around the addressee for some time, waiting for the “opportune moment”; such a moment is the presence of “fertile soil” in which he needs to gain a foothold. In this case, the impact may not have an impact on the life of the person to whom it was addressed for a long time. But for the time being, the right moment will come, and it will take hold. The consequences of this option can be roughly described as a “crack in fate.” In this case, the influence, having gained a foothold, will correct the fate of its victim in the way it was asked, said, formulated.

The last type of curse is a time bomb, the most common option in the practice of a magician.

I'm cursed, what should I do?

As we understand from the above, the cause of suffering for a person who thinks: “I have been cursed” is fear. When a person is afraid of something, he is focused only on his internal states. Fear is a very strong emotion, and in this case it is the fear of death. Someone will be afraid in panic, while others will hide this fear deeper and live on, latently expecting bad events in their life. This is how a person lives under prolonged stress.

It is difficult, although possible, to get rid of the feeling that “I am damned.” The main thing here is to improve your mental state, to realize that it is not a curse, but fear that affects your life.

We can advise you to focus your attention on something else, at least for a while forgetting about your experiences. Take up a hobby, start caring for others, devote yourself to what you love

Try to get maximum satisfaction from life by sharing positive emotions with others and noticing their feelings. In this way, a person with a visual vector can alleviate fear and unreasonable anxiety.

And when we realize the psychological cause of fears, there is simply no room left for them in our soul. Thus, many students of trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan forever got rid of “curses” and fears. Read the results here.

The article was written using materials from online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Tags: visual vector, fear, fears, superstitions Previous article Why mother-in-law and daughter-in-law do not understand each other Next article How to attract love into your life: DIY miracles


  1. ↑ Definition of the word “Curse” in dictionaries: Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary, Small Academic Dictionary, Kuznetsov’s Explanatory Dictionary, Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary, Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary, Dmitriev’s Explanatory Dictionary, Sociological Dictionary.
  2. ↑ Dahl, 1880-1882.
  3. ↑ ESBE, 1898.
  4. ↑ BEAN, 1891-1892.
  5. ↑ EEBE, 1912.
  6. ↑ Vinogradova, Sedakova, 2009, p. 286.
  7. ↑ EEBE, 1909.
  8. ↑ Gen., 9, 25; 27, 12; II Kings, 2, 24; Wed Ben Sira 3, 9
  9. ↑ Gen. 9, 25 et seq.
  10. ↑ Gen., 12, 3; Wed Ben Sira, 21, 30
  11. ↑ Prov., 26, 2
  12. ↑ Proverbs, 26, 2
  13. ↑ Deut., 23, 5-6
  14. ↑ Jer., 11, 3; 17, 5; Mal., 1, 14
  15. ↑ Gen. 3, 14, 17; 4, 11
  16. ↑ Deut., 27, 15 et seq.
  17. ↑ Ἐρινύες // Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities / author's comp. F. Lubker; Edited by members of the Society of Classical Philology and Pedagogy F. Gelbke, L. Georgievsky, F. Zelinsky, V. Kansky, M. Kutorga and P. Nikitin. - St. Petersburg, 1885.
  18. ↑ Eumenides // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  19. ↑ Ref., 22, 27
  20. ↑ Ex., 21, 17; Lev., 20, 9; Proverbs 20, 20; 30, 11
  21. ↑ Sang. 66a, Mishnah
  22. ↑ Sheb. 35a, Mishnah; Wed Gemara, ad loc.
  23. ↑ Ex., 22, 27; Kogel., 10, 20
  24. ↑ Lev., 19, 14

Consequences of a secret ritual

Every person who undertakes to use magic should know how to protect themselves and avoid the consequences of severe damage. How to curse a person with words and at the same time protect yourself as much as possible.

The ritual will be useful if you prepare for the secret action in advance. A day or two before the ceremony, it is necessary to perform a ritual to protect your own energy. Saving yourself from the consequences of damage caused is a primary task for an experienced magician or a beginner.

An independent hex differs from the work of an experienced magician in the period of influence. Only the ritual that was carried out according to all the rules will be accurate and reliable. Simple attributes will help you cause damage:

  • thing of the victim;
  • a photograph of a person who interferes with achieving your goals;
  • candles and water from the temple;
  • a handful of cemetery soil;
  • runes and staves.

Whether the ritual will be performed only once or several days in a row depends on what result the customer expects. Performing the ceremony on a pregnant woman is prohibited. Such magical manipulations will harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Before performing the ritual, you should say “I am defeating you as an enemy, I am depriving you of happiness, let yours go, but mine will remain.” It would be useful to read “Our Father.” After being cursed, there is no need to visit the temple, because this means canceling the effect of your own conspiracy.

What should you expect from the other person? The consequences of damage manifest themselves not only on the victim, but also on his close circle. Children and loved ones suffer. It is almost impossible to protect the enemy's family from the effects of the program. Before depriving another person of happiness and harmony, you should think twice. It is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to reverse a curse, and then people cursed by someone will suffer immensely.

Damage and evil eye on the enemy

How to effectively curse a person? The search for weapons always depends on motives. If a person needs revenge or a feeling of hatred overwhelms him and does not allow him to free himself from the shackles of rage, then it is impossible to cause damage without preparation. Cursing the victim is only half of the whole action, but not every customer of the damage is ready for the consequences of a secret magical ritual. In Orthodoxy, Islam and even Buddhism, there is the concept of karma, spiritual retribution and justice. The magic debtor - the person casting the evil eye - will receive evil back a hundredfold. Therefore, you need to know not only how to curse a person with words, but also how this threatens the one who curses, that is, the customer.

The Bible or Koran does not directly prohibit magic, but it also does not support the influence of magical forces on a person’s fate and life. It is not difficult to find out how to curse an enemy, and choosing the appropriate ritual will not be difficult at all. It’s easy to curse a person you hate, but being prepared to endure the consequences is much harder. You can protect a loved one from someone else’s magical influence, remove a homewrecker, or return your husband to the family with the help of a simple hex.

Only proven rituals without special attributes are allowed to be performed at home. Experienced magicians advise holding off on complex rituals so as not to harm your own energy. It’s easy to curse, but it will be difficult to protect yourself from the force of the rollback. You shouldn’t wait for righteous lightning after the ritual, but it’s also unwise to neglect your own safety. How to curse an enemy from a distance?

What is a curse, its signs, types, and methods of getting rid of it


An intriguing topic that affects all layers of a person’s life: his health - physical, mental, spiritual, ability to communicate with people, position in society, material security and many other aspects of his life. I will consider the topic “What is a curse” from the point of view of Holy Scripture, as the highest authority in the search for truth.

I will immediately make a reservation that the sphere of influence of the curse will be considered by me in relation to unbelievers who have not been born again, in other words, who are not yet children of God. Because the children of God, Christ's, joint heirs with Christ, have already been delivered from the slavery of damnation due to the substitutionary sacrifice for the atonement of human sins brought by God on the Cross of Calvary: His beloved Son Jesus Christ became this sacrifice, thereby proving the unconditional love of God the Father for His creation.

Gal.3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us

Redeemed everyone, i.e. every person on earth, but not everyone accepted this atonement. So, children of God, i.e. true Christian believers are free from the curse of the law. Therefore, the further part of the article will be applicable only to unsaved people who are still under the curse of the law, to those people who heard the saving message of the Holy Gospel, but for various reasons did not accept it into their hearts, rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and The Savior still remains under the control of the prince of this world, the prince of the power of the air, as Scripture says (Eph. 2:2).

1 What is a curse

Definition from full popular

Curse (Genesis 27:12) - in the Bible. when used, the indicated word is opposite to the word: blessing. By curse as opposed to blessing we mean deprivation of blessing and condemnation to disaster. The curse was pronounced for the first time by God on the occasion of the fall of the first people (Gen. 3:17). “Cursed is the earth for your sake,” God said in Paradise to the sinful ancestor. The curse was pronounced by God on Cain (Gen. 4:11). The earth was cursed with all those living on it, condemned to destruction by the flood in the days of Noah (Gen.6:7, Gen.7:21,23). The Law of God generally pronounces a curse on all its violators: “Cursed is everyone who does not continually do everything that is written in the book of the Law” (Deut. 27:26, Gal. 3:10); but “The Lord Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”) (Deut. 21:23), Gal. 3:13). The curse on the lawbreakers was solemnly pronounced by the Israelites after occupying the Promised Land from Mount Ebal (Deut. 27:11). Joshua pronounced a curse on the restorer of Jericho (Josh. 6:25), Elisha - on the children of Bethel (2 Kings 2:24), ap. Paul against false teachers contrary to the gospel of Christ (Gal.1:7,9).

Rules for conducting rituals

Sorcerers say that rituals for the formation of damage should be known to everyone, so that he can recognize them and effectively deal with such influences if necessary.

When someone decides to put the evil eye on a person, they must follow a number of rules - they will not help completely get rid of the harm, but they will minimize the negative effects. In the case when all the recommendations are applied correctly, causing damage will not cause irreversible changes - it is quite possible that the dark forces will have mercy on their new servant and will take away something not very significant from him.

Having decided to cast a spell, take advantage of the time of the waning moon - during such a period, dark forces overcome light ones and people can use magic to deprive themselves or those around them of something. In addition, you can jinx a person only on Monday, Wednesday or Friday - the rest of the days are considered dangerous for practicing black magic, since you may be overtaken by punishment from the heavenly protectors of those on whom you cast a spell.

The curse cannot be cast on church holidays and Sundays - it will return to you, intensifying tens or even hundreds of times. At the same time, you should know that there are manifestations of corruption that are stronger than death - they force you to live in constant torment, even without the slightest hope of deliverance.

A special category is photo damage, which requires maximum concentration from the magician. You can point it only if you have a high-quality image that meets several requirements:

  • the photograph should show one person, without others or even animals - this can prevent damage;
  • it is possible to jinx a person only if the surface of the photograph covers his body, at least from the top of his head to the middle of his chest, without cropping or distortion;
  • the curse will also be effective only if the photo is no more than a year old - otherwise all your actions and words will be wasted.


Methods of damage described by Gerard Encausse (Papus)

1. You need to get the water that was used to wash the deceased. They pour this water on the door of their enemy and splash it on his back. Those around you will treat the spoiled one coldly and unfriendly, and avoid meeting with him. For the same purposes, soap is used, which was used to wash the deceased. You need to smear it on the doorknob of your enemy’s house, and also make sure that he washes his hands with them.

2. Volt - a figurine representing the enemy. It should be made of wax in such a way that it is as similar as possible to the one who needs revenge. It is advisable to dress this figurine in a dress of the same style that the enemy prefers, as well as have his hair, nails and another mummy. Pieces of prosphora or a few drops of St. are added to the volt. oil The made figurine is baptized and named after its enemy. It is then pricked, cut, burned or buried. Since the figurine is brought into rapport with the person, all damage it receives will be reflected on the subject. There are other ways to make a voodoo doll.

3. On the day of Venus (Friday), you should get the hair of your enemy and tie one knot on it for nine days. To punish the enemy, on the ninth day he should be wrapped in virgin parchment (a blank sheet) and struck. The enemy will receive the blows.

Types of generational curses

  1. gypsy curse;
  2. curses of relatives;
  3. mother's curse;
  4. curse of strangers.

A gypsy curse is always dangerous, even if the gypsy did not curse you. Although these nomadic people have lost their former magical power, they have powerful tribal patrons-magicians who protect their descendants. In order not to receive a gypsy curse, which always turns into a family curse, you need to ignore them and not give anything into their hands. If you spoke to a gypsy, gave her money or things, and then came to your senses and began to regret it, a curse is guaranteed. Be careful!

The maternal curse stands apart. The saddest thing is that it can be provoked by the consequences of an existing curse on a person, as a result of which the son or daughter leads a dissolute life or has renounced his father’s home. A mother's word, especially a dying word, has such strong power that it can destroy a rebellious child or destroy his life. There are many examples of this.

The generational curse is also dangerous because its strength increases from generation to generation. A snowball effect occurs. Its goal is the destruction of the entire race. If someone in the family dies, then part of his curse is distributed among living relatives: death does not destroy the curse. Isn’t that why, with the death of a relative, you feel a heaviness that oppresses your soul?

Signs of a generational curse are:

  • generic mental illness;
  • various types of neuroses;
  • there are mentally disabled people in the family, oligophrenic or down;
  • inappropriate behavior of any family member;
  • failures in personal life (divorce, failed marriages, early death of spouses);
  • infertility, ectopic pregnancies;
  • fornication;
  • alcoholism;
  • early death of children or stillborn babies;
  • death of young men in the family;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • complex, quarrelsome character;
  • innocently convicted or repressed relatives;
  • litigation between relatives;
  • the family renounces each other (you are no longer my son/daughter/mother/father!);
  • the family renounces the home of loved ones (I won’t set foot here again!);
  • there is no veneration for the dead in the family;
  • Poverty reigns in the family;
  • God is denied in the family.

If your family has any of the listed symptoms, then there is a curse of the family, and urgent action should be taken. As a rule, a generational curse is perceived as total bad luck in life. Few people suspect that the reason for this was someone’s evil word, which caused family bad luck. The child grows up and comes to terms with the fact that he is a failure in life. Many of the damned attempt suicide because death and destruction are invisibly behind them.

Lack of self-confidence gives rise to fear of life and attempts to place responsibility for one’s life on other people. Often the cursed person appears confused and gloomy. No matter what he does, one ending awaits him - failure. If your child is being laughed at by school friends, think about whether this is a generational curse? If your child attempted suicide, then it is not just like that, and not because there is nothing to do. There is no need to place a mother’s curse on him for “bad behavior.”

A generational curse differs from one just inflicted in that the same negative events occur in the family. This may be expressed in the fact that all women are abandoned by their husbands after marriage or their husbands become alcoholics and die early. Sometimes women of the clan bear the burden of the “black widow”, burying one husband after another. A family curse along the male line can be expressed in total bad luck, chronic alcoholism, premature death at a certain time (everyone dies before the age of forty, etc.).

What is the danger of casting a curse

Even if we ignore the ethical side of this issue (after all, attacking with the help of magic is quite vile), there is a certain danger for a magician who causes damage. Firstly, there is always the possibility of a backlash that could hit the magician himself. A beginner does not always manage to transfer it to an animal or other victim.

A backlash can occur in two cases - if the damage is removed by a stronger sorcerer or if the negative program is reflected from the victim. Special talismans, and sometimes a simple mental attitude, can protect against the effects of damage. If a person does not believe in energetic influence (i.e. magic), then he creates a reliable mental block that prevents any astral attacks. In this case, all the negativity is reflected and finds the one who sent it. But the mental block only protects against the influence of low-skilled magicians.

In most cases, there will be no backlash (not everyone will look for a magician who can remove the damage), but the energy attack will not go without retribution. According to the law of cause and effect (in India it is called the law of karma), sooner or later you will have to answer for your actions. The consequences can manifest themselves in different ways; these can be health problems, troubles with loved ones, and the complete collapse of any financial endeavors. Resort to such mental influence as damage only in the most extreme cases.

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I'm damned why

It becomes especially bad for spectators when curses are shouted at them from behind. Your legs immediately become weak, you become scared, your pulse quickens. Other symptoms of the “disease” also appear. But even a loved one can curse. What to do if your own mother curses? Then other experiences are added to the fear.

And if it’s a gypsy woman at the station who runs after her and says: “And here and there everything will be bad for you.” There are so many legends that the gypsy cast a spell - and it all came true.

There may be another situation. A misfortune happened in the family, and the visual person also has a question: “I am cursed - why?” If a family member has been seriously injured, the viewer, and more often it is a woman, goes to the clairvoyant: “I think I’m cursed.” And the clairvoyant will definitely find a person in her environment, describe him, and the viewer will recognize the curser. Then someone lives under suspicion without even knowing it.

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