What prayer of repentance should a believer read?

Protestant prayers in Russian

For our readers: Protestant prayers in Russian with detailed descriptions from various sources.

Complete collection and description: prayer of repentance by Protestants for the spiritual life of a believer.

Protestant prayer of repentance

Protestants are Christians who belong to one of several branches of Christian teaching.

History of Protestant churches

One of the first Protestant reformers was the priest Jan Hus, a Slav who lived in what is now the Czech Republic and became a martyr for the faith in 1415. Jan Hus taught that Scripture is more important than tradition.

What are Protestants protesting against?

The word "Protestant" has come into use since the time of Martin Luther, when German princes protested at a church council in Spirea in 1529 against formal confession of religion, the sale of indulgences and the purchase of church offices. Now all evangelical Christian organizations are called Protestant.

How do Protestants interpret the Bible?

Orthodox denominations believe that only church leaders can interpret the Bible correctly. Protestants believe that every Christian is responsible for the quality of his spiritual life. Each person can understand the basic doctrines of the Bible for himself, with God's help, by meditating on the Scriptures and studying them carefully.

What do Protestants think about church traditions?

Protestants have nothing against church traditions, except when these traditions contradict Scripture.

They base this primarily on Jesus’ remarks in Mark 7:8 “For you, having abandoned the commandment of God, hold to the tradition of men. " and in Matthew 15:3 ".

Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? . Thus you have made void the commandment of God by your tradition.”

Why don't most Protestants baptize babies?

Protestants believe that all children go to Heaven after death. The Bible says that children do not know good and evil (Deuteronomy 1:39). Romans 5:13 says: “. But sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

Why do Protestants get baptized in water again when they become adults?

In the Acts of the Apostles (19:1–7), the Apostle Paul baptized 12 people who had previously been baptized. Many Protestants believe that baptism without repentance is meaningless, and since an infant cannot repent due to his ignorance of good and evil, adults are often recommended to be baptized again after they have repented.

Why are there no icons in Protestant churches and homes?

Protestants believe that the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:4) prohibit the use of images for worship: “You shall not make for yourself any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

Why don't Protestants pray to saints or the Virgin Mary?

Protestants prefer to follow the instructions of Jesus, where He taught to pray, saying: “Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven!” (Gospel of Matthew 6:9). Protestants say there are no examples in Scripture of anyone praying to Mary or the saints. They believe that the Bible forbids praying to people who have died, even to Christians in heaven.

What do Protestants think about the Virgin Mary?

Protestants believe that Mary was a perfect example of Christian obedience to God, and that she remained a virgin until Jesus was born.

The basis for this is the Gospel of Matthew (1:25), which says that Joseph, her husband, “knew her not before she gave birth to her firstborn Son” and other passages from the Bible that talk about the brothers and sisters of Jesus (Gospel Matthew 12:46, 13:55–56; Mark 3:31; John 2:12, 7:3).

How can there be more than one church?

One of the fundamental theses of Protestantism is the assertion that every believer in Christ can confess it in accordance with the principle of freedom of conscience.

This is what accounts for the diversity of Protestant churches. We understand the word “church” both as a worldwide association (ecumenical) of believers in Christ, and as a specific community of believers living in a certain territory.

This understanding is not at odds with Orthodox dogma.

What is the opinion of Protestants about the relics of saints?

Protestants do not believe that the relics of saints contain any special power because the Bible does not teach this.

Protestants believe that the incident with Elisha's bones, which resurrected the dead (2 Kings 13:21), was nothing more than the fulfillment of God's promise to give Elisha double the spirit that was on Elijah (2 Kings 2:9).

The miracle that occurred after Elisha's death was just twice the number of miracles performed by Elijah. Protestants believe that there are no instructions in the Bible to make the bodies of dead pious people an object of worship.

Why aren't Protestant ministers called "father"?

They are not usually called “father” because Jesus said in Matthew 23:9: “And call no one on earth your father. ", which according to Protestants means that we should not claim anyone as our spiritual master. In Protestant churches, believers call each other brothers and sisters, and church leaders are called pastors and bishops.

Why don't Protestants make the sign of the cross?

Protestants do not object to the sign of the cross, but since Scripture does not teach it, they also do not teach it.

Why don't Protestant churches have iconostasis?

Protestants believe that the iconostasis symbolizes the curtain separating people from the holy of holies in the Jerusalem Temple.

They believe that when God tore it in two at the death of Jesus (Matthew 27:51), He was saying that we are no longer separated from Him because of the blood He shed so that we would be forgiven if let us repent and believe in Christ for our salvation.

How can Protestants hold services in places like movie theaters when they are not holy or sanctified?

Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Protestants believe that worship is sanctified not by the place where the service is held, not by the building, but by the presence of Christ among the believers.

Do Protestants believe that you can go to Heaven after purgatory?

Protestants believe that Heaven and Hell exist, but they do not believe in purgatory. The Bible says, “For by one offering he (Christ) has made perfect forever those who are sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14).

Since it is indicated that only one sacrifice, the suffering of Christ, makes us perfect, then other sacrifices are not required.

The Bible also says, “Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is no need for an offering for them” (Hebrews 10:18).

Do Protestants pray for the dead?

When describing Heaven or hell in the Gospel of Luke (16:26), Christ speaks only of Heaven and hell, and not of purgatory. He goes on to say that “it is impossible to pass from hell to Paradise: and moreover, a great gulf has been established between us and you, so that those who want to cross from here to you cannot cross, nor can they cross from there to us.”

What kind of Bible do Protestants read?

The Protestant Bible does not include the so-called non-canonical books and apocrypha that are included in the Scriptures of other Christian denominations. Protestants do not include them in the Bible because Jesus never referred to them, and they are not quoted in the New Testament. This distinguishes them from the rest of the books of the Old Testament.

What must you do to have eternal life with Christ in Heaven?

The Apostle Peter, when asked a similar question (Acts 2:37–38), responded this way: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Therefore, we just need to repent of our sins and be baptized.

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Local religious organization Church of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) “Salvation”.

Why Orthodox Christians cannot pray at night

The holy fathers of the Orthodox Church gave night prayer a special meaning, considering it one of the most powerful and useful methods of cleansing and illuminating the soul.

Saint John Chrysostom concluded: “The Lord especially bows to mercy with night prayers,” and St. Isaac the Syrian said: “Every night prayer is more useful to you than all your daily exploits.”

However, clergy agree that laity, unlike monks, should not pray at night, since this action is associated with dangerous temptations that are very difficult for an unprepared person to cope with. But if, nevertheless, a person has an inexhaustible desire to pray at night, this can only be done with the blessing of his personal confessor.

The difference between a monk and a layman

The path of a layman and a monk are two different paths of human life, with differences in lifestyle, care and prayerful improvement.

Monks not connected by close family and marital ties do not know the hassle associated with caring for loved ones, their minds are not occupied with numerous worldly problems, they do not feel the lack of time that a working person absolutely lacks.

Each monk has a personal confessor who monitors his spiritual development and instructs him in prayer practices.

Monks live in their own world, dependent on a certain discipline, with a clear hierarchy of subordination and a daily routine that allows them to pray at different times of the day.

That is why most of the works of the holy fathers, telling about the rules of prayer, were addressed to monks, based on their special rhythm of life in monasteries.

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov writes: “Monks are those Christians who leave all earthly pursuits as far as possible to practice prayer - a virtue higher than all virtues, in order to unite through it with God...”

Tradition of night prayers

The tradition of night prayers dates back to the times of the formation of Christianity, when the ascetics of Christ, hiding from persecution, could only fearlessly offer their daily prayers in the dark.

It was not difficult for them to do this, firstly, due to an incredible spiritual impulse, and, secondly, due to the peculiarity of their way of life - in the hot southern countries, from the territory of which this religion began to spread, people were accustomed to resting during the day to get cool do things at night.

Subsequently, this practice was adopted by the monasteries and constant night prayers became part of the life of the monks.

The Power of Night Prayer

The unusual power of night prayer lies in the fact that when it is performed, a person’s mind is clearly focused on communication with God, and peace reigns in the soul, inspired by both a deep understanding of the words of the prayer and the gratitude, humility, tenderness and love that arise in the soul.

St. Chrysostom saw its power in the following: “At night, you can lift your mind more freely to God, and night prayers will turn you to repentance, and God will listen to them more than daytime prayers. If you leave the house at night, you will notice a general silence; and your soul becomes purer at this time, and your mind is easier to pray.”

Not recommended for lay people

In order for a person to perform night prayer, his will must be turned to God, his body energetic and collected, his conscience freed by repentance, his heart cleansed of passions, and his mind removed from vanity, but these circumstances are very difficult to achieve for a layman involved in the turmoil of modern life.

An average person who is unprepared for night prayer can become an easy prey for demons, who, according to N. Pestov, for reasons still unclear, “have the greatest power over the world and sometimes interfere with prayer with various “insurances” (inducing feelings of fear, fear, horror, incomprehensible sounds, knocking and, finally, various phenomena and visions).”

His words are echoed by the religious writer S. Nilus, who described a sad incident that occurred in the Optina Desert, when a young man who was preparing to take monastic vows, contrary to the prohibition of his confessor, performed unauthorized prayers at night. As a result, after yet another disobedience, the “novice” ran naked out of his cell and ran into the temple where the service was being held.

Having climbed St. He was enraged at the throne and performed inappropriate acts, and the monks who saw this could not do anything, because they were overcome by an incomprehensible, constraining fear.

Only the hieromonk, after a short confusion, threw the distraught man off the Throne and handed him over to the doctors, who diagnosed him with a mental disorder, which is why he spent the rest of his life in the appropriate clinic.

In the book “The Monastery in the World,” Rev. Valentin Sventsitsky writes: “There is no need to pray late. Before 12 o'clock at night, the prayer must be completed, and the person praying must go to bed.

We do not know all the secrets of the invisible world. Not everything is open to us, and not everything is known.

We also don’t know why it is precisely in these late hours, after 12, that the dark forces especially feel their power and attack the soul with particular fury.”

Prayer at night makes a person’s soul more receptive to both good and bad, which is why it is easier for demons to penetrate it, tempt a person with subtle temptations, delight his ears with false revelations, kindle proud thoughts and drag him into tempting disputes.

The same publication notes that often demons, in order to deceive those praying, take on the appearance of angels of light, about which Archbishop Vasily (Krivoshein) also wrote.

In the book “Angels and Demons in Spiritual Life,” he cites the words of St. Anthony the Great, who told his disciples about the tricks of evil spirits who want to drive a Christian away from the righteous path.

It is the distinction between real angels of light and the demons pretending to be them that is the main problem that accompanies night prayer.

A layman who is not familiar with all the tricks of the devil can easily succumb to his tricks, since the recognition of these two spirits occurs not on an instinctive, but on an intuitive level.

That is why Anthony insists: “We must pray... in order to receive the gift of discerning spirits, so that, as it is written, we would not believe every spirit,” and in worldly life a person does not have so much free time to dedicate himself to constant prayers to learn to resist the influence of dark forces.

Night for sleep

There are lines in one of the letters of St. Ambrose of Optina that laymen do not need to devote the night to prayer: “You ask how to accustom your pet to serious activities... First suggest that they make day out of day and night out of night; and when you succeed in this, then you can think about something else.”

The body of a working person, tired during the day, needs to restore strength through continuous sleep, and night prayers certainly break it into segments of imaginary wakefulness and possible relaxation.

Blessed Theodoret of Cyrus Fr.

When leading an active lifestyle, a person must have a correct sleep schedule, and constant awakenings for night prayers can unbalance his psyche and cause irreparable harm.

Source: https://cyrillitsa.ru/tradition/68049-pochemu-pravoslavnym-nelzya-molitsya.html

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