Zoya's name day according to the Orthodox calendar. Personalized icons

The character of the birthday boy and the origin of the name

ZOYA - life (Greek).
Name day: February 26 - Saint Zoe, converted from harlots to a righteous life by the Monk Martinian and died in the monastery. May 75 - Holy Martyr Zoya, a slave, was burned for the faith of Christ after torture (2nd century).

Zodiac sign - Taurus.

Auspicious tree - nut.

The treasured plant is oats.

The patron of the name is the nightingale.

The talisman stone is green marble. .

Saints with the name Zoya according to the Orthodox calendar 2020 are commemorated 3 times a year



About the Monks Zoe and Photinia is known from the life of the Monk Martinian, who from the age of 18 settled in the desert in the vicinity of Caesarea in Palestine. The fame of his ascetic life aroused admiration, and one day a certain harlot named Zoe heard a conversation about Martinian’s virtue and promised to seduce him on a dare. At night, dressed in poor, shabby clothes, she came to his cell and asked to spend the night. The saint let her in, left her to spend the night in the outer part of the cell, and he himself retired to the inner one. According to the story of Demetrius of Rostov, “ Satan confused him that night with carnal lust. At midnight the wife got up, took all her jewelry out of the bag and put it on to seduce the saint.

".[1] The Monk Martinian, in order not to fall into sin, lit brushwood in the middle of his cell and entered the fire. Coming out of the fire, he could not stand due to severe burns and lay down praying, asking God for forgiveness. Zoya, seeing this, repented of her sins, threw her jewelry into the fire and put on rags again. She fell at Martinian’s feet with the words:

Forgive me, accursed and sinful, servant of God; You, sir, know how powerful and varied the intrigues and charms of the devil are. He also inspired me with the idea of ​​tempting you. Pray for me, holy father, so that through your prayers I too, a great sinner, can receive salvation[1].

At the direction of the Monk Zoya went to Bethlehem, where she settled in the monastery of St. Paul.

As a monk, Zoya led an ascetic life: “ during the entire time of her repentance, she did not eat wine, oil, or vegetables, but only a little bread and water. She ate food only once a day in the evening, and sometimes even after two days, her bed was bare earth

"[1]. Before her death, Zoya asked God to indicate whether her repentance was accepted. Then Paul pointed out to her a woman with eyes and asked her to pray for her healing. Through the prayer of the Monk Zoya, the sick woman recovered. Zoya died in Bethlehem after 12 years of life in the monastery.

Seven months later, the Monk Martinian was healed of his burns and, in search of solitude, moved from his deserted cell to an uninhabited rocky island. One day, during a storm, a young Christian woman, Photinia, was washed up on his island. Martinian, in order not to fall into temptation, left her on the island, pointing to the supplies of bread and water that the shipbuilder delivered to him every two months, rushed into the sea and was carried to the shore by dolphins.

Photinia remained on the island, fed by the shipowner, who, like Martinian, began to bring food to her. According to Dimitri Rostovsky,

While on the island, the blessed virgin praised the Lord for her life. Every day she offered 12 prayers to God, and every night she intensified this pious deed and prayed to the Lord twenty-four times. A pound of bread served as food for her for two days[1].

After six years of living on the island, she died and was buried by the bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, to whom her body was brought by a shipowner.

Zoya's upcoming name day

How to correctly determine the spiritual patron and Zoya’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar? Options you can consider:

  • by birthday;
  • on the day of naming (the eighth day of life);
  • on the day of baptism (fortieth day of life);

It happens that on a specific day the names of saints are not indicated or Zoya’s birthday does not coincide with the day of remembrance of “her” saint. Then they look through the calendar three days ahead from the day of birth or baptism, and make a choice - Zoya’s name day according to the church calendar will be considered the nearest memorial day of Saint Zoya.

Zoya's birthday in February

Zoya's birthday in May

Zoya's birthday in December

Traditionally, Christians named their children strictly according to the church charter, so there was no confusion between Name Day and Angel Day. Today, not everyone distinguishes between these two memorable dates.

Zoe's Angel Day

- This is the day of her baptism. It is called so because after the Sacrament a Guardian Angel appears at the baptized person, who accompanies and protects the ward.

And the Name Day named after Zoya

- This is the day of veneration of one of the saints named Zoya.

Christian icon Zoya

Currently, the popularity of personalized icons among Orthodox Christians is very high. Believers see in their namesake saint a great patron and protector in all their affairs and desires. Women with the name Zoya consider this saint to be their Guardian Angel and Intercessor, therefore, they try to buy an icon of Zoya for their secret prayers. In the Orthodox church calendar there are several saints with the name Zoya, the holy martyrs - Attalia (Pamphylian), Zoya of Rome, Zoya of Bethlehem. The life of this saint is a striking example confirming that a lost soul can be cleansed in the light of strong true faith.

In order to choose your patroness, you need to look at the nearest day of her veneration and your birthday. Modern icon painters offer Christian women with this name or their relatives who want to give a gift for a special celebration, different types of this wonderful image. Icons embroidered with beads or made of precious materials are especially popular as gifts. The personalized icon Zoya will become a reliable amulet and a long-lasting heirloom not only for its owner, but also for all members of her family. You can buy this personalized icon as a gift in Orthodox icon shops or in online stores.

The meaning of the Zoya icon

Prayers before the Christian icon Zoya

help Orthodox Christians who have sinful thoughts to get rid of them, help in the fight against temptations, and quickly guide them to the true and righteous path.
The life of Saint Zoe proves that no matter how low a person falls in his actions and desires, the Lord always leaves him the opportunity to rise to holy heights and stand alongside his most devoted assistants, whom he endows with miraculous abilities. The Orthodox icon Zoya
helps everyone who asks this saint for help through it.

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Personalized icon Zoya, embroidered with beads

An excellent choice for a dear person with the beautiful ancient name Zoya would be a gift in the form of a personalized icon of Zoya, embroidered with beads. Beaded icons have recently become very popular because of their unique and incredibly beautiful appearance, bright and very rich shades of beaded material, as well as jewelry, which make it a real masterpiece of Orthodox icon painting.

Tagged with: legends prayer religion Christianity





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