Orthodoxy and the body: what is the situation with it? Andrey Szegeda

Blue Zones

Dan Buettner

This is a book of discovery, a book of travel and a book of healing. Dan Buettner not only talks about the amazing secrets of longevity shared by the oldest inhabitants of our planet. He also conducts a fascinating excursion to different corners of the Earth: blooming Sardinia, dazzling with green meadows, paradise Okinawa with its snow-white beaches, Costa Rica, enchanting with colorful pink houses, filled with the aromas of oranges, and Californian Loma Linda, drenched in the bright sun, await inquisitive guests .

Chinese research in practice

Thomas Campbell

The China Study is living proof that a plant-based diet can cure chronic diseases and prolong life by decades. All this, of course, sounds tempting. But how can you make such a diet part of your life? Thomas Campbell, co-author of the acclaimed bestseller, offers an experimental game: eat right for just 2 weeks, and then make a decision. There is no need to make promises for life. Just try it. Our commercial director Dmitry Utrobin has been a vegetarian for many years and feels great. What if you like it too?

Another you!

Valikhan Ten

This is a guide book for those who have recently embarked on the path of a healthy lifestyle and are just learning about how to eat and exercise properly. Master of Sports in powerlifting, CCM in bodybuilding and experienced coach Valikhan Ten teaches the basics of building a beautiful body. You will learn how to create a menu, how to plan your workouts and which exercises to choose, increase your endurance and lose fat. Illustrations show you how to use the different machines, so you can forget about awkwardness at the gym - you'll come prepared! The book replaces a personal trainer.

Establishing closer contact between the higher self and the body

• Imagine how golden-colored cosmic energy passes from above through the Sahosrara-chgkra and all the main chakras and further through your entire aura. • Then imagine a rose on your mental screen that represents you. • Study all its elements (petals, stamens, color, aroma). • At the top of the screen, place a rose for your “I” (representing your “I”). • This rose is carefully studied in the same way as the first rose. • Then the second rose is placed directly above the first rose, after which they merge. • Dissolve the picture.

Due to the fact that the higher “I” merges with the body, it, being a particle of the omnipotent Absolute, has a direct healing effect on the body.

Therapeutic effect: • contributes to the improvement of the endocrine system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system; • protective forces awaken; • vitality increases; helps to develop (or rather, free) intuition, which contributes to an increase in spiritual level.

Transcend: 9 Steps to Eternal Life

Raymond Kurzweil and Terry Grossman

We call this book "the home doctor's encyclopedia" - just a storehouse of useful information. Are you going to live long? If yes, then it’s worth learning about 9 building blocks that will add ten or even twenty years of a fulfilling life to you. This is a recipe for those who want to be cheerful and active and feel better today. Very cool book. Bonus: interesting fantasies about the future of medicine.

Life at full capacity!

Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz

The health formula contains not only the variable “absence of disease”, but also the variable “energy”. When there is not enough strength, and chronic fatigue has become your best friend, there is no question of any enjoyment of life. What kind of health there is! MYTH recommends this book to anyone who feels a lack of energy. The authors have spent many years training tennis stars psychologically and have found ways to manage energy - physical, mental and emotional. A helpful book for those who want to achieve wow results and not give up at the most inopportune moment.


Katherine Price

In childhood, we heard that we need to take vitamins, they are terribly useful and you can’t live without them. It turned out that not everything is so simple. Katherine Price conducted a journalistic investigation on such a sensitive topic as vitamins and dietary supplements. Why ticklish? The fact is that giant companies, politicians, pharmacists and scientists are not always willing to tell the truth. There are too many interested parties, and everyone is pulling the blanket on themselves (or away from themselves, depending on the situation). But vitamins and all sorts of supplements appear on our table almost every day. We recommend this book as food for thought to those who seek to find a rational grain in a tangle of contradictions.

Chinese study

Colin Campbell

There's nothing to hide - we're fans of this book. And we are not alone: ​​more than 1,000,000 people around the world share the views of Professor Campbell, who has devoted his life to studying the connection between food and disease. The results are sensational: people are killing themselves. Heart attacks and strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis occur due to poor nutrition. Just by eliminating a number of foods, you can stop the diseases that have tormented us for years.

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