Why does the Orthodox Church baptize infants? (+VIDEO)

Why baptize a child is a matter of faith. They try to eliminate the effects of the concepts of the evil eye and damage, which are widespread in society, either by going to all kinds of healers, which ends with a simple loss of money, or by visiting a temple. It is believed that both the evil eye and damage affect the child the most. This persistent assertion led to the emergence of the tradition of baptizing a child at a young age as a remedy for the harmful effects of the “evil eye.” However, not all so simple.

Why might parents doubt the need for the sacrament?

It is not only the presence of atheists in the family that can provoke the refusal of the sacrament of baptism for an infant or young child. But most often it is the decisive factor. In second place in frequency is the attitude of parents towards different faiths, which is often found in Russia. Less obvious reasons include:

  • Own negative experience. People who have previously been baptized in other faiths often come to Orthodoxy, so fear for the “wrong choice” can provoke parents to refuse the sacrament. This is not the right approach: if a grown child feels that he needs to seek faith further, the sacrament will be canceled, and so he will be under the protection of God;
  • Lack of precise indication of the need for baptism in the Holy Scriptures. There really are no direct words in it that every baby should be baptized. But the very existence of such a ritual both in Orthodoxy and in Christianity as a whole indicates that it is desirable to carry out it;
  • Lack of worthy godparents nearby. Yes, you need to approach the choice of godparents wisely, because their task is to spiritually accompany the child. However, if you are in doubt about your choice, you can contact a priest. He can either become a godfather himself or recommend good candidates.

Why baptize a child

In fact, it all starts with Faith, passed on from generation to generation . Faith is directly related to religion. It doesn't matter what religion, as long as it is classical. Only classical religions provide a correct understanding of the world.

But I don’t believe it, you say. Well, Faith is very personal and should not be brought up for discussion. Someone will say that God did not help him (or her). Do you know how he was supposed to help? Perhaps you have been given a life lesson to strengthen your spirit. In any case, only Faith in the most difficult life situations can help you cope with them.

How to join the Faith ? In Orthodoxy, such communion is called “child baptism,” which has its own traditions maintained throughout the history of Christianity. Although Holy Scripture speaks of several variants of baptism, for most Orthodox Christians in Russia this ritual is quite familiar.

What does child baptism do?

Baptism of a child is an important ritual. It allows you to transfer the baby’s soul under the protection of God, which significantly reduces the likelihood of unpleasant incidents. Also, after Baptism, the child receives invisible grace. She will help him develop correctly and grow into a good person. In general, it is the educational function of faith that is the main thing that makes people baptize their children. Christian morality, based on absolute virtue, instilled from childhood, allows us to form healthy life values.

Well, the second, but no less important function of Baptism is to cleanse the child’s soul before God and provide him with a personal guardian angel. It was because of her that this ritual was performed in the old days. But even today, the presence of an invisible intercessor will avoid many problems.

The last reason is perspective. In the future, a baptized person will receive many church rights; for example, he himself will be able to become a godparent before reaching adulthood. Also, a baptized child will have the opportunity to participate in church ceremonies in the spirit of confession and communion.

Guard! They called me to be godfather...

- If it happens that you are already a godfather and only after the fact realized the seriousness of this. What to do? Let's say, “fight” with parents who do not want to give communion to their child - your successor?.. - You “fight” once, and then the parents simply won’t let you near the child. And all that remains is to pray for him throughout his entire life. However, this often happens. In fact, this initiative should come not from godparents, but from parents: parents should invite godparents to their home, give them the opportunity to communicate with their children, and take them to church. Otherwise, it will be an imposition of oneself, which is ugly and not good: how will a godson trust his godfather if his parents do not allow him on the threshold?

— In other words, does this need to be specified from the very beginning? “From the very beginning, parents must understand that when they ask someone to be a godfather, they are inviting him into their family and establishing a family relationship. In most cases, unfortunately, neither parents nor godparents understand this. That’s why I say that the institution of recipients is now virtually meaningless.

— If there is still someone to choose from, what is the criterion? - The criterion is the same: an Orthodox, religious person, spiritually close to this family - a relative, a friend, a relative, a person who shares your views, for whom your home is open. It’s easier for an adult: an adult can choose his own godfather. Here a person comes to the Church, begins to prepare for baptism, and goes through a long path of catechesis—several months. During this time, he can meet someone from the parish, relationships are established between them, and one leads the other, passes on to him part of his faith, his experience. You can call him and ask: “How should I prepare for Communion? What should I do now? Nowadays it is believed that an adult does not need a godfather - they say, he himself is not a fool. This is wrong. Because today it is very difficult for an outsider to enter the Church. The Church, to our greatest regret, is now so closed to the world, it places such barriers on people outside... People are very frightened: they are afraid that they will be scolded in church, that they will behave inappropriately, that “unbearable burdens” will be placed on them, that in general they there they will not understand anything and will turn out to be strangers. They need an intermediary who would lead them to the Church - a good, real Christian, who will talk to them kindly, calmly explain things to them, support them in difficult times, protect them from some evil old woman. He’s yours, he’s nearby, do you understand? And babies should be baptized only by believing parents or those who are at least ready to take this path, then they will have the opportunity to choose good godparents.

Relatives to God

— How would you explain to people who are still far from the Church the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism in simple words? — In Baptism, a person is born in God as His child. In an incomprehensible way he becomes dear to God. And to family means to family to the end. From our parents we perceive their flesh and blood, as well as their worldview, the language they speak, and so it is here: when a person is born into God, he perceives from his Father all the most important things. And the view of the world, and life - the way God commanded. So baptism is not some special status of a person who is suddenly endowed with some special preferences. Absolutely not! This is the cross that Christ gives. And, above all, it is the willingness to live according to the Gospel.

— Is it possible to baptize a child for the reason that he will have the opportunity to receive communion from infancy? - Communion is not a pill, not a magical act, it is not something that can be shoved into a person like a pacifier. I have seen this disappointing picture many times: when parents do not go to church, they live a completely ugly life, and poor grandmothers and godparents try to give communion to a struggling child. He is raised by his parents in a completely different way, and whether they like it or not, their own being, worldview flows into him... and suddenly he is brought to Church to receive communion! This world is already alien to him, he is already fighting off it. Therefore, it is better for a child to take communion together with his parents.

— Fear of death can be an argument for baptizing and giving communion to a child from an unbelieving or unchurched family? - A person in a state of illness or danger must be baptized immediately.

- But if baptism is not a magical rite, then what is the point of such extreme baptism - for the fear of death? - In trust in the mercy of God. The life of Ambrose of Milan mentions the following episode: his not yet baptized brother Satyr was caught in a storm, and, suffering from a shipwreck, out of fear, tied the Holy Gifts to his neck and threw himself into the sea, relying on God. He was saved. He was saved by his faith, although it took such an extreme situation for it to manifest itself... You see, what a thing: if parents think about death, if they understand that both their children and themselves can die at any moment and appear before the judgment of God... that means they are already close to the Church. And the smallest hope in God - even the size of a mustard seed - is already a definite confession of faith. The same applies to grandmothers who secretly baptized their grandchildren, although they were raised by atheist parents: this is hope for the infinite mercy of God. But when such grandchildren grow up and consciously come to Christ, the Sacrament is filled with content, fulfilled, and considered completed, I believe.

Opinion of the clergy of the Orthodox Church

Baptism symbolizes the spiritual birth of a new person. That is why it is desirable that there be a minimum time distance between the actual birth and baptism. This way the child will not be able to stain himself with sins and will initially move along the right path in life, pleasing to God. Baptism at an early age also protects against unfortunate incidents: in the old days, they tried to baptize a child a few days after birth, so that his soul would certainly go to Heaven in the event of an early death.

Yes, many modern people believe that a child should choose his own faith or go to Orthodoxy at a conscious age. But parents are responsible for the soul of the baby before God. This is why the Orthodox Church and priests insist that baptism must be done from early childhood. The optimal age of a baby for the ceremony is 40 days or 8 days after birth. But if the baby’s life is in danger, the ceremony can be performed at any earlier time so that God will protect his soul and allow him to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

They should not excommunicate the child from the church and deprive their child of the joy of the Eucharist, divine services and other church rituals important for the formation of the personality. Allow your child to live in Christ and enter the Church at an early age, and then his future life will become much easier.

When can baptism be performed?

The Orthodox Church does not claim that baptism should only occur in infancy . In this regard, many talk about the need to postpone the time of baptism to an older age, so that initiation into the Faith occurs consciously.

Yes, this approach does exist. However, there is a delicate point that most parents do not know about and postpone the baptism of the child until he grows up. The moment is connected with the fact that no one knows the hour of his death. Sometimes a child may die before reaching the moment when the baptism ceremony was supposed to take place. By leaving a child who died before term without the rite of baptism, parents deprive his soul of joining eternal life.

You can laugh and not believe, however, there are many interesting facts related to the phenomenon of baptism. Only initiation into the Faith through baptism allows one to expect higher help from God. And we shouldn’t think that He doesn’t think about us. He thinks and gives to everyone as needed. For some it’s a challenge, for others it’s relief from problems.

In any case, Faith is able to pacify the disobedient and show the way to those who seek. And this is better than education without goals and without ideals .


  • Baptism of a child allows you to purify the soul of the infant and provide him with the protection of God;
  • Along with the ritual, the baby will receive a guardian angel who will take care of his soul;
  • Modern parents may doubt whether early baptism is necessary, but it is important;
  • Baptized children have more opportunities, for example, they will be able to become godparents in adolescence;
  • The clergy insist that children should become Orthodox at 8 or 40 days after birth.

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