Help of the Nine Martyrs of Kizichesk during epidemics and other stories

In the life of almost every person there comes a period of time when he has problems at work or various kinds of difficulties with his superiors. Unfortunately, absolutely everyone faces this problem. In this case, the most real help can be obtained by turning to the Lord for help. It is believed that the most effective method is prayer to the Kizi martyrs.

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Since ancient times, the sacred text has given people not only moral, but also physical strength, and directed them to the true path. At the same time, turning to the Lord must be with a pure heart and good intentions.

What did they pray to the Saints of Cyzicus for?

The prayer to the nine martyrs of Cyzicus sounded from the lips of those who came for various everyday reasons: the persecution of the Church of Christ was over and it was possible to turn to worldly problems . Deadly epidemics have now become the most terrible trials. For a long time, the saints of Cyzicus provided help in the fight against disease, which gave them the reputation of being protectors against pestilence.

Who else do they pray to for illnesses:

  • Panteliymon the Healer
  • Saint Luke of Crimea
  • The Mother of God in front of the image of “The All-Tsarina”

The veneration of martyrs in Russia began with an epidemic of shaking disease (fever) that struck Kazan in 1653. The prayer to the nine martyrs of Kizi, pronounced by the people at the call of Metropolitan Adrian of Kazan, created a miracle: the epidemic suddenly stopped.

"The Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus with the Icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Sloboda Kholui, late 18th century.

Where are the relics of the holy 9 preachers

Even during the reign of Constantine the Great, the relics of the saints were placed in the temple that was built in their honor in Moscow. Church records contain evidence of miraculous healings of the paralyzed and demoniac, from dysentery and fever.

Some of the remains are located in Kazan in the Kizichesky Vvedensky Monastery. The holy relics of the preachers showed many miracles of body healing to the whole world. Appeals to the righteous and the Lord himself near the incorruptible relics will help heal the soul, mind, and give strength.

God bless you!

Prayer for finding a job

Currently, devastating diseases do not threaten humanity, but the saints continue to pray for those who ask for their help. The main everyday problem was finding a decent job to feed the family, help parents, and buy housing. This is especially difficult for migrants looking for work in big cities. Therefore, the only church in the name of the Martyrs of Cyzicus, located in Moscow, witnessed the miraculous help of the saints in finding a job.

People prayed in front of the ancient icon of the martyrs, painted under Peter I. Even those who entered the temple once felt their grace. Over time, many testimonies of miracles from saints have accumulated, most of them related to getting a job. Thus the nine martyrs of Kizicus gained a second glory.

Icon "Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus", Russia, 13th century.

Prayer to the Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus

About the all-praise of the holy martyr, the valiant servants of Christ, Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artemo, Magna, Faumasius, Theodotus and Philemon, who like Christ for the sake of different countries gathered together and boldly preached that perfect God and Man in Kizitsa;

having been forced to worship the former idol, putting idols to shame and putting the prince to shame, not being afraid of various languidities and fiery punishments, and through various sufferings with the edge of a sword was cut quickly, and shed for Christ your blood like water, and that like purple,

Decorate the Church of Christ like a bride; Likewise, now, crowned with an unfading crown of immortal glory, you are ever in unspeakable joy with the faces of angels in the heavenly villages, bathed in Divine light and enjoying the sight of His ineffable kindness.

For this reason, we, in humility, come to you and, looking tenderly at your holy image, we pray: you pray for us to Christ God, as we have boldness towards Him, that through your holy prayers we will get rid of every mental and physical ailment.

For you have been given from God a medical gift from all sorrows, with faith to heal those who fall upon you, just as you healed this glorious man from the shaking illness, and we, the faithful, having received the same, honor you, holy martyrs, who have the same gift from Christ God, Him and glory is together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Not much is known about the lives of the nine Kizi martyrs. 17 centuries have passed since they accomplished their feat in the name of Christ. In the 3rd century, important events for the establishment of Christianity took place in Cyzicus, located on the Capu Dag peninsula. The inhabitants of this Asian city were pagans, but some of them preached the religion that the Apostle Paul himself had once brought to these regions. Nine people from different parts of Asia Minor came to Cyzicus to convert the pagan population to Christianity.

The ruler of this city was a pagan. Of course, he perceived the actions of Christians against their religion negatively. Nine preachers were captured and taken into custody. The most holy men were cruelly tortured and asked to renounce the Savior. None of the preachers betrayed their faith. By order of the ruler, nine people (Theognis, Antipater, Rufus, Artem, Theostig, Magnus, Philemon, Theodotus, Faumasius) were beheaded. The bodies of the martyrs were bought by believers and buried outside the city.

However, this story had a continuation. A few years after their death, Constantine the Great found himself at the head of the Roman Empire. Under him, the persecution of believers in the Savior ceased. The inhabitants of Cyzicus extracted the incorruptible relics of nine holy men from the ground and transferred them to the temple for worship. People noticed that healing energy emanated from the remains of saints. The weak and sick, touching the relics, recovered. Miracles in the name of the Lord strengthened people's faith in Christianity. More and more pagans took the side of the new religion.

However, power soon fell to Julian the Apostate, who did not favor Christians. True, the ruler tried not to touch the believers in Christ, fearing a popular revolt. Julian the Apostate only sent Bishop Eleusius to prison. After the death of the ruler, Christianity reigned again in Cyzicus.

It is believed that it was nine holy men who helped the people of this region not to renounce the holy faith. Every year on April 29, or rather May 12, the Orthodox Church glorifies 9 Kizian preachers.

Requests for prayer to the martyrs of Kizi

The memory of the saints is celebrated on May 12. The service for them was compiled by Saint Dmitry of Rostov, he also wrote a prayer, with the words of which the Church has been turning to miracle workers for several centuries. The text does not contain the words “give me a good job” or “talk some sense into my boss.” All the attention of the person praying turns to the martyrdom and the reward for it from Christ. “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you” - the saints remembered this covenant of the Lord and through torment showed their strong faith in the true God. For this, the Lord gave them “the rest” - eternal glory, inexhaustible wealth and the opportunity to help those who ask.

Nine Martyrs of Kizi with an icon of the Nativity BM with an icon of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Sloboda Kholui, late 18th century.

Turning in need to the martyrs of Cyzicus, the prayer remembers how Christians “gathered from different countries (cities)” came to pagan Cyzicus to preach Christ there. They rejected the idols offered for worship, not being afraid of torment.

Important. The modern world offers a person many idols: things, shows, the prosperity of a neighbor. Whoever manages to reject them easily receives “the rest” from the Lord - the necessary funds, health, a home.

About the Nine Martyrs of Kizichi, helping to find a job

On May 12, one of the three patronal feasts is celebrated in the Moscow Church of the Holy Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus. In addition to the day of remembrance of the Nine Martyrs of Kizichi, the days of memory of the Archangel Michael (November 21) and the Holy Martyr Barbara (December 17) are also celebrated here. But most often people come here to pray to the patron saints of the temple - the Nine Martyrs of Cyzicus, who suffered for the right faith at the end of the 3rd century. AD in the Asia Minor city of Cyzicus. It is believed that the Lord, through their prayers, provides quick help in finding work. In gratitude, people whom the holy martyrs helped find work or assist in other needs bring flowers and gifts.

In front of the ancient miraculous icon of the Nine Martyrs of Cysis with pieces of their relics, decorated with many gifts, an unquenchable lamp always glows - a symbol of the fiery prayer of God-loving hearts. In 1698, three centuries ago, Patriarch Adrian, paralyzed, after fervent prayer to the Nine Martyrs, was miraculously healed and in memory of them founded the Nine Church in Moscow ( 74-history-17-20). The power of their intercession was experienced by many of our contemporaries, including my friends and acquaintances, who more than once came to the temple, revived in 1994 after decades of atheistic desolation and destruction. The saints helped some in finding faith, others in healing their soul and body, and many talk about miraculous help through the intercession of the holy nine martyrs of Kizi in finding work.


In honor of the nine Kizian martyrs, icons were painted that depict the bright faces of saints who did not spare their lives for the sake of the Savior. There are several options for holy images. One of the ancient icons depicts nine people, and above them the Savior in the clouds. In 1584, an icon with such a plot was found in the attic of the Kremlin palace of John 4. It is possible that Metropolitan Cyzicus himself gave this icon to the king.

In the 17th century, churches began to be built in Rus' in honor of the nine Kizian martyrs. This circumstance contributed to the painting of various icons depicting holy men. Each holy image was necessarily attended by all nine people who, by their feat, proved their loyalty to the Savior.


Orthodox believers honor the memory of the holy men who gathered in the 3rd century in Cyzicus to convert the pagans to their religion. Christians pray in front of icons depicting the nine most holy martyrs. In honor of the saints, a festive church service is held annually on May 12. Christians believe in the intercession of holy men and help in difficult life situations. The nine men of Kizi are honored for their feat in the name of the Holy Faith and the Savior.

In Russia, saints have been venerated for several centuries. In the second half of the 17th century, Kazan Metropolitan Adrian ordered to build a temple in honor of 9 martyrs and sincerely pray for the deliverance of Christians from the fever epidemic. The sincere prayers of the believers were heard by the Savior. The temple became a place of pilgrimage. Later, a monastery was built near it.

The Metropolitan of the Greek Diocese of Kizi even donated particles of the relics of the martyrs to this monastery. True, the relic was lost during the Soviet years. The Kizichesky Monastery is still located in Kazan today. Recently, the Moscow Church of the Kizich Martyrs donated an icon and particles of the relics of these saints to the most holy monastery.


In Russia, churches in honor of the 9 martyrs of Kizi began to be built several centuries ago. The first temple in the name of saints appeared in Kazan in the 17th century. Patriarch Adrian decided to perpetuate the memory of the martyrs.

In Moscow, a wooden church glorifying the feat of the saints appeared at the very end of the 17th century, not far from Novinsky Val. The church was erected by His Holiness Patriarch Adrian, who was healed of paralysis thanks to prayers to the martyrs. When the wooden church burned down, a stone one was built in its place. Under Soviet rule, the temple was a prison. In 1992, the church again began holding services in honor of the 9 martyrs of Kizi.

In Moscow there is another ancient temple in memory of nine saints. This is a small house church of Count Orlov, erected in the 70s of the 18th century for the sake of salvation from the plague epidemic.

The ancient chapel in the name of the 9 holy men of Kizi is located in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, which is behind the Serpukhov Gate. The majestic stone temple was built at the end of the 17th century at the expense of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich. The dedication of the chapel to the most holy martyrs is associated with their veneration by Patriarch Adrian. This man was the first to experience the miracles emanating from the icon with their image.

Another chapel in honor of nine saints is located in the Novgorod St. Nicholas Cathedral. Stone churches glorifying the feat of the martyrs were built in different cities of Russia (in the Volga region, Kostroma, Tutaev). Particles of the relics of the saints may have been placed in their icon, which is located in the Assumption Church in Astrakhan. There is a version that the most holy remains are in the Vyshensky Monastery.

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