Elder Samuel. May the Lord bless those who read and listen to this grace... - Lidia Emelyanova

Elder Samuel. May the Lord bless those who read and listen to this grace... - Lidia Emelyanova

Dear Tatiana, you yourself wrote that the Russian Orthodox Church officially denies these books, remember the saying of the saints “To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father.” If you do not accept the teachings of the Church, then you are excommunicating yourself from it. And regarding the fact that you cannot deceive the people, few of the people understand dogmatic theology. If you wish, I can, through patristic works and dogmas, refute these books and prove that heresy is written in them, just indicate the right place in the books that needs to be explained. Regarding miracles, read Ignatius Brianchaninov’s “Ascetic Experiences” where he gives an example that one person stood on hot coals while reading “Our Father”, but it was not a miracle of God but a demonic one, because this person was in delusion, and subsequently he burned.

Ignatius Brianchaninov also has a very interesting work on this subject, please read it. About avoiding reading books containing false teaching.

Again I bring you, faithful son of the Eastern Church, a word of sincere, good advice. This word does not belong to me - it belongs to the Holy Fathers. That's where all my advice comes from. Keep your mind and heart from the teaching of lies. Do not talk about Christianity with people infected with false thoughts; do not read books about Christianity written by false teachers. The Holy Spirit is co-present with Truth: He is the Spirit of Truth. Lies are co-present and assisted by the spirit of the devil, who is lies and the father of lies. He who reads the books of false teachers will certainly become familiar with the evil, dark spirit of lies. Let this not seem strange or incredible to you: this is what the luminaries of the Church - the Holy Fathers - say. If your mind and heart are not written with anything, let the Truth and the Spirit write on them the commandments of God and His spiritual teaching. If you allowed the tablets of the soul to be written and erased with various concepts and impressions; without discerning prudently and carefully - who the writer is, what he writes, then clean out what was written by alien writers, clean it out by repentance and rejection of everything that is contrary to God. Let the finger of God be the writer on your tablets. Prepare for this writer purity of mind and heart through a pious, chaste life: then, during your prayers and when reading sacred books, the law of the Spirit will be invisibly, mysteriously inscribed on the tablets of the soul. You are allowed to read only those books about religion that were written by the Holy Fathers of the universal Eastern Church. This is what the Eastern Church demands from its children.

If you reason differently, and find the command of the Church less solid than the reasoning of yours and others who agree with you, then you are no longer the son of the Church, but its judge. Are you going to call me one-sided, not quite enlightened, a rigorist? Leave me my one-sidedness and all other shortcomings: I wish it better to be obedient to the Eastern Church with these shortcomings than, despite all the imaginary perfections, to be smarter than her, and therefore allow myself to disobey her and separate from her. The true children of the Eastern Church will be pleased with my voice. They know that whoever wants to receive heavenly wisdom must leave his own, earthly wisdom, no matter how great it may be, renounce it, recognize it for what it is, violence (1 Cor. 3:19). Earthly wisdom is enmity against God: it does not submit to the Law of God, and cannot submit (Rom. 8:7). From the beginning this is its property; she will remain like this until her end - when the earth and all the things on it,

and with them earthly wisdom
will be burned up (
Peter 3:10).
The Holy Church allows reading the books of false teachers only those members whose thoughts and heartfelt feelings are healed and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, who can always distinguish from true good the evil that pretends to be good and is covered with the guise of good. The great saints of God, who knew the weakness common to all people, feared the poison of heresy and lies, and therefore, with all possible care, avoided conversations with people infected with false teaching and reading heretical books (Life of Pachomius. Patrologiae Tomus. LXXIII, cap. XLIV). Having before their eyes the fall of the most learned Origen, Arius, skilled in argument, the eloquent Nestorius and others rich in the wisdom of the world, who died from arrogance and conceit, they sought salvation and found it in flight from false teaching, in the most precise obedience to the Church. Spirit-bearing, holy shepherds and Church teachers read the writings of blasphemous heretics, forced to such reading by the necessary need of the entire Christian society. They denounced errors with a strong word, a spiritual word, and announced to all the children of the Church the hidden danger in heretical writings, covered with magnificent names of holiness and piety. But you and I need to be protected from reading books written by false teachers. Anyone who does not belong to the Eastern Church, the only saint, who wrote about Christ, about the Christian faith and morality, has the name of a false teacher. Tell me: how is it possible to allow you to read any book, when every book you read leads you wherever it wants - convinces you to agree to everything that it needs your consent to, to reject everything that it needs you to reject? Experience proves how disastrous the consequences of indiscriminate reading are. How many of the most confusing, incorrect understandings of Christianity can be found among the children of the Eastern Church, those that contradict the teachings of the Church, that condemn this holy teaching - concepts acquired by reading heretical books! Do not be offended, my friend, by my warnings, inspired by the desire for your true good. Will not a father, mother, or kind teacher fear for an innocent, inexperienced baby when he wants to enter a room without restrictions, where there is a lot of poison between the food supplies? The death of the soul is more unfortunate than the death of the body: the dead body will be resurrected, and often the death of the body is the cause of life for the soul; on the contrary, a soul killed by evil is a victim of eternal death. The soul can be killed by one thought containing some kind of blasphemy, subtle, not at all noticeable to those who do not know.
The time will come, the holy Apostle foretold,
when they will not listen to sound teaching, but according to their own lusts they will choose teachers for themselves, with their ears scratched; and they will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to fables (
Tim. 4:3, 4). Do not be seduced by the loud title of the book, which promises to teach Christian perfection to those who still need the food of babies: do not be seduced by the magnificent publication, nor by the painting, the power, the beauty of the style, nor by the fact that the writer is like a saint, as if he has proven his holiness by numerous miracles. False teaching does not stop at any fiction, at any deception, in order to give its fables the appearance of truth, and the more convenient it is to poison the soul with them. False teaching in itself is already a deception. By him the writer is deceived before the reader (2 Tim. 3:13). The sign of a book that is truly, essentially beneficial to the soul is a holy Writer; member of the Eastern Church, approved, recognized by the holy Church. Amen.

“Let no one read,” said Hieromartyr Peter of Damascus, “who does not serve to please God. If he ever reads something of this kind in ignorance, then let him strive to erase it from his memory as quickly as possible by reading the Divine Scriptures and of them precisely those that most serve for the salvation of his soul, according to the state that he has achieved... But let him not read books that are contrary to this. . What need is there to receive an unclean spirit instead of the Holy Spirit? Whoever practices what word receives the properties of that word, although the inexperienced do not see this, as those with spiritual experience see.” St. Peter of Damascus, book one, article on reasoning. Kindness, part 3.

When performing the sacrament of confession, it is necessary to ask the penitent whether he is reading heretical books?
Breviary. Answer "

Canon to the Holy Prophet of God Samuel, Judge of Israel

Song a҃.


Three states of the cross, birth of two, without passion in the depths of the tripartite flood, prayers: yes to you, in the dark, in the middle I will sing the song of victory after the death of the body.

May my barren daughters of virtues be fruitful and grow with your prayers likewise, my dear, barren prozebenie, ꙗ҆́кѡ and I will praise your luminous triumph about sacred, sacred, songs.

The opening of the ancient falsehood of Sarah, and prayer fulfills the manifestation, and unfruitful fruitfulness, the blessing of creation, itself or not. kѡ ѕѣzdꙋ̀ ѧ̀, and ҆з неѧ̀ all good things.

Bzhⷭ҇tvennoy ѡ҆mochiv, blessed, ѻ҆dezhꙋ, for the same secret enlightened є҆сѝ dh҃а, with all the secret, bg Oh, by the way, on the whole, and in the name of God Almighty.


Be with him, the dream is exalted, in the last incarnation, the dream of your true being, why, having begotten sons of all For the sake of faith, you worked fiercely as a fighter.

Song of the city.


We do not boast in wisdom, nor in strength, nor in wealth, but in you, in your steadfast wisdom, bless you, there is no light but you ̀, more person-loving.

The highest god clung to everything, was more glorious, was loved by him and by his beauty, and by his wholeness was good We eat.

Living on earth, yourself, showing, talking to, and even more so Let's face it.

Lightly blessed, see the truly distant present grace, in advance of showing the Almighty.


And from you we will pass through our flesh, all blameless: also the death of this day We honor it.

Sedalen, voice g.

Brought up by the law, anointed with integrity, having anointed the skin with holiness, and enlightening the heart with the spirit of God, The present one foresaw the future, or rather the honest one. God bless you and grant us peace and great mercy.

Glory, and now:

In your birth, seedless conception, in your growth, imperishable death, which happened in the first place, kѡ bo is unsophisticated, the baby-nurse is clean; what kind of mt҃i bg҃ꙋ is dead-bearing mѷroꙋhayushchi; At the same time, we cry out: glad, thank you.

Song of the day.


Sit in glory on the bzhⷭ҇tva prⷭ҇tól, in this light comes the predominant, imperishable hand, and the call to save schy: glory, glory, strength to yours.

We honor our lives with sacred colors, the laws of salvation have been entrusted to you, and we will proclaim them to the merciful, and always merciful. rotting

And the priest, the lawless son, waits, and the righteous one with the house of God, the meaning of the word: the sacred one Well, the last name of the call is introduced in an unflattering way.

The lawful truth stands before our day, just like the ahar of ancient times, who always lived and made sacred sacrifices These are the images that represent the generation of salvation.

Without many of your people, alone or without all the kings of God, anointing them with the blessing of the king, ꙗ҆ I ask for the skin, horning that fortress without a word.


Without exhausting them, in the depths of your skin, the new young people are pleased with the favor, at the call, two, ours, ours We also call: glory, glory, to your strength.

Song є҃.


The wicked do not see your glory, bless you, but we, our only kindred, have the glory of this day and night We sing our praises, more lovingly.

Ou҆mꙋdhrіvsѧ dh҃omj divine, and from infancy the servant was є҆сѝ bg҃ꙋ, є҆leem, glorified, anointed, king of grace anointed, bzh ⷭ with your own manoeuvres.

The disobedient abiding ꙋ predicted є҆сѝ саꙋлꙋ, bezchinnaѧ preposition ꙗ҆їѧ, most blissful, bžⷭ҇tvennoe desire, and ѡ҆ put ꙗ҆́ vѣ bzhⷭ҇tvennagѡ dkhaa.

We are always alive from the beginning, the same translation is clearer, and corrected by the priest Bzhⷭ҇tven, ꙗ҆́ kѡ prⷪ҇rók and ц́ishey.


With us for mercy's sake, and thy sacred blood, above all God, the all-blameless one, incarnates, and the god and the member, the ever-loving one know vaetsi.

Song of ѕ҃.


Cry out, a prototype of the three-day funeral, before the birth of God, in the whale prayer: ѿ tlѝ and izbavi mѧ̀, і҆и҃се, ср҃у́у́ сслъ.

Your word, sagging ѡ҆ is sorely graceful, it is possible to have a lot of it, the very ꙋ ꙋ ꙋ ꙋ ꙋ ꙋ ꙗ҆ ꙗ҆ ꙗ҆ ꙋdo.

We exalt with high visions and deeds, the prophet and the holy priest of the Almighty, the lawful ones who purify the people, the venerable today

Unnecessary saꙋ́l, the criminal was: and bg҃ you, together with the two meek ones, he himself will command you to anoint the ointment Iyu.


I am free from illness, most immaculate, without illness you gave birth to our god, the passion of all and illness. who was healed.

Kontakion, voice i҃:

Ꙗ҆́кѡ a multi-honorable gift, before conceiving in the days of God, and from a young age, ꙋ̀ ꙗ҆́кѡ а҆́ггглъ after ꙋlived є҆сѝ, all-blessed, and ҆ with similar to these things. At the same time, we cry out to you: gladly, in honor of the great Archbishop himself.

Song z҃.


Youths three in the city, the great one is transformed into greatness, in the middle of the flame of the voice: blessed are you, where are you, where are you? It means ours.

This great born gift of all the kingdoms leads, blessedly, to the prayers of the saints who have performed and sung: where are our blessed ones? Gosloven є҆сѝ.

The inside of the temple is the same, and according to the name a҆araѡ́nyu means the desire for nbⷭ҇omꙋ vlⷣtsѣ, bzⷭ҇tvenna b҃got, more glorious than yourself, enlightenment.

With the word blessed, blessed, to the people of God, we always proclaim God’s truth, and reverse all harm to the enemy With diligent prayer.

All things are celebrated, glorious, yours, the mirror of the soul showed itself, the cry is silent: blessed are you, where Let us know ours.


This birth is truly unbearable, before the birth of God. Moreover, my material passions, the Mother of God, have fallen, are merciful and merciful.

Song and.


And to the deliverer of all, all-powerful, in the midst of the flames of the pious, descended into the power of all, and upon them all sang: bless all things, sing gdⷭ҇a.

Ou҆krasivѧ а҆арѡ́́нѧ with і҆и҃лѧ ѡ҆чышаѧ, є҆сѝ, victims, і҆и҃лѧ ѡ҆чышаѧ, heralding the slaughter It is a savior of the lamb.

With a pure thought, dawn, yourself, dhа, ꙗ҆́skoje prⷪ҇rok bzhⷭ҇tven, proclaiming the distant present: today ra Let us truly praise you.

I chose two times to be in the sons of the Iesseevs, who, on the skin of him, anointed him with his ointment, his face, his face, and called out: bless, everything is where, where.

And yours is celebrating the triumph, yourself and righteous companion, with your prayers let us have the kingdom on high, crying out: bless you, all things are done ⷭ҇нѧ, whereⷭ҇а.


Mlⷭ҇рдїѧ your kindness, mercifulness and love of love, and of hell and deliverance from me, and of our darkness: yes in faith and I honor you with love.

Song ѳ҃.


Yesterday, the last word of the world, blessed the world, bless you Everything has flourished. Thus we magnify everything.

Stand, ꙗ҆́кѡ with the word, before the face of the lord and the god of ours, blessed, blameless life ᲂу҆krashen: that ꙋ̀ so ꙋ lived є҆сѝ, bzh True words are more acceptable, and prophecies are more important.

Ꙗ҆вслѧ є҆сѝ ѿ ᲂу҆тор́ва мср́нснс, ст҃агѡ дх҃а сꙋ́дъ: with a sacred request for ѻ҆dezhda, bg҃ꙋ ᲂу҆годи́л You, too, are rich in meekness of heart and have beauty in your thoughts.

Today your remembrance is for us, the sun, the blessed one, all the rich gifts that enlighten the eyes of those who live in darkness. fierce persecutors: even so, we bless you all.

You come up to the brightest sun, and you see the brightest sun, and you see in the future We are righteous, we partake of God, we are inspired by God: we also bless everything.


Corruption did not know the soul, imperishable in the womb before all the words that have come to us and delivered us from many sins, p. This imperishable flesh is the same, the imperishable one is all immaculate.


He himself would have been born, before he conceived this gift from God above, the mother of all the blessed, and the king's anointing, this blessed one. ́y i҆ prⷪ҇rók.

Glory, and now:

And this is the end of the scoop, here, in the weight of the world, bury my body: and you, and my dear, accept my soul.

Akathist to the Cathedral of the Holy Optina Elders


Akathists to the saints

List of akathists

General beginning and end of akathists Troparions, kontakion, glorification of saints Canons for the holy saints of God

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from the vanity of the world, to you, O Reverend Fathers of Optinstia, having reverently lifted up your cross and following Christ by faith, as our bold representative before the Lord, now offering earnest prayer, we cry out with love:

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Ikos 1

Having sought the angelic monastic life with all your heart, rejected all worldly attachments, rejected the wisdom of God, and flowed into the arms of the Father with love into the monastery of Optina, walking along a narrow and sorrowful path until the end of your days. For this reason we sing the praises of Sitsa:

Rejoice, you who joyfully came to the call of the Lord;

Rejoice, having followed Christ with all your desires.

Rejoice, having accepted your cross on your frame;

Rejoice, you who have loved nothing more than the Lord.

Rejoice, having completely denied yourself for Christ’s sake;

Rejoice, heiress of the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 2

Having seen the snares of the devil, like a spider spread out in the world, and having felt in the depths of your hearts that people are saved from them only by humility, you yourself, in warm prayer before the Lord, call out with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having understood with your heart and mind that every living person is not justified by his deeds before God, and always contains his sins before your eyes, the currents of tears, visible to the only Lord, do not cease to flow, bringing repentance of the soul to Him, His image is shown to us, crying:

Rejoice, you who have seen your sins unconcealed;

Rejoice, having received the gift of tenderness and tears from the Lord.

Rejoice, you who have known the bliss of weeping for sins;

Rejoice, you who have acquired incessant sorrow for them.

Rejoice, preacher in the land of repentance;

Rejoice, you are now comforted in heaven by the Lord.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 3

Believe the power of the redemptive suffering of Christ, O saints, as the indestructible hope of salvation, for the worst of all people and the least worthy of mercy, thinking, and for this reason, with much humility and thanksgiving, you ever cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in your hearts the Divine gift of humility, true disciples of Christ, who humbled Himself even to the death of the Cross, all your deeds and labors cannot be imputed to anything. Increasingly by the feat, especially by the growth and humility, marveling at it, we say:

Rejoice, obedience and humility taught by the Savior;

Rejoice, for the Lord’s humility and ascension of Glory.

Rejoice, having achieved freedom from anger and meekness through humility;

Rejoice, for through humility and self-reproach your souls have found peace.

Rejoice, chosen ones enriched by spiritual poverty;

Rejoice, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven, prepared for the poor in spirit.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 4

The storm of passions, raised up by the flesh and the devil, quenching the mind, the ruler over the destructive passions, postnically, having courageously forced the nature, venturing through the grace of God to subdue the worst to the better and enslave the flesh to the spirit, sing to the heroic Christ without ceasing: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the word of the Lord, that the Kingdom of Heaven is in need and only the needy are delighted with it, with fasting, vigil and prayer, you constantly strived and crucified your flesh with the passions and lusts of Christ, inviolably observing the monastic rules. We also honor you:

Rejoice, you who did not bear the good yoke of Christ through love;

Rejoice, you who have not extinguished your spirit with sobriety of heart.

Rejoice, you who set your lips on strong guardianship;

Rejoice, you who mercilessly oppressed your own body.

Rejoice, you who combined mental work with physical feats;

Rejoice, in your patience your souls have gained.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 5

The luminous name of Jesus, like an invincible weapon against the demonic army, is constantly carried in the heart with faith, the ever-flowing source of grace is found, rising from strength to strength and adding fire to fire, you sing to God with purified meaning: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Constantly perceiving our own weakness and the saving, grace-filled power of the Jesus Prayer, never cease to do it, cutting through the passions and burning all the machinations of the enemy, in the silence of the heart a prayerful conversation with the Lord has been mysteriously acquired, you teach us to cry out to you:

Rejoice, having immersed your whole mind in prayer;

Rejoice, you who have had complete grief in your hearts.

Rejoice, you who thought of nothing in vanity during prayer;

Rejoice, you who continually called upon the name of Jesus.

Rejoice, heartfelt prayers made by the ascetic;

Rejoice, all who ask in the name of the Lord and receive prayer books.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 6

Standing with your heart in prayer before the Cross for the sins of mankind of the suffering Lord, you weep, venerable one, sorrow for your sins, consumed and inflamed with unspeakable love for our Redeemer, until the end of your life you tremblingly cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of Divine love has shone in your hearts, you have hated and abhorred earthly glory and praise, but you have joyfully accepted dishonor from men and all sorrows with an open heart, and have diligently embraced the reproach of Christ. The image of suffering and patience is shown to us, calling:

Rejoice, you who bore the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ on your body;

Rejoice, reproach, like a cleansing medicine, you who drank diligently.

Rejoice, having turned away from earthly honors with all your heart;

Rejoice, you have prayed with love for those who hate you.

Rejoice, those who have offended you, as you who have loved benefactors;

Rejoice, give thanks to the Merciful Lord who has never passed away.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord saved all mankind and came into the mind of truth, seeing your good will and unceasing labor in fulfilling His commandments, He opened your mind to understand His ways and taught you by His justification. With the same enlightened heart I will sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Wonderful are Thy works, O Lord, that Thou didst admonish Thy servants even more than a scribe, who seek Thee with all their hearts, and open their eyes, that they may understand the wonders of Thy law. We bless Thy saints, our fathers Optinverse, who have always studied in Thy commandments, which we loved dearly, and we sing to them:

Rejoice, O words of God, for you have hidden much wealth in your heart;

Rejoice, having loved the path of God’s commandments with all your heart.

Rejoice, you who hate every path of unrighteousness;

Rejoice, you who have strayed from the path of the Lord.

Rejoice, having prepared yourself for the good fight and not being embarrassed;

Rejoice, having embraced the word of God, having found much peace in Christ.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 8

Thinking of strangers and strangers on earth, do not desire to acquire anything from the corruptible things of this world, so that your hearts will not be drawn to the earth, but cling to the one God, purely lifting up the song to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Every carnal passion that separates you from the love of the Lord is wholeheartedly rejected, seeking the only need. Always sit at the foot of Jesus with unswerving love, not attaching your heart to the good things of this life, and placing all your trust in the Lord. We also praise you, saints:

Rejoice, having passed away your life without attachment to the world;

Rejoice, having freed yourself from earthly worries and having known the sweetness of pure prayer.

Rejoice, having put aside the cares of this life with firm faith;

Rejoice, having killed the destructive passions through non-covetousness and obedience.

Rejoice, having sacredly kept the monastic vow of non-covetousness;

Rejoice, obedients of Christ who have cut off their will.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 9

All your prayers and all your strength, venerable one, strive to achieve purity of soul and body, without which, according to the words of Christ, no one will see God; In the same way, with a pure heart, in the paradise of the Lord you have been deemed worthy to sing the wonderful song of the righteous, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

You do not allow carnal lusts to fight against your soul through fasting and taming prayer, and sinful thoughts to dominate you. Take therefore the following praise from us:

Rejoice, having attracted the grace of God in the struggle against the flesh with humility;

Rejoice, having loved labors and hardships and rejected bodily peace.

Rejoice, by fasting and all-night prayers you have mortified the lust of the flesh;

Rejoice, you who have overcome the laws of nature by the power of Christ.

Rejoice, you have brought your bodies and souls pure to the Lord;

Rejoice, pure of heart, seeing God in eternal bliss.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 10

If you want to save your souls for eternal life, all your thoughts about earthly and temporal things are given to our Savior, the great commandment about love was given by His disciple, followed by deed and truth. For the sake of your neighbors, then, with warm love, love the Heavenly Father of all people, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having loved your neighbor with all your soul, you have found the Kingdom of God within yourself, and in the same way, the fire of God’s love has descended into your hearts, which you are immeasurably satisfied with, completely sacrificing yourself in the deed of love. Now you hear this reverent singing from us:

Rejoice, having loved all people with holy love;

Rejoice, that in some way you can save all who have been.

Rejoice, you who sighed tearfully over human sorrows;

Rejoice, you who have contained all those who flow in your hearts.

Rejoice, having vainly let go of no one;

Rejoice, you who have given your souls for your neighbors.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 11

We offer prayer singing to you, our venerable fathers of Optinstia, for it is truly your right to walk in your path by knowledge. Blessed are you, who worked for Christ and put to shame the power of the enemy, the true rule of virtue was shown to all who call upon the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We praise your bright deeds, our reverend fathers Optinstia, we bless you, as glorious mentors of monks and wonderful interlocutors of Angels now in heaven standing before the Throne of God and praying for us, singing to you with love:

Rejoice, zealot of unceasing zeal for sobriety;

Rejoice, guardian of the incessant flame of the heart.

Rejoice, steadfast pillars of obedience, having endured everything;

Rejoice, you who through many sorrows have entered the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, equal angelic ascetic of the monastic life;

Rejoice, good servants of God, blasia and faith.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 12

Ask us from the Lord for the gift of grace, you who truly praise for blessing. Hear our sighs, do not despise our tears. Pray to the Lord to quench our fierce passions, to give us lamentation over our sins, so that with a pure soul and undefiled lips we may be worthy to sing with you in the paradise of the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing you now, O Reverend, with voices of praise, we know that you do not seek the singing of the lips, but by your feat of following, humility of heart and a life of correction. Moreover, in repentance we ask for your help, but strive for love, we say:

Rejoice, protectors of the good of those who live;

Rejoice, you who strengthen the weak and the orphaned.

Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those who are falling;

Rejoice, you who send down comforting tears to those who repent.

Rejoice, to all who call upon you to be a quick helper;

Rejoice, warm intercessors of our salvation before God.

Rejoice, reverend fathers of Optinstia, for the grace of the eldership of the lamp.

Kontakion 13

About the glorification of the saints of Christ, the reverend fathers and elders, Moses, Anthony, Isaac, Hilarion, Anatoly, Joseph and the Second Isaac, Leo, Macarius, Ambrose, Barsanuphius, the Second Anatoly, Nektarios and Nikon, like the seven pillars and seven lamps in the Optina monastery that shone forth ! Hear our current prayer and ask the Lord for humility and remembrance of death, that the Lord will deliver us from all evil and grant the Christian death of all those who cry out to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O great saints of God, pillars and lamps of the Land of Russia, our venerable and God-bearing fathers Optinstia, Leo, Macarius, Moses, Anthony, Hilarion, Ambrose, Anatoly, Isaac and Joseph, Barsanuphius, Anatoly, Nektarios, Nikon and Isaac, according to the law of the Gospel of the Lord She loved God with all her heart and with all her soul and with all her mind and for the salvation of all God’s people; For this reason, under the protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, we came to the monastery of Optina, founded by a repentant thief, who came along the narrow and sorrowful path of humility and self-reproach until the end of your days, having also abundantly acquired the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit; old and young, noble and simple, wise of this age and weak-minded, deprived of no one from those who are coming to you, having let go of no one in vain and inconsolable, but with the light of the truth of Christ enlightening everyone and spiritually resurrecting them, your neighbors as yourself, who loved even those in your heart containing, according to the words of the Apostle, prophesying and edifying, exhorting and comforting. Pray to the Merciful Lord, into the heavenly abode of the prudent thief who has taken with him, to grant us, unworthy, like workers of the eleventh hour, a spirit of contrition, purification of the heart, guardianship of the mouth, righteousness of actions, humble wisdom, tears of repentance, unashamed faith, unfeigned love, peace of mind and physical health, may the Lord grant us a good answer at His Last Judgment through your intercession, saving us from eternal torment, and may the Kingdom of Heaven be honored with you forever and ever. Amen.

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