The effectiveness of Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers and reviews of them

Friends, have you heard that Joseph Murphy wrote scientific prayers that help make wishes come true? Perhaps you have read his books, or glimpsed articles with examples of these prayers? But most likely, if you are new to learning how the power of thought works, this is the first time you have heard about them.

Today I will tell you what kind of person he is, what is the meaning of his scientific prayers and how to use them. I immediately want to get ahead of all events and say that Joseph Murphy’s prayers are created for all occasions. They are written for both men and women. Absolutely for any area of ​​life: love, family, wealth, money, business, home, health, self-confidence, favorite thing, and so on and so forth.

Attention! If you have not encountered methods of fulfilling desires using the power of thought before, be sure to read what this can lead to >>>>

Joseph Murphy is a very interesting person, philosopher, writer, researcher of positive thinking.

He has written more than 30 books on psychological self-help and self-improvement.

It was Joseph Murphy who created the term - scientific prayers for all occasions.

In his books, he told people how to fulfill their desires and popularized effective scientific prayers that bear fruit for many people who use them.

Joseph Murphy's life - a description of his life

This man is from England, he is called a British writer and psychologist.
He was born on May 20, 1898, back in the late 19th century, in and, and died a mega-popular American on December 16, 1981 (at the age of 83), in Laguna Hills, in the USA. Studied in Ireland and England. He lectured to hundreds of thousands of people across the planet for almost half a century. Frankly, one can call him a Protestant preacher: officially he was called the leader of the Church of Divine Science. He became famous as a psychologist, scientist, and pastor in Los Angeles, where he lived for almost 30 years and wrote about 30 books. His weekly meetings in churches were attended by up to one and a half thousand people each time. In America, his daily popular radio program was broadcast for a long time. Dear Friends, we remind you that on the pages of our church store “House of Icons” you can always buy a pectoral cross, you can also if you are looking for where to buy a cross and see a catalog of crosses, then it’s easy do it with us!

Interestingly, many wanted to write his official biography, but Murphy essentially did not want people to know the details of his life. He refused all requests and claimed that his entire biography was in his works, broadcasts, and monographs.

It is fashionable to call Murphy the creator of the theory of positive thinking, because he created the so-called scientific prayers. In the course of his psychological research, this philosopher came to the widely known concept today that we ourselves program our lives.

Murphy proposed getting rid of fears and anxieties with the help of the subconscious, which continued the ideas of Freud and Jung, which he obviously deeply perceived while studying at English universities. After his death, his books were translated into many languages ​​of the world and audiobooks were recorded. There are a number of Murphy societies in several countries around the world; in Russia, his legacy has been republished more than once.

Is it possible for an Orthodox person to read these scientific prayers? It is possible, probably, because we pray in our own words. And in Murphy’s prayers there is also gratitude to God, and setting oneself up for good, trusting in the Lord.

Healing Prayer

Prayer for healing:

“The healing Divine presence now goes to work, transforming, healing, restoring and directing all the processes of my body, according to His wisdom and Divine nature. My entire body is cleansed and activated by the life-affirming energy of God. A divine purification is taking place in my mind and body. The joy of the Lord is my constant strength. Every part of my body is healthy and I give thanks for that. Amen". The healing power of God is now flowing through me, healing my body. The Infinite healing Presence created me. It knows how to heal, knows all the processes and functions of my body. I declare that the Holy Spirit is now moving through me, maintaining and restoring my entire being in accordance with the principle of wholeness, beauty and perfection."

Important prayer for women for healing a child

“My daughter (son) is under Divine protection. God loves her (him) and takes care of her (him). Divine peace fills her (his) soul. She (he) is balanced, calm, relaxed, she (he) feels at ease and well. The joy of the Lord is her (his) strength. The Healing Presence flows through her/him and brings harmony, peace, joy, love and perfection. God exists, and His Presence infuses vitality, energizes and restores her entire being. My daughter(s) falls asleep in peace and wakes up in joy.”

Joseph Murphy prayers - all the prayers he has.

In illness

I will restore your health and heal your wounds, said the Lord. I know that with God all things are possible. I believe in this and accept it with all my heart. I know that the Higher Power within me is turning darkness into light. Now I contemplate God abiding in me. I say a prayer for healing of my mind and body. I come into contact with the life, love, truth and beauty that is within me. I tune in to Divine love. I know that harmony, health and peace now fill me. Since I live and act, affirming ideal health, it becomes reality. Now I imagine a mental picture and feel the reality of my perfect body. A feeling of calm fills me. Thank You, Father.

Gratitude to God's Love

Divine love surrounds me.

Divine peace fills my soul.

Divine light shows me the way.

Divine guidance is now mine.

Divine beauty fills my heart.

God favors me in everything!

Women's prayer for marriage

I know that God and I are one now.

In it I live, move and abide. God is life, and it is the life of all men and women. We are all sons and daughters of the same Father. I know and believe that there is a person who wants to love and cherish me.

I know that I can create his happiness and peace. He loves my ideals, and I love his ideals. He doesn't want to change me, and I don't want to change him either. There is mutual love, freedom and respect between us. There is only one mind, and now in that mind I recognize this person.

I am now connecting with the strengths and personal qualities that I admire in my husband. I am one with him in my mind. We know and love each other in the Divine mind.

I see God in him, and he sees God in me. Having become acquainted with him within myself, I must also become acquainted with him from the outside, since this is the law of my own mind. These words reach the one to whom they are sent.

I know that now it is fulfilled, completed and realized in God. Thank you, Father.

Murphy's Prayer in Trouble

Divine harmony, peace and abundance are with me. Divine love emanates from me, blessing everyone who comes into my environment. Divine love is healing me now.

I will fear no evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred aura of Divine love and power.

I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spells of Divine love and vigilance guide, heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.

Prayer before bed

Divine calm and incomparable peace fill my mind and soul. I am completely calm, because every minute my thoughts are full of peace, harmony and goodness. I fill my mind with thoughts of peace, harmony and goodness. The Lord is my Shepherd, the river of His calmness fills me with peace. Now I can go to sleep, for I am confident that I am in His safety and blessing. Today is God's day. I choose harmony, peace, perfect health, Divine law and order, Divine love, beauty, abundance, security and inspiration. By affirming these truths in my life, I know that I am activating the abilities of my subconscious mind that cause me to demonstrate all of these qualities. I know that God can give me everything I want. Thank you, Lord, that this is so

Forgiveness Prayer

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate Divine love, peace and goodwill to all people, wherever they are. There is peace at the center of my being, it is the peace of God.

In this silence I feel His power, the guidance and the love of His Holy Presence. I am Divinely guided in all my paths.

I am a clear channel for Divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. God's ways are my ways. The words I speak go where I send them.

I rejoice and give thanks, knowing that my prayer will be answered. And so it is.

About business

I realized where the eternal source of all wealth is, which never runs out.

I am guided in all my paths by Divine power, and I accept all new ideas. Infinite intelligence continually reveals to me better ways of serving my fellow men. He guides me and directs me to create products that will be a blessing and support to humanity.

I attract the best people to run my business.

I am a powerful magnet and attract fabulous wealth by providing people with superior quality products and service. I am constantly attuned to higher intelligence and the true essence of wealth. The highest Divine power always guides my plans and goals, and all my achievements are based on the truth that God guides and guides me in all my undertakings.

I am in a peaceful state internally and externally all the time. I'm a huge success. I am one with God, and God always succeeds. I also always succeed. And now I'm succeeding.

I quickly grasp the essence of all the details of my business.

I radiate love and goodwill to all people around me and all employees. I fill my mind and heart with Divine love, strength and energy. All those who are connected with me are the spiritual links of my growth, wealth and prosperity.

I do everything for the glory of God. I'm becoming a rich man!

Prayer for Healing

Just a few phrases plus faith can create the foundation for future health. “I am free from disease and powerful in immunity, strong and healthy as a bull, full of harmony, love and energy.” We must understand that all diseases come from the subconscious, the brain sends pain, and the body is ready to heal at any second. Divine energy can spread throughout the body, it cleanses and fills with light.

For healing, a force is used that can overcome distances, increasing healing power along the way, it is specifically sent to the name of the person who reads the text according to Joseph Murphy. The author teaches methods of forgiveness for the sake of health, getting rid of pessimism. It is important to be able to calm your thoughts and accept a state of mental relaxation from time to time, plunging into a state of energy reboot.

Prayer for wish fulfillment

All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world.

Now I ask that they be fulfilled and that I am ready to accept this gift.

I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles.

I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything we think about sooner or later happens in reality.

This is the principle of our consciousness.

I feel that what I asked for will certainly come true, and therefore I am absolutely calm.

There is a strong confidence in the heart that the desire will soon come true. My whole being is full of joyful excitement.

I am at peace, for the Lord is peace and tranquility.

Thank You, my Heavenly Father. Let it be so.

Is it possible to treat these prayers as Orthodox ones?

The answer to this question is obvious - no. In general, the holy fathers are skeptical about such prayers, calling them useless. We are not talking about the witchcraft and magic side here either. Therefore, if you look at this from a church point of view, then by reading these prayers, a person does not commit a sin.

According to the author, every person has inside himself a small piece of the Universe with which he needs to talk. Joseph Murphy argues that everyone can tune themselves in the right way.

You just need to learn to work with your subconscious and believe in yourself. Then any cherished desire, including to become rich, will soon come true.

Joseph Murphy also believes that any person can achieve even the most seemingly impossible goal. According to him, people already have what they want. All that remains is to extract this by working with your subconscious and the Universe.

Another statement by the psychologist is that you don’t have to wait for your desire to come true. Sooner or later, it will still come true. You just have to want it.

Joseph says that his prayers only work if he has faith. If it is not there, and a person simply pronounces words without working with his subconscious, then there can be no talk of fulfilling a desire.

Let us repeat once again: the main thing is faith in the effectiveness of Joseph Murphy’s prayers, and it does not matter for what purpose they are read - for money, happiness or good luck.

It is worth noting that the writer created his prayers over the course of a decade. He even has a large church at his disposal, which he built in Los Angeles.

There he teaches people to work with their subconscious, tune it in a good way and direct energy in the right direction. He is also trying to convey to people that prayer is not a request, but a statement of fact, a future reality.

Murphy's Main Prayer

My creative word gives me confidence that prayer will be answered. When I speak a word of healing, success or prosperity, it will be fulfilled.

My word has power because it and the Almighty are one. The words I speak are always constructive and creative. When I pray they are full of life, love and feeling.

I know that the more faith I have behind a spoken word, the more power that word has.

What is the difference between religious prayers and Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers?

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers do not require affiliation with any religion, but require faith in oneself and the possibilities of the Universe.

They do not contain requests.

As the author himself says,

we already have what we ask for.

You shouldn’t ask and wait, because your wish will be fulfilled, one way or another.

It's enough to just believe. Believe in its fulfillment.

We tend to doubt and wait for guarantees. Most religious people, when they say a prayer, look for its confirmation.

But everything is simple. The guarantee is our inner strength. Our inner confidence that we will get everything we want, that our desire will come true.

Joseph Murphy's scientific prayers should not be memorized; they are free dialogues with the universe and your inner strength.

Joseph Murphy books

There are a huge number of editions and reprints of Murphy's works, books, lectures and broadcasts. Murphy's most important and important books are as follows.

  • "Control your destiny."

This book will help you set your goals and go towards them. This is more psychology than religion. If you can’t decide where to move in life, read.

  • "Live life to the fullest."

Attuning yourself to the versatility of this world, to the joy of life, goodness and beauty in the little things. After all, we often don’t live our lives today and now in pursuit of big goals.

  • "The Healing Power of Prayer."

The main book about scientific prayers. You will learn how to read them, what they are needed for, what the power of the subconscious is. Through prayer we invite the Lord to be involved in our lives.

  • “Discover the divine power within you.”

The book partly teaches synergy - the Christian concept of unity with God, co-creation with Him in your life. Man is weak and dependent on circumstances, but with God we can do anything!

  • "The power of your subconscious."

About the power that lies within a person. You can either argue with it or accept it. Read and think about it for yourself, we recommend comparing it with the books of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)

  • "Believe in yourself".

Our despondency and sadness are often due to cowardice, lack of faith in God and in ourselves. The Lord loves each of us, great strength lies within us. You just need to correctly understand your purpose through prayer, through the Sacraments of the Church.

  • “Techniques for controlling the subconscious mind.”

Are we subject to our subconscious? Does our upbringing or origin, our zodiac signs give us guidelines for our future life? These are the things Murphy thinks about.

  • "Amazing games of the mind and subconscious."

Is it possible to subordinate the subconscious to the conscious? of course, because our life is not a blind game of chance, but our destiny, which is controlled by us and the Lord. Christ does not lie or deceive those who pray to Him.

  • "Cosmic Energy: The Miraculous Power of the Universe"

Here we may wonder if paganism is Murphy's technique? Take advantage of it for yourself. After all, the Universe and the world around us are God’s creation. As we are. Let us admire it, take strength from it: the simplicity and strength of the wind, the tenacity and infinity of the sea, the memory of the Earth...

Life-improving prayer

Who is Joseph Murphy ? He is a writer, philosopher, teacher who has written many books about the power of the mind of man himself, about his abilities to change his life.

Before you start reading the Prayer, you must set yourself a goal that you want to achieve or a plan that you want to implement. Goals and plans must be positive, not harmful to anyone.

After this, you need to instill them in your subconscious, imagining how they have already been implemented. They must be presented as clearly as a picture. And you must support this vision with great Faith in the fulfillment of what you want, then the Prayer will be heard.

After reading it, you will be surprised how what you were afraid to even dream about will begin to come true. There are prayers for all occasions.

What can happen? A new job offer with a big salary may appear, or relatives will appear who want to donate part of the inheritance, or some person will make a gift that can turn your whole life around.

How it works? The philosopher's Scientific Prayers connect you to the channel of the Divine Abundance of the Universe, where there is everything you could wish for. But your intentions must be sincere and desired.

After forming a desire, you need to read a prayer from the magic book of Joseph Murphy.

Forget the negative past, fill your mind with Divine Love, because Divine Love dissolves all the bad things that happened in the past. It turns out that everything can be changed only by filling your subconscious with positive thoughts.

Murphy Joseph Technique

In fact, this is an almost Orthodox morning rule, that is, Murphy’s technique is taken from Christianity and other world religions. He advises to tune in to the positive, to accept the good, to be happy in the morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. This is exactly the time during which morning and evening Orthodox prayers are read according to the prayer book. Moreover, experienced confessors today advise changing prayers, reading different ones, so as not to get used to their words. Try incorporating Murphy's prayers into your rule, you might like it. The purpose of prayers is to thank God and find your goals in life.

We can say that Murphy does not only have the theme of repentance, living through one’s mistakes before God, or confession. Therefore, supplement them with other prayers and, of course, go to church, confess and receive communion, so that in the Sacraments of the Church you can receive God’s grace and help to the fullest.

How to read a prayer correctly

Joseph Murphy's prayers for money and luck, the text of which is above, should not be read when a person feels irritability, anxiety, or anger. Words are pronounced only in complete calm, concentration and in a good mood.

In general, Joseph Murphy recommends letting less negative energy pass through you, but only positive energy. Then reality will seem just as optimistic.

It is better to read the words of prayers in the morning immediately after waking up, when the consciousness is not yet polluted and the body feels completely relaxed. It is also recommended to pray at night, when all the work has already been done and family members are sleeping. At this time you need to be in bed in complete relaxation.

Reading time – 15 minutes. You need to pray for at least 1 month. All negative thoughts must be driven away, no working equipment, crying children and screaming animals.

Complete relaxation and concentration. You need to read in a lying position with your eyes closed. Every word should pass through the soul. While reading, you need to imagine how your wish comes true.

According to Joseph Murphy, this can take a lot of time for some. After all, a person must learn to work with his subconscious. And this can take much more than 1 month. To learn how to quickly get into the right frame of mind, the psychologist recommends reading his books on self-development and self-knowledge.

Prayers for different occasions

Prayer to help you find a job

This miracle prayer will help you find a good job:

“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me.”

Prayer against curses

Words of prayer that will deliver you from curses:

“I call on the angels of God and all the Light Divine energies and forces that can help me get rid of all curses. If I cursed someone in my life, then I renounce all my curses! I realize all my mistakes! I consciously and forever destroy, burn with Divine Fire all my curses of the past, present and future times! From now on and forever, I prohibit the dark forces from using my curses in their dark deeds.”

Prayer to Attract Love

Prayer for men who dream of meeting their soulmate. Words of prayer for love:

“I now declare that she has the following qualities and virtues: spirituality, devotion, loyalty and sincerity. She is harmonious, calm, happy. We are irresistibly drawn to each other. Only the one who belongs to love, truth and integrity can enter my life. Now I accept my ideal soul mate.”

Effective Prayer for the success of a loved one

“I mentally dig inside myself and get wonderful ideas for better service to people and for my own achievements. I know that I have inner resources, energy, strengths and abilities that I have never discovered before. I know that Infinite Intelligence is revealing them to me now as I consciously delve into my inner treasure.”

Prayer for the fulfillment of any desire

“I introduce into my daily practice the rule of imagining for myself and for others everything that is worthy, lovable and honorable. Now I imagine that I am doing what I have long dreamed of; I imagine that I possess those things that I have long desired to possess; I imagine that I am what I passionately desire to be. To make it all real, I feel the reality of it and know that it is so. Father! Thank you!"

Prayer for money, wealth and abundance

This prayer must be read 2 times.

1. “I was born for Success. The Infinite that is within me knows no failure. Divine Law governs my life. Divine Peace fills my Soul. Divine Love saturates my Mind. Infinite Intelligence guides me. I am thriving, moving forward, growing mentally, spiritually and financially. I know that these Truths are sinking into my Subconscious Mind and will continue to develop.”

Dear friends, the power of magical Prayers has been tested by many people.
Perhaps they will help you find happiness, a good job, and financial well-being. source

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