Conversations with the priest. Is it possible to maintain peace of mind in modern life?

Peace is the creation of peace in your soul.
Internal peace is understood as such an internal state of a person when he experiences peace and tranquility in his soul (a state of serenity and peace). It is impossible to become peaceful without gigantic internal work on oneself, on self-development. And first of all, you need to decide on your life values. Peace is the starting point, as long as there is no peace in the soul, there is no spiritual development, there is no harmony of life. Peace should become the main principle of your life, its center, the axis around which all your life goals are formed. Because peace in the soul is the measure of happiness that we all strive for. Peace is the ability to accept this world, but at the same time create your own world in the soul, full of love and harmony. See Accept as is. “A person with a huge reserve of patience and tolerance goes through life with a special degree of calm and tranquility. Such a person is not only happy and emotionally balanced, but he is also healthier and less susceptible to illness. He has a strong will, a good appetite, and it is easier for him to fall asleep, because his conscience is clear.” Dalai Lama “True peace is achieved only by those who have completely eliminated the desire for sensual pleasures, are free from desires, do not consider themselves the owner of anything and have gotten rid of the false ego.” Bhagavad Gita “Peace is enjoying the world within oneself. By fulfilling one’s duties, a person achieves peace.” Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov. “Inner peace will help you endure all the hardships of life with calm and balance. This does not mean that you will not have problems and disappointments in life, but that you will have the strength to overcome and resolve these problems with confidence and calm.” Andelin Helen. Inner peace is one of the main components of success and happiness. A lot depends on the internal state of a person. In any area of ​​life, it is important what is inside a person. Because it determines what he projects into the world. Peace comes when a person is in complete harmony with himself, other people and the world around him. When a person receives pleasure, his senses experience satisfaction. But it should be remembered that the reasons that give this feeling can be both good and bad. Sun, light, food, laughter, music and relaxation - these can be classified as benefits that are useful. Material values ​​and luxury may please the senses, but will they bring peace and tranquility? Sinful pleasures never lead to good. They destroy not only the body, but also the spirit, so you should abandon them and avoid any temptations in every possible way. Achieving high goals can make a person happy and peaceful. Despite the fact that obstacles are overcome through struggle and trials, they bring the joy of victory and self-confidence. It is very difficult to describe what happiness is; it needs to be felt. Articles about Virtues.
Harmony “The Art of Peace” - Ueshiba Morihei.
Harmony and balance. Humility. About Patience. The recipe for Unity is Tolerance. What is happiness? Happiness is a property of the Soul. Parable "Be happy." “The image of yourself as a happy person” - Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich. Creativity of a happy life. Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

The building of peace and love is destroyed by pride and built by humility

...The malicious enemy began to strongly arm you against each other, and not without your fault: but it is true that there was a cry for peace; for where there is a fall, pride precedes it, according to the word of John Climacus. Look: just as the edifice of peace and love is overthrown by exaltation, so by humility it is rebuilt. Extinguish the spark of hostility while it is still small, but if it flares up, then it will be more difficult. I told you and wrote that peace and love are tempted by the opposite. Show love to your sister when you see her indignant from the enemy; She, poor thing, is not happy about this, but she also grieves, but the enemy’s pretext shakes the dispensation; give alms to the soul at this time, it is more expensive than what we give to the poor - this is real monastic alms. This is what I am writing to both of you; each in turn do this, and the networks of the enemy will be crushed, with the help of God (III, 146, 270).

I am greatly consoled by your peaceful agreement, which I rejoice at as my own good; it will give you a lot of strength for your feat, which will henceforth appear in the field of your life; It seems that you have been quite experienced and have learned what burden comes from embarrassment, and what is the cause of it? It is obvious that pride and pride, from which A.’s envy was indignant, and M.’s zeal was inflamed (IV, 33, 68).

No matter how hard we try about them, everything is the same: everyone is right, there is not a single one to blame; What kind of world should there be here? There is nothing to say about whims: we don’t want to recognize that passions dominate us, but we think that people are to blame. Woe to us! we have left the humble path, and are walking proud, obstinate; for this we are deprived of peace and tranquility (V, 239, 359).

Lasting peace living together is achieved through temptations

...Peace cannot be durable when there are no battles and is not experienced; and if insults appear in feelings against each other, then you need to destroy them in yourself with humility and love. The enemy will not leave, so as not to raise zeal and reproaches against each other; but you have experienced - self-reproach and humility overthrow his machinations; and when one says that, although with love, the other is offended, and after the embarrassment, by revelation, takes the thought: “I won’t speak now,” I cannot praise this. In simplicity of heart, with love, warn each other and consult in everything; although some confusion may occur, it will still be overthrown; God forbid, if a spark sinks into the heart and is hidden, it can cause a big fire; Don’t allow this to happen: you don’t have an older cell in your cell, but each considers itself smaller than the other, then each will be the eldest... Be careful, don’t let your heart become exalted that you live well and have peace; You can endure great punishment for your opinion; consider yourself the worst and last of all (IV, 6:12-13).

...I sincerely rejoice that you have peace among yourself and that you have learned where each person’s confusion comes from - from yourself and from your own dispensation; know also that when there was no battle, there would be no temptation; you have seen warfare, victory and defeat, you have known the weapon against the evil enemy - self-reproach and humility, which attracts God’s help (IV, 33, 65-66).

Special parties destroy peace and love

God save you from special parties and so that one does not know the other; this means destroying the love planted by God and confirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He commanded us: then everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among each other (John 13:35), and if you don’t have it, then whose disciples will there be? And St. the Apostle John pierced all his Epistles with love, wanting to establish it in the disciples of Christ... However, love for neighbors is not shown by going around all the cells, but by not avoiding community and fraternal greeting; not as some believe that one mother’s daughters should no longer have any intercourse with others; this is not pleasing to God, and I do not advise you to follow these rules if something like this were to happen... (IV, 39, 81, 82).

For the elevation of the heart, unworldliness is allowed

And do not be arrogant or arrogant about the fact that there is now peace between you, but humbly preserve it, remembering the word: where they say peace, there is destruction and destruction (1 Thess. 5:3), and this is for arrogance, as we see from the psalm: Az I groaned in my abundance: I do not move... You turned away Your face and was confused (Ps. 29: 7, 8) (III, 149, 273).

After peace, you write, excitement and a storm of confusion and unpeace befell you. This was to be expected; I noticed how you both were carried away by some kind of arrogance in your world; and the enemy is already trying to disrupt it in some way, and what were the pretexts? Afterwards, marvel at this yourself; there was no lack of self-reproach, humility, or love here; but on the contrary, everything was the opposite. Here it was convenient for him to swear at you. Moreover, cowardice has befallen you for not correcting yourself; and it confused you even more; and instead of once reproaching herself, explaining herself and saying: “I’m sorry,” as happened before, and calming down, she suffered until she had sufficiently punished herself (III, 245, 408–409).

I wrote to you so that your world would not be arrogant, but set guards: love and humility. Love does not fall, and humility will not allow it even more and will strengthen it, but here work is needed, not words (III, 246, 412).

I advise you not to be too arrogant that I will preserve peace, nor to be embarrassed that it won’t be: these are two extremes, opposite to each other and useless. And when peace remains between you, do not be arrogant, and if confusion appears, do not become rigid, but subvert it with accusation and self-reproach (III, 225, 376).

...You are peaceful among yourself, but let not your hearts be lifted up about this; and do not each attribute to yourself that the world is being organized from you or from your efforts, but rather let each prefer the other and attribute to her the bearing of weakness, and reproach herself (IV, 167, 410).

...You are peaceful among yourself and calm in your cell, but guard this gift with humility; Beware of boasting and the opinion that you live better than others; on the contrary, consider yourself worse than everyone else... (IV, 8.17).

We must seek peace and love within ourselves, and not demand it from people.

Your question in response to the words of the Gospel: and there is peace on earth - “where is the peace?” - not quite dexterous. The world has been given to us, but we ourselves are the reason that we are deprived of it; If we fulfill the commandments of God, then nothing can take peace from us. We must seek love and peace within ourselves, and not demand it from people. When there could be no insults to our temptation, then why would there be a commandment about patience and love of enemies? Before the coming of Christ, people were under a curse and had no peace, but by this (coming) they were reconciled with the Father (111.239, 399


He who endures all sorrows with thanksgiving finds peace

We must endure sorrow for our sins in this life if we wish to be pardoned at the Last Judgment; therefore, it is better to endure those whom the Lord sends: consider yourself unworthy of peace, and then everyone who comes from the outside, whether from relatives or from N.., insults will be more bearable and easier for you; I cannot indicate any other means of preserving spiritual peace, in the midst of this world full of troubles and misfortunes. In your patience gain your souls (Luke 21:19), says the Lord Himself, and all the holy fathers teach that in the patience of sorrows lies our salvation... (I, 411, 703).

“When you find unchanging peace on your path, then fear”

“Army and intercession, confusion and peace, sorrow and consolation” alternately visit us in our feat, which I see in you: now “languid and sorrowful,” now again “joyful and pleasant,” and from this a person comes to humility and spiritual prosperity . If you always have or want to have “the world is unchanged, then be afraid,” writes St. Isaac (Homily 78); and in gradual change we learn the true path we follow (III, 225,377).

In the 78th Word of Isaac the Syrian, we wrote to you to read the article: “When you find unchanging peace on your path, then fear,” which is very understandable and makes it clear that when a person thinks to have eternal peace, then he should be afraid of this. For in the struggle with passions, until they are completely defeated and we come to humility, we cannot have constant peace, but there is battle and intercession, fear and hope, darkness and light (V, 12.43).

The love of money destroys the world

You write: “friendship doesn’t lose count”; This is a worldly proverb, and the spiritual wisdom: “yours and mine” is pekullukavogo - and this is in relation to acquisitiveness and love of money - the root of all evil; and you, as you yourself see, have calculations flowing from another stinking source, from pride and pride, and so does that one, and maybe something else. All this does not create friendship, but destroys it. I advise you and her to avoid small calculations as much as possible and not to harbor the passion of love of money, not wanting to be obligated to each other. This is in the full sense: “peace”! Heart peace and harmony are more valuable than all the treasures of the world; keep it more than money or pride (III, 224, 375).

“The assembly of the humble is like the assembly of Seraphim”

Thank God that, if possible, you are trying to maintain peace and love for the Lord; but how are they accomplished and strengthened? You know this quite well - through humility and self-reproach. Try this, for the Lord’s sake, I beg you. “The assembly of the humble is like the assembly of Seraphim,” writes St. Isaac (II, 11.98).

We are all imperfect and are in a struggle in our spiritual battle; and how to overcome it, the holy fathers teach us: by self-reproach and humility, we will reach the gates of love (II, 71, 97).

...The seed of the enemy... will not bear the fruit of goodness, tranquility and peace; seek these fruits in self-reproach and humility (III, 147,271).

Thank God that you were peaceful among yourself; when you reproach yourself and humble yourself, the enemy with his machinations will achieve nothing... (IV, 31, 63).

Thanks be to the Lord, who preserves peace and harmony among you; when you watch yourself and always humble yourself in everything, then the arrows of the enemy will all be crushed; they all fight you with one thing or another, now with one passion, now with another; but where there is true self-reproach, you will achieve nothing, and victory will always remain on your side, with the help of God, to the humble one who looks upon you. Beware of self-conceit, remember the word of the prophet Isaiah, and especially God: “Woe to those who are wise in themselves and understand themselves” (Is. 5:21) (IV, 34, 70–77


Thank God that peace remains between you, this greatly comforts me; for I know that it is by God, and not by passion, and therefore the enemy often tries to violate it among you; but preserve it through self-reproach, awareness of your badness and humility. Every virtue is corrected through labor, achievement and time, but what is quickly acquired is unsteady, fragile, and unhelpful. Now the Lord has blessed you with peace and harmony, but what shocks and confusion were there between you?.. Watch and appreciate peace, how dear it is on our path; count everything for your skills, so that you may receive the peace given to us by Christ (IV, 35, 75).

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