5 strong texts of prayers to the Great Martyr Barbara and what they ask the saint for

Once upon a time there lived a family, everyone was very friendly. The year was 317, and the city was Illipol. Every day the family gathered at the table, everyone told each other interesting stories, shared legends, and listened to the experience of their elders. One day happiness came to the house - a little girl was born, beautiful as a flower.

About the author About the book

Time passed, the baby grew, her family loved her very much. And everything would have been fine, but only these people believed in the old gods. Some time later, the girl’s mother died, and her father took charge of her upbringing. Despite her dad's worldview, the girl grew up in the Christian faith. And then, she was executed by order of her father. Her name was Varvara. Now, she is a Saint, to whom they pray every day.

Who is the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

The future glorified saint was born in the 4th century and was a native of the Syrian city of Iliopolis. The girl's father, the noble nobleman Dioscorus, professed paganism. He loved his only daughter very much and did not want to let her go. Therefore, he built an entire castle to hide Varvara. She, in turn, was distinguished by great wisdom. Being very young, the girl realized that the religion of the Romans was a mistake, and the true God was completely different.

When Varvara grew up, she turned into a beauty. Suitors came to Dioscorus's house, but the girl rejected everyone. Then her father decided to give her more freedom, so that communication with her friends would change her attitude towards marriage. So they began to let the noble maiden out of the castle for a walk. During one of these outings, the daughter of Dioscorus met Christian women who told her about the One God.

At that moment, she realized that she had found the answers to her tormenting questions. Christian teaching revealed the truth that Varvara felt in her heart. The girl received holy baptism. The ceremony was performed by an Alexandrian priest who was passing through the city. The soul of the newly converted Christian rejoiced. The saint began to comprehend the wisdom of God through religious teaching.

One day, in the absence of her father, Varvara ordered the builders erecting a new tower in the castle of Dioscorus to make three windows, instead of the two originally planned. When the owner of the house returned and asked for an explanation, the girl passionately replied that the three windows symbolized the Holy Trinity. The old pagan was furious at his daughter’s words. Dioscorus rushed at her with a sword, intending to kill her, but the girl ran away and took refuge in the mountains.

The father, having found her, went to the ruler of the city. There Dioscorus told that Varvara had become a Christian and renounced his daughter. Now she was at the mercy of the ruler. The sovereign, seduced by the beauty and youth of the maiden, wanted to return her to paganism with persuasion and promises. But the saint steadfastly denied any gods except the One. Then she was tortured: they beat her with a whip and rubbed her wounds with a hair shirt. But this did not humble the spirit of the righteous woman.

Varvara was locked in prison for the night. There Jesus appeared to her and said that she was now the bride of Christ, and the Lord would heal all her wounds. In the morning it was discovered that all traces of the lash on the body had healed. Having seen this miracle, a girl named Juliana revealed that she was also a Christian and was ready to share Varvara’s suffering. Both girls were taken naked around the city and subjected to insults. They were then hung from a tree and tortured with fire and iron. But the maidens remained adamant. Then both saints were executed by beheading with a sword.

Christians preserved the remains of the holy virgins with honor. Later, in the 12th century, the relics of the Great Martyr Barbara were transferred to Constantinople. And after some time, they, as a gift, ended up in Kyiv, where they are kept in the Vladimir Cathedral.

Prayer to Varvara about the structure of women's destiny

The most effective prayers to Saint Barbara are prayer appeals that contain requests for female happiness. With the help of such a prayer, you can arrange your destiny and meet a reliable and faithful life partner.

Prayer for a successful marriage and family happiness

The prayer for a successful marriage and family happiness is as follows:

“Most wise Holy Great Martyr of Christ Barbara! God Himself, by His will, accepted you into the Kingdom of Heaven after you suffered terrible torments and you were killed by your own father. Your martyr's labors were appreciated by the Lord himself, and a blessing was given to you by Jesus Christ. Your temporary life ended with eternal life in Heaven. You have maintained Divine chastity so that in your spirit you may be united with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven. I continually say with all my soul: “Love my soul, Lord, and do not leave me in your troubles.” You are blessed, because the Holy Spirit descended on you, and you rejected all destructive passions from yourself, and allowed the One God into your soul, saying, “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity.” In terrible torment, you glorified the Trinity in the hope of God's mercy. I believe in your goodness and I honor the Holy Trinity. I expect help from you in earthly life, and before my death I ask you to touch me with your finger, support me and give me hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Prayer for children

A mother's prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara can reliably protect a child from a variety of misfortunes. It can be read both in church and at home. It is advisable to pray in front of the Holy icon and with lit church candles.

The prayer appeal for children sounds like this:

“Most wise Holy Great Martyr of Christ Barbara! Your destiny as a woman was destroyed by the Herods, but your sincere faith allowed you to preserve your soul for God in female chastity. Since then, you have been support and support for everyone on earth. So give your blessing to the children for whom their mothers pray. Rejoice, Saint Barbara, for the pure souls of children who were subsequently brought to the Lord God. Pray for us as parents who are sinners before God, so that he forgives our sins, known and unknown, so that they do not fall on children’s souls. Be my heavenly helper in raising children, guide them on the true path and do not let them deviate from it. Protect them from the temptations of the devil and straighten their path in life. I believe in you, I pray before your image and I glorify your merciful deeds. Amen".

Author of the article:

Natalya Nadezhdina

What do they pray to the holy martyr for?

Before her death, Varvara turned to the Lord with a request to help those who would call on her after the end of her earthly life. Christ fulfilled this request, and for centuries people have been praying to the Great Martyr in difficult situations. In Rus' the saint was especially revered.

Locals believed that righteous Varvara was able to protect against sudden death, lightning strikes, drought and flood.

In addition, young girls turn to the martyr with prayer for a happy marriage, a successful outcome of pregnancy, and wisdom in raising children. Varvara also helps save marriages and protect family members from danger, especially children. Of course, turning to her helps to maintain health or recover from illnesses. Girls who bear her name are given special protection by the saint.

Prayer for healing and health to Saint Barbara

Prayers for healing and health are very popular.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

“I turn to you, Holy Great Martyr Barbara, as a powerful source of healing. Holy Virgin Barbara, I ask for help in healing my infirmities. If you see my sins, then pray for the forgiveness of the Lord Almighty, for I committed them out of my own foolishness. Do not miss my request, hear it and heal all my illnesses. Become my refuge after you hear my emotional groans. I believe in you, Holy Martyr Barbara, that you will intercede for me with the Most Holy Trinity. Let your long-suffering body heal my soul and body, I bow my head before your icon. Your wounds will free me from sinful wounds and free me from serious illnesses. With your all-powerful prayers, Saint Barbara the Great Martyr, honor me with your attention and hear my call for help. Amen".

Texts of strong Orthodox prayers

The most common appeals to the saint are related to protecting the family from possible dangers. Protection from sudden death is important for a Christian, because before departing into the world another person must confess and receive communion. This is necessary to facilitate afterlife ordeals.

Prayer for marriage to Saint Barbara will help a woman avoid difficulties in family life and deliver her from unworthy young people. A petition for the help of the great martyr can be made in any difficult situation. They ask for health and healing in case of health difficulties. But the prayer for children can be read daily, thus providing your child with the protection of the great martyr.

From sudden death

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify God, wondrous in our saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

About women's happiness and marriage

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious Wisdom of God has not shown you flesh and blood, but God Himself, the Heavenly Father, like you, for the sake of faith, abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, has received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have taken your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the Angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, O Christ, the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, a disgraced virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy caretaker, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very head itself by beheading, like the most precious utensils, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, united in spirit and body inseparably, saying: “I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him.” Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols, as if they were destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity." This Holy Trinity, Who glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death with your confession and suffering, pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue, Here I honor the Holy Trinity. The Imam is a lamp of faith, but is indolent on good deeds; You, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and flowing with wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my spiritual candle, I will be honored to take you into the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, grant me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink; as if by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I was strengthened, I will travel in the fortress of that veil the long path of death, even to the Heavenly Mountains: and there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God’s Trinity by faith, Whom together with you face to face, may I be worthy to see and glorify Him forever. Amen.

About help

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

About health and healing

To you, as to the true speedy healing and many-wonderful source of healing, holy virgin Varvaro the Great Martyr, I am weak and I am running to your holy relics, falling earnestly, I pray: see the wounds of sin and all-body ulcers, see the weakness of my soul, and this, with your usual mercy and goodness forced, try to heal. Hear the voice of my prayer, do not ignore the groaning brought by my damned heart, and hear my cry, for you are my refuge.

The holy, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, which you depicted with three windows in the paternal bathhouse, pray for me, a sinner and impatient servant of yours, that he may have mercy on me now and on the day of my death. Worship the Heavenly Father: may He raise me, bowed down and cast down by all my sins, to His praise, and may He always give me the grief of having a heart that is heavenly and not earthly. Pray to Christ the Son of God, who heard your suffering prayer in prison, but who is lazy in prayers, and in the despondency of many, like sitting in prison, will instruct me to quickly move along the path of God’s commandments and give me a fervent desire to pray unceasingly. Call also the Holy Spirit, the purity of the inexhaustible Source, in the suffering labor of thee, the pure virgin, who strengthens and protects from shame with His wings, so that even for me, cold and unclean, a pure heart will be created and a right spirit will be renewed in my womb: moreover, let him call upon me and give strive diligently in a pure life and strengthen me to do good deeds.

I believe that all this is possible for me, O holy one, lead me to the martyr Varvaro, to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity: and if you desire, you are strong in helping me, for you have glorified God in your suffering lands. And we know, holy virgin, that nothing is impossible for you, unless you despise my tears and sighs: for this sake, to the honor of your holy relics, the miraculous race, I fall down and you, your soul abiding in heaven, worshiping, I dare to prayerfully say: may your ears be attentive to the voice my prayers.

May your long-suffering body heal the many souls and bodies of my passion. May your head, bowed to the sword, give my head the water that cleanses sins. Let your powers, mercilessly tread, bind me to the love of God. Let your honest lips block my lips from idle talk and always open to proclaim the praise of the Lord. May your eyes, which see the Trinity light, see my good desire, as if I had turned away my eyes from seeing vanity, but always looked at heavenly bliss. May your hand be cut off and deign to always raise my hand to the Most High and not weave flattery with it. Your breast, mercilessly cut, may we be a strong pillar from the face of the enemy. Let your noses, which quickly pass with a bright light into the chamber of God to the Heavenly Bridegroom, make it so that I also walk in my footsteps for every good work: let the lamp of my feet be the light of my feet in every good work: let the law of the Lord be a lamp for my feet and a light for the paths mine.

May your wounds free me from the wounds of sin. May your blood, shed many times in torment, cleanse my soul and body from all filth. May your death not allow me to die without confession and repentance: for even if you are glorified in any goodness, but in this especially, as everyone who has hope in you and calls upon you for help, he will escape death from impudence, and deliver him from the weaker and less accursed. , pure virgin, great martyr Varvaro, and through your all-powerful prayers grant me the right hand position of Christ the Son of God and hear the voice saying: “good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.” Amen.

About children

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people and the race of your relics venerate and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr and in their passion-maker Christ Himself, who gave you, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you , the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, God who beseeches Him from His compassion, may He mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the needful petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly, painless, shameless, I will give peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and He will give His great mercy to everyone in every place, in every sorrow and situation that requires His love for mankind and help, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, with soul and body always abiding in health, we glorify God, wondrous in His saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Barbara the Great Martyr from sudden death

Prayers to Saint Barbara the Great Martyr are distinguished by their enormous power. But only a deeply religious person can pronounce them. Most of them can be found in prayer books. But at the same time, it is allowed to address the Saint with a prayer in any form.

The most popular prayer to Saint Barbara the Great Martyr is a prayer appeal against sudden death.

Text of the prayer:

Prayer translated in Russian:

It is recommended to read the prayer in the original, but in order to understand its meaning, you need to know its translation into Russian.

It sounds like this:

“Holy All-Glorious and All-Praised Great Martyr Barbara! In the holy temple, believers always worship your icon, and kiss the shrine with your relics in love. Everyone admires your martyrdom. Your boundless faith in Christ led you to the Kingdom of Heaven. So we endlessly pray to God and ask you to intercede for us so that all our wishes come true. Give us hope for his mercy and his forgiveness of all our sins. So that the Lord shows us his love for mankind and does not leave us without salvation, so that those who remain in health would glorify the deeds of the Lord. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Reading rules

If a person intends to pray to Barbara, then it is useful to first purchase an icon with the image of the saint in order to address her at home. But you can also do this in a church or at the relics of a great martyr. When praying, a number of rules are observed.

Women turn to the Lord with their heads covered with a scarf. It is advisable to light a candle or lamp. Before the main texts, the initial prayers are read. During the action, it is necessary to cross yourself and bow at appropriate moments. It is better to pray on your own, without being distracted by everyday problems.

Who should read the prayer to Varvara?

Initially, Saint Barbara was considered the patroness of all artisans, because during her lifetime she was very fond of needlework. Today, prayers can also be offered to her by those people who are afraid of suddenly dying - and there are a lot of them. The fact is that some professions are considered life-threatening. Every day people get up for work and leave, not knowing whether they will return or not. So, first of all, those who work in these areas should pray to Varvara:

  • traders;
  • sailors;
  • travelers;
  • miners;
  • miners;
  • military.


Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from an idolatrous generation and called into the holy tongue, into the people of renewal, the bride of Christ, as if you were delivered from various evils and circumstances, we will write thanksgiving songs and praises to you in your prayer books, holy and all-praised great martyr: but you, who have boldness towards the Lord, from Free us from all troubles, so we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Ikos 1

Having immaculately preserved your honest and all-loving purity as an angel, honest Varvaro, you have been vouchsafed to be an angel as your cohabitant; with them, when you sing the Trinity hymn to God in Heaven, hear us singing this praiseworthy song to you on earth:

Rejoice, O young woman, ordained by God the Father to be conformed in suffering to the image of His Son; Rejoice, Son of God, Light from Light, called from darkness into the wonderful light of His faith and grace.

Rejoice, for the Holy Spirit called you, and you yourself are holy in body and spirit; Rejoice, for you have kept yourself immaculate from the defilement of the flesh and spirit.

Rejoice, you who betrothed a pure virgin to the Bridegroom Christ, born of a Virgin; Rejoice, you who did not desire an earthly betrothed more than a heavenly nobility.

Rejoice, thorn of virginity, who sprouted among the thorns of idols; Rejoice, flower of purity, blooming mountain in unfading glory.

Rejoice, enjoying the fragrance of Christ in the Heavenly Vertograd; Rejoice, O Thou who is most Red, more than the sons of men, comforted by sight.

Rejoice, thou who hast made thy garments white in the Blood of Lambs upon the earth; Rejoice, in the face of a virgin, following the Lamb of God in Heaven.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Seeing that Saint Barbara had been placed on a high pillar by her father, she imagined that she would be raised to Heaven by the mania of God. Settling intelligently on your ascent in your heart, you will ascend intelligently from darkness to Light and from charming idols to the true God, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The virgin Saint Barbara, searching for the unintelligible mind about the One Creator of all creation, understood, conversing with her mind, saying: “From the dark idols, the wondrous heavenly luminaries were created powerfully, by us.” To her he and the Psalmist said: “All God is the tongue of the devil, but there is one God and Lord, who created the heavens and all their luminaries.” Astonished at your wisdom, wise virgin, we say:

Rejoice, more intelligent elder than idolaters; Rejoice, wiser than the wise men of this world.

Rejoice, for God has revealed to you His unknown and secret wisdom; Rejoice, for God the Word Himself taught you true theology.

Rejoice, you who have surpassed all the astrologers in the mind of Christ; Rejoice, you who have seen the circle of Heaven more clearly than these.

Rejoice, for in creation, as in a mirror, you have seen the Creator Himself; Rejoice, for in the created luminaries you saw the Uncreated Light.

Rejoice, now, in addition to the mirror, you see the light of the face of God in Heaven; Rejoice, indescribably rejoicing in that light.

Rejoice, clever star, even as the face of God, like the sun, appears bright to us with illumination; Rejoice, mental moon, by which the night of delusion is enlightened like the day.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High was then given to Saint Barbara, as of old to the prophet Ezekiel, the face of adamantium, powerfully before all idolaters, so that she would not be afraid of their brutal face, nor be horrified by the cruel rebuke. Moreover, with the boldness of her husband, the wise virgin cried out to you: “I honor the Trinity, the One Divinity, and worshiping Thee by faith, I sing loudly: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

Saint Barbara, having the wisdom given to herself from above, went to the maker of the father’s bathhouse, and silently revealed the mystery of the Holy Trinity, commanded that three windows be built in the bathhouse. “If,” he said, “they have idolatrous lips and do not speak the glory of the true God, then the stone walls of this bathhouse with three windows, like three lips, testify that there is One God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Holy Ones from all creation.” For such wisdom, holy Varvaro, accept this praise:

Rejoice, in the three-window bathhouse the font of Holy Baptism, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, depicted; Rejoice, in the font of water and the Spirit, which also washed away the blood of your martyrdom for you.

Rejoice, for with three windows you drove away the darkness of polytheism, contrary to the Trinity of Saints; Rejoice, for through the three windows you clearly saw the Trinity Light.

Rejoice, for through those three windows the Sun of Truth, which rose from the grave for three days, looked upon you; Rejoice, for through them the day of Trinity salvation has dawned on you.

Rejoice, having always had your heart open to the One God in the Trinity; Rejoice, your feelings are firmly sealed against the battle of three enemies, the flesh, the world and the devil.

Rejoice, for in your soul you have created three mental windows, faith, hope and love; Rejoice, for through those three windows, under the Trinity Divinity, for three days the Church saw the raised Body of Christ.

Rejoice, for Heaven has been opened to you from the three hierarchies of angels; Rejoice, for you have joyfully received the Upper Trinity monastery.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 4

The storm of the great wrath of your father, breathing repression and murder, has made a noise on the temple of your soul, holy Varvaro, but it cannot be shaken: for the stones of Christ were founded on the solid faith, on which you, a wise virgin, stand motionless, a hymn to Jesus Christ who strengthens you You sang: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard from you, wise daughter, your father Dioscorus the unheard words about the Holy Trinity, like a deaf adder plugging his ears and, like a serpent with a poisonous sting, rushing with the edge of a sword to kill you; but you, bride of Christ Varvaro, imitating your Bridegroom Jesus, who fled from the sword of Herod, you fled from the sword of Dioscorus, desiring to turn his heart from brutal rage into fatherly love. We honor your reasonable flight with these ranks:

Rejoice, blessed one, expelled from the earthly home for the sake of Truth; Rejoice, rich in God, deprived of fatherly riches for Christ's sake.

Rejoice, for through your poverty there is the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, for a treasure of eternal blessings has been prepared for you.

Rejoice, verbal lamb, who ran from the evil wolf tormentor to the Good Shepherd Christ; Rejoice, you have entered into the fold of His righteous sheep, standing at the right hand.

Rejoice, kindly dove, who flew from the earthly raven into the cover of the Heavenly Eagle; Rejoice, you who have found good protection for yourself in His krill's shelter.

Rejoice, honorable daughter of the Heavenly Father, for you were persecuted to death by your earthly parent with dishonor; Rejoice, for you have been received with glory from the immortal Lord of Glory into Eternal Life.

Rejoice, ever-desiring intercessor for us too; Rejoice, diligent prayer book for us to God.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 5

You were like a godly star, holy Great Martyr Varvaro: fleeing before your father, you mysteriously instructed him on the path leading to the Righteous Sun, who rose from the Virgin, Christ God. Moreover, he was blinded by his eyes, blinded by his eyes, and physically, he did not see you running in front of him: for you, through the stone mountain, which was parted for you by the command of God as those who passed by, you hid from his sight in a stone cave, and from the midst of the stone, like a bird, you gave a voice to God, chanting : Alleluia.

Ikos 5

When the shepherd saw you, the sheep grazing on top of the mountain, hidden in stone, he marveled, saying: What is this verbal lamb? Which wolf is running? And behold, Dioscorus, fiercer than a wolf, rushed up to the mountain, and found you hiding there, and stole your maiden hair, dragging you to his home along a cruel path, on which faithfulness we greet you with these greetings:

Rejoice, thou who hast become like the young tree on the aromatic mountains; Rejoice, thou who hast set in thy heart what is above the earthly ascents, O beloved.

Rejoice, you who have escaped the destructive idolatry of the pit; Rejoice, you who have ascended to the mountain of Trinity worship. Rejoice, you who passed through the stone, persecution fleeing from the heart of stone; Rejoice, in the midst of the stone, the Stone of Christ, who affirms you, has found.

Rejoice, you who entered the stone cave and saw Jesus in the stone tomb, having been laid; Rejoice, you who already see Him sitting on the Throne of Glory.

Rejoice, for the hair of your head is preserved for Christ, so that the hair of the head of man will not perish, being plucked from the earth; Rejoice, for these are the essence of Christ for your crowning in Heaven.

Rejoice, your hair is stained with blood, like flowers; Rejoice, you have turned the braiding of your bloody hair into a golden crown for you.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 6

As a God-bearing preacher, an apostle of Christ, you boldly and jealously preached Christ the True God in the face of the tormentors; And for the sake of His fierce wound, painfully rubbed with hair-shirts and a sharp skull, you bravely endured, Saint Varvaro. You were also imprisoned, in it you rejoiced as if in the devil of Christ Jesus, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The enlightenment of true God-understanding has risen in your heart, the light of His Divine face has risen and in your hair, Christ the Lord: For as your beloved Bridegroom, at midnight he came to you, His immaculate bride, in prison, kindly visit you, heal you from your wounds, and with the brightness of Your face you have gladdened your soul indescribably, but teach us faithful to sing to you:

Rejoice, for Christ who suffered, mercilessly beaten; Rejoice, having slain the invisible enemy with patience.

Rejoice, you who bore the wounds of your Lord on your body; Rejoice, you who were healed from all the wounds of your body by the Lord.

Rejoice, for the Lord Himself, the Light of the world, showed Himself to you in your former prison; Rejoice, for the Doctor Himself visited your sick soul and body.

Rejoice, thou who brightly entered through the earthly prison into the Heavenly Palace; Rejoice, you who from your blood obtained your wedding garment.

Rejoice, for through you sinners are healed from many wounds; Rejoice, for through you those who call upon you with faith are healed from all illnesses.

Rejoice, quick relief from the bonds of sin; Rejoice, good healer of many evil ulcers.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 7

I want to improve my desire for the insane tormentor and to turn you, Saint Varvaro, from the True God to a charming idol, who is still trying to use affectionate words, you, like a wise virgin, answered him: “First turn hard adamant into soft wax, rather than turn me away from Christ my God : For him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the One True God I confess, glorify, praise and sing to Him: Alleluia.”

Ikos 7

A new display of inhumanity was the rage of the bestial tormentor, when he commanded you, holy Great Martyr Varvaro, to hang you on a tree and trim your body with iron nails, and scorch your ribs with burning lights, and also beat your head heavily with hammer. We reverently remember this unnatural patience of yours, and bless you with these praises:

Rejoice, for you were hanged on the tree for Christ’s sake, on the Crucified Cross; Rejoice, for you have been planed along the side of Jesus for the sake of the spear in the side of the pierced one.

Rejoice, for you have kindled the fire of love for God in your heart; Rejoice, for for Him you were scorched with fiery lights.

Rejoice, hardest adamant in unharmed patience; Rejoice, strongest pillar of stone in unshakable courage.

Rejoice, for with the hammer who beat you on the head, the crown of the Kingdom was sought for you; Rejoice, for with the same hammer the head of your enemy was crushed.

Rejoice, for with Christ, for His sake, you suffered on earth; Rejoice, for you are glorified with Him and about Him in Heaven.

Rejoice, strong conqueror of all our enemies; Rejoice, you are an ambulance in all our troubles.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 8

Seeing the strange and terrible suffering of Saint Barbara, the blessed Juliana was greatly surprised at how a young girl in her youthful body so courageously endured torment for Christ; Also, tearfully filled with tenderness, she also cried out in gratitude to Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Sweetest Jesus sweetness, all the desire to be with you, Saint Varvaro; For the sake of His sweetness, for the sake of the bitter, you endured torment, saying: “The cup of suffering that my Beloved Bridegroom gave to me, should not the Imam drink?” In the same way, the cup itself appeared, pouring out the sweetness of miraculous healings to all those crying out to you:

Rejoice, you who rejected the grief of idols into hellish grief; Rejoice, you who have loved the heavenly sweetness of Jesus.

Rejoice, you who are mentally present, who have within you the manna of the creation of the will of God; Rejoice, you who fulfill the good wishes of the faithful.

Rejoice, river filled with the grace of God with waters; Rejoice, source of seething outpouring of miracles.

Rejoice, like a bee that has flown away from the stinking smoke of idolaters’ sacrifices; Rejoice, you who have flowed into the fragrant peace of Christ with the sweet stench.

Rejoice, for with your wounds all over your body you were like a honeycomb; Rejoice, for the sweetest drops of your blood were sweeter than the honey of the Most Sweet Jesus.

Rejoice, for your memory is sweet to all the faithful; Rejoice, for your name is most honorable to the entire Church of Christ.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 9

All angelic nature rejoiced with great joy, beholding your courageous fortress, holy and invincible martyr Varvaro: having seen the rank of the ancient enemy, the proud prince of darkness, with all his demonic and idolatrous hordes from you, the only young virgin, disgraced, defeated and under the nose your prostrate, with a great voice you cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ornate tongues of your rhetoric will not be able to utter the majesty of your painful sufferings, O Varvaro: who will say your illness, colic, when your breast was cut off? Who can speak of the coldness of a girl’s face, when you were led naked throughout the city by lawless tormentors? Just remembering your sickness and dishonor, we shudder and say with tenderness to the sitse:

Rejoice, good summer-bush of the garden of Jesus; Rejoice, true vine of Christ's grapes.

Rejoice, you who have cut off two of your breasts, like you brought two dreams in honor of your Lord; Rejoice, thy blood, like the wine of tenderness, which floweth from them.

Rejoice, for for Christ's sake you were naked and you were stripped of your garments; Rejoice, for for His sake you were led in Jerusalem to be mocked, and you were led throughout the city to be mocked.

Rejoice, you who were clothed by the Angel with bright clothes in your nakedness; Rejoice, you were invisibly covered from the cold combs.

Rejoice, wonderful one who was a disgrace to both Angel and man; Rejoice, you who astonished your tormentors with your patience.

Rejoice, for the Lord Himself has looked down upon your suffering from above; Rejoice, for He Himself is the hero who praises your deeds.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Although you saved your soul, you neglected your body in every possible way, Saint Varvaro: when the condemnation of death came upon you, you sang a song under a sharp sword, like a red crown, joyfully walking to God, who strengthens you in martyrdom: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The walls of stone became harder and harder, petrified in heart, was Dioscorus, yours, Saint Varvaro, no longer a parent, but a fierce tormentor: for he, having heard your condemnation by the sword to death, not just about your death, but also with his own sword at the place of condemnation of your saint cut off the head, and so, according to the Lord’s prophecy, the accursed father gave up his child to death. In that most blessed death of yours, receive from us this singing:

Rejoice, for the head of the Church - Christ, you bowed your head under the sword; Rejoice, for your love for the Heavenly, humane-loving Father, the Immortal, betrayed to death by the earthly inhuman father of the perishable.

Rejoice, you who ended your martyrdom well; Rejoice, you who kept your faith in the immortal Betrothed Christ vigorous until death.

Rejoice, girded with power from above to fight against the powers of the underworld; Rejoice, thou clothed with victorious glory in the Highest from Christ the Victorious.

Rejoice, thou crowned upon the earth with the weapon of God's favor; Rejoice, adorned in Heaven with the color of incorruptibility.

Rejoice, kindness and praise to the virgins; Rejoice, martyr beauty and joy.

Rejoice, strong refuge for Christians; Rejoice, firm intercession of the faithful.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 11

Our laudable singing, even if it were innumerable, we know that it is not enough to praise you, holy and all-praiseful martyr Varvaro: both of us, for the gifts of God that you have abundantly bestowed upon us, give thanks to God, glorified in you by your good deeds, with grateful lips we sing: Alleluia .

Ikos 11

The light-receiving candle, placed on the Heavenly candlestick before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, is beheld by your intelligent eyes, holy virgin Varvaro: from there, when you enlighten the darkness of our sins at night with the rays of your prayers and instruct us on the bright path of salvation, you are duly worthy of being honored by us with this title :

Rejoice, bright-minded ray, brought into unflickering lightness; Rejoice, mental morning star, who has risen to illuminate the non-evening day.

Rejoice, fragrant myrrh, fragrant Church of Christ; Rejoice, golden censer, bringing incense of prayer for us to God.

Rejoice, unsparing goddess of healings; Rejoice, treasure of God's gifts, independent.

Rejoice, O cup, who draws joy from the abundance of the house of God; Rejoice, vessel who receives the sweetness of all the blessings of Heaven from the fulfillment of Christ.

Rejoice, adamante, beautiful ring of immortal betrothal to Christ; Rejoice, crowned with kindness, held in the hand of the Lord.

Rejoice, for the King of Glory, the Lord of Hosts, has placed upon you glory and splendor; Rejoice, for the King of kings and the Lord of lords has given you His kingdom and dominion.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 12

Grace from God has been given to you, to preserve and protect from sudden illness and arrogant death of every person, who, through faith, love and reverence, remembers and honors your honest suffering; Do not deprive us of that grace, good virgin Varvaro, and we too, health in body and spirit in this present and future life, we sing to God about you: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of your mighty deeds, we honor your sufferings, we praise your long-suffering, we bless your holy death, we glorify your invincible courage that appeared in your weak body, for which you were glorified on earth and in Heaven, the holy and victorious Great Martyr Varvaro, and in honor of your victorious exploits and sufferings we sing praiseworthy you siya:

Rejoice, thou kindly accepted from the ranks of angels into their cohabitation; Rejoice, joyfully led from the virgin faces into the heavenly chamber.

Rejoice, escorted from the martyr regiments to the crown of glory with a voice of joy; Rejoice, you who received kisses from all the inhabitants of Heaven in the Lord.

Rejoice, for your reward is abundant in Heaven; Rejoice, for your joy is eternal in the lordship of the saints.

Rejoice, strong intercessor for us from enemies visible and invisible; Rejoice, joy to us, grace and eternal glory to the intercessor.

Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, giver of earthly and heavenly blessings.

Rejoice, for we trust in you to remain alive from unexpected and eternal death; Rejoice, for through you you have safely gained eternal life through tea.

Rejoice, Varvaro, beautiful bride of Christ.

Kontakion 13

O long-suffering and all-praised saint of the Great Martyr Varvaro! Having accepted our present prayer, deliver us from all mental and physical illnesses and enemies, visible and invisible, and save us from eternal torment through your God-pleasing intercession, so that with you on the land of the living we will sing to God forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 “An honorable angel...” and kontakion 1 “Chosen by God...”).

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