Pisces is a mysterious, energetically vulnerable zodiac sign that needs help and support. It can be provided by talismans for fish, among which natural stones have special power. They give people born under this sign confidence, optimism and health.
Talismans for the Pisces sign in the form of stones can be chosen in various ways - depending on the year of birth, according to a specific date of birth, separately for men and women.
Fish people
These include people born between the twenty-first of February and the twentieth of March. Their patron is Neptune, and their element is water.
Personalities born under the sign of Pisces are contradictory. Among them there are many talented creative people, but at the same time they lack ambitious intentions. Disadvantages include a lack of self-discipline. In love, they can escape from relationships they do not want, finding rest in solitude. Pisces prefer to stay away from other people's problems.
The symbol for this sign is two fish swimming in different directions.
A distinctive feature for them is emotional vulnerability, as well as a tendency to depression and anxiety. Fish talismans can provide support. They will provide a good mood, courage and desire to succeed in your life's path.
Talismans for women
An amulet for Pisces women should perform several functions. Its bearers need perseverance, balance, ease of expression of thoughts, and strengthening of the sixth sense. Women under the guidance of the constellation require recognition from society.
Suitable for such purposes:
- Coral, preferably pink. It brings happiness, reveals attractiveness and attractive modesty. Improves morale, develops logic and intuition.
- Pearl is an opaque mineral of natural origin. For Pisces women, someone should give jewelry with such an element; purchasing it on your own will have little effect as a talisman. Pearls support family ties and home comfort, bring material and spiritual wealth, and integrity.
- Blue opals that symbolize water. They influence success in business, luck, happiness, and far-sightedness. They help you tune in to good-natured communication with people around you, especially family and friends. They act as a protector against bad luck and envy.
- Emerald is a mineral for mothers and wives. It is effective only in ladies whose hearts and thoughts are pure and noble. Helps to cope with doubts, gives hope, happiness, a cheerful and easy disposition. Supports in competitions and during public speaking, allows you to achieve harmony.
- Moonstone is useful in any period except the waning moon, when it takes away energy. The source of intuition and softness, sensuality and femininity. Blocks stressful situations, anxiety, tendency to depression. A talisman is used to attract good luck in business and love.
- Amethyst is a good companion for women prone to addictions, especially drunkenness. Attracts moderation, clears the mind, sharpens intuition. Pushes the wearer to satisfy her own needs, feel happiness and joy from life.
Delicious recipe!
What products contain calcium and protein? Stones for women are often set in silver, less often in gold. The most successful for love and money is a round shape, long chains, interesting cutting solutions. The influence of amulets based on the date of birth is further enhanced, the number of elements of which reaches 6, 7 or 11.
Characteristics of talisman stones
Magic objects should be rounded and have smooth lines. This is ideally suited to stones that are used as talismans.
Their color is also important. It should match the shades of the water and the depth of the sea. Therefore, stones of blue, green, steel, purple and sea green shades are suitable.
Natural stones and minerals are used for talismans. You can make various decorations from them, cut out small figurines, and use them as interior items.
The best mascot stones for the sign of Pisces are translucent or completely opaque. These include pearls, aquamarine, topaz, opal, selenite, and moonstone.
What amulet should people of the Pisces horoscope sign have?
And yet, paradox prevails in this person. Despite all the apparent instability, they are characterized by stability and reliability. Despite the unpredictability and incomprehensibility, these are the most affectionate and most loyal people. They, like no one else, need protection and luck.
A magical amulet will strengthen your strength, add energy and activity. Feelings take a leading position in their lives, and therefore they are looking for a partner who would share their view of life. And they need confidence in the strength of the foundation of his relationship with the chosen one. Well, talismans and amulets for the Pisces horoscope sign
will help their carrier become happy in love and relationships.
A magical object gives the person who wears it attractiveness, calmness and confidence, and a special magnetism characteristic of all talismans activated by their wearer, because they do not tolerate formalism or routine. They have good taste and can be energetic, but also slow. Such phlegmatism may be a consequence of self-doubt and indecision.
Amulets and talismans suitable for people born under the sign of Pisces
Amulets and talismans intended for representatives of the most mystical and sensitive sign of the zodiac are, one way or another, associated with water, since the sign of Pisces belongs to the element of Water. Any inhabitants of reservoirs have the opportunity to become powerful amulets that bring happiness and good luck:
- fish
- shells
- corals
- jellyfish
- pearl
These objects or their images will bring good luck to this horoscope sign, as well as other symbols, one way or another, more related to the ocean.
Shells - a person born in the zodiac sign Pisces will be saved from depression by a sign of good luck - a magical talisman made of shells. If you hold this item of Power at the solar plexus for some time, it will become a strong shield against the evil eye and slander.
Fish - aquarium goldfish deserve special attention, the figurines of which are best worn as pendants. Such talismans and peace guide their wearer on the right path and protect them from the negative influences of others. In addition, Pisces bring with them wealth and abundance, so this is a money amulet for the Pisces zodiac sign. Wear your magic item on a gold or silver chain for good results.
Pearls - among the magical artifacts, pearls can be worn specifically as a talisman for money according to the sign of Pisces. It will attract financial luck, stability and prosperity. A talisman with this stone will help make profitable deals and give the owner confidence in his decisions and actions. Pearls can be worn by a lady for good luck, but they are also an effective amulet for a man with the horoscope sign of Pisces. Thanks to the magic of this stone, a man will become successful not only at work. He will not forget about personal interests.
Using strong amulets for the zodiac sign Pisces
Figures of musical instruments and their images can become a universal amulet for all those born under this astrological constellation. Symbols of Eastern philosophy are also perfect as a birthday talisman:
- cornucopia
- yin yang talisman
- Chinese coins
What talismans should Pisces wear for good luck and protection?
There are two more symbols that can rightfully be considered strong talismans - knots and daffodils.
Knot - this talisman for the zodiac sign
will act as a magical protector. It will help you choose the right path, find the truth, and clarify your mind. The knot blocks the negative energy of the evil eye, philistine envious slander, gossip, slander, and will protect against strong witchcraft conspiracies aimed at damage and destruction.
Narcissus - This delightful white flower will bring good luck to its bearer. Narcissus, as a talisman for good luck, can be worn as a pendant. It would be good if such a talisman for the zodiac sign was made of zinc or silver - the metals of this astrological symbol, which testify to the people of this sign and their phenomenal intuition, which is much stronger and more developed than that of other signs. A living flower has the same mystical power for Pisces as its images.
Magic amulets by date of birth - flowers and colors of the Pisces horoscope
The magical talisman narcissus brings good luck to Pisces, but it also testifies to the tendency of people of this astrological sign to narcissism. Of course, they admire themselves differently than Leos do. In fact, these people try and are able to understand anyone, but they are not able to understand themselves, to know themselves. And so they try to understand who they are through others. This is their tragic narcissism.
But, narcissus is not the only flower that has mystical powers and is able to influence people born in this constellation.
What flower talismans bring good luck?
- jasmine
- violet
- forget-me-not
Each of these colors symbolizes one of the character traits of these people. And each of them can be not only a talisman, but also a protective amulet according to the horoscope.
: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion
- Jasmine will talk about the sensitivity, vulnerability and timid sensuality of people of this water sign.
- The violet says that these people are capable of emotional communication and long, sincere friendship. This is an effective amulet for a woman with the horoscope sign Pisces
. - And the forget-me-not testifies to endless memory and fidelity in love.
The color palette that best matches the horoscope sign of Pisces should be reminiscent of their element – Water. This is a deep transparent color of sea green, and pure blue, and lilac, and the color of aqua. Steel and silver shades are also suitable. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you before buying an amulet
, think about its color, that the correctly chosen color is in itself an amulet.
What talisman does Pisces need - the magic of witchcraft stones
Opal is a beautiful stone that can become an effective amulet for Pisces based on the date of birth March 2 – March 11. Those. this stone is good for everyone, and everyone can wear it as an effective amulet according to their zodiac sign, but opal is ideal for people born in the 2nd decade. Pisces are talented and creative people by nature, but uncertainty and timidity, as well as their inherent laziness, often make them forget about their abilities.
Opal is a strong energy stone; it will help its wearer and teach him how to benefit from it. So, in a certain sense, opal is an effective money talisman suitable for the date of birth for the sign of Pisces. In addition, opal has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental function and increases physical endurance.
Jet is this stone, a strong protector of everyone born under the horoscope sign of Pisces. Representatives of this zodiac symbol, due to the peculiarities of their character, are often defenseless. The role of protector and guardian will be taken on by the jet stone, which can be a protective amulet for a pregnant woman; Jet stone is also suitable for children of this representative of the water element. A talisman for the zodiac sign Pisces with a jet will help overcome difficulties, protect its wearer from human envy and anger, block the destructive energy of the evil eye, and also weaken the effect of magical damage.
Heliodor - often born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, internally suffer deeply from the imperfections of the world. A talisman with heliodor will bring optimism, relaxedness, and joy of life into life. This is a good amulet for a woman born under the horoscope sign of Pisces, but men of this sign can also wear it. It will relieve apathy, improve the emotional background, and give hope. This magical amulet will help its owner to show creativity and enjoy the praise and recognition of other people. He acts this way to fulfill the main task - to increase self-esteem.
Hematite - it seems that this powerful amulet of attracting good luck to the zodiac sign of Pisces was created in order to help insecure people of this astrological constellation achieve. After all, these people do not like change; they have too little energy for it. But, if they decide to change their life, a talisman with hematite will give them strength and energy for this, and will show them the best ways and means.
The magical power of Slavic amulets selected by date of birth for the Pisces sign
Ancient magical Slavic amulets by date of birth for the astrological zodiac sign Pisces and the Halls of the Slavs is a very interesting topic. Not everyone knows about the Great Svarog Circle, about the Slavic horoscope, which our ancestors once used. Meanwhile, in addition to the well-known amulets, stones and metals, there are very ancient Slavic amulets for women and men that are suitable for people of the Pisces sign.
The astrological sign of the zodiac Pisces finds itself in the Slavic palace of the Wolf.
Its period is from February 20 to March 22. The patron of the Wolf's palace is called Veles. This god of fertility and wealth once gave fire to the inhabitants of Yavi. A figurine of Veles made of wood is a protective amulet for a man of the Pisces sign. In addition, the subject of Power can also be a totem - a figurine or image of a wolf. Making a talisman for the Pisces zodiac sign is possible from wood, zinc, silver, and natural ornamental stones that suit them. For example, from jet, which is also called black jasper. The jet stone itself is a strong amulet, and a totem figurine carved from this material will increase the power of the magical object.
The sacred tree of the Wolf's palace is the poplar. This is a vampire tree, capable of absorbing witchcraft negativity and diseases. At this time, when the Wolf is active, people come into the world trying to get to the bottom of things, find the truth, and put everything in order. Wolves are attentive and distrustful, they know how. The talisman of the Wolf's palace - the Sacred Star of England in a circle is protection of incredible power, a Slavic amulet for women and men of the Pisces horoscope sign. The Orean rune is enclosed inside the Star. This is the great rune of Rule, which sets all phenomena in motion. This is the light pouring into the world. Through this rune, All-God breathes into the world, reviving nature.
What other talismans can you wear - the magic of solar symbols
In addition to this protective talisman - the Star of England, all representatives of the astrological sign Pisces can wear amulets with
solar signs
. Our ancestors used swastika (solar) symbols in cultural, everyday and military use, as well as for worship practices. They contain enormous power coming from outer space, protective power, transcendental light that gives a person life, the ability to develop, improve, and create. The most widely used are 77 swastika symbols, although in reality there are more.
How to set up and activate the talisman for yourself
I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, talked about how to charge talismans to attract good luck and happiness. There is nothing complicated here. Natural stones of high vibrations have magical powers, and in order to use this power for yourself, you need to constantly wear an object of Power, adjust the amulet to yourself, exchange energies, feed the stone, and receive its protection in return.
The longer the talisman is in contact with a person, the more it intensifies. This happens not only with magic stones. This generally applies to all protective amulets and amulets of the Pisces zodiac sign. A healthy exchange of energies gives strength to both objects of exchange.
And let’s not forget when choosing a talisman for good luck according to your zodiac sign that the element of Pisces is Water.
- sharp intuition
- and no less acute sensitivity,
- emotionality,
- impermanence,
- vulnerability,
- instinctive reaction to people
- that's what Pisces is. Subconsciously, they record events, reflexes, unclear weak conclusions - and on this they build their own reality.
In a series of difficulties and problems, people of the Pisces horoscope sign find their way, like water among obstacles. Of course, magical objects can provide significant support if a person turns to their power and help. And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, spoke about which talismans bring good luck to the zodiac sign Pisces in this material.
Pisces is considered the most mystical and sensitive sign of the Zodiac. Amulets and talismans intended for representatives of this sign are usually associated with water. Such an amulet can become a guide for its owner to the world of happiness and prosperity, where luck will be a constant companion. Naturally, now the only thing left to do is to choose a suitable talisman or amulet and charge it with your energy.
Since amulets and talismans are considered individual magical objects, they help to some extent correct a person’s character. A magical subject involves strengthening and developing the positive aspects of human nature and working with negative or weak traits.
Let's look at the main characteristics of Pisces:
some irony towards oneself and seriousness towards others. A distinctive characteristic of Pisces is the ability to look at themselves from the outside, which allows them to optimally assess their strengths and capabilities. However, as for everyone around them, they have high demands on strangers and do not always evaluate rationally. impermanence. Representatives of this zodiac sign very often refuse to fulfill promises and can significantly embellish the situation. And this may not have the best effect on relationships with other people. daydreaming. To many, Pisces seem helpless and weak, although in fact they are often lazy and thus try to find support. In addition, representatives of this sign spend more of their energy on thinking than on real actions to achieve any goals. exposure to the influence of outsiders. Among Pisces there are a lot of people who quickly fall under the influence of strangers: and it’s good if this influence is positive. But there are also people who are distinguished by their strong character and determination. Pisces men are distinguished by their rather gentle character and very rarely commit bold acts. Women are sentimental, vulnerable and dream of a strong shoulder.
Pearls are an original gemstone formed in the shell of a mollusk when a foreign particle enters the shell. The longer the pearl remains in the shell, the larger its size becomes.
Pearls have magical and healing properties. It can significantly improve memory. In case of a nervous system disorder, it promotes its restoration, which has a positive effect on a person’s mental and emotional state. Pearls also benefit internal organs – the liver and kidneys. It is also recommended to wear it when your blood pressure is unstable.
Pearls give material wealth, a long and happy life. In case of unhappy love, it softens suffering.
Topaz stone has many shades, each of which suits the water element of fish. With its help, you can achieve success in all your life endeavors. A talisman with this stone protects against ill-wishers, envious people, manipulators and hypocrites. It provides material wealth to its owners and improves their personal life, making them attractive to the opposite sex.
Topaz helps strengthen character, which gives rise to the ability to withstand all life's difficulties with dignity. This gem is an effective remedy for nervous system disorders. It will also help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
This stone has a seawater color which makes it suitable for Pisces people. A talisman with aquamarine creates a protective barrier against negative phenomena, protects against the evil eye and damage. It develops the creative potential of its owner and protects lovers.
It also copes with such unpleasant phenomena as allergic reactions, decreased visual acuity, thyroid dysfunction, heart and lung diseases.
Stones talismans of the zodiac sign Pisces
Those born under the constellation Pisces are characterized by friendliness and compassion, and a penchant for creativity. At the same time, they can be indecisive, too trusting, and dependent on the opinions of others. Talisman stones help them find integrity and improve their lives.
Pisces often turn out to be defenseless people, since they devote more time and energy to others than to themselves. The task of protecting the owner is performed by the jet stone. This talisman helps make a person’s character stronger, more resistant to difficulties, and also protects him from envious people. Pisces wearing jet are not harmed by the evil eye and damage. They are endowed with worldly wisdom.
Opal is one of those stones that impart strength and energy. Therefore, it couldn’t be better suited for Pisces. This gem brings happiness to married couples or young lovers, and protects dreamers from the machinations of ill-wishers.
Opal is a talisman for all representatives of this sign, without exception:
- promotes intellectual growth;
- gives physical strength;
- strengthens the nervous system;
- develops creative abilities.
Aquamarine is a stone for attracting the owner’s attention to his own interests and concerns. It prevents you from completely wasting your energy on other people, especially those who don’t deserve it. Aquamarine adds courage and awakens self-esteem. Ideal for Pisces with a soft character.
Choosing a stone for a talisman by date of birth
You can choose the right talisman for fish based on their specific date of birth. The entire period is divided into three decades. Pisces people born in each of these periods are somewhat different from each other in their character, so both general and specific talismans are needed. Each decade has its own type, which specifies the choice of a talisman with stones.
First decade
Its length is from the twenty-first of February to the first of March. The patron saint of people born during this period is Saturn. They are characterized by excessive daydreaming, even to the point of escaping reality. Talismans with stones will give you confidence and bring you back to earth, tearing you away from your dreams.
Suitable stones for talismans would be moonstone, carnelian, tiger's eye, and amethyst. Aventurine, which has the ability to change color, is also suitable for Pisces women.
Second decade
This period lasts from the second to the eleventh of March. The lives of people born in these numbers are ruled by Jupiter. They are characterized by ambition, a thirst for recognition of their merits, and the fulfillment of their responsibilities at the expense of other people.
Talismans with stones such as heliotrope, pearl, coral and opal will help you find the right balance between their high demands and real life.
Third decade
It lasts from the twelfth to the twentieth of March. Pisces people born during this period are under the influence of Mars. Their character is distinguished, on the one hand, by excessive hot temper and impulsiveness, and on the other, by purposefulness and sociability.
The best stones for them are emerald, tourmaline, sapphire, and peridot.
Zodiac sign Pisces - mascot stones and colors
For women
When choosing a talisman stone for a woman with the sign of Pisces according to the horoscope, you should take into account the exact date of birth.
- During the first ten days of the zodiac period, enthusiastic idealists are born who are completely unable to identify their ill-wishers in the future. Amethyst, aventurine, bloody jasper and tiger's eye will give them additional practicality.
- What is the talisman for Pisces born in the second decade? They are smart, even ambitious, but not too energetic and tend to go with the flow. In this case, corals, pearls, smoky opal or heliotrope will help.
- In mid-March, energetic, but capricious and eccentric representatives of the zodiac sign are born - such Pisces need a talisman stone that suppresses negative character traits, directing vital energy in the right direction - diamond, emerald, chrysolite.
For men
The talisman stone for a Pisces man is chosen so as to add a little fiery brightness, earthly confidence and airy lightness to the “still water”.
- Sapphire strengthens the immune system and nervous system.
- Tourmaline helps to realize oneself in the creative field.
- Aquamarine gives confidence and the strength of the ocean.
- Rock crystal enhances intuition, allowing you to always choose reliable partners and true friends.
Influence of stone color
Many stones have a beneficial effect on Pisces people, but there are some differences depending on their color:
- White. It is a symbol of reason and pure thoughts. White stones clear the mind, help you concentrate and clarify your thoughts. Suitable stones for fish are moonstone, milky quartz, opal, white quartz, aragonite.
- Blue. It means rationality and calm contemplation of what is happening around. A talisman with such a stone will teach its owner to be reasonable and control himself in extreme situations. Stones - sapphire, lapis lazuli, turquoise, tourmaline, topaz, zircon.
- Grey. This color means slowness, restraint and inconspicuousness. A talisman with a stone of this color will organize thoughts and provide control over the situation. Moonstone will do.
- Green. This is the color of nature and harmony in it. Green stones contained in a talisman will attract positive changes in the lives of their owners. They add energy and increase material wealth. Green stones – tourmaline, jasper, zircon.
- Blue. This is the color of the sky and calm sea water. Blue stones bring peace and increase creativity. There are a considerable number of stones of this color - lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, turquoise, tourmaline.
- Violet. It is a symbol of infinity, including the expanse of the sea. Purple stones enhance social status and increase wealth.
Stones for Pisces women
The sign of Pisces is largely feminine, since all the qualities inherent in it are expressed to a greater extent. Stones such as moonstone, emerald, and cacholong will help protect their subtle nature from the hardships of life.
Moon rock
This stone received this name because its shimmer and shine resemble the glow of the moon. It will give Pisces women the femininity they may be lacking. Will make them softer. Your relationship with your beloved man will become stronger.
If you wear a talisman with a moonstone near your heart, you are more likely to find your betrothed and find love for life. Moonstone is a sedative. It will drive away all anxious thoughts and fears. Moonstone has a positive effect on brain function and curbs sudden outbursts of anger. Can relieve chronic depression, bad mood and mental fatigue.
For Pisces women, emerald will ensure family well-being. He will help them become worthy wives and caring mothers. It is also suitable for those Pisces women who are concerned about their career.
Emerald normalizes blood pressure and is a means of relieving debilitating headaches and migraines. To do this, it is recommended to wear an amulet in the form of earrings. The energy of the healing stone will be used for problems with joints, the digestive tract, and the genitourinary system.
In eastern countries, such a stone is included in family jewelry, which is amulets. The magical cacholong will teach its owner to make the right decisions and attract happy love into her life. It helps women get pregnant without problems, carry and give birth to a healthy child. Talismans with cacholong in the form of beads or pendants will enhance lactation.
Contemplation of this mineral removes anxiety and drives away bad thoughts. It ensures good health and adds charm to a woman.
Unwanted amulets for the sign
It is undesirable to touch or simply approach some objects, people born under the constellation Pisces. This applies to some stones: onyx, sardonyx, lapis lazuli, obsidian and yellow topaz. Any black minerals or stones with a matte surface are also contraindicated.
Jade and jasper have a negative effect on well-being. The latter has powerful energy; it affects an indecisive person so strongly that it can drive him into deep depression. Representatives of the Pisces sign must independently feel which symbol or stone will suit them as a talisman, help them in love, work, achieve goals, and give them confidence.
https://gadalkindom.ru/goroskop/talismany-ryby.html https://astromeridian.ru/astro/talisman_ryb.html https://idealmira.ru/talismany/amulety-i-talismany-dlja-znaka- ryby/
Stones for Pisces men
Representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of Pisces may experience difficulty communicating. They are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. When something really affects them, Pisces men can withdraw into themselves. Sometimes they begin to become a mystery to themselves. The main stones for talismans for Pisces men include agate, moonstone, amethyst, pearl, sapphire, tourmaline.
Since agate can be of different colors, for Pisces men you should choose colors close to blue. Grayish-blue striped stones are good amulets. Blue agate will relieve depression and add energy to its owners. Green will help you make the right decision and choose the right path in life. Gray agate will protect against outside aggression and conflicts.
A talisman with agate has numerous healing qualities. It can relieve nervous breakdowns and insomnia. If you wear a talisman around your neck, it will cure a sore throat and relieve toothache. It can also improve vision and relieve eye diseases.
Of all the existing varieties, greenish tourmaline is suitable for Pisces men. Most of all, it is suitable for men with creative inclinations. Green tourmaline restores disturbed harmony, helps to find solutions to many problems, and guarantees sound, healthy sleep. It reveals the creative potential of its owner.
The healing stone will help with heart problems, exhaustion of the nervous system, and mental disorders.
Stones and talismans for Pisces
Hariola 06/12/2019 1 193 6 Minute(s) read
Pisces is a very vulnerable and sensitive zodiac sign. People born under this constellation almost always become the favorites of those around them, but sometimes they cannot figure out their lives: they fantasize a lot, succumb to illusions, and sometimes it seems as if Pisces live in some kind of their own world. But those born under the influence of this zodiac sign also have excellent character traits: non-conflict, sociability, hospitality, gentleness, the desire to help others. Pisces have good potential for self-improvement, but, alas, only a few of them understand how to achieve their goal. The topic of our article today is stones and talismans for Pisces women and men.
Stones suitable for all Pisces
First, let's talk about minerals that are suitable for all Pisces, without exception. They can be used in jewelry, keychains, cufflinks, and simply as a small amulet that you always have with you. The main quality that the chosen stone should have is the ability to give energy to its owner, making him stronger, firmer in the face of life’s failures, which Pisces always experience very acutely.
Opal is a powerful talisman stone for the zodiac sign Pisces. Women and men can wear the mineral in absolutely any form. The wonderful properties of opal are perfect for those born under this sign. The stone fills its owner with vitality, makes him more resilient physically and psychologically, promotes the development of creative potential, and also reliably protects him from the machinations of ill-wishers, black magic and everyday negativity. In parallel with wearing opal in stressful situations, Pisces can use runic staves to improve mental health. And the stone will also become a magnificent love amulet that will help you find harmony and happiness in your personal life.
For Pisces who are melancholy and prone to frequent mood swings, heliodor is suitable. This beautiful mineral can lift your spirits, destroy negative thoughts, increase self-esteem and make its owner more attractive and pleasant in the eyes of others.
Aquamarine jewelry is an excellent amulet for the Pisces zodiac sign. Such a talisman will give people born under this constellation the courage that they sometimes lack, and will also make them more attentive to their own needs and help them spend less energy caring for those who do not deserve it. Yes, yes, Pisces can be convinced altruists, and sometimes help others, forgetting about their personal life, so aquamarine is what they need.
This mineral with an interesting name can be an excellent amulet for Pisces men and women. Jet protects its owner from negative energy, envy, gossip, rumors spread by ill-wishers, and also increases his resistance to difficulties, makes him wiser, more circumspect, and more experienced.
The sea of illusions and fantasies in which Pisces almost constantly swim is, of course, very interesting, but completely impractical for life. Jasper will bring Pisces soaring in the clouds down from heaven to earth, and will also open in them a love for learning something new.
Moon rock
A mysterious, hypnotizing mineral that contains the power of the Moon - a suitable talisman stone for Pisces according to the horoscope. Women and men of this sign often panic in difficult situations. Moonstone will reduce suspiciousness and anxiety, give you a great mood, calm your nerves and allow you to get more pleasure from life than worry.
Coral is a very “watery” mineral that helps Pisces to level out an unstable emotional background. Under its influence, changeable representatives of this zodiac sign learn to take a more thoughtful approach to decision-making. The stone improves logical thinking, enhances intuition, gives self-confidence, and also reliably protects against the evil eye and damage, attracts love, material wealth, well-being, and makes life much more interesting.
Many Pisces lack self-confidence and feel unattractive to others, which is why they are sometimes afraid to openly say what they think and do bold things. All this can be easily “corrected” by an amulet with chrysolite.
Hematite is an excellent amulet stone for Pisces. Women and men should wear jewelry with this mineral to stop passively going with the flow and enter the mainstream of their own destiny. The stone will tell the owner what decisions to make, in which direction to move next, and will also provide significant moral support on the chosen path. Such an amulet is simply irreplaceable for representatives of the sign who want to radically change their lives.
Choosing a stone by decade of birth
All persons born under the constellation Pisces are under the influence of the mystical planet Neptune, but each decade of the sign has an additional planet that influences key character traits. Thus, the first decade (February 21 - March 1) is dominated by Saturn, which makes people born during this period romantic, dreaming of global changes, but at the same time very divorced from reality. Amulets and talismans for Pisces in the first decade will be amethyst, tiger's eye, aventurine, bloody jasper, moonstone.
The ruler of the second decade (March 2-11) is Jupiter. Such people are very sensitive. It is very important for them that others appreciate their talents; without this, Jupiterian Pisces become depressed. The following stones are suitable for them: opal, pearl, heliotrope, hairy stone, coral.
Those born in the third decade (March 12-20) love to communicate with people, are famous for their cheerful disposition, but at the same time they can be very capricious - just like little children! The patron planet of this period is Mars. Such Pisces want to achieve a lot in life on their own, although sometimes they have no idea how exactly to do this. Ideal minerals for Martian representatives of the sign are aquamarine, emerald, tourmaline, sapphire, diamond, alexandrite, and peridot.
Talisman stones for the Pisces woman
Beautiful ladies born under a sensual water sign are advised to pay special attention to three stones - cacholong, aquamarine and moonstone. Cacholong is a strong talisman for a Pisces woman based on her date of birth. Even just the contemplation of this stunningly beautiful mineral can give a wonderful mood and relieve melancholy. Cacholong is suitable for absolutely all Pisces ladies, regardless of the decade of their birth and age. The stone will bring its owner love, feminine happiness, good luck in all matters, will make her self-confident and open to loved ones.
Moonstone will reveal all facets of femininity, which is very important for people who have a keen sense of this world and creative people. Decorating with this beautiful gem will make a woman attractive in the eyes of others, soft, and good-natured. Next to such a lady, any man will feel warmth and comfort. It is believed that a talisman with a moonstone, given to a Pisces woman by a loved one or close friend, becomes a powerful talisman for this relationship.
Aquamarine is a strong amulet for a Pisces woman, which will make her courageous, decisive, and confident in her capabilities. The mineral will guard the peace of mind of its owner, help her maintain inner harmony and give her strength to make any plans come true.
Talisman stones for the Pisces man
An amulet for a Pisces man is selected based on those character traits that need to be corrected. It is believed that representatives of the stronger sex, born under this water sign, do not allow anyone into their inner world, have difficulty finding common ground with others and are acutely aware of failures. A stylish bracelet or pendant with aquamarine will contribute to the spiritual development of such a man, strengthen his intuition, open up a craving for learning new things and prevent him from becoming an introverted loner.
Another good talisman for Pisces men is amethyst. This bright stone supports the energy level of its owner, allows him to gain integrity, find spiritual harmony and better understand his true essence. Surprisingly, when such a mineral is constantly worn, the character of its owner changes greatly for the better - and this is immediately noticed by others.
Pearls are also considered a talisman for Pisces men. It is especially recommended for businessmen and avid careerists to carry this stone with them. Pearls bring good luck in work matters, financial well-being, reveal the professional potential of their owner and teach him to be attentive to the needs of those around him.
What stones are contraindicated for Pisces?
Virgo stones and talismans are not recommended for Pisces, since these zodiac signs are considered opposites. Onyx, yellow topaz, obsidian, sardonyx and lapis lazuli will aggravate the melancholy of Pisces, and if worn for a long time, they can generally drive them into the abyss of deep depression, so these minerals should be avoided if possible. Jade is another unfavorable stone for Pisces. Its negative influence can be expressed in two ways: the owner of such a talisman will turn into an ossified workaholic who sees nothing but his work, or he will become a complete loser, giving up when faced with the slightest difficulties.
Other talismans for Pisces
And finally, let's figure out what objects those born under this water sign can use as personal talismans, amulets, amulets, in addition to stones.
The most reliable and best talisman for Pisces are figurines and images of fish, as well as any other sea creatures. Such amulets will bring material wealth, health, personal happiness, and fill your home with positive energy. It would be great if a representative of this sign has a real aquarium with live fish at home - just the contemplation of the most beautiful sea creatures calms you down, relieves stress, fatigue, and nervous tension.
Dolphin and seagull
Dolphins and seagulls are traditionally associated with the sea, water, sandy beaches and the salty freshness of the sea breeze. It is believed that figurines and paintings with these representatives of the fauna will be excellent talismans for good luck for Pisces. They will strengthen the positive character traits of their owner, help him find a common language with the people around him, and will also constantly attract luck in all areas of life.
The shell is a powerful protective talisman of Pisces according to the horoscope. And it doesn’t matter what kind of shell we are talking about - real or imitated. It is believed that such an item will protect a man or woman of this sign from gossip, rumors, the evil eye, damage, negative energy, envy and any other machinations of ill-wishers, enemies, rivals. It is recommended to place the shell-shaped pendant in the solar plexus area for a while to relieve fatigue and lift your spirits. Pisces, whose home contains a real shell brought from the sea coast, have a firmer, more decisive character and well-developed intuition. They cope with any adversity much easier and do not worry about trifles. Before use, the talisman needs to be charged: to do this, just place the sink in water for a day.
Other talismans
As we said above, absolutely any object related to water can become an amulet for Pisces: a starfish, pebbles, coral, a natural pearl or a painting depicting the beauty of the underwater world or a landscape with a river, lake, waterfall, ocean. In addition to the listed things, musical instruments, dried medicinal herbs, incense, marble products, and Chinese coins are considered amulets of the sign. The colors that are best used by Pisces in decorating the interior of their home are blue, green, aqua, violet, steel, purple. But the main thing is that the tones should not be flashy, but muted. The sign's lucky numbers are six, seven and eleven.