The Holy Martyr Antonina helps in some way. The Suffering of the Holy Martyr Antonina

The meaning of the name Antonina and its secret

Patron planet: Neptune.
Harmonious name color: blue.

Talisman stone for good luck: sapphire.

Favorable plant name: willow, lily.

Patron name: herring.

Happiest day: Thursday.

The best and happiest time of the year: winter.

The meaning of the name Antonina among patrons and name day: Antonina Krodamskaya, virgin, martyr, June 23 (10). After severe torment for the faith of Christ, she was thrown into a pit of fire and covered with earth in 313. Antonina, holy martyr, June 26 (13). The Holy Martyr Antonina suffered in the 3rd century during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian in the city of Nicaea.

For professing the Christian faith, she was tortured in every possible way - they burned her with fire, put her on a hot frying pan, drilled her arms and legs with hot rods, and finally threw her into prison, where the saint languished for two years. But the torment did not break the spirit of Saint Antonina; she confessed her faith in Christ until her death. Finally, convinced of the futility of their attempts, the executioners threw the martyr into the sea.

Antonina of Nicaea, martyr, March 14 (1). Saint Antonina suffered in Nicaea during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian (284-305).

After cruel torture, Saint Antonina was thrown into prison. But the cruel emperor could not force her to renounce the Lord and sacrifice to pagan idols. Frightening the executioners, the angels of God appeared to the holy martyr.

Miraculously strengthened by the grace-filled power of Christ, she remained unharmed even when she was placed on a red-hot iron bed.

Finally, after much torture, Saint Antonina was tied into a sack and drowned in the lake.

Text of the prayer before the image

Oh, most wonderful holy seventh generation, praise to the city of Ephesus and the hope of the whole universe! Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your intercession by their parents: bring down upon her the blessing of Christ God, saying: leave the children to come to Me: heal the sick in them, comfort the sorrowful; Keep their hearts pure, fill them with meekness, and in the soil of their hearts plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God, so that they may grow to the best of their ability; and all of us, who stand before your holy icon, kissing your relics with faith and praying warmly to you, vouchsafe to enhance the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify there with silent voices of joy the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The meaning of the name Antonina and its character:

As a child, Tonya is my mother’s main assistant: she will clean up the apartment, water the flowers, and help with her younger brothers and sisters. She loves to lead and command them, they obey her with pleasure.

Tonya studies well at school, loves to read, and a good library is being built for her; Tonya loves poetry and knows a lot of poems. Takes patronage over younger schoolchildren. She is very responsible and you can rely on her. She has good organizational skills, especially if she gets excited about some idea, she can captivate others. She loves to dream, sometimes she leaves everything and goes into captivity of dreams.

Having matured, Antonina is transformed in a team that is friendly to her, but finds it difficult to endure the conditions of ordinary life. Daily work is a difficult test for her. Dreams play a big role in her life. She tries to hide from reality and does not reveal her inner world to others.

Antonina has well-developed intuition, knows how to interpret dreams, and is often religious. Sometimes she is prone to mental depression, becomes aggressive and quarrelsome. Often susceptible to influence from others. If she is the boss, she is even domineering.

Antonina finds herself in such professions as designer, teacher, educator, doctor, literary critic, archivist, librarian, art critic. Antonina does her job responsibly and is always in good standing with management. Captivated by something, she reveals herself especially fully. Rarely achieves the intended goal, but does not suffer from it.

In her youth, Antonina had many fans. She is very attractive, well-built, prefers to wear long beautiful hair and walk with her head held high. She is not afraid of losing men, they disappear one after another, and it happens that Antonina does not marry. If a man appears whose feelings and devotion she does not doubt, Antonina marries him and becomes a wonderful wife, a wonderful housewife, a loving mother. Her best husband will be Efim, Vitaly, Oleg, Sergey, Semyon, Yuliy.

Characteristics of the name Antonina

If you try to characterize Antonina, the most noticeable thing will be her balance. It combines softness and hardness in excellent proportions. She can be cheerful and even carefree, and the next minute she can be serious and focused. She is responsible and rational, at the same time positive and bright. Antonina is a pleasant conversationalist and friend. She is fun to be around and you can rely on her.

Work for Antonina is one of the ways of self-expression. Antonina loves to work and is ready to devote a lot of time to work. Quite often Antonina’s hobbies and work coincide. She is a very punctual worker and loves precision in everything. And her leadership qualities make her an excellent leader. Her activity is most fully revealed in the professions of a journalist, guide, toastmaster, wedding planner or music worker in a kindergarten.

Family ties for young Antonina seem constraining. She rarely marries young. If Antonina gets married early, then her marriage often breaks up quite quickly. If, having settled down, Antonina decides to start a family, she will approach this quite seriously. This is often associated with meeting a truly worthy man. Antonina is a good housewife and a caring mother. She lovingly arranges her home and takes care of her family.

I'll name her Antonina!

The name Antonina is translated from Latin as “extensive”, from Greek as “acquiring in return.” There is an opinion that it comes from the name of the Roman family of Antoniev.

Antonina of Nicaea was given this name. She had to live during the reign of the cruel persecutor of Christians, Emperor Maximian (284-305).

As soon as she believed in Christ, Maximian was immediately informed that she was a Christian. Brought to Nicaea and brought before the gaze of the cruel emperor, Antonina fearlessly confessed her faith.

To force her to renounce Christ and sacrifice to idols, Antonina was subjected to severe torture, but she did not submit to the wishes of her tormentors and was imprisoned.

Soon Maximian ordered the martyr to be taken out of prison, she was again summoned to the trial and they began to ask whether she would worship pagan idols?

The emperor again began to force Antonina to renounce Christ, but this time the saint did not listen to him.

Translation of the name Antonin into other languages

in Arabic - أنتونينا (read as Antunen). in Belarusian - Antanіna in Bulgarian - Antonina in Hungarian - Antónia (read as Antonia) in Greek - Αντωνία (read as Antonia and Andonia), in Spanish - Antonina in Italian - Antonina in Chinese - 安東尼 (transliteration) in German - Antonia (read as Antonia) in Polish - Antonina in Portuguese - Antonina in Romanian - Antonina in Serbian - Antoniјa in Ukrainian - Antonјa in French - Antoinette (read as Antoinette or Antoinette) in Czech - Antonie (read as Antonie and Antonia) in Japanese - アントニーナ ( transliteration)

Church name Antonina

(in the Orthodox faith) can remain unchanged - this is a church name. Of course, if she wishes, Antonina can change her name at baptism, but it is better to consult with the priest about this.

Martyr Antonina of Nicaea, commemoration date: June 26, March 14

She had to live during the reign of the cruel persecutor of Christians, Emperor Maximian. Saint Antonina was mercilessly tormented, subjected to cruel torture, demanding that she renounce her faith. But the saint bravely endured all the tortures, not wanting to renounce the Savior. Seeing this, the ruler ordered the saint to be thrown into prison, after which she was again summoned to the trial and asked whether she would worship pagan idols. But Antonina not only did not agree, but also began to denounce the wicked, preaching Christ. Then Maximian ordered to beat her with sticks. However, as soon as the guards decided to begin torment, the Angels of God appeared to their eyes and themselves began to torture the servants of the pagan king.

The emperor could not forgive the Christian woman for this and ordered her to be placed on a hot iron sheet, but this did not harm the saint. The torment did not end there; she was put in a bag and thrown into the lake. This is how Antonina of Nicea ended her earthly journey.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Antonina of Nicaea

Martyr Antonina of Krodamnskaya, commemoration date: June 23

Her suffering on the cross began with the fact that the martyr was brought to King Fist. He ordered Antonina to renounce Christ, for which she would be awarded the title of priestess. But she not only stood in the true faith, but also denounced the tormentor, saying that he worshiped not pagan gods, but demons. For this she was beaten half to death and thrown into prison. All the time the saint prayed to the Lord, and one day she heard the voice of God, which strengthened the martyr.

After some time, the despotic ruler again ordered Antonina to be brought to him, and everything was repeated all over again. Fist gave the maiden to his soldiers to mock, but the Savior inspired one of them to save this martyr. This man's name was Alexander. He decided to give her his robes so that she could leave unnoticed. Antonina was scared at first, but then agreed and left, unnoticed by anyone.

When the guards woke up, they discovered it was missing. They immediately suspected Alexander of aiding Saint Antonina. To all of Fist's questions, Alexander responded with silence. Having learned that Alexander had been captured, Antonina herself came to the palace to see her tormentor. Their hands were cut off, then they were doused with tar and put in a pit, and then set on fire.

After the martyrdom of Saints Alexander and Antonina, Fist became seriously ill and died.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Antonina of Krodamna

Characteristics of the birthday girl Antonina:

The origin is ancient Greek. The symbol of the name is “acquiring in return.” Perhaps “entering the fray.”

Antonina can be compared to a duck that feels good in the water, but very poorly on land. That is, women with this name literally blossom in a pleasant environment. However, they do not do well in the routine conditions of everyday life. In this case, they, like ostriches, “bury their heads in the sand.” That is, they mentally throw aside, “bury” all their troubles and completely immerse themselves in the world of dreams.

They do this due to lack of self-confidence and inability to control the situation. But Antonina succumbs to the influence of others very easily. She needs someone to solve her problems, create for her a world of her dreams and dreams, where wonderful flowers grow, fairy-tale elves live and bright, colorful butterflies flutter. Antonina has an unusually sensitive intuition, knows how to unravel prophetic dreams, and has clairvoyance. However, such high nervous tension contributes to mental depression, which oppresses Antonina’s sensitive and gentle soul.

She should be sure to eat a balanced diet, rest after lunch if possible, and take long walks in the morning and evening. At the same time, it is desirable that there is always a friend next to her. Antonina desperately needs love, and when it comes, Antonina becomes somewhat careless and unsure of herself. She loves "love", but sex scares her. Parties and picnics are very attractive. However, she tries to stay in the background. The Antonins work as needed in museums as caretakers, archivists, librarians, and laboratory assistants. Talisman - amethyst.

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