Akathist to the Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

Toothache always disrupts the usual way of life. When such a problem occurs, a person loses the ability to work normally, he can neither eat well nor rest peacefully. Believers understand that toothache can be sent down to them by Higher Powers so that a person remembers the purpose of his existence. That is why when a toothache occurs, you must definitely pray. But it should be remembered that prayer should be used simultaneously with treatment, therefore, after the first pain symptoms appear, you should immediately visit the dentist’s office.

Prayer to Saint Antipas for toothache

Most often, when toothache occurs, believers turn for help to Saint Antipas, who lived in the 1st century BC. Sincere prayer to him helps relieve even the most severe toothache.

Church tradition says that during his lifetime Saint Antipas zealously preached the Christian faith, for which he was captured by pagans and thrown inside a red-hot iron bull. While in the makeshift oven, the preacher began to earnestly pray that the Lord God would accept him as quickly as possible and grant him the ability to relieve terrible pain. The Lord heard his prayer and heeded it, granting Antipas an easy death. The saint departed calmly in the hellish furnace, as if he had fallen asleep, and his soul flew to heaven. When his tormentors opened the oven, they saw a completely untouched body. This struck terror into the souls of the pagans, and many of them after this abandoned idolatry and embraced Christianity.

Since then, Saint Antipus has always heard the prayers of the suffering and provided assistance.

The prayer to him is as follows:

“Hear me, servant of God (proper name), glorious martyr Antipus and ambulance for Christians in illness and disease! I believe in your mercy and ask for salvation, for you have been given the ability from the Lord to heal and strengthen sick people suffering from pain. Help me get rid of pain, heal the ulcers, wounds and scabs of my soul, give me health and ask the Lord God for forgiveness of my sins. Help me live my life in peace and piety, keep my soul pure and save me from sinful temptations. I thank and glorify the Lord for all His deeds, and I accept His will. Amen".

Words of help to the Mother of God

A prayer so that the tooth does not hurt anymore can be addressed to the Mother of God. You can ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for healing, and she can grant it in a short time. People turn to her with requests so that a tooth that has been bothering him for a long time will stop hurting. The Mother of God has an icon called the Quick to Hear. It is better if the petition is read in front of this face of the Blessed Virgin - this way the tooth can be healed more quickly.

The prayer to the Mother of God for unbearable toothache is read quietly and with great respect. You need to be as focused as possible on the process of reading the text, so that nothing distracts a person from communicating with the saint.

You need to pray with these words:

After this, you can rest a little - the pain, even the most severe, should soon pass.

Strong prayer for toothache to Matrona of Moscow

A prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow can help with toothache. During her lifetime, this old lady was blind, so she acutely understands how uncomfortable a person’s life can become with any health problems.

A strong prayer is read in front of the icon of the Blessed Elder and sounds as follows:

“Hear the prayer, servant of God (proper name), Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Soothe the acute pain that torments me unbearably. Just as you heal those suffering from terrible diseases, help me too. Ask the Lord for forgiveness of all my sins and make the pain go away quickly. Amen".

Prayer for toothache in children (baby teeth, first teeth)

Little children suffer greatly from dental problems. It is especially important to help them with prayer during the period when the first milk teeth are being cut.

An appeal to Saint Matrona for such cases may sound like this:

“Hear the prayer of the mother, the Servant of God (proper name) Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Relieve my child's sudden and severe toothache. Heal my baby and calm him down, don’t let him suffer and suffer. Please ask me not to punish my child with toothache for my sins, for they were committed due to my lack of understanding and I sincerely repent of them. Amen".

After such a prayer, your child will most likely fall asleep. And when he wakes up, there will be no more pain. In addition to prayer, you should also use medications recommended by your doctor.

Prayer for toothache for adults

An adult can also contact Matrona of Moscow.

A strong prayer is read in front of the icon of the Blessed Elder and sounds as follows:

“Hear the prayer of the Servant of God (proper name) Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Soothe the acute pain that torments me unbearably. Just as you heal those suffering from terrible diseases, help me too. Ask the Lord for forgiveness of all my sins and make the pain go away quickly. Amen."

Appeal to Matrona

There is a prayer for Antipas for severe toothache, but you can turn to other saints. Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow helps women more effectively. You can and should pray to her during acute and severe dental sensations. Texts to Matrona are especially effective when wisdom teeth are bothering you.

To make your request more effective, you will need:

  • icon of Matrona;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • 3 candles.

After preparations, you can start reading. Before a prayer is said for severe toothache, you must read the “Our Father.” The petition reads like this:


Holy Martyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

Troparion to the Hieromartyr Antipas of Pergamon Troparion, tone 4 You abolished the flattery of idols, Antipos, and trampled down the power of the devil, before the atheists you boldly confessed Christ. In the same way, with the angelic ranks, he settled in the highest, bringing praise to the Lord of all, and offering prayerful thanksgiving for us, bestowing the grace of healing. For this reason we honor you, Hieromartyr Antipos, pray to Christ God to save our souls.


Hieromartyr Antipas, a disciple of the holy Apostle John the Theologian (September 26), was the bishop of the Church of Pergamon during the reign of Emperor Nero (54 - 68).

At that time, by order of the emperor, everyone who did not sacrifice to idols was executed or expelled. Then the holy Apostle John the Theologian was imprisoned on the island of Patmos (in the Aegean Sea), to whom the Lord revealed the future destinies of the world and the Holy Church.

“And write to the Angel of the Church of Pergamum: Thus says He who has a sharp sword on both sides: I know your works, and that you live where the throne of Satan is, and that you keep My Name, and have not renounced My faith even in those days in which among you, where Satan dwells, my faithful witness Antipas was killed” (Rev. 2: 12-13).

Saint Antipas, by his example, firm faith and tireless preaching about Christ, achieved that the inhabitants of Pergamon began to shy away from sacrifices to idols. The pagan priests reproached the bishop for turning the people away from worshiping their native gods, and demanded that he stop preaching about Christ and sacrifice to idols.

Saint Antipas calmly replied that he would not serve the demon gods who were fleeing from him, a mortal man, that he worshiped and would worship the Lord Almighty, who created everything, and His Only Begotten and Consubstantial Son and the Holy Spirit. The priests objected that their gods had existed for a long time, but Christ had appeared recently and was crucified under Pilate as a villain. The saint replied that the pagan gods were created by the hands of people and all the legends about them are full of lawlessness and vices. He firmly professed faith in the Son of God, incarnate of the Blessed Virgin.

The enraged priests dragged the holy martyr Antipas to the temple of Artemis and threw him into a red-hot copper ox, where sacrifices to idols were usually thrown. The holy martyr loudly prayed to God in a red-hot furnace, asking him to accept his soul and strengthen the faith of Christians. He went to the Lord calmly, as if falling asleep (+ c. 68).

At night, Christians took the body of the Hieromartyr Antipas, untouched by fire, and buried it with honor in Pergamum. The tomb of the holy martyr became a source of miracles and healings from various diseases. They especially resort to the holy martyr Antipas for toothaches.

Prayers to the Hieromartyr Antipas,

Bishop of Pergamon

First Prayer Oh, glorious Hieromartyr Antipos, quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick, healing the sick, and strengthening the weak. For this reason, to you, as a gracious doctor of diseases, I am weak [weak] and I come running to your venerable image with reverence, kissing me, I pray: through your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me who is sick [sick] for healing from the dental disease that depresses me, even if I am unworthy [unworthy] ] I am you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor, but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy [worthy] of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life, heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, Grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that having lived such a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, I may be worthy to glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with all the saints. Amen. Second Prayer To the Bishop of God, Hieromartyr of Christ, Most Blessed Antipos, co-throner with the Apostle, and glory to the Hierarch, you are, to the Bishop, the luminary of the Church and the affirmation of the faith, before the opposing theomachists you boldly confessed Christ, and you were offered like a fragrant censer, and like a gentle lamb and a righteous martyr, he was cast into the fire of a copper ox, to the saint, and sending up prayers of gratitude in him to God and the Father, as if the sun had risen, and with your torment you crushed the tormentor of Belial to the end. For this reason, Christ glorified you in heaven, and on earth you illuminated the entire universe with the grace given to you, giving healing to those suffering from inconsolable dental disease, who constantly call on you with faith. And now, hear me, Thy sinful and unworthy servant (name), at this hour calling you with faith, as I offer you prayerful singing as an intercessor and prayer book to God.

Third prayer To the Bishop of God, Hieromartyr Antipo, hear me, your sinful servant (name), at this hour, at which time I offer you prayer, and pray for me, a sinner, to the Lord God for the remission of my sins, and deliver me from unbearable and inconsolable dental disease with your prayers , holy, yours.

Borrowed from: NATALiss Holy Martyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon


Typikon of the Great 9th-10th centuries. prescribes to sing the sequence of A. in c. St. ap. John the Evangelist near the church. St. Sophia in K-field (Mateos. Typicon. T. 1. P. 266). Various editions of the Studio Charter - Evergetian Typikon, 1st half. XII century (Dmitrievsky. Description. T. 2. P. 445), Messinian Typicon of 1131 (Arranz. Typicon. P. 145) - they indicate to perform everyday services on the day of memory of A. Revisions of the Jerusalem Charter - early Greek. lists (for example, Sinait. gr. 1096, XII century - Dmitrievsky. Description. T. 3. P. 47), first printed Russian. The Typikon of 1610, as well as the Typikon currently used in the Russian Orthodox Church (Typikon. T. 2. P. 594-595), contain instructions for performing the service without a sign (see Signs of the holidays of the month).

A.'s succession, placed in the printed Menaions, now used in the Russian Orthodox Church, includes a cycle of stichera on the Lord I cried, 2 troparions, one of which is general, and a canon with a sedal, kontakion and ikos. Subsequently, as part of the printed Menaions, now used in Greek. In the churches, there is no troparion, but the stichera on the Lord I cried and the kontakion with ikos according to the 6th song of the Matins canon are indicated different from those placed in the glory. Menaiah. Canon A. 4th tone with the acrostic “Τὸν φαιδρὸν ̓Αντίπα ἐν μάρτυσι σέβω” (Greek -), belonging to Joseph, whose name is inscribed in the troparia of the 9th canto, is known from handwritten studio Menaions XII century (GIM. Sin. 165. L. 94 vol. - Gorsky, Nevostruev. Description. Dept. 3. Part 2. P. 56); additions and discrepancies to the canon were published from the manuscripts of the Vienna National Library by K. Hannick (Hannick Chr. Studien zu liturgischen Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Wien, 1972. S. 52-54). Various cycles of stichera on the Lord called upon the Lord, included in printed liturgical books, as well as sedalena according to the 3rd canon of the Matins canon are known as from studio (

Sschmch. Antipas, bishop Pergamon. Icon “Sschmch. Antipas, martyrs Florus and Laurus." Con. XVII century (CAC MDA). Fragment of Sschmch. Antipas, bishop Pergamon. Icon “Sschmch. Antipas, martyrs Florus and Laurus." Con. XVII century (CAC MDA). Fragment Gorsky, Nevostruev. Ibid.), and according to Jerusalem (RNB. Greek. 552. L. 59 vol., XIV century) manuscripts. The troparia of the 4th tone "" and "" are present only in the printed Menaions currently used in the Russian Orthodox Church (Minea (ST). April. L. 37). Typikon of the Great Church 1 Feb. prescribes the singing of a sequence similar to the service of the Martyr. Tryphon with a general troparion and readings at the liturgy.

In many Greek manuscripts (for example, Sinait. gr. 623. Fol. 43-45 v., 11th century) the canon of A. 2nd tone with the acrostic “̓Αντίπας ἀντώθησεν ἐχθρὸν εἰς χάος” ( Antipas deposed the enemy into oblivion) ​​hymnographer George, whose name is inscribed in the Mother of God (Ταμεῖον. Ν 564. Σ. 187), and a canon inscribed in various manuscripts with the names of Theophanes or Arsenius (for example, Crypt. Δ. α. VIII, XI centuries - AHG. Vol. 8 . P. 134-145, 400-401), with the acrostic “῾Ωδαῖς σε μάρτυς ̓Αντίπα στέφω πόθῳ” (With songs I crown you, martyr Antipas, passionately). From printed books, A.'s services are known, compiled by Nicodemus Svyatogorets, George L. Vuteris (Petit. Bibliogr. d. acolouthies grecques. P. 10).

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