Name for a girl Praskovya: meaning, character and destiny

What does the name Praskovya mean?

- “Friday”, “Saturday eve”, “before the holiday”.

Origin of the name Praskovya:

Ancient Greek.

Positive person. Praskovya is a good friend and a wonderful hostess. They trust her with innermost secrets, everyone feels good in her cheerful and friendly company. Praskovya is stress-resistant and capable of accurate calculations; she can handle responsible work. The family has a cozy and friendly atmosphere.

Short name:

Praskovyushka, Asking, Pronya, Paranya, Parasha, Pala, Panya, Pasha, Parunya, Parusha.

What middle name goes with the name:

Nikiforovna, Davidovna, Grigorievna.

Name "Praskovya" in English (translation)

— Paraskevi. In Bulgarian Praskovya is translated as: Paraskeva, in Czech: Paraskeva, in Danish: Paraskevi, in Polish: Paraskewa.


Translated from ancient Greek, the name Paraskeva means “Friday”, “evening before Saturday”, “before Easter”.

Letter analysis of the name:

  • P – economy, accuracy, purposefulness;
  • P – courage, responsibility, optimism;
  • A – activity, independence, leadership qualities;
  • C – prudence, diligence, extravagance;
  • K – purposefulness, firmness, tact;
  • O – stubbornness, curiosity, ability to build sincere relationships;
  • B – developed intuition, creative abilities;
  • b – easy-going character, vulnerability, lack of self-confidence;
  • I am self-sufficiency, unpredictability, irritability.

Traditions and rituals for the holiday of Paraskeva Gryaznikha

The main traditions on October 27 are flax fraying, women showing off their best clothes; washing and spinning yarn are prohibited.

- On Paraskeva Gryaznikha you cannot wash and spin yarn, but you can only sew, crumple and fray flax.

— If the holiday falls on Friday, then it’s better not to laugh a lot on that day. According to legend, then in old age you will have to shed a lot of tears.

— After prayer, women traditionally dress up in their best clothes and go out for a walk, thereby demonstrating their skills in needlework.


Let's consider how the fate of the owner of the name develops from early childhood.

In childhood

Little Prosya is an obedient, calm girl. The baby begins to pronounce her first words earlier than her peers. Very inquisitive. From an early age he shows prudence and seriousness. Tries to keep everything under control, thinks ahead about the course of any game.

Paraska (a shortened form of the name Praskovya) does not tolerate liars and is always honest with adults. Does not find a common language with inventors, since he will not be able to rely on such a person in the future. Loves to play with children younger than her. From an early age she shows maternal feelings, cares for and teaches children.

The girl has no problems studying; exact sciences, such as mathematics, are easy. Loves to read. I am ready to help my peers in their studies, but I am categorically against cheating. This leads to resentment among classmates, which gives rise to conflicts. Prosya has a talent for music; parents should send their baby to a music school.

In youth

Young Praskovya radiates kindness and selflessness. Easy to communicate, she can always listen and share the experiences of her interlocutor. The girl has many friends. He tries not to offend anyone, so he often does not express his point of view, but remains unconvinced.

Thanks to her ability to self-organize and wit, the girl enters the higher educational institution she had planned. Shows social activity.

The profession of a lawyer, lawyer or doctor is perfect for Praskovya. He will also become an excellent psychologist or journalist.

Young Pasha (as Praskovya is also called for short) has her first gentlemen, fascinated by her femininity and sense of humor. Praskovya cannot be called an amorous person; the first time she falls in love quite late.

In adulthood

For adult Praskovya, family comes first. If necessary, he will easily exchange a promising position for a family home. But Praskovya often remarries. Despite her good nature and openness, she is used to leading and making fateful decisions herself. Not every man can tolerate such behavior.

In marriage, Praskovya is economical and homely. She is an excellent housewife and caring mother. A woman takes responsibility for raising children. From an early age, it teaches children to be independent and neat. She is involved in sports development - her children attend sections and clubs.

Praskovya performs well in leadership positions. However, your own business may be at risk. Because of his kindness and idealistic perception of the world, he can fall for the tricks of scammers.

Parasha - what kind of name is this? What will its full form sound like?

What is the full name of the female name Parasha?
What other forms does this name have? What does this name mean? Where did it come from? Parasha is one of the forms of the diminutive female name Praskovya. Praskovya can also be called Praskovyushka, Prosya, Pronya, Paranya, Pala, Panya, Pasha, Parunya, Parusha. The name itself comes from ancient Greece on behalf of Paraskev. This name means “holiday eve,” “Friday evening,” and “in anticipation of the holiday.”

In the past , the name Praskovya was quite common, but is now used extremely rarely.

A female name, derived from the ancient Greek name Paraskeva, or Praskovya. Also, the name Parasha is a diminutive of the name Praskovya. The name was very often used in ancient Rus', often girls born on Friday were called by the name Praskovya. It was believed that such girls would be very happy. By the way, the name Parasha also has a diminutive version - Pasha.

In Russian villages the name Parasha was very common. Full name Praskovya. Varieties - Pasha, Paranya, Praskovyushka. The name Praskovya is of Greek origin. Paraskeva Friday is especially revered among Orthodox Christians.

Nowadays, the female name Parasha, unfortunately, is practically never found. But in a different meaning among certain circles this word continues to be actively used, which does not benefit the name.

In fact, Parasha is a shortened form of the name Praskovya.

And, by the way, Parasha is the main character of Pushkin’s work “The Bronze Horseman”. The author calls it that in his poem.

As for the name Praskovya, in my opinion, it generally has unfortunate diminutive forms. Here are some of them:

Previously, girls born on Friday were often called Praskovya, since the most common meaning of this name is “Friday.” There is even the holy great martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, who enjoys special love among the Orthodox.

Here is more information about the origin of the name Praskovya:


Characteristics of the name Praskovya by zodiac sign:

  • Aries is hardworking and diligent. He is never lazy or inactive. Praskovya-Aries is characterized by outbursts of anger, during which he cannot restrain insults and displays rudeness. She is quick-witted and quickly admits her mistake.
  • Taurus is receptive and sociable. Does not like loneliness, happily makes new acquaintances. Praskovya-Taurus is afraid of offending loved ones, so he keeps his emotions under control.
  • Gemini is cheerful and charming. Values ​​friendship and loves to be in the company of friends. Praskovya Gemini charms men, but will never agree to a short-term relationship.
  • Cancer is shy and indecisive. Trying to look stronger and more confident. Praskovya-Cancer needs the praise and approval of others.
  • Leo is strong-willed and uncompromising. He selects his friends scrupulously. Praskovya-Leo achieves serious success, but faces difficulties in relationships with men. Not everyone can withstand her assertive character.
  • Virgo is balanced and talented. She tends to analyze herself and everything around her. Paranya (as Praskovya is called for short) under the sign of the Virgo approaches the choice of a spouse with responsibility. She is compatible with everyone, but some will find her peaceful personality too boring.
  • Libra is straightforward and open. He always tries to find the right words so as not to offend anyone. However, her statements are still not always pleasant for others. Praskovya-Libra is surrounded by loyal and devoted friends.
  • Scorpio is unpredictable and frivolous. Loves to travel and learn new things. Praskovya the Sagittarius does not tolerate routine existence. Leads an active lifestyle and plays sports. Cherishes freedom.
  • Sagittarius is quick-tempered, but quick-witted. He knows how to present himself correctly in society and demonstrate his virtues. Praskovya the Sagittarius easily finds a common language with everyone, but rarely has truly close friends.
  • Capricorn is hardworking and capable of self-sacrifice. Lives only on material goods. Praskovya-Capricorn is ready to sacrifice everything to achieve her goal. It’s not easy for her to find a life partner, and not everyone can get along with her.
  • Aquarius is charming and trusting. He easily finds an approach to every person, believes that any personality has positive qualities, you just need to consider them. Praskovya-Aquarius needs a protector. She is easily deceived, which is why she suffers disappointments.
  • Pisces is romantic and shy. Trying to overcome self-doubt. Praskovya the fish does not know how to fight and gives up at the first difficulties. She has good compatibility with many signs, but needs a companion who will solve problems and comfort her.

Name flower

Linen is a symbol of fertility and motherhood. The ancient Egyptians considered this plant to be the first plant created by the gods and personified it with the goddess Isis. Owners of names associated with this flower are distinguished by boundless maternal love. At the same time, raising children occurs with rigor. Children of such mothers always look neat and are fully developed.

Church name, calendar

Church name - Paraskeva. There are 10 Christian saints in the history of the Church. Among them the most famous are:

  • Paraskeva Friday, which received its name from pious parents who honored the day of Jesus' crucifixion - Friday. During the time of persecution of believers in Christ, Saint Paraskeva was tortured to death. Memorial Day – October 27 (4).
  • Paraskeva of Rome, who lost her breast at the hands of the ruler of Magna Graecia for her faith in Jesus, and then beheaded in Galia by the prefect Asclepius. Memorial date: July 26 (August 8).
  • Paraskeva Toplovskaya (in the world Olga Ivanovna Rodimtseva) - Abbess of the Toplovsky Convent. On July 16, 1889, Bishop Martinian tonsured the nun into a mantle and named her in honor of the Venerable Martyr Paraskeva of Rome. Memorial date: November 20 (December 3).


You can pray to Saint Paraskeva in your own words or read canonical prayers for different occasions in front of her icon.


When making a personal request to a saint, the general prayer should be said as follows:

“Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners (names), intercede, so that through your prayers we may be worthy (the content of the petition), and together with you we glorify and glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

About health

“Oh, most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and extremely negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are extremely weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of true faith and divine deeds we may enter into the eternal light of the unevening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in where you now shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the heavenly powers the Trisagion of the One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

About the groom

“Holy Great Martyr, protected by God, pray to the Almighty for me and my family.

Help me find eternal love, or strengthen the one I have now. Save my soul from sorrow. Help me defeat loneliness and temptation, just as you defeated the evil machinations. Pray to God for me, God’s servant (name), so that I can wake up with happiness in my heart and lightness in my soul.

I honor you, Paraskeva, our long-suffering and blessed martyr. Do not let me unworthy of the servant of our Father Almighty lose faith and steadfastness on the path. Give me someone who could walk the path of life in love and fidelity hand in hand. Amen".

Name compatibility

For Praskovya, marriage with Alexey, Boris, Vitaly, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Dmitry, Ignat, Ilya, Kirill, Nikita, Yuri will be successful.

Praskovya is least likely to have a strong relationship with Victor, Marat, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Sergei, Fedor.

Famous people with the name Praskovya

Famous owners of the name:

  • Praskovya Osipova is the owner of the Trigorskoye estate, a neighbor and close friend of A. S. Pushkin.
  • Praskovya Uvarova is a Russian scientist, historian and archaeologist from the Shcherbatov family, who participated in the founding of the Historical Museum named after Emperor Alexander III. Author of many scientific works on the history and archeology of the Russian Empire.
  • Praskovya Saltykova - Russian queen, since 1684 the wife of Ivan V.
  • Praskovya Zhemchugova is a serf of the Sheremetyev counts, a Russian actress and singer. The first Russian poetess from the peasantry. It was extremely popular in the 19th century. A street in the east of Moscow, Zhemchugova Alley, is named after her.
  • Praskovya Angelina – foreman of the tractor brigade of the machine-tractor station, drummer. She was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Stalin Prize 3rd degree, three Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • Praskovya Annenkova (maiden name Zhanetta-Polina Gebl) is a French milliner. The romantic story of her marriage inspired A. Dumas to write the novel “The Fencing Teacher,” director A. Ivanovsky to make the film “The Decembrists,” and Yu. Shaporin to write the opera “The Decembrists.”

The secret of the name Praskovya hides a strong and freedom-loving personality. Her behavior cannot be predicted. Parasa can stop communicating without regret if “foul play” is noticed towards her. He understands people very well, so it will not be possible to deceive her.


Useful video about the meaning of the name Praskovya

Medical edition:

Site experts
Arina Aksenova

Author of the portal

The site administration does not operate in the field of medical services. Consultations and recommendations are for informational purposes only and do not constitute full medical assistance. Any medical care is provided only in specialized medical institutions. If you have any symptoms, consult a doctor.



Girls with this name should pay attention to their health . And it is advisable to do this as early as possible. The most acceptable types of physical activity may be cardio exercise (running, cycling, walking) and hardening. But it's important not to overdo it. First of all, you need to enjoy exercise.

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