To the 600th anniversary of the repose of St. Arseny of Tver

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Saint Arseny, Bishop of Tver founded the Assumption Zheltikovsky Monastery at the end of the fourteenth century. He performed miracles during his lifetime, and after his death legends were made about them.

Life of Arseny Tverskoy

The boy grew up in a wealthy family, but lost his parents early. He was raised according to God's laws and turned his home into a refuge for the poor and wanderers, which aroused the anger of his relatives. Not finding reconciliation with them, he decided to go to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Saint Cyprian liked the kind, educated, hardworking and intelligent young man, so he elevated him to hierodeacon. When the saint was appointed Metropolitan of Moscow, Arseny followed him and became an archdeacon.

At the end of the fourteenth century, contradictions arose between Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich and Archbishop Efimy of Tver, who was subsequently sent into exile. In this regard, the Metropolitan of Moscow appointed Arseny Bishop of Tver:

  • Saint Arseny defended the offended, put an end to princely enmity, took care of the poor, and ransomed people from slavery and captivity.
  • Under his leadership, many churches and monasteries of the diocese were erected.
  • Many Orthodox Christians, having heard about his virtuous deeds, went to him to receive a blessing, as well as miraculous healing.
  • He enjoyed authority among the boyars. Thanks to him, the two brothers Tverskoy and the Kashinsky prince reconciled.

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Archbishop Arseny was the initiator of the creation of the ancient version of the Kiev-Pechersk collection of the lives of saints and the history of the formation of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

The saint died in 1410; his incorruptible relics were in the Zheltikovsky Monastery. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, during the retreat of the Russian army, the monastery was blown up, and as a result, the remains were lost. The days of remembrance of St. Arseny are March 2, March 15 and the first Sunday in July, the feast of the Council of Tver Saints.

Miracles of the Saint

Legends remained about the miracles of the Tver bishop after his death:

  1. Fisherman Terenty became addicted to drinking and lost his mind. His mother and father brought him to the Zheltikovsky Monastery, where he died. After 2 days, the body was taken to the church and placed next to the remains of Saint Arseny, against whom the parents of the deceased began to grumble. When the holy minister read the Gospel, the saint stood up and began to cry about his sin. Then the mother and father realized their guilt and repented before him.
  2. During the Polish intervention, one soldier stole an embroidered cover from the remains of a saint and placed it on his saddle. Some force lifted the rider into the air and then hit the ground. The enemy died, and the shroud flew onto the roof of the church.
  3. One man hid money in the ground of a forest thicket, and when he returned for it, he did not find it. He became upset and wanted to commit suicide. But a monk passed by and asked why he wanted to die in sin. The man told about his grief. Then the monk hit the ground with his staff and forced them to look for the lost money. He only demanded that when he found it, he should visit the Zheltikovsky Monastery and thank the Lord. This was the appearance of Saint Arsenius, because the man found his savings.

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And today many Christians offer their prayer requests to the icon of the saint, with the hope of his miraculous help.

Oh, great saint of God, Holy Hierarch Father Arseny! Behold, we, sinners and unworthy children of yours, bring you songs of praise, and we magnify your deeds and virtues, and your many mercy to all who flow with faith to your fatherly protection. Accept with love the offering of faith and love of ours, and bring it to the Almighty God, from Whom comes down every good gift and every perfect gift, and as you have done good in your earthly life to all who sought your help, so even now, gracious father, do not deprive us of your before God of powerful intercession. Behold, your imperishable and multi-healing powers have been given to us by the Lord as assurance, for the great boldness of the Lord towards Him and for the greatness of your intercession before the Throne of His goodness. Moreover, do not leave us orphaned and helpless, but always remember us in your holy heavenly prayers. Strengthen our feet to walk firmly and unwaveringly along the path of the commandments of the Lord, strengthen our hands to perform prayer and do good deeds, warm our hearts with love for the Lord and for life live forever. Ask the Tsar of the Heavenly City of Tver and your holy monastery for the welfare and the entire Russian country for God’s mercy and preservation from all evil. Ask, O saint of God, and to all who with faith resort to the race of your holy relics and reverently call on your name, for whom the gift is beneficial: healing for the sick, deliverance for the needy, comfort for the sad knowledge, knowledge of the truth for those who go astray, correction for sinners, advancement for those who strive, and all the way to life for everyone temporally and eternally necessary, for the glory of the wondrous God in His saints, in the Trinity glorified and worshiped, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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According to St. Dimitry Rostovsky:

Sschmch. Theodota, bishop Kyrineisky;

St. Arsenia, bishop Tverskoy;

Mts. Euphalia.

The Life of Our Holy Father Arseny, Bishop of Tver1


Saint Arseny was born in the city of Tver from pious, noble and wealthy parents. Neither the year of his birth nor the names of his parents are known. Having asked God for a son, the parents of the blessed one were most concerned about instilling the fear of God in his heart. After some time, they sent the boy to learn to read and write. With God's help, he soon discovered such success that he surpassed all his peers. Arseny was young in age, but he understood well that all the blessings of this life are impermanent and fleeting. He thought and cared only about pleasing God and saving his soul. After some time, the saint’s parents died, before their death they commanded their son to live holy and pleasing to God, to firmly keep the commandments of the Lord and observe the Christian faith, and left him all their property. Having buried his parents, the saint began to think even more often about the salvation of his soul. He thought:

- I know that I am a stranger and a wanderer on earth. Life here is short and short-lived, but the life to come is endless. My parents left me a large estate, but my soul is not happy about it. For the Scripture says: “ What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what ransom will a man give for his soul?

"(Matthew 16:26.)

Thinking like this, he began to distribute his property to the poor: he clothed the naked, visited the sick, helped widows and orphans, and stood up for the downtrodden. But the envious man of the human race, seeing the pious life of Saint Arseny, raised a fight against him. He conveyed to some of the blessed one’s relatives the idea that the young man was not doing well by generously distributing his parents’ property. The saint’s relatives either advised him to marry, or reviled and reproached him, saying:

“Look, this saint has ruined his entire parents’ house and is spending his life doing nothing.”

But such words did not bother the pious young man. The Lord gave him the idea to go to the Pechora monastery, where the Monks Anthony and Theodosius once labored and shone with their virtues. Having freed all the slaves and distributed his property to the poor, the young ascetic secretly left his hometown and headed to the Kiev Pechersk monastery, where a voice he heard in a dream called him. Arriving at the monastery, the saint fell on his knees before the abbot and asked him:

- Have mercy on me, father, have mercy on me, a sinner. Do not remove me from the holy monastery; remember that Christ does not reject repentant sinners.

This is how the holy abbot of Pechersk earnestly asked. The abbot was surprised and asked him:

- Why, child, do you lament your sins so much, because you are still young?

“I am a great sinner,” answered Saint Arseny, “for there is no person who would not sin, even if he lived only one day.” Have mercy on me, father, and do not drive me away from the holy monastery. I know that I too will have some time to appear at the terrible Judgment Seat of Christ - what answer will I give then to the impartial Judge?

The abbot was surprised at the young man’s answer. He saw with his spiritual eyes that the special grace of God rested on the youth. But seeing that Arseny was still young, the abbot of Pechersk said to him:

- Monastic life is difficult, there are many hardships and sorrows in it. It will not be easy for you to endure all the monastic feats at such a young age. But the Lord showed many paths for the salvation of people. Choose another path, an easier one.

“I am not afraid of monastic labors,” answered the saint, “they are sweet and pleasant for me.” I ask you one thing: make me the last slave in the holy monastery and I will do everything with gratitude. May God be my patron and may your holy prayers help me. I firmly remember the words of Scripture: “ No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.”

"(Luke 9:62). Just accept me, father.

Surprised by the young man’s piety, the abbot accepted Arseny into the monastery and clothed him in monastic attire. The new monk was given over to a virtuous elder, experienced in spiritual exploits, for guidance.

Many ascetics, like bright stars, shone only in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. They showed a good example to the pious young man: one was distinguished by his firm faith, the other placed all his trust in the One Lord, he flourished in silence and obedience, the other waged a victorious battle with his flesh and subjugated it to the spirit. Saint Arseny saw these feats of piety and began to imitate each of them, trying not to leave a single good example. With the greatest humility, he fulfilled all the duties of the abbot and other monks, worked incessantly, did not miss a single Divine service, was content with the merest food, and only fell asleep for the shortest time.

In the Pechersk monastery it was customary for every monk to undergo all degrees of obedience, starting from the lowest to the highest. Like others, Saint Arseny fulfilled all obediences, and he performed them with great zeal. He worked day and night, not leaving his hands idle for a single hour: he prepared food for the brethren, chopped wood and carried water; no one ever heard a word of grumbling or idleness from him. He adorned himself with virtues so much that he was taller than all the monks in the monastery. The brothers were amazed at his hard work and gentleness.

Saint Cyprian, the future saint of Moscow, lived in Kyiv at that time. Seeing that Arseny was distinguished by a sharp mind and succeeded in virtues, he brought the young monk closer to him and fell in love with him, often talked with him, instructing him in the commandments of God. And when Saint Cyprian took the throne of the Moscow Metropolis, he did not want to be separated from Saint Arsenios. The saint took him with him to Moscow, made him an archdeacon and entrusted him with the charge of writing. At first, Saint Arseny asked not to impose a burden on him, saying that he would like to pray in silence and strive in virtues. But then, convinced by the saint, he agreed - he only asked not to elevate him to the highest degrees of the priesthood.

Meanwhile, troubles arose in the homeland of blessed Arseny, in Tver. Bishop Euthymius of Tver brought considerable confusion to his flock; Distinguished by his unyielding character, he intervened in worldly affairs; Lacking Christian humility, he was distinguished by great pride and vain arrogance. By his behavior, the bishop armed against himself not only the prince and the boyars, but also the clergy, monks and ordinary laity. Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich of Tver, seeing that discord was multiplying, sent an embassy to Moscow and called Metropolitan Cyprian to come to Tver to judge the matter. Saint Metropolitan Cyprian went to Tver, inviting with him two Greek metropolitans, Michael and Nikander, Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm, Bishop Michael of Smolensk, took Saint Arseny, many archimandrites and abbots. When the consecrated cathedral approached Tver, Prince Mikhail himself with many people came out to meet him and received those who arrived with honor. As soon as Cyprian and the other fathers reached the city, he immediately went to the church in the name of the honest and glorious Transfiguration to perform a prayer service here, then the Divine Liturgy, and gave his blessing to everyone.

Four days later, the Metropolitan and the entire consecrated cathedral examined the case of the Tver bishop. Euthymius defended himself at first. But the fathers of the council exposed his wrongdoings; he was deprived of his dignity and sent for imprisonment to the Moscow Miracle Monastery.

For a long time people in Tver knew about the virtuous life of Saint Arseny. Now Prince Mikhail asked the Metropolitan to install him as a bishop in his city.

“I think that Arseny can establish peace and silence in our city,” the prince said to the metropolitan. “I don’t know another husband, more virtuous and more worthy.” Besides, he was born here. Not only me, but many citizens know him and his pious parents.

His Eminence Cyprian approved the prince's intention and called Arseny. When the saint heard about the prince’s desire, he resolutely refused:

- Forgive me, my gentlemen, I am a sinful person and unworthy of such a rank. I call the Lord to witness that I have never had and now have no other desire than to mourn my sins in solitude. That’s why I previously renounced the priesthood, and it’s a sin for me to even think about being a bishop.

The saint refused for a long time, but finally the prince and metropolitan told him:

“If you do not want to obey our will, then we and the consecrated cathedral have the power to impose a ban on you.”

Saint Arseny did not want to resist any longer and gave his consent. So he was elected bishop (July 24, 1390), but he was afraid of the burden of government, afraid of the discord and rebellion that did not have time to subside in Tver after the removal of Bishop Euthymius, and with all his soul he wanted to struggle in private. Therefore, after some time, Saint Arsenios made a second request to Metropolitan Cyprian to remove such a heavy burden from him. But the Metropolitan encouraged him and persuaded him again. Seeing the Providence of God in this, Arseny submitted to the will of the metropolitan and on August 15, 1390 he was ordained bishop of Tver.

Having ascended the archpastoral throne, Saint Arseny tried most of all to establish peace and harmony in his spiritual flock and to exterminate rebellion. He zealously preached the word of God: Saint Arseny taught everyone who came to him, like a loving father; in the temple of God he edified his flock like a caring shepherd. He always remembered the words of the prophet Ezekiel: “ And you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel, and you will hear the word from My mouth and admonish them from Me.”

"(Ezek.33:7). This is how the saint taught everyone and with his words attracted everyone to himself. The citizens of Tver with great zeal sought to listen to their teaching shepherd. In his very life, Saint Arseny set a good example for everyone: with his accession to the throne, he began to lead an even more severe and strict life, completely subordinating his flesh to the spirit. Everyone was amazed at the purity of his life and unceasing vigil. Strict with himself, he treated others meekly and was merciful to the poor: he defended the oppressed, distributed clothes and food to the poor, ransomed slaves and captives. The fame of his virtuous life spread far and wide; many came from far and wide, asking for his prayers and blessings.

For his good life, the saint was honored to receive from the Lord the gift of miracles. Many people flocked to him; everyone who was possessed by any illness turned to the saint, and, by the grace of God, he provided various healings. He laid his hands on some sick people, read prayers over others, blessed others and sprinkled them with holy water or anointed them with oil - he healed everyone with fervent prayer to the Lord.

While in Tver, Saint Arseny did not forget the Pechersk monastery, where he began his monastic labors, and constantly remembered the life of its venerable founders - Anthony and Theodosius. The saint thought of founding his own monastery, which would remind him of Pechersk, and he wanted his body to be buried in it. Saint Arseny told the Prince of Tver about his intention. The prince praised the good desire of the saint and himself promised to help him during the construction of the monastery, to provide him with the land necessary for its maintenance. Then the saint chose on the Tmaka River, 4 versts from the city of Tver, one place that he liked very much. It was called Zheltikovo. Calling on God's blessing, he ordered the construction of a wooden church here in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk, his great mentors. Having set up cells, the saint gathered the brethren and appointed them an abbot. This happened in 1394. Ten years later, the saint founded a stone church in the Zheltikov Monastery and consecrated it in the name of the Most Pure Mother of God, Her honorable and glorious Assumption, of course, remembering the Assumption Church of the Pechersk Monastery. The church was consecrated on August 30, 1405; it was beautifully decorated and painted. The Grand Duke of Tver fulfilled his promise - he donated several estates to the monastery. The saint often came to his monastery and took part in the labors of the brethren, showing everyone an example of monastic life. He did not seek honor and glory among the brethren, but in the monastery he himself founded, he wanted to be a simple monk. Great in his virtues, he instructed and enlightened all the brethren: just as the month shines among the stars, so Saint Arseny shone with his piety among the monks of the monastery. The saint wanted to make the Zheltikov Monastery his resting place. With his own hands he carved out a tomb for himself here from a white stone, and a lid for it from another.

Wishing that the monks of the new monastery would always be edified by the exploits of the Pechersk fathers, Saint Arseny ordered the copying of the ancient Patericon of the Pechersk - a book in which the exploits and great works of the holy Kiev-Pechersk ascetics were set out. From this it is clear that the saint tried in deed, word, and edifying writings to enlighten and teach his flock; he constantly carried in his heart the words of Scripture: “ The servant of the Lord should not quarrel, but be friendly to everyone, teachable, gentle

"(2 Tim. 2:24). Saint Arseny was such a shepherd. He built many churches of God in the city itself and in its environs; he also restored the main Transfiguration Cathedral in Tver.

Prince Mikhail of Tver sincerely respected the worthy shepherd. He often talked with Saint Arseny and received considerable spiritual benefit from these conversations. The gentle words of the saint sank deeply into the prince’s heart. Instructed by the saint, the Grand Duke built churches of God, performed works of mercy, helped the poor in his principality and sent alms to Constantinople. Feeling the approach of his death, the prince expressed a desire to take on the monastic image. Saint Arseny approved of his good intention, tonsured the prince, and named him Matthew as a monk, and soon after, admonished by the saint, the monk-prince departed from this temporary life. Loving peace, Saint Arseny always tried to reconcile those at war. At that time, there were often discords between the princes, and the saint always tried to put an end to the princely strife. With God's help, in 1403 he managed to reconcile the Tver prince Ivan Mikhailovich with his brother, the Kashinsky prince Vasily Mikhailovich, whom the Tver prince had offended. But after some time, enmity between the prince-brothers flared up again. Then the saint, threatening God's terrible wrath and eternal condemnation, put an end to this hostility on the day of the Feast of the Life-Giving Trinity in 1406.

Reconciling those at war, the saint tried to treat everyone quietly and meekly: he did not allow anyone to be offended, everyone who came to him found protection and refuge; the saint was the protector of orphans and widows, treated the poor and needy with love, encouraged the weak, helped everyone with good advice, money or fatherly guidance. Imitating the Heavenly Shepherd Christ, he always cared for the lost sheep of his flock and led them into the fence of repentance.

Saint Cyprian more than once summoned Saint Arsenios to Moscow for council meetings.

The blessed death of Saint Arseny followed the Great Lent of 1409. On Assembly Sunday, the clergy of the Tver diocese gathered in Tver for the usual annual council. On Sunday it greeted its ruler; on Tuesday Saint Arseny delivered a sermon to the shepherds, instructing them in matters of pastoral service and deciding matters; on the same day he blessed the gathered shepherds, said goodbye to them and dissolved the cathedral. On Thursday of the second week the saint became seriously ill and lost his tongue. On the morning of Friday (March 1), Grand Duke John Mikhailovich came to him with his brethren and boyars; he convened archimandrites, abbots and priests to perform the consecration of oil over the sick saint. Ten monks sat at the sick bed, wanting to hear a farewell word from their bishop. But he was speechless. The next night Saint Arsenios died. For 19 years and 7 months, with great zeal, he shepherded the verbal flock entrusted to him by God. Hearing about the death of the righteous saint, Prince John Mikhailovich and many people came to his relics. Everyone grieved and cried: “our sun has darkened, we have lost our good shepherd and father.”

The next day, the relics of Saint Arseny were taken from the bishop's house to the cathedral church, where the citizens of Tver said goodbye to their shepherd, and were buried in the Zheltikov Monastery, in the narthex of the right chapel of the Assumption Church (in the name of the Image Not Made by Hands), in the same stone tomb that the saint made it with my own hands.

At his burial there were many sick people. They asked the saint for healing and received relief from their ailments. Such was the life of Saint Arseny, such was his blessed death; now he stands before the throne of the Lord along with the angels, glorifying the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

After the death of Saint Arsenios, citizens did not cease to honor his memory. Seeing the miracles that flowed from his tomb, the pious residents of Tver called upon Saint Arseny in their prayers and received help and intercession in troubles. After 74 years after his repose (in 1483), Bishop Vassian of Tver, by order of Tsar John Vasilyevich, wanted to open his relics. Having gathered the cathedral with many people, he headed to the Zheltikov Monastery. The coffin in which the relics of the saint of God rested was taken out of the ground and brought into the cathedral church. When the lid was opened, the whole church was filled with fragrance. Corruption did not touch the relics of Saint Arseny; even the vestments themselves remained completely intact. Then the bishop ordered the coffin to be covered again, ordered an image of the saint to be painted (it is intact to this day) and placed it at the coffin for those who came to venerate. A cover with an image of the miracle worker was placed on the coffin. With the blessing of Bishop Vassian, the service to Saint Arsenius was also compiled. Then a local celebration was established for him in the Zheltikov Monastery. From that time on, even more miracles began to happen at his tomb. The local celebration of St. Arseny in Tver was established by the Moscow Cathedral of 1547.

The most remarkable and striking of the miracles of Saint Arsenius occurred in 1566. At that time, there lived a fisherman named Terenty in Tver. At first he had great faith in Saint Arsenius, but then he fell into unbelief and suffered a frenzy of mind. His parents brought him to the Zheltikov monastery, hoping that their son would receive healing here. But he died. Two days later, his body was brought into the Church of the Most Pure Mother of God, where the holy relics rested. The parents grieved greatly, they even murmured against the saint:

“We hoped to receive mercy from you, but our son died.” Our zeal for you fades, and our faith becomes impoverished.

The Lord did not tolerate such reproachful speeches against His saint. While reading the Gospel, the dead man suddenly stood up and began to cry bitterly about his sin. Terenty’s parents also repented of their murmur against the saint.

Akaki, who was then the Bishop of Tver, a righteous and pious man, himself saw the resurrected man and became convinced of the reality of the incident.

In 1606, when the Russian land suffered from the invasion of the Poles and Lithuanians, the enemies forcibly devastated many regions of the Russian state, including the Tver monastery. The enemies did not spare the Zheltik monastery either. They burst into it, thinking they would find a lot of treasure. But the monks managed to hide the monastery treasures in advance and themselves retired to Tver. Only on the relics of the saint remained a cover embroidered in gold with his image. Having found nothing in the monastery, the enemies were greatly deceived in their expectations. One of the enemies, annoyed at the failure, grabbed the cover from the relics of the saint and placed it on his horse. But as soon as he sat on the horse, suddenly, by an unknown force, the horse and rider were lifted into the air, then thrown to the ground. They died from a strong blow, and the cover miraculously rose to the roof of the Assumption Church. This cover is still preserved in the monastery.

In 1637, a new cathedral stone church was built in the monastery. Therefore, the relics of the saint were temporarily transferred to the wooden church of St. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. One of the brethren, named Hermogenes, entered the church in a drunken state after Vespers and fell asleep not far from the relics of the saint. Waking up at night, he was struck by a wondrous vision. The temple was brightly lit; Saint Arseny rose and sat down on his stone tomb. Hermogenes, overcome with horror, wanted to run away. But Saint Arseny, looking at him, said menacingly:

“Why did you, daring one, enter the temple of God drunk?”

Hermogenes fell as if dead. He lay there for a long time, but then, having come to his senses, with great difficulty he left the temple through the northern doors, which were locked from the inside. After that he was sick for a long time. But the saint only wanted to reason with the foolish and deliver him from vice. When Hermogenes, having sincerely confessed his sin to everyone, asked the saint for forgiveness, he received healing from his illness before the relics of Saint Arsenios.

Often the holy saint of God showed his wondrous help to the suffering, and through his prayers the sick received healing. Of the many miracles, let us mention the following.

The youth Gerasim, the son of priest Vasily, lived in Tver. At the wedding feast, Gerasim was given wine mixed with a poisonous potion. He became very ill and was already thinking about death. Suffering, Gerasim turned to the free healer - Saint Arseny, came to his relics on the day of his memory (March 2), prayed fervently, and the saint of God miraculously healed the sick youth.

Many years later, Gerasim, having become a cleric, moved to live in Moscow. His niece, Daria, who had suffered from eye disease for a long time, lived in his house. The more time passed, the more the illness intensified, so that Daria could not even sleep at night and moaned all the time. She was unable to look at the light. Finally, on the day of remembrance of Saint Arseny, a priest from the temple dedicated to his name came to Gerasim’s house with holy water and washed Daria’s eyes with it. She was immediately healed.

Gerasim was greatly surprised when he saw his niece healthy. And earlier he had gratitude to his heavenly intercessor. Seeing his new mercy, Gerasim wished to have his service and life at home. But the life of Saint Arseny was not found in Moscow. At the request of Gerasim, the archimandrite of the Zheltik monastery sent him the life and canon of the saint and asked, after reading, to send them back to the monastery. Gerasim hastily began to rewrite the life. But a misfortune happened to him. When he was praying before starting his work, he bowed to the ground and caught his right eye on a nail sticking out on the floor. He could hardly rise to his feet and cried out loudly:

- O Master, Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!

At that time, monks from the Zheltikovo monastery, Jonah and Theophilus, lived in Gerasim’s house, and they brought the life of Saint Arseny. Seeing Gerasim's torment, they began to wipe off the blood flowing from the wound and advised Gerasim to pray to Arseny. As soon as Gerasim began to ask the saint for his healing, the blood immediately stopped flowing. Then everyone saw that Gerasim had crushed his eyelid and eyebrow, but by the grace of God the eye itself remained intact. Soon the wound healed completely, and Gerasim, with gratitude and a tender heart, completed the life of the saint, through whose prayers he so soon received healing.

Under Archimandrite Savvatiya the following marvelous miracle occurred. One peasant who lived near the monastery of St. Arsenius buried his treasure in the forest, wanting to preserve it. After some time, this man came again to where his money was hidden and began to look for it, but could not find it. The peasant fell into great sorrow, began to grieve and cry. He even wanted to hang himself and had already thrown a noose around the tree. Suddenly a handsome man appeared before him and said:

“Why, child, did you intend evil in your heart?” Why do you want to destroy your soul and doom yourself to eternal torment?

The peasant was overcome with trepidation: he began to cry. When the wonderful husband asked why he was crying so bitterly, the peasant said that he had hidden his money and could not find it.

The noble man struck the ground with his staff and said:

- In this place you will find what you are looking for.

The peasant, having dug up the ground, found his treasure. Amazed by this, he began to thank the man who had appeared and asked him:

“Where are you from, honest father, and what is your name, so that I can thank you for my salvation and for finding the treasure!”

- I am Arseny and I live in a monastery built by my labors. Go there and give due thanks to God.

The peasant wanted to fall on his knees before the elder, but he became invisible. Then the peasant realized that the handsome man was Saint Arseny himself; Arriving at the Zheltikov monastery, he thanked God and His saint and told everything that had happened to him.

In 1657, a new miracle occurred at the shrine of St. Arsenius. Deacon John then lived in the Zheltik monastery. Inspired by the devil, he plotted to steal silver and gold utensils from the temple where the relics of the saint rested. One day at noon he asked the sexton for the keys to the temple, entered the church and took all the silver and gold utensils that stood not far from the saint’s shrine. Prompted by greed, he also wanted to take from the relics the silver panagia that the saint wore on himself during his life. Suddenly, by an unknown force, the thief was thrown so far from the holy relics that he hit the church platform and lost consciousness. After some time, the monks who entered the temple saw that John was lying in the middle of the church as if dead. Realizing what had happened, they took him out of the church, sent him to Tver to Archbishop Joasaph and told him everything they had seen. John himself could not say anything: he did not speak his tongue and was completely weakened. By order of the bishop, the weakened deacon was again taken to the monastery and then brought to church. Little by little he began to come to his senses and, finally, repenting, he completely recovered.

Many other miracles occurred from the holy relics of the glorious saint and shepherd of the flock of Christ through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 8:

Having lived piously in the priesthood, you enlightened people with your teaching, and you labored for the most pure temple, and became a lover of monks: for this reason you received the crown from Christ of your flock. Moreover, as the vicar of the Apostolic See and the great saint, we pray to you, your blessed child: deliver us from all troubles, even through your prayers to Christ, Our Father Arseny of Christ.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Having joyfully received your honest relics, most pure church, they are honestly brought into the world by many holy monks and princes of the faithful, and even accepted as a valuable treasure. In the same way, we are now your fence of verbal sheep, around your upcoming shrine, kindly crying out to you: do not forget your children, father, whom you wisely gathered and loved, as we call you: Rejoice at Saint Arseny, our shepherd and teacher.

On the same day, the memory of the Monk Agathon, the hermit of Egypt, who died in the 5th century.

On the same day, the memory of the martyr Troadius, a young man who suffered under King Decius in the city of Neocaesarea.


The ancient life of Saint Arsenius was written at the end of the 15th century. monk Theodosius. The miracles of the saint are described in the second half of the 16th century and in the 17th century.

St. Cyprian was installed as Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus' on December 2, 1375. He arrived in Kyiv the following year, 1376, and lived here until he was confirmed in the Moscow See in May 1381.

In other words: Met. Cyprian made St. Arseny as his secretary.

Euthymy (nicknamed Wislen) was installed as Bishop of Tver on March 9, 1374.

Mikhail Alexandrovich was the Grand Duke of Tver from 1339 to 1399. Before his death, he accepted monasticism with the name Matthew.

The word “Paterik” means “Fatherland”, i.e. book about fathers. The book Paterik is a collection of short stories about ascetics or their sayings. The Pechersk Patericon, copied by order of Saint Arseny, includes: The Life of St. Theodosius of Pechersk, written by Rev. Nestor; The legend of the chronicle about the founding of the Pechersk Monastery; Collection of legends of Simon, Bishop of Vladimir, and Polycarp, monk of Pechersk, about the Pechersk ascetics.

“Gathering Sunday” (or in short - “gathering”, “honest gathering”) in ancient times was called the Sunday after the first week of Lent, the week of Orthodoxy, and this is because on this day priests annually gathered to see the bishop and formed a diocesan council.

John Mikhailovich was the Grand Duke of Tver from 1499 to 1525. Before his death, he took monastic tonsure with the name Job.

Bishop Vassian (in the world Prince Strigin - Obolensky) ruled the Tver diocese from 1477 to 1508.

Bishop Akaki ruled the Tver diocese from 1522 to 1567.

There are two known archimandrites with the name Savvaty: the first entered in 1566, the second is mentioned in 1650. Here, of course, the second.

Archbishop Joasaph ruled the Tver diocese from 1657 to 1676.

After the discovery of the relics of Saint Arseny, they lay in a white stone tomb, hewn by his hands; Then, under Patriarch Nikon in 1655, they were transferred to the shrine of St. Philip and a service was compiled for this holiday. In 1734, Tver citizens Ivan and Maxim Yankovsky and Vasily Volchaninov built a silver shrine for the relics of the miracle worker, in which they rest to this day.

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Temple of Arseny Tverskoy

In September 2004, a worship cross was installed in the Pervomaisky microdistrict of the city of Tver. In ancient times, there were forest thickets on the site of the residential area. Nearby there was a road along which people went to pray.

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The construction of the church began at the request of the residents. They expressed a desire for the social infrastructure to be decorated by the Church of St. Arseny of Tver in Tver, and not by an entertainment establishment. Orthodox Christians in the residential area supported the initiative and prayed to the saint every week on Wednesday.

Who founded the Church of St. Arseny of Tver? The construction was carried out by the community of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the rector, Archpriest Sergius Droboi, patrons of the St. Nicholas parish.

God bless you!

You will also be interested in watching a video story about Tver Bishop Arseny:

Troparion, kontakion and canon to Saint Arseny, Bishop of Tver

Troparion, tone 8:

Having lived piously in the priesthood, you enlightened people with your teaching, and you labored for the most pure temple, and became a lover of monks: for this reason you received the crown from Christ of your flock. Moreover, as the vicar of the Apostolic See and the great saint, we pray to you, your blessed child: deliver us from all troubles, even through your prayers to Christ, Our Father Arseny of Christ.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Having joyfully received your honest relics, most pure church, they are honestly brought into the world by many holy monks and princes of the faithful, and even accepted as a valuable treasure. In the same way, we are now your fence of verbal sheep, around your upcoming shrine, kindly crying out to you: do not forget your children, father, whom you wisely gathered and loved, as we call you: Rejoice at Saint Arseny, our shepherd and teacher.

Library of the Russian Faith Canon to Saint Arseny, Bishop of Tver →

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