Holy Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery for men (Kurgan region): history, shrines, holy spring


Russia Kurgan region Chimeevo village Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery Map is loading…

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56.092165; 65.136814

Russia, Kurgan region, Belozersky district, Chimeevo village

Chimeevo village, Kurgan region



(35232) 2-84-46


Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery

- Orthodox male monastery in the Kurgan region. Founded in 2002. There is a hotel at the monastery.

A wonderful event

The Chimeevsky Monastery arose miraculously. It all started when the children, who were frolicking near the river bank, saw that the water was carrying a board. But its location surprised everyone, because it was vertical.

Later the image on the board became visible. She was a woman whose eyes were impressive with an almost childlike expressiveness. This was a case of the Lord’s mercy - people found the holy miraculous face. Time passed, and they gave it a name - the Chimeevskaya icon of the Holy Kazan Mother of God.

After a miraculous discovery, the appearance of a miraculous spring was recorded in this area. This situation is not uncommon. The holy powers gave a kind of sign that the area here was special.

Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God - Miraculous Shrine of the Urals and Trans-Urals

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While doing custom work, I learned about this Miracle - the Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. I found out and decided to share this information with you, my creative colleagues. This is an article from the Our Ural website:

Chimeevo is one of the main spiritual centers of the Urals and Trans-Urals. The village of Chimeevo is located in the Belozersky district of the Kurgan region, 90 kilometers north of Kurgan. It stretches along the banks of the Niyap River, a tributary of the Tobol.

Chimeevo is an ancient village, it was founded back in 1681. The name comes from the name of the first convict resident who founded the settlement.

As was customary at that time, during the settlement they built a small church and named it in honor of the kings Constantine and Helena.

an icon of the Kazan Mother of God sailed to the village along the Niyap River from somewhere unknown . This was considered a sign from above. The icon was placed in a place of honor in the Church of Constantine and Helena. Information about the wonderful icon began to spread throughout the area. The first pilgrims came here.

But on November 5, 1770, the church caught fire and burned down. Everything that was in the church was completely burned, including the iconostasis. But local residents sorting through the rubble suddenly discovered, by some miracle, the preserved icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The icon was not damaged at all by the fire, only darkened by soot.

In 1774, the residents of Chimeevo built a new temple, which was also named in honor of Konstantin and Elena. At the end of the 18th century, in 1797, a new chapel was added to the temple, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Over time, the wooden church became very dilapidated. In 1887, local residents decided to build a new temple. In 1890 the temple was ready. There was enough money for a stone temple, so they built the same wooden one. This time it was consecrated in honor of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This temple, despite its wooden construction and difficult fate, has survived to this day.

With the advent of Soviet power, the temple, like all others in the country, faced difficult times. In 1930, a local priest was arrested and shot. In 1937, his follower shared the same fate. The church was closed.

At the height of the war, in 1943, the village authorities suddenly decided to convert the temple into a granary. According to legend, the miraculous icon could not be moved from its place. The chairman of the council threatened to chop it into small pieces. However, he became ill and died of hemorrhage a few days later.

In 1947, the grain warehouse was closed, and for some reason they suddenly decided to return the premises to believers. Rare case.

For several decades, until his death in 1977, the rector of the temple was Pyotr Trofimov, a very strong and colorful personality. He spent many years for his faith in prisons and Stalinist camps. In the camp he received a serious injury - one of his vertebrae was broken. As a result, at the end of his life, Father Peter was paralyzed. Despite all the hardships and persecution, he did not break and kept his faith.

One and a half kilometers north of Chimeevo there is the equally famous Chimeevo holy spring . Pilgrims who come here certainly take bottles of water - as many as they can carry. Some don't limit themselves to this and climb into a bath of ice water. By the way, scientists have found that this water contains silver. And it is known to kill all germs and have healing powers.

By the way, the Soviet government also encroached on this source. It was filled up, and for some time it was just a garbage dump. Only in 1979, through the efforts of local residents, the spring was cleared and put in order.

Now a wooden staircase with wrought iron railings leads from the road to the source. A gazebo was built over the source, and a bathhouse was installed nearby.

In 2000, a documentary film about faith, local shrines and miraculous manifestations was shot in Chimeevo. The director was the author of the then famous program “Play Harmony” Gennady Zavolokin. The film turned out to be very musical, it included songs by Zavolokin himself about the Orthodox faith, performed by the folk ensemble “Chastushka”.

In 2002, instead of the usual parish in Chimeevo, the Holy Kazan Chimeevo Monastery was founded.

The Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God itself was recently included in the calendar calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church. The date assigned to it is July 21. On this day Chimeevo is the most crowded.

The miraculous Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God annually attracts thousands of pilgrims from all over the Urals and other regions of Russia. They say that many sick people who come here, thirsting for healing, are healed.


Photo by Igor EREMEEV

Healing spring

The holy spring of the Holy Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery is located next to the temple. Here lies a fabulously beautiful pine forest. A spring was discovered under one of the hills after the foundation of a church in honor of the Chimeevskaya icon. Its water has a high silver content. The miraculous power of the source lies in the purification of the human soul. The appearance of a healing spring was also a miraculous phenomenon because there are swamps around this area. The water here is not the best. The more valuable is the appearance of this unique spring.

How to get there[edit]


641354, Kurgan region, Belozersky district, village. Chimeevo




The Holy Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery in the village of Chimeevo, Belozersky district, Kurgan region can be reached from Kurgan along the P-254 highway by bus “Kurgan-Belozerskoye” or “Kurgan-Tyumen” in 1 hour, 50 minutes. (98 km). From Belozerskoye to the village of Chimeevo - 56 km, travel time - 1 hour.

From Kurgan or Tyumen you need to drive along the Kurgan - Tyumen highway until the turn to Chimeevo.

You can also take a bus that runs from Kurgan to the village of Yagodnoye. Walks twice a day.

Nearest cities:

Ekaterinburg - 350 km, Kurgan - 105 km, Chelyabinsk - 330 km, Tyumen - 150 km, Perm - 710 km, Ufa - 730 km.

Official site.

Living water

The appearance of the holy spring was very important, since the area suffered from poor water due to the proximity of swamps. But the taste of spring water from the new source was especially pleasant.

Local residents began to notice that the water from the source had special powers. It heals various ailments, gives cheerfulness, warms, and gives hope for the best. Therefore, the life-giving source is inextricably linked with the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God.

Gratitude of the local population

The holy image surprised people with miraculous powers, healing people. And the parishioners decided to express their gratitude to the Mother of God. They decorated the holy face with a robe, on which there were decorations in the form of precious stones. This became possible thanks to the special efforts of Ivan Fedorovich Moskvin. He gave the donation for such good purposes. With this money, the novices not only carried out repair work at the Chimeevsky Monastery, but also took care of purchasing various church utensils.

By the end of the 19th century there was significant deterioration of the church. And the local residents asked Bishop Abraham of Tobolsk to bless them by allowing them to build a new temple. The bishop also received the text of such a petition.

Difficulties of the era of atheism

The Chimeevsky Monastery, which was then only a temple, had a hard time surviving the times of godlessness. The Soviet government expelled the priest along with his family. They existed thanks to the support and shelter of compassionate local residents. Father Vasily did not survive. He was shot by security officers for his religious views. Father Alexander Berdinsky had to become the rector of the temple.

In 1937, the church was closed and Father Alexander was shot. During the war there was a granary here. The icons were torn down and thrown into the altar. They said that the image of the Mother of God for a long time did not succumb to the power of evil atheists. Then one of them wanted to deal with the icon with an axe. But an invisible force threw him back. He died due to severe bleeding after three days.

Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery in the village of Chimeevo Diocesan monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church

The first mention of the village of Chimeevo dates back to 1681, the year of the death of Patriarch Nikon. It was at this time that a servant of God named Chimeev settled on the banks of the Niyap River (a tributary of the Tobol). He was a convict, for which he served his sentence is not known exactly, but when his sentence expired, he decided to stay in the Trans-Urals. Soon after this, other people began to join him and over time a settlement was formed, to which the authorities assigned the status of a settlement. One bright and sunny day, children playing not far from the river saw a large icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Infant Christ floating along it slowly, standing vertically and against the current. The icon stopped opposite the place where the children were playing, who by this time had already managed to call the adults to look at the miracle. With reverence and prayers, the Holy Icon, which had sailed to this place, was taken out of the river and solemnly transferred to the temple in honor of Constantine and Helena.

Simultaneously with the coming of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, another miraculous phenomenon occurred. The water in the Chimeevsky district has always been of poor quality, since there are many swamps around. And suddenly, not far from Chimeevo, in a pine forest, they noticed the appearance of a spring that bubbled up from under a hill. The water of this spring is of extraordinary taste and purity. It was also noticed that water also helps with various ailments, and if you pour yourself on it, it relieves fatigue, gives you heat and instills joy in your heart. Therefore, the appearance of the source was associated with the coming to this area of ​​the icon of the Queen of Heaven.

Various miracles continued to occur from the holy image, and as a sign of gratitude and love for the Queen of Heaven, the residents of Chimeevo and nearby villages donated a robe decorated with expensive stones for the holy icon. A resident of the Chimeevskaya settlement, Ivan Fedorovich Moskvin, made a great contribution to this matter. Through his labors and donations, many construction and repair work was carried out in the church and on its territory, and various church utensils were purchased with his funds.

In 1887, the church completely fell into disrepair and at a parish meeting in August of the same year, it was decided to turn to Bishop Abraham of Tobolsk with a request to give his blessing for the construction of a new church. Father Jacob Serebrennikov drew up a petition and sent it to the Bishop.

On January 26, 1888, a blessing was received for the construction of a new church in honor of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the same place. On May 7, 1889, the foundation stone of a new church took place, which was carried out by the dean of the district, Father Alexander of Eleonsky and Father Jacob Serebrennikov. On May 21, 1890, the solemn consecration of the temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God took place in the village of Chimeevo. The rite of consecration, as well as the first Divine Liturgy, was led by Dean Alexander of Olives, co-served by Father Jacob and the clergy of neighboring parishes. On July 26, 1893, instead of Father Jacob Serebrennikov, Father Vasily Sokolov was appointed to the Kazan Church in the village of Chimeevo; he served in this temple for almost 37 years.

During the years of militant atheism, his family was kicked out of the house into the street in winter. He was sheltered by compassionate residents of the village of Chimeevo. In 1930, Father Vasily was arrested and offered to renounce Christ, in return promising a comfortable life. But Father Vasily courageously refused the proposals of the security officers and remained faithful to God, for which he drank the cup of suffering for Christ. The date and place of death of Father Vasily are unknown. Instead of Father Vasily, Father Alexander Berdinsky came to serve in the church.

In 1937, the year the five-year plan was announced, the temple was closed due to the final destruction of religion. Father Alexander was shot. His final resting place is unknown. In 1943, the temple was converted into a grain warehouse. The icons were torn down and thrown into the altar. When it came to the Miraculous Image, several people could not move the icon from its place. The chairman of the local village council, Guryan Gladkov, wanted to cut the image of the Mother of God with an ax, but was thrown back by an invisible force, he began to bleed heavily from his nose and mouth, and three days later he died.

In 1947, at the request of parishioners, the temple was returned to believers. On April 10, by decree of Bishop Tobias of Sverdlovsk and Irbit, Archpriest Peter Trofimov was appointed rector of the church. On the day of the Ascension of the Lord and the day of the transfer of the Holy relics of St. Nicholas, the first Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the church after a long break. On November 6, 1953, Father Peter was transferred to serve in the village of Borovskoye to the Church of St. Nicholas, and Father Vasily Kokorin, who served in the Chimeevo Church for several years, was appointed rector.

In September 1961, Father Peter was again appointed rector of the temple, who until his death in 1977 was the rector of this temple. Father Peter can rightfully be called a confessor of the faith, since he, while in the priesthood, spent many years in camps and prisons for confessing his faith; in the camp one of his vertebrae was broken, which caused his complete paralysis, which occurred shortly before his death . Through the efforts of Father Peter, much was done to beautify the temple and its territory. After his death, other priests served in the temple. Father Evgeniy Khramov, with him, the icon of the Mother of God was moved closer to the altar. In 1979, through the efforts of two young people Anatoly and Leonid, residents of the village of Chimeevo, the Holy Spring was cleaned up, filled up and turned into a trash heap.

In 1993, in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Kurgan region, the Kurgan diocese was removed from the Ekaterinburg diocese, gaining independence and independence in management. Bishop Mikhail (Raskovalov) was appointed the first bishop of the Kurgan diocese. Archpriest Andrei Aleshin was then rector of Chimeevo. At this time, the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kazan” came to life and blossomed with renewed vigor. The grace of healing and helping suffering people flowed from her in a generous river. The fame of the miracles of the Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God began to spread widely. Suffering people began to come from different parts of Russia and abroad, warming their souls with hope for the help of the Queen of Heaven.

In the summer of 1998, Father Andrei Aleshin moved to a new place of ministry.

In September 1999, Bishop Michael blessed Hieromonk Arseny (Posnov) to become abbot. In 2000, Hieromonk Arseny was awarded the Patriarchal award and elevated to the rank of abbot.

New buildings and structures appeared. New houses and land plots began to be purchased for the needs of the temple. The subsidiary farm grew stronger. There was a need to increase the staff of the temple. Under the cover of the Miraculous Image of the Queen of Heaven, people began to gather who wanted to further devote themselves to serving the Church in the monastic rank. Therefore, over time, the need arose to form a monastery in Chimeevo.

In 2002, the Kazan Church, by decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy and the Holy Synod, was transformed into the Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery.

In 2003, at the request of His Eminence George, Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas, the image of the Chimeevskaya Mother of God was in Nizhny Novgorod in the ancient Ascension-Pechersky Monastery. In the same year, construction of a temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” began on the territory of the monastery. In the nineties, miracles from the Chimeevsky image of the Blessed Virgin Mary began to be collected and recorded. In 2004, all these documents were delivered to Moscow to the Synodal Department for the Canonization of Saints. In the same year, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, the Chimeevsky image of the Most Holy Theotokos was included in the month of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God. In the same year, the foundation of the cell building was laid on the territory of the monastery.

In 2005, in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany, an aerial procession with the Chimeevskaya Miraculous Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place over the Kurgan region. Four settlements in the region were visited. In the east is the city of Petukhovo, in the west is the city of Shchuchye, in the north is the regional center of Shatrovo, in the south is Zverinogolovskoye. During the religious procession and the stay of the miraculous image in these regional centers, more than thirty thousand people were able to venerate the miraculous image. In the same year, construction began on a two-story cell building with a house church in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Shortly before the patronal feast day in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, new gilded domes were consecrated and installed on the Kazan Church.

In 2007, on July 15, on the day of placing the robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Blachernae Church, a new robe was placed and consecrated on the miraculous image, which was made by Tyumen jewelers for more than five years. On September 17, the day of remembrance, the Cathedral of the Voronezh Saints was solemnly consecrated and the domes on the cell building were installed.

On July 21, 2008, on the day of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Bishop Michael performed his last Divine Liturgy in the monastery. The holy archimandrite of the Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery in the village of Chimeevo, Belozersky district, Kurgan region is Metropolitan Joseph of Kurgan and Belozersky.


The Chimeevsky monastery in the Kurgan region for men was founded in 2002. The decree was signed by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy and the Holy Synod.

The following year, construction of another church began here. It was built as a sign of veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. A list of miraculous events that are associated with the face of the Virgin Mary was compiled the following year so that representatives from the capital could study it.

The year 2004 for the Chimeevsky Monastery was the period when a cell corps was founded. And the following year a significant event took place: the procession of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God through the air. The 60th anniversary of Victory Day was celebrated. Then the image of the Mother of the Lord was seen by people of many Russian cities.

The year 2007 was marked by the offering of a new robe to the icon of the Mother of God. It was made by jewelry craftsmen from Tyumen. The work lasted over a five-year period.


The Holy Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery was founded on July 17, 2002. At the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church that took place that day, it was decided to satisfy the request of Bishop of Kurgan and Shadrinsk Mikhail (Raskovalov) to transform the Kazan parish of the village of Chimeevo into the Kazan-Bogoroditsky monastery.

The first mention of the village of Chimeevo dates back to 1681, the year of the death of Patriarch Nikon. It was at this time that a servant of God named Chimeev settled on the banks of the Niyap River (a tributary of the Tobol). He was a convict, for which he served his sentence is not known exactly, but when his sentence expired, he decided to stay in the Trans-Urals. Soon after this, other people began to join him and over time a settlement was formed, to which the authorities assigned the status of a settlement.

One bright and sunny day, children playing not far from the river saw a large icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Infant Christ floating along it slowly, standing vertically and against the current. The icon stopped opposite the place where the children were playing, who by this time had already managed to call the adults to look at the miracle. With reverence and prayers, the Holy Icon, which had sailed to this place, was taken out of the river and solemnly transferred to the temple in honor of Constantine and Helena.

Simultaneously with the coming of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, another miraculous phenomenon occurred. The water in the Chimeevsky district has always been of poor quality, since there are many swamps around. And suddenly, not far from Chimeevo, in a pine forest, they noticed the appearance of a spring that bubbled up from under a hill. The water of this spring is of extraordinary taste and purity. It was also noticed that water also helps with various ailments, and if you pour yourself on it, it relieves fatigue, gives you heat and instills joy in your heart. Therefore, the appearance of the source was associated with the coming to this area of ​​the icon of the Queen of Heaven.

Various miracles continued to occur from the holy image, and as a sign of gratitude and love for the Queen of Heaven, the residents of Chimeevo and nearby villages donated a robe decorated with expensive stones for the holy icon. A resident of the Chimeevskaya settlement, Ivan Fedorovich Moskvin, made a great contribution to this matter. Through his labors and donations, many construction and repair work was carried out in the church and on its territory, and various church utensils were purchased with his funds.

In 1887, the church completely fell into disrepair and at a parish meeting in August of the same year, it was decided to turn to Bishop Abraham of Tobolsk with a request to give his blessing for the construction of a new church. Father Jacob Serebrennikov drew up a petition and sent it to the Bishop.

On January 26, 1888, a blessing was received for the construction of a new church in honor of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the same place. On May 7, 1889, the foundation stone of a new church took place, which was carried out by the dean of the district, Father Alexander of Eleonsky and Father Jacob Serebrennikov. On May 21, 1890, the solemn consecration of the temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God took place in the village of Chimeevo. The rite of consecration, as well as the first Divine Liturgy, was led by Dean Alexander of Olives, co-served by Father Jacob and the clergy of neighboring parishes. On July 26, 1893, instead of Father Jacob Serebrennikov, Father Vasily Sokolov was appointed to the Kazan Church in the village of Chimeevo; he served in this temple for almost 37 years.

During the years of militant atheism and godless government, his family was kicked out of the house into the street in winter. He was sheltered by compassionate residents of the village of Chimeevo. In 1930, Father Vasily was arrested and offered to renounce Christ, in return promising a comfortable life. But Father Vasily courageously refused the proposals of the security officers and remained faithful to God, for which he drank the cup of suffering for Christ. The date and place of death of Father Vasily are unknown. Instead of Father Vasily, Father Alexander Berdinsky came to serve in the church.

In 1937, the year the five-year plan was announced, the temple was closed due to the final destruction of religion. Father Alexander was shot. His final resting place is unknown. In 1943, the temple was converted into a grain warehouse. The icons were torn down and thrown into the altar. When it came to the Miraculous Image, several people could not move the icon from its place. The chairman of the local village council, Guryan Gladkov, wanted to cut the image of the Mother of God with an ax, but was thrown back by an invisible force, he began to bleed heavily from his nose and mouth, and three days later he died.

In 1947, at the request of parishioners, the temple was returned to believers. On April 10, by decree of Bishop Tobias of Sverdlovsk and Irbit, Archpriest Peter Trofimov was appointed rector of the church. On the day of the Ascension of the Lord and the day of the transfer of the Holy relics of St. Nicholas, the first Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the church after a long break. On November 6, 1953, Father Peter was transferred to serve in the village of Borovskoye to the Church of St. Nicholas, and Father Vasily Kokorin, who served in the Chimeevo Church for several years, was appointed rector.

In September 1961, Father Peter was again appointed rector of the temple, who until his death in 1977 was the rector of this temple. Father Peter can rightfully be called a confessor of the faith, since he, while in the priesthood, spent many years in camps and prisons for confessing his faith; in the camp one of his vertebrae was broken, which caused his complete paralysis, which occurred shortly before his death . Through the efforts of Father Peter, much was done to beautify the temple and its territory. After his death, other priests served in the temple. Father Evgeniy Khramov, with him, the icon of the Mother of God was moved closer to the altar. In 1979, through the efforts of two young people Anatoly and Leonid, residents of the village of Chimeevo, the Holy Spring, which had been filled up and turned into a trash heap by godless authorities, was cleansed.

In 1993, in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Kurgan region, the Kurgan diocese was removed from the Ekaterinburg diocese, gaining independence and independence in management. Bishop Mikhail (Raskovalov) was appointed the first bishop of the Kurgan diocese. Archpriest Andrei Aleshin was then rector of Chimeevo. At this time, the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Kazan” came to life and blossomed with renewed vigor. The grace of healing and helping suffering people flowed from her in a generous river. The fame of the miracles of the Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God began to spread widely. Suffering people began to come from different parts of Russia and abroad, warming their souls with hope for the help of the Queen of Heaven.

In the summer of 1998, Father Andrei Aleshin moved to a new place of ministry. At this time, the devil stirred up trouble among the parishioners. Vladyka Michael blessed Hieromonk Arseny (Posnov), the dean of the monasteries and Bishop's farmsteads, to sort everything out and pacify the dissatisfied, which was done by the priest with reason and tact. The Mother of God spread her cover over Father Arseny, and the priest remained in Chimeevo.

In September 1999, Vladyka Mikhail blessed Father Arseny to become abbot. In 2000, by the grace of God, Father Arseny was awarded the Patriarchal award and elevated to the rank of abbot. In the same year, a film was made about the Chimeevsky Church and the Miraculous Icon by Gennady Dmitrievich Zavolokin, the head of the All-Russian. With the appointment of Father Arseny to Chimeevo, the temple and its territory began to be decorated. New buildings and structures appeared. New houses and land plots began to be purchased for the needs of the temple. The subsidiary farm grew stronger. There was a need to increase the staff of the temple. Under the cover of the Miraculous Image of the Queen of Heaven, people began to gather who wanted to further devote themselves to serving the Church in the monastic rank. Therefore, over time, the need arose to form a monastery in Chimeevo.

In 2002, the Kazan Church, by decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy and the Holy Synod, was transformed into the Kazan-Bogoroditsky Monastery.

In 2003, at the request of His Eminence George, Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas, the image of the Chimeevskaya Mother of God was in Nizhny Novgorod in the ancient Ascension-Pechersky Monastery. In the same year, construction of a temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” began on the territory of the monastery. In the nineties, miracles from the Chimeevsky image of the Blessed Virgin Mary began to be collected and recorded. In 2004, all these documents were delivered to Moscow to the Synodal Department for the Canonization of Saints. In the same year, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, the Chimeevsky image of the Most Holy Theotokos was included in the month of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God. In the same year, the foundation of the cell building was laid on the territory of the monastery.

In 2005, in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany, an aerial procession with the Chimeevskaya Miraculous Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place over the Kurgan region. Four settlements in the region were visited. In the east is the city of Petukhovo, in the west is the city of Shchuchye, in the north is the regional center of Shatrovo, in the south is Zverinogolovskoye. During the religious procession and the stay of the miraculous image in these regional centers, more than thirty thousand people were able to venerate the miraculous image. In the same year, construction began on a two-story cell building with a house church in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Shortly before the patronal feast day in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, new gilded domes were consecrated and installed on the Kazan Church.

In 2007, on July 15, on the day of placing the robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Blachernae Church, a new robe was placed and consecrated on the miraculous image, which was made by Tyumen jewelers for more than five years. On September 17, the day of remembrance, the Cathedral of the Voronezh Saints was solemnly consecrated and the domes on the cell building were installed.

On July 21, 2008, on the day of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Bishop Michael performed his last Divine Liturgy in the monastery. Currently, the brethren of the monastery include: one abbot of the monastery, four hieromonks, two hierodeacons, one mantle monk, one monk, two novices. The clergy of the monastery includes two priests.

Miraculous shrine

The Queen of Heaven on the Chimeevskaya icon is a face that was found floating along the river. After the construction of a temple in honor of this icon, a life-giving spring appeared next to the church. Today, numerous pilgrims collect water here.

The Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God is a chest version of Hodegetria. It is considered an ancient iconographic image, the original version of which was created by St. Luke.

On the icon, the face of the Mother of God is depicted slightly inclined towards her son. Christ himself was depicted in full growth, the right hand of the Son of the Lord blesses the believers with an overshadowing gesture. The Virgin Mary in this icon is depicted with a particularly expressive gaze. Over time, the surface of the boards became dark, but the brightness of the look remained the same.

The size of the icon is impressive. It is quite massive - 108 by 89 cm. To decorate the face, they created a special silver-plated rice. It also contains about three kilograms of gold. People who have received help from the holy image present crosses or their rings to the icon. It was thanks to such gifts that the material of the robe was created.

The holy icon is not removed from the monastery anywhere. To visit neighboring dioceses they use its exact copy. But there are few repetitions of the iconographic image. Every day it is visited by numerous pilgrims from different countries of the world.

The new Chimeevskaya church will be 32 meters high

In the village of Chimeevo, Kurgan region, construction has begun on a new church on the site of one that burned down in 2021.

The laying ceremony for the church in the village of Chimeevo, Belozersky district, was performed on May 8 by Metropolitan Daniel of Kurgan and Belozersky. He read a special prayer required in such cases, and placed a metal capsule with a letter in a niche in the foundation. The letter states that on May 8, 2021, construction began on a stone church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Vladyka himself made the first cement laying on the site of the capsule. A memorial plaque will appear here later.

Despite the fact that work officially began on May 8, a pit was dug and the foundation was poured at the site of the future temple during the fall and winter. Before this, the remains of the fire had to be dismantled.

One of the oldest churches in the Kurgan region (built in 1890), where the Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, considered miraculous among Orthodox believers, was kept, completely burned down on July 3, 2021. The fire started during repairs and testing of air conditioning systems. Specialists noticed smoke in the air conditioner box and tried to deal with the fire themselves, but were unable to do so. Five minutes later, smoke filled the entire room. Due to heavy smoke and fire, those praying in the temple were unable to remove the icon. Firefighters arrived six minutes after the call, but by this time the wooden building was already completely engulfed in fire. When the fire was put out, nothing remained of the temple. A badly damaged shrine was found in the rubble.

This is what the temple looked like in July 2021.

This event was a great shock for the inhabitants of the Chimeevsky Monastery and all Orthodox believers who venerated the icon and came to pray in front of it from different regions of the country. According to legend, in the 17th century, the “Kazan” icon of the Mother of God sailed to the village of Chimeevo along the Niyap River (a tributary of the Tobol), both against the current and in a vertical position. She stopped in front of the place where the temple was later built. There was also a spring there, to which pilgrims still come. Since then, several temples have changed: they fell into disrepair or were destroyed by fire. One of the fires happened in 1770: the church building completely burned down, but the icon remained intact. This is why the fire was taken so seriously in 2021. Even Patriarch Kirill expressed condolences to the Kurgan diocese. Two weeks after the tragedy in the Kurgan region, with the support of Governor Vadim Shumkov, the Chimeevskaya Shrine charity foundation was created, which began raising funds for the construction of a new temple and restoration of the icon.

By the end of April, the fund managed to collect 12 million 567 thousand 442 rubles, the press service of the Kurgan diocese reported. This is very little for construction - the project alone costs about 30 million rubles. The situation has become more complicated due to the spread of coronavirus infection and the economic problems that have arisen because of it. However, as noted by Varnava, the abbot of the Chimeevsky Monastery, the preparation of the foundation and the laying of the capsule is a joyful sign: there will be a temple after all. People help as much as they can. They transfer 1000 and 500 rubles - this is already a contribution. Others supply construction materials and special equipment. Kurgan entrepreneurs also support.

The Chimeevskaya icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revered as miraculous, was restored by Kurgan icon painter Andrei Vankov. Now the icon has returned to the monastery.

The Chimeevskaya icon of the Kazan Mother of God was restored by Kurgan icon painter Andrei Vankov.

The temple project is also ready. In order to preserve the historical heritage, it will completely repeat the one that burned down - the same area, the same outlines, even the blue color will be the same. The height of the church from the ground to the top of the bell tower cross will be almost 32 meters.

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Help icons. Modern composition of the temple

The Chimeevskaya icon is a miraculous image, before which one must pray with special sincerity. Then help will definitely come. In the chronicle sources located in the temple, you can find numerous records of miraculous cases when parishioners were healed. The myrrh-streaming face helped to defeat ailments. But believers can count on more than just help in defeating diseases. You can pray if you have overcome difficult life circumstances. According to the monks, the face tends to bestow strength, provide spiritual healing, and eliminate bitterness and mistrust. Prayer helps eliminate fears, doubts, and peace.

The face of the Chimeevskaya Mother of God will help you survive the hardships of family difficulties, relieve you from the attack of temptations, and ensure the strengthening of love. Pilgrims talk about the image’s help in giving birth to children. For many centuries, the Holy Face continues to support Christian believers with its miraculous power.

The Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery today consists of the following novices:

  • one abbot;
  • abbot;
  • four hieromonks;
  • two hierodeacons;
  • one Mantle monk;
  • one monk;
  • two novices.

To the holy places of the Urals

The material presents the tour city Rezh

Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Shrines: Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Chimeevskaya

From Yekaterinburg to Chimeevo it is approximately 340 kilometers, from Kurgan - 115. According to legend, at the end of the 17th century, near the village of Chimeevo, an icon of the Kazan Mother of God appeared along the waters of the Neyap River, floating upright from somewhere unknown. The villagers who discovered the revealed image placed it in a local church in honor of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen. Very soon the icon gained great popularity, and pilgrims from different parts of the Urals and even Siberia flocked to Chimeevo.

According to local legend, almost a century after the first miraculous appearance on the water, the Chimeevskaya icon showed a second miracle. On November 5, 1770, a fire broke out in the Chimeevskaya church and the temple completely burned down. On the ashes, people found an icon of the Mother of God almost untouched by fire. The fire only darkened the image slightly.

General view of the Chimeevsky monastery. From left to right: the temple of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Inexhaustible Chalice”, the cell building with the house temple of Seraphim of Sarov, Kazan Church

The Chimeevsky Church was restored and consecrated in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In 1888, due to dilapidation, the temple was dismantled. The modern church was built in 1890, also consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Before the Great Patriotic War, the temple was closed. But, according to stories, local residents and pilgrims prayed at the gate. In 1943, local authorities decided to organize a grain warehouse in the church. The believers stacked the icons in the altar and tightly sewed up the entrances to the altar with boards; until better times, all the images of the ancient temple were saved.

On the territory of the monastery, view from the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”: on the left is the cell building with the house church of Seraphim of Sarov, in the center is the Kazan Church. Photo by Irina Tretyakova

In 1947, at the urgent requests of the residents of Chimeevo and its environs, the Holy Kazan Church was returned to the believers. People opened the doors of the iconostasis, where they found all the temple icons intact and, of course, the “intercessor mother” of the Chimeevskaya Mother of God.

In July 2002, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the Holy Kazan Monastery was founded in Chimeevo. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God of the village of Chimeevo, famous for its numerous miracles, has been included in the list of miraculous icons revered throughout Russia since 2004. The patronal feast days of the Chimeevsky Monastery are July 21 and November 4.

Cell building with the house temple of Seraphim of Sarov. Photo by Yuri Artemin

In 2009, the monastery completed the construction of a cell building with a house church in honor of Seraphim of Sarov, and in 2010, a temple in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” was consecrated. In recent years, the area around the Chimeevsky Church has been significantly improved by the efforts of the brethren. On the banks of the Neyap River, in the very place where the miraculous icon was found, a chapel was erected, which is open to the public in the summer.

Holy spring in Chimeevo

One and a half kilometers from the village there is a holy spring. A wooden staircase with wrought iron railings leads from the road to the source. Whether it’s hot or cold, there are always a lot of people here yearning for life-giving water with its wonderful healing power.

In the summer of 2021, a great misfortune happened at the Holy Kazan Monastery - the Kazan Church burned down in a fire, and the image of the Chimeevskaya Icon of the Mother of God was severely damaged. Restoration work is currently underway.

Address: Holy Kazan Chimeevsky Monastery 641354, Kurgan region, Belozersky district, Chimeevo village.

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