Name Photinia: meaning, interpretation, character and mystery

The holy martyr Photinia (Svetlana) was the same Samaritan woman with whom the Savior talked at Jacob’s well. During the time of Emperor Nero in Rome, in 65, who showed extreme cruelty in the fight against Christianity, Saint Photinia lived with her children in Carthage and fearlessly preached the Gospel there. Rumors about the Christian woman and her children reached Nero, and he ordered the Christians to be brought to Rome for trial. Saint Photinia, informed by the Savior of the impending suffering, accompanied by several Christians, set off from Carthage to Rome and joined the confessors. In Rome, the emperor asked them if they really believed in Christ?

All confessors resolutely refused to renounce the Savior. Then Nero subjected them to the most sophisticated tortures, but none of the martyrs renounced Christ. In helpless rage, Nero ordered to flay Saint Photinia and throw the martyr into a well. The emperor ordered the rest to be beheaded. Saint Photinia was pulled out of the well and imprisoned for twenty days. After which Nero called her to him and asked if she would now submit and make sacrifices to idols? Photinia spat in the emperor's face and, laughing, refused. Nero again ordered the martyr to be thrown into the well, where she gave up her spirit to the Lord. Together with her, both of her sons, sisters and the martyr Domnina suffered for Christ.

The Holy Martyr Photinia is popularly revered as a healer of fever. In many villages and cities of our homeland, prayers are served for those who suffer from this disease. Often patients make a vow to paint or purchase an icon of the Holy Martyr Photinia.

Why St. Photinia is the healer of this severe disease, it is very difficult to determine, but the legend says that she healed the governor Sebastian from some illness, during which he: “He burned with his face and fell to the ground from the potion of a great and fierce disease.” Maybe it was a fever. However, the people could also attach importance to the fact that the Savior spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well, and thanks to this, Photinia could, in the opinion of the people, receive from the Lord power and strength over the entire water element, in which, according to popular views, this terrible nest lies. disease.

What is the meaning?

The name Photinia (or Photina) is of Greek origin. Translated from the Slavic language, it corresponds to the Russian name Svetlana. Moreover, both names mean something “bright”, “joyful” and “radiant” or “luminous”, like the sun. By the way, Svetlana was called Photinia during the baptismal ceremony.

Many years ago, these names were given to fair-faced, blue-eyed and fair-haired girls with pretty features. They were spoken of as angels who descended from heaven to earth. Today the name Photinia has a slightly different meaning. That is, when choosing a name, parents usually do not pay attention to the child’s appearance (his facial features or eye and hair color do not play a role). However, it is generally accepted that Photinius is guarded by a very strong guardian angel.

Holy places

The biblical story of the meeting of Christ and the Samaritan woman Photinia has real geographical confirmation. In Israel, one of the most beautiful and picturesque places that attracts thousands of pilgrims is Jacob's Well (Jacob). Next to it is an ancient temple, which was destroyed three times and rebuilt again. The well itself reaches 40 meters in depth. The water from it is considered healing.

The relics of Photinia the Samaritan are kept on the island of Crete, in the village of Fodele, in the convent named after the Great Martyr. Streams of pilgrims flock here every year to strengthen their faith and ask for help in resolving spiritual problems.

On the territory of the CIS there are many churches of St. Photinia, where her Christian feat is revered and miraculous images are located. One of these is the Church of the Great Martyr in Dnepropetrovsk.

Name days, patrons, elements and talismans

As it turns out, Photinia is not such a rare name as it might seem at first glance. So, her name day is February 13 and 26, March 11, 20 and 26, and April 2. The patron planet influencing these representatives of the fairer sex is Saturn.

As a rule, Photinia (the characteristics and mystery of her name go back to the distant past) belongs to the elements of Earth and Air. Its most auspicious day is Saturday, and the totems of the following animals, birds and insects are suitable to attract good luck:

  • mole;
  • camel;
  • turtle;
  • hoopoe;
  • ant.

Among the plants, herbs and trees that served as a talisman for Svetlana and Photinia, we can highlight:

  • caraway;
  • blackthorn;
  • mandrake;
  • ivy;
  • fighter;
  • cypress;
  • belladonna and others.

What can the name Photinia tell about a person?

If you or any of your relatives and friends are Photinia, the meaning of the name will help you find out the whole truth about you or your surroundings. In particular, Svetlana or Photinia are usually called very kind, sympathetic and talented people. Moreover, such representatives of the fair sex can win first places and awards in sports, and succeed in art. At the same time, Photinia does not have much success at school and practically does not stand out from the peer group.

They are considered to have a cheerful disposition and a very contradictory character. Thus, Photinia can be kind at the same time and at the same time never miss the opportunity to strike back at their offender.

In addition, the secret of the name hides a lady with a perfectionist’s worldview, which is why she often suffers. This is due to her increased demands on others. In particular, she takes other people's shortcomings harshly. But not all the people around her can be ideal, so the girl is often disappointed and withdraws.

As depicted on the icons of MC. Photinia Samaritan (Roman)

The plot of the conversation between the Savior and the Samaritan woman became one of the most common in early Christian art. It is reflected in the wall paintings of the church house in Dura Europos and represents a literal reproduction of the Gospel text. In the center of the composition are the figures of Christ and Photinia, drawing water from the well. The wall painting dates from the 3rd century and lacks the symbolism inherent in later works on this subject.

Christ and the Samaritan woman at the well. Fresco

Ancient monuments of icon painting that immortalized the meeting of the Teacher and the Samaritan woman also include frescoes of the Roman catacombs (IV century) and an ivory relief covering the chair of Archbishop Maximian (VI century).

From the 6th century, Christ begins to be depicted sitting near a well (mosaic of the Ravenna church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo), and by the 12th - 14th centuries the scheme is supplemented by minor characters: surprised apostles appear behind Christ, listening to the conversation. The more modern the iconography, the more detailed the picture: in the background appear the mountains of Samaria, the ancient city of Sychar (Shechem) and townspeople going about their business. Christ is depicted blessing the Samaritan woman, who stretches out her right hand to Him.

Interesting fact

Translated into Russian, the name Photinia (Fotina) sounds like Svetlana, so sometimes you can find the signature on icons: St. Photinia (Svetlana).

Holy Martyr Photina the Samaritan

Portrait icons of Photinia are the second version of the Christian image of the saint. The martyr is written either waist-length or full-length, rarely shoulder-length. In her hands are periodically changing objects: a cross, a jug, a scroll with the phrase inscribed on it:

“Lord, give me this water so I won’t thirst.”

Sometimes the saint’s left hand is turned towards those praying with an open palm, as a sign of the simplicity and ingenuousness of the saint of God.
In another case, on the contrary, it is pressed to the heart - an indication that the righteous woman has highly succeeded in heartfelt prayer. The cross in her right hand is a symbol of the chosen path (“take up your cross and follow Me
(Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)), and the suffering suffered for Christ. The color of clothes is varied, most often red and green shades dominate. They were not chosen by chance. Red is a sign of the blood shed by the martyr in the name of faith, green is the color of life.

Useful materials

Meeting Christ

One day, while walking through the land of Samaritan, the Savior got tired and sat down on the edge of a well to rest a little. It was getting dark. A young woman with a jug was walking from the city to the well. Christ was thirsty, but He had nothing to draw water with, so He turned to the Samaritan woman with a request to give Him something to drink. The woman was surprised, because the Jews were at enmity with the Samaritans, but Christ’s subsequent words confused her even more. If she knew who was talking to her, He said, she would have asked Him for water. When asked where He got his water from, the Savior answered:

“Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst; But the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”  

Then Christ told the Samaritan woman about her past and present life, convicting her of the sin of cohabiting with a man without a marriage crown, and Photinia realized that before her was the Messiah.

Fervently believing in the true Lord, Photinia set off to enlighten the pagan tribes of North Africa.

Later, according to God's providence, the saint directed her steps to Rome - to the implacable persecutor of Christians, Emperor Nero. Her two sons and five sisters went with her. Nero did not accept their preaching. He ordered the Christians’ hands to be crushed on an anvil, but none of the preachers felt pain, and Photinia’s hands remained completely intact.

Then the emperor came up with a new insidious plan: he sent the women to the palace, where, surrounded by luxury and bliss, Christian women were forced to forget about their righteous life. They were served by a hundred slaves, led by the imperial daughter, Domnina. When, after forty days, Nero arrived at the palace, he saw that all the pagans had converted to Christianity, including his own daughter.

Angry, he ordered to tear off the skin of Saint Photinia and throw the unfortunate woman into the well. For several days the martyr sat at the bottom of a dark, damp pit, languishing from terrible wounds. At this time, Nero dealt with her associates: Photis was quartered, tied to the bent branches of two oppositely growing trees, the rest had their breasts cut off and, like Photinia, they were skinned. The sons of the preacher were subjected to the same execution, after having their feet cut off. Photinia was removed from the well and taken into custody for 20 days.

After this, Nero made another attempt to convert the Christian woman to his faith. But Saint Photinia found the strength to laugh and, spitting in the emperor’s face, said:

“The most wicked blind, lost and insane man! Do you really consider me so unreasonable that I would agree to renounce my Lord Christ and sacrifice to blind idols like you?!”

For these words, the martyr was again thrown into the well, where she met her death.




The restoration and consecration of the Church of St. Photinia the Samaritan in Nablus, the construction of which began in the 4th century, was completed. The temple is located on the site of the biblical meeting of the Savior and Photinia, and Jacob's well, from which the Samaritan wife got water, is now located under the throne of the temple.

Day of Remembrance

April 2 is the supposed day of death of the saint, who reposed in approximately 66 AD.

What negative character traits does Photinia have?

Despite her natural sociability, the sociable Photinia (the meaning of the name allows you to get to know the inner world of its owner in more detail) often encounters dead-end situations when friends or colleagues do not understand her. In addition, she is subject to the influence of others, which sometimes simply leads her astray from the intended path.

In childhood she is influenced by her parents and friends, and in adulthood by colleagues and close people. It is because of this that Photinia often become toys in the hands of professional managers.

This behavior, experts believe, is associated with the number 3, which is the number of Photinia’s soul. This trio, like “Swan, Cancer and Pike,” pulls girls named Svetlana in different directions. That is why it is very difficult for them to make any decision. Consequently, they need a reliable and constant mentor, often fulfilled by a father, boss or spouse. This is what the name Photinia means.

Miracles of Healing

There are cases when appeals to the image of Photinia helped to recover from serious diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, and to overcome fever. Today, her image reminds believers that they need to do good and believe with all their souls, despite all trials.

When the Roman executioners tortured the martyr, thanks to the power of prayer she remained unharmed, her wounds healed quickly and without a trace. With her life, Saint Photinia proved that miracles are possible when you believe in them and, with the power of faith, you create them yourself.

Ice and fire in the character of Photinia

Photins, Svetlanas or Photinias are considered to have a cheerful disposition, but a very contradictory character. So, they can be kind at the same time and at the same time never miss the opportunity to strike back at their offender.

In addition, Photinia women may outwardly appear cold, unfeeling and even distant, but in reality they are full of energy and passion. This character is usually described as “ice and fire.” This is the approximate interpretation and meaning of the name Photinia. It is this that allows you to create a certain image corresponding to the Photina or Svetlana women.

Prayer text

Oh, Holy Martyr Photino. Immensely inspired by love for Christ, you have shown courage, patience and great strength with your sisters, sons and those enlightened by you. She preached the Gospel of Christ with boldness, and by appearing to you and everyone who was with you, Christ strengthened and comforted everyone for the coming torment. Having come to Rome and fearlessly confessing Christ, you were imprisoned and endured much torment, thrown into a well, and betrayed your soul to the Lord. Hear us, Saint Photino, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin will not sprinkle them, but in mental and physical health they will spend their lives without weakening in good deeds and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, in all ages. Amen.

Family life

Photinia’s family life will be successful if the chosen one is her like-minded person. In addition, according to the preferences of the owner of this name, the future spouse must be a romantic. And most importantly, he should become a reliable support for a girl or woman and guide her along the right path.

We looked at the name Photinia: meaning and origin. Now you know everything about him. But decide for yourself whether to call your daughter it or not. Just don’t forget that the name received at birth can have a huge impact on the character and fate of your child.

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