Nature and interpretation of the contents of the Bible and its meaning


The anointing teaches us everything!!! We don't need anyone to interpret or explain to us. The point of a teacher as a servant of God is not to feed us fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A teacher of God SHOULD NOT say what is good and what is bad. He must show the truth in Scripture. He must TEACH ME TO EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE.

Interpretation of the Bible is a way of telling our minds in a language we understand WHAT THE AUTHOR MEANS, from the point of view of the one who interprets.

Anointing, revelation, is the leading of the Spirit.

Errors, false teachers, division in the Church.

We all see today that the Church is divided into separate teachings and denominations. And what is characteristic is that these teachings did not appear in the churches BECAUSE all the members searched the Scriptures and received revelation, received the guidance of God in this or that matter. Everything is simpler. A man came, accepted Christ as his Savior and was taught how to sing correctly, how to pray, how to dress... Moreover, in different congregations these issues are understood so differently that the churches do not have communication with each other, accusing each other of heresy.

But this is understandable to the carnal mind. And we understand this. And we put up with it. BUT A SPIRITUAL person should not agree with this. The regenerated spiritual person is taught by the Holy Spirit to be like-minded, to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace . The Holy Spirit rebukes the flesh for divisions in the church, rather than encouraging them. All false teachings appeared precisely because of the pride of those who either interpreted the Bible or immediately set the goal of gaining power over people.

Study of the Scriptures

In any literature examined or spoken revelation or prophecy, interpretation of tongues, word of knowledge or word of wisdom, dreams or visions, we try to find the main message, test it against the Bible. And, most importantly for us, HOW TO DO WHAT the Author calls us to do.

How to understand prophecies

Although many of the events described in the Bible have been confirmed by archaeologists and historians, complex passages of Scripture should not be interpreted literally. Many parables and prophecies were presented to the listener with an “encrypted” meaning.

One of these prophecies reads: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it will bruise your head, and you will bruise its heel” (Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15).

These seemingly incomprehensible words were addressed by God to Satan. The Lord predicts that the evil one will have to “fight” with the woman and her seed. By seed is meant the Child born by the Wife.

But the question arises: why is there enmity with the seed of a woman, and not of a man? Indeed, in Old Testament times, the family began from the father of the family. There has only been one case in history when a child was born who was conceived without a man. His Father was God, and his Mother was the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ became such a child - the seed that will defeat Satan.

The interpretation of the words addressed to Satan, “you will bruise his heel,” is given by St. Philaret of Moscow: the heel is “the lowest and most insignificant part of the human composition.” The story is about temptations, bodily death, troubles and misfortunes - what the evil serpent can seduce a person with. This is the first prophecy about the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ - to the world.

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