Orthodox Church on smoking: attitude and opinion

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Everyone knows that this is a bad habit that negatively affects health and life. But this known and proven fact is only a kind of “theory” of the human body, but its influence on the spiritual world is rather a matter of faith and righteousness. So, this article will tell you whether smoking is a sin in Orthodoxy.

Anti-smoking church

When turning to faith in certain life circumstances, a person must understand that he will have to realize and change his usual way of life, which means, first of all, get rid of those habits and passions that the church considers sinful.

So, according to the basic canons, smoking is a sin. After all, this is a destructive passion, and it, like any other, prevents you from following the path of salvation and forgiveness. The Lord created man in his own image and likeness, so that he would have perfection and achieve the main thing - eternal life.

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You must always remember that any passion is a “disease” of the soul and is linked to other, no less terrible illnesses. And if it firmly takes root there, it will contribute to the formation of other vices and sins, namely:

  • manifestation of selfishness (smoking parents, in particular women-mothers);
  • the emergence of a constant feeling of despondency about personal freedom, and in Orthodoxy despondency is a grave sin;
  • the emergence of the sin of self-justification;
  • dulling of the sense of morality;
  • forgiving yourself for other weaknesses.

Based on these and other quite important reasons, one thing can be said for sure - an addiction is evil. It destroys health, both physical and moral. The teaching of the saints says that life is given to humanity by God as the greatest gift. And reducing it with addictions is a terrible sin. One has only to think about it, because a person who smokes harms not only his own health, but also the health of those around him. And it is impossible to justify this.

Why do many people smoke in the modern world?

Smoking has become a part of everyday life. There is a substitution of concepts; tobacco companies are trying to present addiction to cigarettes as a fashionable and harmless activity. The media constantly cultivates the topic of smoking, which has a particularly detrimental effect on the fragile consciousness of young people.

Tobacco smoking reveals the weakness of the human soul, which is easily exploited by devilish forces. In the modern world, it is difficult to list all the variety of temptations that lead a person astray from the true path.

It is important to understand that Orthodoxy, in its essence and in official statements, does not accept the vice of smoking in any form, therefore smoking is a sin that must be gotten rid of immediately, at this very second.

Is smoking a sin? An Orthodox Christian does not ask such a question. When discussing the dangers of tobacco, a person must understand that physical harm is not comparable to the severity of spiritual sin.

Not a single destructive passion comes alone, but always gives rise to new ones. The longer a smoker continues to retain and justify sin within himself, the more he erases his image before the Lord.

God's mercy has no boundaries and a person who is firmly determined to put an end to the devil's passion with the help of willpower, prayer and faith will be able to overcome any obstacle. Only internal indecision and reluctance to give up tobacco addiction can become an obstacle to the healing of the human soul.

In promoting the spread of tobacco, large companies refer to famous personalities who did not disdain this habit. By creating advertising for cigarettes in this way, one forgets the fact that these are just ordinary people who are weak to smoking.

It is impossible to imagine a true believer holding a cigarette in his hands; these are two incompatible things. It is within the power of the human soul to overcome tobacco addiction and atone for its sin before the Lord. So, smoking is definitely a sin, quit smoking now!

Sin of Smoking. What happens to the soul while smoking?

How does the passion of smoking harm the soul? What happens to the soul while smoking? The Holy Fathers define various illnesses of the soul by the concept of passion. There are different classifications of passions. Man combines the carnal and spiritual principles. Therefore, in accordance with this, passions are divided into physical and mental. The former have their basis in bodily needs, the latter in mental needs. It is difficult to draw a clear line between them, since the “epicenter” of all passions is in the soul. The most common bodily passions: “gluttony, gluttony, luxury, drunkenness, eating in secret, various types of voluptuousness, fornication, adultery, debauchery, uncleanness, incest, child molestation, bestiality, evil desires and all sorts of unnatural and shameful passions...” (Philokalia. Vol. 2, Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1993, p. 371). The sin of smoking refers to an unnatural passion, because chronic poisoning of oneself with poison is not rooted in the area of ​​natural needs of the body.

Priests about smoking

The clergy always oppose smoking and say the following about it:

  • any destructive passion is the result of a combination of human sinful will and demonic forces, the participation of which in the fall of people is very difficult to prove, since their influence is invisible;
  • this habit makes people slaves in most cases until death, which can be quite quick due to poor health;
  • the sin of smoking can be overcome if the will of man and the power of the Lord merge into one;
  • a person will be above this passion only when he firmly understands the harm such a habit can cause. After all, as you know, tobacco relaxes the soul, intensifies passions, darkens the mind and destroys health;
  • consequences of a painful state of mind from the influence of smoking - irritability and melancholy;
  • Before getting rid of the sin of smoking, you need to confess, undergo the rite of communion of the Holy Mysteries, and every day, standing, read the Gospel and a prayer that helps you quit smoking.

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The role of the mistress

The “position” itself is quite humiliating; is this what a real representative of the fair sex wants and expects?
Every girl should have the happiness of motherhood, a husband as an “impenetrable wall”, no need to downplay your importance, run after your married halves. It is excessively humiliating when the rest of the time is given, carnal pleasures are not a guarantee that the heart is won. The great sinner is the one who speaks with pride about her actions, causing pain and harm to another woman, destroying, damaging a full-fledged family that took an oath before God and humanity. Those who take away female individuals from their family circle must ask themselves the question: what if I took away the wrong man, what prompted me to do this? There is no need to assume that you can get away with it and go unpunished; any of us needs to think before doing something stupid, because spent nerves will not return again.

Life is so beautiful, you should enjoy it to the fullest, and not ruin yourself and everyone around you. Girls, rejoice not at what “I stole,” but at the fact that you managed to build it yourself!

Gift of the devil

This is what smoking is called in Orthodoxy. It is very difficult to part with him, but the one who managed to do this has inner determination, which means that his spiritual path to God will reveal the main thing - eternal grace.

Few people know how the church views smoking; you need to accept this knowledge and try to eradicate sin, because it will not lead to good, but will only aggravate all the difficulties of life. The will of a person is strong and unshakable if it is truthful and aimed at healing the body and soul in order to receive a unique opportunity to get closer to God, to heed his power and convert it to eternal faith.

The Lord is always with you!

Is it really a sin for an Orthodox person to smoke?

The Russian Orthodox Church clearly defines smoking as a grave sin and an obstacle to achieving the salvation of a person’s soul. By distorting the spiritual nature, the sin of smoking changes the original image created by God.

The craving for smoking gives rise to idolatry of one’s passions. A person’s will and consciousness are dulled, he becomes a hostage to habits.

Advice. Go to confession in church!

By developing selfishness through bad habits, a person puts himself above others, considers he has the right to set a disastrous example, to have a detrimental influence on the fragile consciousness of children who imitate adults in everything.

Being a wound on the soul, smoking gives rise to a whole range of problems that envelop a person. The health given by the Lord is destroyed, life is shortened. No one has the right to interfere in God's providence.

The opinion of the clergy

Priest Oleg Bulychev says that when women begin to “put pressure” on others, declaring that only their position is correct, resorting to insults and causing all sorts of confusion - this is considered a sin. When they kill babies in the womb by performing abortions or using chemical methods of contraception.

Large family of an Orthodox priest

If a woman does not want to become a mother, then she should not be sexually active - this will be a fair act. Scripture says that a woman will be saved through childbearing, i.e. giving birth and introducing a child to the Church. If this does not happen, does she receive a blessing? Hardly.

Mother Elena Fetisova is of the opinion that having many children is a manifestation of faith. It’s stupid to complain about the difficulty of a mother’s fate today, when there are so many gadgets around that make life easier. Refusal to have a child is just a whim of a spoiled life and a consequence of the destroyed institution of family in society. After all, if a woman is not sure that her lover will ever marry her, will she give birth to him?

Important! Whether to accept a blessing from the Lord or not is the decision of each person. Parenthood is a wonderful time when God gives his gifts into the hands of people

Is it worth giving them up?


Archpriest Andrei Tkachev about the childfree movement

Is it possible to bet on sports at bookmakers?

Good evening! Tell me, please, is it possible to bet on sports in bookmakers? After all, the Church blesses athletes to compete in the Olympic Games, and athletes receive money for their play and victories, which they can then donate to the temple. For example, Svetlana Kuznetsova, a tennis player, donated almost one million dollars from her tournament winnings to the temple several years ago.

Priest Antony Skrynnikov answers:

Hello, Alexey!

I am sure that it is not proper for Christians to do this. However, the comparison between a person who plays sports and bets on sports is not justified. Holy Scripture tells us about the need to work to earn our living. Betting on sports can hardly be called necessary and useful work, which, moreover, is associated with the passion of gambling.

Church attitude

The Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards the tradition of smoking, because tobacco is addictive, pollutes organs with tar, and destroys the nervous system. A cigarette is contrary to Christian rituals, which call on believers to maintain purity of the shell and balance of mind.

Smoking is a meaningless activity that has absolutely no benefit for people and their environment. A person does not receive anything good from this destruction. Therefore, Orthodox believers must avoid this destruction, which does not bring any benefit to the development of personality.

A believer is obliged to strive for things that are thorough and useful, because the Lord, when creating the world, created it correct and rational. From this it turns out that smokers, by inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs every day, destroy the bodies given to them by the Almighty Creator and shamelessly contradict the original plan of God.

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