The influence of mantras on a person. When and how to read and listen to mantras for the planets?

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In recent years, reciting mantras has become very popular. In this regard, many Christian believers wonder whether it is possible to read mantras to Orthodox Christians. Of course, before finding the answer to this question, it is necessary to clearly understand what mantras are and where they came to us from.

What are mantras

Mantras include:

  • sound,
  • one sentence.

Their peculiarity is that they are repeated in a circle several times in a row. This is a type of ancient prayer in Sanskrit.

First of all, such sounds and sentences are used by people who practice meditation. They are used to relax and immerse yourself in a state of peace, to relax your mind. Also, such sounds help brain cells tune in to the necessary mood.

On the one hand, this is a prayer, but this prayer belongs to the faith of Buddhism. And here again the question may arise: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to listen to mantras? After all, despite the fact that they belong to a different faith, they are still prayers.

In fact, as the clergy of the Orthodox Church say, Orthodox Christians cannot read and listen to mantras, since it is impossible to combine two faiths at the same time. Therefore, if you want to cleanse your soul and mind, then it is better to start reading the Psalter.

The Lord is always with you!

Precision in everything

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God” is one of the most popular quotes in Scripture and contains great wisdom. The word has the power to change destinies and influence people’s lives; foul language, like a wormhole, destroys happiness and harmony. You should avoid swearing not only before magical rituals, but also at any other time.

Do not work with several mantras at once: the effectiveness of such practice will be zero. Practice the same mantra for at least 21 days, repeating it again and again until results appear. Every sound must be reproduced accurately.

The sound features of Sanskrit are analyzed in detail by Mila Lakshmi:

Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to read and listen to Mantras?

Texts can be long or short. Sometimes, a mantra consists of only 3-4 words. All of them are words made up of the names of the gods. Either way, they work the same way.

The words and syllables of the mantra vibrate in space, adjusting your connections with the Cosmos as required. If such vibration constantly surrounds you, then harmony comes. Everything goes according to the Creator’s original plan.

This does not mean that you need to constantly recite mantras. Once a day is enough.

You have decided to take up meditation practices and mantras, which means you need to do it correctly. Not everyone who practices mantras does so as tradition dictates. Because of this, the very effect you need disappears. Before moving on to practice, understand the theory of how to read mantras correctly.

There are three simple rules that apply to any mantra. If you decide to combine singing and meditation, then there are rules here too. Otherwise, singing or reciting mantras is a very useful thing. They normalize the functioning of the whole body, help you improve your life, and get your dream job.

The Universe understands the language of mantra

What is a mantra? This is a religious song that glorifies the gods, asking them for support and help for humans and all living things. The mantra is not directed only at you. It influences the world around a person. The mantra harmonizes it.

We have been and remain closely connected with nature.

Over the years, this connection becomes thinner and weaker. Man no longer depends on nature as much as thousands of years ago. You can hide from even the most ordinary things under an umbrella. Our homes are warm, bright and cozy, and we are not threatened by predators. Connections are lost and harmony is lost.

From this:

  • illness;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • bad luck;
  • a lack of money;
  • inability to build a family.

If you feel these symptoms, then it’s time to start changing your life. She will restore the usual connections with the Cosmos and improve life. It doesn't happen instantly. This kind of energy works carefully and carefully. Work on your life day by day. You will soon feel the changes coming. Some are very slow and others are fast.

People who practice reading the mantra note that they themselves did not notice how they became completely satisfied with life and happy. All this happened naturally. The Universe hears you, because you speak its language.

Why is it important to pronounce the mantra correctly?

Texts can be long or short. Sometimes, a mantra consists of only 3-4 words. All of them are words made up of the names of the gods. Either way, they work the same way.

The words and syllables of the mantra vibrate in space, adjusting your connections with the Cosmos as required. If such vibration constantly surrounds you, then harmony comes. Everything goes according to the Creator’s original plan.

This does not mean that you need to constantly recite mantras. Once a day is enough.

Some people combine singing with meditation or yoga. It is up to you to decide how and when to practice. But it won’t make sense if you do it very rarely, only when you remember. Practices must be carried out regularly.

Three rules

Just three. Note that this is the same way people learn to pronounce words in any language in a phonetics lab. The mantras are written in Sanskrit, an ancient language that has not been used for thousands of years.

It is very complex, so only monks, researchers, linguists, and historians know it. In those days, language was not just a set of words, each of them carried an energetic meaning. Mantra is the key to understanding the harmony of life.

Awareness of balance comes gradually with practice.

If you pronounce words thoughtlessly, incorrectly, then do not expect any effect. It's like trying to speak a foreign language without rules, pronunciation, distorting words. You will be misunderstood, if at all. This situation can be dangerous if you pronounce mantras for health and normalization of the nervous system. The cosmos will hear you, but will not understand what you want.

Medicine Buddha Mantra

It has a healing effect on humans. If you feel physical pain, are sick, or have a chronic illness, then this revered sacred mantra will help you. It is long, but it will be necessary to learn it. At first glance, it is very complex. But the first thing you need to do is understand its meaning. This is not a painkiller that will act immediately, removing all manifestations of pain. She will begin to build you up inside and out.

Life around:

  • your nutrition, forming new, correct habits;
  • interests, protecting you from dangerous, harmful activities;
  • communication, proper communication with pleasant people harmonizes our mind and body;
  • your home, making it the most suitable for you.

Life gets better, and along with it, the disease goes away.

Appeal to the great god Yama

Very short, but no less strong. It helps in human development. Everything that he lacks will be obtained in different ways:

  • you will meet a person on your way who will reveal the truth to you;
  • find a book that will teach you;
  • see a film with important meaning;
  • Read just one line that will change your world.

Knowledge does not come to us just like that. If you feel a craving for knowledge and spiritual development, then this mantra is for you. It is unlikely to help you pass an exam or simply become smarter. Use it when you are ready to reach a new level of understanding life.

Second rule: Listen

When you already understand the meaning, move on to the second stage. You need to listen to it. On the Internet, on disks, you can find a lot of traditional chants. They are performed by professionals who know all the intricacies of reading mantras. Some recordings were made while the monks were praying; they pronounce the words very accurately.

You can simply turn them on at home. It's best when you relax. You can lie down, sit and listen to the singing, noticing some moments, individual words. It's good if you have the text in front of your eyes. Start with simple mantras, such as one of the most famous Gayatri Mantra. It is the most sacred hymn, even small children know it in India.

Holy Gayatri Mantra

She brings light to All Living Things. The words are simple, they can be learned quickly, because while singing it is repeated many times on the recording.

Short Mantras that are easy to remember

One of the most sacred prayers. Brings light, happiness and prosperity:

Prayer for women, giving peace in the soul, beauty, health

The space cleansing mantra gives an incredible effect. Takes away all the bad energy, puts the world around you in order. If it’s hard for you to be in some place, you feel pressure, fear, then you need to say it:

Third rule: Say it along with the recording.

When you have already memorized the text a little, focus on working on pronunciation. Listen and repeat. Relax while reading and let the words come from your heart. At this stage, you can already conduct meditation. Peek into the text if you want.

It is important to start pronouncing words that you understand on your own. Knowing the meaning, just imagine the mantra in your head. This makes it much easier to start repeating on your own.

When you learn, you will feel an indescribable harmony from what you say out loud. Many mantras can be recited to calm down. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you are nervous: say your favorite mantra 7 times.

Very soon it will get better, consciousness will clear up. They help those who are truly dedicated to the practice.

Chanting and Meditation

Meditation on mantras also has its own rules. You need to start meditating when you can already repeat the words correctly. At first, you can use the recording to help you, but it is better to avoid reading from a piece of paper with text.

Many mantras serve to set the mood for a new day. It is most logical to read them early in the morning, with the sun rising. Other mantras are read in the evening. There is no hard and fast rule that governs this. Proceed from your feelings and logic.

If there is one mantra that the monks read before eating. She tuned the body to receive the most useful things from food. They were famous for their excellent health, did not get sick and lived for more than 100 years. You can teach your body to do the same with any product.

It is read before meals, in the morning or in the evening - it doesn’t matter.

How to meditate on a mantra

You need to stay in the room alone. The exception is if one of the family members also wants to meditate with you, agrees to follow all the rules.

  • Sit comfortably in the lotus position, or simply with your legs crossed.
  • Place a yoga mat underneath you. It should be pleasant and warm to sit. If you are cold, hard, uncomfortable, then it is better to find another position or place.
  • Take deep breaths 3-4 times. You need to let go of all negativity, bad thoughts, experiences. Leave them outside the door of the room where you meditate.
  • Your body belongs only to you, not to diseases or problems. Feel your arms, legs, head. Every organ.
  • Start reading the mantra.

When reading, the number of repetitions is a multiple of 7. At the initial stage, it is best to read it 7 times. After that - a comfortable number of times, a multiple of 7. The maximum number is 108 times. Don't say more in one day. You can buy Tibetan rosaries to count the number of times.

How to read the mantra correctly

There are not many rules, but still, pay attention.

  • You need to pronounce it measuredly, observing the accents.
  • Don't rush to finish quickly; such practice will not help you. There will be no benefit from such practice.
  • Don’t just pronounce, but feel every syllable and word.
  • This is a chant, so chant it slowly.
  • Take breaks between repetitions. They are needed in order to turn your gaze inward. Are you comfortable with this mantra? Do you feel changes in yourself?
  • Decide for yourself how many repetitions will be in your daily cycle. For some, only 10-15 minutes are enough for everything, while others stretch meditation for 40 minutes or an hour.
  • When you're done, you don't need to immediately jump up and run errands. Sit in the same position for another 5 minutes. Relax, smile at yourself, feel the state of your body after the mantra.
  • When you are ready, stand up slowly and your day is sure to be successful.

The most common questions from newbies

They don’t teach this in schools, they don’t talk about it on TV. You need to know how to read mantras correctly, otherwise you are simply wasting time and energy. Beginners ask approximately the same questions, and the answers turn out to be very simple.

How often should you read Mantras?

There is no concept of “necessary” here. If you feel a desire for harmony in life, then your desire will be constant. It is best to say it every day. To do this, choose 20-30 minutes that you can spend in silence. You need to chant the mantra where no one will interfere or interrupt.

What happens if you miss one day?

Nothing bad will happen. But, it is better to make it a rule to practice regularly.

Are mantras read in the morning or evening?

Some in the morning, some in the evening. This is clear from the meaning of the mantra. If you have absolutely no time in the morning, then it is better to choose evening time. The main thing is that during practice you can relax and not constantly think about the fact that your bus will leave and you will be late for work.

Can Christians recite Mantras?

Christians can listen, pronounce, read mantras. They will in no way spoil your attitude towards your faith. It is not magic that is considered a sin. Such texts, although they relate to Buddhism and Hinduism, do not go against your faith.

Om Shivaya Namaha

A mantra dedicated to Shiva, the powerful inhabitant of Kailash, one of the pantheon of Hindu deities. Shiva is considered a great yogi, and also has reached incredible heights in the matter of renunciation.

In addition, conversion to Shiva can bring quite tangible, in simple words, earthly benefits. Accordingly, if you want to get harmony in life, you can respectfully turn to him. Shiva is considered a merciful, albeit harsh deity, who is capable of bestowing various benefits on everyone who shows him respect.

How to read Mantras correctly

The word "mantra" is translated from Sanskrit as "liberation of the mind" or "protection of the mind." The practice of reading mantras gives amazing results. How to read mantras so as to see the result? Read below.

Teachers say that listening and reciting mantras even changes the body at the cellular level. Why EVEN THE BODY? Because the thin energy shells of a person are more susceptible to influence. The body, as a material substance, takes the longest time to react to anything.

After all, a disease that originated long ago in the subconscious, for example, due to old grievances, only manifests itself in the body after years.

But the body takes much longer to heal and the resistance to its transformations is also greater... Why am I talking about this? Moreover, since mantras are able to influence even the body, just imagine how beneficially they can influence the rest - the more subtle shells of a person!

If you have not yet felt the healing effect of mantras on all areas of life, it is worth talking about how to read mantras correctly.

We see in front of us a set of unknown words, strange in sound. As a rule, mantras are an appeal to the ancient gods, praising them and chanting their wonderful qualities.

Unlike Christian prayers, this is not an appeal to higher powers, but a kind of identification of oneself with a certain type of energy and vibration.

While reading mantras, a person becomes in tune with the Universe, as if on the same wavelength with it. Needless to say, everything is possible for the Universe...

The OM mantra is one of the bija (original) mantras. It is universal in helping a person

So how to read mantras?

Surely you have some kind of goal, desire, need. According to it, choose a mantra. It is advisable to take mantras from a reliable source - not distorted. If you want, look for a translation. But this is optional. The main thing in a mantra is its sound, not its meaning.

Before the first reading of a circle of a specific mantra or each time before starting practice, say out loud or silently the dedication of merit, intention:

“With love and gratitude, I dedicate my merits from reading this mantra... to a wonderful relationship with my husband, to the recovery and healing of my father, to mutual fidelity and devotion in a relationship with the man I love and loves me, to the improvement of my financial situation, to what I easily and quickly find an ideal high-paying, safe job for me, the fact that I can easily and quickly realize my true purpose... your option.”

Next, start reading the mantras themselves or any other prayers.


Indian vocal magic, which is the basis for reading mantras, requires a methodical approach and constant training. There are three stages located on the vertical of the art of mantras:

  1. The first stage is reading aloud. Its usefulness cannot be ignored; it is during the development of this level of mastering vocal magic that the articulation base, the correct pronunciation of sounds, and their duration are laid.
  2. Reading in a whisper. The next stage is indicated for those who move from the category of beginners to the amateur stage. Mantras are still read aloud, but are barely audible, since all the features of sound vibrations were worked out at the previous stage.
  3. Reading silently is the highest point of development for a practitioner.

Mantras should not be read, but chanted. This is exactly how they were worked with many centuries BC.
Singing helps to release a person’s internal energy and connect it with the message of the mantra. Alexey Gennadievich Khakimov gives useful advice on the art of reading mantras:

When reading mantras, it is important to remember that this is not a spell or a prayer - it cannot be supplemented or shortened, it is important to accurately convey the rhythm and pronunciation. Magic chants should create positive energy vibrations.

First, you can write down the sound sequence of the mantra in a convenient transcription

At the first stage, it is important to accurately imitate the sounds of mantras, which is impossible to do on your own, so you should choose a guru whose articulation is recognized as perfect. When singing sounds, you should also listen to your own inner voice - mantras should not evoke conflicting feelings, only a state of peace and complete harmony with the Universe.

Mantra yoga, meditation and Orthodox prayer: a question of compatibility. Part 1

Vitaly Pitanov

Any religion includes spiritual experience, this experience is the result of following some spiritual practice; with its help, a believer strives to achieve the goal that the religion he professes sets for his followers. However, not every spiritual practice is good.

The Holy Scripture says: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever, amen” (Rom. 1:25). Not every spiritual practice that claims to lead a person to God leads to Him. There are spiritual practices, the result of which will be exactly the opposite.

Holy Scripture warns: “...many deceivers have entered into the world...” (2 John 1:7). Today, more than ever, there is an urgent need to formulate clear and precise criteria that would allow us to distinguish the true path to God from the false one.

The Orthodox Church has two main doctrinal sources - the Holy Scripture and the Holy Tradition, while the Holy Scripture is part of the Holy Tradition; but both Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition reflect the experience of communion with God of the Orthodox Church.

The holy fathers have the most profound experience of communion with God within the Orthodox Church. Their experience is the standard of spiritual life for any Orthodox Christian.

In modern Russia, spiritual practices that are alien to Orthodoxy and have their roots in neo-Hinduism2 are widespread - first of all, mantra yoga in its various manifestations and a wide variety of types of meditation.

In this article, the author will try to answer the following questions: is there really no difference between mantras, meditations practiced in neo-Hinduism, and Orthodox prayers? And also, can the practice of mantras and meditation be recommended to people striving for spiritual perfection?

Unfortunately, the length of the article does not allow us to reveal all the nuances related to the topic given in the article, and many issues will not be considered by us.

Therefore, we will immediately make a reservation that from all the available material we will highlight only those aspects of the problem that seem to us the most important and relevant for Russian readers, leaving without attention many interesting, but, as it seems to us, secondary issues related to the topic of the article.

First of all, let us define the main concepts of this work - “mantra” and “meditation” - within the framework of understanding these terms in neo-Hinduism. A mantra is “a text, the utterance of which, and often the recitation in a low voice or almost silent muttering, many thousands of times is considered to produce special results, magical or spiritual”3.

Modern tantrists teach: “a mantra is a sound or energy vibration, by concentrating on which one achieves salvation (from reincarnation - V.P.).

Usually the word mantra is translated as “purifying the mind or consciousness,” since “man” means mind or consciousness (manas), and “tra” means to purify... Mantra is the Absolute manifested in sound”4; “ repeating the mantra we comprehend our Essence, which is eternal intelligent bliss”5. Prabhupada6 wrote: “...a mantra is a combination of transcendental sounds that frees our mind from anxiety.”

There are different types of mantras: for example, there are mantras whose purpose is destruction8, there are mantras whose purpose is the healing of diseases9, mantras exist for almost all occasions, moreover, there are mantras that are the names of evil spirits10. Neo-Hindu mantras resemble magic spells in form.

There are different ways to recite mantras. Let's look at them. Japa is “the repeated repetition of a mantra or the name of a god for the purpose of focusing on the essence of the god.”11 The practitioner of japa “needs to consciously evoke emotions...12″13. In addition to the artificially induced emotional uplift, the practice of many japas requires mental imagery of the chosen deity in the chest area14.

At the same time, the meaning of the mantra being read may remain unknown to the person reading it15. The congregational chanting of various names of neo-Hindu “gods” is called kirtan16. There is a type of communal chants - special mantras called bhajans17. Bhajans, unlike kirtan, chanting the names of the “gods” of Hinduism, are thematically richer.

They “are grouped into thematic blocks: expressing love for God and admiration for the beauty of his image...”18, etc. Reading mantras is a mandatory practice of virtually all spiritual schools of neo-Hinduism19; it is directly related to another type of spiritual practice of neo-Hinduism - meditation.

Modern tantricists say: “Concentration on sound is a proven and effective means of mastering the science of meditation.”20 Representatives of other spiritual schools of neo-Hinduism teach the same thing: “Meditation consists of directing the flow of thoughts along one channel and completely turning off all other streams of thoughts. To do this, it is necessary to arbitrarily stop these threads.

And this can be worked out by practicing Japa.”21 Let's get to know the concept of “meditation” more deeply.

Meditation22, or dhyana, is a term from yoga theory. Dhyana “is characterized by the withdrawal of consciousness from awareness of processes in the body and from these sensory organs. In this case, the field of consciousness is filled with the chosen object of speculation, which sets itself to consciousness”23.

At the same time, it is believed that mental concentration on the chosen object of meditation allows one to merge with it; it, as it were, reveals its essence to the meditator, reveals its content to him. Yogi Iyengar writes the following about this process: “Deep meditation leads to the unity of the knower, the cognition and the known.

The contemplator, contemplation and the contemplated do not exist separately from each other.”24 Thus, meditation “involves identifying oneself with the object of meditation”25. This approach is based on the pantheistic view of neo-Hinduism on the world. The nature of God and man, as well as the nature of the whole world, according to pantheistic teaching, is one.

The separation of man from God is a consequence of an incorrect vision of himself and God: change your mind, set it up in the right way and you will see that you are one with God by nature, that you are God who simply forgot about it, and, remembering the divinity of your nature, you will become God.

In fact, in order to become God, one must overcome, as followers of the philosophical system of Hinduism Advaita Vedanta26 believe in particular, the illusion of disunity with God, and this is done by reconfiguring the mind, introducing it to the “correct” state. Yogi Chinamayananda writes: “The means of curing the mind of delusions is to constantly re-educate it...”27.

Meditation is a means of retraining the mind. At the same time, Swami Sivananda explains: “The Cosmic Mind is the Universal Mind, the sum of all individual minds... The human mind is only a part of the Universal Mind. Learn to immerse your little mind in the Cosmic, achieving Omniscience and Cosmic Consciousness.”28.

This means that meditation is the immersion of the human mind in the “Cosmic Mind”. Expanding the concept of “meditation,” yogi Chinamayananda gave it the following definition: meditation is “a technique for training the mind to forget its search for the illusions of the external world...”29. Swami Sivananda writes that “meditation is the enemy of the mind, causing its death”30.

Let us try, summing up all of the above, to give a general definition of meditation. Meditation in its highest manifestation is a method of training or retraining the mind, with the help of which the “illusions”31 of the surrounding world are overcome, the immersion of the mind in a certain “Cosmos” and identification with it is achieved. All this implies the displacement of the yogi’s personality by the called reality - “Cosmos”.

Any spiritual practice is conditioned by religious teaching, which justifies it and determines the goals of this practice. But who or what is the object of meditation within neo-Hinduism? Yogi Chinamayananda states: “The deity of your inner adoration can be your prophet, God or Guru. It doesn't matter which form of personal God you prefer."32

In fact, this means that you can meditate in front of anyone or anything, for example, in front of idols: “If a person can comprehend his divine nature with the help of an idol, then does anyone have the right to call it a sin? And this person himself, even when he has passed this stage, should not call it delusion.”33

Such an approach is completely alien to Christianity; the attitude towards idols in Christianity is fundamentally different than in neo-Hinduism: “... an idol is nothing in the world, and... there is no other God but the One” (1 Cor. 8:4).

Also, for a Christian, it makes no difference to whom to turn in prayer, because the Holy Scripture says: “... there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

There is no other name than the name of Christ, as for other teachers who were before Him, Jesus Christ did not hide His opinion about them: “As many as they came before Me, they were thieves and robbers...” (John 10:8 ).

In addition, the statement that the name of God, which neo-Hinduists strive for, is unimportant, is ordinary hypocrisy, the same yogi Chinamayananda adds: “The more he (a meditation practitioner - V.P.) lives by true values, the more he excels in meditation."34

What values ​​do they consider true? The answer is simple: “To date, the Vedas remain the pinnacle achievement of all human experience, speculation, analysis, embodied in books selected and polished over centuries”35. It should be noted here that “the main gods of the Vedic pantheon ... Indra36 and Varuna37″38.

The alienness of neo-Hinduism to Orthodoxy is visible at least from the attitude of yoga to such a Christian concept as sin. For example, Ramakrishna taught: “A person who repeats day and night, ‘I am a sinner, I am a sinner,’ actually becomes a sinner.”

“If a snake bites you and you say firmly: “There is no poison in me,” you will be healed. In the same way, one who affirms with strong conviction, “I am not bound, I am free,” becomes free.”39 Swami Vivekananda explains the position of his teacher: “Vedanta does not recognize any sin, it recognizes only error”40. Such a point of view does not find its confirmation in the Holy Scripture: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). Thus, if we evaluate the religious views of yogis from the position of Christianity, then there is “no truth” in them.

Many types of meditations promoted by neo-Hinduists are openly satanic in nature. Let's consider the tantric meditation Shava-sadhana (practice with a corpse): “... the guru or the sadhaka himself (practitioner - V.P.) find skulls or corpses of already dead animals or people and, having purified them with appropriate ritual actions, use them in practice. These could be, for example, the corpses of the following dead people: killed by a thunderstorm, bitten by a snake, drowned, killed in a battle or fight, etc.

… The ritual is carried out at night, preferably at midnight, in a secluded place”41. The sadhak, under the guidance of his guru, reads special spells until “... the corpse shows signs of life.

Then the sadhaka must ask the half-dead man for some gift... If you do not take precautions and leave the corpse untied, it may happen that the awakened half-dead man, while still in a deranged state, will throw off or even grab the sadhak, especially if the deceased had a fairly strong body "42.

What can terrify a Christian will not surprise a neo-Hindu, since in neo-Hinduism there are no clear criteria of good and evil: “When the mind considers sensory impulses from objects, on the basis of impressions in memory, opinions are created about these objects. These opinions look like good and evil..."43.

Swami Vivekananda defined the attitude of neo-Hindus to good and evil more clearly: “...good and evil do not exist at all as separate independent things...”44; “...the soul is not subject to any physical, mental or moral laws”4. Is man subordinate to them? According to the logic of this kind of teaching, no. In fact, neo-Hinduism is immoral!

©Pitanov V.Yu.


How to listen to mantras correctly so that they act?

People who regularly meditate know very well how to read mantras correctly. This requires complete detachment from everything that exists, immersion in oneself, and a certain attitude.

The best option is loneliness in an empty apartment, when nothing distracts from communication with Higher powers (correct pronunciation of sacred words requires increased concentration of attention).

Is it possible to perceive mantras by ear without pronouncing them yourself? Where and how can this be done?

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