Write a letter to Patriarch Kirill by email personally

In this section we publish examples of some of the letters sent to His Holiness the Patriarch, Metropolitan of Tatarstan and Bishop of the Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk diocese.

We will be grateful if you share your letters with us. They can not only show your position, but also motivate others.

How to send letters?

Two options:

  1. Russian Post
  2. By e-mail

Please cc us if you send by email. We will be grateful.

Letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Postal address: 119034, Moscow, Chisty Lane, 5.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: , (free call within Russia)

Letter to the Metropolitan of Tatarstan

Postal address: 420111, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Karla Marksa, 9/15.

Email: (secretary); (press service)

Letter to the Bishop of Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk

Postal address: 422980 RT, Chistopol, st. Karl Marx, 67

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 88434251548

mob. tel : 89276775432

How to apply?

PatriarchYour Holiness, Most Holy LordHis Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill
Metropolitan, ArchbishopYour Eminence, Your Eminence Vladyka,
Vladyka Feofan
His Eminence, His Eminence Theophan, Metropolitan of Tatarstan
BishopYour Eminence,
Most Reverend Bishop,

Lord Parmen

His Eminence, Most Reverend Parmen, Bishop of Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk

1. Examples of letters to the Diocese

How to write a letter to the patriarch

The Patriarch is the highest rank of the church hierarchy, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, when addressing him, both orally and in writing, one must comply with generally accepted dogmatic rules.


1. Before you start writing a letter to the Patriarch , you need to clearly imagine the subject of your appeal to him. You must understand that the church first hierarch is daily responsible for a lot of concerns about the fate of the church, therefore the topic of your letter must be truly significant. Make sure that with your question you cannot turn to representatives of the lower ranks of the clergy, say, to the local bishop or bishop. 2. The letter begin with a further appeal to the Patriarch (indicated above the text of the letter in the upper right corner): His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia [name of the Patriarch] from [your introduction]. For every believing Orthodox Christian, it is significant to receive a pastoral blessing, and therefore begin with ease You can tell the story with the words: “Master, bless.” Or: “Your Eminence, bless.” The following address will also be correct: “Your Holiness, His Holiness the Patriarch, Gracious Archpastor and Pope!” 3. The text of your message must be correct and grammatically correct; it must not contain threats, insults or profanity. During the narrative, the Patriarch should be addressed as “Your Holiness” or “Most Holy Vladyka.” Express your thoughts step by step, in simple and clear language, without the use of jargon and dialects. Be polite. Be sincere and open, don't write anything you can't be sure of. It is not appropriate to approach His Holiness with speculation and doubts. The titles and titles of His Holiness the Patriarch should be written in capital letters. 4. Address your letter to the press service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, located at the address: 119034, Moscow, Chisty Lane, 5. Your letter will not reach the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church immediately - first it will be studied by responsible employees of the Patriarchate.

The years of Soviet atheism virtually eradicated formal church etiquette from the lives of our fellow citizens. Many today do not know how to contact priests. And, if such a need suddenly arises, a person who is far from observing church canons may find himself in an uncomfortable position. Only if foreign “padres” and “holy popes” are imprinted in his mind. In fact, a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, exclusively the patriarch , must be addressed in accordance with special rules.


1. It is necessary to note that you are unlikely to be able to easily chat with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Although His Holiness Vladyka Kirill conducts energetic pastoral work and constantly communicates with the people, all his appearances in the world are under strict control. The security of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is monitored no worse by special services than the security of the country's president. The patriarch blesses the primitive parishioners and tells them parting words. Long dialogues, as usual, are preceded by advance preparation, one might even say instruction. 2. But if such a case nevertheless arises, you should address the patriarch : “Your Holiness” and “Lord” (or, more modernly: “Master”). Since it is customary for Orthodox Christians to ask the priest for a blessing for all actions, including during a meeting, it would be more appropriate to say first: “Master, bless.” And then talk more closely about the main thing, turning to the patriarch : “Your Holiness...”

3. In an official written speech, the patriarch with the words: “Your Eminence...” 4. However, words are not everything in the process of communication. Gestures also have significant meaning; they can tell a lot about a person. It happens that a layman, wanting to show that he is not alien to the church, begins to be baptized at the sight of a priest. It is not normal. Having met a fellow clergyman in a public place, a well-mannered person will certainly say hello, while a churchgoer may slightly bow his head. For more narrow communication, you need to fold your right palm over your left - this way you show that you are asking for a blessing. When addressing the patriarch, the same rule applies.

5. But what if you are an atheist or a member of another religion? you cannot appeal to the patriarch The main thing is to show yourself as a well-mannered person. Let's say, say: "Honorable", "Mr." 6. Is it permissible to say: “Father” or “Dad?” People simply call clergymen Father. This is a common call. Dad is more official. It is permissible to call any priest Father - there will be no impudent mistake here.

Orthodox Christians may have questions the answer to which cannot be found in the Bible. In this case, you can ask a question to the clergyman, or even better, to the patriarch. It is absolutely possible to do this.


1. If you decide to become a patriarch , then you are obliged to observe certain ethical standards of communication with priests - church etiquette, lost by many during the Soviet period of our history. Addressing the patriarch should be “You”; not calling him “Mr.” or “Your Eminence.” If you are an attorney of another religious denomination or adhere to atheistic beliefs, then you can call the patriarch “Reverend,” “Papa,” or “Mister” - these addresses are more neutral. Finally, the use of obscenities and other swear words, offensive treatment, and failure to comply with generally accepted norms of communication are unacceptable. 2. The Patriarch personally is unlikely to succeed - his communication with believers is controlled by special bodies of the Russian Orthodox Church. Consequently, direct communication with the people occurs quite rarely and under the vigilant control of the security service. When you meet individually, you should ask for the patriarch’s blessing with the words “Lord, bless...”. 3. Since an individual meeting is not so easy to achieve, a letter would be the best option. The letter to the patriarch can be ordinary or sent via email. The address required to be indicated on the envelope can be found on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church. If you are an attorney for the media, and the letter is official, then on the same site you can find the contacts of the press service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Much easier using email. The mailbox address is also listed on the website. 4. It is desirable to end the letter with the following words: “Humbly falling to the right hand of Your Eminence.” There is no need to oblige the patriarchy too annoyingly to the result with the words “I believe in a speedy result” or “I expect a result.”

In the age of unprecedented development of the latest special technologies, writing letters has not sunk into oblivion. Despite all the convenience of communication via Skype, text messages remain relevant as before.


1. The first thing you need to decide is in what form you are going to write the letter: handwritten or electronic. Despite the crazy development of innovative special technologies, many citizens continue to use the traditional postal service as before. If you have the opportunity to send a letter over the Internet, then, of course, it will arrive quickly, and you will immediately get the result. 2. There is nothing difficult about writing an email. The fact that your message is intended for the Pope means that it should not be too large. Extensive introduction and termination are recommended to be kept to a minimum. It is better for everyone to describe in more detail your functioning and your feelings in the core part. But the signature and date stamp are omitted in this case. 3. A handwritten letter looks exactly the opposite. The introduction and conclusion, just like in an email, can be written briefly. But the main part needs to be thought through to the smallest detail. It is easy to list the events that happened during the period while you did not see your father in an unsatisfactory way. You need to write a coherent text in which each paragraph will be consistent with each other. If you have children, then tell your dad in a letter how they are doing and what triumphs his grandchildren have achieved. 4. If your dad is already in old age, then at the end of the letter, be sure to ask him about his health, how he is doing, what difficulties he encounters. Be sure to indicate that you have been missing and that you will come and visit soon. Once completed, write the date and sign. Useful advice Without a doubt, it is better for everyone to write a letter in handwritten form. A sheet of paper from a loved one is always nicer to hold in your hands and subsequently cherish. Electronic messages do not contain the same warmth that a manual letter has. Useful advice Example of an address to the Patriarch: His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia YOUR HOLINESS, MOST HOLY LORD PATRIARCH, GRACEFUL ARCHIPASTER AND POPE!

I don't believe that my letter will be published

8. Dear Patriarch Kirill, I am Elena Urasnoperova, living in Saratov. I’m writing because I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m just giving up. Due to my mother’s illness, I took out loans from microfinance organizations, because... The bank didn't give me a loan. I do not live at my place of registration, and my passport was stolen, I restored it at my place of residence. But the registration stamp can only be placed at the place of residence. And there is simply no money for a ticket.

While I was working I was able to pay interest, but now the illness has worsened (obstruction of the respiratory tract), I can’t even take 2 steps, I’m suffocating and my heart starts beating like crazy. In general, I lost my job (who needs a person who cannot move normally). Now I can’t pay off my loans. Why are there loans, there simply isn’t enough for bread and medicines (Berodual, Spiriva, Foradil Combi 400, Salmeterol, Ipradol, etc.).

If I can exist without food (I still have no appetite due to nerves and illness), then I definitely can’t live without medications. I also mortgaged my apartment. I live in a garage now, my friends let me in (attached photo). Collectors also call, threaten, and explain that there is no way to pay now. So they are already starting to threaten parents and relatives.

If possible, please lend me 300,000 (pay off all debts, buy medicine and go home, put a registration stamp), at any interest and a receipt. I undertake to return every penny, I will only normalize the airway! I beg you, at least someone help. I have no strength anymore, I am writing and crying from such shame.

I’ve never asked anyone in my life, I’ve always managed it myself, but now it’s a hopeless situation. Sorry for the letter. Please help if you can. My Rosselkhozbank world card: 2200380303003230. Yandex wallet: 410015677048352.

Mortgage arrears

9. I have a daughter, I’m raising her alone. I bought an apartment, took out a mortgage, everything was fine, I paid for it and lived in comfortable housing. But life took a different turn, my brother’s wife died of cancer, and then the brother himself died. He left behind two small children. I took them for myself; it’s a pity to send such babies to an orphanage.

But unfortunately, it’s too difficult to carry three children on your own. There are arrears on the mortgage, and now I don’t know how to get out of these debts. Beg! Who cares, whoever can. Transfer card: 2202 2002 7370 9210.

Letter to the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Lord, have mercy, and, Holy Master, bless! This letter is written to you by the monk of the Holy Mount Athos, the heron of the hesychastirion of St. Sava of Serbia on Karouli Aθanasios.

I will be brief in presenting the essence of my appeal to you, since this issue requires additional special investigation, for which I have neither the ability nor special authority to do so.

But my private investigation revealed the following.

On the Internet, a certain entity, as its members call themselves in the Internet “language of bastards,” “segta,” is conducting activities that undermine the foundations of Christianity. A vast circle formed around him, consisting of priests

How to make an appeal to His Holiness

The official rank of Patriarch involves the address “Your Holiness”, the second generally accepted form is “Most Holy Vladyko”. One of these phrases should be the first line of your letter. It is necessary to take into account the subtleties of communication with a spiritual shepherd; you need to write a letter on a sheet of plain paper; it is not customary to use forms and other office paraphernalia in such messages.

The appeal structure should look like this:

  • information about the addressee;
  • a competent, clear and concise statement of the circumstances of the application;
  • final compliment;
  • signature of the applicant and date of writing the letter.

The concept of “final compliment” requires some clarification. As a rule, this is a phrase designed to show one's respect to the Holy One. It may contain wishes for health and salvation, ask for blessings, peace, and harmony. The person asking must indicate his sincerity and humility before the Patriarch.

How to write a letter to the patriarch

The Patriarch is the highest rank of the church hierarchy, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The spiritual mentor of which, as I understand it, is a certain “grandfather”, a priest of the ROCOR.

Therefore, when addressing him, both orally and in writing, one must comply with generally accepted dogmatic rules. 1. Before you start writing a letter to the Patriarch, you need to clearly imagine the subject of your appeal to him. You must understand that the church first hierarch is daily responsible for a lot of concerns about the fate of the church, therefore the topic of your letter must be truly significant.

Make sure that with your question you cannot turn to representatives of the lower clergy, say, to the local bishop or bishop.2.

The letter should begin with a further appeal to the Patriarch (indicated above the text of the letter in the upper right corner): His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' [name of the Patriarch] from [your representation]. It is significant for every believing Orthodox Christian to receive


Editorial office of the portal Patriarchia.ru 119034, Moscow, Chisty per., 5 Telephone E-mail: Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media 119334, Moscow, Andreevskaya Embankment, 2 E-mail: Telephone, +7(800) 100-33 -53 (free call within Russia) Press Service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' 115191, Moscow, Danilovsky Val, 22 Telephone/fax The Press Service provides media accreditation for events and services with the participation of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and also provides upon requests from the media, photo and video materials about the ministry and activities of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. *** E-mail for accreditation of journalists for Patriarchal events: And, if such a need suddenly arises, a person who is far from observing church canons may find himself in an awkward position.

Only if the foreign “padres” and “holy pope” are imprinted in his mind. The patriarch is the highest rank of the church hierarchy, the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Therefore, when addressing him, both orally and in writing, one must comply with generally accepted dogmatic rules.

Instructions 1. Before you start writing a letter to the Patriarch, you need to clearly imagine the subject of your appeal to him. You must understand that the church first hierarch is daily responsible for a lot of concerns about the fate of the church, therefore the topic of your letter must be truly significant.

Make sure that with your question you cannot turn to representatives of the lower ranks of the clergy, say, to the local bishop or bishop.

  1. The application for accreditation is made on the official letterhead of the media with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. The application must indicate the full name and position of the media employee, as well as a contact phone number.

E-mail for accreditation of journalists for church-wide events:

  1. The press service for church-wide events was created to provide information support for events within the framework of key church-wide celebrations and church and state holidays; carries out press accreditation, provides assistance in organizing filming, interviews and press conferences in the specified scope of activities.

Email for photo requests:

  1. Applications for receiving photographic materials in original quality are made on the official letterhead of the media with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

Attention E-mail for accreditation of journalists for Patriarchal events: Community “open letter” A letter to a clergyman respected and revered by millions is not just an appeal outlining a request or complaint.

Important To write a letter to the Patriarch, you must follow several rules accepted by church etiquette.

This concerns, first of all, the form of submitting a message to a clergyman vested with the authority of the Patriarch. How to formalize an appeal to His Holiness The official rank of the Patriarch involves the address “Your Holiness”, the second generally accepted form is “Your Holiness.”

One of these phrases should be the first line of your letter.

how to write a letter to Patriarch Kirill

Many people believe that the most effective way to solve their problems is to write a letter “to the top,” be it the President or the Patriarch.

But regardless of the addressee, reading, sorting and analyzing correspondence is the work of other employees, no less important. HOW TO WRITE TO THE PATRIARCH Instructions ➀ In order for the letter to be read, it must be written simply, clearly and accurately.

In this case, it is necessary to observe all the subtleties associated with addressing clergy and naming organizations and structural divisions.

And you need to start with the address. In the upper right corner of the letter you should write: “To His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow //And All Rus' Kirill//Chisty Lane. , no. 5, Moscow, 119034. The // sign indicates a new line.

It's important not to change

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Russia Holy Rus' 04:49 SOCIAL POLL IN THE MAIL - WE ASK EVERYONE TO VOTE AND LEAVE YOUR OPINION - CLOSE AT THE DOORS - ​OFFICIAL PETITION LETTER ADDRESSED TO KIRILL GUNDYAEV FROM THE FAITHFUL CHILDREN OF CHRIST ​ - ​you can subscribe here ​ Patriarch Gundyaev , come out of the Womb Church of God with all your legion of Sadomites! We, Orthodox Christians, renounce you and your servants, who preach the kingdom of the Antichrist in our churches. Orthodox Christians did not allow you to desecrate our Faith with fornication, debauchery and the politics of hypocrisy.

We recognize as invalid the document you signed for an alliance with the Gentiles, in which you call the legion of gods the God of the Orthodox. We have a triune God, Father, Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but neither Muhammad, nor Buddha, nor Allah, who bless the destruction of non-believers and are proud of it. The document signed by you and other antichrists is fornication and spiritual perversion, and therefore there is heresy.

Write a letter to the patriarch

// 03/16/2018 839 Views 03/19/2018 03/19/2018 03/19/2018 Since it is customary for Orthodox Christians to ask the priest for a blessing for all actions, including during a meeting, it would be more appropriate to say first: “Master, bless.”

You must understand that the church first hierarch daily has many worries about the fate of the church, so the topic of your letter should be really important.

And then talk more closely about the main thing, turning to the patriarch: “Your Holiness...” 3.

In an official written speech, the patriarch can be addressed with the words: “Your Eminence...” 4. However, words are not everything in the process of communication. Gestures also have significant meaning; they can tell a lot about a person.

It happens that a layman, wanting to show that he is not alien to the church, begins to be baptized at the sight of a priest.

It is not normal. Having met a fellow clergyman in a public place, a well-mannered person will certainly say hello, while a churchgoer may slightly bow his head.

For more narrow communication, you need to fold your right palm over your left - this way you show that you are asking for a blessing.

Examples of letters to the Patriarchate and Diocese

In this section we publish examples of some of the letters sent to His Holiness the Patriarch, Metropolitan of Tatarstan and Bishop of the Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk diocese. We will be grateful if you share your letters with us.

They can not only show your position, but also motivate others. How to send letters? Two options:

  • Russian Post
  • By e-mail

Please cc us if you send by email. We will be grateful. Letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Postal address: 119034, Moscow, Chisty Lane, 5.

Email: Telephone, (free call within Russia) Letter to the Metropolitan of Tatarstan Postal address: 420111, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Karla Marksa, 9/15. Email: (secretary); (press service) Letter to the Bishop of Chistopol and Nizhnekamsk Postal address: 422980 RT,

Russian Orthodox Church

  1. Tel., fax
  2. Business manager -
  3. 115191, Moscow, st. Danilovsky Val, 22
  1. Tel.
  2. Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' for the city.
    (first vicar), tel./fax (office), tel.

    Moscow —

  3. First Vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' -
  4. 119034, Moscow, Chisty per., no. 5
  1. Tel.
  2. Supervisor -
  3. 115191,
  1. Tel.
  2. Supervisor -
  3. 115191,
    Moscow, st. Danilovsky Val, d.

    Moscow, st. Danilovsky Val, d.


Office of the Moscow Patriarchate

  1. 115191, city 22
  2. Tel., 578-03-42
  1. Tel.:
  2. Supervisor -
  3. 19034,
    Moscow, st. Danilovsky Val, d.

    Moscow, Chisty per., no. 5

How to contact Patriarch Kirill via the Internet

When you meet individually, you should ask for the patriarch’s blessing with the words “Lord, bless...”.

3. Since an individual meeting is not so easy to achieve, a letter would be the best option. The letter to the patriarch can be ordinary or sent via email. The address required to be indicated on the envelope can be found on the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church.

If you are an attorney for the media, and the letter is official, then on the same site you can find the contacts of the press service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Much easier using email.

The mailbox address is also listed on the website. 4. It is desirable to end the letter with the following words: “Humbly falling to the right hand of Your Eminence.” God, God himself will show the right path to the Truth, rather than looking for contradictions for disputes, there is the Bible = the Word of God, listen not to people, but to God through Scripture, it is inspired by God and the only thing you can believe 100%, and in prayer ask God, he will help to find the Truth and the way, but you need to look not for miracles and signs, but for the will of God, because blessed is he who has not seen and believed, than he who believes only when he sees miraculous evidence of the supernatural, for no signs will be given to an unfaithful and adulterous generation, and all miracles are now not from God but from the Evil One, this is a sign of what you yourself know. Love for all neighbors and every person is the Truth of God, and not zeal for the doctrines of creeds and the way of worship, not worship is important for God, which is not for God but for people, do not give to people bow, but to God, do not think about the opinion of people, but look in the scriptures for what God’s will is for this.

I'm really scared. I'm afraid of MOMO

4. Hello. I really need your help. I'm really scared. Information has appeared on the Internet about a mysterious creature - Momo, which itself appears on WhatsApp, can speak all languages ​​and is automatically added to users. I also learned that if you answer it, it will kill this person. It says that it knows everything about a person and this is the pure truth.

Now this creature has appeared at my friend’s place and I am very afraid for her. I was also told that if you ignore it, turn off your phone when it rings or delete WhatsApp, then it will also kill a person. Please help me. I'm really scared. I'm afraid for my friend. Take some measures against this creature because many people could die this way.

I ask you, I beg you, somehow you need to deal with this creature. I don’t know who is sitting there, whether it’s some hackers, or whether it’s really not a person. How to deal with this MOMO? I will be very grateful and grateful if you help.

5. Hello dear Patriarch Kirill. They say that if you have hands, scratch your head, I hope this site is not a lie and there will be an answer. After all, what they say is true, the world is not without good people. A hand washes a hand, and two hands washes a face. I have goals—my children, my future, and helping disabled children in a boarding school—that I want to realize. Credit, debts - I had to step away from work.

I would like to ask you to be not only a sponsor, but also to help with advice. Since my savings card may be blocked at any time, I do not send the card number. The financial side is 200,000 euros, but I would like to discuss this with you. I am waiting for your humane response. Please call: 89297793797. Sincerely, Harutyunyan Samvel Zhoraevich.

6. I appeal to everyone who knows or has heard about the honorary citizen of the city of Moscow, people's teacher Matilda Andreevna Komleva. Documentaries have been made about her, and she has repeatedly received awards from President V.V. Putin. She is currently 86 years old, immobile due to a broken leg, and cannot eat without assistance. Diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular accident, Alzheimer's disease develops.

Unfortunately, she has no close relatives. But there was a businessman who took advantage of her desperate situation and arranged for lifelong assistance in exchange for her two Moscow apartments. Now he is preparing one of these apartments for sale. There is practically no treatment, diapers and diapers are purchased very rarely due to the high cost, and nutrition is practically very modest. There is not even a tonometer to measure blood pressure. I ask everyone who can provide vital support to get involved, bring information to V.V. Putin, and prevent injustice from happening to Matilda Andreevna Komleva.

7. Hello dear Patriarch of All Rus', Father Kirill. I ask for your help, my problem is alimony debt, so I don’t refuse to pay. They don’t hire me for a normal job as a driver because I have a previous conviction and owe about 300 thousand rubles to the bailiffs and no one wants to get involved. And the bailiffs scare you with restrictions on your driver's license. And I have a second family in September, we are waiting for a new addition to the family. I ask you to help me at least get me a good job as a driver. God bless you. With respect to you, Mikhail Yakomaskin.

Write a letter to Patriarch Kirill

Contents Rules of church etiquette How to correctly address a priest, a metropolitan? How to write a letter to the bishop?

How to behave at a table headed by a bishop or... His Holiness the Patriarch? About this and much more is the wonderful book by Bishop Mark (Golovkov) “Church Protocol”. M.: Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2007. I would like to introduce you to useful fragments of this book.

Bishop Mark (Golovkov) How to properly address a clergyman? A monk who is not ordained is addressed as “honest brother”, “father”.

To the deacon (archdeacon, protodeacon): “father (arch-, proto-) deacon” or simply: “father (name)”; to the priest and hieromonk: “Your Reverence” or “father (name)”; to the archpriest, abbot and to the archimandrite: “Your Reverence.” Appeal to


I sent this letter to the address of the press service of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', but without much hope that it would reach the addressee.

Having some experience, for this purpose I publish it in the Living Book. Holy Master, bless! The ineradicable pain in my soul forced me to write this unpleasant letter to you. For the hitherto unprecedented general retreat (primarily through the fault of the hierarchs) from the purity of the Orthodox faith, its reduction to the level of ideology, which creates the appearance of legitimacy for the current usurper regime, and, as a consequence of this, its humiliation and desecration by all our enemies.

For our Motherland, mercilessly robbed by the invaders and already destined for slaughter and division.

For our once great Orthodox people, exhausted under the Jewish yoke, literally now standing on the verge of disappearing from the face of the earth.

Lord, help us!!!

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