“The grave is sucking out your strength” I spent seven years visiting psychics, fortune tellers and witches, hoping to solve my problem, and this is what it led to






In Russia they still believe in magic. A clear confirmation of this is the show “Battle of Psychics,” which manages to collect huge ratings with a minimal budget. Healers, magicians, witches, black witches - Russians turn to all these people for help, although it is much more effective to go to a doctor or psychotherapist. Journalist for the Nozh publication Maxim Melnikov suffered from health problems for a long time. In desperation, the man even turned to psychics. We read about his personal experience.

Seven years ago (I was 18), a strange illness came into my life: a cocktail of a nasal injury, a sore throat and personal experiences resulted in a list of symptoms that fit half of a medical reference book. I stopped getting enough sleep, no matter how much I slept. In the evenings, the temperature rose, there was a constant fog in my head, physical activity became much more difficult to bear, I was on the verge of depression,” says the young man.

Doctors could not understand what was happening to the young man, and friends were sure that his health was an excuse. Even Maxim’s parents did not support him and advised him to be positive. Self-esteem fell, but a solution to the problem was still found. On the advice of his father’s comrade-in-arms, Maxim turned to an unusual woman, Tatyana, who allegedly heals and sees the past with the future. Despite his skepticism, Maxim decided to go.

Unusual Tatiana

In the entryway there were two benches on which those waiting sat - a classic new Russian from the nineties with scars and a gold chain gave up his place on the bench to a very modestly dressed woman, while he himself stood and rubbed his ring, beating a nervous beat with his foot. We asked one of the visitors the rules - don’t make noise in the entryway, entry is on a first-come, first-served basis, you sit opposite Tatyana, put your hand on the table, after communication you leave 100 rubles in a special box. When my turn came, all the questions that had been troubling me for so long seemed to disappear from my mind.

There were many candles burning in the room. There was a pleasant smell of some herbs. The entire left side of the rectangular room was filled with icons: from huge wall-length images of Jesus to small gilded images. A woman was sitting opposite the entrance. Outwardly, the psychic resembled Jabba the Hutt - overweight, with wheezing instead of breathing, with eyes that were difficult to open. I said hello, sat down and, as they said in the entryway, put my hand on the table: she took it in her hand and rolled her eyes, falling into a trance for about a minute and a half.

“Yes, you have a strong damage, but it can be removed ,” she said quietly, opening her eyes. - There are a lot of envious people. You shine brightly, they look at you and don’t want you to shine so brightly. But it’s okay, come to me, I’ll remove everything and put up protection. Five more times every two weeks.” For me, this was already a victory - someone had finally found, albeit not a scientific, but a specific and understandable reason. My eyes lit up, I thanked Tatyana in a trembling voice, put the 100 rubles crumpled with excitement into a carved box and left.

By the second visit, I wrote down all the exciting questions on a piece of paper, for example, which colleague to continue working with. She answered, as time has shown, correctly. And already on the way out of the room I asked: “How do you even do this?” “What, do you want to learn? - She smiled faintly. “You can’t learn this; I’ve always been able to do it.” I just didn’t know that others couldn’t do it.”

The evening after my second trip, I suddenly felt something unusual. If you have watched the film “Areas of Darkness”, you will understand what we are talking about: feelings have become heightened, the world around us has sparkled with colors that have not been seen for a long time.
My mind was clear and my body was filled with energy. It was the most mystical experience in my life - years have passed since that moment, and I still remember my feelings. I believed that I would feel good again. Unfortunately, everything turned out differently, and the treatment could not be completed - Tatyana died a few days later.

Who are mediums?

Mediums are the link between the world of the living and the dead. Their abilities include direct communication with the deceased by infusing themselves with the spirit of a dead person, or contact with him at a distance. There are several types of such contacts:

  1. Mental mediumship is connecting with a spirit using the power of thought at a distance.
  2. Speech mediumship is the process of obtaining information through the voice of spirits or demons emanating from an object.
  3. Physical mediumship is the ability to obtain information directly by moving a spirit into and out of one’s body.
  4. Photographic mediumship – when it is possible to extract information from a photograph.

For the presented types of contacts listed above, a spiritualistic session is carried out, allowing the connection and communication of the guide - the medium with the summoned spirit, to whom you can directly ask questions of interest.

Healer at home

Maxim plunged into depression again. The young man’s mother remembered the healer who helped her friend. We agreed to meet at home, since the woman was forbidden to “work” by her husband.

At home, she politely asked my parents to leave the room, told me to sit in an open position without crosshairs, turn my palms up, and began her ritual. Visually, everything she did was very similar to the guy who saw the entity in the form of a gnome. For about 20 minutes she repeated the same movement, constantly yawning and explaining that this is how the damage that was placed on me comes out through her.

At the end of the ritual, she said that the damage was quite strong and it was better to treat it personally. We agreed that she would come once a week - 8 sessions would be enough (each cost 1000 rubles). Neither during the ritual nor after it did I feel anything other than awkwardness, but I chalked it up to the fact that the treatment had a cumulative effect. But then she came a second time, a third - and nothing in my condition changed, although, according to her, everything went according to plan.

I asked again what the result should be, how quickly to expect it, whether I should feel something during her passes with my hands - improvements should have already occurred, and during the session warmth should spread throughout my body. There was not the slightest hint of anything similar, so before her sixth visit I concentrated as much as possible on my feelings in order to track at least something. There is nothing. We have not agreed on the date of the next session.

What does the church interpret?

How does the church treat fortune tellers? In cases of trouble, a person seeks salvation not from God, not in prayers, but resorts to the help of fortune-tellers, healers, and mediums, which is a direct violation of God’s commandments. For several centuries the Church fought against them. The clergy believe that fortunetellers use the help of evil spirits and, through rituals, allow evil spirits into the world of people, who subsequently poison the coexistence of the children of God. The life of an Orthodox person should be spent in communication with the Almighty, in prayer. It is through them that the son of God draws strength for good deeds.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Maxim met a girl who also had a similar experience and turned to healers. With the help of a visit to Nadezhda Alexandrovna, she found a job and met love.

A couple of weeks later, this girl and I went to a session with Nadezhda Alexandrovna. On the way, she told me how everything would go: you had to take the first-come line, then enter together with two other visitors (though I still didn’t understand why they entered in threes). The sorceress will ask what I came with, after which she will tell me to leave the photograph I brought with me (necessarily with my eyes open) on the table and explain how to solve the problem.

The room itself was colorful: a powerful bed, a table littered with photographs and icons. On the wall hung a diploma of graduation from the Povolozhsk branch of the Dresden Institute of Parapsychology (I tried to find on the Internet a mention of an institution with the same or a similar name - to no avail). A sliding partition covered half the room from prying eyes. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna herself resembled the actress Lyubov Polishchuk - lively, temperamental, in a bright outfit that a gypsy could wear.

Granny was the first to approach her. It was clear that this was not the first time for her - despite her limp, she busily pushed the embarrassed grandfather and me aside and lay down on the bed, lifting up her sundress and voicing the problem area. The healer began to massage, saying something quietly, but forcefully and methodically. 3 minutes - and it’s done, the satisfied granny quickly jumped out of bed, left 300 rubles on the table and left, limping noticeably less. I took a step forward.

"First time? “I know why you came,” Nadezhda Alexandrovna began intriguingly. “Lethargy, drowsiness, no strength, don’t want to do anything, don’t want to live—right?” She voiced exactly the words that I had already uttered a thousand times. I could assume that such a conclusion could be drawn from the appearance and the very fact of coming to her - but to say this word for word?

Then she took my photo and pulled out a crystal on a string (similar to the one in the TV series “Charmed”), which froze over my face: “Well done for coming. Do you see it doesn't move? This is a grave curse - the grave sucks your strength. Many young guys left because of him, because they didn’t start cleaning up on time, but you came on time. Let's get rid of it." After that, an inconspicuous woman in a headscarf came out from behind the partition on the right side of the room and led me along through the second door, located in the same place.

“The grave curse is from envious people. But you can remove it: every day for 40 days, make beads from garlic heads and sleep in them. The beads should have exactly 33 heads - just like Jesus Christ had when he was crucified. Wear them when you're home and sleep in them too. If you see that the garlic is starting to rot or that some head has fallen off, make new ones. Come back in 40 days and check if everything is fine. Don’t worry, the curse will go away,” it was clear that this was not the first time the healer’s assistant had communicated with visitors, so I didn’t have any questions left. I touched up this fragrant decoration every evening and spent even more than 40 nights in it, although I slept with the garlic beads were awkward.

When I came for the second time, the crystal above my photograph began to cheerfully describe a circle, despite the fact that my well-being had not changed at all. The healer said to extend wearing the beads for another two weeks: “Your energy channel has already been cleared, but the cup is not yet filled.” I wore them for days, but I didn’t feel anything except the persistent smell of garlic in my nose. I no longer went to check if my cup was full.


The last witch Maxim turned to was also recommended to him by his father’s colleague. The session was not cheap - 1500 rubles.

One and a half thousand rubles for 10 minutes is a significant amount, and on the way we joked that Fatima probably had the most serious house in the area. And so it turned out - around the modest one-story buildings there was a solid two-story cottage with a garage.

Small room, four small icons. A calm woman with a piercing gaze sits at the table. On it is a metal bowl with water, several wax candles. After standard questions with a strong eastern accent, whether I had been baptized and whether I had been here before, the procedure began: melted wax was poured into a metal bowl and took a certain shape. Fatima spent about a minute and a half in silence, carefully studying what happened, and then the flow of information began, which I recorded on a previously hidden voice recorder.

About work: “Where did you work before? A journalist? One person will soon want to see you as a journalist. In 3 points (3 days or 3 weeks) you will have a job.” About other psychics: “Why did you go to fortune tellers? Did you guess with cards or with coffee? So, is there a result? This is wrong, this is magic. They said a lot of things, but no results - no one cleaned anything, you have a lot of evil eyes. And the wax will clean everything.”

And finally, about health: “What worries you? Nose? Does it hurt to breathe? The operation was performed incorrectly. And about the evil eye: you need to put wax under your pillow and sleep like that for three nights, and then throw it into a pond - all your slander and evil eye are in this wax. You will come back in 40 days and I will make you a talisman for good luck.”

I actually had the unsuccessful experience of going to fortune telling sessions using coffee grounds and tarot cards - so this was on target. Regarding the work, it turned out even more interesting: the very next day after the trip I started receiving invitations, and exactly three weeks later my current editor-in-chief invited me to meet. So this is spot on. But most of all I was interested in health. I decided not to delay it and the day after the trip I did an MRI of my nose. The result was surprising - the picture really showed what the doctors did not see during the examination.

Since my trip to get the good luck talisman, no major changes have occurred, but I have an inexplicable confidence that everything will work out and one day I will feel healthy. And a new clue in the form of MRI results - I’ll continue to dance from there.


Who turns to fortune tellers for help?

Anyone can apply. In practice, there is no pattern: young people, old people, girls, boys, ordinary factory workers or owners of large businesses apply. Everyone wants to know what needs to be done and when, regardless of their status, gender, orientation and place of residence. In general, a fortune teller is approached for the following purposes:

  • Find out when it is better to perform this or that action so that it becomes successful.
  • Take a look and determine the presence of damage, the evil eye or a curse, so as not to launch it.
  • Help loved ones cope with problems and understand their causes.
  • Bring good luck to the business and review the desires of all participants in the situation.
  • Love questions and the desire to understand the situation as it is, and not from the words of others.

In fact, you can find out absolutely everything from a fortune teller, since she has a connection with the otherworldly and can give answers to all questions. In any case, if you come to a specialist of this kind, then you have an urgent need and desire to resolve some issues. That is why it is important to entrust the work to a trusted person with good reviews from clients.

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