Orthodox and church holidays and fasts
Today is an Orthodox church holiday: * Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised (memory of the miracle by which Orthodoxy was established, 451). * Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, in holy baptism Helena (969) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... Tomorrow:
* Martyrs Proclus and Hilary (c. 98-117).
* St. Michael Malein (962) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... Holidays are expected: 07/26/2021
- * Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel.
* St. Stephen Savvait (794) and other saints whose names we remember on this day... 07.27.2021
- * Apostle Aquila of the 70 (I) and other saints whose names we remember on this day...
- * Martyrs of Kirik and Julitta, his mother (c. 305). *** Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, in holy baptism Vasily, Baptist of Rus' (1015) and other saints whose names we remember on this day...
All Orthodox and church holidays and fasts...
Veneration of the martyrs
The veneration of martyrs develops in ancient times, apparently simultaneously with the spread of martyrdom itself. Quite early it takes on certain institutionalized forms; although these forms evolve over time, a number of fundamental elements are consistently preserved through all changes. These elements are also central to the formation of the cult of saints in general. The understanding of martyrdom as the triumph of grace over death, the achievement of the Kingdom of Heaven, the path to which was opened by the death and resurrection of Christ, and, accordingly, as the anticipation of the general resurrection in the flesh, is reflected in the emerging cult forms, primarily in the church remembrance of the martyr and the celebration of his memory, in prayer appeal to the martyrs as “friends of God” and intercessors of people before God, in honoring the graves of martyrs and their remains (relics).
According to the testimony of “The Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna” (Martirium Policarpi, XVIII), every year on the anniversary of his death, believers gathered at the martyr’s grave, served the liturgy and distributed alms to the poor. These basic elements formed the original cult of saints. The annual commemoration of the martyrs was understood as the remembrance of the day of their new birth (dies natalis), their birth into eternal life. These celebrations included the reading of acts of martyrdom, a meal of remembrance, and the celebration of the liturgy. In the 3rd century. this order was already universal. Such commemorations could absorb individual elements of the corresponding pagan rituals (for example, the distribution of kolivo). Buildings were erected over the graves, in which (or next to which) commemoration was performed (gr. μάρτύρον lat. memoria); One of the models for them was the late Judaic memorial buildings on the graves of the prophets. After the end of the persecution, the construction of such buildings is further developed; in the East, a church was often attached to the mausoleum in which the relics were kept; in the West, the relics were usually kept under the altar of the church itself.
As a result of the development of the veneration of martyrs, Christian burial places became the center of church life, and the graves of martyrs became revered shrines. This meant a radical change in the late antique worldview, in which the city of the living and the city of the dead were separated by an impassable line and only the city of the living was a place of social existence (cemeteries were located outside the city limits). This revolution in consciousness became especially radical when the relics of martyrs began to be transferred to cities, around which ordinary burials were grouped (since burial next to the martyr was seen as a means of obtaining his intercession).
The development of veneration of martyrs prompted the Church in the centuries after the end of persecution to regulate this veneration in a certain way. Some of its forms, which coincided with pagan ones, began to be perceived as relics of paganism and were condemned (for example, St. Augustine of Hippo objects to the organization of funeral feasts at graves). Bl. Jerome of Stridon says that such excesses are explained by “the simplicity of the laity and, of course, pious women.” In this context, acts of martyrdom are revised and martyrs are canonized. Celebrating the memory of martyrs and building memorial churches over their graves receives canonical sanction. The celebration of memory grows from a private rite performed over the grave into a church-wide celebration - first at the level of the local church community, and then throughout the entire church. The days of remembrance of various martyrs (dies natalis) are combined into an annual cycle, recorded in martyrologies. On this basis, a fixed annual circle of church services is formed.
The idea of martyrs as intercessors for people before God, as constantly present members of the church community, was also expressed in the rite of the liturgy. Since ancient times, martyrs have been specially mentioned in the intercessory prayer (intercessio), pronounced immediately after the presentation of the Holy Gifts (epiclesis), and a special particle is set aside for them at the proskomedia (during the preparation of the Holy Gifts). In honor of the martyrs, the fifth particle is taken out of the third, so-called “nine-day” prosphora, divided according to the ranks of saints. According to the Russian missal, this particle is taken out “in honor and memory” of “the Holy Apostle, the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, the holy great martyrs Demetrius, George, Theodore Tiron, Theodore Stratilates and all the holy martyrs and martyrs: Thekla, Barbara, Kyriacia, Euphemia and Paraskeva , Catherine and all the holy martyrs” (the set of names may vary in different Orthodox traditions).
In the history of the Russian Church, the first martyrs appeared even before the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir: according to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 983, Kyiv pagans killed two Christian Varangians (father and son). In 1015 Sts. were killed. princes Boris and Gleb; the understanding of their death as martyrdom testifies to the expansion of this very concept in Russian spirituality: although Sts. Boris and Gleb were killed not for their faith, but as a result of civil strife; their humility in death and following Christ and the revered martyrs in non-resistance to the tormentors were perceived as a Christian feat. The Russian martyrs also include a number of saints who suffered for their faith in the Horde (Prince Mikhail of Chernigov and his boyar Theodore, Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy), Lithuanian martyrs who suffered from the pagans under Olgerd in 1347, etc. The process of canonization is currently underway martyrs of the Russian Church who suffered after 1917
Orthodox Saints of God
The holy saints of God show special love and mercy to those who honor their holy memory.
It seems to many that the saints are far from us. But they are far from those who have withdrawn themselves, and very close to those who keep the commandments of Christ and have the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The holy saints in their earthly life turned to God for help in healing their ailments, sorrows and deliverance from temptations, asking God that even after death He would honor them with the gift of helping people in various cases of life.
The saints have reached the Heavenly Kingdom and there they see the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ; but by the Holy Spirit they also see the suffering of people on earth. Many holy saints of God received special grace from God, and He deigned them to be intercessors before Him for deliverance from our sorrows and bodily ailments, in which they themselves were tempted.
The saints rejoice at our repentance and mourn when people leave God and become like foolish cattle. They feel sorry that people live on earth, not knowing that if they loved each other, then there would be freedom from sin on earth: and where there is no sin, there is joy and gladness from the Holy Spirit, so that, wherever you look, everything sweet, and the soul wonders why it feels so good, and praises God. The saints hear our prayers and have the power from God to help us. The entire Christian race knows about this. We must remember: in order for a prayer to be heard, one should pray to the holy saints of God with faith in the power of their intercession before God, in words coming from the heart.
In our prayers we turn to the Lord God, to His Most Pure Mother - our Intercessor and Helper, to the holy Angels and holy people - the saints of God, because for their sake the Lord God is more likely to hear us sinners, our prayers. The Saints have different names: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, saints, unmercenaries, blessed, righteous, confessors. more>>
The Lord says: “When you light a candle, you do not put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to everyone in the house. So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:15-16). Saints are bright stars that show us the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let us treasure the closeness of the holy saints of God to God and turn to them for help, remembering that they love us and care about our salvation. It is good to pray to the holy saints of God on those days when the Church celebrates their memory.
«Holy Saints of God, pray to God for us!»
Saints: life, memory, suffering...
Work: Akathist and service to the holy martyr, blessed princess Lyudmila of Czechia
Holy Martyr Lyudmila,
We also create memory on September 16
Let's create a vigil
At Vespers: on the Lord, I cried: stichera on 10, tone 6.
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us, and all of us have formed the Church of Christ,
glorifying our God, let us remember His holy martyr, the most luminous
Lyudmila, who suffered for Christ from the devil.
We have gathered today for your holy holiday, glorious martyr Lyudmila,
crying with one mouth: intercede before the Lord for this world, help
to all those who mourn, comfort the sad, save the desperate and fulfill all
a petition ascending to you.
Always abiding in the love of God, do not forget your neighbors, our intercessor
faithful, bright Lyudmila, strong martyr, and help all the sick,
unite those who are separated again, comfort the grieving, soften the hearts of the evil and
unite everyone with the Trinity, so that they all cry out to Christ: Holy art thou, our Lord.
Having acquired eternal love in her heart, Saint Lyudmila showed the martyr
The Kingdom of Christ is in the world, you have sanctified your neighbors, you have glorified your life
Christ our God, you were killed by the enemies of the Lord, but ascended to
The Trinity is like a pillar of fire and now you stand for the whole world.
Having accepted faith in her heart and not abandoning hope, she shone great
love, enlightening the world and teaching others, martyr Lyudmila, enlighten
and now all who are blind.
The Kingdom of God is love and unity in the Lord, communion of the Holy Spirit, all
union, unspeakable joy, great kindness, thanksgiving, righteousness
and peace, especially Christ’s Love, having already received it, Lyudmilo, pray for peace
Our bright helper, persistent intercessor, loving soul, holy
Martyr, pray for everyone, that everyone may come to the Lord, that everyone may enter into
Kingdom, may everyone know the joy of the Eucharist.
Today is your holiday, Lyudmilo, we celebrate, singing according to you, for Christ
suffered, and did not abandon Him in His passion, but loved everyone,
blessed her tormentors, and, having descended into death, met Christ, and
now interceding for the whole world and helping all people.
Now partaking of the Kingdom of Christ, and seeing God in all its fullness, and in the Spirit
Abiding Saints, you do not leave us, Lyudmila the martyr, but is ever with us
stand before the Lord and give help to everyone who requires it,
Enlightening the world with the teachings of Christ, uniting her people with the Lord
relatives, comforted the grieving and helped the poor, fair in marriage
who lived and showed people the grace of God, Lyudmila, the lamb of Christ,
protect everyone and everything from the devil.
Glory: Feast of the Exaltation, stichera
Most honorable cross, its the same situation
ranks of angels: see in the service of the holiday.
And now:
The Mother of God dogmatist of the sixth tone:
Whoever does not please You, Most Holy Virgin:
Entrance with censer. Prokeimenon of the day. Parimia martyrs, see in the Menaion.
The poem contains stichera 4, tone 5.
Having completed the course of life well,
having fulfilled Christ’s commandments, having raised her children in the truth, she closed herself
You are in Tetinsky eamka, Lyudmila, Princess of Czech, idea and martyr
I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains, from there my help will come.
Dragomira, Lyudmila's relative, blinded by the power of Satan,
Having hated the Lord, you killed the holy martyr. She's the killer
Having forgiven, you went to the Trinity, and you received an unfading crown,
My help comes from the Lord, Who created heaven and earth.
Rejoice, Lyudmila martyr, radiant righteous woman, for you were
a true Christian, and married to your husband Borivoy, you lived in
holiness, you taught your children the truth, and you were kind to your neighbors, the same
We magnify you all in agreement.
The Lord will protect you, the Lord will cover your forest hand.
Rejoice and be merry, Church of God in these bright and red days! Today
We create a great celebration: We glorify and magnify the Exaltation of the Cross of Christ
Martyr Lyudmila with Martyr Euphemia. Today is a world not made by hands
glorifies the Lord, the earth flaunts heavenly glory, but we, people,
We glorify the Lord and pray to Him for everyone and everything!
Glory: stichera to the martyr Euthymia, see the menstrual period in the Menaion.
And now: holiday, stichera:
Rejoice, Lord's Cross:
Thy Lamb, Jesus, Lyudmila:
twice (see in the common Meniah), and
the holiday
Save, O God, Thy people:
at Matins.
To God the Lord: troparion to the martyr twice.
Glory: holiday.
And now: Theotokos.
Sedalen according to the 1st verse, tone 6.
We now remember Saint Lyudmila’s honest suffering, which you received from
their Yuzhiks, who do not know the True God, for our God, Christ, Him
You served all your life, You longed to marry Him, You prayed to Him
You constantly and in Nemzha placed all your hope, remembering the verbs
bright one, like the rivers of Christ: take My yoke for yourself and learn from Me; and like
The lamb was silent before the shearers when it was slain because of the infidels.
In the same way, pray with the Mother of God, so that we may be saved.
According to the 2nd verse, the voice is the same: Pray to God for us nightly, and
look down on us from the heights, O merciful Lyudmila, who brought light
Orthodox teaching to your country, the Czech Republic, do not leave us petrified, but
grant us tenderness, so that we may cry out with you in the Kingdom of Heaven: Glory
Thou, Lord, Who created us; Glory to You, Lord, who has not rejected us; Glory to T,
Lord, who saved us; Glory to You, Lord, Who has made us God; Glory to T,
Lord, Who has mercy on us; Glory to You, God, forever.
Polyeleos. Magnification:
We magnify you, holy martyr Lyudmila, and honor
your honest sufferings, which you endured for Christ.
Selected Psalm:
I have seen the Lord before me, as at my right hand
I eat, but I don’t move. For this reason my heart was lifted up and my tongue rejoiced
my. Thou hast told me the ways of life, fill me with joy with Thy countenance.
The Lord is my Helper, and I will not be afraid what man will do to me.
Glory, and now:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God
(three times)
Degree, antiphon of the 4th tone.
Prokeimenon : God is marvelous in His saints, God
of Israel
In the churches bless God, the Lord from the source
Israelis. Every breath:
Gospel of Mark, conception 21
According to Psalm 50, stichera, tone 6.
Today we glorify the holy martyr, the lamb
Christ's slain, our bright sister Lyudmila, shining with light
Kingdom, which brought forth eternal Love, which illuminated its neighbors like a candle,
crying with her to the Lord: Lord, it is good for us to be here.
Canon, tone 8, to the martyr, and canon to the Cross.
Its edge: Holy Martyr Lyudmila, pray to God for us.
Song 1
Irmos: Load Pharaoh's chariot, sometimes work miracles
The rod of Moses, striking crosswise and dividing the sea, Israel
save the fugitive, save the pedestrian, sing the song of God.
Holy martyr, Lyudmila, pray to God for us.
Give the gift of the Word of God, Christ, to my words, so that I may sing to You, my Belly
Inexhaustible, and let me glorify Your martyr Lyudmila, singing Your song: I will sing
Lord, gloriously be glorified.
Having received the imperishable crown in your suffering, pray, Lyudmila, Glorious God
grant us crowns of light, so that when I have come, we will sing: I will sing to the Lord, gloriously
for he became famous.
Like an immaculate lamb you were led to the slaughter, not a single word
contrary to rexha; Moreover, you sang the song of God: let us sing to the Lord, gloriously
become famous.
And now:
You, Most Pure One, all your birth will bless, as you bore in your womb
Eternal God, pray to the Unman for peace, together with Lyudmila the martyr,
singing: Let us sing to the Lord, for gloriously we shall be glorified.
Moses drew the cross:
Song 3
Irmos: First establish the Heavens with your mind, and found the earth on the waters,
on the stone me,.
Christ, confirm Thy commandments, for there is none more holy than Thee, the only One who loves mankind.
Bright angels met your bright soul in the air with suffering
whitened by the innocent, adorned by prayer, illuminated by love, a song
Singing to God: Holy art thou, O Lord, and my spirit singeth unto thee.
Like a fiery star, like a bright angel, your soul has ascended to Heaven, Lyudmila, transfixed by the grace of the Holy Spirit, singing: Holy art thou, Lord,
and my spirit sings to Thee.
We pray to you, glorious Lyudmila, pray for peace to the Lord, and help
to everyone, help those who hope, comfort those who mourn, give joy to those who are discouraged, let them cry out and
they come to the Lord: Holy art thou, O Lord, and my spirit singeth unto thee.
And now:
We bless you all, O Mother of God, as the Mother of our God, as she prophesied
Thou art, and we sing Thee with Lyudmila the martyr, and we cry to the Lord: Holy art thou, Lord, and
my spirit sings to you.
Song 4
Irmos: You are my strength, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are mine
Joy, do not leave the bosom of the Father, and having visited our poverty, then with the prophet
I call You Habakkuk: Glory to Your power, O Lover of mankind.
Your death, O martyr, was honorable before the Lord; for a crown you did not receive, an incorruptible crown, so pray to the Lord, that He may also give us the crowns of the Kingdom, yes
We sing to Him continually: Glory to Your power, O Lord.
When those who killed you cursed you, you blessed them, like Christ, Himself
You dedicated your entire life to you; vouchsafe us the same, in times of sorrow we will sing
Master: Glory to Your power, O Lord.
There are no idols of yours, - you advertised, Lyudmila, to your relatives,
those who thirst to turn you away from the true faith, for which you have accepted death
innocent, - but there is One God, God is Holy, to Him the Church of Christ cries:
glory to your power, O Lord.
And now:
We all confess Thee, Most Pure Virgin Mary, as the True Mother of God, Who bore in the womb the True God, Who took flesh from Thee and without falsehood
to be incarnated on earth, the One Who Lived, and the Crucified, and the Resurrected One, crying out to Him with
Lyudmila: Glory to Your power, Lord.
Song 5
Irmos: Thou hast cast me away from Thy presence, O Light of the Invincible, and
I was covered by the alien darkness of the accursed, but turn me to the light of the commandments
Guide your paths, I pray.
To the Heavenly King, who can see Him clearly, pray, Lyudmila, for help for everyone
those who hope, and save all those who are perishing from the depths of despair, and give peace to everyone
calling: Lord our God, give us peace.
All my bright life I longed to see Him, and to serve Him faithfully, now
See clearly, pray to him, Lyudmila, to save our world from the malice of the devil, from enmity
and divisions, and grant salvation to those who sing: Lord our God, give us peace.
Lyudmila, lamb of God, in vain now the Lamb is face to face and enjoying
By this communication, do not forget us sinners, who have gone astray in enmity, who do not lead
sing: Lord our God, give us peace.
And now:
Your Yuzhiks, Lyudmilo, slaughtered you like a lamb, kindness and faith
yours in vain; also pray for us with the Most Pure Virgin Mary and everyone
saints, saying: Lord our God, give us peace.
Song b
Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, for my iniquities are many, and from the depths of evil
lift me up, I pray: for I have cried to You, and hear me, O God of my salvation.
The Tree of the Cross saved the entire human race by the power of Christ Crucified on it
Our God, too, kissing and, crying out with Lyudmila, our cross humbly
who said: Like the prophet Jonah, save us, O Lord.
You have acquired unceasing prayer to God, walking before Him like Enoch,
but, in the same way, teach us truer prayer, and, turning to repentance,
Let us pray to God for peace, saying: Like the prophet Jonah, save us, O Lord.
Having confessed the Lord before everyone, having been confessed as the Lord before the Angels, having received a crown of bright joy, she was ignorant of the Lord, having hoped for Him all the time.
Seeing your life, I cried out: like the prophet Jonah, save us, O Lord.
And now:
Lyudmila the Bogoslavny, your memory is so bright, we remember
your suffering, and we marvel at your meekness, and we pray to you: pray to the Mother of God, may she forgive us our iniquities, may she pray to the Lord for us, who sing: for
Prophet Jonah, save us, Lord.
Kontakion, tone 6.
You received the love of God from heaven, and you were also killed from
relatives, O most bright Lyudmila, pray for all of us who faithfully honor you.
The immaculate lamb, Lyudmila, the faithful one, in heaven visibly, praying for
We will continually sing: Rejoice, you who sacrificed yourself to God; rejoice,
entered heaven with an angel. Rejoice, fragrance of the peace of Christ; rejoice,
Illuminated with divine virtues. Rejoice, warm representative
ours before God; Rejoice, ascended to the heavenly chambers. Rejoice, faithful
listening to prayers; Rejoice, you who fulfill every good desire. Rejoice,
Rejoice, righteous woman who fed all the hungry, who comforted everyone with good love
crying. Rejoice, like gold in the furnace, purified; Rejoice, Heavenly glory
communion. Rejoice, holy martyr Lyudmila, dear to God and His people.
Song 7
Irmos: Exalted Lord of the fathers, extinguish the flame, O youths of water,
according to those who sing: God, blessed are you.
You praying in vain to God now, Lyudmila, the Czech Church rejoices, we rejoice
and we, as if we have found a faithful representative who gives us joy
Heavenly, and we call everyone to God, who gave you to us: God, blessed are you.
Dressing yourself today like a robe with light; clothed today in the love of Christ,
remember, Lyudmilo, your world, remember your sisters and brothers, unite them
all in one and vouchsafe to sing to the Lord: God, blessed art thou.
You drove away demonic flattery, O immaculate Lyudmila, and you served
God with all her life, and loved Him with all her heart and soul, and to Him
cleave to one, do the same, so that we do the same, always within ourselves
crying: God, blessed are you.
And now:
Much about You, O Most Blessed Mary, we thank God
ours, You are the intercessor for all of us, and the protection of the Russian land, save us,
We call you, as the Mother of all Lords, and teach us to sing to God, with Lyudmila
together: God, blessed are you.
Song 8
Irmos: The sevenfold cave of the Chaldean tormentor of the godly furiously
kindled, by the best power we have seen this saved, the Creator and Savior
crying: fathers, bless, priests, sing, ye people,
exalt to all ages.
You have been honored with divine glory, O martyr Lyudmila, and enjoy
today with the love of God, which I longed to have in myself; also pray for us, yes
Let us love one another and, with one mind, confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, let us sing: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt them unto all ages.
O Lyudmila, bright martyr, wearing holy, fragrant wedding clothes
ineffably, shone with the Divine virtues, adorn us with them, yes
Let us sing with all our hearts: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt them unto all ages.
Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.
Inspire our verbs,
Lord, as thou didst heed of old the calling of the three youths in the cave of Babylon, and
give us love and compassion, peace and joy with meekness and prayers
Holy Martyr Lyudmila, calling: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt in
all the eyelids.
And now:
Angels serve You, Most Holy One, fleeting minds, the Trisagion hymn
The gods sing and glorify You incessantly, like the Mother of God,
Our intercessor, you who sing: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt to all ages.
The most honest:
Song 9
Irmos: Heaven and the ends of the earth were amazed at this, for God had appeared
a carnal man, and Your womb was the most spacious of Heaven. Tem Cha,
The Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.
Feed us, Lyudmilo, guide us on the true path, teach us justification
Having fulfilled everything of Christ in her life, she became sanctified; give us
wisdom and strength, let us know God's truth, let us glorify God and the Mother of God in
we magnify with songs.
Don’t forget us, Lyudmila, who was dear to people in your earthly life; upcoming
throne of God, intercede for us, that we may appear before this throne
the terrible thing is not condemned, and let us dare to sing there to His Mother: the Mother of God in
we magnify with songs.
Singing the angelic song to God in Heaven today, teach us prayer too
more truly, do not leave us sinners, but stand up in troubles, visit us in despondency,
heal illnesses, convert iniquities, O Lyudmila, may your life be remembered
take it out, we call the Mother of God: We magnify the Mother of God in songs.
And now:
We all praise God, Who created us and gave you to us, Lyudmila, in
intercession, may we all be saved, may we see His face, may it be on our foreheads
our holy name, and let us sing with the Angels of His Mother: Theotokos in song
we magnify.
Cross, guardian of the entire universe:
Glory, and now:
The cross is erected today
: once.
To praise those stichera of the Venerable Cross, two, and one martyr, voice 5:
Rejoice, grace-filled Lyudmila, you have illuminated the whole Czech country with light
Orthodoxy, accepted death for the Lord, ascended with her soul to Heaven, and
Now you help us.
Orthodox prayers and icons of the Mother of God and saints
The word “icon” comes from the Greek language and means “image”, “image”. The image of the icon is consecrated with holy water and special prayers, through this consecration the grace of the Holy Spirit is imparted to the icon, and the icon is already revered by us as holy. According to the Orthodox dogma of icon veneration, approved by the VII Ecumenical Council, “the honor given to an icon relates to its prototype, and the one who worships the icon worships the hypostasis of the person depicted on it.” The Council especially emphasizes that we give veneration to icons, and not the worship that is due to God alone. “The icon mysteriously contains within itself the presence of the one whom it depicts, and this presence is the closer, more grace-filled and stronger, the more the icon corresponds to the church canon.”
All Icons of the Mother of God and Saints
The Troparion to Jesus Christ is sung during the first week of Lent
The troparion is performed at the Divine Liturgy.
This troparion is performed, for example, on the day of the triumph of Orthodoxy.
The establishment of this holiday is connected with the events of the Council of Constantinople in 843.
The Tsarina proposed to His Holiness Patriarch Methodius to gather all Orthodox metropolitans, archbishops, clergy, and laity to come to the Great Church of God with honorable crosses and holy icons on the first Sunday of Holy Lent.
This event is very important for the Christian people, therefore on this day, the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church solemnly celebrates the restoration of icon veneration, called the “Triumph of Orthodoxy.”
It is on this day that it is customary to perform the troparion to Jesus Christ.
Troparion to Jesus Christ , tone 2:
We worship Your most pure image, O Good One, asking for forgiveness of our sins, O Christ our God: by the will of Your flesh You deigned to ascend to the cross, so that You might deliver Him from the work of the enemy. Thus we cry out to You in gratitude: You have filled all with joy, our Savior, who came to save the world.
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Prayer in the Christian life. What is prayer? About prayer
Prayer is the most important part of the spiritual life of every believer. Through prayer, a person turns to God, asks him and asks for forgiveness from him. In other words, prayer is nothing more than a person’s way of talking with God. About prayer...
The basis of the life of an Orthodox Christian is fasting and prayer. Prayer, said Saint Philaret of Moscow, “is a conversation between the soul and God.” And just as in a conversation it is impossible to listen to one side all the time, so in prayer it is useful to sometimes stop and listen to the Lord’s answer to our prayer.
Prayer does not require a specific time, place, circumstance or form. It can be verbose - long, and laconic - short. The prayer can be said at any time of the day or night, and anywhere. A person can pray under all circumstances of his life: when he is sick or healthy, when he is happy or sad, when he succeeds or fails, when he is in the company of his enemies or in the circle of his friends, when he is abandoned by everyone, or when he in the midst of your beloved family. But God’s temple serves as a special place of prayer. On Sundays, as well as on weekdays, if time permits, we should go to church to pray, where our brothers and sisters in Christ - Christians - gather to pray together, all together. This kind of prayer is called church prayer.
Every Orthodox Christian must pray daily, morning and evening, before and after eating food, before starting and at the end of any task (for example: before teaching and after teaching, etc.).
In the morning we pray to thank God for preserving us last night, to ask for His Fatherly blessing and help for the day that has begun.
In the evening, before going to bed, we also thank the Lord for a successful day and ask him to keep us during the night.
Before and after meals we pray to thank God for His gifts and ask Him to bless and sanctify the food.
In order for the work to be done successfully and safely, we must also, first of all, ask God for blessings and help for the upcoming work, and upon completion, thank God.
Unfortunately, many people forget about the necessity and importance of prayer, and resort to it only in cases of feeling hopeless. However, even in these cases, as practice shows, God does not forget about the person and gives him his love and support. But not a single prayer will bring anything good to a person if he simply reads it without thinking about what is said. Therefore, it is extremely important, when turning to the Creator in prayer, to truly feel every word.
God is the best of interlocutors; he will always hear a person and help him. You should not be embarrassed to talk to God even about the most secret things that are in your soul. The main thing is to do it with true faith in God.
“True prayer does not consist in words and saying them, but true prayer consists “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). When we pray to God, we must stand before Him not only in body, but also in spirit; and say prayer not only with your lips, but also with your mind and heart; and not only bow our heads and knees, but also our hearts before Him; and raise our intelligent eyes to Him with humility. For all prayer must come from the heart; and what the tongue says, the mind and heart must say.” Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk.
And no matter what happens during the day, everything happens according to the will of God; all, without exception, are circumstances in which the Lord wished to place you, so that you could be His presence, His love, His compassion. His creative mind, His courage... And, besides, whenever you encounter this or that situation, you are the one whom God put there to carry out the ministry of a Christian, to be a part of the Body of Christ and the action of God. If you do this, you will easily see that sometimes you will have to turn to God and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind, strengthen and direct my will, give me a fiery heart, help me!” At other times you will be able to say, “Oh my God, thank you!”
In the Christian catechism, that is, in the instruction on the Christian faith, it is said about prayer this way: “Prayer is the offering of the mind and heart to God and is a person’s reverent word to God.” Prayer has extraordinary power. “Prayer not only defeats the laws of nature, not only is it an insurmountable shield against visible and invisible enemies, but it even holds back the hand of the Almighty God Himself, raised to defeat sinners,” writes Saint Demetrius of Rostov.
In the New Testament, prayer is a living connection between the children of God and their infinitely good Father, with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Kingdom is “the unity of the entire Holy Trinity with the entire spirit.” Thus, prayer life is a constant and natural presence in the presence of the Trisagion of God and in communion with Him. Such vital communion is always possible because through baptism our being has become one with Christ. Prayer is Christian because it is communion with Christ and grows in the Church, which is His Body. Its dimensions are the dimensions of Christ's love.
“Prayer is not telling God our needs. Prayer is the condition under which Divine power can contact our spirit and act in us. God is omniscient and knows us better than we know ourselves.” Archimandrite Rafail (Karelin) (XX century).
Concept of martyrdom
The main meaning of the Greek. μάρτυς is “witness,” and in this sense the word can refer to the apostles as witnesses of the life and resurrection of Christ, who received the grace-filled gift of confessing the Divinity of Christ, the appearance of God the Word in the flesh and the advent of a new kingdom in which man is adopted as a son to God (cf. Acts. 2, 32). Appearing to the apostles after the resurrection, Christ says: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses (μάρτυρες) in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). With the spread of persecution against Christians, this gift of testimony is attributed primarily to the martyrs, who, by their voluntary death for the faith, testified to the power of the grace given to them, which turned suffering into joy; thereby they testify to Christ’s victory over death and their adoption as sons of Christ, i.e. about the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven, which they achieved through martyrdom. In this sense, “martyrdom is a continuation of apostolic service in the world” (V.V. Bolotov). At the same time, martyrdom is following the path of Christ, repeating the passion and atoning sacrifice of Christ. Christ appears as the prototype of martyrdom, testimony with his own blood. Answering Pilate, He says: “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I came into the world, to testify (μάρτυρήσω) to the truth” (John 18:37). Hence the name of Christ as a witness (martyr) in the Apocalypse: “... from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness (μάρτυς), the firstborn from the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5; cf. Rev. 3:14).
These two aspects of martyrdom are fully manifested already in the feat of the first Christian martyr, the First Martyr Stephen. Stephen, standing before the Sanhedrin who condemned him, “looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said: Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55-56); he thus testifies to the Kingdom of Heaven, which opened for him during and as a result of martyrdom. Martyrdom itself resembles the passion of Christ. When Stephen was stoned, he “exclaimed with a loud voice: Lord, do not hold this sin against them. And having said this, he rested” (Acts 7:60). Words of forgiveness realize the example that Christ gave at the crucifixion, saying: “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Thus, in his martyrdom, Stephen follows the path of Christ.
In the early period, it was martyrdom that most contributed to the spread of the Church, and in this regard it also acts as a continuation of the apostolic ministry. The first spread of the Church is correlated with the martyrdom of St. Stephen (Acts 8:4ff), this martyrdom prepared the conversion of the Apostle Paul (Acts 22:20). Eleven of the twelve apostles (except for the Apostle John the Theologian) ended their lives as martyrdom. And subsequently, until the Edict of Milan in 313, martyrdom as the strongest evidence of faith was one of the foundations for the spread of Christianity. According to Tertullian, the blood of Christians was the seed from which faith grew.
Holy Fathers on Prayer
“Prayer is a great weapon, an unfailing treasure, wealth that never runs out, a serene haven, a foundation of peace; prayer is the root, source and mother of countless blessings and is more powerful than royal power.” St. John Chrysostom.
“Prayer in its rank is higher than alms.” St. Isaac the Syrian.
“Prayer is the emergence in our hearts of one after another reverent feelings towards God.” St. Feofan, the Recluse of Vyshensky.
“During prayer, let our speech and supplication be combined with decorum, calmness and modesty. Let us think about the fact that we stand before the face of God and that we must please the eyes of God both by the position of the body and the sound of the voice.” Sschmch. Cyprian of Carthage.
“You must abstain from marital affairs in order to engage in prayer; to abstain from worries about wealth, from the desire for earthly glory, from the enjoyment of pleasures, from envy and every evil deed against our neighbor, so that when our soul is in silence and not disturbed by any passion, in it, as in a mirror, God’s purity and uncloudedness will be insight." St. Basil the Great.
“When starting a prayer, leave yourself, your wife, your children, part with the earth, pass through heaven, leave every creature visible and invisible, and begin by praising Him who created everything, and when you praise Him, do not wander your mind here and there, do not talk about fabulous things. pagan, but choose words from the Holy Scriptures.” St. Basil the Great.
“Every place and every time is convenient for us to pray.” St. John Chrysostom.
Orthodox prayers to the holy saints. Holy saints of God.
Orthodox prayers for those in need for various needs and infirmities.
What a Christian Should Remember
There are words of Holy Scripture and prayers that it is advisable to know by heart.
1. The Lord's Prayer “Our Father” (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4). 2. The main commandments of the Old Testament (Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18). 3. The main gospel commandments (Matt. 5, 3-12; Matt. 5, 21-48; Matt. 6, 1; Matt. 6, 3; Matt. 6, 6; Matt. 6, 14-21; Matt. 6, 24-25; Matthew 7, 1-5; Matthew 23, 8-12; John 13, 34). 4.Symbol of Faith. 5. Morning prayers and evening prayers according to a short prayer book. 6. The number and meaning of the sacraments.
The sacraments must not be mixed with rituals. A ritual is any outward sign of reverence that expresses our faith. A sacrament is a sacred act during which the Church calls on the Holy Spirit, and His grace descends on the believers. There are seven such sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion (Eucharist), Repentance (Confession), Marriage (Wedding), Blessing of Anointing (Unction), Priesthood (Ordination) ...