What canons (prayers) should be read before confession and communion?

The main Sacrament of the Church is Communion. It is also called Thanksgiving. But then a logical question arises: what do we thank God for? First of all, for the fact that He exists and that He revealed this knowledge to us. This knowledge in itself is a great benefit. At the same time, Thanksgiving is the very medicine that frees us from spiritual illnesses, passions, loneliness, and despondency. Therefore, gratitude to the Creator is, on the one hand, the duty of every rational being, and on the other, gratitude for the happy and unfortunate blessings by which we are saved. Seraphim Vyritsky’s verse “It was from Me” opens our eyes to the fact that everything that happens in our lives happens only by the will of God:

And when a person realizes that life has no meaning without the Lord, he wants to be as close to his Creator as possible. Then there arises an unchanging desire for Heaven, for everything spiritual. I think that everyone who has felt Divine Grace in their hearts at least once in their lives will no longer be able to live without it. How can you unite with Christ? In the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Therefore, this is a very important part of the spiritual life of every Christian.

Also, after a direct meeting with the Lord, the human soul is drawn to purity. Purification can be obtained through Repentance. That is, with the help of Confession.

Preparation for these two Sacraments is an essential link for every Orthodox person, which must be approached with diligence and seriousness.

How much detail should you tell the priest about your sins during confession?

There must be a golden mean here; there is no point in talking in detail during confession. Try to look at the situation through the eyes of a priest. But when a person truly repents, he says everything directly and does not hide anything. If during confession you said everything you wanted, then there is no need to tell any details of your sins. Why does the priest (witness) need to know detailed details? The priest only sees that the person truly repents, he has brought repentance to God. Even if he is your confessor, he has no need to know all the details. If the sin is clear and clearly not covered up, marked as it is, then this is quite enough.

The appearance of a desire to go to confession and its implementation are separated by years. Usually this is not two months, but a year, two, three or five, etc. Many are afraid or ashamed to open their souls and are looking for a reason to delay this moment as long as possible. But any person is scared, but you need to go to confession and find the strength to overcome your fear.

If this is your first confession, then ideally contact the priest whom you know and like. You can repent to him in your own words, as best you can, most importantly sincerely. After the first confession, you will receive your first personal experience, which you will not understand from other people's words. You came to confession with sins, but left without them and felt how this “mountain had been lifted from your shoulders.” No one can convey this feeling to you in words, you must feel it yourself. You need to have your own personal grace-filled experience of touching God and God’s healing touch on you.

Many people do not know which priest to choose for confession. In most cases, our priests have conscience, faith, and pastoral sensitivity. Most priests have many children, with higher education; many come to the priesthood with experience in civilian life: some are officers, some are researchers, some are doctors, some are travelers. They serve God out of conscience, so in principle you can safely go to any temple.

After confession, everything will be different, you will be joyful and happy. Just the main thing is not to forget this and not to take back those old sins from which you have been cleansed.

Unfortunately, too frequent confessions run the risk of turning into a kind of formality. People come to confess no longer for major sins, but “carry” every little thing. Such suspiciousness can develop into some kind of manic form, almost into a mental illness, when a person can no longer imagine his life without confession. It is not normal.

There are many prayers for Holy Communion in Russian, every Orthodox Christian should know at least the basic ones.

What is communion?

Communion is a connection with God, and the closest one. It can only be received through the sacrament. God incarnates in our body. That is, during communion we not only nourish our soul, but also our body. We commune with body and blood. After the sacrament, Christ sits on the throne of the heart and reigns inside a person, even if only for a short time.

It is important to prepare for communion, just like for confession. And prayer before such an important event is one of the integral steps of preparation. You must also realize the importance of the upcoming sacrament and come to it with sincere faith. Purifying your soul also means forgiving all your enemies and offenders. The Church calls communion liturgy. The sacrament is performed from 7 to 10 am.

The Church says that Orthodox Christians should receive communion regularly. Let this regularity be different for everyone - once a month, once every six months, once a year, but consistency is important. Give Christ the opportunity to restore his connection with you, do not delay.

Communion also means re-baptism. During the first, we are cleansed from original sin, which we inherit from Adam and Eve, and during subsequent ones, from sins that we ourselves have committed.

The issue of participation in the sacraments is important for believers. To build a correct spiritual life, you need to find out what and how happens at the sacrament. The priest’s prayer before confession helps to gather one’s courage and tune in to the right thoughts.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me often from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I am aware of my iniquity, and my sin is always before me.

You alone have I sinned and done evil before You, so that You will be righteous in Your judgment and will be victorious when You judge. For behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. You loved the truth: You showed me the unknown and secret of Your wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop (an herb used in worship) and I will be cleansed, wash me and I will become whiter than snow.

Bring joy and gladness to my hearing, and humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Sovereign Spirit.

I will teach the wicked Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from (shedding) blood, O God, God of my salvation! And my tongue will joyfully praise Your righteousness. God! Open my mouth, and they will declare Your praise. If You wanted a sacrifice, I would give it, (but) You do not favor a burnt offering. A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a contrite and humble heart.

Bless Zion, O Lord, according to Your good pleasure, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then you will be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, the wave offering and the burnt offering, then they will lay bulls on Your altar.

How do you prepare for communion?

Before the ceremony, you need to fast for 3-4 days. Moreover, it is necessary not only to exclude food of animal origin from the diet, but also to give up entertainment, watching television programs, etc. At the preparation stage, you need to read the Bible, pray in church or at home.

It is necessary to read the canons to the Guardian Angel and the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as repentance to Jesus Christ. If the canons are allowed to be read on any day, then prayers in the morning before the sacrament. In almost all churches, confession takes place during the evening service, but in some parishes it is held in the morning before communion.

On the days of fasting, you need to attend services in church and follow the prayer rule at home: those who regularly read morning and evening prayers can read them in full, and those who do not read them, let them at least read the obligatory prayers and canons (one per day ).

For convenience, we highlight the main stages of preparation for communion:

  • fasting before communion (3-4 days);
  • attending evening worship on the eve of the sacrament;
  • pronouncing mandatory canons;
  • abstaining from drinking and eating on the day of communion - from 00.00 until the sacrament;
  • confess to a priest;
  • attending the liturgy.

Only children under 7 years old can receive communion without confession (they are even allowed a light breakfast). Communion is prohibited for women during menstruation. Young mothers can receive communion only after forty days after giving birth, and the priest must separately read a special prayer over them.

WE RECOMMEND: Prayers for eating food.

The connection between communion and confession

First of all, let us note that the main thing is repentance. It is in this that the basis of salvation lies, therefore these two concepts are interconnected, they cannot be separate. Confession and communion cleanse a person, and his soul is ready to accept all divine gifts and spiritual riches.

Try to cleanse your soul at least once every six months, and then your life will become simpler and happier. Be honest with yourself and the Lord God. The Creator will see your aspirations, hear your prayers and forgive your sins if you truly sincerely repent.

Go to confession, take communion and receive grace-filled strength from the Lord God. Don't make the same or new mistakes in the future.

Do not think that if you read prayers at home regularly, you do not have to go to church to receive communion. These are different things. When you pray to the Lord yourself, he can hear and forgive your sins, but when you receive communion in church with the help of a priest, there is a stronger appeal to the Creator, which we have already described above.

Psalm 23

The Lord's earth and everything that fills it, the universe and all who live in it. He founded it on the seas and built it on the rivers. Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord? Or who will stand in His holy place?

The one who has blameless hands and a pure heart, who in his soul was not carried away by vanity and did not swear deceitfully to his neighbor. This one will receive a blessing from the Lord and mercy from God his Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek the Lord, who seek the face of the God of Jacob! Princes, lift up your gates and stand up, everlasting gates! And the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory?

The Lord is mighty and strong, the Lord is mighty in battle. Princes, lift up your gates and stand up, everlasting gates! And the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.

How to behave correctly during communion?

Orthodox Christians are trying to learn every detail about preparing for communion, but they have no idea what to do during the sacrament itself (we are talking about those who are doing this for the first time).

After singing “Our Father” and closing the Royal Doors, you need to go to the altar (there you need to take a line, letting parents with babies and children go first) - they receive communion at the very beginning. In some temples, even men are allowed to go forward.

When the clergyman brings out the Chalice and reads two prayers, cross yourself and fold your hands crosswise to your shoulders. You need to walk in this position until you receive communion.

You should not be baptized right next to the cup, otherwise you risk knocking it over. Tell the priest your Baptismal name and open your mouth. He himself will give you a spoon containing the body and blood of Christ. Swallow them immediately and kiss the bottom of the Chalice, then step away and cross yourself. Then head to the table with “warmth” to wash down and eat the communion with a piece of prosphora.

You must remain in the temple until the end of the service. After the sacrament, listen to prayers of thanksgiving in church, and then read them at home.

Spend this day in joy, devote yourself to reading spiritual books, communicate with your family. On this day it is better not to spit, as particles of the Communion may remain in the mouth.

Texts of prayers before communion and confession

As noted above, preparation for confession is an important point. To do this, you need to realize what sins you want to repent of and realize that any action or thought that contradicts Christianity can be a sin.

The priest will not scold the repentant, he can simply help with advice, focusing on your situation and be sure to pray for each sinner.

Some tips for the communicant:

  • A person must understand the importance of the liturgy, that he will not just taste the blood and flesh of Christ, but will unite with the Almighty for the cleansing of sins.
  • You can approach the Chalice only with a pure soul, without enmity, malice and hatred.
  • Do not violate church canons, adhere to a pious life, and this is how you will receive the grace of the Lord.
  • Before the sacrament, absolution is obligatory.
  • You need to take communion on an empty stomach (as we have already said, from 24 o'clock at night until the sacrament). Relaxation is given to children under 7 years of age and people with serious illnesses (a light breakfast, medication and water are allowed). But it is better to discuss this with the priest in advance.

Morning prayers before communion consist of many beautiful appeals to the Creator, compiled by saints over many centuries. They are usually read in Church Slavonic and include words of repentance and thanksgiving to the Lord for his strength given in the sacrament of communion.

The evening before communion, you need to read three canons and prayers from the “Rules for Holy Communion”:

  • canon of repentance to Jesus Christ;
  • canon of prayer to the Mother of God before communion;
  • canon to the Guardian Angel;
  • prayers for the coming sleep.

Before communion (in the morning) you need to read:

  • morning prayers;
  • prayer following to holy communion.

Prayers for communion and confession are read to different saints, they are all beautiful and carry a deep meaning that you must understand. Write down which canons need to be read before confession.

Prayer of Simeon the New Theologian before communion

From a young age, the Monk Simeon the Theologian was destined for a worthy fate. Secular education, future court career, high position at the imperial court. But having reached the age of 25, Simeon suddenly felt an attraction to monastic life, left his father’s house and retired to the Studite monastery, accepting obedience from the famous elder Simeon the Reverent. He immersed himself in prayer, retiring at night to the church cemetery. The short prayer “Lord, have mercy” became his light, and admiration descended on him: the holy spirit in the form of a luminous cloud helped him achieve high spiritual enlightenment. For his aspiration, the Monk Simeon was appointed abbot of the monastery, serving in this rank for 25 years.

Thanks to him, the temple was landscaped and the neglected economy of the monastery was improved. But serving in the temple was not easy. The monk demanded strict observance of the Gospel commandments, showed strictness towards his disciples, but the saint also knew how to forgive those who stumbled, begging forgiveness for them.

Having reached the age of 60, the monk settled alone at the monastery in silence and contemplation. Instructive theological works and instructions in the fight against passions and sinful thoughts appeared. The monk also left us a legacy of hymns of divine love - about 70 poems full of prayerful reflections.

But the teaching of the Monk Simeon about the new man about the adoration of the flesh was not to the liking of the highest clergy of Constantinople, and he was expelled from the monastery. Finding shelter on the shores of the Bosphorus, he founded a new monastery, where he died peacefully at the age of 75. Both during his life and after his death, many miracles were revealed to the world. One of them is the miraculous acquisition of his image.

Text of the prayer of Simeon the New Theologian before confession

Prayer before communion of St. Basil the Great

The life of this saint can be endlessly admired. He was born into an extraordinary family; his grandmother, sister, and brothers were considered saints. He himself was completely given over to the Lord.

Under Basil the Great, the emperor gave a decree on how one should believe in God. And everyone agreed, because they know what the consequences of violating the royal decree are (hard labor, prison, execution). But Vasily was not afraid, as he preached before the decree and after. He wrote letters all over the empire without hiding it.

When Basil the Great was celebrating the liturgy, the emperor himself entered his temple. He hoped that everyone would be scared and the service would stop. Yes, it was so, but the saint did not stop his service. The Emperor stood and looked at him, seeing this for the first time. He saw a unique thing: the clergyman does not bend in front of him, but at the same time he has no pride, no arrogance, he is sincere. And when he had reprimanded the service, the emperor went and asked if he knew that there was only one left who contradicted him. “Do you know what I can do to you?” He replied: “Yes, of course, I know, Sir. You can't do anything to me." He said the following without pride, without arrogance: “You can kill me, but it won’t work. You kill the body, and the immortal soul will be in the martyr’s wine forever with the Lord. You didn’t give me life, all you can do is take away my body, but not my soul. You can't kill me. You can force my property to be confiscated, but I no longer have anything, since my whole family became a monk and gave everything to the poor.”

“You can force me to be mocked, to execute me exemplary. But it won’t work (at 50 he was a very sick man). I am so sick, they will whip me twice, and I will give my soul to God. You won’t even have time to enjoy my moans.” The governor next to the emperor is waiting for him to give the command to seize the bishop, worried that he will get it too for allowing such talk. But the emperor became thoughtful and left the temple. The governor fussed, he himself handed the horse to the emperor and asked: “What to do with this?”, to which the emperor replied: “With your finger, so that no one touches him, you personally answer!” There was only one like him in the entire empire. No fear, no pride, only sincere simplicity and love. That's what a man was! And this is just one of many stories that characterize St. Basil.

The example shows how, by the power of God, a simple person such as Vasily was able to rise to such a height that for many centuries he was called the Great. The Lord is the source of his strength.

Text of the prayer of St. Basil the Great before communion

Prayer before communion of St. John Chrysostom

Among the many saints, there is one unique one - this is John Chrysostom. For example, the church named many after the Great (Macarius the Great, Basil the Great, Gregory the Great, etc.). She called some Theologians (John the Theologian, Gregory the Theologian, Semeon the New Theologian). Well, only John was called Chrysostom.

These golden lips served the church more than other lips. Perhaps, perhaps, Paul served the church more than John. But it was he who was awarded this name. The Lord gave this saint an amazing talent, which he developed throughout his life.

John Chrysostom lived in the 4th century AD. There was then in the East the city of Syrian Antioch. Now all that remains is ruins. Saint John was born in this city.

From early childhood, his soul strived for knowledge, he quickly comprehended science. He especially liked the features of the Christian faith and rhetoric (the art of reading poetry and making beautiful speeches). He learned all this, he had talent, a gift from God. But, of course, he put in his own efforts.

At the age of 18, he goes to the famous Athens School of Philosophy and graduates as the best student. A brilliant career as a court teacher and academician opened before him. He could have become a famous person, but he did not want fame for himself. Instead, Saint John chooses a monastery and takes monastic vows in order to use his gift to serve God and the Church of Christ.

The Lord, of course, helped Saint John. One night another John appeared to him - the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. He handed him a scroll - a folded sheet of parchment with the words of sacred scripture. “Take this scroll from my hand. The Lord will grant you the knowledge of all wisdom; feed people with the teachings of Christ,” he said. Soon John becomes a priest and also the main preacher in Antioch.

For twelve years the saint, usually twice a week, and sometimes every day, preached in church, deeply shocking his listeners with the gift of eloquence. People came to his talks in droves, because he spoke not only amazingly beautifully, but also from the heart.

One simple woman was so delighted with his speech that she exclaimed loudly: “John Chrysostom, the well of your teaching is so deep.” From that time on, Saint John Chrysostom became.

“Chrysostom” means having golden lips. A person who not only speaks well, but also brings great benefit to his listeners with his words. The one who cares about the salvation of their souls, otherwise, any beautiful thing will be empty. Saint John Chrysostom always remembered this, and therefore he tried in his speeches to defend the offended and expose all untruths. Soon he becomes the archbishop of Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium.

Saint John, without any hesitation, convinced the king and all his courtiers not to offend anyone and to act according to their conscience. But not everyone liked being exposed. And very soon the saint had enemies who achieved his expulsion. For three long years he was transferred from place to place, causing him insults and great suffering, and until his death he could not return to Constantinople. But Saint John accepted everything with humility, and his last words were: “Glory to God for everything.”

John Chrysostom throughout his life remembered the talent that the Lord gave him and tirelessly developed it.

Text of the prayer of St. John Chrysostom before communion

Prayer before communion of St. John of Damascus

John of Damascus is a great sovereign man, a pillar of faith, a giant of spirit, an unsurpassed poet of Christ's truth. You can say a lot of good things about him, assigning different titles, but how did he reach such heights?

John was born and lived in the 7th century during the heyday of the Arab Caliphate. Mansur is the family name that Saint John bore as a child. Translated from Arabic, “mansoor” means “winner.” He inherited courage and kindness of soul from his Christian parents. At that time, the Mohammedan Arabs expelled many Christians from their homes and sold them into slavery. But Father Mansur was not afraid to practice his faith, thanks to which he earned great respect from Muslims. The Damascus caliph even appointed him city treasurer.

One day, after another raid on neighboring regions, the nomads brought many Christians to Damascus. Among them was one monk named Kasma. He stood dejectedly in the crowd of prisoners and wept bitterly. Sergius Mansur, that was the name of the father of Saint Damascus, approached him and asked about the reason for such inconsolable tears. The monk answered him: “I cry because I am leaving this world childless, leaving no heir behind.” Mansur was surprised by this answer, and then he explained the meaning of his words: “I grieve not for an earthly son, but for a spiritual one,” said the monk with a heavy sigh. “I have a great wealth of wisdom. I studied many sciences, but never taught them to anyone, because I didn’t have a student.” Then Sergius Mansur realized what a treasure the Lord had sent him and immediately asked the caliph for this monk to be a teacher for his family. Through the lips of this holy monk, his son, the future Saint John of Damascus, was taught all secular and spiritual wisdom. And following the example of his father, he became the first adviser to the Damascus caliph.

At this time, in Byzantium, the wicked Emperor Leo ordered the destruction of all Orthodox icons. Hearing about this, Saint John wrote his famous three words in defense of the holy icons and thereby greatly helped Christians. However, his soul yearned for more. Saint John leaves government service and retires to a monastery. The holy monastery became for him a school for purifying the soul, and Christ generously rewards the pure soul with his gifts. So the Lord taught St. John to compose amazing Orthodox hymns. Today we hear them in our churches. Not a single Sunday service passes without majestic verses from the pen of St. John.

Text of the prayer of Saint John of Damascus before communion

Repentant prayers before confession in church

Particularly important are the prayers of repentance, which must be read before communion and confession. You need to think deeply about all the words you say, as they carry deep meaning, and do everything sincerely.

First prayer

Second prayer

How do you know that you are ready to cleanse your soul? This is only possible if you sincerely repent of your sins. After the end of the sacrament, church ministers bring out prosphora (a symbol of the earthly and heavenly world). It is necessary to take the prosphora on the palms folded with a cross (the right hand should be placed on the left). Don't forget to kiss the gift-bearer's hand. You need to eat the prosphora in the temple, washing it down with holy water. If you decide to take it home, then place it on the tablecloth next to the icons and holy water.

You need to eat the prosphora over a sheet of paper or a white plate, making sure that not a single crumb falls on the floor. You can also break it, but under no circumstances cut it with a knife or offer it to unbaptized people. You can drink holy water and eat prosphora in small pieces every day on an empty stomach, while each time reading the appropriate prayers.

Attention! Among the prayers listed above, the prayer to the guardian angel before communion is also mandatory. Here is her text:

Canon to the Guardian Angel

Troparion, tone 6

Psalm 22

The Lord shepherds (leads) me and does not deprive me of anything. There, in a green place, He settled me and raised me by the still water. He converted my soul, directed me on the path of righteousness for the sake of His name.

Even if I walk in the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me: Your rod and Your staff - they have comforted me. You have prepared a table for me in view of my oppressors, You have anointed my head with oil, and Your cup gives me drink as if it were excellent! And Your mercy follows me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord many days!

Prayers after communion

After the liturgy, it is customary to read prayers of gratitude to the Lord God. Moreover, these can be both full-fledged prayers and short ones, said in your own words and from the heart, for example, even one phrase may be enough: “Thank you, Lord!” It is not for nothing that the main section of the liturgy is called “Eucharist”, which is translated from Greek. "thanksgiving". Understanding the interpretation of the word “Thank you!”, which he addresses to the Creator, a person moves to a higher level of religion.

Basic Prayer

Prayer of Saint Basil the Great

Prayer of Simeon Metaphrastus

Short prayer

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The meaning of thanksgiving words after the sacrament:

  • The main prayer has the following goal - to thank the Almighty for helping all people, despite the mistakes they have made.
  • The following prayer is from St. Basil the Great contains words of gratitude for the gift of strong faith, clarity of thought and purification of the soul.
  • The next prayer is for protection from sin, the fear of the fire of the Lord.
  • The fourth is the shortest, but it is the one that reveals the meaning of life.
  • The prayer after communion to the Most Holy Theotokos is said with the hope of receiving the eternal love of the Lord.

RECOMMENDED: Prayers before an important task.

Questions for the priest on the topic
Please tell me: I took communion once a month, but now I want to take communion every Sunday - my soul asks. Is it necessary to ask for the priest’s blessing for such frequent communion?

I think it is necessary. I think it is necessary, because such frequent communion will require a certain tension in your spiritual life and a certain rhythm in your spiritual life, yes. If you strained yourself once a month - well, in principle, that’s also not bad, but you, in general, fasted, fasted, prepared, took communion - that’s all. Then you relax a little again. But once a week is still much more intense, yes, four times. And, in general, being under the supervision of a confessor in this case is very, very good. Take his blessing so that... Well, firstly, he can tell you: “No, come on, my dear, twice a month - that’s where we’ll start. Well, otherwise now you’ll make a commitment once a week, and then you won’t be able to stand it. On the contrary, you will only break, it will get worse...” That is, gradually it is possible. Then he can also bless you to prepare for communion a little differently: for example, the question about fasting - three days of fasting before communion - he can bless you not to fast, but you observe Wednesday-Friday - well, that’s all. And the issue of confession will also need to be resolved. So, it’s better for you to ask for a blessing.

“Communion is cannibalism” – I think that’s nonsense. How to explain to people that this is not cannibalism?

People who say this are looking for a reason to say this. In our reasoning they will look for a reason to accuse Christianity of something else. God became man so that man could become God. Communion for us is an opportunity to join the Divine. If we eat someone during communion, it is not a person, but God, one might say. This is not cannibalism, but godlessness - something like that.

I was at confession. Father immediately put down the stole and read the prayer, without even listening to what I wanted to repent of. How so? Explain.

I do not justify the priest’s action; you never know what reasons he had for doing so. Maybe 100 people were standing next to him, and he had 5 minutes to do everything. But the main condition for the forgiveness of sins is not what you name and list, but what is in your heart at this moment. If you really have repentance, if you really want to be cleansed of sin, you bring repentance to God in your heart. But the Lord sees and knows your sins. And forgives. It is the Lord, not the priest. So if he didn't listen, so what? Who knows what circumstances? There are different situations.

I went to Optina over the weekend, and believe me, I confessed in the morning and it was like being born again...

Congratulations! Enjoy the feeling because it won't always be like this. Very often in confession a person will repent, but does not experience such relief. He doesn’t feel like he’s been born again. But such moments when a person really feels such relief are actually consolation from God. Therefore, enjoy the moment, rejoice in it and enjoy the feeling that you have already confessed, repented and received such grace from God. Congratulations on this! More often this happens to people who are just beginning their spiritual life, and then, when a person lives a church, spiritual life for some time, he experiences this feeling less often.

What is the principle of confession? I know the process itself, but what then? Is the priest praying for my sins or did he just listen and forget? What I mean is that, in fact, everyone can listen.

In general, the priest listened and forgot, yes. Most often this is what happens. Because if I remembered everything, I would already be a patient, I don’t know which clinic. Some things are remembered, some things are forgotten. But thank God it is forgotten! What is remembered, rather, is simply the person with whom you communicate. If this happens once a year, of course you don’t remember the person. But a person regularly visits the temple, you communicate with him, he asks you some questions. That is, he has a spiritual life, and you take part in it. Then, during confession, of course, you begin to little by little imagine what kind of person he is, what kind of spiritual life he has. His problems, his character traits. Some sins, of course, are forgotten. You don’t remember all this, but you can imagine the person himself better. Therefore, you can advise him to say something more confidently, more specifically. And so, of course, when a person confessed, repented of his deeds, asked God for forgiveness, then the priest actually prays. He reads a prayer for this person, so that the Lord will forgive him his sins, voluntary and involuntary. That's basically all that's happening.

“I’m not against confession, it’s just strange to tell your sins to an ordinary person, especially when he’s just like you.” What would be the right way? You come to confession, and there stands a winged angel with a sword, and you collapse in front of him: “Forgive me!” You know, even a fool will repent before an Angel. And you will be able to repent before a sinner like you! Find courage, find strength, find faith in yourself.

Is online confession possible?

No. You can talk, tell, consult on some issues on the Internet. But confession implies sacred rites, prayer, and forgiveness. Like on the Internet. Here, it seems to me, personal contact is needed.

Are you not violating the Sacrament of Confession?

Come on! Violating a secret is when you say: “But that person...” and point at someone specifically or speak in such a way that it becomes clear about whom. And you try to find out from me who told me this. Even if I wanted to remember who repented of this to me, I wouldn’t say it, because I don’t remember. This has only happened a couple of times in so many years. This is the point - to realize, break yourself and confess. Next time you think...

How do you confess?

We confess the same way as all people. The difference is that we confess at the altar, at the Throne the Priest is assigned to serve at the Throne, and therefore he also brings repentance at the Throne. There he receives communion. Everything happens at the Throne. Of course, I can now tell you in more detail how all this is done, but why do you need this? Moreover, you may not know what the Throne is. It’s difficult for me to describe this to you, because everything happens in the altar.

What will happen to a person who has received communion only once in his life during baptism?

“There are people who don’t go to church, don’t pray, and yet they do well. And some devote themselves every day to hard spiritual work, the preparation for communion alone is worth it. And what then happens that those who do not do all this still remain saved by God? Then what's the point anyway? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you shouldn't go to church and cleanse yourself spiritually, and I'm not condemning those who don't. I just don’t understand what the fundamental difference is when it comes to salvation.” The first thing I want to do is ask... Are you sure that people who don’t go to church and don’t try to communicate with the Almighty are doing well?

I now answer your question. The fundamental difference is how we respond to the Lord’s love. He loves us all without exception, but do we love him? Our salvation is a common matter, the work of people and the Divine. The love of the Lord alone is not enough if you have no return.

I also advise you to re-read the parable in which the older brother, being an exemplary son, was outraged that his father, upon the return of the younger prodigal, threw a feast and forgave him for his inappropriate behavior. Perhaps then a lot will become clearer for you.

Psalm 115

I believed and therefore said: I am very broken. I said in my frenzy: every man is a liar. What shall I render to the Lord for all that He has given me? I will accept the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord before all His people.

The death of His saints is honorable before the Lord. God! I am Your servant. I am Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. You have broken my bonds. I will offer you a sacrifice of praise and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord before all His people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, among you, O Jerusalem!

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