Neurological complications after the dentist: facial pain, diseases of the facial and trigeminal nerve, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Sometimes after a visit to the dentist (treatment, extraction or implantation of a tooth), neurological complications occur. Our clinic specializes in the treatment of facial pain and neurological complications after dental procedures. We will offer you the help of neurologists and ENT doctors with experience in the treatment of facial pain and neurostomatology.

  • After treatment, the dentist has a toothache, numbness in the lip, cheeks, pain in the face and jaw, after treatment of pulpitis, a tooth hurts
  • Pain after dental implantation, tooth implant hurts
  • The mouth does not open after tooth extraction or treatment at the dentist, the temple hurts after treatment or tooth extraction
  • The jaw hurts and clicks after prosthetics or dental treatment
  • Sinusitis, maxillary sinus cyst, loss of sense of smell after visiting the dentist

Pain after dental implantation, tooth implant hurts

During dental implantation, the trigeminal nerve and its branches, the alveolar nerve plexus, may be damaged as a result of:

  1. Screwing the implant into the canal where the trigeminal nerve or its branches lies;
  2. Inflammation in the implant area (infection and/or implant rejection).

Some pain during the implant healing process is normal. If the pain after dental implantation lasts too long, is very severe, or is accompanied by numbness of the lip or cheek, we can check the condition of the trigeminal nerve using electromyography and a neurological examination based on the characteristic loss of facial sensitivity and the spread of pain along the trigeminal nerve system.

The rejection reaction and inflammatory processes in the implant area are usually clearly visible with CORRECT X-ray examination and computed tomography.

Implants in the lower and upper jaw. Pain after dental implantation

There may be direct pressure from the implant on the nerve or inflammation in the implant area with tissue swelling, edema and subsequent pressure on the nerve.

The jaw hurts and clicks after prosthetics or dental treatment

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. The lower jaw is connected to the skull by two temporomandibular joints. Impairment of the function of these joints is possible after the installation of a denture, crown, bridge, any treatment or tooth extraction if this leads to malocclusion and/or damage to the temporomandibular joint. This is a typical complication after dental prosthetics. Read more about treating TMJ dysfunction here

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

The green arrow indicates a healthy joint. The red arrow points to the joint that remains in the “open” position when the mouth is closed. This leads to wear and tear of the articular cartilage, pain and clicking when opening and closing the mouth. One of the reasons is the incorrect position of the upper right “eight” (tooth 1_8 lies horizontally).

How can we help you:

  1. Anti-inflammatory treatment will help relieve pain. If necessary, we inject anti-inflammatory medication directly into the lower jaw joint . This brings relief within a few minutes .
  2. Injection of botulinum toxin preparations (for example, Botox or Dysport) into spasmodic muscles. This is relevant in the case of an excessive increase in the tone of the masticatory muscles, if it is the muscles that are the “culprit” of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
  3. Treatment by an osteopath. An osteopath works with the joints and muscles of the jaw using gentle manual techniques. This way you can solve a lot of problems that cannot be solved in classical dentistry. More about osteopathy
  4. Introduction of chondroprotectors (medicines for nutrition and restoration of cartilage) into the temporomandibular joint. Read more about cartilage restoration

Prayer after surgery

When a believer learns that he is about to undergo surgery, he turns his gaze to heaven in search of an answer. Is there such a grave sin on his soul that God decided to send him an illness as punishment? Drug treatment, surgery, long-term rehabilitation - all this is very exhausting. Cut off from everything familiar, many fall into despair and begin to wage enmity with their spiritual principles. Here it is important to stop in time and understand that the Lord would not give this test to someone who could not endure it.

Orthodox prayer acquires special power when his closest blood relatives pray for the health of the patient. A parent asking for the salvation of the soul of his child will certainly be heard. However, like a child asking for mercy towards his mom or dad.

To help a loved one undergo surgery, you need to go to church. In this case, there is no specific ritual of caring for salvation: some prefer to light a candle, others prefer to leave a note, and still others prefer to order a magpie for health.

Upon returning home, you can read the prayer text again, but this time in front of the home iconostasis. After the outcome of the operation, one should thank the Lord God for his righteous deed. Even if you are in a strange corridor of a medical institution, it would be useful to read the “Our Father” to yourself, and then ask the Almighty for a speedy recovery of your ailing relative.

How to prepare?

Servants of the Orthodox Church argue that it is worth preparing not only the body, but also the soul for the operation. The right attitude can give you an unshakable belief that everything is going as usual. A person takes the path of fighting his misfortune - he goes under the surgeon’s knife in order to get rid of pain and regain the joy of life. Preparation includes three stages:

  1. Confess to a priest if you are overcome by feelings of guilt, resentment or heaviness;
  2. Communion is mandatory. The sacrament helps a person to let true faith into his heart and soul and accept God's help;
  3. Preparing the hospital room. An icon of the Saint should be placed on the bedside table, to whom prayers will be addressed and directly to the prayer book itself.

Before going into anesthesia, you can ask Christ for mercy, repeating to yourself “Lord, have mercy,” and imagine how the words reach the addressee. This will help you calm down and not think about falling into unconsciousness.

When and how to read correctly?

Faith is something that has no instructions or precise recommendations. It all depends on the inner mood and sincerity. Reading a prayer, a person asks the Saint for salvation, entrusts his soul to him, in the hope of receiving support.

A prayer before surgery can be considered “wrong” only if it is said without faith in God’s help. Let’s say a person prays only because “it’s necessary.” That is, it applies to this in much the same way as to taking medications. An empty, insensitive request is not acceptable and even sinful. You should not kneel before the Saints without faith that they will help you be healed.

Sinusitis, maxillary sinus cyst, loss of sense of smell after visiting the dentist

The roots of the teeth of the upper jaw can normally be adjacent to the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses of the nose and even survive in them . Sinusitis, maxillary sinus cyst and loss of smell are possible when infection or filling material penetrates from the teeth into the paranasal sinuses. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. Moreover, some cases of persistently recurrent sinusitis are associated with infection penetrating from the roots of the teeth . In this case, a possible symptom is a strong unpleasant odor from the nose and mouth.

Odontogenic sinusitis after treatment by a dentist

Odontogenic sinusitis (scheme). Teeth and maxillary sinus. On the left is the norm. On the right – the root of the “seven” (tooth 2_7) is destroyed, inflammation around the destroyed root, pus in the maxillary sinus.

Filling material in the maxillary sinus and sinusitis after filling the “six” canals (tooth 2_6). Pain in the left side of the face after visiting the dentist.

1 – roots of teeth, 2 – normal, air in the right maxillary sinus (front view, the air looks black in the picture), 3 – in the left maxillary sinus there is a fragment of filling material surrounded by an inflammatory shaft. The patient had been mistakenly receiving treatment for trigeminal neuralgia for a long time.

Cysts of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses in diseases of the roots of the teeth.

1 – roots of the teeth, 2 – cysts of the maxillary sinuses, growing from the roots of the teeth (cysts are round “bubbles”, they look gray in the picture).

How can we help you:

  1. Let's find the source of pain after dental treatment;
  2. We will treat inflammatory processes, sinusitis, sinusitis and neurological complications; if necessary, your health will be taken care of jointly by a neurologist and an ENT doctor. Treatment of sinusitis without puncture

Who should I contact?

Although there are no strict rules in the pronunciation of prayers, there are several Saints to whom people in a hospital bed and their relatives turn more often than others.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

In the hope of a speedy recovery, many turn to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. During his lifetime (early 4th century) he was a physician. He began each of his healings with strong prayer, which at that time was extremely dangerous. Death in the person of the pagans lurked for Christians around every corner. Seeing the determination and unwavering faith of his servant, God endowed him with the gift of healing and resurrection. As a doctor, he had no idea that it was possible to perform a miracle more significant than this.

The operation is successful, and rehabilitation is easy and carefree if you say the following words before lying on the operating table:

Oh, Great Servant of Christ, Passion-Bearer and Much-Merciful Physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on Me, the Sinful Servant of God (Name), Hear My Groaning and Cry, Have mercy on the Heavenly Physician of Our Souls and Bodies, Christ Our God, May He Grant Me Healing from the Cruel Ailment that Oppresses Me. Accept the Unworthy Prayer of the Most Sinful Man Above All. Visit Me with a Blessed Visit. Do not abhor My Sinful Sores, Anoint Them with the Oil of Thy Mercy and Heal Me; May I be healthy in Soul and Body, I will be able to spend the rest of My Days, with the Help of the Grace of God, in Repentance and Pleasing God, and I will be worthy to perceive the Good End of My Life. Hey, God's Pleasant! Pray to Christ God, May He grant Me, through Your Intercession, Health of the Body and Salvation of My Soul. Amen!


Luka Krymsky

Another saint of God who was a healer during his lifetime. He should pray before going to the operating table and immediately after the operation. The saint hears the suffering and helps their bodies quickly recover from illness. The pain begins to go away, the stitches heal successfully, and the scars heal. To contact him, you should turn your gaze to his face (even a miniature icon will do) and read the prayer:

O All-Blessed Confessor, Holy Hierarch Our Father Luke, Great Servant of Christ! With Tenderness, we bow the knee of our Hearts, and fall before the Race of Your Honest and Multi-Healing Relics, as the Children of the Father, We pray to You with all zeal: Hear Us Sinners and Bring Our Prayer to the Merciful and Humane God, to whom You Now Stand in the Joy of the Saints and from the Countenances of the Angel Standing. We believe, Bo, that You Loved Us with the same Love that You Loved All Your Neighbors While Staying on Earth. Ask Christ Our God: May the Spirit of Right Faith and Piety be established in His Holy Orthodox Church, May Her Shepherds be given Holy Zeal and Care for the Salvation of the People Entrusted to Him: the Right of the Believers to Observe, the Weak and Weak in the Faith to Strengthen, the Ignorant to Instruct, and the Opposition to Convict. Give to all of us a gift that is beneficial to everyone, and everything that is useful to temporary life and to eternal salvation. Establishment of Our Cities, Fruitful Lands, Deliverance from Famine and Destruction. Consolation to the grieving, Healing to the ailing, Return to the Path of Truth to those lost, Blessing to the Parent, Education and Teaching to the Child in the Passion of the Lord, Help and Intercession to the Orphan and Poor. Grant Us All Your Archpastoral and Holy Blessing, May We Be Overshadowed by You and Get Rid of the Wishes of the Evil One and Avoid All Enmity and Disorders, Heresies and Schisms. Grant us God-pleasing passage through the field of temporary life, guide us on the path leading to the Villages of the Righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray for us to the Almighty God: Yes, in Eternal Life with you we continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him belongs all Glory, Honor and Power Forever and Ever!

Prayer to Luke of Crimea for healing

Great Martyr Barbara

On the icons, Saint Barbara is depicted with the Communion Cup, which is no coincidence: Christians who are afraid of dying without receiving communion turn to her with prayer. The saint delivers believers from sudden death during anesthesia. In order for the Great Martyr Barbara to respond to the call for help, before the operation you need to say:

Holy Glorious and All-Praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathering today in Your Divine Temple, People, the Race of Your Relics, Worshiping and Kissing with Love, Your Martyr’s Sufferings, and in Them the Passionate Christ Himself, Who gave You not just to Believe in Him, but also to Suffer for Him, We Praise You with Pleasant Praises, The well-known Desire of Our Intercessor: Pray with Us and for Us, begging God from His Compassion, may He mercifully hear Us asking for His Grace, and not leave Us behind all the Requests for Salvation and Life, and Grant a Christian Death to Our Life - Painless, Not Shameful, Peacefully, I will participate in the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place, in every sorrow and circumstance, who require His love for humanity and help, He will give His great mercy, May the Grace of God and Your Warm Intercession, in Soul and Body, Always Abiding Health, We glorify the Wonderful God in His Saints Israel, Who Does Not Withdraw His Help From Us Always, Now And Ever, And Forever. Amen!

Nicholas the Wonderworker

During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas was salvation and hope for seriously ill people. He worked miracles and restored people's lost health. You should contact him in cases where surgery can decide the outcome of a fatal disease. Before praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, clear your mind of dark thoughts. You can't cry and grieve. If your heart is light and pure, the Saint will act as an intercessor angel before God and ask him for forgiveness of sins and healing.

You can address the Saint in your own words, or use the prayer book:

O All-Holy Nicholas, Most Pleasant of the Lord, Our Warm Intercessor, And Everywhere in Sorrow, a Quick Helper, Help Me, Sinful and Discouraged, in the Present Life, Beg the Lord God to Grant Me Forgiveness of All My Sins, Greatly Sinned from My Youth, In All Life In My Deeds, Words, Thoughts And All My Feelings; And in the Exodus of My Soul, Help Me the Accursed One, Beg the Lord God of All Creation, Creator, to Deliver Me from the Aerial Ordeals and Eternal Torment, May I Always Glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Your Merciful Intercession, Now and Ever, and to the Ages of Ages!

Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matrona helped people all her life, and continues to do her good work even after God took her to him. To this day, people line up at her relics to ask for healing from a variety of ailments. Saint Matrona pays attention to kind-hearted and sincere people. Before asking her for help to your neighbor, it is recommended to give alms to the needy or feed the hungry.

The prayer to Matrona of Moscow sounds as follows:

O Blessed Mother Matrono, Hear and Accept Now Us, Sinners, Praying to You, Accustomed in Your Whole Life to Receive and Listen to All the Suffering and Grieving, With Faith and Hope to Your Intercession and the Help of those who resort, Quick Help and Miraculous Healing to All; May Thy Mercy never fail now for us, the unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: Heal our illnesses, deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help convey everyday Your Cross, to bear all the hardships of Life and not to lose the Image of God in It, to preserve the Orthodox Faith until the end of our days, to have Strong Trust and Hope in God and Unfeigned Love for Your Neighbors; Help Us, After Departing from This Life, to Achieve the Kingdom of Heaven With All Those Who Please God, Glorifying the Mercy and Goodness of the Heavenly Father, Glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Forever and Eternity. Amen!

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the Healing of the Sick (female voice)

John of Kronstadt

As a rule, the relatives of the patient ask this Saint for help, as he protects families. It is customary to pray to John of Kronstadt after the operation. It helps the spirit to soar and the body to get stronger. The text of the prayer is as follows:

Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Beginning Father, who alone heals every ailment and every disease among people, for you have had mercy on me as a sinner and delivered me from my illness, without allowing it to develop and kill me according to my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the strength to firmly do Your will for the salvation of my damned soul and for Your glory with Your Originless Father and Your Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages!

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