Texts of prayers to read after 40 days after death at a memorial dinner

Prayer for the departed is a tradition of the Orthodox faith. All believers understand the miraculous power of prayers. Such a prayer helps the deceased to be cleansed of sins and find eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. But besides this, such prayer requests in memory of deceased people allow you to enlist the support of the Higher Powers and attract good luck into your own life. By praying in memory of a deceased person, believers save their own souls.

Prayer requests in which we remember the deceased allow us to calm down after the loss of a loved one. They bring peace to the soul and set them up for a future happy life, in which the memory of the departed person will be preserved.

Orthodox prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased

Orthodox prayers offer a number of important prayers for the deceased, which should be read at certain periods. It is believed that one should pray most diligently for a deceased person in the first 40 days after his death. It is during this period that the fate of a person is decided by Higher powers. It is very important to pray with full concentration on thoughts of the deceased.

Prayer for the 9th day for the deceased

It is believed that from the 3rd to the 9th day the deceased is shown all the delights of heavenly life. Therefore, in order to increase the chances of a loved one going to heaven, it is necessary to arrange a wake on the 9th day. On this day you should also visit the temple to light a candle for the repose and, if possible, order a prayer service.

The prayer appeal on the 9th day after death sounds, when read independently, as follows:
“God of spirits and all flesh, you have trampled death and abolished the devil himself, and given life to the whole world! I ask, Merciful Lord, rest in peace the soul of Your departed servant, as well as all the patriarchs and metropolitans, your Eminences and Holinesses, the ministers of the church in any active rank, who sincerely served you, those creators of this temple, all Orthodox people resting here and in other places, as well as all the soldiers and their leaders who served their fatherland with honor and truth, who laid down their lives for their faith, who were killed in various internecine battles, all those who drowned and burned, who froze in the terrible cold, who were torn to pieces by fierce beasts, those who died suddenly, who did not have time to repent of their sins and to reconcile with the Church, those who committed suicide in a frenzy of soul and were deprived of the opportunity to be buried according to Orthodox traditions. Rest all souls and save them, forgive all known and unknown sins, committed by word or thought, since you are the only God who loves mankind. The truth on earth is only yours and only you can truly give everyone what they deserve. Rest your souls and grant them resurrection into the Kingdom of Heaven, I send up glory to you without beginning, and I signify myself with the cross. From now on and forever. Amen".

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

It is generally accepted that the fate of the deceased in the afterlife is determined on the 40th day. The entire period before this period should be prayed for the person who has passed away, and on the 40th day you should visit the temple, read a special prayer and arrange a memorial service. If possible, you should order a prayer service during the service. The priest in prayer will mention the name you wrote, and God will definitely hear his words.

At home, prayer for 40 days will allow a person suffering from a terrible loss to calm down. After it comes the understanding that the soul of a loved one has found refuge and you just need to continue living. You should retire to a separate room, light church candles and watch in silence for a while as they cry with wax.

After the soul is filled with peace, you should read the following prayer:

“Lord our savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I ask you to satisfy your spiritual grief for my loved one, the deceased servant of God (name of the person). Give me the strength to cope with this difficult loss and continue to live without grief in my soul. Today is the fortieth day, so accept the soul of the deceased and accept him into the Kingdom of Heaven, forgive all his sins and deliver him from eternal torment. Amen".

Prayer for the deceased after 40 days

Believers also pray for the departed for 40 days. This needs to be done on certain days, but you should also pray at moments when there is a spiritual need for it.

The words of the prayer are:

“Remember, O Lord, Ruler of the world, Giver of blessings and Great Lover of Mankind, of Your departed servant (name of the deceased), forgive his sins, forgive his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him from eternal torment, do not allow him to experience torment in hellish fire, grant him the enjoyment of eternal blessings which You have prepared for those who love You. For the one who sinned did not depart from You, glorified Your name in the Trinity and believed in the Trinity, strong in its Unity, until his last breath. But You are the One God who bestows His bounties on people, I send glory to You and fill my soul with sincere faith. Amen".

The meaning of prayers after 40 days

A prayerful appeal to the Almighty from the loved ones of a deceased person helps the immortal soul on its way to another world, hidden from human eyes. Her fate depends on the earthly actions, deeds and thoughts of the deceased. According to the fair will of God, according to its merits, the spirit finds peace and tranquility in heaven or suffers and is tormented in hell until the Great Judgment.

The first 40 days after death are decisive for the departed soul. At this time, God decides which gate to open for the lost for eternal life - to hell, with its torment, or to heaven, with its grace. All that loved ones can do for the newly deceased is to pray for relief of his lot and the mercy of the Lord towards the sinful soul.

Until the expiration of forty days after death, the human soul is between Heaven and earth. Demons try to get her and drown her in her own sins, but the angels prevent their machinations and protect her soul, accompanying her to a meeting with the Creator.

For the first 3 days after death, the spirit is near the body and is still able to experience worldly feelings and suffering. Prayers during this period are designed to ease his sadness and grief. On the 3rd day, an angel comes for the soul and shows it heaven until the ninth day.

On the 9th day, the soul goes to hell, where trials of passions are prepared for it. Earthly addictions intensify there, the soul languishes and toils under the jurisdiction of Satan until God’s verdict is pronounced. During all this time, right up to the final farewell of the soul and after 40 days, the prayers of neighbors, which can influence its future fate, are necessary for the cleansing and remission of sins of the deceased.

The fate of the soul is decided on the fortieth day after death. At this moment, the spirit of the deceased says goodbye to his family and leaves earthly space forever. The prayers of loved ones for the soul leaving them in a mournful and difficult hour for it make it easier to depart to another world and quench its sorrows.

Prayer for the repose of the deceased

A prayer for the repose of the deceased can be read during morning and evening services. It can also be read at moments when emotional longing for a departed person comes over you.

Text of the prayer “Lord rest the soul of your departed servant”

The text of the prayer translated into understandable Russian may sound like this:

“Lord God, who trampled death and conquered the devil, who gave life to all mankind. I ask for rest for the soul of your deceased servant (proper name). And if he has sinned in life, then forgive him his voluntary and involuntary sins. You, as a great philanthropist, forgive him and have mercy. Grant his soul to find peace in the Kingdom of Heaven, deliver him from retribution for his sins and from eternal torment in fiery hell. Remember him, Lord, as well as all the most holy ministers of the church, who served You with faith during their lives, the soldiers who defended their homeland from their adversaries, those who on occasion laid down their heads in internecine warfare. Every sin of Your deceased servant (name of the person) was committed through foolishness, and during his lifetime he repented of his misdeeds and deeds. I send up my prayer to You and believe in Your mercy. Amen".

Short prayer

It is also permissible to read a short prayer for the remembrance of the deceased.

It sounds like this:

“Remember, Lord, the deceased, the Servant of God (the person’s name), forgive all his sins and give him hope for resurrection. Help his soul, Lord, to find peace in the Kingdom of God and deliver him from eternal torment. Amen".

Orthodox funeral canons: procedure and restrictions

You should prepare for your fortieth day. The baptized go to church for services. Rules:

  1. Take with you the food that will be placed on the funeral table. It is optimal to carry: candy, baked goods, flour, cereals, bread, apples, vegetable oil. Meat, sausages and fish are prohibited. Alcoholic drinks: red wine. But it is advisable to abstain from alcohol.
  2. In the church shop he will ask for a note “For the repose of you.” The piece of paper lists: the deceased and other departed relatives.
  3. A candle is lit at the funeral table. They read a special prayer (usually the text is next to it on an improvised banner).
  4. If there is a service in progress, then you have to wait for it to finish. By doing this you show respect to the faith of the newly deceased.
  5. After the temple you should visit the cemetery. Place flowers, cookies, and sweets on the grave. The bouquet must have an even number of stems.

Children's prayer for deceased parents

Children should definitely pray for their deceased parents. The church provides special days for this, but in addition to this, prayer can be offered at other times, when memories of loved ones come flooding back. This will remove melancholy from the soul, and memories after prayer will be filled with tender sadness.

Prayer for a deceased father

The prayer for the deceased father sounds like this:

“Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race! You are the guardian of truth, the refuge of grieving people and the comforter of those who cry. I, the Servant of God (my own name), come running to You, groaning and crying, and turning to You with a sincere prayer. Hear me and turn your gaze to me. Assuage, merciful Lord, Lover of Mankind, my spiritual sorrow associated with eternal separation from my father. Grant me faith that You accepted him into the Kingdom of Heaven and delivered him from eternal torment for his earthly sins. I bow before Your holy will and accept everything sent down by You. I ask only for Your mercy. Only You can punish for sins up to the fourth generation, but You also mercifully forgive sins committed through human folly. So forgive, Lord, not to punish my deceased parent for his earthly sins, forgive him all his voluntary and involuntary sins, have mercy on him and deliver him from fiery hell. Merciful and Just Lord, hear my warm prayer for my deceased parent. Give him your fair reward for raising me in Christian piety. All my life I will pray to you in reverence, thank you for my life filled with faith, and also seek refuge near you in sorrow and illness. Amen".

Prayer for the deceased mother (mother)

The prayer for the deceased mother is as follows:

“Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race! I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you with a prayer and ask you to quench my spiritual grief for the closest and dearest person - my deceased mother. I truly believe that you will accept her soul into your Kingdom of Heaven. I will accept any of Your will and Your decisions, just do not refuse Your mercy. Do not punish my deceased mother, Your servant (mother’s name) for the sins she committed during her earthly life and do not transfer the payment for them to future generations. Forgive all her voluntary and involuntary sins and do not punish her with eternal torment in fiery Gehenna. Grant me, All-Merciful Lord, until my last breath to thank You in prayer for Your deeds. I ask You to grant me peace of mind and leave the memory of my mother in my soul, and remove mental suffering and sadness. Reward, Lord, your blessings to my deceased mother for her labors in raising me in sincere faith and Christian piety. Grant peace to her soul and bestow the joys of Thy eternal Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

How to say goodbye to a loved one with dignity

According to Christian traditions, the body of the deceased must also be treated with respect - washed and ritualized. Cremation is not accepted in Orthodoxy - the reasons for this can be seen in the Gospel stories, where you can repeatedly see how believers treated the bodies of the dead. Ablution, for example, is nothing more than a symbol of a future life with God, when the soul is cleansed of all sins. New clothes symbolize that the soul is entering a new reality, because this is a big holiday for believers.

Prayer for the newly deceased

“Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the life of Thy eternal newly departed servant (or Thy servant), ( name ), and as he is good and a lover of mankind, forgiving sins and consuming iniquities, weaken, forgive and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, raising him up at Thy holy second coming into the communion of Thy eternal blessings, for the sake of which in Thee is the only faith, the true God and Lover of mankind. For Thou art the resurrection and life and rest of Thy servant, ( name ), Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.”

Other funeral rites and traditions are also full of deep meaning.

  • The arms crossed on the chest are a symbol of the Cross on which the Lord was crucified. Christians also crucify their sins, passions and desires that are displeasing to God. Saints who had a presentiment of their death themselves folded their hands in a similar way.
  • An icon is placed in the hands of the deceased. This indicates that the deceased was a Christian and he gave his soul to Christ.
  • The custom of holding lit candles during a funeral service means that a person has made the journey from a sinful state to an enlightened state of soul.

It is necessary to distinguish between truly Christian and pagan traditions, from which there is no benefit to the deceased. For example, there is no need to eat or drink in a cemetery, much less pour vodka on the grave, or put unnecessary objects into the coffin. There is also no need to “feed” the deceased - food left near the grave only attracts looters who can desecrate the place of eternal rest.

Of course, the most important moment in the entire funeral process for believers is the funeral service. Everyone who knew the deceased comes to pray for repose. Church prayer pleases God, so many try to arrange for this ritual to take place under the arches of the temple. But it is quite possible to arrange it in a cemetery or in absentia, if there is no other possibility.

Funeral prayer for deceased relatives

You should definitely pray for other deceased relatives. Such prayers are a tribute to loved ones and hope for obtaining your own peace of mind.

Widow's prayer for her deceased husband

A woman’s prayer for her deceased husband is as follows:

“Our Savior Jesus Christ, Lord and Almighty of Heaven! You are a consolation for the suffering, and an intercession for the weeping widows. I, the servant of God (proper name), in moments of sorrow, come running to You and pray for support. Turn your gaze upon me, O All-Merciful Lord, and hear my prayer, filled with pain and suffering. You, Lord Almighty, did not leave me alone in life and gave me the servant of God (the name of the deceased spouse) as a companion. By your good will, you took it away from me and now you have prepared for me to experience the loneliness of earthly life. I accept Your will and ask you to quench your mental suffering and sadness for my deceased husband (husband’s name). I bow before Your image, I ask you to accept my request and not refuse it. Remember, Lord, the soul of my deceased husband (name of spouse), forgive all sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him in earthly life. Do not let him pay for them with eternal torment and experience fiery Gehenna. I will pray for the forgiveness of all his sins, committed through foolishness, all my life, so that you do not punish our children and our grandchildren for them. Let his soul move into Your Kingdom and experience the joys there. For there is not a person on earth who has not sinned at least once. You alone, sinless Lord, only you have been granted the power to have mercy and save human souls. Amen".

Prayers for deceased children

When parents lose a child prematurely, there is an emptiness in their souls. Healing emotional wounds is not easy, but sincere prayer for deceased children will help you continue to live.

It sounds like this:

“Savior of the human race, Son of God, Jesus Christ, in endless spiritual sorrow, I come running to you, servant of God (proper name), and pray with tears for support. By Your will a child was given to me, and by Your will You took him away from me. Your will and your power, I accept it and ask you to heal your spiritual wounds. May your name be blessed, O Lord, may no one doubt your mercy and truth, may no one lose faith in his soul. I pray to you, the All-Just Heavenly Lord, for the forgiveness of all the sins of my child committed in his short earthly life. Forgive my sins, voluntary and involuntary, so that my deceased child (name of the child) does not suffer punishment and eternal torment for them. With endless love for You, Lord, I come running and pray for the salvation of the soul of my deceased child, I ask you to bestow your blessings and mercies on her and take her to the Kingdom of Heaven. I will honor your commandments until the last days of my life, and glorify you in my sincere prayers. Do not despise my prayer. Amen".

Prayer for the deceased grandmother

When older people pass away, it is considered natural. But even in this case, there is always heartache. Adult grandchildren who follow their grandmother, who gave them all of herself, suffer especially often. Therefore, in order to find peace of mind, you need to pray for the deceased.

The prayer for the deceased grandmother is as follows:

“Remember, Lord, Your servant (name) who passed away. You are a true lover of humanity, so I beg you to forgive the voluntary and involuntary sins of my beloved grandmother. She lived a righteous life, raised me in the true Christian faith and fear of God. Let this be counted towards her and help her avoid God’s punishment for sins committed through foolishness in earthly life. Do not let her experience torment in fiery hell, give her the opportunity to repent and receive communion, so that she can experience peace and joy in the Kingdom of Heaven. You are the One God, and only You can show mercy to sinful people, for you know that only You are sinless. I will pray to you for your mercy and glorify all your good deeds until the end of my days. Amen".

What happens to the soul after death

The transition to God's Judgment takes forty days. The period is counted from the hour of the last breath. An immortal piece of personality goes through the following stages:

  1. Days 1-3 rush around mainly near the body, home, loved ones. Is in a stressful state. Realizes that her way of being has been changed forever.
  2. 4-9 days he meets with the Archangel, having come to terms with leaving. The guide shows the Kingdom of heaven and the chambers of hell. Prepares the soul for the Supreme Court.
  3. 10-40 is reserved for the last test. Everyone must face temptations. If he gives in, he will go to hell for a lesson. If he survives, he will be accepted into heaven.

The essence of the fortieth day is the spiritual support of the newly deceased. The loved one ends up in purgatory, restless, undefined. It’s hard for him, even though the living don’t see or feel it. Prayers and rituals help strengthen one in temptations. This means that the soul will calmly overcome the test and will dwell forever at the Throne of the Lord.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for the unbaptized departed

It is also possible for unbaptized deceased. Sincere prayers will definitely be heard by the Higher powers. Prayer will help quench spiritual grief and give hope that the soul of the deceased, who is not an Orthodox believer, will still find peace.

A very powerful prayer in such cases is the prayer addressed to the Archangel Michael, which is said on September 19 and November 21. It is believed that praying for the dead at midnight on these dates has miraculous power. It was during this period that Archangel Michael descends into hell and lowers his wing into fiery Gehenna to extinguish it. Therefore, you need to pray for the unbaptized deceased, be sure to name their names, so that the saint will lead them out of hell.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Lord the Great Heavenly King, All-Merciful and All-Merciful! I ask You to send me, the Servant of God (my own name), to help Your Archangel Michael. Ask him to protect me from all enemies, visible and invisible. I turn to you, Great Archangel Michael of the Lord, Prince and commander of all the heavenly forces of God, the Seraphim and Cherubim. I ask you to become my assistant and provide support in sorrows, sorrows, in deserts and river spaces. Protect me, Great Archangel Michael, from devilish temptations, defeat all my enemies and enemies with the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos. I ask you, Holy Archangel Michael, to bring the deceased (the name of the unbaptized deceased) out of the lake of fire and bring him, under the cover of your wing, to the Throne of God for repentance. Pray to the Lord God, the All-Merciful Lover of Mankind, to forgive the sins of the servant of God (name of the deceased) and to grant peace to his soul. Amen".


How the effect of a love spell made in a cemetery manifests itself is the main topic of my article, by the magician Sergei Artgrom. Almost every novice magician is interested in the question of the timing of the beginning of a love ritual - in what time frame it usually manifests itself, how long does it take for a cemetery love spell to work, and how long does the influence on a person last. These and other points can be discussed only in one case - if all the work is done correctly.

About the timing: after how many days does the cemetery love spell begin to take effect?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that in love spells everything is individual. There are no standard deadlines, only guidelines. There are so many nuances that you can’t count them, and the factors that influence the timing are also very arbitrary. It matters who bewitched, what they did and how they did it, what the performer’s experience is. It is also important what the power of a real magician is, and also who is the object of magical influence. The time frame—how long it takes for a cemetery love spell to work—can be significantly longer than those defined as standard guidelines.

What will be the effect of a cemetery love spell on a guy , and how will black witchcraft manifest itself in relation to a married, adult man? It is clear that in one and the other case it is necessary to carry out special work, to perform various bewitching rituals for love.

Cemetery love spells for a guy's love work differently for everyone. For some, the first changes occur after a week, while others have to wait a year. It’s a shame that in a year a person may no longer be needed, and suddenly a self-made love spell for a guy’s love works when he has been forgotten for a long time.

Cemetery methods to bewitch a man begin to work after 40 days.

But this is a classic, and not everyone has it like that. Sometimes manifestations of a bewitching ritual performed through the dead are noticeable after just 9 days. Everything depends on the sorcerer’s contact with the Forces. It depends on the chosen love spell, on how cleanly the work is done. Even the final result depends on the ransom! Necroenergies are slow, but they fall powerfully on a person, and the victim of a cemetery love spell finds himself exactly under a hood, in a cocoon of absolute, dark necrotic energy. From experience, with demons everything happens much faster. Love spells on a man unfold rapidly, but they do not hold as firmly as cemetery work.

Among other things, you need to understand that the period when the love spell program for a guy’s love has taken effect and the period before the first signs appear are not the same thing. For example, a light, mental love spell can work great, but not give the desired result. Much is also determined by how much the object subconsciously wants or does not want to be with you. That is, how strongly he will resist influence.

Before a bewitching ritual on the grave ground, many practicing magicians first suppress the will of the victim, although such rituals themselves strongly suppress the man who, after a cemetery love spell, begins:

  • yearn
  • suffer from love
  • go into depression
  • and think sad thoughts.

But it is impossible to fight witchcraft, and the more a person resists, the stronger his torment.

However, everything has its deadlines. How to track exactly the stage when the ritual did not work and you need to do another love spell? That's what diagnostics are for. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, always look at the Tarot.

Diagnostics after a cemetery love spell should be used no earlier than 40 days later. And that's the minimum. You can track the process for up to 90 days. With early diagnosis, the love spell ritual can be removed from your loved one. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If a powerful, demonic love spell was made, it can be diagnosed in a shorter time - from 7 to 28 days. Light drying and padding begin to act even faster. About 9 days, and you can check it with diagnostics. The duration of white love spells is approximately 20 days. But, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will repeat, the timing is determined depending on the complexity of the independently performed ritual for the beloved man.

If a love spell is made through a cemetery - what happens to the person who ordered the witchcraft?

The power of a love spell made at a distance affects not only your beloved guy. The customer, as the other party, is a direct participant in love witchcraft, and therefore the effect of a cemetery love spell on the customer in some cases can be very undesirable. A good sorcerer will take care of protecting his client. If you do magic on your own to solve your issues and satisfy your needs, take care to bewitch according to all the rules of love magic.

What happens to the customer after a love spell is cast through the cemetery?

This question is also from the category of questions for beginners in witchcraft. If the ritual is done correctly, and the person is wearing magical protection, nothing bad will happen to him. All that remains for him is to let go of the situation and let the witchcraft be realized. You also need to behave according to the instructions of the master. But if the ritual is done poorly, there may be consequences. Strong kickbacks and reverse blows, which manifest themselves in any way, in any sphere of human existence - this is the very negative that professional witches so diligently avoid.

An interesting question: how does a cemetery love spell work on a man, implies an equally interesting answer. It is not always easy to gain a person's favor. Strong love spells for long-term love are made to remove obstacles. And they come in different characters. But a love spell that I cast at a distance is not a magic pill, and it does not relieve the performer from the need to be active, take steps towards the bewitched, take initiative in relationships, including magical initiative - make calls, push the bewitched.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Love witchcraft only helps, the effect of a cemetery love spell on a guy is such that a favorable situation is created, but the woman herself must work hard to get her happiness. With the help of powerful witchcraft, you can bewitch exactly the man you want, and not just the one you have to. So, don’t think that you have done the ritual and you are the mistress of the situation. Because that's not true. Since you want to form your own relationships, take this burden upon yourself, and if you take it, carry it.

You should also take into account the psychology of your beloved guy. There are men for whom their own image is above all else - they will die, but will not confess their love. That's why challenges are needed, that's why personal initiative is needed - to start a dynamic relationship, not to let the bewitched guy go into depression, limit himself and suffer in silence. Due to the secrecy of a loved one and the arrogance of the performer, misunderstandings can arise when the love spell is working with all its might, one suffers, the other waits, and little by little the witchcraft comes to naught, and the customer becomes convinced that the ritual is not working. True witchcraft is an art, it is a practice, and it is an eternal experiment. So, calls after a cemetery love spell can be made immediately. Even necessary.

How long does a cemetery love spell last?

There is also no definite data on the timing of the influence of a black love spell made in a cemetery. The question of the duration of influence is purely individual. If the optimal timing for promoting rituals performed on the grave soil has passed, and no fundamental changes in the relationship are noticed, check with diagnostics how a cemetery love spell works on a man’s love. Check his defenses. His will. Maybe the black love spell didn’t work well, or it just doesn’t suit this person – that could be the case.

Practicing magicians are well aware that not a single love spell cast guarantees that the bewitched guy will drop everything and rush to the customer. Especially if he is in a strong, stable relationship, where there is everyday life and where there are feelings. But beginners often don’t understand this. But you need to realize that if you decide to fight for a man with all available means, you will have to work hard. Wars are not won in a day.

  • Always before performing a love spell at a distance on your own, you need to quarrel and separate the guy from his rival. This is, firstly.
  • And secondly, one love spell may not be enough for an impressive result. To attract an object and make you experience feelings, a complex of influences is often required.
  • And the third point that must be taken into account in order for a love spell in a cemetery to be successful: if a married man is strong and stubborn, or his life is superbly organized, and he does not want to change anything, even if he was drawn by a love spell - in this case, you need to weaken will.

a cemetery love spell lasts and is also an ambiguous question. What determines the duration of magic? From contact with the Forces, from the guy’s resistance, from how correctly the ritual was chosen. From the purity of the ritual performed, of course.

In general, the power of a love spell performed in a cemetery lasts longer than demonic rituals, and, of course, longer than rituals done to harmonize relationships, light dry spells, whispers, etc. However, you can independently bewitch a man through a cemetery, but most likely, the effect will wear off faster than a simple spell done by a real magician.

What prayer to read in a cemetery at the grave of the deceased

In the Orthodox faith, dead people are called deceased, since faith in eternal life is always present in the souls of true believers. As a rule, during a funeral, prayers are read by a priest. But subsequently, prayers must also be read at the grave of the deceased.

After the grave has been removed, you should light a candle and read the following prayer:

“Remember, O Lord, all-merciful and all-merciful. Your deceased servant (name of the deceased), a person close to me. Show, Lord, your love for mankind and forgive him all his earthly sins, voluntary and involuntary, for he committed them out of his own foolishness and sincerely repented of them. Only You are truth and truth, only You have been granted the power to forgive sins and give peace to the soul. Show your mercies and blessings, deliver the deceased, the servant of God (name of the deceased) from punishment and torment in fiery Gehenna. A person cannot live his life without sinning, for You alone are sinless. I pray to you and send glory to your deeds. Amen".

Signs of the previous period

The foundations regarding repose have been created for many centuries. Some were inherited from the times of Ancient Rus', took root and are observed today.

  1. Household members of the deceased do not need to shave or have their hair cut until the age of forty.
  2. Leftover food and crumbs are not thrown away. Referred to as a burial mound.
  3. On Maslenitsa, funeral pancakes are baked. They are also supposed to be brought to the crosses.
  4. Invited guests usually complement the serving with home-cooked dishes. This is welcome.
  5. Crying is not advisable. Grief adds to the torment of the deceased.
  6. During the day, keep at least a window open. And at night all doors and windows are tightly locked. This is a sign that my darling has already passed on to the next world.

There is also a list of what should not be done immediately after the death of a relative. If you follow the traditional part, then your conscience will be clear. A special gift to the departed is kind mentions and gratitude for participating in your life.


What prayers are ordered in the church for the deceased?

When a loved one dies, it is a terrible loss, but despite this, you should know how to behave in such a situation. It is important to order a memorial service for the deceased after the funeral.

To do this you need:

  • Visit the temple.
  • Place a candle in the appropriate place for the repose of the soul of the deceased.
  • Place funeral products on the funeral table.
  • Write a note with the name of the deceased for the priest.
  • Tell the minister about your desire to order a memorial service.

The memorial service must be ordered on the 9th and 40th day. These dates are significant for determining where the soul of the deceased will end up, and prayers in this case play an important role. Texts of prayers for memorial services are not ordered. As a rule, the priest reads all the initial prayers first, then the prayer continues with the reading of the 90th Psalm. After this, special texts are read for the repose of the soul of the deceased; they must mention the name of the deceased person. It is permissible to order a memorial service at the cemetery.

Author of the article:

Natalya Nadezhdina

Rules for reading prayers

You can pray for the spirit of a deceased person who was baptized during life both within the walls of an Orthodox church and at home. On the fortieth day, it is customary to order a memorial service in the church, as well as organize a memorial meal.

It is prohibited to order a prayer service in church for the repose of the soul of the deceased if it:

  • unbaptized during life;
  • suicidal;
  • adherent of another religion;
  • blasphemer.

At home, one is allowed to pray for the repose of a deceased neighbor under any set of circumstances.

At home

Having ordered a memorial service in a church on the 40th day after the death of a person, having visited the morning service and the cemetery, relatives pray at home and organize a memorial service, inviting relatives, friends, and colleagues of the deceased. At the funeral dinner, those present behave modestly and reservedly, honoring the memory of the deceased, remembering his good deeds during his lifetime.

At the grave of the deceased and at the funeral table, laughter, loud conversations, and small talk are not appropriate. You can organize a wake either at home or in a dining room, cafe, or restaurant. Sometimes believers invite the priest to the funeral table and ask him to light the dishes. In the presence of a clergyman at the wake, you can pray with him, repeating the words of the prayer service. Otherwise, the texts of the prayers are read independently.

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