Prayers for every deceased Christian


Closing Prayers

Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, for it is good and Lover of Humanity.


Relax, let go, forgive, God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed in word, deed, consciously and unconsciously, day and night, mind and thought, forgive us all, as the Merciful and Humane One.

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen.


Forgive those who hate and offend us, O Lord, Lover of Mankind. To those who do good, do good. Mercifully fulfill the requests of our brothers and relatives for what leads to salvation, and grant them eternal life. Visit the weak and grant them healing. Rule those who are at sea; accompanying travelers; help all Orthodox Christians. Give remission of sins to those who serve us and take pity on us. Have mercy on those who have entrusted us, the unworthy, to pray for them, according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before and rest them where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our brothers who are in captivity, and deliver them from all misfortune. Remember, Lord, those who bear the fruits of their labors and adorn Your holy churches, give them, at their request, that which leads to salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, sinners and unworthy servants of Yours, and enlighten our minds with the light that comes from knowing You, and lead us on the path of Your commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and the Eternal Virgin Mary, and all Your Saints, as You blessed forever and ever. Amen.

When you go to bed, say:

In Thy hand, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit. Bless me, have mercy on me, and grant me eternal life. Amen.


Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my soul. Bless me, have mercy on me and grant me eternal life. Amen.


Prayers at the end of the 14th Kathisma

Prayers at the end of the 14th Kathisma:


According to the 14th Kathisma, Trisagion according to Our FatherAfter Kathisma 14 Trisagion according to Our Father
The same troparia, voice 8 : as for the fornication, I fall asleep, yes, the abstract, and interferely Mira, the blinds from the sourtz, bring Christ more: yes, I will have a lot of money, and give the cleansing of the sins. For I call her Ti: deliver me from the troubles of my deeds. Troparion, tone 8 : Like a harlot, I prostrate myself before You to receive forgiveness, and instead of peace, I bring tears from my heart to You, Christ our God, so that, like her, You may take pity on me, O Savior, and grant me cleansing from sins. For, like her, I cry to You: “Draw me out of the mire of my deeds!”
Slava: Why don’t you think, my soul, of death? Why don’t you turn to other corrections before the trumpet sounds at the judgment? Then there is no time for repentance. Take in your mind the publican and the harlot calling: I have sinned, Lord, have mercy on me. Slava:
Why don’t you, my soul, think about death? Why don’t you finally turn to correction before the trumpet announces the Judgment? Then there will be no time for repentance. Imagine in your mind a publican and a harlot crying out: “I have sinned before You, Lord, have mercy on me!”
And now: Because the powers of Heaven are truly superior to Your birth, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who has been enriched by Your Divinity, we unceasingly magnify You.And now:
Truly surpassing the heavenly powers by the birth of the Savior from You, Ever-Virgin Mother of God! We, having been enriched through You by communion with the Divine, constantly magnify You.
Lord, have mercy (40 times) and prayer:
We thank Thee, Lord God of our salvation, for you have done everything for the good deeds of our lives, for you gave us rest in the past night time, and you raised us up from our beds, and set Thou art us in worship of Thy honorable and glorious name. Moreover, we pray to You, Lord: give us grace and strength, so that we may be worthy of You to sing wisely and pray unceasingly: and I will look to You, the Savior and Benefactor of our souls, to save my own with fear and trembling. It is valid. Hear now and have mercy, O Compassionate One, on us: crush under our feet the invisible warriors and enemies: accept thanks according to our strength: give us grace and strength to open our mouths, and teach us about by Your righteousness. For let us pray as we should, unless You, Lord, guide us with Your Holy Spirit. If you have sinned even before this hour, in word, or in deed, or in thought, willfully, or involuntarily, relax, forgive, forgive. If you see lawlessness, Lord, Lord, who will stand? For You have purification, You have deliverance. You are the only Holy One, the Mighty Helper, and the Protector of our life, and we bless You forever, amen. We thank You, Lord God of our salvation, for You do everything for the good of our life! You gave us rest in the past time of the night, and raised us from our beds, and set us to worship Your holy and glorious name. Therefore, we pray to You, Lord: grant us grace and strength, so that we may be worthy of singing You wisely, and praying unceasingly, and always looking to You, the Savior and Benefactor of our souls, working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Hear and have mercy on us, O Merciful One! Crush invisible opponents and enemies under our feet, accept our feasible thanksgiving, grant us grace and strength to open our lips and teach us Your commandments. For we do not know what to pray about, as we should, if, Lord, You do not teach us by Your Holy Spirit. If we have sinned in any way even before this hour, in word, or in deed, or in thought, voluntarily or involuntarily, relax, forgive, forgive. After all, if You, Lord, notice iniquities, Lord, who can stand? For with You is propitiation, with You is deliverance. You are the One Holy One, the mighty Helper and the Protector of our life, and we bless You in all ages. Amen.



Prayer Request

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, my Most Holy Theotokos and holy martyr Tryphon, send me good and honest work for the glory of God and for the benefit of my neighbors. Amen.

Prayer of a Man Seeking Peace in God

Lord our God! Forgive us all our sins, voluntary and involuntary!

In everything, may Your holy will be done over us sinners. Grant us in everything unwaveringly, in peace of mind, to submit to Your all-good and wise will and to fulfill it; and in the image of destinies, save us, Thy unworthy servants; grant the same to our relatives and all Your people, as if you are all aware, as if for our true good, all-merciful and Blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer in anticipation of death

My God, my Lord! Accept this humble prayer of mine. Deliver me from sudden death, but before the onset of my death, for the sake of cleansing my many sins, for the sake of bringing true repentance and parting words with the holy sacraments, for the sake of the Christian transition to eternal, blessed life, in peace of mind grant me, Most Blessed Lord, to endure the illness before death without unbearable suffering, without grumbling, with gratitude. Grant those around me wisely and in complacency to serve me at the bed of my illness in Your name and through this holy deed to gain Your favor and eternal salvation. If you would like to save everyone, O All-Merciful and Blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer of Saint John of Damascus

Lord, Lover of Mankind, will this grave really be my bed, or will you still enlighten my damned soul during the day? For seven the grave lies ahead, for seven the death awaits. I fear Your judgment, O Lord, and endless torment, but I do not stop doing evil: I always anger You, the Lord my God, and Your Most Pure Mother, and all the Heavenly powers, and my holy Guardian Angel. We know, Lord, that I am unworthy of Your love for mankind, but I am worthy of all condemnation and torment. But, Lord, whether I want it or not, save me. Even if you save a righteous man, nothing great; and even if you have mercy on a pure person, nothing is marvelous: you are worthy of the essence of Your mercy. But surprise me, a sinner, with Thy mercy: for this show Thy love for mankind, so that my malice may not overcome Thy unspeakable goodness and mercy: and as you wish, arrange a thing for me. Translation:
Master Lover of Humanity, will not this bed now become my coffin, or will you still illuminate my unfortunate soul with the light of day? Here the coffin awaits me, here I face death. I fear Your judgment, O Lord, and endless torment, but I do not stop committing evil deeds. I always anger You, my Lord, and Your Most Pure Mother, and all the heavenly powers, and my holy Guardian Angel. I know, Lord, that I am unworthy of Your love for mankind, but I am worthy of all condemnation and torment. But, Lord, whether I want it or not, save me. After all, if you save the righteous, there is no great thing in this, and if you have mercy on the pure, there is nothing surprising, for they are worthy of Your mercy. But on me, a sinner, show Your wondrous mercy, on me show Your love for mankind, so that my evil does not exceed Your ineffable goodness and mercy, and correct my life as You want.

Will this bed really be my coffin - won’t this bed (this bed) now be my coffin?

Enlighten during the day - you will enlighten (the mind, the eyes of the heart) with the light of Your teaching. In another sense, give me one more day to repent.

Behold - here.

Mi - to me.

I do not stop doing evil , but I do not stop (do not stop) doing evil deeds.

Well , I know, after all.

Yako - here

: What.

Either I want, or I don’t want - either I want, or I don’t want (salvation).

If you save the righteous , because if you save the righteous.

Nothing great - there is nothing great in it ( great

– great).

And if you have mercy on a pure person, nothing is surprising - and if you have mercy on a pure person, there is nothing surprising in that.

They are worthy , because they are worthy.

Surprise your mercy - show Your wondrous mercy.

About this - here: in this, by this.

May my malice not overcome Your ineffable goodness and mercy - so that because of my evil deeds I would not lose Your ineffable goodness and mercy.

As You wish, arrange things for me - the way You want, correct my life.

Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God, so that not when I fall asleep into death, and not when my enemy says: “Let us be strong against him.” Glory:
Be the protector of my soul, O God, as I walk in the midst of many snares;
deliver me from them and save me, O Blessed One, as a Lover of Mankind. And now: Let us
incessantly sing with our hearts and lips the Glorious Mother of God and the Most Holy Angel of Saints, confessing this Mother of God as truly having given birth to us God incarnate, and praying unceasingly for our souls.
Enlighten my eyes, O Christ God, lest I sleep the sleep of death, lest my enemy say that he has overcome me. Be the intercessor of my soul, O God, for I walk among many temptations; deliver me from them and save me, O Good One, as a Lover of Mankind. Let us sing unceasingly to the Glorious Mother of God, the Most Holy Angels, with our hearts and lips, confessing Her as the Theotokos, as having truly given birth to us God in the flesh and praying unceasingly for our souls.


For I walk in the midst of many snares - for I walk among many temptations (temptations), the snares of the devil.

Let us sing without silence - let us sing ceaselessly, tirelessly (without stopping).

Lips - lips.

Confessing this Mother of God - confessing Her as the Mother of God (testifying to Her as the Mother of God, glorifying Her as the Mother of God).

Mark yourself with a cross and say a prayer to the Honest Cross:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen. Translation:
May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may all who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, so let them disappear; just as wax melts in the presence of fire, so may demons perish at the sight of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross and exclaim in joy: Rejoice, much-honored and life-giving Cross of the Lord, driving away demons by the power of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ on you, who descended into hell and crushed the power the devil and who gave us you, Your glorious Cross, to drive away every enemy. Oh, Most Revered and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.


Let him rise again - according to the interpretation of the holy fathers, here the psalmist David (the beginning of the prayer coincides with the beginning of Psalm 67) prophesies about the Resurrection of Christ, and also about the fact that the power

who has risen and
trampled upon the power of the devil
will disperse the darkness of sin in the souls of
those who love God.
They will be scattered - scattered, scattered.

Enemies - enemies.

Yako - how.

Bes - demons.

On behalf of - in meaning

: before.

Signed - overshadowing, imposing a sign on himself.

Verbal - speaking.

Most honorable - highly revered.

Drive away - drive away.

The crucified one - the crucified one.

Corrected - crushed ( lit.

. trampled).

Who gave you to us His Honest Cross - who gave us you, His (i.e., Christ’s) Honest Cross.

Honest - worthy of honor, glorious.

Adversary - adversary, enemy.

To drive away every adversary - so that we can drive away (drive away) every enemy (enemy).

Life-giving – life-giving, resurrecting.


In this prayer we express our belief that the sign of the cross is the most powerful means of driving away demons, and we ask the Lord for spiritual help through the power of the Holy Cross. The Cross is called Life-giving because Jesus Christ, being crucified on the Cross, thereby delivered people from eternal death in hell and granted eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The words of the devil who descended into hell and trampled the power of the devil mean that Jesus Christ after His death and before the Resurrection was in hell, from where He brought holy people (for example, Adam, Moses) into the Kingdom of Heaven and thereby showed that He trampled, or destroyed, the power the devil.

Or briefly:

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.Translation:
Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Glorious and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.


Fence - fence, protect.


This prayer should be said just before going to bed, after kissing the cross worn on the chest and protecting yourself and the bed with the sign of the cross.


Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and in ignorance, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us everything, for it is good and Lover of Humanity.Translation:
Relax, let go, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and unintentional, committed in word and deed, consciously and unconsciously, day and night, in thoughts and intentions: forgive us all, as the Merciful and Humane One.


Relax, leave, forgive - ease the punishment (for sins), free from them, forgive completely.

Volnyya and involuntarily - of your own free will (voluntary) and unintentionally committed.

Even - which.

In word and in deed - (sins) that are (committed) in word and deed.

In control and not in control - consciously and unconsciously.

In the mind and in thought - by reason (way of thinking), or intention.

Everything - everything.


Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Lover of Mankind. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives the same petitions for salvation and eternal life. Visit those who are infirm and grant healing. Manage the sea as well. For travelers, travel. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who serve and forgive us. Have mercy on those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before us, and give them rest, where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and give them petitions for salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, humble and sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages. . Amen. Translation:
Forgive those who hate and offend us, O Lord, Lover of Mankind. To those who do good, do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives, at their request, that which leads to salvation and eternal life. Visit the sick and grant them healing. Guide those who are at sea. Companion to travelers. Grant remission of sins to those who serve and take pity on us. Have mercy on those who have entrusted us, the unworthy, to pray for them, according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brothers who have fallen before and rest them where the light of Your face shines. Remember, Lord, our brothers who are in captivity, and deliver them from all misfortune. Remember, Lord, those who bear the fruits of their labor and adorn Your holy churches, and grant them, at their request, that which leads to salvation and eternal life. Remember, Lord, us, pitiful, sinful and unworthy Thy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of knowledge of You, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and all Thy Saints, since Thou art blessed forever and ever. Amen.


Do good to those who do good - do good (good) to those who do good.

Grant even petitions for salvation - grant what, according to their requests, leads to salvation (but understanding this expression as follows: “grant them to ask for what leads to salvation” is also not forbidden).

the weak (sick) in the weak

Rule those who are on the sea - direct (the paths) of those who (are) in the sea, preserve them.

Travel - accompany, accompany.

Where he visits - where it shines (to visit - to visit, to visit).

Captives - those in captivity.

Deliver me - deliver them.

From any situation - from any misfortune, disaster.

Fruitful - bearing spiritual fruits, fruits of repentance (as well as bearing the fruits of their labors).

Enlighten our mind with the light of Your mind - enlighten our mind with the light that comes from knowing You.

Guide us on the path of Your commandments - guide us, establish us on the path of Your commandments.


Fruit-bearing and good-doing... Compound words of this kind (formed from the combination of two or even more words) appeared in the Church Slavonic language in imitation of Greek, in which this method of word formation is extremely common (often as direct, literal translations, so-called calques, of Greek words) . In Russian we say: “bearing fruit”, “doing good”. But many, many compound words entered Russian from the Church Slavonic language; For example

, in the same prayer -
those who do charity, those who travel
. There are a lot of words of this type in the following prayer (confession of sins).

... Lead us on the path of Your commandments ... For some reason, many people pronounce the Slavic word path with a hard “t”: stezya. Let us remember that there are Russian words of the same root: stitch (stitches-tracks), stitch (when sewing), quilt.

About voluntary and involuntary sins

(End. See beginning: The Power of Forgiveness)

We pray to God to forgive us every sin, voluntary and involuntary.

Now you will say, as the ancient Greeks said:

- No one commits sins of their own free will.

Indeed, our soul does not want to sin, because it was created by God, created in the image of God and does not want sin. But after the Fall, all these gifts given to us by God were separated and our soul became mixed with passions. And often, saying in my mind: “I don’t want to sin!” – we see that our heart is carried away by sin and our entire being is captured. So, that means I still said: “I want to sin”? I want it, I don’t want it, but I commit a sin! Maybe I don’t want to, but apparently I do want to, since I’m doing it so quickly.

Therefore, voluntary and involuntary sin means those circumstances that we understand and those that we do not understand, because there are many things that we do without understanding that they harm our soul.

Maybe we also have bad habits, such as the habit of ironizing and mocking others, which is very bad and is a product of our egoism, the fruit of a number of our complexes and indicates our aggressive mood towards another person. After all, it’s one thing to make a joke, although it’s dangerous, but irony is something completely terrible. To sneer at others and treat them this way is a consequence of self-praise and selfishness. We often make fun of others and do not understand that in this way we harm our own soul.

Even spiritual people who strive can exhibit traits that are unprofitable for them, either because they have not yet localized[1] them, or because God allows them to have some natural shortcomings so that they humble themselves and do not think, as if they were infallible and perfect. After all, even the greatest, most perfect person is imperfect before God.

We all have things in our minds that we may not have localized. And those who condemn and accuse us help us do this. In this sense, they are our great benefactors, the only ones who will tell us straight to our faces:

“You laugh at others, but you yourself are such and such.”

Those who love us, our friends, will never say this, they only tell us good things. And the one who doesn’t like you, who can’t stand you, will open his mouth and tell you words that will upset you. But these words are extremely useful, because they show us that there is much in our character that we do not perceive. Maybe it seems to us something innocent, and we don’t even suspect that it can hurt our brother, but, nevertheless, it hurts him and causes a terrible state in his soul, which unbalances him, and in you and there was no idea about it.

We sometimes don’t even suspect that our words and actions can hurt our neighbor, but they really torment him

And as I said another time, Satan is doing a very subtle job here. That is, when a person believes that another, his brother, has a grudge against him, that the other does not even want to see him, turns away from him or is jealous of him, then Satan makes sure that all his thoughts are confirmed, while the other’s thoughts there was no talk about it. But, nevertheless, he actually does something that confirms the suspicions of the first. I'll give you an example from my life.

One brother believed that I did not want him near me. One night I saw him in the temple and he was very upset:

- What happened to you?

“I can’t take it anymore, I’m tired, you keep turning away from me, you don’t show me respect.”

I really seemed to have fallen from heaven to earth: I had no idea about it, didn’t even think about it.

- But how come you had no idea? - and gave a dozen examples, and all ten turned out to be genuine!

But everything was not as it seemed to him. I did all this simply because I didn’t think, or it just happened that way.

He gave me one example:

“Yesterday you spoke with your fathers and, as soon as I arrived, you immediately fell silent and left.”

Indeed, it was so. I talked to some fathers, we chatted, laughed, and I was looking for a reason to leave. So as soon as this brother came, I thought it was a good opportunity. And left. Yes, but what about the brother who interpreted everything in his own way?

There was another case. We went together to the same monastery. The hotelier asked me:

- How many people are with you?

I answered:

- Three.

I meant that there are three of them and I am the fourth. And the hotelier thought that there were only three of us, and my brother was left alone, without us.

He said:

– We went to the Dionysiates monastery, the hotelier asked you: “How many of you?” - and you answered him: “Three,” - and there were four of us. And you took three fathers with you, and they left me alone on the street.

Indeed, the three of us were put in one room with three beds, and he was put in another.

“Then I told you that I was going to go fishing, and you said: “No, don’t go now, you’ll go another time.” And he went.

Indeed, it was so. Because he was dizzy then, and there was a storm, and so that nothing would happen to him, I told him:

- It’s okay, father, you’ll go another time!

And he didn’t say that there was a storm now, because he saw it himself. And I went because I didn’t feel dizzy. But he turned out to be guilty.

That is, it was a whole string of similar cases, and all of them were true, but at the same time false.

I know one person who came to me to confess and left shocked, saying:

– I went to confess, and he mocked me!

This was passed on to me.

- Did I make fun of him?

- Yes.

- Well, okay.

And how did I mock him? I had a bad habit - I don't know if I still do it, but sometimes when I'm confused, I don't know what's happening to me, but I smile. He said:

“I name my sins, and he laughs and mocks me.”

Another lady came and said that because of me she became a Jehovah’s Witness. Because of me? Because of me. Why?

“I came three times to meet you, but I didn’t find you!”

Okay, well, did I know you were coming? I’m not standing on the threshold of the metropolis waiting for someone to come to meet him. Call me on the phone, tell me you'll come!

The mass of everything else.

“He saw us, but didn’t talk to us.”

Indeed, recently there was one event, and I was very tired, looked gloomy, sullen.

- Look at him! As soon as he saw us, he immediately frowned! I was just talking and laughing! And when he saw us, he immediately became gloomy.

Indeed, then I saw the photograph that was taken then, and I had such a face that I thought: what kind of face is this! But then I was so exhausted, it was hot, I was thinking about all sorts of problems, and my face was really gloomy. But not because I saw these people, but because I was thinking about problems. But the man doesn’t know this and says:

- You see? As soon as he met me, he immediately frowned. And when so-and-so came, you immediately smiled at him, because he is your friend, you love him, because... - a lot of things!

Therefore, no matter how funny it may look, we, voluntarily or unwittingly, commit sins with which we hurt our brother. And we have even more sins, with which we hurt our souls and damage our connection with God - our Father.

Questions for Metropolitan Athanasius

– You said that we can sin and not suspect it. How can this be detected? Maybe the confessor will tell us about this?

- If he feels it, he will say it.

– What if he doesn’t feel it?

– If she doesn’t feel it, then your neighbor will tell you about it, don’t worry! A neighbor, colleague, spouse, girlfriend, friends will say. Those who are close to us will tell us about this. At some point they will tell us this: “I can’t stand you anymore! You are a difficult person, always dissatisfied with something, greetings.”

Would you say they say this out of spite? Okay, I’m not saying it’s out of love, but when they tell us everything they say, we have to look: isn’t it true? Isn't that the impression I give? Maybe I don’t have anything like that in my heart, but, as I said, it’s one thing what my heart says, and another thing what my face says. A person sees my face, not my heart; he is not a heart expert to read my heart. Maybe my heart is beautiful, like the Garden of Eden, I have great love for a person and do not wish anything bad for him, but my facial expression will be disgusting. And you say to yourself: “Eh, my child, come on, change that expression! What kind of face is this!”

Maybe your heart is beautiful, but your face is sour, and others see your face, not your heart. So change your face!

Our blessedly deceased elder, when he saw someone with such a face, said:

- Well, what kind of face is this, huh? Change your face!

After all, the other does not see our heart, let us remember this.

Many people say:

- Yes, nothing wrong with me, it’s just for a minute, it will pass for me.

Yes, for a minute - and it will pass for you, but for another it doesn’t work out for a minute when you kill him with your words. Now try to sit down and convince him that it was just for a minute.

If we are judged incorrectly, it is to our benefit. Think about it: what if he’s right?

- But what did I tell him? Just a word.

And this word was enough to hurt another person. Your tone, facial expression, words, movements, a lot of everything can still kill another person. Therefore, those who condemn us help us, even though they do not benefit themselves. At least I get a lot of benefit from those who criticize me.

If we are judged incorrectly, it’s okay. Some good will come out of this, because the other one is not a complete madman, he saw something. Therefore, I think that such people always help us. Look, even if someone judges us wrongly, then at least you understand that he is wrong: “Come on, let him tell himself, this is not so! But if he has such an idea about me, then it’s my fault!”

Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov

Often at the grave of the righteous shepherd - Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov (1836 - 1908), which is at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow, you can hear questions from people who come to him: “Is it true that miracles happen here? In what cases does Archpriest Valentin help? How should you ask for a miracle? ..." There are many such questions, probably because there is little knowledge. Even during his lifetime, the priest said that if the Lord does not bless, then he will not be able to accomplish or help. Saints are our intercessors and intercessors before God. For their righteous, often suffering life on earth, they are awarded from God the grace-filled gifts of healing, helping us sinners in various circumstances of life. And, of course, the miracles they perform by the grace of God differ from the false miracles of magicians, psychics and other “miracle workers.” How many people, so many problems. We are different, and our problems are different. You need to turn to the priest for help simply, meekly. But whether the desired thing comes true is how God blesses it. In ancient times, believers treated God's miracles of healing from serious illnesses with great gratitude. Everyone, to the best of their ability and ability, thanked God and the holy saint of God. Temples and chapels were erected. People took special vows and did many good Christian deeds - they took orphans into the home, went to monasteries. Many books have been written about this. Holy Rus' lived according to the laws of mercy, which were both the rule and the need of people's lives.

Many of our failures and troubles come from an incorrect, non-Christian life. Sometimes sorrows push us to commit even greater sins. There are wonderful words with which the prayer of St. John Chrysostom begins: “God, weaken, forsake, forgive...” Often, through the saints, it is perhaps not the healing itself that occurs, but the weakening of the severity of the disease; in other cases, help comes instantly through the saint’s prayer. But everything is according to the will of God. Books were published about Archpriest Valentin before the atheistic revolution. They are still published today. Therefore, the flow of people to his grave is increasing every day. But many do not know about Archpriest Valentin. Therefore, it is appropriate to at least briefly inform the God-loving reader about it. The Moscow miracle worker was born in the south of Russia in the Oryol province. The picturesque village of Vysokoe, Kromsky district, became the family nest of the pious Amphitheater family, from which came many good workers in the field of Christ. Father Valentin was born into the family of a priest. As he grew up, he graduated from the Kyiv Theological Seminary and the Moscow Theological Academy. After graduating from the academy, he was sent to serve in the Kaluga diocese. In Kaluga, the priest married the daughter of a priest, Elizaveta Chuprova, and was ordained a priest. Archpriest Valentin served for almost two decades on Kaluga land. But his soul felt a special call. Mother See of Moscow lived in his heart. She called him. The Lord was preparing a shepherd for spiritual service in the very heart of Russia, in the Moscow Kremlin. In 1892, Archpriest Valentin became rector of the Kremlin's Archangel Cathedral, which soon became the Court Council. Father took part in the Coronation Celebrations of Tsar Nicholas II, blessing him for his high service to Russia. The glory of Archpriest Valentin as a miracle worker, a perspicacious elder-spiritual father and a wonderful preacher of the word of God followed him relentlessly. They knew about the priest both in Russia and abroad. The holy righteous John of Kronstadt revered Archpriest Valentin and advised believers to seek advice from the good shepherd of Moscow. He considered the priest greater than himself. But Father Valentin himself was distinguished by great humility. In 1902, Archpriest Valentin’s health weakened, he began to lose his sight, and his entire flock began to visit the elder in his house, which was located not far from the Smolensk market on the banks of the Moscow River. The priest died in 1908, and gave his blessing to be buried next to his wife (he died in 1880) at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. He promised that even after death he would help people. Believers flocked to his grave. The holy righteous Matrona of Moscow sent people to the grave of Archpriest Valentin to pray and ask for help. Above her crib hung a photograph of her father. At the end of the 30s. The authorities destroyed the tombstones of the Amphitheater family burial ground, and the graves located nearby were also destroyed. After the Great Patriotic War, a memorial to fallen soldiers arose in the “cleared area.” One of the slabs of the war memorial served for many decades as a refuge from troubles. People came to her as if they were visiting the grave of Father Valentin. People remembered: the priest’s cross stood here, but they could not change the situation; time was not in favor of the believers. Only in 1997, the Moscow Patriarchate (Moscow Metochion of the Valaam Monastery), using scientific research, thanks to an old photograph of the grave of Archpriest Valentin, was able to obtain permission to install a cross to Archpriest Valentin on the site of the fraternal memorial, in the place where his grave was located before the destruction. Later a fence was installed. The priest’s grave is literally strewn with fresh flowers. At any time of the year, in any weather, people pray here, hoping for the help of the gracious shepherd.

Readers are invited to learn about some miracles through the prayers of Father Valentine in our days.

Elena Bocharova

Prayers for every deceased Christian

See also: “Remembrance of the Dead.”

  • Prayer 1
  • Prayer 2
  • Prayer 3

Prayer 1st1


Rest in peace, Lord, the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer 2nd2


Remember, O Lord our God, in faith and hope the life of your eternally departed (before the 40th day from the day of death - newly departed) Thy servant (Thy deceased servant, Thy departed servant) (name), and for Good to Mankind too Father, forgive sins and consume untruths , weaken, forsake, and forgive all his (her) voluntary and involuntary sins, restoring him (s) at Thy holy second coming to the communion of Thy eternal blessings, for whose sake in Thy one and only Rova, the true God and Lover of mankind; for Thou art the resurrection and life, and rest unto Thy servant (name), Christ our God, and to Thee we ascribe glory, with Thy beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. in, amen.

Prayer 3rd3


Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of your eternal departed servant, our brother (name), and as the Good and Lover of mankind, forgive sins, and consume untruths, weaken, remain You and forgive all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, deliver him eternally torment and fire of Geena, and grant him the communion and pleasure of Your eternal good things, prepared for those who love You: even if you sin, do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ha, glorified God in the Trinity, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Moreover, be merciful to him, and to place faith in You instead of works, and with Your saints for Your generous rest: for there is no man who will live and not sin. But You are the One besides all sin, and Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and You are the One God of mercies and generosity and love for mankind, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, we forever and ever.

Translation: Remember, O Lord our God, (according to our) faith and hope for eternal life, Your departed servant (name of the deceased). And, since you are Good and Humane, forgive (him) his sins, neglect self-deception (him), diminish, free, forgive and forgive him all his sins, consciously and unconsciously committed, deliver him from endless punishment and fiery punishment, and grant him participation to Your eternal blessings, which are prepared for those who love You and the joy from them: even if he sinned, but he did not retreat from You (he did not betray); and, undoubtedly, believed in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - God, glorified (by us all) as the Trinity; and until his last breath (he) adhered to this. Therefore, be merciful, and (with this) faith in You replace his works and place him among Your saints: after all, there is no person who lives a life without sin. It is You alone who are like that - Sinless and Your truth is absolute, You are the One and Only God - merciful, generous and truly loving us people. And (we) send up glory to You (from our hearts) - as the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - now, as before - and always, forever. Amen (that is, I say what is due according to Your law).

Morning prayers.

A memorial service for the laity to read.

A sequence on the departure of the soul from the body, read by a layman.


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