Experts explained why modern children swear

What is a mat?

The root word for “foul language” is “filth.” Dahl in his dictionary gave the following definition of filth - everything disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, abomination.

The roots of swearing go deep into the past, during pagan times. Foul language was used for spells when they wanted to communicate with demons. Black magicians and sorcerers used obscenities to cause damage and send curses.

Important! Foul language has a clear impact on the body and psyche - by using swear words, a person, without knowing it, calls on evil forces.

Why is it a sin

Priests and people close to the church argue that foul language is scary because it kills in a person the trait that makes him related to God - the ability to speak. Through swearing, demons try to distort in a person that which unites him with Christ and distinguishes him from any other creation - the gift of speech. The more often and more a person swears, the dirtier his soul and thoughts become, he cannot sincerely love, be kind, merciful.

Of course, you need to fight against swear words, but this is not a fight against bad language, but to remain a Christian worthy of turning to God.

Important! Remember that the quantity of swear words will sooner or later turn into quality - at first there will be small troubles, but if you don’t stop in time, a big trouble is just around the corner, health problems.

Where did the mats come from and how do they harm?

The opinion that swearing was customary among the Slavic peoples is completely wrong. Until the mid-19th century in Rus', those who allowed themselves to use foul language were severely punished. This act was considered a criminal offense. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, they were punished with blows in public for swearing.

Unfortunately, already at the end of the 19th century the situation changed - abusive speech began to be heard in taverns, on the streets of cities, villages, and very soon such speech became the norm for artisans and the working class.

In fact, foul language reflects a person’s limited vocabulary, as well as a person’s inability to navigate and express their own emotions.

The answer to the question - is foul language dangerous - is definitely positive. Swear words harm both mental and physical health, especially when it comes to boys and girls. Here are the statistics for 20 years:

  • the number of children with mental and physical disabilities has increased 10 times;
  • about 80% of newborns are sick and only every tenth school graduate is healthy;
  • mortality in Russia - more than 2.5 thousand people;
  • In terms of life expectancy, Russia is in 133rd place;
  • almost half of children are unable to complete high school.

Not the least role in this is played by verbal promiscuity. It turns out that this habit is far from harmless.

What is the danger of swearing:

  • the culture of speech is degrading - swear words do not carry any intellectual load, they mean nothing;
  • the dignity of a person is destroyed - both the one who uses foul language and those who hear it;
  • swearing is a habit, and a person is dependent on his habits, very little time passes and a person cannot do without swear words;
  • Foul language is a criminal offense, and such words can also result in physical injury, disgust from people, and absolute disregard.

Scientists have proven that with the help of words a person is able to create or destroy his own DNA. This is quite possible, since words are transmitted via electromagnetic channels and processed by the brain. Swear words resemble radiation in their effect - they destroy, injure, and lead to serious illnesses.

Important! The expression “A word can kill and a word can save” has received scientific justification. People who swear live shorter lives than those who do not swear.

What is swearing used for?

Foul language is a weapon of people who are insecure, weak, and vulnerable. Such vocabulary indicates a spiritual illness, because words can tell a lot about a person’s state of mind.

Modern people most often use mats for the following purposes:

  • increase the emotionality of speech;
  • throw out negative emotions;
  • demonstrate aggression, lack of fear, disregard for prohibitions, belonging to a certain social group.

Energetic power of checkmate

Defectiveness (and swearing against the background of full-fledged speech is defective) is always aggressive. This format of communication is chosen by losers, people with an unbalanced psyche who cannot find their purpose in life. Swearing destroys - first speech, then personality.

It is impossible to communicate using swear words, because this way people cannot convey their thoughts or express emotions. A person fills in his own stupidity and insufficient vocabulary with obscenities.

Important! Swearing is a manifestation of disrespect for the interlocutor and the whole world. Swearing undermines trust between people, since from the point of view of a normal, educated, cultured person, swearing is unacceptable.

The effect of obscene words on the body

In medicine, it is not uncommon for people stricken with paralysis and unable to speak a word to clearly pronounce entire strings of swear words. This indicates that swearing is formed along different nerve chains, not like normal speech. Agree, this fact makes you think.

Scientists, as a result of long-term research and experiments, have come to the conclusion that the use of swear words in everyday speech reduces the quality of life and worsens human health. Each swear word carries an energy charge with negative energy.

Over the course of several years, two groups took part in the experiment. The first group used the mat, but the second did not. As a result, people who regularly used swear words have worsened chronic diseases, their biological age has increased by an average of 10-15 years compared to the data in their passport.

Man, as a spiritual being, comes to earth to learn, gain wisdom, and gain new knowledge. However, if he begins to behave indecently, gets carried away by dubious pleasures, he will receive a limited flow of vital energy. People who use swear words are essentially vampires. They receive all the benefits at the expense of their loved ones and friends; it is from them that they constantly take energy.

Important! A lack of vital energy leads to problems in all areas of life - human development slows down, health deteriorates, and problems arise in personal life.

The impact of swearing on expectant mothers

Mat has a very strong effect on women's health. Moreover, women who themselves swear, as well as those who regularly hear it, are at risk. Foul language can lead to such a serious problem as infertility in men and women.

A woman, using swear words, blocks her sexual center. As a result, gynecological diseases appear, as well as frigidity. As a result, the woman becomes unable to produce offspring. It is noteworthy that no specialist is able to cure infertility that has arisen due to the use of swearing. The only way to conceive and give birth to a child is to repent and stop swearing.

The harm of obscene language for children and adolescents

Unfortunately, parents do not always think about the fact that swearing in front of children is prohibited; as a rule, they think that children do not understand or remember anything, but in fact, the situation is absolutely the opposite. Mat is dangerous at any age.

First of all, swear words are a conductor of violence and aggression in a child’s life. Swear words always accompany fights, anger, and aggression. Accordingly, the child quickly becomes saturated with negative energy and begins to radiate it to the people around him.

In addition, the child develops a dependence on swearing. Experts tend to draw a parallel between foul language and the use of alcohol and drugs. The sooner a child starts using a mat, the more difficult it will be for him to get rid of it.

Also, swearing significantly reduces the child’s chances of becoming a parent in the future.

Important! The task of parents, first of all, is to eliminate swearing from their own vocabulary, and also to explain in detail to the child why it is forbidden to use foul language.

The child must clearly understand that swearing insults people and disgusts others. With people who regularly use foul language, communication is kept to a minimum.

Filtering the market

In the fight for purity of speech, swearing was removed from films and TV series, including those marked with the 18+ qualification. Since 2014, films in Russia cannot receive a distribution certificate for broadcast in cinemas unless obscene words are disguised.

“Now not only the age limit allows you to make a choice, but also available information about the director and the film. Life in a society without restrictions is impossible, but there is no need to overprotect the viewer. If he goes to an 18+ movie, he will be ready to swear. Such speech can serve as an artistic medium that cannot simply be thrown away. Double control is overkill. Like retouching a cigarette in a movie, when even children understand that it is a cigarette, and this only ruins the frame,” Maria Voronets is perplexed.

The funny thing is that in fact the beeping does not fulfill its function: everyone understands everything. The filter is not working. The same thing happens when social network users put asterisks in their texts instead of some letters in swear words, or use euphemisms like “cupcake” instead of “sex.”

“My personal opinion: this is hypocritical. Such ostentatious modesty that actually hides nothing. As in the joke: “Either take off your cross or put on your panties.” That is, either use swear words normally, or don’t use them at all,” says Svetlana Guryanova.

So far, the effectiveness of the ban on swearing on social networks is zero: after all, the law does not stipulate responsibility for users for using swear words - except in situations where they are insults aimed at people. One of the authors of the amendments that came into force, Sergei Boyarsky, in a conversation with Moscow 24, emphasized that no one would be punished for obscene posts. If something happens, the social network itself will be punished.

“Any unfounded prohibitions give rise to protest. And the ban on abusive language on social networks, it seems to me, is unfounded. I understand why this is needed on television and in the media. But social networks, as a rule, contain personal pages where a person has the right to share what he wants, and in the form in which he wants. And all these prohibitions remind me of Newspeak from George Orwell’s novel “1984,” Svetlana Guryanova sadly states.

How to stop swearing

Agree that obscene language does not decorate a person, but it is very difficult to stop swearing. You will have to show persistence and perseverance. So, practical recommendations from psychologists for those who want to start speaking correctly.

  1. Recognize the problem.

First of all, you need to clearly understand why you decided to get rid of the swear word - write five points. You must have strong motivation, otherwise you will not be able to achieve results.

Finding motivation is not as difficult as you think. Just imagine that every obscene word kills you, ruins your life. You probably won't want this.

For greater clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the results of a simple experiment. Scientists planted three groups of plants. The seeds of the first group were regularly exposed to the mat; as a result, no more than half of the seedlings sprouted. Next to the second group of seeds, people simply cursed, without using a mat - only 60% of the seedlings sprouted. In the third group, the seeds were played with pleasant music, books were read, and they prayed, as a result, almost 96% of the seeds sprouted.

Important! Obscene language creates a feeling of anxiety and aggression in a person. And a woman who swears over time becomes like a man; male hormones predominate in her body.

  1. Reduce your stress levels.

Often, a person starts swearing to get rid of stress. But you can get rid of negative energy in other ways. The main thing is to be alone with yourself and allow yourself to relax. To do this, you can growl, dance, shout, you can utter harsh words, but they must be censored. After this, you will feel how much easier it has become for you.

  1. Use self-control and self-analysis.

Just set a timer for every hour or two and after each signal, analyze whether you uttered obscene words during this time or not.

  1. Think about the possible consequences.

Always remember that when you use swear words, you look vulgar, your emotional state becomes unstable, and you hurt the feelings of others.

If you overcome yourself and get rid of a bad habit, you will receive the following benefits:

  • take the first step towards higher standards of living;
  • earn the respect of yourself and others;
  • set a positive example for people.
  1. Control yourself.

Control consists of a system of fines and rewards - fines for using obscenities, and rewards for cultural speech. How and with what to punish yourself or reward yourself - choose yourself, but in any case it should be something significant and meaningful to you.

  1. Exceptions.

In this matter, it is better not to give yourself any concessions and live without exceptions. If you are determined to stop swearing, this is what you need to do. There is no need to show weakness.

Top 10 tips and techniques on how to stop swearing

If you have seriously decided to get rid of obscene language, we bring to your attention a selection of effective techniques that will help you achieve a positive result and radically change your quality of life.

Penalty bank

All you need is a jar or box, where you will have to put a certain amount (you set it yourself) for each obscene word. This method can be regarded as a punishment - when you have to give away money, or as a reward, when you spend the accumulated amount on your little whims.

Advice! You can place such a jar at work if you want to get rid of obscene speech in a team. Spend the collected money on the needs of the department.

Double words

One of the simple and accessible ways to stop swearing is to replace swear words. For example, words that begin with the same letter or are similar in sound, but are censored. If you suddenly utter a swear word, immediately say a substitute word. Thus, gradually the brain will get used to the replacement, and you will wean yourself from bad language.

Changing your social circle

In many cases, a person is forced to swear because his environment and social circle require it. Obviously, if you change your social circle, pay more attention to your choice of friends, your conversational style will change and your speech will clear up. Always strive for the best, focus on those who are better than you, and then the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Elastic band on the wrist

The secret is simple - put a rubber band on your wrist and hit yourself with it every time you utter a swear word. Some may find this method somewhat cruel, but on the other hand, it is effective. Gradually, the person’s brain will begin to associate foul language with pain and will refuse such words.

Lexicon expansion

Many people justify their habit of swearing by the fact that it is better and easier to express their thoughts with the help of swearing. This is categorically wrong. On the contrary, swear words are empty words; they do not carry any semantic or intellectual load. Believe me, the Russian language has a huge number of bright, powerful, well-aimed words through which you can express your thoughts.

Gradually replace obscenities with new censored words and after a while you will be perceived as an educated, interesting person.

Advice! Write down a list of the most common obscenities and write down “good” words for them, enrich your vocabulary with the help of books.

Think positively

Please note that obscene language appears in speech when a person is upset, angry, or in a bad mood. To stop swearing, try to learn to think positively. The task is not easy, but it is quite possible. Breathing practices help with this. Remember that any life situation is solvable and you should not give up.

Think about the consequences

Constantly think about how your life will change when you stop swearing. First of all, you will begin to respect yourself, and accordingly, the people around you will respect you. You will feel more confident because you can express your thoughts more clearly. It will be easier for you to make new acquaintances and you will have useful connections.

Find motivation

To achieve something, it is important to have strong motivation. Always remind yourself of the positive consequences of not swearing, this will be the important incentive that will help you improve your speech.

Also, as motivation (we talked more about self-motivation in the article “The Art of Motivating Yourself”), you can set yourself a goal - to find a well-paid job, to achieve a promotion on the career ladder, and this is only possible by completely abandoning swear words.

Start a relationship

New relationships, as a rule, inspire, inspire, make a person better, since there is a desire to change for the better. That's why the best way to stop swearing is to fall in love.

Another great reason to reconsider your conversational habits is the arrival of a child in the family. Agree that adequate parents will never swear in front of their heir.

Be loyal to yourself

Obviously, the habit of swearing was not formed in one day; therefore, it will not be possible to stop swearing in one day either.

Prepare yourself to have both successful days and failure days. The main thing is to remind yourself why you are doing all this, imagine yourself when you get rid of the habit of using swear words.

Do not use!

According to calculations by “Medialogy” for RBC, on February 1-2, 2021, on the Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki networks, Russians made 646.1 thousand publications using obscene language - despite the fact that these were weekdays . A year earlier, on weekdays on February 3-4, only 426.5 thousand obscene statements were recorded.

From these data it follows that the surge in swearing increased by 51%. This, according to philologists, is the expected reaction.

"The Forbidden fruit is sweet. I observe similar protests regarding other words, when someone on social networks or the media speaks out against it. From the recent one: general director of the Friday! Nikolay Kartozia released T-shirts criticizing the words “eat” and “clean up.” And, by the way, this criticism contained obscenities. Such linguistic purism caused rejection among many. I read comments in the spirit: “I have eaten and will eat!” And indeed, the censure of these words does not have sufficient grounds,” says Moscow philologist, teacher and author of a blog about linguistics Svetlana Guryanova.

Come on!
Why it is useless to ban swearing on social networks Photo: Philologist, teacher of the Russian language, popularizer of linguistics on Instagram Svetlana Guryanova.

Children react to “bad” words in a similar way: as soon as you prohibit them, they immediately want to repeat them.

“Yes, we have regulators at the level of the mind, when we understand that an action is truly harmful. But, as follows from the above statistics, using swear words is not the case,” says AltSPU teacher, candidate of philological sciences Maria Voronets.

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