Psalm 90: why is it read 40 times? The meaning of the text, meaning for a person

This article is about the significance of Psalm 90 for a believer. Why is this prayer read 40 times in a row?

Prayer is the work of a person’s soul, a special duty of a believer who must develop his spirit in order to comprehend the commandments of the Lord. Their assimilation is not given from birth. They must be comprehended by comparing your life with the example that Jesus Christ gave us.

It is regrettable that people turn to faith and calling on God most often in times of sorrow and troubles in life. Everyone can come face to face with such trials when the only hope is solely in the Lord.

Miraculous Psalm 90

Many people know that reading the prayer Psalm 90 is extremely important. Repeating it helps to get rid of past or future misfortunes. Psalm 90 is a prayer from the Psalter, a book of the Old Testament. This text is very ancient. Philologists believe that the author is King David. In the Greek version of the Psalter it is called “David’s Song of Praise”, in the Russian Orthodox version it is called “Alive in Help”, in the Western Christian version in Latin it is called Quihabitat. The Gospels of Luke and Matthew also present Psalm 90. Why this powerful prayer is read will be described below.

The essence of the text of Psalm 90

For everyone who constantly resorts to the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ through “Psalm 90,” it is no secret that this is one of the most powerful prayers, the words of which are imbued with a sacred connection with Him. In it, the text is permeated with the monumental idea that, having trusted the Savior, one can no longer be afraid of any danger or adversity. After all, it is faith that contains the power that crushes any devilish attacks. In addition, “Psalm 90” points to the Coming of the Savior, which will crown the entire life path of a person striving to reunite with Him.

It should be clear that this “Song of David” has beautiful poetry and a clear structure. The entire text is divided into three parts: the first (verses 1, 2), the second (verses 3-13) and the third (verses 14-16). And the meaning of Psalm 90 should be interpreted as follows:

The Lord never refuses to help those who believe in Him and always hears any of them. The Savior does not reject the requests of even people who often sin, because He always gives them the opportunity to repent and take the path of true Faith.

In order for the prayer to reach the most hidden depths of the human soul, an appropriate mood is required before reading it. The Lord is not interested in empty words, but needs strong faith and an ardent desire to become better. Therefore, before singing psalms, you need to repent of your sins before the Lord (ideally, confess to a priest in church). It is advisable to ask for the priest’s blessing before reading Psalm 90 and memorize it.

In addition, you should know that the psalm should be recited either in church in front of the icon of the Savior, or at home in front of the iconostasis. The prayer book in which the text of “Psalm 90” is printed must be consecrated, and the person reading the text from it must be baptized and wear a cross.

It is important to remember that any urge of the flesh and spirit to sin must be suppressed by this protective prayer! It is precisely for your invulnerability from the human enemy that you need to know the words of “Psalm 91” by heart in order to call on the support of Heaven at any moment.

In modern society, there is an opinion that in order to guarantee protection from the attacks of diabolical forces, you need to turn to various kinds of magicians and psychics, whose abilities will supposedly provide stronger protection. Some believe that with proper financial interest from these specialists, they themselves can entrust this difficult and burdensome mental work to third parties. But in such a position lies a deliberate forgery and deception, since no one is able to make a person fully realize his duty to himself and others without his own efforts on himself.

Only spiritual feat can put a person on the right path in his desire to renounce sins. And it is the work of the soul that can rightfully be considered priceless, and not the prayers of third parties uttered with their financial motivation. And in general, dialogue with God is such a sacred and intimate nature of communication that it is absolutely impossible to allow anyone who is not trustworthy into it.

Numerous reviews of Orthodox Christians who turn to “Psalm 90” in moments of spiritual need objectively prove the guaranteed effectiveness of this “Song of David.” It is important to learn the text by heart and use this “safe-conduct” everywhere and always, as Theophan the Recluse advises. In addition, constant turning to our Lord Jesus Christ through this psalmody will have a very positive effect on the time that everyone spends every day on the road in the subway or other form of transport. This same saint, together with the words “Alive in Help,” recommends reciting Psalms 26 and 69, since reading together further enhances the believer’s awareness of the Love of the Lord.

When should Psalm 90 be read?

This prayer must be said by a person who has come into contact with temptations of the spirit, such as the desire to get rich at the expense of others. Or when lust arises for the wives or husbands of other people. And also at the moment when a person is attacked by devilish entities who want to push a Christian off the righteous path. Then Psalm 90 comes to the rescue, and it must be said until sinful thoughts disappear. The main thing in reading a prayer is to feel your connection with the Lord, his protection and intercession. Psalm 90 gives all this. Why is it read forty times? In order to eliminate confusion and disorder in thoughts and calm the soul. While a person reads a verse and carefully follows the content, doubts disappear and his faith in the Lord is revived.

Advice from clergy

You know, prayer is considered a special work of a believer. This is the work of his soul. As they say, not by bread alone. The essence of this expression is very deep. Any person is obliged to develop his spirit, to work tirelessly in order to assimilate the commandments of the Lord. After all, they are not given from birth. They should be studied, comprehended, comparing our behavior with the standard that Christ gave us. Of course, many texts are used for these purposes. But Psalm 90 helps best against temptations and sinful desires. The text of the prayer, why it is read, as well as the essence of this action, was well explained by Theophan the Recluse. This Saint assured that verses (psalms) must be memorized. And this is not done for the sake of vanity. Vice versa. When a believer works with Scripture, he comprehends it, constantly finding new facets of the thoughts and feelings contained there. Gradually, prayers become not a “lesson”, but an urgent necessity. For example, a believer experiences fear for himself or a loved one. Here he should remember, if he had learned it earlier, the indicated verse. After all, understanding it allows you to calm down and direct your thoughts towards obedience and humility. It turns out that in this way they get rid of unnecessary pride. For doubts and anger, Psalm 90 is also used, for which they read it until the sinful feelings in the soul calm down. But you don’t just need to whisper a verse, but constantly think about the content. So a person is immersed in the world of righteousness, under the wing of the Lord.

How to read a prayer

Psalm 90 must be read with concentration. Then you begin to understand how imbued he is with good feelings and life-affirming ideas. Currently, observing the events taking place in the world, a person is deeply aware of the main words of the prayer: “The Lord is my hope.” In them he finds peace and stops worrying.

Psalm 90 is a prayer that protects from evil people, from evil spirits, from demonic manifestations. You will find confirmation of this by opening the Gospel. Thus, Jesus Christ, during a 40-day fast in the desert, in order not to give in to the temptations of Satan, read the 11th and 12th verses of this prayer (see Matthew 4:6 and Luke 4:11).

How to perceive Psalm 90

Here are some recommendations on the meaning of the text. If you read it carefully and thoughtfully, it will become clear that it is imbued with kindness and life-affirming ideas. Any fear that naturally arises in a person observing modern events should dissipate like smoke. Key phrase: “The Lord is my hope.” Why worry and be afraid if everything happens according to His will. And the kindness and love of the Lord for the people is not in doubt. Everyone feels this throughout their life. Although, unfortunately, not everyone agrees with this conclusion. The essence of their arguments, however, is shallow and purely selfish. And if you just try to understand the words, it turns out that there are no temptations that a person cannot cope with, and no sin that he cannot refuse. Anyone who has the Lord in his heart is capable of anything. And the described psalm and other ancient biblical texts help to achieve such a state.

Psalm 90 as a talisman

Psalm 90 is a very powerful amulet. He performs this function not only while reciting poetry, but also in writing. You can write it on a piece of paper or on a piece of cloth and put this text in your clothes. He will protect you from evil people, enemies and simply from manifestations of unfriendliness; will forever protect you from all the negative moments that abound in life.

When Psalm 90 is read in churches

In Western Christian churches, this prayer is used during evening services.
The Eastern Christian Church uses Psalm 90 as part of the 6th hour service and also in funeral services for the dead. In Orthodox churches, Psalms 26, 50, 90 are usually read in Church Slavonic. The reason is that it is considered impossible to express the meaning and key idea of ​​these prayers if they are translated into another language. But it is still permissible to read Psalm 90 in Russian. The main thing is to sincerely cry out to the Lord.

Idea of ​​prayer

Psalm 90 contains the idea that there is an irresistible force in faith in the Most High. There is an element of prophecy in prayer, this can be found in the reference to the coming of the Savior in the final 16th verse of Psalm 91. It is best to read and memorize the text in Church Slavonic. To deeply understand the meaning of the prayer, you need to get acquainted with a brief summary of the interpretation of each verse.

Interpretation of the prayer

Its main content is as follows:

  1. The Lord gave people the law of divine commandments; a person who fulfills them will always be under the protection of God.
  2. A believer turns to the Lord with the words that only he is his hope and protection, only he trusts in him.
  3. The Lord will deliver a person from an attack on his physical body or from committing a sin in passion, as well as from a bad word - from slander, which causes confusion in his soul.
  4. The Lord will undoubtedly protect a person with the same love with which a hen hides her chicks with her wings. Because His Truth is a shield and a weapon for the preservation of the believer who recognizes this truth.
  5. “You will not fear from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the days.”
  6. A person receiving God's help will not be afraid of robbers who can attack at night, thieves, bandits. He will not be afraid of the thing that will come in darkness, i.e. fornication, adultery. And also he will not be afraid of the midday demon, that is, laziness and carelessness, which corrupt people by the temptations of carnal passions.
  7. A thousand on the left is a temptation to sin, ten thousand on the right is opposition to the godly deeds of man. But they will not harm a person who has deep faith in the Lord.
  8. God will help you to see how your enemies will be punished.
  9. Man completely relied on God with all his mind and heart, which is why the Lord’s protection is so strong.
  10. Since man has made God his refuge, he will not experience any disasters, the house will not be destroyed, and the body will not suffer from illness.
  11. “Like His angel for the story of you, to preserve you in all your ways.” The angels of God protect man on all his paths.
  12. The hands of angels will preserve your soul in times of temptation and trouble.
  13. Asp and basilisk - slander and envy, lion and serpent - cruelty and inhumanity, the Lord will protect the righteous believer from them.
  14. It is not the person who recognizes the existence of God who knows the Name of God, but only the one who fulfills his commandments and his will; only he is worthy of God’s help.
  15. A person who has entrusted himself to the Lord will turn to him in danger, and He will hear him and protect him, and glorify him in eternal life for his Faith.
  16. This verse says that whoever trusts in God, He will give him eternal life, Salvation is Jesus Christ.

Should you trust magicians and sorcerers?

It is no secret that people turn to all kinds of specialists who assure them of their extraordinary abilities. Magicians claim that their prayers to the Almighty have greater power. That is, it turns out that the person himself does not need to do anything. He will give the money, and he will be freed from damage or the evil eye, his fate will be corrected. Of course you can believe this. However, the Lord says that everyone’s soul must work. After all, no specialist can artificially make a person realize his duty to others, relatives and himself. And this is precisely what refusing temptation consists of. It turns out that there is some kind of deception in this or, if you like, complacency based on laziness. There is no need to go to anyone when anyone can use prayers. They are accessible to everyone. And the work of the soul is priceless. And nothing can replace it. And even more so, you should not allow people who are not trustworthy into your own dialogue with the Lord.

Psalm 90 – the best defense

Reading Psalm 26, 90 in Russian is also very effective. In this way, a person comes to understand the words that he pronounces. This makes his prayer more sincere. Psalm 90, created long before the Nativity of Christ, is one of the most popular prayers. Many Orthodox believers have a story that is associated with an amazing deliverance from any danger or misfortune with the help of the prayer “Alive in Help.” The protective power of this prayer has nothing to do with superstition. You need to know the prayer by heart, it is advisable to read it before leaving home and before going on a long journey.

Illustrative examples of the power of Psalm 91

There are amazing life stories about how this prayer protects a person. During the First World War, a British regiment fought under the command of Colonel Whittelsey. During the four years that the war lasted, not a single soldier died in this regiment. This happened because all the military men, having memorized the text, regularly repeated the words of the 90th Psalm; they called it “On Defense.”

Another case from a later time, which was told by a Soviet Afghan officer. During his conscription into the army, his mother asked him to take a small icon on which was the prayer of Psalm 90 and said that if it was difficult, let him read it three times. He was sent to Afghanistan, where he was a reconnaissance company commander. The usual trips to the rear of the dushmans, ambushes on caravans with weapons, but one day they were ambushed themselves. They were surrounded on all sides. The soldiers were dying, there was almost no ammunition left. He saw that they would not survive. Then he remembered his mother’s words; the small icon always lay in his breast pocket. He took it out and began to read a prayer. And then a miracle happened: he suddenly felt that it had become very quiet, as if he had been covered with an invisible blanket or cap. He managed to gather the survivors, and they made a breakthrough and escaped the encirclement without losing anyone. After that, he believed in God and the power of prayer, read it before every foray behind enemy lines, fought until the end of the war, and returned home without a single scratch.

Such is the miraculous power of the prayer “Alive in Help” (Psalm 91). Why do they read this amazing prayer? Even non-believers will be able to feel all its power and protection. But why is it recommended to read it exactly 40 times? The fact is that this number is magic. For exactly 40 days of fasting, Jesus himself repeated the lines of this prayer. Therefore, such a number of repetitions will undoubtedly help a person.

Why is it read 40 times?

Since this verse is necessary primarily as protection against various kinds of temptations, it is not difficult to understand the moment of attack by devilish forces in this case. Everyone is overwhelmed by their own thematic weaknesses and knows them thoroughly. At such moments, a person is very vulnerable, and his state of mind is in complete disarray. It is at such moments that a spiritual shield in the form of “Psalm 90” is needed, which will instantly protect a person from negative temptations.

The essence of this “Song of David” is aimed at feeling a powerful connection with the Lord, who gives protection and His protection. And in order for this connection to be indestructible and deserved, a spiritual feat is necessary, which requires significant time. So it turns out that forty readings of the psalm in this case very optimally take these requirements into account. We should not forget the sacredness of the number “40”, which is mentioned in many places in the Bible.

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