Blessed oil application. How to properly use blessed oil. Where to buy special oil


Oil of Oil is an obligatory element of worship in Christianity and is familiar to everyone who professes this religion. But lamp oil and the oil that was consecrated on the relics of the Saints have nothing in common with each other. Although if the lamp oil was purchased in a church shop, it will be consecrated.

Oils of Oil

The main properties of the oil include:

There is no sanctified formula for priesthood ordinances performed outside temples other than baptism and the blessing of the ordinance. However, ordinances such as baptism, ordinance, confirmation, priesthood ordination, or blessing of a child must be performed with dignity and under the direction of the person holding the keys. All of them in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the priesthood. When we perform priesthood ordinances, we must understand that we are acting in the name of the Savior.

Select recipes from the list below. Ask the brothers to practice them. If the priesthood holder in a class needs to place an order in a short time, review it for profit. Note. Make sure that Aaronic Priesthood holders do not repeat orders made by Melchizedek Priesthood holders.

healing from illnesses; blessing in the family; spiritual liberation.

The name of the lamp oil speaks for itself; it is intended for the lamp. Oil of Oil is not used in lamps; it is forbidden to mix or pour it out. It can be used, like holy water, but unlike the latter, Oil of Oil is not sprinkled on the home. It is used to anoint a person and heal from various diseases. But it is worth remembering that it is not the oil itself that helps, but the belief in miraculous healing. Healthy people can use the oil after morning prayer and apply it on the heart and forehead in a cross pattern.

Blessing and appointment of children

The following information applies to the major gospel ordinances performed by the priesthood.
Under the direction of the presiding authority, only brothers who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood may participate in the ruling by which children are blessed and named. A worthy father who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood should be encouraged to bless his children. To bless the child, the brothers stood in circles and placed their hands under the child. When they bless the eldest child, they place their hands on his head. The person who blesses. Only a cross priest or a worthy Melchizedek priest can baptize. The holder of the priesthood must.

There is also oil that was consecrated near the icons and on the relics of saints. The oil symbolizes the memory of the shrine, which a person glorifies in his prayers. It is used to get rid of diseases and wounds. The prayer glorifies the saint on whose relics the oil was consecrated. You can also read the Our Father or prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s not scary if a person doesn’t know any prayers; the main thing is to turn to the saint from a pure heart and with faith in your soul.

Stand in the water with the person being baptized, hold the candidate's right wrist in his left hand and ask him to leave the priesthood holder's left wrist with his left hand, raise his right hand to form a right angle, call the candidate by name and say the baptismal prayer, invite the person to hold his nose with his right hand; then place your hand on the top of the candidate and completely submerge him, help him out of the water. Two priests or two Melchizedek Priesthood holders must witness each baptism.

Confirmation and Gift of the Holy Spirit

They do it right. If the prayer has not been said properly, it must be repeated and the person must be immersed again. Only a Melchizedek Priesthood holder can confirm a new member and give him the Holy Ghost. Place your hands on the person's head to confirm him, pronounce the authority by which the decree is carried out, confirm the person who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, give him the Holy Ghost, saying words such as "Communion of the Holy Spirit." The ordinance is a very holy ordinance and is blessed and administered under the direction of the priesthood officer who presides over the congregation.

How to store Oil

Oil is contained only in special containers for this purpose, which can be purchased in church shops. A clean bottle will also work for this. The main thing is that it is located in the correct place for such an attribute. The oil should not be placed next to bottles of cosmetics or lying around in the medicine cabinet. It should only be located next to church symbols. The best place for oil is next to the icons. In no case should Oil be stored in the refrigerator; it is enough to store it correctly, and it will retain its properties for a long time.

We placed a piece of bread on a clean plate placed on a small table. Small individual glasses or cups containing a small amount of water are also placed on the table. There will be preferably one drink per person. The bread and water are covered with a clean white cloth. The bread is opened before it is blessed, and the plate is covered as soon as it is distributed. The procedure is the same for water.

During the mystery hymn, the priesthood holder breaks the bread into small pieces. After the song, he kneels and says a blessing on the bread. The blessed bread is then distributed among the Church members. When the distribution of bread is completed, the priesthood holder kneels and recites the blessing on the water. The water, once blessed, is distributed among the members of the Church.

It is not recommended to purchase oil in places not associated with the church; purchase it only in church shops. Oil purchased in other places may not be consecrated; its name and origin alone do not guarantee that the sacrament of Anointing was performed on it or that it was consecrated on the relics. Only lamp oil can be used without performing a ritual on it. Unsuitable oil should never be thrown away. In this case, it is better to pour it into water.

Mystery prayers have been revealed by the Lord, and the priesthood leader must ensure that they are spoken correctly. If a priesthood leader must correct an error, he must be careful not to cause embarrassment or violation of the sanctity of the ordinance. The table should be cleared as soon as possible after the end of the meeting. The remaining bread can be consumed.

Priests and Melchizedek Priesthood holders may bless the ordinance. Teachers and deacons are not permitted. Deacons, teachers, priests, and Melchizedek Priesthood holders may be assigned to administer the ordinance. The dress of all officials must correspond to the holiness of the sacrament.

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Priesthood Gift and ordination to the priesthood

Ordination to an Aaronic Priesthood office is made under the direction or direction of an appropriate priesthood leader.
Priests can schedule Aaronic Priesthood services when a priesthood leader asks them to do so. Appointment to the position of elder is made by or under the direction of the stake or mission president. The owner of the priesthood jury must. Place your hands on the person's head, state the first and last name of the person concerned, state the authority under which the order is being made, to appoint the Melchizedek Priesthood or the Aaronic Priesthood, as applicable, unless he has been previously appointed, assigned to a specific Melchizedek or Aaronic Priesthood office, and transferred to him the rights, powers and powers belonging to that office, to add the blessing which the Spirit inspires, end in the name of Jesus Christ. The oil must be blessed before being used to anoint the sick.

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Good quality olive oil is obtained and the Melchizedek Priests dedicate it to holy purposes. No other type of oil should be used. Blessing a patient has two phases: anointing and sealing. The anointing is performed by the sole holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Anoint the patient's head with a little oil, mention the person's name, say that he is anointed with blessed oil, say that he is acting in the name of Jesus Christ. In general, two or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders seal the anointing. They placed their hands on the patient's head and one of them said a blessing.

Even during her earthly life, this Great Saint helped people a lot. And after death, all those who suffer can also count on her help. To get rid of ailments, believers use Matronushka oil. How to use Matrona of Moscow oil? Let's consider all aspects of the issue in more detail.

What's happened?

Oil is called sacred oil. They get it in a very difficult way. First you need to collect the myrrh that exudes from some icons and relics of saints. After this, it is added to vegetable (olive) or vaseline oil. In addition, lamp oil is dripped into these compositions from undying lamps located strictly next to the icons. The resulting viscous liquid is poured into consecrated vessels and sold.

Most often, believers use oil for healing from various ailments. It can be used to treat both children and adults. To achieve a positive effect, you need to know how to use oil correctly.

The healing power of oil - what is it?

Oil can be any oil that has been blessed. Now you need to learn about its properties. Firstly, blessed oil improves physical condition, relieves pain, and relieves headaches. Secondly, it calms you down. The effect of using this oil comes very quickly and lasts for a long period of time.

The oil obtained after the consecration of oil has the most powerful healing properties. Many people suffering from illnesses come to church on the day of the ceremony in order to then experience its miraculous effect on themselves.

Oil that was consecrated at lamps in places of great power is also considered powerful. The same is said about the sacred oil, which was brought along with the relics of Orthodox saints and icons.

To get rid of headaches you need to apply it to your temples. For severe allergies, eczema and skin rashes, damaged areas of the skin are treated with gauze or a cotton swab dipped in the sacred composition. After this, the tampon or gauze must be burned! Throwing them away is strictly prohibited.

Church oil is suitable for the treatment of all diseases. It can even heal infertility. To do this, just apply it to the lower abdomen.

The oil should be kept at home next to the icons. It is important to remember when using oil that such oil should not be placed in the refrigerator or near strong heat sources (stove, radiator, heating devices), but this is true. This may negatively affect its properties.

Blessed oil

Scientists have found that upon contact (i.e., consecration on the relics of saints) of unction oil (or any thing), a change occurs in the energy composition of its nuclei and the chemical elements it contains. As a result, anointing with such oil leads to normalization of disturbed metabolic processes and healing of the human body.

Research has shown that the energy of Holy relics is high-frequency energy, and damage is low-frequency energy of aggression, cruelty, cynicism, etc. In high frequencies, low frequencies simply burn out.

Therefore, the oil of unction, which is consecrated on the relics of the Saints, has healing properties. It can be used for burns, rashes, wounds, headaches, inflammatory diseases of all organs, eczema, spinal pain, gastrointestinal problems, etc.

You can store the blessed oil next to the icons, separately from household items. As for use, you can reverently anoint your forehead or any other part of the body in a cross shape if it bothers you; You can pour oil into the lamp in front of the icons.

It is recommended to use this oil for massage, as the energy column of the spine is well cleansed.

You can pray in your own words, or you can use prayers compiled earlier.

Oil is consecrated oil, usually olive oil mixed with incense.

Since ancient times, oil has been considered a healing substance. Since Old Testament times, Oil has signified grace, joy, and revival. In the Book of Leviticus it is mentioned as a means to cleanse lepers. The apostles also used anointing with oil for the sick, as we read from the Evangelist Mark: “...and they anointed and healed many who were sick” (Mark 6:13).

According to the custom of the East, when a person was proclaimed a monarch, the priest poured a cup of Oil on his head. Oil, the oil of the olive, was considered a symbol of strength. The rite of “anointing” reminded that power is granted from God, whose Spirit will henceforth dwell on the Chosen One. Therefore, each ruler of Israel (and sometimes a prophet) was called the Anointed One, the Messiah, or in Greek - Christ. However, over time, this title began to be attributed only to the great King of the future.

The Sacrament of the Blessing of Anointing, called in Greek “The Oil of Prayer,” is described by St. Apostle James: “If any of you is sick, let him call the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with Oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him” (James 5:14-15). As is clear from the above passage, the sacrament of anointing has a dual purpose: not only physical healing, but also forgiveness of sins. Both are interconnected, for man is a unity of body and soul, and therefore there cannot be a sharp and strict distinction between physical and spiritual sorrows.

Oil, according to the biblical narrative, is one of the main (along with wheat and wine) food products with which God saturates his faithful people. Oil is a sign of God's blessing, the deprivation of which serves as a punishment for unbelief, and the abundance of which is a sign of salvation and a symbol of eschatological bliss.

Oil is also a fragrant oil for anointing the body, for strengthening the limbs and for “softening” wounds; finally, Oil in lamps serves for illumination.

To be faithful to the Union-Covenant, it is not enough to provide the priests with the best Oil, or, according to rituals, to mix it with the sacrifices made, or to pour out libations of Oil in “countless streams”: by fulfilling these rules, only one who walks before Him in the paths of righteousness and justice can please God. love.

The symbolism of oil. — Just as oil is a sign of God’s blessing, so the green olive tree symbolizes the righteous, blessed by God, and the Wisdom of God, which opens the path of truth and bliss in the Law. As for the two olive trees, the oil from which supported the light in the lamp with seven lamps, they meant two “sons of oil”, two Anointed of God - the king and the high priest, who are called to enlighten the people and lead them along the path of salvation.

Sometimes oil is compared to that which, like it, penetrates subtly; Mainly, they see it as a delightful and pleasing odor of myrrh - a wonderful symbol of love, friendship and the happiness of fraternal unity. Oil is also a symbol of joy, for it, like joy, makes a person’s face shine. Therefore, pouring Oil on someone’s head means wishing him joy and happiness and showing him a sign of friendship and honor.

It is reasonable to store oil consecrated on the relics of God's saints next to icons, separately from household items. Oil can be used in the following way: you can reverently anoint your forehead or any other part of the body with a cross if it hurts; You can pour oil into the lamp. Use, of course, reverently and prayerfully.


The oil in Jerusalem was used by God as an instrument for healing and deliverance: “...they cast out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.”

The place of pain should be anointed with Oil, after which you should pray something like this: “Lord Jesus, I ask You that through the Blessed Oil You will heal me from this disease and from all my health problems.”

Anoint the place where you feel pain or where the disease comes from, repeating three times, with all your faith: “In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, I command every evil from my body and from my life now, and never come back again!”

It is advisable to use oil daily: in the morning when you wake up, in the evening before going to bed, and whenever possible. If you have a relative who is sick, anoint his forehead with Oil three times, in faith, and command all evil to be gone in the name of the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ.


Oil can also be used to bless the family to bring the unity, peace, love and harmony that should reign in every family.

Just as in the past God told the Israelites to anoint the doorposts of their homes so that the plague would pass over their families, in the same way you can anoint the doors of your home so that God will remove selfishness, disagreements, addictions, addictions and other things that affect the atmosphere in the family.

You can also anoint the clothes and personal items of your loved ones to protect them from danger.

After you have done the anointing, you need to pray for the family, asking for the benefit of each family member according to their needs.


“And he called twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits... they anointed them with oil.”

When the Lord Jesus sent His disciples, He gave them authority over all unclean spirits that were causing spiritual problems. He mentioned that they were to use Holy Oil, which represents the Holy Spirit, for those people for whom it was needed.

Holy Oil represents God Himself in the lives of those who need Him, therefore all evil must leave Holy Oil.

This Holy Oil of Liberation is so that all the evil that causes addiction, trauma, depression, insomnia, fear and desire for suicide... will finally leave your life, because you will act with the same authority that was given to the disciples.

Anoint clothes, photographs, pillows and wherever necessary with the Oil consecrated at the Tomb of St. Xenia.


In the life of all people, love is one of the most important aspects because when we love someone, it helps us maintain inner balance and just be happy. In order for our happiness to be perfect, we must always believe in love, because we are not created to be alone.

“And the Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; Let us make him a helper suitable for him.”

If you are alone and looking for a “soul mate”, pray, ask God for this person to meet on your way. When anointing yourself, always pray about it, either out loud or silently.

If you are married and not feeling happy in your love life, anoint a photo of your partner so that God will restore your relationship and make it based on love, which makes two just one.

In order for you to meet true love, you must be sure that God has prepared your union!

The oil must be stored in a clean bottle in a place suitable for the shrine. Cannot be stored together with items that are not church paraphernalia. For example: along with cosmetics, in a home medicine cabinet. The proper place for Oil is next to the icons. Spruce does not need to be placed in the refrigerator; if stored properly, Spruce retains freshness and transparency for a long time.

Myrrh and Oil should not be confused. Myrrh is an oil with aromatic substances consecrated according to a special rite on Maundy Thursday. In Russian Orthodoxy this is done by the Patriarch.

Wikipedia about Oil:

How to use blessed oil?

First of all, truly believing Christians can use the composition for medicinal purposes. Since healing comes not only from the oil itself, but also from faith and prayers. People who follow God's path will most quickly experience the miraculous properties of the oil. If the illness is severe and does not go away for a long time, it is important to attend all communions and confessions, read prayers before going to bed and in the morning, and also study the Bible.

You need to apply the oil to the affected area of ​​the body before going to bed. This should be done in a cross pattern, starting from the right side to the left, clearly above the place that needs healing. After application, rub in the oil until completely absorbed. You can also apply oil using a consecrated church brush or the wick of a candle purchased in the church.

Priests and lepers

Lepers were anointed with blood and oil.

(Lev 14:14) And the priest shall take the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest shall put it on the edge of the right ear of the one being cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

This meant that their ear and what they heard was now sanctified. Also blessed is what they do (finger) and where they go (toe). Next, the priest applied oil on top of the blood.

(Lev 14:15-18) And the priest will take oil from the log and pour it into his left palm; And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left palm, and sprinkle the oil from his finger seven times before the Lord; The priest will place the remaining oil that is in the palm of his hand on the edge of the right ear of the person being cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, in the places where

the blood of the guilt offering; and the rest of the oil that is in the palm of the priest he will put on the head of the one being cleansed, and the priest will cleanse him before the Lord.

How to use oil today

We don't apply blood today because the Blood of Jesus Christ has already been applied to us. But we can use oil. We can apply it to our home by anointing the doors and doorposts. If you are worried about some part of your body, you can touch it with anointing oil. You can apply the oil to your forehead.

When disaster was about to strike Jerusalem, God said to His Angels:

(Eze 9:3-4) And the glory of the God of Israel descended from the Cherubim on which it was to the threshold of the house. And He called a man dressed in linen, who had a scribe's instrument at his belt. And the Lord said to him: go through the middle of the city, in the middle of Jerusalem, and make a sign ( oil


Oil symbolism

Biblical understanding and a clear answer to the question of what it is deserves special consideration. Olive oil was called oil in the Holy Scriptures. He is mentioned 20 times in the book. In the Old Testament it was used to anoint the head of the High Priest and his descendants, to sprinkle the Tabernacle, and to mark the saints and the elect.

In the New Testament, anointing with oil occurs only four times. The reason for all these procedures remains unclear, although it is said that the sacred oil was applied to the head during periods of prosperity, prosperity, abundant harvest, festivals and celebrations. A person with oil on his head was considered blessed and successful.

Oil was also applied in order to gain joy, strength and protection from God, his blessing and favor. Such oil had to be renewed every day through anointing.

The process of anointing itself was the act of transferring supernatural powers and abilities to a specific person.

If we talk about whether the use of oil is important for modern believers, then there is no clear answer. There are no clear instructions regarding this in the Bible, although there is no prohibition on this ritual either.

Bethel - House of God

Oil is closely associated with the House of God. It is there that you will find the Angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of Man.

Where can I find oil and all the promises of God about protection and care? In the House of God. The house of God is not brick walls or a building. The house of God is when we all come together.

(Ps 90:9) For you have said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Almighty as your refuge.

It will be right if you make the House of God your abode.

People often read the Bible superficially, but it needs to be explored. If you read Psalm 90:9 in Hebrew, you can see the word “oil.”

If you apply oil to something, then evil will not stick to you.

(Ps 90:9-10) For you have said

: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; no evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling.

Anoint your home and your loved ones with oil. Under the blessing and anointing of the Lord, the oil becomes anointing oil—holy oil.

Saint - set apart for a special purpose.

The devil cannot touch what is holy. He deals only with the dirty and unclean - with that which bears the mark of sin.

Unbelief in the forgiveness of sins is also the food of Satan.

Holiness is integrity.

Illness is not a natural state. God never intended for man to be sick. God wants man to always be healthy and whole.

Holy - set apart, special.

When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the anointing will fall on the oil.

What is it and how to use it

• Dear doctors and healers! I recently received a letter from a friend of mine who lives in Odessa. She was seriously ill in recent years, and, despite the fact that she was treated for a long time and persistently, she was never able to get out of the arms of the disease. Chance helped. In the local church, where the holy relics were temporarily brought, the rite of blessing of oil was carried out.

After this, everyone could use the healing oil. Among them was a friend of mine who had heard somewhere earlier that such a panacea could work miracles. She used the miraculous remedy for several months - and a miracle happened: the terrible illness was reversed. A friend sent me photographs of herself in which she now looks healthy and even younger. And after that I really wanted to know what diseases treatment with oil helps with and how to use it in home treatment and health improvement.


How did the oil appear?

In order for the oil to appear, you need to crush something. This is exactly what happened to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane—He was “crushed.”

Previously, the main purpose of the oil was to kindle the minora in the temple. Jesus was “crushed” in the darkness of the Garden of Gethsemane to bring light into the darkness of the world.

(Luke 22:44) And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

During the time of Jesus, virgin oil was used for medicinal purposes.

After this, Jesus was “crushed” again. His back was cut with a whip. By His stripes we are healed.

The third spin was used as soap, that is, for cleansing.

On the cross, Jesus was “crushed” under the weight of our sin. He suffered for us and we were cleansed from all our sins.

The same can be said about bread and wine. We do not gather grain directly from the field or obtain wine directly from the vine.

The grapes must be crushed, and the bread must be threshed, sifted and threshed again, and then it is thrown into the oven. So it was with our Lord Jesus.

The grapes need to be crushed and trampled. Sacred oil does not grow on the olive tree; it must be squeezed out. It was the same with Jesus. He loves us. And the oil also speaks of His love.

You can turn to the Lord right now.


Father! We offer You this simple oil and ask You: Bless this oil and make it holy anointing oil, sanctified for Your purposes, intended for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father! We ask that everything this oil touches be changed. Let illness be replaced by health and wholeness. Let the dead rise. In the name of Jesus we pray that this oil will turn failure into success, barrenness into fruitfulness. Father! We thank You for Your protection, provision and restoration.

All glory to Jesus!

Eli: what is this? Church oil

Oil - what is it? A special oil that is used in various rituals. There are many references and instructions on this matter in the Holy Scriptures. Many consider oil to be a magic wand for ailments, but it is given to everyone only according to their faith. Therefore, using oil without inner spiritual work is useless. Myrrh is just as important in the church bosom.

What is oil and where is it used?

Knowing how to use church oil, as well as what it should be, is very important. Let's look at this question in more detail.

Traditionally, oil has always been considered a healing oil. Its description and methods of application are very often found in the Bible. Used during unction, also called the sacrament of unction. During this ritual, the sick person may be given healing or relief.

It is also used during various holidays, since the oil of fir trees is considered a special sign of joy. In the old days, it could also be used to anoint especially honored guests.

Oil is also necessary during baptism, namely before the ceremony itself. They anoint various parts of the body with it, which signifies the emergence of a connection with Christ, as well as the fight against sins and increased strength for this.

Oil was also used to consecrate various parts of buildings and sacred objects.

Special mention should be made of lamp oil, which is usually pure olive oil, but incense can also be added. When choosing, you need to look at its purity and smell in order to comply with the Holy Scriptures. Here are some properties of high-quality oil:

  • The taste of this oil is slightly pungent;
  • if the ambient temperature drops below eight degrees Celsius, it will change color and become white;
  • This oil is greenish in color.

Composition of oil

Oil - what is it? Namely, what is its composition or what may be included in it? As mentioned above, oil can be called oil that is based on olive oil. It may also contain several fragrant oils, if they do not have a strong odor, they must also be clean. For example, pink.

With the addition of oils, they are most often used for anointing, consecration and lighting in lamps. Pure olive oil can be eaten.

How to prepare this oil and how to store it

Now let's look at how oil is prepared, what kind of composition is it? It is prepared very strictly. The main thing here is pure olive oil; if necessary, aromatic components are added. Then the clergyman reads special prayers depending on what the oil is intended for.

There are also oils that were blessed on relics; they can have miraculous powers. And very useful for those who are sick spiritually or physically.

This oil should be stored near the home altar or where the icons stand. You can purchase a special container for it, which is sold at churches. It is not recommended to keep it in the refrigerator or first aid kit.

Grain, wine and oil

Grain and wine always go together - this is Communion.

Oil is oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

It's time for people to apply the oil to themselves, to their homes, to their loved ones. Perhaps this sounds strange and like some kind of superstition or oil - is it something from the Old Testament? Oil has a symbolic meaning, but God never neglects the medium itself.

(Mark 6:12-13) They went and preached repentance; They cast out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

Jesus was still with the disciples, but they anointed the sick with oil and had results.

What was the result? There were many healed. Where oil was used, health was restored.

Jesus ascended into heaven and the era of the Church began.

Sacrament of Anointing (unction)

So, we figured out how to prepare oil, what it is in general. But its use during unction should be considered in more detail. This is a special ritual that is performed in case of illness (spiritual or physical), but not only. It can also be performed on a healthy person, since it is believed that during this sacrament sins that a person has committed but forgotten about are forgiven. It is recommended to do this once a year.

During this ritual, oil is used, which is consecrated with a special prayer. The priest must anoint the sick person with this oil seven times.

The holy oil that was used during the ritual cannot be used for lamps or poured out. If the unction took place for a suffering person, then you can take it with you and anoint sore spots or eat it. It can also be used by those who have not undergone the ritual. This oil is often compared to holy water, but it should not be sprinkled on premises.

In principle, you don’t have to take it with you after the ceremony, but leave it with the clergy. In the old days, everything that remained from the unction was burned.

Where to buy special oil?

The consecrated product can be purchased at the Danilov Monastery. Also, the relics of Saint Matrona are sometimes brought to other cities, and such oil is also sold there.

Some people even add it to their food, but frying food with it is not advisable. It is best to apply oil to problem areas on the body. But don’t just apply the composition, but pray fervently before and after the treatment procedure. Here's how to use Matrona of Moscow oil. is a decisive factor in its application. Without it, it is ineffective. After all, everyone will be rewarded according to their faith, no less, no more.

What is myrrh

This is a special mixture of oils, and also includes many other components (incense, fragrant herbs). Miro is a fairly ancient substance. It was made back in the Old Testament era. Then its use was wider. Kings ascended the throne after anointing, and this action was also performed on high priests and prophets.

Nowadays it is mainly used during baptism. The Sacrament of Confirmation appeared in those days when the tradition for the newly baptized was to lay hands on a bishop or apostle, as a result of which he received the Gift of the Holy Spirit, as well as a blessing.

As Christians became more numerous over time, this became impossible to do. That is why the Sacrament of Confirmation appeared, since this oil is prepared with the direct participation and blessing of the head of the church.

What rites and rituals is the myrrh intended for?

This oil is usually used to anoint children and adults after baptism. Also, this ritual can be performed separately, if the person is of a different religion. The oil with which certain areas of the body are anointed after baptism seals a person with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Usually this sacrament happens only once in a lifetime. Only previously could a person be anointed twice with myrrh, the oil of which was used during the king’s ascension to the throne.

In the Orthodox Church, this fragrant substance is necessary for the consecration of new churches. They anoint the walls, the throne, and the antimension with it.

Catholics still have a tradition of using oil during the ritual of ordination of a bishop or priest. And also, as in Orthodoxy, it is used for consecration.

Composition of myrrh

According to legend, this oil originally contained about fifty components. At present, their number has decreased to forty.

The traditional composition of myrrh is pure high quality oil. The next necessary component will be grape wine. Myrrh, the oil of which is used in church ceremonies, simply cannot be prepared well without it. The wine will prevent burning during cooking and possible fire.

The remaining ingredients for the oil are incense. There are no clear guidelines on this in the church bylaws, so oils and substances may vary and vary. Let's list some possible ones:

  • rose petals, as well as rose oil;
  • incense;
  • roots of violet, galangal;
  • Oils may also include lemon, nutmeg and others.

Preparation of myrrh

In order to prepare this oil, there is a special ritual. Only the head of the church (metropolitan or patriarch) can prepare myrrh, which cannot be said about church oil. This happens during Holy Week. It is cooked for three days and this action does not happen every year, but once every few years.

The ritual begins on Maundy Monday, when prayers are performed in order to begin cooking this fragrant oil. Objects that are needed are sprinkled with holy water. On Monday the myrrh (oil and wine) should boil. At this time, prayers are read and the oil in the cauldron is stirred so that it does not burn.

The next day, on Holy Tuesday, more grape wine is added to the cauldron in which the future myrrh is boiled, and it is also necessary to add aromatic substances. Also, the reading of prayers continues throughout the day.

On Great Wednesday the creation of the world ends. Incense is added to the cauldron and the oil is cooled.

The myrrh also needs to be sanctified. This happens on Maundy Thursday during the Divine Liturgy.

Next, the myrrh in special vessels (mirnitsa) is transferred to churches, where it is kept on the throne.

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