Vision board of desires: how to make and use it correctly

Thoughts are material - everyone agrees with this truth today, even the greatest skeptics. As a rule, those of our thoughts that are the most sincere and ardently desired most often come true.

And to increase the likelihood of achieving your aspirations, you can resort to a method that has already been implemented by hundreds and thousands of people, and which, according to them, really works! We are talking about the so-called wish board (or map) (or visualization - as you prefer).

What is a vision board, visualization, and when is the best time to do it?

  • In order for dreams not to remain just dreams, but to find concrete embodiment, the most correct thing would be to first clearly formulate your goal in order to avoid possible dual interpretation, and then present the desired dream in great detail, in the smallest detail.
  • When you know for sure that you want a green car, not a red one, or, say, you dream of traveling to the Egyptian pyramids, and not to Montmartre in Paris, it will be much easier for you to create your own individual vision board.

Create a vision board

  • What it is? Yes, anything - a sheet of plywood or cardboard, a wall covered with wallpaper or carpet, even a refrigerator panel - any surface that will often be in front of your eyes and remind you of your dream, making it more and more real. Moreover, you will put photographs, drawings, postcards, posters on this surface, attach souvenirs - in a word, everything related to your desire. Such self-hypnosis not only convinces you of the reality and achievability of your dreams, but also attracts to a person like a magnet all the positive things that are on his vision board.
  • You need to make a vision board as soon as you formulate your dream. Under no circumstances should you put things off until later, until tomorrow, until the weekend. The sooner you visualize your desires and focus on contemplating them every day, the sooner the board will start working.

The most favorable day for creating a vision board is traditionally considered to be the first day of the New Year according to the eastern calendar and the two weeks following it, the day that falls on the growing month and your own birthday. But on the waning of the Moon, as well as on days when lunar or solar eclipses occur, you should not make a vision board.

Vision board

If a person wants something sincerely, truly, his desires will definitely come true. Making your dreams come true does not depend on luck, the alignment of the stars or miracles.

Our cherished desires come true only because we concentrate all our attention on achieving these goals, constantly remember this and make every effort to realize our dreams.

One of the tools for making your desires come true is a vision board; it is also called a vision board, treasure map, or wish map.

How does a vision board work?

A wish board is a kind of object that is cardboard, a board, whatman paper, etc. with photographs, pictures, and descriptions of your desires posted.

Scientists and psychologists have repeatedly proven that people who write down their goals on paper almost always achieve them.

So, the wish map helps not to forget about your goals, visualize your own desires and direct your personal energy in the right direction. Before you make a vision board, you need to understand the principle of its operation.

If someone hopes that they will create a board, look at it all day long, and miracles will begin to happen, I have to disappoint you. Alas, this is not true. The third eye will not open, the treasure will not be found, the magic genie will not appear from the bottle. But don't be upset. Wish cards really work, the principles of their action are as follows:

  1. When creating a vision board, a person puts his thoughts in order and begins to clearly understand his goals. Do you want to get a lot of money? How much is this? A lot of money is a very relative concept; for some, 100 dollars may seem like a large amount, but for others, even a million may seem small. When drawing up goals, you need specifics, not abstract concepts.
  2. A vision board helps you create an accurate visual image of your desires. Not all people are able to mentally imagine their desires in the form of images. The human brain receives most of the information through the eyes; pictures and photographs in such cases are powerful elements of self-programming. The board allows you to understand not only your desires, but also how they should look. The more detailed they are described, the better the result will be. Do you want a new home? Then you need to imagine how many floors and rooms it has, what kind of interior and design it should be, what the lawn and gazebo should look like. Will there be a fireplace and a swimming pool in the house?
  3. A vision board works if you consider it not as an object for meditation, but as an action plan for the near future. According to statistics from psychologists, people who write their goals on paper achieve them in 1–2 years, while others will need ten years to achieve this. It is necessary to realize that the board is only a reminder of priorities and goals, and a person must think for himself how to achieve them. If you lie on the sofa, a miracle will not happen.
  4. A vision board can help those people who sincerely believe in visualizing desires; if you treat it with irony and skepticism, you should not expect any results. A wish map is an object that helps you visualize your desires. During visual perception, a person strengthens his energy and directs it to achieve goals.

How to make a vision board correctly

To create a vision board you will need a base, scissors, glue, pictures, photos and time. For the base you can use ordinary cardboard, whatman paper, or natural wood.

Recently, a cork board, which is sold in office supply stores, is often used. This material allows you to make a real masterpiece.

The size of the board is limited only by imagination, although some are absolutely sure that the larger the miraculous board, the better the result.

A prerequisite is that your photo should be displayed in the center of the board. It is advisable that you look happy, and you should like this photo. After all, it is she who will become the center, the core of the map, around which an amazing world of desires will be created.

Pictures that reflect what you want can be taken from magazines, newspapers, found on the Internet and printed on a printer. Images that include you and your dream work very well. If you are dreaming of an expensive car, go to a car dealership and take a photo in front of “your” model.

When it is not possible to take such a photo, work with Photoshop or, if you have artistic talents, draw it yourself.

There is no point in overloading the board with an abundance of pictures. According to experts in this field, it is better to focus all your attention on a few goals, rather than scattering all your energy on many insignificant desires.

Pictures can be signed. For example: “I’m in Cyprus”, “My home”, “My fur coat”, etc.

A very important point when creating a wish board is that your wishes should be only yours, and not inspired by relatives, friends or the media.

If you approach with all meticulousness the question of how to properly make a vision board and achieve maximum effect, then you need to take into account that you need to make a card on a waxing moon or on a full moon; the first days of the new year and your own birthday are ideal. You cannot create a board in a bad mood and on days of solar and lunar eclipses.

When you don’t have time and don’t have the desire to use scissors, you can use modern online services where you can not only create a colorful collage, but also store your wish card there.

A fairly common way is to install a vision board on your desktop. This way, your dreams will remind you of yourself more often. This will be a good motivation and will help you manage your time more wisely.

Every time you look at the wish map, you will receive an additional incentive to do something useful that will bring you closer to your goal, and not waste time on social networks, virtual gardens, farms, the world of tanks and other games.

Feng Shui Wish Board

A feng shui vision board is a combination of visualization and Chinese technology. Since ancient times, people have known: everything that is invented by reason and supported by energy will certainly come true. The images are not arranged in a chaotic order, as in the classic version, but in sectors that correspond to a certain area of ​​life.

To make a board you will need cardboard, whatman paper or a board. When determining the length of the base, it should be taken into account that the object will be divided into 9 sectors (8 spheres, according to Ba Gua, 1 personal photograph) and accordingly it will be necessary to compose 9 pictures. It is believed that the best size of the structure is 68 cm wide and 68 cm long.

Feng Shui wish card

It is preferable to make a Feng Shui vision board with your own hands rather than using computer programs. A handcrafted item is charged with special positive energy and will allow you to count on better results. All rituals to attract money and fulfill desires are best done on the first day of the lunar calendar or favorable days according to the special feng shui calendar.

The ideal time to create a vision board is the first day of the New Year in China. In 2020, this event will occur on February 16th. Pictures for a Feng Shui vision board, as well as for a traditional card, are taken from magazines and the Internet.

Feng Shui wishing board collage

Whatman paper, board or other material chosen for the base must be drawn out to make 9 parts. The shape of the vision board can be different: square, octagon, circle, rectangle.

A photo of the map maker is placed in the center. The choice of photo should be taken responsibly; it should radiate positivity.

You should not use photographs from periods when you were sick or unhappy.

Next, in accordance with the cardinal directions, the blocks of 8 life aspirations of Ba Gua are placed. When compared to geographic maps, the Feng Shui map is reversed. Where the north is located on natural maps, the south is located according to Feng Shui.

Each block of the Feng Shui vision board has its own characteristics and color:

  1. The central sector is the health zone. Post your photo here. If your wishes concern changing your appearance, for example, losing weight, experts advise not to be shy and, through Photoshop or banal gluing, create the appearance of your dreams. The main thing is that the top part of the collage ─ the head ─ is your own.
  2. The southern sector is located above the photo of the card owner, symbolizes glory, the color of the sector is red. Those who want to receive recognition, fame and all sorts of honors in their field should pay special attention to this block. Become an Olympic champion, a famous writer, speaker, or become a leader in your team - it all depends only on your fantasies and dreams. Photos of awards and cups are placed in the glory sector. A more effective method is to add your loved one to a group photo of famous people using photomontage. Or take as a basis the image where they present the award you are dreaming of, and add your photo to the picture.
  3. The upper left corner ─ southeast is occupied by a block of wealth, which is colored light green.
    All desires that relate to material well-being, making a profit, business success, and financial transactions are placed in this block. Images of piles of money, cars, villas and mansions are appropriate. At the same time, do not forget about the specifics: exactly how much money you want and in what time frame the desire should be realized. Approving captions for pictures will be useful: “I have a car”, “My million rubles earned”, etc. The right places for certain desires
  4. The upper right corner in the southwest is light brown or pink, and symbolizes love and family relationships. Images of desires related to personal life are pasted in this area. In addition to photographs, you can use various romantic symbols: hearts, kisses, flowers, etc. If a girl wants to get married, then you should not paste photographs of specific strangers. This is contrary to the rules of visualization: you cannot involve real people in your desires; it is possible that your aspirations do not coincide with what these people dream of.
  5. The family sector belongs to the left green square, which is located in the eastern part of the Feng Shui map. The harmony of relationships in the family, with relatives and friends depends on the family unit. Therefore, portraits of grandparents, mother-in-law, and family photographs would be appropriate.
  6. The Western white sector in the right square is responsible for children, creativity and self-realization. People dreaming of having a baby should post pictures of babies. Happy parents paste photos of their children with wishes of health and happiness. To realize your creative potential, you will need images of hobbies and everything that inspires you and evokes associations with self-expression and self-realization.
  7. Below your photo to the north is a career block.
    Everything that symbolizes career growth, desired position and salary is placed in this sector. These could be photographs of authoritative figures in your industry, company logos, images of offices, the boss’s chair, and even pictures of money, if there is no place for them in the wealth sector. Example of a finished vision board
  8. The left northeast corner is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and knowledge of everything new. Images of diplomas, certificates, symbols and attributes of wisdom would be appropriate in the knowledge cell.
  9. The lower right northwest square is responsible for travel and assistants. Photos of picturesque places, attractions, cities, countries that you want to visit can be placed in this sector. If wanderlust is foreign to you, place divine symbols or portraits of people who are an authority for you or can help.

What to make a vision board from?

  • How to make a vision board with your own hands, from what exactly and in what form depends on how most convenient it will be for you to use it. Perhaps you like an album in which on each page you depict some of your desires.

Your creativity is very important

  • You can use a regular notebook , write down everything you want to achieve in it, and hide it in your wallet. If you constantly work with a computer, you can give preference to an electronic map by installing it on your desktop, or create a slide presentation. In addition to a computer, you can also use a smartphone for these purposes. Now there are several special programs with which you can create such maps.
  • Some people use the smooth surface of the refrigerator, onto which photographs or drawings are attached with magnets, or even an ordinary wall. But the most universal and most widespread is the card that you place on the wall - the work of your soul and the warmth of your hands will be put into it. It can be done using plain or cardboard paper, a sheet of Whatman paper or plywood. You can buy a ready-made cork notice board or a magnetic one - the main thing is to put your soul and sincere thoughts into what you will place on this surface.

How to make a vision board with your own hands: template, diagram

  • There is a certain template created according to the Feng Shui system, which clearly and clearly delineates all the zones that determine this or that desire. But more about it below, and now about what, in principle, should be on your visualization card for it to work as best as possible.
  • And you need to start again with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, whether your desire is connected specifically with you and not with someone else, whether you really want this or that, or are you just trying to get ahead of a neighbor or competitor.
  • Make sure that your aspirations are not capable of harming anyone and formulate not even desires, but statements, preferably in the past tense, as if your dream has already come true: “I’m in the Maldives,” “My two-story mansion,” etc. . Do not use negative forms when formulating, the desire should only be affirmative!
  • Choose the right time, relax and think only about your aspirations as you start making your vision board. Place a photo of yourself in the center in which you are happy - choose the one in which you like yourself. And now around this photo, like planets around the Sun, place the embodiment of your desires: pictures, photographs, inscriptions.

Select pictures

  • The image that works best is one in which you and your dream are close. If you want a car, don’t be lazy to go to an exhibition or a car showroom and take a photo of yourself next to the car you want. Such a picture can also be created in Photoshop or even drawn - the main thing is that it will reflect the essence of your dream and its implementation. And make a corresponding signature: “Me and my car.” Or try on exactly the fur coat you want to purchase and also take a photo in it - half the work on the path to success will already be done.

Choose the right pictures

You can use photoshop

  • To make a vision vision board correctly, do not spread yourself over a large number of desires. Let there be 5-6 of them, but those that are really important to you. In the future, you can always supplement your card or make a new one when the previous one works well.

So here we go

Vision board: why is it needed and how to make it?

How many times have you thought about creating a vision board of your dreams? Or maybe you think that this whole idea is childishly stupid and ridiculous? You are wrong. A vision board is a visual embodiment of your goals and aspirations. Think of it as your future photo album. Dreams live in each of us, and they are more likely to come true if you “put” them on paper. A vision board will give you a sense of clear direction towards your goals. And it works! What positives can you take from creating such a dream map for yourself?

Illustration by Roberto Weigand

Increased Productivity

In order to succeed in life and make your dreams come true, you must understand and accept the principles of successful people and then apply them to your life. Creating such a board is one of the best and most effective methods for identifying and setting goals. Visualizing your goals on paper will help you focus your energy in those areas. You can simply create a picture of what you want. And looking at this collage of drawings and photographs, you will more clearly and clearly understand what and how to do. Consequently, your productivity will increase and your results will noticeably improve.


Dreams are not achieved instantly; they still require time and effort to realize. Sometimes, however, we are also disappointed after a series of setbacks and failures, especially if there are no understanding and supportive people nearby. Believe it or not, a collage of pictures on the wall is a real help in such a situation, as it inspires, motivates and stimulates. On the other hand, remember that your dreams should be based on reality, and not on the banal word “I want.”


A vision board is one of the most exciting and fun handmade projects where you can use all your imagination and creativity, and feel free to improvise with materials. If you create a truly stylish piece, such a vision board will easily serve as a unique addition to your interior.

So, if you have decided to visualize your own desires and aspirations, how can you do this, and what will it take?

Clearly define your dreams

The first step is defining your dreams. Sit in silence for a while, thinking about your life, achievements and desires. This is a very important stage for understanding what kind of future you want. You can write down everything that comes to your mind, even your funniest and wildest dreams. You can then combine some ideas that end up as a set of goals. Don't know where to start? Think about where you want to go, who you want to become, and what you want to end up with.

Select materials and start creating

The vision board is created from drawings, magazine clippings, photographs, and you can decorate it at your own discretion using colored paper, scraps of fabric, bright paints and felt-tip pens. Arm yourself with scissors and glue, use thick white paper or cardboard of any size as a base. Choose one of your best and favorite photos and place it in the center of the composition. This is an important point, since your favorite photo usually reflects positive emotions that you want to preserve and carry into the future. Then select suitable magazine clippings that reflect your desires and glue them around your photo. This includes such vital categories as family, health, love, career, hobbies and friends. But the final choice, of course, is yours.

Live your dreams

When the board is ready, hang it in a highly visible place, such as next to your bed so you can see it morning and evening, or above your work area so you can see it all day. You must believe in it and everything that is depicted on it. Looking at all its details, you need to imagine your dreams and how they will come true. Over time, you will see that half of the pictures on the board can be removed, because they will come true and become a happy reality.


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Feng Shui vision board zones: diagram, colors of sectors

And now – about the classic Feng Shui vision board. You need to divide the surface you have chosen as a visualization map into 9 sectors. Each of them has its own color and meaning.

  1. The central zone of yellow color acts as a health sector, you yourself are appropriate here - choose your happiest and most joyful photo, in which you are full of optimism and health. There is no need to place anything else in this zone; let all desires focus only on you.
  2. Below the yellow zone is a black zone (blue in some sources) , in which issues of work and career advancement will be concentrated. You can make a schedule of your ascent, post a photo of the office where you want to work, etc.
  3. In the upper left corner is the financial sector and everything connected with it. Place banknotes here (either photos or real ones), use Photoshop to depict yourself under streams of money rain, add money symbols. This sector should be made purple .
  4. The lower left corner is the zone in which desires related to obtaining knowledge, education, and wisdom. On a blue background (in some sources it is yellow, brown) of this sector, your honors diploma or certificate with honors, images of books, dictionaries, reference books or photographs of great scientists would be appropriate.
  5. The middle row on the left opens the family well-being zone , in which it would be correct to place either your family photo, in which you are happy, or those family photos that depict loving spouses (if you are just planning a family life). The color of family well-being is green .
  6. Give the upper right corner to the love zone . Place a photo of your significant other here or, if you are still looking, a detailed description of her. Add photos on the theme of love relationships, hearts, kisses - whatever you want. And, of course, the color of such a sector will be pink .
  7. In the white sector, located to the right of your photo in the same row, there is creativity and a children's theme. You can place here any pictures or items related to your hobby, or something you would like to learn. For example, if you want to learn how to knit, paste photographs with balls of thread and knitting needles or images of beautifully knitted things. In the same zone - children's happiness and well-being, let there be photographs of joyful happy children - yours or others, the main thing is that in the photographs they are cheerful and happy with life.
  8. Red is the color of fame and success, and this sector is located above your head, in the top row in the center. If you have any awards, medals, certificates, diplomas, place them here (can also be in the form of photographs). You can crown this area with an impromptu laurel wreath - a symbol of glory.
  9. The lower right corner is gray; it is an area associated with travel and the celestial forces that protect you. Icons, images of your saint, angels will also make your planned trips safe, which will be made possible by taking pictures of the places you want to visit.

Division into spheres

What can you write on a vision board?

Vision board

A vision board is a special tool for achieving goals, which serves as a reminder to a person of his goals and helps to keep images of a fulfilled desire in his head with the goal of its speedy implementation in reality. A vision board, also known as a vision board or a collage of desires, along with goal-achieving tools such as affirmations and meditation, turn out to be a surprisingly effective assistant on the path to success. Having already proven its effectiveness, the vision board is adding to the arsenal of personal development tools for more and more people from all over the world. It is important that creating a vision board, as well as its use, does not require large material costs from you, and the result often exceeds all expectations.

What's so special about a vision board? Why does it work so effectively? And how does it work? I will try to answer these and other questions about the vision board as accurately as possible in this article.

Have you already heard about such a concept as “visualization of desires”? In short, this is the practice of creating a vivid image of a fulfilled desire in your head with the goal of its speedy implementation in reality. Everything seems to be simple. However, in order for the desire to come true, it is extremely important to imagine it already fulfilled on a regular basis, preferably every morning and every evening. But the problem is that not all people manage to practice visualization without missing a single session. Ordinary laziness, forgetfulness, or distraction by other matters can become a hindrance. Well, the result of omissions in visualization practice is a sharp decrease in its effectiveness. This is where a vision board comes to the rescue.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collage or collection of pictures, photographs, drawings, newspaper and magazine clippings, placed in a small area in a visible place and depicting a person's desires and goals. The vision board can be any size and shape: large or small, square, round or triangular - as desired. The person’s main desire or dream is usually placed in the center of the vision board, and secondary desires are placed on the periphery. The purpose of a vision board is to remind you of your goals, and it is also an aid to the practice of visualizing desires. Regular work with a vision board helps a person quickly achieve his goals and fulfill his desires.

How to make a vision board?

What you will need to create a vision board:

  • 1. Magazines with bright pictures.
  • 2. Newspapers with large headlines.
  • 3. Own photographs of happy moments.
  • 4. Canvas or plywood, or a large piece of cardboard, or a large sheet of paper, or a magnetic board.
  • 5. Scissors, glue, buttons, magnets.
  • 6. Multi-colored felt-tip pens, markers.
  • 7. Decorative elements - bright ribbons, beads and so on.

Steps to creating a vision board:

Step one: Decide on a goal.

Without a specific goal for what you want to achieve, you will have a hard time creating a vision board that actually works. However, the goal can be either something specific or a general idea of ​​the life you want to live, with all those things or circumstances that you want to see around you.

Step two: Find suitable images.

Use newspaper and magazine clippings containing large captions and bright pictures that reflect your goals. Find your best photos, preferably a close-up photo of your face. It is advisable that the photograph is not associated with a specific event of the past, but that sincere joy is painted on your face.

Step Three: Place the Images on the Board

or a large canvas, or A1 or A2 paper, but do not glue them yet. In the center is either your main goal or a photo of you, surrounded by images of your main and secondary goals. It is advisable to divide the space of your board into several parts, each of which would correspond to goals from one or another area of ​​your life. The larger and more important the target, the closer to the center the corresponding image should be placed.

Step Four: Hang the board in a visible place.

So, you have placed the images on the board as you see fit, now secure them with glue or pins, and make the finishing touches in the form of bright inscriptions with felt-tip pens. Now place your vision board in a visible place. It is advisable that you can see your vision board several times a day so that it reminds you of your goals.

Tips for creating a vision board:

  • 1. Enjoy the process of creating a board. It starts working even when you just start doing it.
  • 2. Do your vision board while feeling good and in high spirits, it should be a positive experience.
  • 3. Don't worry about whether you can achieve your goal or that you don't yet have a clear picture of how you can achieve your goal, look at your vision board as one of the main steps towards realizing your dream.
  • 4. You can use buttons or magnets to change the images, or you can use glue to place new images on top of old ones as needed.
  • 5. You can create a vision board for your life in general, and you can create vision boards for each specific goal, regardless of its size.
  • 6. Use a large sketchbook with each page dedicated to creating a vision board for a specific purpose.
  • 7. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what exactly you want to achieve, collect as many magazine clippings as possible and choose those that most excite your soul.
  • 8. It is advisable that all the images that you place on the vision board make you feel a little excited and want to get there as quickly as possible.
  • 9. You can use your photos as an additional motivating factor, for example, why not place your cut-out photo next to a picture of your dream car or house?
  • 10. Place your vision board in a place where you can see it several times a day, but where other people can't see it if it might bother you.
  • 11. Do not pass by the vision board, stop and take a couple of minutes to visualize images of such situations, as if you have already accomplished what is shown on the board.
  • 12. Improve your board - change the photos to new and brighter ones, make additions and changes as you implement certain aspects.

You will find more tips on creating a vision board on other pages of our site.

How does a vision board work?

A vision board with bright pictures of a dream come true or a wish fulfilled, placed in a prominent place, reminds you of your goals and motivates you to take action, including the practice of visualization. So, whenever you pass by a vision board, it forces you to pay attention to it and reminds you of what you are striving for. Of course, in order for the vision board to bring you closer to your goal, you need to work with it, and work on a regular basis. The results of working with a vision board come through motivating you to take action and directly influencing reality through the law of attraction.

How to use a vision board?

Mount your vision board on the wall in front of your chair or sofa so that its center is at eye level when you sit. Sit comfortably, look at the vision board, consider each of its elements, starting with the central one - the most important desire. After a brief overview of your desires, alternately move your gaze from one image to another of your desires, starting with the images located on the periphery. Choose one desire, close your eyes and imagine your goal in your head as if it has already been achieved, feel how your body is filled with emotions when you imagine that you have already achieved your goal. Do this with each desire, and the closer the picture of your desire is to the center of your vision board, the more time you should spend on visualization. The greatest amount of time should be devoted to working with the central image.

Armed with such a tool for achieving goals as visualization of desires, you will help yourself get closer to your dreams and fulfill your deepest desires. But don't forget, no matter how powerful the mental technique is, you won't be able to achieve your goals if you don't put your own effort into it. Actions and more actions are what underlies success in any business. All the best to you and your wishes come true!

How to make a wealth vision board: ideas

  • A vision board that focuses on one area of ​​your life rather than several at once can work a little faster than a general one. This happens because your mental energy sends one message to the Universe that is more clearly formulated and has a specific focus.
  • So, in order for financial growth to begin, you should indicate the time frame by which you see your dream fulfilled - this can be several days, if the amount is not very significant, or months.
  • You need money not just to be in your wallet, but to purchase something. So visualize what you want to purchase in the form of photographs, pictures, advertising brochures , etc. As an option, take your photographs and make a collage, depicting yourself against the background of the desired purchase, with money in your hands - the list is very wide. Don’t be shy to “swing it” - the more detailed and brighter the financial vision board is, the more it will work for success.

Wealth sector

  • Money on such a wish card is simply necessary. Attach several paper bills, scattering them picturesquely throughout the wealth sector. You can add a banknote to each image or group them into a “stack” - it all depends on your imagination. You can also attach coins.
  • That's it, your board is ready to work - all you have to do is hang it up (experts recommend doing this above the head of your own bed, then the active work of the card will be “round the clock”) and every evening touch the vision board with your left hand, mentally saying how you attract money to yourself .
  • A good place to place a wish card is also your office or your workplace - so, in addition to money, the card will also contribute to career success.

Why do you need a vision board?

All people live on desires. Desires are our engine, they are the basis of our life. In order to use this engine correctly, you need to have goals. It is very important to correctly and clearly define your life goals that you intend to strive for. A person’s perception of the world is based on the work of his senses: for us, only what we can touch, feel, see, etc. is real.

Goals in our head, even if they exist there in a formed state, continue to remain something distant and unreal for us, we do not see or feel them. And over time, goals are forgotten, transformed and disappear...

The map of desires helps a person to see his goals, feel them, feel their reality, say to himself: “So here it is, just want it and extend your hand!” All you need is a piece of whatman paper or a sheet of cardboard and images of your goals.

Want a cool phone? Cut out his picture and hang it on your vision board! Do you want an expensive car? No problem - do the same with the image of your dream car! Do this with everything you want and strive for: a new apartment, a million dollars, expensive jewelry with diamonds, a vacation in Indonesia, a model girlfriend, etc. and so on. Don’t be afraid - everything is real, be bolder in your desires, the possibilities of the Universe and its generosity are limitless - this has been proven by hundreds of thousands of successful people. Feel free to achieve your goals!

Place your vision board so that it is always in your sight. Thus, your goals will constantly be in the focus of your attention, you will launch the mechanisms for their implementation on a subconscious level. What kind of mechanisms these are – you should not worry, the main thing is to believe in the reality that all this will come true soon! This works 100% - all successful people talk about how this simple tool has helped them in their lives.

Friends, don’t you have your own wish card yet? Then create a relaxing atmosphere and quickly switch to the DREAMSBOARD online service, and in the meantime I’ll tell you how to use it.

Wealth wish list

On the vision board, you can write down any material benefits that you strive for. As you fulfill one or another desire, adjust your wish list by removing completed items from it and adding new ones.

We attract money

Examples of desires that can be put on a vision board:

  1. I am a rich and wealthy person.
  2. I have everything I want.
  3. I am the owner of an apartment, a car, a summer house, and my own yacht.
  4. I have a monthly income of one million rubles.
  5. I can afford to buy things from the world's most famous brands.
  6. My iPhone and laptop are the latest models.
  7. My house is furnished with designer furniture.
  8. My apartment has expensive modern renovations.
  9. My refrigerator contains healthy, tasty and high-quality products.
  10. My income is increasing every day.
  11. An additional 50 thousand rubles are added to my regular income of a million rubles.
  12. My bank account is 5 million rubles.
  13. I am living the life I dreamed of.
  14. I am a financially independent person.
  15. I have a red Toyota car.
  16. My car is in perfect condition.
  17. My family and I enjoy traveling in our car.
  18. I am the owner of a luxurious three-room apartment in an ecologically clean area of ​​the city.
  19. There are always dozens of large bills in my wallet.
  20. I am happy that my wishes are fulfilled quickly and completely.

Vision board of desires. Option 1

Take paper of any size, depending on how many wishes you have accumulated. Photographs are often used for visualization. Therefore, turn to the Internet and collect the most vivid photographs of the things you dream of. The next step should be your imagination. You can choose any background for your Whatman paper, decorate your dreams with your favorite colors and shades. Use accessories - buttons, rhinestones, stickers. Absolutely anything can be used - old wallpaper, cans of spray paint, dried flowers, unnecessary decorations, even cosmetics, if your imagination so desires.

Place everything on the board as you see fit, in any order you like. You can number or label, choose primary and secondary goals.

How to make a vision board of wishes for love, marriage, family: ideas

  • A visualization map of desires that relate to relationships, family, feelings and other romance can be made either as part of a general map according to the Feng Shui scheme, divided into 9 sectors, or as a separate one. Its design depends on what goal a person sets for himself: to find his soulmate, maintain existing relationships, make family life happier , etc. Depending on what exactly you are striving for, you should select attributes and images.
  • Neutral hearts, kissing lips, doves and Cupid's arrows will be appropriate as an artistic decoration of your desire in any case, but you should work carefully and thoughtfully with photographs - you cannot just thoughtlessly put any photographs you like on the wishboard.
  • Firstly, it is better to avoid photographs of people you do not know, even if they suit you in composition and subject matter. You don’t know what kind of person was captured in the photo in a magazine or on the Internet - what if his family life began to crack? Or maybe he is generally homosexual, and looking at him, do you imagine your future husband and father of your child like that?
  • Therefore, it is better to use photographs of those people about whom you know for sure that their family life is happy and worthy of imitation. Most often, these are celebrities whose personal lives are under the radar of cameras, or your personal friends and acquaintances, and for some, their own significant other.
  • It is better to ask your acquaintances for their consent to place a photo on your vision board as an example to follow, because perhaps he is not as concerned about the sector of relationships as, say, financial, and you will thereby interfere with his own plans and aspirations.

Visualize the relationship you want

  • To see your existing family even stronger and happier, take a family photo. It’s good if you manage to gather more distant relatives for this - such a photo can be taken during the anniversary, wedding or other significant date of one of the family members, when as many relatives come together. Don't forget about the older generation - moms, dads, grandparents should also be with you. And, by the way, if you have pets , let them be with you too, animals bring joy and kindness to your home and family, teach them to care and be responsible for others.

Vision board: how to do it yourself

In order to make your own board you will need:

  1. The board itself (or plywood, thick cardboard, etc.), whatman paper, or a poster;
  2. Stationery knife or scissors;
  3. Paper glue;
  4. Everything from where you will take pictures for the board - magazines, newspapers, postcards, or photographs or pictures printed from the Internet.

And the most crucial moment is psychological. Before making a board, you need to think about everything in detail.

Determine down to the smallest detail what you want to have in your life. There is no need to be modest about this. Don't limit yourself, give free rein to your imagination and let in your wildest dreams.

Once you decide, start looking for it in newspapers, magazines or the Internet. Cut out all expressions and phrases related to your dreams. For example, “luck”, “prosperity”, “love”, “family”, etc.

It is better if you find the most catchy and colorful letters. If you find a picture or image of your dream, also glue it onto your poster or pin it with a needle or colored pin.

In addition to pictures from the Internet or magazines, you can take your own pictures.

For example, you want to look like you did ten years ago - without thinking, attach a photo of yourself from 10 years ago.

Or, for example, you would like to move to live in another country or city and you have a photo of yourself in your favorite place, then, of course, such a picture will have a much more effective impact on your subconscious than an ordinary photo from the Internet.

After making your vision board, place it in a convenient place where you are. And it is not at all necessary that everyone can admire her.

But if she doesn’t catch your eye all the time, then the main thing is not to forget about her existence and approach her more often.

Gradually, your plans and dreams will come true, and more and more new desires will appear. Change your board according to changes in your life. Remove from it what has already been achieved or has become irrelevant and place what is most necessary for you at the moment.

Wish list for love, marriage, family

When compiling a wish list, remember the main rules: precise, concise and very specific wording that cannot be interpreted in two ways, and writing a wish in the form of an already accomplished event .

Formulate your requests accurately

So, let’s write an approximate list of affirmations on the desire visualization board:

  1. I found the man of my dreams.
  2. I'm married to the perfect man.
  3. My heart is open to love.
  4. Love brings me joy.
  5. My lover appreciates me and my attitude towards him.
  6. I'm happy in our relationship.
  7. I am worthy of love.
  8. The basis of our union is respect and love.
  9. Our relationship never ceases to be passionate.
  10. All men pay attention and interested glances to me.
  11. I feel ready to start a new relationship.
  12. There is a worthy man in my life.
  13. My life is full of love and romance.
  14. We are the perfect couple.
  15. I feel ready for marriage.
  16. The man I love proposes to me.
  17. I sign the marriage certificate with my beloved.
  18. Happiness and harmony reign in our marriage.
  19. I am the happiest woman in the world.
  20. My family life is filled with happiness and joy.

How to make a vision board of desires for slimness, weight loss: ideas

  • Making a vision board of your desire to become slimmer is also possible. The main thing is that your desire to improve your physical shape is sincere, coming from you, and not at the behest of fashion, which dictates the priority of thinness, and not at the advice of friends, which can often be dictated by elementary envy. Only when you yourself have decided that you will look better this way can you start working on your wish map.
  • You can visualize your desire with a ready-made picture from a magazine or from the Internet, which depicts the figure that you would like to have. You can cut out your own face and glue it to such a figurine. But it’s best to depict it yourself. Even if you cannot draw yourself, you can draw a symbol in which you put the concept of harmony - a poplar, a birch tree or even an abstraction, the main thing is that for you it means exactly this concept. This will make it easier for your subconscious to perceive the installation.

Select pictures of people losing weight and being slim

  • Write your achieved goal on the map. This “spell” can (and even should) be repeated out loud every day. And no “I want to become slim” or “I will become slim” - only the present, already accomplished time. You can place your board on the refrigerator so that it acts as an additional incentive not to look into it again. But if you are not sure that your family members will not start making fun of you, then it is better to choose a place for the vision board that is closed to prying eyes.
  • Now it's up to you and your sincere desire to lose weight. And the card will support you and help you achieve results.

What types of vision boards are there?

The classic version is the wall newspaper format, when you cut out pictures from magazines, paste them on a large sheet of whatman paper, sign them with specific details about the time and place of sale, outline them with colored felt-tip pens, and so on. Women, especially former excellent students, are primarily prone to such actions. To other people it seems like something difficult and boring, but this is not a reason not to do anything at all.

Young people and creative people love to cover everything they can with pictures that they like. A room, a table, a laptop, a notepad, a bag, a car, and the like. If you stick exactly what you want to make a reality, then here is a wonderful vision board.

There is an option to use virtual surfaces. Screensaver, computer desktop, screensaver on a phone or tablet, personal account in Google, and so on. It is very easy and simple to do, and such a board is always in front of your eyes.

Wish list for slimness, weight loss

You have visualized your desire to become thin. How to correctly make a wish list and put them on a wish board so that they come true? You should still be guided by the same principle: what you want has already happened.

  1. My weight is ideal and is 55 kg.
  2. My body is slim and toned.
  3. My stomach became flat.
  4. The magnetism of beauty and positivity emanates from me.
  5. I like my body.
  6. I'm happy that my waist has become thin.
  7. My extra pounds are disappearing quickly.
  8. It's easy for me to keep myself at my ideal weight.
  9. I'm getting slimmer day by day.
  10. My figure is just perfect.
  11. I rejoice looking at my slender figure.
  12. My weight loss is safe for my health.
  13. I got rid of three extra pounds in the hip area.
  14. I enjoy physical exercise.
  15. I'm getting the right amount of calories.
  16. I like diet food.
  17. I take healthy food at the right time.
  18. I made a decision to lose weight and am sticking to it.
  19. I am pleased with my weight loss results.
  20. I enjoy life and my successes.

How to depict yourself as slim on a vision board?

  • If you are making a Feng Shui vision board , then the desire for slimness is best placed in the health sector, because a slim figure is one of its indicators.

Picture yourself as slim, you can glue your face to this picture

  • The simplest, and at the same time quite effective way is to find an image of the figure that you would like to have and paste it into this sector. If you are confident in your desire to become slimmer and are ready to take action to achieve it, add a caption: “I regularly go to the gym and am achieving more and more success.”
  • You can enhance the realism of the image by pasting your own face onto the ideal figure; an even more effective addition will be the signature “my ideal figure” .
  • And finally, if you have a rich imagination, you can put on your vision board an image of something that you associate with being thin: a mountain fallow deer, a chamois, a panther. And sign accordingly: “I am graceful and slender, like a panther.”

Choosing the right place for your vision board

Of course, the best places will be the most visited places. This could be the door to the bathroom, your refrigerator, your workspace in the office or at home.

Girls can use the corner for “cosmetic procedures” for this purpose. A mirror in the hallway is also great.

Look at your board in the morning before going to work, it will be very useful and will additionally motivate you to implement your plans. And at the end of the day, after finishing work, look at your poster.

It is likely that on this day you will achieve something planned or put something new on the board.

In addition, another great place for a poster is in the bedroom near the bed. Place a vision board near your head and when you wake up you will see your dreams.

It will be very helpful to review what is pinned to the board every morning. Gradually, this information will be fixed in the subconscious, and your plans will no longer be perceived as unrealistic, because your brain will get used to them.

Very soon, they will be a guideline for you, the implementation of which you will not doubt. This will speed up bringing your desires into life.

How to make a vision board of wishes for health, healing: ideas

  • As in the previous case, the most suitable place for such desires will be the health sector on the Feng Shui wish map or a separate map on which you depict your healthy appearance and all the components that contribute to this: sports, diet, recovery , etc. d.

You can simply use a photo of you happy and healthy on your vision board. You can use a method that enhances the effect: in this “happy” photo, in the place where you feel health problems, place a circle shining with bright light, implying outgoing energy and thereby demonstrating that this organ is healthy.

  • You can place several photos in a circle in which you are in a great mood, happy with life, feeling good and smiling. And in the center of this circle, place a picture depicting the organ that worries you, circle its contours in green (the color of health) and draw an arrow from it to your body, to the place where it is located. All that remains is to sign your wish and send it to the Cosmos.

Get healthy

  • You should sign, remembering the basic rules: everything has already happened and there are no denials. For example, if you are worried about your pancreas, you can formulate your desire as follows: “My pancreas is completely healthy,” “I am healthy and happy with the way my pancreas is working,” “My tests are excellent,” etc.
  • After such visualization, the course of treatment should be continued with even greater optimism, and your efforts will certainly be crowned with success, because you will complement the treatment with a charge of vigor and positivity.

Vision board of desires: how to do it right

There are several ways to create a vision board. They differ from each other, but it cannot be said that some of them are correct and some are not, that a treasure map created in one way definitely helps, but another method does not work. How many people, so many opinions. Choose the method of creating a vision board that you like best, rely on your intuition and preferences.

Feng Shui wish card - this card is not directly related to Feng Shui, it is rather a mixture of Feng Shui and positive thinking. The Feng Shui wish map is divided into nine equal parts in accordance with the Ba Gua octagon. These nine sectors represent the most important aspects in the life of every person - Health, Love and Marriage, Children and Creativity, Family, Fame, Wealth, Wisdom and Knowledge, Career, Helpers and Travel. According to this division, a specific desire or several desires are recorded in each sector. Such a card is quite static, that is, you can change the desire on it, but it is not recommended to do this often. It is also advised from time to time, for example, after a year or several years, to create a new wish card, transferring from the old one the wishes that have not yet come true (of course, if they are still relevant to you) and writing out new ones in return for the ones that have come true. You can read more about the Feng Shui wish map here.

Vision board of desires - on whatman paper or a smaller piece of paper around your photograph, you paste pictures and photographs depicting your desires, for example, an image of a luxury apartment in the center of Moscow or an expensive car. You can use your imagination and, for a better effect, use Photoshop to place your image next to it or paste it manually. This way you will perceive your apartment or car not just as separate from you, but as your property, which you happily own.

A goal board is a psychological visualization board of desires, where a sheet of paper is divided into three parts, into which you place all the desires and goals that you would like to achieve in one year, three years and five years. The peculiarity of such a goal board is the establishment of specific time frames, whereas in other wish and treasure cards the frames are more blurred or are absent altogether.

DIY treasure map: main aspects

  • The pictures and images that you use when drawing up a treasure map should evoke only pleasant emotions and should please you. Also, only use photos of yourself in which you radiate happiness and joy.
  • A wish card can be created either manually on a sheet of paper or in the form of an electronic collage. You can make an electronic wish card the background image of your desktop on your computer and look at it every day.
  • The most favorable time to create a vision board is considered to be the time when the moon is waxing. Another important factor in the success of a treasure map is the mood in which you create your collage: you need to take on creativity with inspiration and faith in success.
  • Try to visualize your desires, but don't get hung up on them.
  • It is best to store such treasure maps away from prying eyes, for example, in a bedroom or closet. But remember that the card must be taken out of the cabinet from time to time, and you should not store the card face down.

In one of the films there is a fragment in which a man says that he bought a house and, when moving, found his old wish card, which he had long forgotten about. Imagine his surprise when on the map he saw a photograph of the very house that he had recently purchased and was moving into. I don’t know whether such a case really happened or whether it was the author’s imagination, but in life such miracles associated with a wish map definitely happen. Many have already tried the power of this technique on themselves. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires and the realization of your dreams.

Happy Feng Shui to you!

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Wish list for health, healing

In addition to the health wish statements mentioned above, you can supplement your list on your vision board with the following phrases:

  1. My body is full of energy and vigor.
  2. I lead an active lifestyle.
  3. My health and well-being are in excellent shape.
  4. I feel great.
  5. I like my physical form.
  6. All my organs are working wonderfully.
  7. I feel great at any time of the day.
  8. It's easy for me to breathe.
  9. I am healthy physically and mentally.
  10. Every cell of my body has energy and health.
  11. I feel better every day.
  12. I eat nutritious, healthy food.
  13. I have high immunity.
  14. My vital energy is increasing.
  15. I'm positive.
  16. I love life.
  17. I deserve health.
  18. My health is always with me.
  19. My life is harmonious.
  20. My heart beats smoothly and rhythmically.

Vision board: where to hang it?

  • If you're creating a large wish map, the question arises: where is the best place to place it? The board should hang, and not lie on the closet or under the bed, then its impact will be maximum.
  • According to the rules of Feng Shui, traditionally the most successful places to place a vision board are the eastern and southeastern directions.
  • If we talk about rooms, it is best to place a vision board in the living room, office or bedroom, above the bed, so that when you wake up, you can immediately refer to it. But it is not recommended to hang a map on the wall behind which the bathroom is located (as well as directly in the toilet or bathroom) - the energy there does not contribute to the normal functioning of the vision board.

Hang your vision board so that you can interact with it as often as possible.

  • A kitchen or hallway can be a suitable place for a wish card , but only if they themselves are well located and have a layout in which the card will not be exposed to greasy splashes, dust, splashes, etc. And there’s definitely no place for a vision board on a window or in a closet with unnecessary things.
  • Most often, it is recommended not to hang the vision board in an open place where it is accessible to prying eyes. Some even recommend buying an easel and putting a wish card on it, closing it when there are strangers in the house.
  • It is best if only you or, at least, your closest people see the map. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t talk about your dream until it comes true.

Magical Vision Boards: Neuroscience Explains How Visualization Works

What do Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Katy Perry, Beyoncé and Ellen DeGeneres have in common? They are all fans of vision boards. Let’s figure out what the point is and whether a collage of pictures can really bring us closer to our cherished goal.

What are wish cards for?

Tara Swart, a PhD in neuroscience and a former psychiatrist, is now in great demand among famous entrepreneurs. Tara Swart's clients include top management at LinkedIn, Samsung, Sony, SAB Miller and Stanford Business School. All of these people hire her when starting a new project and making important decisions - Swart helps people clarify their goals and find motivation to achieve them. She has many different methods in her arsenal for making plans and working on setting the right goals. One of them is the so-called “vision board”. A vision card or vision board is essentially a collage of inspirational pictures, quotes, and objects related to a person's goals.

Doesn't sound very convincing? Swart says there are scientific explanations for the effectiveness of vision boards. The main thing is to understand how to compile and use them correctly. By the way, Swart herself prefers the phrase “action boards” to emphasize the realistic implementation of her goals.

1. Pictures are easier to remember than words

Swart argues that our brains tend to assign higher value to images than to words. And the more you look at the pictures, the more valuable they become to you. So a collage will probably work better than a regular to-do list.

If you look at the pictures every night before going to bed, the images will be remembered even better. When falling asleep, there is a chance that your brain will draw you into a fantasy based on your aspirations and images from your wish/action board.

2. Visualization works like a placebo.

We look at the picture and imagine how we would feel if we were in the conditions depicted. This is similar to the placebo principle: the more willingly a person believes in the usefulness of the “medicine”, the more likely it will have a positive effect. According to Swart, for the brain there is no fundamental difference between fantasy and actual experience.

However, notes Tara Swart, it is important to visualize not only the moment of achieving what you want, but also the process of working towards your goal. For example, a group of researchers found that if a person imagines himself doing physical exercise, his muscles actually get into better physical shape more quickly. At the same time, if you focus only on dreams of results, a person is more likely to lose passion for achieving the goal in reality.

3. The board helps cope with the fear of new things.

Swart recommends: Place your vision board where you can see it at all times. By looking at images of your ideal plan for the future day by day, you will gradually get rid of the fear of the unknown. Because you will simply get used to what is depicted. Of course, the vision board itself will not make your plans come true - you will have to work hard for this, but it will save you from unnecessary stress. Plans will no longer seem unattainable to you, and you will be ready to begin implementing them with much greater calm.

When wish cards don't work

1. When you only have pictures and no action plan

If anything, a vision board can help you get motivated, but to get your idea off the ground, you need a strategy. A board is not a substitute for an action list. Just like positive thinking will not work in isolation from real achievements.

2. When your board doesn't change for months

If you don't want to get confused about your desires, don't try to fit all your ideas into a collage. It's best to focus on your goals for the next 12 weeks. This is a period in which you are unlikely to be able to fit your very dizzying dreams. Although you can get a lot done in this time, your board will not look like an illustration from a blockbuster and embarrass you with its ambition.

Are 12 weeks coming to an end? Great, now you can freshen up your action board.

3. When you set yourself impossible goals

Do you feel the difference between the phrases “I will earn a million rubles in 12 weeks” and “I will contact 30 influential people in my field in 12 weeks”? Earning money depends much less on your capabilities and efforts than building competent communications and partnerships. Try to formulate not the desired results, but set yourself achievable and workable goals - those that depend on the efforts you put in.

My wish board, what came true: reviews

  • Ksenia, Chita: I usually set my plans for the year. Well, to increase confidence I make a visualization map. I don’t know what works, the map or the reality of my goals, but everything planned is coming true.
  • Sergey, Belgorod: My first card didn’t work. Then they suggested to me that my desires were too general and not specific. Therefore, I made the next map very detailed, describing exactly the brand of car I want to buy, its color, in general, all the parameters. I bought it a year later!
  • Anna, Yekaterinburg: My vision board worked halfway. And I noticed that those points for which I myself worked harder came true - I made repairs, became slimmer (although, perhaps, just as a result of physical work during the repairs?). But the trip could not be carried out, there was not enough money. Now I’m making the next map, I’ll try to set realistic goals.
  • Svetlana, Sochi: I was just going to make a vision board - I wanted to get married and go to India as a honeymoon. I picked out the appropriate pictures, but didn’t paste them. But the wedding took place anyway, and we visited India. So it’s not about the board, it’s about us and our perseverance.
  • Victoria, Orenburg: My children and I have a wish board that is a map of acquisitions on which we build our desires like a ladder, from the simplest ones like ice cream to a bicycle or roller skates. Simple ones, of course, come true faster, but the eldest son already has a bicycle. And the children learn to plan, and the map works.

We advise you to read interesting articles on the topic:

  • Why you can’t give handkerchiefs for your head or neck
  • How to understand that damage has been removed from a person, what is happening
  • When is the best time to count money so that it can be counted?
  • Putting on clothes or things accidentally inside out or backwards
  • Why you can’t keep money in your bedroom, things, or an envelope

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