The attitude of the Orthodox Church to curses: opinion and methods of struggle

Curses are spells that can be verbal, but are often accompanied by some kind of witchcraft ritual. The purpose of the curse is to harm: to bring upon a person troubles, illnesses, property troubles, problems in his personal life. A curse can be cast accidentally, in a fit of anger, or it can be cast with malicious intent.

It is difficult to say what the strength of the curse depends on: whether it will come true or not. Perhaps it depends on the strength of one person’s hatred for another, or perhaps on whether the curser is endowed with magical powers, whether the cursed person believes that the curse will come true. After all, we attract into our lives what we sincerely believe in...

Imposing Curses: Historical Roots

For modern people, curses are something from the realm of black magic and fantasy; few people now believe in the possibility of casting curses, except perhaps psychics. However, history has many examples when curses imposed came true.

For example, a group of rock climbers who found the corpse of an ancient man in a rock in the 90s, removed the body from the rocks and examined it, soon died one after another under various circumstances. Probably, people disturbed some evil spirit who did not want to be taken out of the ground and become public knowledge.

Another interesting example from history. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin ordered the opening of the grave of Tamerlane, the famous ancient conqueror. On Tamerlane’s grave there was a curse written: “Whoever disturbs my grave will soon be attacked by a powerful enemy.” And the result was not long in coming: the war began, the cruel and strong troops of Adolf Hitler attacked the country.

History has many examples of terrible curses that have come true, so it is better not to joke with words.

What is a curse

A curse is a densely concentrated mental energy sent by a strong emotion. It destroys the weakened aura and is introduced into the body along with the dissonance that arises from the vibration of sound. This expression is used too often in one's life and pushes the non-believer away from connecting with the Merciful Protector.

A true believer does not acknowledge or pronounce curses

If the belief in “curses” is ingrained in the mind, people experience physical or mental suffering that may not end even after death.

In the Bible, God cursed Eve, Cain the fratricide, and all those who slandered Abraham. Curse meant deprivation of the Lord's blessing and condemnation to long suffering . Anyone who violates God’s commandments is subject to appropriate punishment, for only the Creator knows how to correct His child who succumbs to the madness of unbelief.

The coming of the Messiah changed the attitude towards evil. The Son of God wanted people to become true sons of the Most High, the Savior sought to cultivate in people love for enemies, slanderous envious people, and unbelievers, for rain is sent for everyone without exception. The Apostle James said: the tongue is difficult to tame; it blesses and curses. Christ atoned for all past sins that resulted from the interaction of weak will and satanic cunning.

Important! Those who are lucky enough to enter the Kingdom of God will not find curses, condemnations and sin there. Next to the Lord there is only the bliss of true knowledge.

Household curses

These are evil words that are shouted out during a quarrel, usually in the heat of the moment, but the curser puts a large dose of negative energy into them: “Go to hell!”, “May you be empty!” — the wording is enough. However, only people with weak energy, anxious, and fearful people are subject to household curses. Children or elderly people often suffer the consequences.

How to remove a household curse?

There are many ways to lift a curse: you can turn to a clairvoyant, you can go to church and pray for your sins and for the sins of your loved ones. There are ways to remove the curse yourself, but there is no guarantee that you will do everything correctly and that the method will work.

What is God's curse?

St. Philaret of Moscow (Catechism) gives the following definition of curse: “Curse is the condemnation of sin by the righteous judgment of God.” Following the Fall, the first people were expelled from paradise and man was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with God. “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5), therefore nothing dark, sinful, or evil can be in the presence of God or be in communion with Him. For this reason, God removes man from Himself. Thus, the curse is expressed primarily in man’s alienation from God as the Source of life.

The curse has existed since the very beginning (Gen. 3:14,17), but it arose even earlier and is always opposed by blessing (Gen. 1:22,28). A curse is like a negative echo of a blessing.

Divine curse should not be understood as rage, irritation of God, because... God is all-good and all-pleasant, such expressions in the Bible should be considered as anthropomorphisms. Also, the biblical episode of the “curse of the fig tree” (Matthew 21:12–22) should be understood allegorically: everything that does not bear spiritual fruit is disgusting to God.

Parental curses

They are much stronger than everyday ones, since members of the same family are energetically defenseless from each other: the likelihood of such a curse being carried out is much higher than a curse thrown in a quarrel with a stranger.

Generic curses are a very terrible thing, because they are strong, their strength can be reflected in future generations, bringing terrible consequences: celibacy, the inability to bear and give birth to a healthy child, alcoholism and other diseases. Such curses can take effect after several generations, in which case innocent people do not understand at all why misfortunes befall them or how to save themselves from it.

It’s hard to believe that a mother or father can ruin the life of their child and even their grandchildren and great-grandchildren with one careless phrase thrown rashly, in a fit of anger... However, there are many examples of how such curses have come true...

If the father cursed, this is indicated by the inability to earn good money and self-realization. A woman cursed by her own father can remain lonely for a long time, in the worst case, become a “Black Widow.”

With a maternal curse, a woman may be infertile, she looks and behaves rudely, like a man. If the curse falls on the son, then he loses his intuition, caution, gets into accidents and other troubles.

How to remove a parental curse?

Religion, forgiveness, fasting, and attending church services will help you do this. The one who curses must sincerely repent of what he has done, pray to the Almighty for forgiveness, and the one being cursed must forgive all insults to the parent.

Ancestral curses

This occult concept is especially common in the practice of specific false teachings. Healers and magicians offer special techniques for getting rid of “hereditary curses.” The guilt of parents may result in divine punishment up to the seventh generation. Often the secret sins of fathers and mothers develop into obvious ones in the lives of their children.

The Orthodox Church criticizes the doctrine of generational curses

“Benecal curses” are carefully packaged occult teachings that are often given Christian authority. However, the Church criticizes such knowledge, calling it a myth and distorting the essence of Jesus’ descent to earth.

  1. The Bible nowhere speaks of a curse that comes immediately after birth. Suffering reaches only those who hate the Supreme Father.
  2. If the Lord forces a person to bear his heaviest cross, who is able to remove this yoke except the Creator himself? Magicians and healers cynically and blasphemously deceive people, showing that they can get rid of “ancestral curses” (which do not exist).
  3. Punishment of children for the transgression of their fathers rests only with unbelievers who are brought up in depravity. Sons who truly revere the Church are under the protection of the Heavenly Creator and cannot be infected with any “curses.”

So, Orthodox people need to believe only in orthodox Christianity and recognize the Omnipotence of God, getting rid of the darkness of ignorance that is spread by numerous false teachings.

Important! There are no so-called “curses”, evil eyes or damage, and one should not participate in magical rituals. A person is obliged to put this concept aside and give praise to the One who sends punishments to unbelievers for the sake of their correction.

Church curses

In religion there is such a thing as anathema - excommunication from the church. This is a kind of church curse, it is given for serious sins, betrayal of one’s religion and acts for several generations in advance. A person who violates God's commandments is punished by many years of suffering and hardship.

The very imposition of curses on someone, especially deliberately, is considered a serious sin in the church.

A sinner needs to atone for his sins, try to lead a righteous life, and steadfastly accept the suffering sent to him from above.

History of curses in Christianity

The clergy say: it is necessary to remember that everything that happens - both joy and sadness - is the action of God's Providence, and not the will of other people or some coincidence of circumstances. Therefore, if a person had to suffer because of a “curse”, there is no need to feel doomed.

The Lord gives such tests in order to cleanse former sins and admonish a person to repentance and humility.

  • The Book of Genesis speaks of the expulsion of the first people from the earthly paradise as punishment for obedience. From now on, the wife had to give birth to children in torment and be a servant of her husband, and the husband Adam became the one who infected the offspring with the sin of depravity and drank the full cup of labor thorns and the knowledge of his death.

    Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise

  • Expulsion from heaven is a consequence of the fact that a person exchanged communication with the Lord for the imaginary power of individual possession of some temporary wealth. The Almighty made it clear that those who chose selfishness do not live with Him.
  • In the Book of the Old Testament, people are always the initiators of God's curse, that is, life without the Creator. The merciful Lord gave the right to choose; an erroneous decision leads the soul to suffering. However, man has no power over the lives of those like himself.
  • The New Testament says nothing about curses resulting from harmful witchcraft. Christ performed miraculous healings and cast out demons, but never removed the “evil eye” or “damage.” The Savior did not call for fear of “witchcraft” and “spells,” which are still known to the history of mankind. The great teacher instructed to live righteously, which brings deliverance from real evil - sinfulness, which is individual weakness.
  • Christ asserted: faith and prayers bring true salvation, deviation from these canons leads to condemnation, accompanied by serious illnesses of the body and mind. No “curses” will harm a true Christian who has completely given his heart to the glory of the Great Creator, the Creator of all destiny.

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The highest church punishment for schismatics, heresy and betrayal of religion is anathema (excommunication). Its influence extends to the person who has committed a grave sin and to the entire future generation. The anathema was accompanied by a “curse of the psalms,” which could destroy the body and property. This rite was performed by seven priests and was accompanied by specific actions. Liberation from anathema took place in a similar way, but with different attributes.

What is the peculiarity of a curse arising from a person?

While the curse of God is always accompanied by the action of judgment, the curse proclaimed by man is not always so.

This is due to the fact that a person is not so powerful that any of his will becomes effective. The inevitable effectiveness of the curse can only be ensured by the Almighty Lord.

Thus, when He pronounced condemnation against the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle and above all the beasts of the field; You will go on your belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life” (Gen. 3:14), the effect of the judgment was not long in coming.

The curse spoken by Noah against Canaan - “Cursed is Canaan; he will be a servant of servants to his brothers” (Gen. 9:25) - this also did not go without consequences and was implemented within the framework of Divine Providence. Why did God respond to him? The fact is that this curse corresponded to the principles of the Supreme Divine Truth: “Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord carelessly” (Jer. 48:10); “Cursed be he who curses his father or his mother!” (Deut.27:16).

On the same basis, curses proclaimed by Old Testament priests who acted strictly within the framework of Divine institutions could also become effective, for example: “then let the priest curse the wife with the oath of the curse and say to the priest to the wife: May the Lord give you over to the curse and oath of your people, and let him make The Lord makes your bosom fallen and your belly swollen” (Num. 5:21).

If a person curses someone contrary to God’s law, he himself breaks the law. In this case, the curse can turn on the head of the curser himself: “you are without excuse, every man who judges another, for by the same judgment with which you judge another you condemn yourself, because in judging another you do the same” (Rom. 2:1) .

Thus, God, knowing about the righteousness of Abraham, promised him that anyone who cursed him would be cursed: “I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you I will curse” (Gen. 12:3).

What is the meaning of Divine curses?

Unlike man, God never curses undeservedly or in vain. It is these aspects that must be taken into account first in order to understand the meaning and significance of God's curses.

One of the primary reasons for God to bring down a curse is the need for fair reward for the sinner (Ps. 109:17). In turn, retribution, or punishment, depending on the circumstances, can have different goals.

In addition to the immediate goal of restoring justice, as was, for example, the case with the punishment of the children who mocked Elisha (2 Kings 2:22-23), punishment can be imposed as an educational measure, encouraging the sinner to come to his senses and stop (2 Kings 22: 19).

Sometimes punishment can manifest itself in sending down on the sinner a serious illness or death. In this way, God can stop the presumptuous villain and put a limit to his excesses and atrocities.

It happens that a curse is (rightly) imposed on a wicked person in order to encourage other people to repent and obey. Moreover, at God’s discretion, such an impact can be intended and extended to the whole society. This is how we can explain some cases of God punishing sinners in the face of a huge crowd (Num. 16:33).

At the end of time a curse will come upon the face of the whole earth (Zech. 5:3). So the Lord will give people another chance to come to their senses. Unfortunately, many will not take advantage of it (Rev. 9:20–21).

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