Adam and Eve and the tempting serpent: did they know that they would sin?

On the 6th day, God created creatures that were supposed to live on land: cattle, snakes, and wild animals. But He had many other activities, and He created for Himself an assistant - man.

And just as God rules over the whole world, so man was to rule over the whole earth and all living creatures.

The Lord God created Adam from the dust of the earth, in His image and likeness, and breathed life into him, and after some time he created woman. And God blessed them with the words:

“Fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that walks and crawls on the earth.”

Serpent of Eden

The world, the ruler of which was man, according to medieval Kabbalists, arose on the ruins of the previous, lost world...

Fish in feathers

Recent research by paleontologists refutes the idea of ​​dinosaurs as primitive, sedentary and stupid creatures. In fact, like mammals, they had a four-chambered heart, were warm-blooded, and exhibited complex forms of social organization and behavior.

Unexpected evidence in favor of the intelligence of some types of dinosaurs is found in the story of the biblical “serpent” that tempted the ancestors of mankind in the Garden of Eden.

Divine Lizard

According to the Book of Genesis, as punishment for his transgression, the serpent was forced to “walk on his belly.” This means that until that moment he moved on four or at least two limbs, possibly vertically. So in its original form the biblical “serpent” appears as a dinosaur-like creature.

The serpent is not just a symbol of temptation that “spontaneously” arose in man. The temptation came from outside, from a being more intelligent than man himself, for this creature was able to seduce him: “The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had made” (Gen. 3:1). It is not surprising that Old Testament commentators describe the serpent as a creature with the gift of speech and superior mental abilities to other animals.

Convincing Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, the seducer will declare: “No, you will not die, but God knows that on the day that you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:4-5). And the lizard does not deceive the first parents: “And the Lord God said: Behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:22). The serpent has extraordinary knowledge of the secrets of the “gods” hidden from human eyes, and freely uses them at his own discretion.

Following biblical logic, the reason for the conflict was the very fact of the appearance of a human being who claimed dominion “over all the earth and all the creatures of the earth” (Gen. 1:26-28). After attempts to discredit Adam and Eve in the eyes of the Creator, the reptile is forced to give up its position to the descendants of the first humans.

Kaleidoscope of extinctions

The change from Mesozoic to Cenozoic biota occurred suddenly and very quickly by geological standards, which inevitably suggests a global catastrophe. The widely known asteroid hypothesis does not explain the surprising selectivity of the Great Dying. In addition, attempts to detect traces of asteroid impacts in zones corresponding to other major extinctions have not led to convincing results.

By the way, few people think about the fact that the beginning of the “era of dinosaurs” was laid by the previous largest Triassic-Jurassic extinction (200 million years ago). This disaster killed almost all the inhabitants of the planet. But for some reason, the global catastrophe not only spared the dinosaurs, but also provided them with a vast ecological niche, devoid of serious competitors. In just ten thousand years (a fraction of a second in geological terms), dinosaurs multiplied in extraordinary numbers. The reasons for such enormous changes remain a mystery to this day, just like the reasons for the Cretaceous-Paleogene pestilence. Standard explanations such as “global catastrophic volcanism” or marine regression that “dramatically reduced the area of ​​the main habitat of marine organisms” seem extremely far-fetched and unsubstantiated.

There is no guarantee that the precedent of dinosaurs as intelligent predecessors of humans was the first and only. The above-mentioned “mass extinctions” were preceded by at least three more total extinctions: the Permian (251 million years ago), the Devonian (364 million years ago) and the Ordovician-Silurian (440 million years ago). One can only guess what forms intelligent life could have taken in such distant eras. And most importantly, whose will again and again launched such a global redistribution of living matter.


Examples in history when a person was tempted by a “snake”

Adam and Eve were the first to succumb to temptation, but not the only ones. History knows many examples of a person being tempted by the “serpent,” but the “serpent” did not always succeed in his thoughts. The most striking example of the defeat of the Devil is the temptation of Christ during the 40-day fast after baptism, in the desert. The devil tried to seduce Christ with three deceptions (hunger, pride, faith), like any person. I hoped that the duality of Christ’s nature would not withstand the onslaught and temptation. Christ did not succumb to temptation, steadfastly withstood temptations, and found wise answers to all tricks. The devil stopped his futile attempts. Such vivid example shows that no matter how sweet the devil’s speeches are, you must firmly believe in the Lord and in your own strength, and not succumb to temptation.

Serpent-tempter in modern guise

The “tempter serpent” did not abandon his attempts to persuade humanity to sinful thoughts. Every day a person faces a choice in various situations. The Devil constantly tries to tempt people to commit sin. The Lord gave people freedom of choice, with original sin he showed the consequences that disobedience would be punished. Humanity did not heed him, does not think about the consequences of what he did. A person is tempted and deceived by his own lust, lust gives birth to sin, and sin gives birth to death.

It is important to be able to resist temptations and not “kill ” your faith in God.

What Jesus Said

“Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

What event that involved lying and killing from the beginning could Jesus be talking about?

Matthew Henry, an 18th century Bible interpreter, commented on this passage:

“He [Satan] is a great promoter of all kinds of lies. He is a liar, all his temptations come when he calls evil good and good evil, and promises freedom in sin.” 1

Ultimately, the serpent's efforts resulted in the death penalty, which was inflicted not only on Adam and Eve, but on the entire human race. Therefore, Jesus' word "murderer" certainly refers to the one who tempted Eve.

Thus, the act of the serpent is the act that Jesus attributes to “the devil” in John 8:44. Moreover, we know of no other recorded event in human history that fits this description of the devil better than the description of the temptation by the serpent in Genesis 3.

Another connection between the Genesis serpent and Satan is found in Revelation 12:9 and 20:2:

“And the great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

What did a person understand after eating the forbidden fruit, did he become smarter?

The serpent described the tree and fruits colorfully and temptingly, Adam and Eve looked at the tree with different eyes, felt the lust of the flesh (fruits for food), the lust of the eyes (pleasing to the eye). Instead of the previous thoughts about God, our heads became clouded with wishes and thoughts about the forbidden fruit.

After eating the fruit, the nakedness of Adam and Eve began to embarrass them, they could not appear before the Lord in this form, and they began to feel ashamed. The opportunity to get as close to God as possible deprived them of common sense. After what they had done, they fully realized that violating the ban would lead to inevitable retribution. Disobedience to the Father did not go unpunished; the Lord expelled people from the Garden of Eden.

Who was he - a snake?

“... the serpent is neither a figurative description of Satan nor Satan in the form of a serpent. The real serpent was a tool in the hands of Satan. This is evident from the description of this creeping creature in Genesis 3:1 and the curse placed on it in 3:14 [...thou shalt go upon thy belly, and shalt eat dust all the days of thy life].” 3

It is also clear that it is completely inappropriate to use euphemisms about the snake, for example, calling it “the personification of evil,” or considering the entire story to be “myth” and “theological poetry.” The Bible describes this story as a personal meeting between Eve and Satan, and this meeting is as real as the meeting of Christ and Satan in the desert.

God curses the serpent and punishes Adam and Eve

God was terribly angry and cursed the serpent, taking away his legs, and commanded him to crawl on his belly and eat dirt and dust. And God said that from now on endless hatred would begin between snakes and people.

He also came up with a cruel punishment for the woman. God said that Adam’s wife would give birth to children in severe torment and would obey her husband in everything.

Adam will work hard to get food for himself by cultivating the land. In exchange for the fruits of paradise, they will feed on the grass of the field. However, even this seemed to God not enough.

He also decided that because of their own disobedience, people would eventually die.

Satan speaking?

When Satan tempted Jesus, he did it with words. Jesus answered him and this conversation is recorded in both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13), although we are not told in either of these places which one Satan appeared on this occasion before Jesus.

Reformer Martin Luther (1483–1546).

In John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, the description of Christian's conversation and battle with Apollyon is not surprising to many Christians who have experienced this in their spiritual lives. It is said that Martin Luther considered the battle with Satan so real that Luther once threw an inkwell at him.

Regarding the temptation of Eve, Christian writer and commentator, D. Oswald Sanders, writes:

“It has been suggested that just as Balaam’s donkey speaking was a divine miracle, so the serpent’s speaking was a satanic miracle.” 4

Where did Satan come from?

God has chosen not to tell us much about the origin and apostasy of Satan. 5 We know from the Bible that he is the chief of the fallen angels (called demons or devils) and the greatest enemy of God and man (Job 1:6–12; 2:1–6; 1 Peter 5:8).

The fall of Satan was a consequence of his pride (1 Timothy 3:6), and we must understand that this event occurred after the sixth day of creation, when “...God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day” (Genesis 1:31), but before the fall of man, which is recorded in Genesis 3.

As for his real location, it is wrong to think of Satan as the “lord of Hell,” since the Bible says nothing of the kind. On the contrary, Jesus called him “the prince of peace” (John 12:31: 14:30; 16:11). The Bible also calls him “the god of this age” [or “this world”] (2 Corinthians 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2). The Bible tells how he “walked on the earth and walked around it” (Job 2:2; 1 Peter 5:8), as well as his activities in “the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:11–12).

The main snake of eden what is it

Serpent-tempter: how did he get to Eden?

Scientists who study the Bible cannot yet understand exactly where the Tempting Serpent came from in Eden. Various sources testify to Satan's original habitat on Earth.

We all remember the famous biblical story about the temptation of Eve. The serpent is a character symbolizing the devil, the messenger of all evil and negative. Researchers from different countries who studied ancient chronicle sources found references to the expulsion of the Dragon and his fans from the Heavenly World to Earth. It is believed that Satan was removed from the highest realms after Jesus was ascended.

The creators of the book “Genesis” first mentioned the Serpent. It is considered one of the prefaces of the Bible. However, it does not say how the fiend of Hell got to earthly Paradise. It is only described that the Serpent was terribly cunning, reputed to be much more sophisticated than all the creatures created by God. And why the Executor allowed the moment of temptation still remains a mystery.

Many researchers say that God created all life on Earth already at the time of the existence of the Serpent and his assistants here. Whether this was really so, whether it is plausible that the Supreme Ruler himself was not against the fact of temptation, remains a mystery.


Serpent in Eden

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”

Gospel of John

The question of who the serpent was who seduced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit is interesting in itself, beyond the scope of our hypothesis. For his story is one of the most notable mysteries of the Bible.

The classical church interpretation claims that the serpent is the devil, or more precisely, the devil “under the guise” of a serpent. Which immediately raises the following obvious questions:

– Why doesn’t Genesis say this? This is the most important moment, the temptation of a person by the “devil” (supposedly). Why isn't this explicitly stated? Why in Genesis does the tempting serpent appear precisely as an animal, and not as the devil or one possessed by the devil? In general, I would like to draw your attention to the complete absence of mention of the devil in the story of the first people. This is an interesting fact - especially given the fact that the devil is later mentioned many times in the text of the Bible.

– If the devil acted under the guise of a snake, then why did Elohim (that is, God himself in the classical reading) later curse and punish the entire snake tribe? What are the snakes to blame for - that the devil took advantage of one of them? What if he used a bear, a dog, or, say, a small fluffy bunny? Would God sentence all the bunnies on the planet to crawl on their bellies forever, biting people's heels, or to some other terrible punishment? (By the way, this is a separate question - why didn’t the devil allegedly use a bunny, or someone else equally cute and fluffy, to gain the woman’s trust?)

Many Christians believe that earthly nature “fell” only after the “Fall” of man, and in general “sin entered the world” only with the transgression of Adam. That is, until this moment, the entire fauna of the Earth was not “fallen”, and therefore the devil could not possibly enter the serpent with his consent, so that the serpent would share with him part of the guilt for tempting man. The devil could enter the serpent, in accordance with this point of view, only by force and with the permission of God. Or, the devil had to create the illusion of a serpent without physically using anyone from the tribe of serpents. In both cases, snakes are completely innocent!

Let me also remind you that according to modern Christian theologians, personality is a special unique essence inherent only in God, angels and man. But animals do not have a free personality, and therefore cannot sin. Therefore, the snake could not sin in any way - after all, it does not have a free personality and is incapable of making a reasonable choice. Which means he couldn’t be guilty! So why, I repeat, are Elohim (that is, according to the Church, God himself) punishing the entire snake tribe?

Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree of knowledge, and God knew about it

Eve gives Adam a taste of the forbidden fruit.
Having learned about this, the woman picked the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good, ate it herself and gave it to Adam. Suddenly they saw themselves naked and realized that they had no clothes.

They began to be ashamed of each other, and they began to make themselves belts from fig leaves, but they did not even have time to complete the new work for themselves when they suddenly heard the voice of God walking in the garden.

Adam and his wife were horrified and hid behind the trees.

But God called Adam. When he responded, he said that he hid himself because he was ashamed to appear without clothes. God asked:

“Who said you don’t have clothes on? Have you eaten the fruit of that tree that I forbade you to touch?”

Here Adam transferred all the blame to his wife, and she transferred all the blame to the serpent who taught her this.

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1.2.3. Copper Serpent

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Snake Charm

. like a copper serpent.

. like a copper serpent. The comparison of the “ascension” of the Son of Man and the “ascension” of the serpent says a lot: the people, who had lost faith in their God, wanted to rebel against Moses in the desert. God sent poisonous snakes against him. Struck by this punishment, the people admitted their guilt, and Moses

Copper Serpent

Brazen Serpent 4 From Mount Hor they set out along the road to the Sea of ​​Reeds to bypass Edom. But on the way the people lost heart; 5 They grumbled against the Most High and against Musa: “Why did you bring us out of Egypt?” For us to die in the desert? There is no bread! There is no water! And this wretched food is disgusting to us!6

Copper serpent.

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Copper Serpent

Copper Serpent

Brazen Serpent 4 From Mount Hor they set out along the road to the Red Sea to bypass Edom. But on the way the people lost heart; 5 They grumbled against God and Moses: “Why did you bring us out of Egypt?” For us to die in the desert? There is no bread! There is no water! And this wretched food is disgusting to us!6 Then the Lord

Serpent. Birth


The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God created. And the serpent said to the woman: Did God truly say: You shall not eat from any tree in the garden?

1. The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God created. And the serpent said to the woman: Did God truly say: You shall not eat from any tree in the garden? “Snake. “The nature of this serpent is quite mysterious: according to some of its characteristics, for example, by its very name, by belonging to

The Serpent By placing Adam in the Garden of Eden, God gave him the right to fully enjoy everything, except for one thing. He said: Gen. 2: 17. But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from it... God created a woman - Adam's helper, creating her from his rib. They both could live in paradise, staying in

Copper Serpent

The Brazen Serpent Having buried Aaron, the children of Israel continued their journey to Canaan, bypassing the land of Edom from the south to the upper end of the Gulf of Aqaba, and then turning again to the north. An event took place here that was developed in later legends. There are many

Copper Serpent

Brazen Serpent From Mount Hor they moved along the road to the Sea of ​​Reeds to bypass the country of Edom. And the people lost heart. And he grumbled against God and Moses. There is no bread, no water, and we eat worthless food. It would be better for us not to leave Egypt. And the Almighty sent poisonous snakes,

How to avoid falling into temptation?

Temptation is a test of a person’s spiritual faith and strength of faith. Temptation is a temptation sent by demons; they impose unclean thoughts, penetrating inside a person’s head. The devil strives to induce a person to commit sin, but he is not able to force him to sin; a person must make a conscious choice himself. Sin is a voluntary temptation of human free will.

In order not to commit a sinful act, it is important to remember the 4 steps in the fight against temptation; they will help you cope with demons.

4 steps to fight temptation:

  1. Overcoming despair and lack of faith. The main thing is faith in the Lord. It is important to remember that the Lord will not abandon a person in any situation, and by resisting temptation, faith in one’s own strength increases.
  2. Bear your cross gratefully. Thank God for the life , do not compare with other people. Often, seeing how others do not keep the commandments, and at the same time live with impunity, for their own pleasure, people begin to try their life on themselves. This should not be done; you need to measure your life with those who have achieved unity with Christ, imitate their faith and holiness. People forget that all human sins will be presented before God after death. Only then can you live a happy life and be rewarded with eternal life after death.
  3. The ability to resist pride. Admiring oneself is a sign of human madness. The very idea that we are somehow better than others can lead us astray. Banish such thoughts. Read prayers more often (especially at the moment of temptation), turn to the Lord, he will hear you and give you strength in the fight.
  4. Confronting vanity. Walk along the road to spiritual rebirth smoothly, without being proud or admiring your achievements.

The serpent became the external cause of the Fall. With the help of cunning and suggestion, he persuaded Eve and Adam to sin, but did not force them; they had freedom of choice given by the Lord. After his conscious choice, a person lost his former greatness, was expelled to earth, became mortal, and endures all the difficulties of life. In today's fast-paced life, we must remember this, try to resist all the temptations that the devil imposes on us, and strengthen our faith in God.

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