The best parables about happiness that always help

The collection includes wise short parables about life with morality. A parable is a short instructive story with a hidden meaning; such stories teach morality. Vladimir Dal interpreted the word “parable” as “teaching by example.”

The first parable on our list will be a story called “Weather”:

The traveler asked the shepherd:

— What will the weather be like today? To which the shepherd replied: “The way I like it.” - How do you know that the weather will be exactly what you like? — Having realized that it is impossible to always get what you like, I learned to love what will be. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that the weather will be exactly what I like...

About insult

In the east there lived a sage who taught his disciples: “People insult in three ways. They may say you are stupid, they may call you a slave, they may call you untalented.

If this happens to you, remember the simple truth: only a fool will call another a fool, only a slave looks for a slave in another, only a mediocrity justifies with the madness of others what he himself does not understand.”

Teacher and pupil

In a Chinese school, an old teacher invited a student to his office and said:

— Carefully examine the room and find brown objects in it.

The student looked around. There were many brown objects around: a sofa, book bindings, a table, a cornice to which the curtains were attached, and various other small things.

The teacher waited a little and said: “You remember everything well, now close your eyes and tell me the objects that are blue.”

The student was confused and said:

“But listen, teacher, you talked about the color brown, but I just didn’t notice the blue.”

At this the teacher shook his head and gestured around the room:

“Look around, see how many blue objects there are.”

It was the honest truth. The floor was covered with a blue carpet, photographs were inserted into blue frames, and there was a blue glass vase on the table.

The student exclaimed:

- But you acted dishonestly. Following your instructions, I looked for everything brown, not blue.”

The teacher smiled:

“That’s exactly what I wanted to show you.” At my request, you searched and found everything brown. The same thing happens in life. People look for and find only the bad, while missing out on the good. They are always taught to wait for trouble so as not to experience the pain of disappointment. After all, if you hope for good things, but they don’t happen, it will be very disappointing. But if you always prepare yourself for the worst, you will get exactly what you expect. But if you believe that everything will work out, then it will happen. From now on, you will look at the world differently, without missing out on the positive things that are in it.

***************************************************************************** Taste of life

One man certainly wanted to become a student of a true Master and, having decided to check the correctness of his choice, asked the Master the following question:

-Can you explain to me what the purpose of life is?

“I can’t,” came the answer.

- Then at least tell me - what is its meaning?

- I can not.

—Can you say anything about the nature of death and life on the Other Side?

- I can not.

The disappointed visitor left. The disciples were confused: how could their Master appear in such an unsightly light?

The master reassured them by saying:

- What is the use of knowing the purpose and meaning of life if you have never tasted it? It's better to eat pie than talk about it.



The traveler asked the shepherd:

— What will the weather be like today?

To which the shepherd replied:

- Just the way I like it.

- How do you know that the weather will be exactly what you like?

— Having realized that it is impossible to always get what you like, I learned to love what will be. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that the weather will be exactly what I like...


Two wolves

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson: “There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves.” One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked: “Which wolf wins in the end?” The old man smiled and answered: “The wolf you feed always wins.”

About the jug and water

There is an Eastern proverb: “You can only pour from a jug into a cup what was in it.” That is, if there is water there, and you want wine to flow, desire alone will not be enough. It’s the same with people: sometimes you in vain expect certain actions from a person, but he is simply filled with the wrong content to meet your expectations.

The main meaning of the parable

Even though the parable of the Prodigal Son is a short story, it contains the deepest meaning for Christians. A prodigal son is any person who has alienated himself from the Creator and given himself over to a sinful life.

The Holy Fathers interpret the text as follows:

  • for any person, repentance is a great power to cleanse the soul;
  • You should value staying in your parents’ house and not rush to freedom early;
  • Everyone has failures, misdeeds are not a reason to be excommunicated from the Church;
  • While a person is alive, he has the opportunity at any moment to change his life for the better and get closer to the Kingdom of Heaven;
  • nothing can be changed after death;
  • honoring parents is a mandatory condition of life;
  • The position of a sinner without God is disastrous;
  • whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

The parables of Christ are short stories told in simple language. This is one of the ways to teach people spiritual wisdom, understanding the meaning of life on Earth. The text of prayer books, services, the essence and history of church holidays throughout the year, moral teachings - all this is based on the parables of Christ. The legend about the frivolous youth and his unreasonable act relates to the section of the birth and growth of the Kingdom of God in the soul.

Reading and understanding biblical texts allows you to take a fresh look at your existence. Through parables we communicate with God, who expects from us humility, obedience, and love for our neighbor.

Glass (Jewish parable)

Rebbe, I don’t understand: you come to a poor person - he is friendly and helps as best he can. You come to a rich man - he doesn’t see anyone. Is it really just about the money? - Look out the window. What do you see? - A woman with a child, a cart going to the market... - Good. Now look in the mirror. What do you see there? - Well, what can I see there? Only yourself. - So: a window made of glass and a mirror made of glass. All you have to do is add a little silver and you see only yourself.

Is it possible to divide the parables of Jesus Christ by time?

Yes, the parables of Jesus Christ can be divided according to the three periods of His public ministry.

The first group includes parables told by the Savior shortly after the Sermon on the Mount, during the period between the second and third Easter of His public ministry. These initial parables speak about the conditions for the spread and strengthening of the Kingdom of God or the Church among people. These include the parables of the sower, the tares, the invisibly growing seed, the mustard seed, the pearl of great price, and others.

The second group of parables was told by the Lord towards the end of the third year of His public ministry. In these parables, the Lord spoke about God’s endless mercy towards repentant people and outlined various moral rules. These include the parables of the lost sheep, the prodigal son, the unmerciful debtor, the good Samaritan, the foolish rich man, the wise builder, the unjust judge, and others.

In His last parables ( of the third period) , told shortly before the sufferings on the cross, the Lord speaks about the Grace of God and about man’s responsibility before God, and also predicts about the punishment that will befall unbelieving Jews, about His second coming, about the Last Judgment, about the reward of the righteous and about eternal life. This last group includes parables about the barren fig tree, about the evil husbandmen, about those called to the supper, about the talents, about the ten virgins, about the workers who received equal pay, and others.

It is I who tremble in you (Buddhist parable)

There was a man who was devoted to Buddha with all his heart. He had a beautiful old wooden statue of Buddha, a real masterpiece. He treated her like her greatest treasure. One cold winter night, he was left alone in a thatched hut. It was bitterly cold. The man was shaking in despair from the cold. It looked like his death hour was approaching. There wasn't a wood chip to start the fire. They say that at midnight, when he was trembling and almost numb, Buddha appeared before him and asked: “Why don’t you burn me?” The wooden statue still stood against the wall. The man was very scared. “It must be the devil,” he thought. - What you said? Burn a Buddha statue? Never! Never! Buddha laughed and said: “If you see me in a statue, you are missing me.” I am in you, not in the statue. I am not in the subject of prayer, the object, I am in the one praying. And it is I who tremble in you! Burn the statue!

* * *

“Anna” went completely unnoticed. American critics wrote almost nothing about it, and the series still does not have a page on Metacritic. Yes, there are a huge number of fantasy series alone, and it’s easy to get lost among them - especially for a European project that is not represented on large streaming services like Amazon, Disney+ and Netflix. And this is doubly unfair given the constant complaints about “sterile” teenage projects. “Anna” is topical, somewhat provocative, and terribly beautiful - and it’s a shame that she will never receive recognition.

Or maybe it’s also that truly serious and even melancholy works about children - hello Tales from the Loop from Amazon - will always lose to funny and “safe” projects, especially nostalgia for the 1980s and Stephen King film adaptations .

Words must die

One day the Master asked a scientist who came to him for instructions: “What do you want to find?” “Life,” he answered. “If you want to live, words must die.” When the Master was asked what this means, he answered: “Man is unhappy and lonely because he lives in the world of words.” He feeds on words, is content with words instead of real food. But the menu will not feed you, and the drink formula will not quench your thirst.

Footprints in the Sand (Christian Parable)

One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord. When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And he saw that often along his life’s path there was only one chain of traces. He also noted that these were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life. He became very sad and began to ask the Lord: “Didn’t you tell me: if I follow your path, you will not leave me?” But I noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did you leave me when I needed you most? The Lord answered: “My dear, dear child.” I love you and will never leave you. When there were sorrows and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms. (Christian parables are short with meaning about life)

Two monks (Parable as told by Osho)

Understand that what a person sees most clearly in others, he carries within himself. His judgments are an active reflection of what is suppressed or not realized in himself. Two Zen monks were wading a stormy river. Not far from them stood a very beautiful young girl who also wanted to cross the river, but was afraid. She asked the monks to help her. One of them silently took her on his shoulders and carried her to the other side. The second monk was furious. He didn’t say anything, but inside he was seething: “This is forbidden! The scriptures prohibit monks from even touching a woman, but this one not only touched her, but also carried her on his shoulders!” When they arrived at the monastery, it was already evening. Then the irritated monk turned to the first and said: “Look, I have to tell the abbot about this, I have to tell him.” It is forbidden! You shouldn't have done that! The first monk asked in surprise: “What are you talking about that is forbidden?” - You forgot? - said the second one. “You carried a beautiful young woman on your shoulders.” The first monk laughed and replied: “I carried her to the other side in one minute and immediately left her there.” Are you still carrying it?

Topics of the issue: Jewish, Buddhist, Orthodox parables about life with short morals, about love with meaning, for children and adults.


One wealthy man had two sons in his family. At the moment when both boys matured, the younger heir wished to become free and begin to live separately from the family. He asked his father to allocate his share. So, the elder parent agreed and divided the wealth between the brothers according to the Mosaic Law: the younger - a third of the estate; the eldest - two thirds.

A few days later, the younger, still frivolous, son left the estate, settled in a foreign country and soon squandered all his inheritance. The reason for this was a dissolute lifestyle, indulgence in earthly passions.

When the boy spent everything he had left, famine began in the country. You had to work to feed yourself. The prodigal son could get a job as a swineherd in his own fields. But such work was humiliating work for that time: the Jews considered pigs unclean animals. However, the boy was so hungry that he was ready to eat livestock feed. Having reflected and realized his sin against God and family, he decided to return to his homeland, to his father, in the hope that he would be accepted at least as a mercenary. The slaves on his father's estate ate bread in abundance, but he, his father's true son, lived from hand to mouth. Upon returning home, hoping to be accepted into the family again, I wanted to sincerely ask my parent for forgiveness.

Seeing his youngest son from afar, the father was very happy. It seemed that he would never see his child alive. The boy confessed that he was guilty, that he had sinned against his parent and against the Lord. He admitted that he was an unworthy son.

Slaves brought clothes to the prodigal son

The parent's joy knew no bounds. The father did not listen to the words of repentance until the end, but ordered the younger boy to be changed into better clothes. The elder, like any parent, loved his son with all his heart and was ready to forgive any wrongdoing.

To celebrate, the head of the family decided to throw a feast. They slaughtered the calf and prepared the best treats. The father rejoiced: “My prodigal son was dead, but now he is alive! I was unconscious, but now I’m awake!”

At the moment when the feast was going on, the elder brother was returning home after a hard day of work. Evening was approaching. Hearing the noise and joyful rejoicing of people, he was surprised. It was the first time I had seen his father organize a celebration on such a grand scale. The elder brother asked one of the slaves what the occasion of the holiday was. The slave replied that the prodigal son had returned home. In honor of the event, guests were called and delicious dishes were prepared.

The older boy reacted coldly to the old man’s mercy and kindness. Resentment, contempt, thirst for justice and envy lurk in my soul. It seemed to the brother that the father loved his younger son more. He expressed negative feelings, saying that his parent had never appreciated his hard work and dedicated service so much. Never appreciated him himself, although the son remains faithful to his parent from early childhood.

And the father gave this answer: “Everything that I have, you have. You have always been and are next to me. And the younger brother was unconscious for a long time, as if he were dead. Now he has come to life, because... I realized my actions and my wrongness!”

Prototype of God. The Lord greets every sinner with trepidation

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