Description and text of the akathist to the holy martyr John the Warrior

John the Warrior was a Roman soldier who took care of prisoners at great personal risk.

Emperor Julian the Apostate under John tried to return the empire to paganism

John the Warrior lived in the 4th century, although the history of his life was recorded much later - in the 10th century. He was a Roman warrior, a contemporary of Emperor Julian the Apostate, by the way, the last pagan ruler of Rome.

Julian lived at a time when Christianity was already establishing itself in the empire, and therefore was forced to make efforts to revive the cult of the gods he revered.

In those days, persecution of Christians was renewed, so John was one of those people who had to hide their faith for safety.

But he couldn’t just watch how those who ended up in prison suffered. So sometimes he did brave things - he released captured Christians.

Martyr John the Warrior

But it would be a mistake to think that John divided people into Christians and unworthy. He treated the religion of strangers with warmth and helped any people of other faiths, including pagans, if they needed anything. But most often he cared for the sick.

Christian text of the akathist to the martyr John the Warrior

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Martyr John the Warrior, whose akathist glorifies his godly life, was a Roman of Slavic origin and lived in the 4th century. He was a warrior, distinguished by courage, dedication to his work and physical strength, for which he enjoyed the respect of his brothers in arms. The life of Saint John occurred during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate, one of the most severe persecutors of Christians, and the future martyr, willy-nilly, was involved in the ungodly actions of his master. But, as the akathist to John the Warrior says, his integral nature contributed to the understanding of the lawlessness of what was happening, and he internally resisted the persecution of defenseless people.

Akathist to John the Warrior: prayer patronizing military personnel

Although the future saint was not baptized, his love for truth did not allow him to ignore human suffering. The Orthodox akathist to John the Warrior tells that he secretly tried to help believers in Jesus Christ: he brought food, drink and warm things to their shelters, visited and encouraged the sick and those who were imprisoned in prisons. One day the emperor learned that his close associate was helping hated Christians, and ordered him to be seized and put into custody. The akathist to Saint John the Warrior says that the date of his execution had already been set, but Julian suddenly died on the battlefield, and after some time the saint and many of his like-minded people were released.

Orthodox akathist to the martyr John the Warrior is a prayer from troubles and from offenders

Despite the fact that Saint John was not executed, he was canonized as a martyr by the church for his willingness to give his life for faith in Christ. The text of the akathist to John the Warrior says that he lived for many years, dying at a very old age, but even after his death, with his prayers he protected the offended and healed the sick, and his relics became famous for working miracles. It is also customary to read the text of the akathist to the holy martyr John the Warrior when valuable things are lost. The saint's memory is celebrated on August 12.

Watch the video about St. John the War

Canonical text of the akathist to St. John the Warrior

Kontakion 1

Let us sing songs of praise to the chosen servant of the Heavenly King, the noble passion-bearer of Christ, John the Holy Warrior and Wonderworker, as a Christian intercessor, a guardian of chastity, a comforter to the suffering. You, standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, protect with your prayers from all evils and misfortunes those who call you with faith and love:

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Ikos 1

The Archangels and Angels look with love at your life as an angel, O most wonderful John, for you, caring for the Lord, how to please the Lord, preserved your virginity intact, mortifying your flesh day and night with fasting and prayer. We are amazed at your life, and with tenderness we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having preserved the purity of your heart; Rejoice, for for God’s sake you have been vouchsafed to see this.

Rejoice, you who took the yoke of Christ upon your shoulder; Rejoice, you who lost your soul for Christ’s sake, in order to save it.

Rejoice, cohabitant of the Angels; Rejoice, virgins are praised.

Rejoice, guardian and mentor of young youths; Rejoice, quick helper to those struggling with passions and lusts.

Rejoice, protector of virgins and widows; Rejoice, denunciation of violators of chastity.

Rejoice, teacher of parents and educators; Rejoice, invisible driver of the orphans.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Saint John, when he came to Numera Ifal, the Christians were persecuted, not fearing the reproaches of the wicked Julian, and he said to them: take courage, be strengthened in the faith, so that you may be worthy to sing in the heavenly chambers to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You had an undoubted mind within yourself, John, worthy of praise, when, despising the glory of this world and not fearing the wrath of the king, you confessed to being a Christian, and for this reason, like a villain, you were imprisoned. Marveling at your boldness in Christ, we say:

Rejoice, most excellent confessor of Christ; Rejoice, suffering Christ.

Rejoice, you who expose the charm of idolatry; Rejoice, thou who conquered the enemy by the power of the Cross.

Rejoice, for you were deemed worthy to receive bonds and prison for Christ; Rejoice, for you preferred coldness and nakedness for Christ’s sake to the glory of sin.

Rejoice, confessors are praised; Rejoice, joy of the martyrs.

Rejoice, valiant warrior of the Heavenly King among earthly warriors; Rejoice, you who made your robe white in the Blood of Lambs.

Rejoice, protector of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, intercessor of all Orthodox.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

With power from above, girded with power, you were able to defeat the ancient serpent; gifted with the same power, you exude an abundance of miracles to all who call on your name with faith and are grateful to those who cry out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in your heart a firm faith in Christ and armed with that power, you were not afraid of the king’s wrath and saved the people of Ifal from their tormentors. For this reason, such courage is praised by you, we bless you:

Rejoice, adamante of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, pillar of the Church of God.

Rejoice, hope and intercession of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful.

Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the crown of Christ's confessor; Rejoice, you who have overthrown the enemy of Christ with the weapon of the Cross.

Rejoice, lover of Christ more than the world; Rejoice, you laid down your soul for Christians.

Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, for you visited them in the dungeons and bonds of existence.

Rejoice, for you yourself were imprisoned for Christ; Rejoice, you who bear the marks of your Lord on your body.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

Blessed John was hesitating with a storm of doubtful thoughts when he was quickly sent to Numera Ifala to torment those who believe in Christ. “If,” they said, “if the imam of the king ordered the faithful people to torture and kill, I will be condemned by God, but if I don’t go there, in the rank of my army I will be considered disgusting to the king and will be put to death by cruelty.” Guided by the fear of God, he preserved the faith of Christ in his heart even to the point of suffering and prison bonds, crying out to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the wicked Julian of your mercy towards Christians and having led you away from being a Christian, he became furious with anger and ordered you to be brought to Constantinople, as a villain and enemy of the Tsar. But you, we are strengthened by the grace of God, you endured suffering courageously and you never departed from your faith in Christ. For this reason we call you:

Rejoice, undaunted confessor of faith in Christ; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, for with the Archangels of the Heavenly Powers you stand before the Throne of God; Rejoice, quick helper to all who suffer for the truth.

Rejoice, having escaped temptations and enticements from the devil; Rejoice, for you have delivered all those who call you from temptations.

Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, and help us to escape the snares of the devil.

Rejoice, protecting yourself from the arrows of the evil one with the shield of faith; Rejoice, who also protects us from temptations.

Rejoice, Christian decoration! Rejoice, inhabitant of the heavenly palaces.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

You were like a god-loving star, John, when, having come to the countries of Ifal, you exhorted the existing Christians there not to deviate from the Sun of Truth of Christ God, but I will sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the saint brought before him, at the command of the Tsar, people faithful to Christ to be tortured for the faith of Christ, he greatly grieved for him, and in his heart he worried that he might deliver them from the hand of the tormentor. Your care for them is commendable, we call you:

Rejoice, having the love of Christ in your heart; Rejoice, for with this we warm the faithful servants of Christ from tormentors.

Rejoice, despising the commands of the wicked; Rejoice, having kept the commandments of Christ.

Rejoice, friends of Christ's faithful servants; Rejoice, intercessor of Christians.

Rejoice, comforter to those in prison and in bonds; Rejoice, feeder of the poor.

Rejoice, strange driver; Rejoice, physician of the infirm.

Rejoice, intercessor of the orphans; Rejoice, comforter of those who weep.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

Through fasting and prayer you enslaved your flesh and spirit and lived spiritually for the glory of God; For this reason, now stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone like a new light in the firmament of heaven to the entire Christian race, when by God’s will your incorruptible body was found, exuding an abundance of miracles with faith for your intercession, flowing and prayerfully calling out to you:

Rejoice, thou who has pleased God by thy life; Rejoice, for this reason you received glorification from Him.

Rejoice, despising the vanity and charm of this world; Rejoice, having received the reward of Heaven.

Rejoice, for for a little while you appeared faithful; Rejoice, for you have been granted the abundance of God's grace.

Rejoice, for in this life you selflessly loved your neighbor; Rejoice, for in sorrow and adversity you were the intercessor of those who exist.

Rejoice, you who laid down your soul for others; Rejoice, warm intercessor for us with the Heavenly King.

Rejoice, you who saved Christians from the tormenting wrath; Rejoice, for even today you are concerned about our salvation.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

I wish you to leave this world, we urge you with humility, you commanded a certain person to lay your body in the house where I was buried as a stranger and a beggar. The Lord, lift up the humble, deign to preserve it incorruptible and exuding miracles to all who flow to your intercession with faith and cry out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord, Lover of mankind, has shown a new kindness to His servant, when He deigns to glorify you and reveal His miracle-working grace in you. We rejoice in such providence of God and cry out with gratitude:

Rejoice, receptacle of God's grace; Rejoice, chosen vessel of God.

Rejoice, wonderful miracle-worker; Rejoice, give quick help to those who come to you with faith.

Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, you who drive out demons in the name of Christ.

Rejoice, the wickedness of the enemy of man is the accuser; Rejoice, guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, invisible fence of pious marriages from all devilish seduction; Rejoice, speedy accuser of thefts and robberies.

Rejoice, you who have turned aside to the path of truth and guide; Rejoice, fulfill our requests for good.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

Your strange and wondrous appearance through a dream vision to a certain woman who reverently saw and recognized a new wonderworker and saint of God in you, the people of Constantinople were touched and cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Full of virtues in this life, illuminated by the glory of God after death, you incline your ear to the prayers of those who honor you, and from them you hear:

Rejoice, imitator of the mercy of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, you who hunger for nourishment.

Rejoice, strange invisible companion; Rejoice, patron of the orphans.

Rejoice, comforter of the embittered; Rejoice, for the strengthener of those who endure the truth.

Rejoice, you who are weak and give healing to those who are sick; Rejoice, intercessor in these troubles.

Rejoice, beloved poor one; Rejoice, for you did not want to be separated from them even after you departed from this world in body.

Rejoice, for you have made a will to bury your body in the house of the poor; Rejoice, for your humility you have been crowned with a crown from God.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

All the angelic host rejoiced, seeing you, the invincible warrior of the Heavenly King, having defeated the ruler of the darkness and the delights of this age, and they also sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

These multi-proclamations will not be able to adequately praise your sufferings endured for Christ, and your deeds of mercy and chastity. We marvel at such people, and in our little weakness we bring you this praise:

Rejoice, loving Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, you who freely endured suffering for His Name.

Rejoice, jealous of God the Almighty; Rejoice, acquired martyr's crown.

Rejoice, rule of faith and abstinence to the teacher; Rejoice, thou who manifested spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, through your humility you have put down the spirit of pride; Rejoice, thou who has acquired the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, you have made your abode in the house of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, for you always intercede for our salvation.

Rejoice, give quick help to those who ask; Rejoice, for you endlessly prayed for us to Christ God.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Although you could save your soul, you despised the commands of the tormentor, and were careless about your body; you joyfully accepted the iron bonds and prison sorrow, John, the Warrior of Christ, singing to God who strengthened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a wall and a firm refuge for all who come running to you in prayer, wonderworker John, for this reason we call to you:

Rejoice, quick obedient to all who call upon you; Rejoice, for God has pleased your honest relics to glorify miracles.

Rejoice, for from your icons the grace of God is given to those who look at them with faith; Rejoice, for you dwell invisibly in the temples created for the glorification of your name.

Rejoice, for no one there who prays with faith goes out empty-handed and unheard; Rejoice, for with your prayers you strengthen our prayers, ascending to the Throne of the Almighty.

Rejoice, for you have endeavored to anticipate each petition; Rejoice, for you have given admonition to those who walk along the obstinate path of sin.

Rejoice, for you show quick help to those who are tempted by the devil; Rejoice, for you guide everyone to follow the path of salvation.

Rejoice, for you instruct sinners to repentance; Rejoice, servant of Christ and favorable prayer book for us.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

We offer praiseful singing to you, Martyr of Christ John, who received with love, pray to the Lord to deliver us from troubles and sorrows, especially at the hour of our death with your intercession, so that we may not die unrepentant, but may be worthy to sing to God with you in the heavenly villages: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace and illuminating the darkness of our foolishness, Blessed John. For this reason we pray to you: enlighten us, darkened by sin, so that we may sing to you:

Rejoice, you who carry the light of Divine teaching in your heart; Rejoice, for by this we enlighten, you have exposed the darkness of idolatry.

Rejoice, for we too strive to be enlightened by the same light; Rejoice, for you have seen the glory of the Trisian Divinity face to face.

Rejoice, ray of God's grace, kindled from the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, illuminating the darkness of our ignorance with the light of Christ’s commandments.

Rejoice, guiding star to all those seeking salvation; Rejoice, for you instruct us in every good work.

Rejoice, for you put good thoughts in our hearts in good time; Rejoice, for you show the image of a good warrior in yourself to your military rank.

Rejoice, having illuminated the universe with the light of your virtues; Rejoice, for, seeing your good deeds, people glorify the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

Grace has been given to you from God to guide you to salvation and save those who honor your memory from troubles. For this purpose, with your prayers, protect the Church and the Russian country from all evil, and make the faithful succeed in all virtues, so that we may all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, warrior and wonderworker, with titanic praises:

Rejoice, decoration of the Church of God; Rejoice, numbered among the Heavenly host.

Rejoice, you who have received the whole armor of God; Rejoice, having overcome all the machinations of the enemy.

Rejoice, thou clothed with the armor of righteousness; Rejoice, covered with the shield of faith.

Rejoice, you who have acquired the helmet of salvation; Rejoice, sword of the Spirit, who is the word of God, who loves more than any weapon.

Rejoice, girded from God with righteousness and truth about your loins; Rejoice, for you are numbered among those invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Rejoice, for thou art worthy to sing a new song before His Throne; Rejoice, in Heaven now partake of Christ more truly than sometimes on earth.

Rejoice, Saint John, Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O holy servant of Christ and miracle worker John the Warrior! Accept this our praise and prayers brought to you, and with your favorable prayers to God, deliver us from all evils and circumstances, mental and physical illnesses, and through your intercession preserve us from eternal torment and beg us to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we may be worthy to sing to God in the Heavenly villages: Alleluia.

/This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion/

Read the text of the prayer to John the War for the return of a lost (stolen) item

About the martyr of Christ, John the warrior! Thou art brave in battle, and a chaser of the enemy, and an intercessor for the offended, for all Orthodox Christians. O great intercessor and servant of Christ, John the warrior! Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and sorrows, and in sorrows and in every evil adversity, and from every evil and offending person, for you have been given such grace from God to pray for us, sinners, in troubles and besieged those who suffer evil. Deliver us from those who offend and hate, and be a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies. O great champion, John the warrior! Do not forget us, who always pray to you, asking for your help and your endless mercy, and grant us, sinners and unworthy, to receive from God the ineffable goodness that is prepared for those who love Him. For all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

John was arrested for his faith, and he suffered greatly in prison, but did not renounce Christianity

Soon John's actions became known. The emperor summoned the saint to himself, and not only summoned him, but ordered him to be brought in as if he were a criminal.

John was treated rudely all the way, not given anything to drink or eat, and also beaten. After which they put him in prison to wait for the emperor. And he left on a military campaign.

Julian the Apostate - Roman emperor, defender of paganism. Pursued John the Warrior

This was a very difficult period in John's life. He found himself in the place of those he helped, but no caring people appeared nearby. He was left without support, and even the strongest person can experience fear in such a hopeless situation.

John had time to think about terrible topics. He imagined his execution, was afraid, and wondered whether his faith was worth these deprivations.

But still he passed this test and did not abandon Christianity.

John the Warrior protects from thieves and offenders, comforts and heals

They ask John the Warrior for the following:

  • find the missing item;
  • return what was stolen;
  • protect from thieves;
  • save from offenders;
  • give comfort;
  • heal from diseases;
  • relieve sorrow;
  • strengthen the spirit from temptations.

But the help of John the Warrior is not limited to this. Every saint is able to help in any situation, because it is not he who answers prayers, but the Lord. The saint only prays with the believer.

12th of August

Memorial Day of John the Warrior (July 30, Old Style)

Saint's memory: July 30/August 12.

Akathist is a prayer-hymn, it is better to read it standing in front of the icon at home

Akathist is an ancient form of prayer. In content it resembles a hymn, but plays a slightly different, more spiritual role. Usually this is a praise of the Lord, archangels or one of the saints, a description of their exploits or lives.

The purpose of the akathist is to turn directly to the Heavenly Intercessor and gain his grace. Often akathists recommend reading so that a saint or another addressee of the prayer will help in this or that matter. Akathist is considered a strong prayer, which will definitely be answered.

There are several traditions of reading the akathist:

  1. Standing _ The word “akathist” itself is translated as “I’m not sitting.” It is generally accepted that this is how we show respect to higher powers. But there is no need for excessive fanaticism. If you are overworked, sick, or weak, you don’t need to force yourself. God does not look at your feet, but at your heart.

If it is not possible to read the akathist while standing, you can break the tradition and do it while sitting or lying down.

  1. In front of the icon. It is most convenient to contact a saint, archangel or Lord through his image. At the same time, we pray not to the icon, but to the one who is depicted on it. But if the icon you need is not there, you can pray in front of the window.

Some priests speak negatively about praying in front of a monitor, but this is rather just a manifestation of conservatism. A number of priests do not see anything wrong in praying to an icon of a saint, if one appears on a monitor or display.

  1. Within forty days. There is a popular opinion that it is best to read the akathist for such a long period of time. It seems like it would be more reliable. But this is a kind of feat, and you need to take a blessing from a priest for it. But for simple home reading it is not at all necessary.

40 days

According to tradition, an akathist is read, but this is not obligatory

You can read the akathist both in church and at home. But since the church is not required to include the reading of akathists in the schedule of services, it is best to read the akathist yourself.

You can listen to the correct pronunciation of the words from the akathist to the holy martyr John in the video:

Below is the full text of the akathist to John the warrior.

The Akathist to John the Warrior is best read in front of his icon

Real cases of St. John's intercession

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The Akathist of the Martyr to John the Warrior is read for a reason. There is some evidence that the Saint really helps everyone who turns to him.

A miraculous incident occurred in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, when an ordinary parishioner, through her carelessness, lost one of her most valuable jewelry - a wedding ring, which was illuminated in Jerusalem. This thing was too dear to the woman, so day and night she read the akathist to John the Warrior. And a month later the ring was unexpectedly found.

One woman from St. Petersburg now knows exactly what the akathist helps John the Warrior with. She told Father and the rest of the parishioners that at one time she had a job, from which she left, but never received a salary . Since children and family always came first, the woman really needed money. A grief set in that was impossible to cope with: the children were hungry, the family was almost falling apart. It was then that she was advised to pray to John the Warrior.

Left without the promised wages, the woman prayed in front of the icon of the Holy Image day and night. As soon as the prayer reading began, a few days later the woman’s former boss called her from work and said that he was ready to give her her honestly earned money. This was a miracle, since before the prayer was read, the boss completely refused to pay. What came into his head to change his mind in a couple of days? Saint John the Warrior helped with this, no doubt.

Akathist to John the Warrior

Kontakion 1

Let us sing songs of praise to the chosen servant of the Heavenly King, the noble passion-bearer of Christ, John the holy Warrior and wonderworker, as a Christian intercessor, a guardian of chastity, Comforter for the afflicted. You, standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, protect with faith and love those who call you from all evils and misfortunes with your prayers:

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Ikos 1

The Archangels and Angels, with love in vain, are in vain for your equal angelic life, John is most wonderful, for you, worrying about the Lord, how to please the Lord, preserved your virginity intact, by fasting and prayer mortifying your flesh day and night.

We marvel at such your life, and with tenderness we cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who have preserved the purity of your heart; Rejoice, for for this sake of God you were deemed worthy to see.

Rejoice, you who took the yoke of Christ upon your frame; Rejoice, you who lost your soul for Christ’s sake, in order to save it.

Rejoice, fellow angels; Rejoice, praise be given to virgins.

Rejoice, guardian and teacher of young youths; Rejoice, quick helper to those struggling with passions and lusts.

Rejoice, protector of virgins and widows; Rejoice, denunciation of violators of chastity.

Rejoice, teacher of parents and educators; Rejoice, invisible driver of the orphans.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Saint John, when he came to Numera Ifal, the Christians were persecuted, not fearing the reproaches of the wicked Julian and saying to them: take courage, be strengthened in the faith, so that you may be worthy to sing To Christ God in the heavenly chambers: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You had an undoubting mind within you, John, who is worthy of praise, when he despised the glory of this world and was not afraid of the king’s wrath, he confessed to being a Christian, and for this reason, Like a villain, you were imprisoned. I marvel at your boldness in Christ, with the verb:

Rejoice, most excellent confessor of Christ; Rejoice, suffering Christ.

Rejoice, you who expose the charm of idolatry; Rejoice, victorious enemy by the power of the Cross.

Rejoice, for you were deemed worthy to accept bonds and prison for Christ; Rejoice, for you preferred coldness and nakedness for Christ to the glory of sin.

Rejoice, praise to the confessors; Rejoice, joy of the martyrs.

Rejoice, valiant warrior of the Heavenly King among earthly warriors; Rejoice, you who made your robe white in the Blood of Lambs.

Rejoice, defender of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, intercessor of all Orthodox.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

With the power girded from above, you were able to defeat the ancient serpent; Gifted with such power, you exude an abundance of miracles to all who call on your name with faith and are grateful for you to those who cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in your heart a firm faith in Christ and armed with that power, you were not afraid of the wrath of the king and saved the people of Ifal from their tormentors. For this reason, such courage of yours is praiseworthy, we bless you:

Rejoice, adamante of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, pillar of the Church of God.

Rejoice, hope and intercession of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unbelievers.

Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the crown of the confessor of Christ; Rejoice, thou who has overthrown the enemy of Christ by the weapon of the Cross.

Rejoice, lover of Christ more than the world; Rejoice, you who laid down your soul for Christians.

Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, for you visited them in prison and in bonds.

Rejoice, for you yourself were imprisoned for Christ; Rejoice, you who bear the marks of your Lord on your body.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

Blessed John was hesitating in a storm of doubtful thoughts when he was quickly sent to Numera Ithal to torment those who believe in Christ. “If,” as the verb goes, “at the command of the Tsar, the imams torture and kill the faithful people, I will be condemned by God, and if I do not go there, in the rank of my army I will find myself disgusted and betrayed by the Tsar.” I will be cruel to death."

Both, driven by the fear of God, he preserved the faith of Christ in his heart even to the point of suffering and prison bonds, crying out to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the wicked Julian of your mercy towards Christians and deducing that you were a Christian, he became angry with you and ordered you to be brought to Constantinople, as a villain and an enemy of the Tsar. But you, we are strengthened by the grace of God, you endured suffering courageously and you never departed from your faith in Christ.

For this reason we call you great:

Rejoice, undaunted confessor of faith in Christ; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, for with the Archangels of the Heavenly Powers you stand before the Throne of God; Rejoice, quick helper to all who suffer for the truth.

Rejoice, having escaped temptations and enticements from the devil; Rejoice, for you have delivered all those who call you from temptations.

Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, and help us to escape the snare of the devil.

Rejoice, protecting yourself from the arrows of the evil one with the shield of faith; Rejoice, who also protects us from temptations.

Rejoice, decoration of the Christian race; Rejoice, inhabitant of the heavenly palaces.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

You were like a more godly star than John, when, having come to the countries of Ifhal, you exhorted the existing Christians there not to depart from the Sun of the Truth of Christ God, but I will sing to Him: Halleluah ́ia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the saint brought before him, at the command of the Tsar, people faithful to Christ to be tormented for the faith of Christ, with great sorrow for them, be anxious in your heart that He may deliver them from the hand of the tormentor. Such your care for them is commendable, we call to you:

Rejoice, having the love of Christ in your heart; Rejoice, for with this we warm the faithful servants of Christ from the tormentors.

Rejoice, despising the commands of the wicked; Rejoice, thou who has kept the commandments of Christ.

Rejoice, friends of the faithful servants of Christ; Rejoice, Christian intercessor.

Rejoice, O comforter who is in prison and in bonds; Rejoice, feeder of the poor.

Rejoice, strange driver; Rejoice, doctor of the infirm.

Rejoice, protector of the orphans; Rejoice, comforter of those who mourn.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

By fasting and prayer you enslaved your flesh to the spirit and lived for the glory of God to the spirit; For this reason, now I stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone, like a new light in the firmament of heaven, to the entire Christian race, when by God’s will your incorruptible body was found, exuding an abundance of miracles with faith towards you for the intercession of those who come and cry out to you in prayer:

Rejoice, you have pleased God with your life; Rejoice, for this reason you received glorification from Him.

Rejoice, you who despise the vanity and charm of this world; Rejoice, having received the reward of Heaven.

Rejoice, for thou hast appeared faithfully for a little while; Rejoice, for you have been deemed worthy to receive the abundance of God’s grace.

Rejoice, for in this life you selflessly loved your neighbor; Rejoice, for in sorrows and adversities you were the intercessor of all.

Rejoice, you who laid down your soul for others; Rejoice, warm intercessor for us with the King of Heaven.

Rejoice, thou who saved Christians from the tormenting wrath; Rejoice, for today you are concerned about our salvation.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Although I want you to depart from this world, we urge you with humility; you commanded a certain person to lay your body in a house where the stranger and the poor were buried. The Lord, who exalts the humble, deigns to preserve it incorruptible and emanating miracles to all who flow in faith for your intercession and cry out to God for you: Alleluia


Ikos 7

A new show of mercy to His servant, the Lover of mankind, the Lord, has always deigned to glorify you and show His miracle-working grace in you. We rejoice and cry out with gratitude to such providence of God:

Rejoice, receptacle of God’s grace; Rejoice, chosen vessel of God.

Rejoice, wonderful miracle worker; Rejoice, give quick help to those who come to you with faith.

Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, you who drive out demons in the name of Christ.

Rejoice, the wickedness of the enemy of man is a accuser; Rejoice, guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, invisible fence of pious marriages from every devilish deception; Rejoice, quick to accuse of theft and robbery.

Rejoice, you who have turned aside to the path of truth to the guide; Rejoice, fulfill our petitions for good.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

Your strange and wondrous appearance through a dream vision to a certain woman who reverently saw and recognized the new wonderworker and saint of God in you, the people of Constantinople were moved and cried out to God: Halleluah ia.

Ikos 8

Full of virtues in this life, illuminated by the glory of God after death, you incline your ear to the prayers of those who honor you, from them you hear the titanic:

Rejoice, imitator of the mercy of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, you who hunger for the nourisher.

Rejoice, invisible companion of the strange; Rejoice, patron of the orphans.

Rejoice, comforter of the embittered; Rejoice, for those who endure and strengthen the truth.

Rejoice, you who give relief to those who are sick and give healing; Rejoice, intercessor in these troubles.

Rejoice, beloved poor one; Rejoice, for you did not want to be separated from them in body even after departing from this world.

Rejoice, for you bequeathed your body to be buried in the house of the poor; Rejoice, for your humility you have been crowned with a crown from God.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker


Kontakion 9

All the angelic host rejoiced, seeing you, the warrior of the King of Heaven, invincible, having defeated the ruler of the darkness and the delights of this age, and they also sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The poets of many things will not be able to adequately praise your sufferings, endured for Christ, and your deeds of mercy and chastity. We marvel at such people, and in our little weakness we bring you this praise:

Rejoice, loving Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, you who suffered freely for His Name.

Rejoice, jealous of God the Almighty; Rejoice, martyr's crown of acquisition.

Rejoice, rule of faith and abstinence to the teacher; Rejoice, thou who manifested spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, through your humility you have subdued the spirit of pride; Rejoice, thou who has acquired the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, thou who has made an abode for oneself in the house of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, for you always intercede for our salvation.

Rejoice, give quick help to those who ask; Rejoice, for you endlessly pray for Christ God for us.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Although you wanted to save your soul, you despised the commands of the tormentor, and were careless about your body; you joyfully accepted the iron bonds and the sorrow of prison, John, the Warrior of Christ, singing praises to him who strengthened you To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a wall and a strong refuge for all who come running to you in prayer, miracle worker John, for this reason we call to you:

Rejoice, quick obedient to all who call upon you; Rejoice, for God has pleased your honest power to glorify miracles.

Rejoice, for from your icons the grace of God is given to those who look at them with faith; Rejoice, for you dwell invisibly in the temples created for the glorification of your name.

Rejoice, for no one there who prays in faith goes away empty-handed and unheard; Rejoice, for with your prayers you strengthen our prayers, ascending to the Throne of the Almighty.

Rejoice, for you labored before every request; Rejoice, for you give admonition to those who walk along the obstinate path of sin.

Rejoice, for you show quick help to those who are tempted by the devil; Rejoice, for you are guiding everyone to follow the path of salvation.

Rejoice, for you instruct sinners to repentance; Rejoice, saint of Christ and favored prayer for us.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

We bring you a song of praise, Martyr of Christ John, accepting it with love, pray to the Lord to deliver us from troubles and sorrows, especially at the hour of our death, precede your intercession, so that we may not We are unrepentant, but in the heavenly villages we will be worthy to sing to God with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You are lights in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace and illuminating the darkness of our foolishness, blessed John. For this reason we pray to you: enlighten us, darkened by sin, let us sing to you:

Rejoice, you who carry the light of Divine teaching in your heart; Rejoice, for by this we enlighten, you have exposed the darkness of idolatry.

Rejoice, for we too strive to be enlightened by the same light; Rejoice, for you see the glory of the Trisian Divinity face to face.

Rejoice, ray of God’s grace, kindled from the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, illuminating the darkness of our ignorance with the light of Christ’s commandments.

Rejoice, guiding star to all those seeking salvation; Rejoice, for you instruct us in every good work.

Rejoice, for you put a good thought in our hearts in good time; Rejoice, for you show the image of a good warrior in yourself to the military rank.

Rejoice, having illuminated the universe with the light of your virtues; Rejoice, for, seeing your good deeds, people glorify the Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

Grace has been given to you from God to guide you to salvation and to save those who honor your memory from troubles; for this reason, with your prayers, protect the Church and the Russian country from all evil, the faithful are all in virtue Let us prosper, let us all sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, warrior and wonderworker with the praises of chic:

Rejoice, decoration of the Church of God; Rejoice, thou who art numbered among the Heavenly host.

Rejoice, you who have received the whole armor of God; Rejoice, having overcome all the machinations of the enemy.

Rejoice, thou clothed with the armor of righteousness; Rejoice, overshadowed by the shield of faith.

Rejoice, you who have acquired the helmet of salvation; Rejoice, sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, beloved of all weapons.

Rejoice, girded by God with righteousness and truth about your limbs; Rejoice, for you are numbered among those invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Rejoice, for there you were deemed worthy to sing a new song before His Throne; Rejoice, in Heaven now you may partake of Christ more truly than sometimes on earth.

Rejoice, John, holy Warrior and glorious miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

O holy servant of Christ and miracle worker John the Warrior! Accept this our praise and prayers offered to you, and with your favorable prayers to God, deliver us from all evils and circumstances, mental and physical illnesses, and from eternal torment through your intercession, save us and We beseech you that we are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, that we may be worthy to sing to God in the heavenly villages: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Prayer to John the Warrior

Oh, martyr of Christ, John the warrior! Thou art brave in battle, and a chaser of the enemy, and an intercessor to the offended, to all Orthodox Christians. Oh, great intercessor and servant of Christ, John the warrior!

Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and sorrows, and in sorrows, and in every evil adversity, and from every evil and offending person, for you have been given such grace from God, e Let us pray for us sinners in troubles and misfortunes of those who suffer evil.

Deliver us from those who offend and hate, and be a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies.

Oh, great champion of John the warrior! Do not forget us, who always pray to you, asking for your help and your endless mercy, and grant us, sinners and unworthy, to receive from God the ineffable goodness that is prepared for those who love Him.

For due to Him is all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Portal "Wonderful Diveevo"

Troparion, tone 4 of the All-Good God and King / you appeared as a faithful servant and warrior, / to John the wonderworker, / having suffered courageously for the sake of faith, / having blissfully passed away, / behold the All-Creator Lord / in the brightest heavens. / From Him you receive the granting of miracles, / you help suffering people / in all sorts of misfortunes, / you strengthen warriors in battles, / from enemies of captivity, / wounds and sudden deaths / and you save them from severe troubles. / In the same way, pray to the Lord Christ, of everlasting memory, / that in every situation / he will show us mercy, / and will not lead us into temptation, / but will save our souls, as a Lover of mankind. Kontakion 1 Let us sing songs of praise to the chosen servant of the Heavenly King, the noble passion-bearer of Christ, the holy Moanna, warrior and wonderworker, as a Christian intercessor, a guardian of chastity, a comforter to the suffering. You, standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, with your prayers from all evils and misfortunes protect with faith and love those who call you: Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Ikos 1 Archangels and Angels, in love, look upon your life as angels, O most wonderful John, for you, who cared about the Lord, how to please the Lord, preserved your virginity intact, mortifying your flesh day and night with fasting and prayer. We marvel at your life, and with tenderness we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have preserved the purity of your heart; Rejoice, for for God’s sake you have been vouchsafed to see this. Rejoice, you who took the yoke of Christ upon your shoulder; Rejoice, you who lost your soul for Christ’s sake in order to save it. Rejoice, cohabitant of the Angels; Rejoice, virgins are praised. Rejoice, guardian and mentor of young youths; Rejoice, quick helper to those struggling with passions and lusts. Rejoice, protector of virgins and widows; Rejoice, denunciation of violators of chastity. Rejoice, mentor of parents and educators; Rejoice, invisible driver of the orphans. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 2 Seeing Saint John, when he came to Numera Ifala, the Christians were persecuted, not fearing the reproaches of the wicked Julian, and he said to them: take courage, be strengthened in the faith, so that you may be worthy to sing in the heavenly realms to Christ God: Alleluia. Ikos 2 You had an undoubted mind within yourself, John, much to be praised, when, despising the glory of this world and not fearing the wrath of the king, you confessed to yourself that you were a Christian, and for this reason, as a villain, you were imprisoned. Marveling at your boldness in Christ, we say: Rejoice, most excellent confessor of Christ; Rejoice, suffering Christ. Rejoice, you who expose the charm of idolatry; Rejoice, thou who conquered the enemy by the power of the Cross. Rejoice, for you were deemed worthy to receive bonds and prison for Christ; Rejoice, for you preferred coldness and nakedness for Christ to the glory of sin. Rejoice, confessors are praised; Rejoice, joy of the martyrs. Rejoice, valiant warrior of the Heavenly King among earthly warriors; Rejoice, you who made your robe white in the Blood of Lambs. Rejoice, protector of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, intercessor of all Orthodox. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 3, girded with power from above, you were able to defeat the ancient serpent; Gifted with the same power, you exude an abundance of miracles to all who call on your name with faith and cry out to God with gratitude for you: Alleluia. Ikos 3 Having in your heart a firm faith in Christ and armed with that power, you were not afraid of the king’s wrath and you saved the people of Ifal from their tormentors. For this reason, such courage of yours is praiseworthy, we bless you: Rejoice, adamante of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, pillar of the Church of God. Rejoice, hope and intercession of the faithful; Rejoice, fear and shame of the unfaithful; Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the crown of Christ's confessor; Rejoice, you who have overthrown the enemy of Christ with the weapon of the Cross. Rejoice, lover of Christ more than the world; Rejoice, you laid down your soul for Christians. Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, for you visited them in prisons and in bonds. Rejoice, for you yourself were imprisoned for Christ; Rejoice, you who bear the marks of your Lord on your body. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 4 Blessed John was wavering with a storm of doubtful thoughts when he was quickly sent to Numera Ifala, to torment those who believe in Christ there. If, as the verb goes, “at the order of the Tsar, the imam tortures and kills the faithful people, I will be condemned by God, and if I do not go there, in the rank of my army I will be considered disgusting to the Tsar and will be put to death with cruelty. Guided by the fear of God, you preserved the faith of Christ in your heart even to the point of suffering and prison bonds, crying out to Christ: Alleluia. Ikos 4 Hearing the wicked Julian of your mercy towards Christians and seeing you being a Christian, he was furious with anger and ordered you to be brought to Constantinople, as a villain and enemy of the Tsar. But you, strengthened by the grace of God, have courageously endured suffering and have never retreated from faith in Christ. For this reason we magnify you: Rejoice, undaunted confessor of faith in Christ; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, for from the Archangel of the heavenly powers you stand before the Throne of God; Rejoice, quick helper to all who suffer for the truth. Rejoice, having escaped temptations and enticements from the devil; Rejoice, for you deliver all those who call you from temptations. Rejoice, dispelling the plans of the godless tormentor; Rejoice, and help us to escape the snare of the devil. Rejoice, protecting yourself from the arrows of the evil one with the shield of faith; Rejoice, for you who protect us from temptations. Rejoice, kind of Christian adornment; Rejoice, inhabitant of the heavenly palaces. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 5 You were like a God-bearing star, John, when you came to the countries of Ifhal and exhorted the existing Christians there not to deviate from the Sun of Truth of Christ God, but I would like to sing to Him: Alleluia. Ikos 5 Seeing the saint being brought before him at the command of the king, people faithful to Christ to be tormented for the faith of Christ, with great sorrow, he worried in his heart that he might deliver them from the hand of the tormentor. Such your care for them is commendable, we call to you: Rejoice, you who have the love of Christ in your heart; Rejoice, for with this we warm the faithful servants of Christ from tormentors. Rejoice, despising the commands of the wicked; Rejoice, having kept the commandments of Christ. Rejoice, friends of Christ's faithful servants; Rejoice, intercessor of Christians. Rejoice, comforter to those in prison and in chains; Rejoice, protector of the poor. Rejoice, strange driver; Rejoice, physician of the infirm. Rejoice, intercessor of the orphans; Rejoice, comforter of those who weep. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 6 By fasting and prayer you enslaved your flesh to the spirit and lived spiritually for the glory of God; For this reason, now stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing the song: Alleluia. Ikos 6 You shone, like a new light in the firmament of heaven, to the entire Christian race, when by God’s will your incorruptible body was found, bringing forth an abundance of miracles with faith for your intercession to those who flow and prayerfully cry out to you: Rejoice, thou who has pleased God with thy life; Rejoice, for this reason you received glorification from Him. Rejoice, despising the vanity and charm of this world; Rejoice, thou who has received the reward of Heaven. Rejoice, for for a little while you appeared faithful; Rejoice, for you have been granted the abundance of God’s grace and acceptance. Rejoice, for in this life you selflessly loved your neighbor; Rejoice, in sorrows and misfortunes you were the intercessor of those who exist. Rejoice, you who laid down your soul for others; Rejoice, warm intercessor for us with the Heavenly King. Rejoice, you who saved Christians from the tormenting wrath; Rejoice, for today you are concerned about our salvation. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 7 I want you to leave this world, we urge you with humility, you commanded a certain person to lay your body in the house where you were buried as a stranger and a beggar. The Lord, lift up the humble, deign to preserve it incorruptible and exuding miracles to all who flow to your intercession with faith and cry out to God for you: Alleluia. Ikos 7 A new show of mercy to His servant, O Lord, lover of mankind, has always deigned to glorify you and show His miracle-working grace in you. We, rejoicing in such providence of God, cry out with gratitude: Rejoice, receptacle of God’s grace; Rejoice, chosen vessel of God. Rejoice, wonderful miracle-worker; Rejoice, give quick help to those who come to you in faith. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, you who drive out demons in the name of Christ. Rejoice, denouncer of the wickedness of the enemy of man; Rejoice, guardian of chastity. Rejoice, invisible fence of pious marriages from all devilish seduction; Rejoice, quick accuser of thefts and robberies. Rejoice, you who have turned aside to the path of truth and guide; Rejoice, fulfill our requests for good. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 8 Having seen your strange and wondrous appearance through a dream vision to a certain woman who reverently saw and recognized a new wonderworker and saint of God in you, the people of Constantinople were touched and cried out to God: Alleluia. Ikos 8 Full of virtues in this life, illuminated by the glory of God after death, you incline your ear to the prayers of those who honor you, and from them you hear: Rejoice, imitator of the mercy of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, you who hunger for nourishment. Rejoice, strange invisible companion; Rejoice, patron of the orphans. Rejoice, comforter of the embittered; Rejoice, for the strengthener of those who endure the truth. Rejoice, you who are weak and give healing to those who are sick; Rejoice, intercessor in these troubles. Rejoice, beloved poor one; Rejoice, for you did not want to be separated from them even after you departed from this world in body. Rejoice, for you have made a will to bury your body in the house of the poor; Rejoice, for your humility you have been crowned with a crown from God. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 9 All the angelic host rejoiced, seeing you, the invincible warrior of the Heavenly King, having defeated the ruler of the darkness and the delights of this age, and they also sang to God: Alleluia. Ikos 9 The many-pronounced Vitias will not be able to adequately praise your sufferings endured for Christ, and your deeds of mercy and chastity. We marvel at such people, and in our little weakness we offer you this praise: Rejoice, you who loved Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, you who endured free suffering for His name. Rejoice, jealous of God the Almighty; Rejoice, acquired martyr's crown. Rejoice, rule of faith and abstinence to the teacher; Rejoice, thou who manifested spiritual poverty. Rejoice, through your humility you have put down the spirit of pride; Rejoice, thou who hast acquired the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, you have made your abode in the house of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, for you always intercede for our salvation. Rejoice, give quick help to those who ask; Rejoice, for you endlessly prayed for us to Christ God. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 10 Though you might save your soul, you despised the commands of the tormentor, and were careless about your body; you joyfully accepted the iron bonds and the sorrow of prison, John, soldier of Christ, singing to God who strengthened you: Alleluia. Ikos 10 You are a wall and a strong refuge for all who come running to you in prayer, miracle worker John, for this reason we call you: Rejoice, quick obedient to all who call on you; Rejoice, for God has pleased your honest relics to glorify miracles. Rejoice, for from your icons the grace of God is given to those who look at them with faith; Rejoice, for you dwell invisibly in the temples created to glorify your name. Rejoice, for no one there who prays with faith goes out empty-handed and unheard; Rejoice, for with your prayers you strengthen our prayers, ascending to the Throne of the Almighty. Rejoice, for you have endeavored to anticipate each petition; Rejoice, for you have given admonition to those who walk the path of obstinate sin. Rejoice, for you show quick help to those who are tempted by the devil; Rejoice, for you are guiding everyone on the path of salvation. Rejoice, for you instruct sinners to repentance; Rejoice, servant of Christ and favorable prayer book for us. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 11 We bring you a song of praise, Martyr of Christ John, who received it with love, pray to the Lord to deliver us from troubles and sorrows, especially at the hour of our death, preceded by your intercession, so that we may not die without repentance, but may be worthy to sing to God with you in the heavenly villages : Hallelujah. Ikos 11 You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace and illuminating the darkness of our foolishness, Blessed John. For this reason, we pray: enlighten us, darkened by sin, so that we may sing to you: Rejoice, you who bear the light of Divine teaching in your heart; Rejoice, for by this we enlighten the darkness of idolatry, which you have exposed. Rejoice, for we too strive to be enlightened by the same light; Rejoice, for you have seen the glory of the Trisian Deity face to face. Rejoice, ray of God's grace, kindled from the Sun of Truth; Rejoice, illuminating the darkness of our ignorance with the light of the commandments of Christ. Rejoice, guiding star for all those seeking salvation; Rejoice, for you instruct us in every good deed. Rejoice, for you put good thoughts in our hearts in good time; Rejoice, for you have shown the image of a good warrior in yourself to your military rank. Rejoice, having illuminated the universe with the light of your virtues; Rejoice, for, seeing your good deeds, people glorify the Heavenly Father. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 12 Grace has been given to you from God to guide you to salvation and to preserve those who honor your memory from troubles; For this reason, with your prayers, protect the Church and the Russian country from all evil, and make all the faithful prosper in virtues, so that we may all sing to God: Alleluia. Ikos 12 Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, the confessor of Christ, the warrior and the miracle worker, with praises of gold: Rejoice, adornment of the Church of God; Rejoice, numbered among the Heavenly host. Rejoice, you who have received the whole armor of God; Rejoice, having overcome all the machinations of the enemy. Rejoice, thou clothed with the armor of righteousness; Rejoice, covered with the shield of faith. Rejoice, you who have acquired the helmet of salvation; Rejoice, spiritual sword, which is the word of God, and who loves more than any weapon. Rejoice, girded from God with righteousness and truth about your loins; Rejoice, for you are numbered among those invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Rejoice, for thou hast been vouchsafed to sing a new song before His Presence; Rejoice, in Heaven now partake of Christ more truly than sometimes on earth. Rejoice, holy John, warrior and glorious miracle worker. Kontakion 13 O holy servant of Christ and miracle worker John the Warrior! Accept this our praise and prayers brought to you, and with your favorable prayers to God, deliver us from all evils and circumstances, mental and physical illnesses, and save us from eternal torment through your intercession, beg us to be worthy of the kingdom of heaven, so that we may be worthy to sing to God in the heavenly villages : Hallelujah. This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Archangels and Angels...” and the 1st kontakion “The Chosen Servant...”. Prayer to the holy martyr John the Warrior O glorious servant of Christ, John the Warrior, brave in battle, the great intercessor of all Orthodox Christians! Remember us, sinful and unworthy servants, in troubles, sorrows and sorrows, and in every evil misfortune that exists, and protect us from every evil and offending person: for you have been given grace from God to pray for us, sinners, those who suffer evil. Deliver us from those who offend us, be our champion strong against all our enemies, visible and invisible, so that with your help and strong intercession and struggle all those who show us evil will be put to shame! O great champion, John the Warrior, do not forget us, sinners, praying to you and asking for your help and endless mercy, and grant us, sinners and unworthy servants, to receive from God the ineffable goodness that God has prepared for those who love Him, as all glory is due to Him, honor and worship, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion and Kontakion to John the Warrior

Troparion, tone 8:

Having loved the blessedness of the Gospel, O God-Wise John, you honored the purity of your heart. Moreover, you disdained the vanity of this world and strived to see God, who glorified you with miracles in healing the variously suffering. For this reason, we pray to you: ask us from Christ the Lord of all sorrows for deliverance and receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Kontakion, tone 6:

Let us duly praise the pious warrior of Christ, who defeated the enemies of soul and body in a divinely wise manner, John the Martyr, with songs, working miracles, he gives abundant healing to suffering people, and prays to the Lord God to save the faithful from all troubles.

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Icon of Saint John the Warrior

You can choose one of several prayers to address the saint, adding it to your morning rule or simply reading it at any time of the day. You can also pray in your own words.

  • The icon of John the Warrior may not be easy to find in ordinary churches: look for it in the main cathedral of your city or purchase it in a church shop.
  • Read the prayer with attention, not as a conspiracy, but as an appeal to a saint. Tell us in your own words about trouble and sorrow, ask for help.
  • You can light a thin church candle in front of the image during prayer, holding it in your hand or placing it on a candlestick.

Below are the texts of prayers to John the Warrior for various occasions, which can be read online in Russian.

Prayers to John the Warrior for the discovery of lost things and the return of borrowed money:

Oh, glorious saint of Christ John, Governor and warrior, courageous in battles, deliverer from enemies and intercessor of the offended, great protector and saint of Christ to all Orthodox Christians! Remember us, sinful and unworthy servants of God, who are in various evil adversities and sorrows, troubles and sorrows, and protect us from all evil and offending people: after all, you have been given grace from the Lord to pray for us, sinners, who suffer hard in everyday circumstances . Deliver us from our offenders, be our protector before our visible enemies - evil and invisible people - spirits of evil, so that with your help and strong protection all those who do evil to us will be put to shame! Oh, our great comrade-in-arms and protector, John the Warrior! Do not forget about us, sinners, praying to you and asking for your help and mercy, and let us, sinners and unworthy servants, receive from the Lord His inexpressible grace, which are prepared for those who love him in Heaven, so that we will forever glorify, and honor, and worship To Him in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and you were thanked for your intercession forever. Amen.

Prayer to John the Warrior for help in restoring justice against enemies:

O great martyr of Christ John, protector and comrade-in-arms of Orthodox Christians, expeller of enemies, intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in the midst of sorrows and troubles, those who pray to you, because you have been given from the Lord Christ the grace to console the sad, to help the sick, to deliver the innocent from unjust death, and to pray for all those who are seriously suffering. Be a strong defender for us before our visible enemies - evil and invisible people - spirits of evil, so that with your help and under your weapons all those who attack us and do evil to us will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord to grant us, His poor, sinful and unworthy servants (names), to receive from Him all the blessings necessary for our earthly life and salvation in Heaven, which is prepared for all who love the Lord and glorify Him in the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.

Short prayers to John the Warrior - troparion and kontakion, which are read in danger and on the day of celebrating the memory of the saint:

Troparion to John the Good Warrior of the Lord God and King showed yourself to be a faithful servant and warrior, O John the Wonderworker, you suffered courageously for your faith, and ended your life blissfully and peacefully, now in heaven you see the Creator of all, the Most Serene Lord, from Whom you received the gift of miracles: you help those suffering in all dangers, you give aid to military personnel in battles, you save them from enemy captivity, wounds and death, and you save them from terrible troubles. Therefore, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, O great John the Warrior, that in all difficulties He would give us His mercy and would not lead us into temptation, but would save our souls, as He who loves all people. You, God-wise John, fell in love with the Gospel life, and reinforced the purity of your heart with the purity of your virgin body. You neglected the vanity of this world and sought only to see the Lord, Who glorified you with miracles of healing all those who suffered and prayed to you. That is why we pray to you: ask the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from all sorrows and to gain the Kingdom of Heaven.

Kontakion to John the Warrior

Let us worthily glorify and praise the pious warrior of Christ, who defeated invisible enemies - demons and physical ones - pagans, John the Martyr and Warrior! He, a miracle worker, gives many healings to suffering people and prays to the Lord God to save Orthodox people from all the misfortunes.

Through the prayers of the holy martyr John the Warrior, may the Lord protect you from all dangers!

You can also read the Akathist to St. John the Warrior online using the text below. The Church does not prohibit reading from the screen of a gadget or monitor.

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