Prayer to help your daughter get pregnant, 3 prayers to Matrona of Moscow

Prayer for conceiving a girl

For all women, motherhood is the most important task in life. If a woman does not realize herself as a mother, then over time she becomes simply unbearable, hating everyone, including children, bitchy and angry.

A family planning a child does not always understand that this process is natural and can be complicated by various problems. If the couple is a believer, then there is an opinion that God sends children at the most favorable time. Basically, the message to the Almighty should be about health, a prayer for conceiving a healthy child, a girl or a boy - it doesn’t matter.

After several years of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child and visits to the doctor, the couple, in desperation, begin to look for other methods and methods that would help fulfill the dream of becoming parents.

There are many different methods on the Internet that at first glance are very effective, but not all of them help in reality. When all methods have been tried, but pregnancy still does not occur, it is worth turning to God, perhaps prayer for conceiving a girl will help desperate people.

How to pray for children?

Miracles happen if a mother sincerely turns to the Mother of God for her children . After all, every parent wants to protect their child from everyday problems, adversity, bad surroundings and illnesses. Before turning to the Mother of God you should:

  • tune in to prayer
  • perform a ritual ablution
  • rid your mind of evil thoughts
  • open your soul to the Mother of God

John of Kronstadt said that you need to pray with all sincerity, without hiding anything. Only then will a person be worthy of heavenly gifts.

Prayer can take place both in church and in your own home. In the second case, you must have an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a special place. During each prayer, you can light a candle in front of the face.

If there is no icon, then it’s okay. You can pray for your children simply by imagining the Mother of God. An interesting feature has been noticed - the prayers that children ask for are fulfilled much more often. But the priests believe that this should not be surprising.

After all, the sincerity of an innocent child touches the Mother of God, so she gives him relief from all his problems. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter that the boy or girl has not yet been baptized. For the Heavenly Mother, we are all her beloved children.

Is prayer effective for conceiving a healthy baby girl?

To read a prayer, people go to Church, and this is actually the right decision. Despite this, it is worth noting that prayer words can be said even at home, the main thing is to believe in them.

If you want to get pregnant and have free time, then you can use it usefully, namely, turn to God for help. In such cases, you need to ask for God's blessing for the conception and birth of a healthy baby. If your spouse’s desire is as strong as yours, then you can also attract him to prayer and turning to God. A prayer to become pregnant with a girl will be stronger if the request for help is mutual.

Based on church rules, a married couple needs to take communion and confess, and then begin to say a sincere prayer with a clear mind.

Birth of a daughter, through the prayers of St. Matrons!

Birth of a daughter, through the prayers of St. Matrons!

Hello , dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

The editors have received a story from a visitor to our website, Pavel, who tells about the Lord God’s gift of a daughter through the prayers of the holy, righteous, blessed Matrona of Moscow!

Dear brothers and sisters, reading about the miracles of the Holy Blessed Elder Matrona, our dear and beloved, who has already become our dear Matronushka, I also want to share one of the many, but the most important of the miracles that happened in the life of my family through the prayers and primacy of our heavenly patroness .

It so happened that after leaving school, I devoted myself to the service of the state and the service of the law. I devoted all my time to career growth and, although I got married quite early, I was in no hurry to have children. My wife supported my desire to build a career and did not insist on having a child.

Closer to the age of 30, when my career seemed to be going well and everything was working out in my everyday life, my wife and I started thinking about children. But... At first everything went well, my wife did not immediately become pregnant. The pregnancy proceeded normally without any problems, but three months before the birth, an ultrasound showed that the fetus had two serious pathologies: a cleft palate and a curvature of the right foot.

Faced with a difficult choice, I committed a terrible sin, pushing my wife to it too; in the hospital I insisted on premature birth (in fact, an abortion only in the late stages of pregnancy), as a result of which the child was born dead. I deeply regret this.

The joy of anticipation was replaced by the bitterness of loss and the severity of the sin committed. This is how a dark streak of five years began in our family life, until Matronushka came to our aid. A month after the loss of the child, my wife received a very complex leg fracture, the treatment of which took a whole year and several operations, I completely immersed myself in work, I had another woman, my wife and I grew more and more distant from each other. At some point, I realized that the relationship in our family was heading into the abyss and, if I want to save the family, I need to stop sinning and return to God. I was baptized at the age of 13, but as an adult I turned away from God and became carried away by the newfangled and false theories of “neo-Slavism,” for which I was punished by God.

For four years I walked through spiritual darkness, but “towards” God and “towards” my wife. Attempts to conceive a child were unsuccessful; the results of a genetic study showed that my wife and I have a large percentage of genetic mismatches and that the next pregnancy could end like the first (with a deformed child).

At some point, I decided to confess in church, confessed to such terrible sins: apostasy from God and the church, adultery. It was very difficult to repent of forcing my wife to “get rid” of the child. When I confessed this sin, I could not hold back my tears. After confession, such grace and clarity of thoughts appeared in my soul; it immediately became clear what was important, what was secondary, and what was completely unimportant. Later, my father advised me to watch a film about Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

I let Matron into my soul without a doubt, so much in my sinful life I was looking for a guiding star, waiting for a miracle. After my first acquaintance with the great Moscow Saint, I greedily sought and absorbed any information about her, about her service to God during her life and after the end of her earthly journey, I absorbed it like a sponge and really wanted to venerate her relics.

In the summer of 2013, we had such an opportunity; we went from a distant northern city to the capital. Despite the various obstacles on the way to Matronushka, the road turned out to be so easy and fast. And so, finally, we found ourselves in the Intercession Monastery, easily stood in a huge queue and with my wife venerated the relics of the Saint, each asking for the most secret thing - for a child. The grace that I felt when I venerated the relics cannot be described in words - it can only be felt.

After the Intercession Monastery and the meeting with Saint Matrona, we continued our journey to rest. We spent our vacation in Crimea, but during our vacation a miracle did not happen when we were so expecting it... The miracle happened at the moment when we least expected it, when we came to terms with the idea that everything was God’s will. Returning home, exactly a month after the end of our vacation, we learned the happy news that my wife was pregnant.

The pregnancy went well, without fears and anxieties, although the wife was already 36 years old and was constantly placed under observation in the department of pathology of pregnant women, but not because of threats, but precisely because of her age and the cesarean section suffered as a result of her first pregnancy.

In the summer of 2014, the day after her thirty-sixth birthday, my wife gave birth to a healthy, wonderful girl who makes us happy every day. Our daughter’s favorite word is “thank you”, as if Matrona is praying for her and whispering “God bless”...

This is not the only Miracle that happened through the prayers of Saint Matrona before God for our family. Subsequently, I will also share wonderful stories of Matronushka’s help.

Each of us who received help through Matronushka’s prayers should tell people about this in order to strengthen them in their faith in God and His Saints who pray for us sinners.”

The prayers of Saint Matrona saved the pregnancy!

“Through the prayers of Saint Matrona, I found a husband”!

The Lord gave the child, through the prayers of Saint Matrona!

<< To the main page under the heading “Miracles of St. Matrons >>

Who to pray to get pregnant with a girl?

There are several prayers that are considered incredibly powerful and effective:

  • For an early pregnancy, a woman should pray to the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • For a successful conception, you need to pray in the morning at dawn with great faith and hope;
  • A prayer to become pregnant with twins should be said to the Holy Spirit. These short but powerful words will give a woman hope for a quick pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. The prayer must be read every day in the morning until conception occurs.

Petitions to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Martyr Paraskeva has long been loved by the Russian people. The saint dedicated her life to God, preached the faith to the nations, and was honored with martyrdom. Mother Paraskeva, in heaven, intercedes with God for all those who turn to her with requests for the gift of children and family well-being.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday for the birth of a girl:

Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery to the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, vouchsafed to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the chamber of the Bridegroom your Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the extreme crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, to be sorrowful for us to Christ God, whose most blessed sight will always rejoice. Pray to the All-Merciful One, Who opened the eyes of the blind with His word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; with your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our souls and bodies; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, so that for the sake of your holy prayers sweet vision will be given to the dishonest. Oh, great servant of God!

O most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and extremely negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are extremely weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds we will enter into the eternal light of the never-evening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the heavenly powers the Trisagion of the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Paraskeva’s prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the request for a child itself; it should be added at the end, formulated in your own words. It happens that in some families the inability to get pregnant causes discord and leads to misunderstanding between spouses. Prayers to the righteous woman will help revive love and strengthen the marriage union.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the conception of a girl - the story of the Holy

Who to pray to get pregnant with a girl? The most revered saints include Matrona of Moscow. She was blind from birth, but from an early age she possessed the Lord's gift of spiritual vision. She could penetrate the mystery of Divine Providence.

Before Matrona was born, her mother decided to send her to an orphanage due to poverty in the family. After some time, the mother changed her mind, because while pregnant she had a dream in which her daughter was in the guise of a beautiful white bird with a human face and closed eyes. This incredible bird landed on its mother's hand. The pregnant woman interpreted the dream as a Higher sign, so she changed her previously made decision.

Some time later, a completely blind girl was born into the family, and the mother once again became convinced that her dream was a sign from God. During the baby’s baptism, fragrant smoke was visible above the church domes, which indicated the chosenness of God’s creation. There was a cross-shaped bulge on the child's chest from birth.

Matrona has been drawn to God since childhood. Sneaking into the corner of the church, she loved to play with icons. She went to church as if it were her home and did not miss a single prayer service.

Matrona always told her parents that the Lord gave her strength, and after a few years they began to notice that their girl could penetrate into other people’s thoughts, moreover, she could pronounce them.

With age, her gift only increased; she helped people in need, and also predicted their fate. Even after the death of the saint, people turn to her with prayerful words for help, after which they receive it in the form of healing.

Today, many women are helped by praying to the Moscow matron to conceive a girl.

How to make your request?

There are several basic rules that are important to follow:

  • Pray constantly , every day.
  • Attend confession as often as possible and try to receive remission of your sins.
  • Give alms, help those in need, especially families with children. If you are unable to get pregnant, help little children left without parents and those who need help. Even your slightest contribution (financial or moral) will count towards you.
  • Read prayers not only for your own children , but also for your godchildren, because you are their spiritual parents.
  • Turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with all your heart - only in this case there is a guarantee that the Higher powers will hear your request.
  • If you already have children, then you need to pray with them , the whole family. Be sure to tell your child how to do it and why it is needed. Thanks to this, the power of the petition will increase, because several hearts filled with love for her are sent to the Mother of God at once.
  • After reading the prayer, it is also recommended to tell in your own words what you are asking for your children. If you do this, the effect will be ten times better.

We recommend watching the video - “Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God for children”:

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Mantra for conceiving a girl by the righteous Anna and Joachim

Orthodox couples who do not have children often pray to the righteous Anna and Joachim, who are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These people could not conceive a child for a long time and had already lost faith in such a possibility, but a miracle happened. At an old age they became the parents of a girl.

To summarize, it must be said that not only the prayers indicated in the Holy Book, but also words composed independently have great power. The main thing is to put your soul and heart into them. Prayer will help if it comes sincerely and with good thoughts of both future parents.

Prayer of a pregnant woman

When you see that your wish has come true and a new life has arisen in your womb, you should definitely offer a prayer to the Lord for the birth of a healthy child.

  • Lord our God Jesus Christ, from the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank You for giving me a child. And I tearfully ask You, bless the fruit that is inside me with health and development and keep it from diseases and vices. I also ask you to bless me, Your servant (your full name), so that I do not experience illnesses or complications before giving birth. Strengthen me in hope and faith, bless me for an easy release from the burden, and then protect me and my little child. You gave my husband and me this miracle, for which I thank you. Help me become a good mother, I entrust myself and my child, our future and our lives to You. Amen!

We pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In order for the baby to be born healthy and strong, you can also say an Orthodox prayer for the birth of a healthy child to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is the patron saint of mothers and children. This prayer can be read by both the expectant mother and her family and friends.

  • Oh, saint of the Lord, Saint Nicholas. I turn to you as our intercessor and a quick assistant in business and sorrow. Help me, a sinner, in my present life and ask the Lord to grant me forgiveness of my sins, which I have committed from the day I was born to this day in thought, deed, word or feelings. Forever I glorify God the Father and his Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

However, despite the fact that this is a prayer for the birth of healthy children, it can also be said to a woman who has been dreaming of getting pregnant for a long time, but nothing works out for her. Moreover, it is better to read it on days favorable for fertilization, which fall in the middle of the cycle, having received communion and confessed beforehand.

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