How to correctly read the Indestructible Psalter about health

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Every self-respecting Orthodox Christian knows all the sacred scriptures and often uses them in his daily life. On minor issues they try not to disturb the Lord, but when it comes to more serious problems, for example with health, it would not be superfluous to use a psalm for the sick. These are special texts that have a greater energy load than prayers.

In front of the pharmacy counter.

Doctors joke: “In Russia, the main attending physician is a pharmacist.” And indeed it is. Approaching the pharmacy counter, we ask: “Girl, please give me something for my head.” And the girl with a sweet smile hands us colorful packaging, which seems to make us feel better just looking at it. It’s great, of course, that our pharmacies now have a large selection of medications and pharmacists have something to offer us. The most competent and friendly of them will also tell you in detail about contraindications, draw our attention to the difference in dosages, and advise or, conversely, advise against a cheaper analogue. But even the most attentive pharmacist does not know what chronic diseases the buyer has, what his blood pressure is, what medications he takes constantly, and whether that same “headache” medicine is compatible with them. Selecting a drug is a rather complex and delicate matter; it requires high qualifications and knowledge of all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

How to pray for health

There is such a concept in Orthodoxy as the “unsleeping psalter.” This is a specific list of psalms during the reading of which the clergy are allowed to sit. They read them without interruption. It is composed of sections about:

  • health,
  • repose,
  • on every day.

I recommend reading them without stopping. The clergy change each other after a certain period of time. You can also use it at home. To do this, you should adhere to all the above rules. Your faith must be strong and your thoughts firm.

Many people often ask the question of which psalm to read about a sick person. Here is a list of the most commonly used: 4, 5, 7, 12, 18, 19, 27, 37, 40, 44, 55, 56, 58, 63, 67, 79, 95, 102, 106, 108, 113, 122, 125, 128, 142, 145, 146. Each of them is used in a specific situation. Choose the one that suits you and get down to business with confidence and a positive attitude.

The best article for you, go to: Psalm of David “The Lord is my Shepherd; I won't need anything."

Text of 4 songs of the Psalter:

To the head of the choir. On string instruments. Psalm of David.

When I cry, hear me, O God of my righteousness! In tight spaces, You gave me space. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

Sons of husbands! How long will my glory be in reproach? How long will you love vanity and seek lies?

Know that the Lord has set apart His holy one for Himself; The Lord hears when I call on Him.

When you are angry, do not sin: meditate in your hearts on your beds, and be calm;

offer sacrifices of righteousness and trust in the Lord.

Many say: “Who will show us good?” Show us the light of Your face, O Lord!

You have filled my heart with joy from the time that their bread and wine [and oil] multiplied.

I lie down calmly and sleep, for You, Lord, alone allow me to live in safety.

God bless you!

In this video you will hear the reading of the 5th song of the Psalter:

Why does my head hurt?

The best remedy for headaches is the guillotine. Anyone who has ever suffered from it will easily understand this common joke, and to some it does not even seem like an exaggeration. But here's what's surprising: brain tissue itself does not have nerve endings that are sensitive to pain. What causes us such torment?

Messages about touch, pain, temperature, and vibration in the neck and head region travel to the brain through the trigeminal nerve, one of 12 paired cranial nerves that originate at the base of the head. The nerve, as its name suggests, has 3 branches that carry signals from the surface of the head, from the blood vessels inside and outside the skull, the lining of the brain, as well as from the face, mouth, ears, eyes and throat. A headache begins when pain-sensitive nerve endings react to various triggers and send this information through the trigeminal nerve to the thalamus, a kind of receiver of pain signals from all parts and organs of the body. Other parts of the brain may also be involved, causing headaches such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and neurological symptoms such as loss of concentration.

No one is immune from headaches. Medical scientists say that almost 2/3 of the world's population will experience it at least once before the age of 15, and 9/10 will experience it sooner or later during adulthood. Headache is one of the main reasons why adults miss work and visit the doctor. Without appropriate treatment, headaches become chronic, and its negative impact on a person’s quality of life is difficult to overestimate.

There are several types of headaches, and some of them involve a genetic predisposition. Let's consider one of them - migraine.

Other psalms and prayers

Below are the numbers of the psalms, which also contain lines that represent prayers to the Lord for healing from illnesses. This is Ps.12 (“let your eyes see the light, do not let the sleep of death fall asleep”); Ps.27; Ps.28; Ps.37 (during severe pain); Ps.38; Ps.40 (“on his sick bed, the Lord will give him strength—You will transform the sick man’s bed!”); Ps.48 (“but God will deliver my soul from the power of the grave when He receives me”); Ps.90 (“neither the terror of the night is terrible to you, nor an arrow shot during the day, nor a plague that creeps in the night, nor a pestilence in broad daylight”); Ps.114 (praying in especially difficult, dying pains); Ps.140; Ps.141 (for pain and fear); Ps.142 (for pain and despondency).

With and without aura

Migraine is one of the most common types of headaches (more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from it), and it is also very painful for the patient and difficult to treat. There are two types: migraine with aura (classical) and migraine without aura (ordinary). The aura appears 10-60 minutes before the onset of pain and is a complex of neurological symptoms. The patient may experience difficulty fixating his gaze, a shortening of the viewing horizon, flickering, dark spots in front of the eyes, acute irritation from bright light and noise, difficulty speaking, muscle weakness on one side of the body, tingling in the hands or face. Nausea may also appear even before the onset of a painful attack.

Migraines without aura begin without warning. This is a more common type of migraine, and symptoms include severe pain on one side of the head, difficulty concentrating, decreased visual acuity, mood changes, weakness, and sensitivity to light and sound.

The causes of migraines are still not precisely known. Some researchers argue that the pain is vascular in nature, others consider it neurologically caused. There is also no agreement among the latter. One hypothesis is that in response to an external trigger, the cerebral cortex releases a number of neurotransmitters that directly stimulate the trigeminal nerve and thus trigger a chain of reactions leading to pain. Another hypothesis suggests that migraines originate directly in the brain stem because it controls attention and reaction time, perception of light, noise and smell, vascular function and cerebral blood flow, sensitivity to pain - many of the same functions that are affected. during a migraine attack.

But if the nature of migraine is not fully understood, its provocateurs are well known. There are people who suffer from migraines when eating certain foods. This is especially true for flour and dairy products, sugar, artificial additives and chemical preservatives, industrial meat products (sausages, sausages, smoked and spicy ham), alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks. For some, a migraine is an inevitable consequence of disrupted sleep patterns, and it can be caused by lack of sleep, too much sleep, or a shift in normal sleep time. Severe physical fatigue, stress, and, of course, hormones play an important role. It is no coincidence that 80% of all patients with migraine are women aged 25 to 50 years: they often suffer from severe headaches before or during menstruation, during pregnancy, and menopause. A migraine attack can occur if you don’t eat on time or don’t drink for a long time. Patients are usually very sensitive to a wide range of external influences: changes in weather, bright or flashing lights, fluorescent lighting, loud sounds, strong odors, even pleasant ones. All of these factors can serve as migraine triggers. But the most surprising thing, perhaps, is that the cause of a headache can be... a cure for it!

What is the Psalter

The very name of the book Psalter or Psalter translated from Hebrew means “praise.” The Psalter consists of 150 psalms, which are, on the one hand, chants of praise, and on the other, powerful magical spells.

The authorship of most psalms is attributed to King David, although some psalms are said to have been written by other authors - for example, Solomon and even Moses. It should be noted that the Psalter is revered by both Jews and Christians. In addition, psalms are used by Voodoo, Hoodoo, Brujeria, Shamanism and other schools of magic.

In Rus', the Psalter was a favorite popular reading and the main educational book. They learned to read and write using the Psalter, and a person who studied the Psalter was considered “bookish,” that is, literate. The book was read not only at home, but was taken with them on trips for prayer and edification. Psalms were read over seriously ill people, and the Psalter was also especially read for the dead (this tradition continues to this day). In many women's monasteries, the reading of the so-called “unceasing Psalter” is performed, that is, the continuous reading of the Psalter.

The use of the Psalter to obtain help from higher powers arose on the basis of an ancient Jewish custom. Over the centuries, dozens of methods of working with the psalms have been developed to solve almost any everyday problems and issues. Psalms are used both separately and in combination with other prayers to obtain a specific result.

What is our treatment?

Of course, a severe migraine justifies the use of a medicine that would bring relief, at least partial. Statistics say, however, that medications help only 50% of migraine sufferers, and even then only in half of the cases. With long-term use of paracetamol, aspirin, citramone, ibuprofen, complications such as gastritis, stomach ulcers and even gastric bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys can occur. Adverse reactions occur not only with the use of over-the-counter drugs, they are caused by all groups of drugs used for migraines: triptans, ergot drugs, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Moreover, recently doctors and scientists have begun to talk about... headaches caused by the abuse of headache medications. A group of Italian scientists is conducting research to develop a procedure for helping such patients, which may include short-term hormonal therapy, detoxification of the body and a number of preventive measures.

Just the other day, an interesting article appeared about a new drug for headaches, based on the long-known properties of such natural ingredients as ginger, feverfew and olive oil to defeat migraines. The LipiGesic tablet is placed under the tongue and dissolved, and within two hours the migraine goes away. However, the drug does not cause serious complications. Let's hope that over time it will appear in Russia.

In the meantime, let's try to make our life easier with ginger tea and a ginger bath. Tea is brewed at the rate of 1 ginger root per 250 ml of water. The root needs to be peeled and cut, and then pour boiling water over it and leave for 10 minutes. The bath is prepared as follows: 2-3 tablespoons of dry ginger, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour into the bath. You can mix ½ teaspoon of dry ginger with warm water and apply the resulting paste to your sinuses. The burning sensation that occurs is not dangerous.

There is also such a recipe for brave and determined migraine sufferers with strong nerves and stomach. Depending on how you tolerate hot spices, brew a quarter or half a teaspoon of pepper in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. You can then mix one tablespoon of this solution with hot water. Cayenne pepper tincture is very strong, so be careful. Take one drop three times daily as needed. When the pepper hits the stomach lining properly, the brain will begin to actively produce endorphins, which in turn will stop the headache.

A good, intense massage of the head and neck, as well as the ears, can relieve or even stop a migraine attack. Massage is also a good preventive measure, both regular and acupressure.

For some patients, a cold compress on the forehead helps, while for others, the cold, on the contrary, can trigger a migraine. In this case, a hot compress or mustard plaster on the temporal region and neck will relieve the pain. The right remedy is hot steam. Boil a pot of water, and then hold your face over the hot steam for 10-15 minutes, covering your head with a towel. Even if the migraine does not go away completely, the pain will be noticeably lessened.

What psalms are read about health?

At the moment when a person is faced with a health problem for a loved one, he is ready to do anything just to be cured. In such cases, he turns to God for help and special sacred texts will help him get through most quickly. It is worth knowing which psalms to read, because they can help each of us at the right time. Reading these texts should be concentrated and thoughtful. Try to understand every word that is written, because sometimes texts also contain hidden meanings.

Remember that you should begin such a responsible task with a pure soul and heart. There are certain points that should be taken into account when performing the ritual:

  • try to remain alone during the treatment;
  • it is recommended to perform this ritual in front of the face of the Lord;
  • It is advisable to light a candle;
  • you can read both at home and in church; the main thing is the opportunity to concentrate on the procedure;
  • You can read both for yourself and for other people;
  • Pay special attention to stress, as sometimes a mistake in a word can completely change the essence of the entire phrase;
  • You can pronounce words while sitting;
  • this must be done in a low voice;
  • the voice should sound monotonous;
  • There is no need to get upset and discouraged if you cannot understand the meaning of what is written the first time.

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Among the large list, you need to know which psalms are about health. It is often believed that illness is a punishment for some sins. But the reason for correcting such a situation can be repentance and prayer.

Reading by agreement

In Orthodoxy there is a separate rule for reading the Psalter. Due to its large size, it is possible to read prayer words together. People get together and at the same time reread psalms for illness and any health problem. This procedure is called reading by agreement. It is effective, as is reading the prayer words yourself.

A group of believers gathers to read together. People agree to comply with the conditions of such a reading and sincerely believe in every word spoken.

Participants agree to read the entire Psalter one by one—they manage to read the entire book in 24 hours. Each believer is assigned one psalm. He reads it at home, in complete solitude.

Kathismas are read at home, but the names of everyone included in the joint reading group are mentioned in them. The next day the church ritual is repeated. Believers again read the Psalter from beginning to end.

If a person from the group failed to read the kathisma assigned to him, it is read the next day - 2 times instead of once. If a believer reads a prayer, the next day he begins to read the next text in order about healing the soul and body.

The practice is used during Lent. The Psalter is read for 40 days in a row. Using this technique, prayers for health gain incredible power. They are strengthened by the thoughts of a dozen believers at the same time. It is very difficult for one person to perform such a ritual on his own. Incessant prayer from the lips of different people remains effective and powerful.

Preparation for prayer

The Psalter is not just a holy book. It contains Divine hymns. The very title of the collection reveals its meaning. The hymn is an inviolable truth, it helps and allows you to understand the truth. Every prayer is a path to God and to yourself.

By reading a book, a person calls Angels to him. Why is it so important to read it when the soul feels bad and when it feels good:

  • a person's sins are atoned for;
  • he gets a chance to calm down and finds harmony;
  • anxiety decreases;
  • negative thoughts disappear;
  • a person gains faith in the best, no matter what happens to him in the present moment.

The Psalter nourishes the soul, charges it, connects it with the Holy Spirit. Even a suffering soul is not left alone. She receives support, she gets a unique opportunity to say goodbye to trouble and choose the path of spiritual liberation.

Preparation for reading the psalms consists of several stages: first the body and soul are cleansed, then special prayer texts are read - they prepare for reading the Psalter. Such preparation allows you to approach this peculiar ritual consciously and without haste. When the soul is cleansed, it does not require the bustle of the surrounding world. She is free from everything that worried her a few minutes ago.

Cleansing the soul and body

According to legends, prayer, like the psalms, has a longer history than the Jesus Prayer or reading akathists. Before the prayer of Jesus appeared, the monks silently repeated the Psalter. The unique story of the prayer book is wisdom, and not every person is able to accept it.

Cleansing your soul and body every day for several reasons.

  1. Reading a prayer requires a certain concentration. A person has no right to begin turning to God without preparation. He collected negativity during the day, other people’s negative thoughts. If a person is angry or anxious, he is unable to absorb new information. It's closed.
  2. Cleansing the body is of particular importance. On a subconscious level, a person feels how he is freed from dirt. He cleanses himself, allows his body to say goodbye to the burden of the past day. By cleansing the body, your mood improves and your soul becomes lighter.
  3. Cleansing the soul involves giving up everything that was collected during the day. A person says goodbye to fears, anxieties and worries. He accepts that not everything went smoothly, but he is willing to learn from his mistakes.
  4. Reading prayer texts is faster and more effective if you use preliminary preparation. A person gives a signal to his mind that he will soon turn to God. He opens up, he is ready to listen and accept.

In peace of mind lies another task - the willingness to accept help. Prayers for health are aimed at treatment. Diseases are a reflection of the internal state. If a person feels a loss of strength, he feels bad or hard, he is spiritually weakened. Cleansing the soul leads to recovery.

Reading additional prayers

Orthodox ascetic practice is very diverse - it allows for preparation before the main prayer. In most cases, it includes reading special texts. They put a person in the right mood and give him time to calm down.

For health and liberation from illness, the following preparatory prayers are used:

After reading the first prayer for the return of health, without interruption, the person reads the second kathisma:

Where the kathisma is interrupted by the mark “Glory”, the following prayers are read:

At the end of it, the praying person bows. The more effort on the part of the believer, the greater the power in the prayer itself. The first two parts of the preparatory prayer mention the names of those who need health promotion. The third prayer mentions the names of those who need to calm down, find peace and harmony within themselves.

Third part of the preparatory prayer:

A list of names is inserted in the middle of the prayer. It is prepared in advance. At the end there are bows. The final part of the prayers, as preparation for turning to the main book for the Orthodox, consists of a simple phrase:

Now the person is ready to read the psalms. He continues reading the prayer words in the same order and at the same pace. After the last prayer, troparia or additional texts are used if a person feels any traces of anxiety or self-doubt.

A universal method of calming down is reading “Lord, have mercy” exactly 40 times. A rosary or fingers are used to concentrate attention. In some cases, when a believer expresses such a desire, in the middle of 40 repetitions of “Lord, have mercy,” the person inserts a personal prayer. All relatives and loved ones are mentioned in it. They need protection and the person praying asks for it.

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