Symbolic Star Heavenly Doctor

How to get help from a Noble Person

Articles - Symbolic stars - How to get help from a Noble Person
In Ba Tzu, we use such a concept as the Star of a Noble Person.

She is also called the Heavenly Noble. This is one of the most favorable stars. When we see such a star in a chart, it is a very good sign; it shows that a person on his life’s path meets reliable helpers, people who can support him in difficult situations.

A noble person is calculated by the Heavenly Stem of his birthday.

The most wonderful property of a Noble Person is that we can use it in several ways.

Using the Noble Person.

Time. Days with a Noble Man. We choose the days whose Earthly branch is your Noble man. For example, if your Personality element is 乙Yin Tree, then the day of 子Rat and 申Monkey will provide additional support in business. Clock with a Noble Man There are 12 two-hour clocks in the Chinese calendar, each of which corresponds to a specific Earthly branch.

Find and remember the time interval when your Noble rules. For example, for a person with the Personality 丙Yang Fire, such hours will be: the hour of the Rooster 17.00-19.00 and the hour of the Pig 21.00-23.00* These hours should be used to start important things, to make a call, send a letter, publish an advertisement and much more . Especially if the situation is stuck and you can’t achieve a result or resolve the issue, you should use a noble watch. *Time can be used with or without adjustments. The table shows the true solar time of each two hours. We live according to artificial time, so we need to make time corrections. Numerous online calculators do an excellent job of this, saving us from the need to make time-consuming calculations. Space. Using Noble Man indoors. You can activate the Noble One in space. The Noble Man star is the Earthly branch. And the Earthly branches in Chinese metaphysics connect time and space. Each Earthly branch corresponds to a specific sector, expressed in degrees.

Correspondence of Earthly branches to sectors

We need to find the sectors of our Noble people. There are two of them. For example, a person of Personality 庚Metal Yang. Its sectors CB1 are the 丑 Ox sector and SW1 are the 未Goat sector. We find these sectors in the apartment and see if we can accommodate ourselves in any of these sectors. Accommodation means placing a bed or desk or chair. That is, it should be a place where you will spend a lot of time while at home. If you can’t place yourself in the desired sector, you can also put a symbol. For example, an image of an influential person or an image of a guardian angel. But the use of symbols is much weaker. The difference between the fact that you yourself placed in a sector and the fact that you put a symbol there is the same as the difference between a real orange on your table and a picture of an orange. Both are pleasing to the eye, but you can only eat a real orange.

Real Noble people. Some people may act as Noble Helpers to us. If a person was born in the year of your Noble Person, then it will be easier for you to interact with him. Such a person will, willy-nilly, provide assistance: with deeds, advice, or even money)) For example. If your Personality element is 甲Yang Wood, then people born in the 丑Ox or 未Goat years are your Nobles. It’s good if these are the people you deal with when solving important problems. The reverse option also works. You, too, will be a Noble person for someone. It makes sense to pay attention to whether you are hiring an employee for whom your year of birth is his personal Noble. For example, if you were born in the year of 午Horse, then for people with the Personality element 辛Yin Metal you can act as a patron. And without noticing it, you will provide such an employee with more preferential working conditions.

Watch the video How to get help from a Noble person on my Youtube channel

Where does grace come from 94


The first section of the philosophy of development - Razianism

Grace in Razianism is the favor of Heaven in the form of the descent on a person (by consolation and illumination) of the Spirit of Truth (神).

This is the gift of inspiring people's souls with the energy of life , received from the invisible world in response to the call of the heart (consciously in personal prayer) or unconsciously (according to the sacrament of the joining ritual).

The physical model of grace is the phenomenon of resonance (response) having a wave nature . There is no grace in numbers.

Grace is always a joyful feeling of spirituality (a state of trembling “fibers of the soul”) perceived by the “heart”.

The meaning of the name of what is called “grace” in the biblical-Mediterranean civilization can be understood with the mind only through interpretation in comparison with another.

Razianism interprets the metaphysics of being (ontology of the “white” West) through the attitudes, ideas and terms of the “middle-earth civilization of the yellow people” (Chinese). So:

  • Tao (—): Once (the beginning of the countdown - development, diversity , division , multiplication , marking ). The Way of Heaven is “Truth”, about which nothing definite can be said, for it is beyond the limits of human consciousness. But this is also the “Law of the Universe”: codes of existence accessible to such a method of intelligence ( conducting Raza ) as deciphering.
  • "One begets Two." Once (the One Origin - eternal and infinite) bifurcates (一分为二).

Nature bifurcates into light and darkness, time and space,

masculine and feminine, active and passive...

And in dialectics, the One bifurcates into essence and appearance, content and form, necessary and accidental...

  • “Two generates Three” (essence appears in forms).

Essence and phenomenon together constitute the content, which is clothed in forms (accessible to discrimination and sensation).

  • "Three gives birth to all things." Being is a harmony of metabolism, energy and information. The visible and invisible world is Heaven, Earth and Man between them. And things are three-dimensional.

Tao - the Law of the Universe - in Deployment to Heaven, Earth and Man

In the Code of Changes entry, the Heavenly is odd (—): bright and illuminating “yang”. And the Earthly is even (– –): dark, absorbing “yin”.

The Koran says about changes in the Law of the Universe: “I swear by the sunrise, I swear by the sunset. I swear by odds and evens" (Sura 89).

Heavenly odd: 1,3,5,7,9. Earthly odds: 2,4,6,8,10.

Numbers: 1,2,3,4,5 – generate; 6,7,8,9,10 – form.

The Code of Changes has eight trigrams at its base: ☷☶☵☴☳☲☱☰, building a universal periodic system of 64 positions.

Development of Code Peterman on a plane and in volume

This is the interpretation from Razianism on the Chinese classical “Book of the Path and Grace” (Tao Te Ching, ch. 42).

Images of what is called by names: Truth, Spirit of Truth, Visible and Invisible World

Further, we can say that Heaven (sacred) manifests itself into the world as Power and as Will . Khan's decrees in the Golden Horde began with the phrase: “The Eternal Heaven by the Power, the Supreme Trinity by the Will, my khan’s word... (hereinafter - who to execute, who to have mercy on).”

The Power of Heaven is One. In Islam: “There is no God but Allah.”

The will of Heaven is Trinity. In Christianity: the “Holy Trinity” is the inseparable God - the essence, His Spirit - the appearance and His Logos - the form that embodies all things. Where the Spirit of God is “life-giving” (the seed of the Father), and the Trinity is “life-giving” (the generative womb).

Images of the trinity of Heaven and His all-seeing presence in everything earthly

The Law of the Universe – the Light of Truth of the All-Seeing Eye – is threefold.

It manifests itself as the emission of waves of different periods that make up the spectrum of the “subtle fields” of the metaphysics of this world invisible to the eye.

Visible light is both a stream of photons that have pulse energy and a wave of electromagnetic radiation perceived by the eye in color. The refraction of light forms a “rainbow” of seven colors.

A wave has three parameters: amplitude, frequency, phase (odd).

On earth the wave is polarized, this is the fourth dimension (even).

In the Light of Truth, the energy impulse is the Power of Heaven (the Scourge of God). The Power of Heaven (Hand of the Most High) is inevitable and unconditional in the fury of punishment.

The Wave of the Light of Truth is the Will of Heaven. You can tune in to the triple Will of Heaven with your “heart” (feelings) in resonance. Resonance with the waves of the Law of the Universe (Tao) is grace (De).

The Trinity of the Universe is expressed by similarities (fractals).

Time is threefold as duration, order in the cycle of changes and the moment of the beginning of the event. (Greek Chronos, Cyclos, Kairos).

Space is threefold as longitude, latitude and height.

The trinity in man is body, soul and spirit.

The trinity of the body is flesh, blood and sweat.

The trinity of the soul is instincts, reflexes and passions.

The spiritual is threefold as the “Spark of God” (call of the heart - Shen),

“Life Energy” (Qi) and “Substance of Life” (voice of blood - Jing).

Shen – from Heaven – the Spirit of Truth – pushes aggressively (+).

Jing - from the Earth - the Spirit of Victory - humbly pulls (-).

Spirit Shen Energy Qi Spirit Jing Harmony He Spirit Vectors Qi Release Grace De

Grace ( De ) according to the Yellow Emperor’s Book of the Inner (Huang Di Nei-ching) is in the following relationship with the Spirit:

What is present in me from Heaven is called De [grace].

What is present in me from the Earth is called Qi [energy].

De flows [in time].

Qi extends [in space].

This is how life works.

The reason why life appears is called Jing [the substance of life, the vital principle - the spirit of space].

That by which two Jings are grasped (at conception) is called Shen

[“treasure of bliss and giver of life” – spirit of the times].

That which comes and goes with Shen is called Hun (ethereal soul)

[immortal individual subtle field of thought, will and memory].

That which comes and goes with Jing is called Po (animal soul)

[an information program for induction and filtering by color of life energy Qi, encrypted by genetic code].

The focal point of Shen is the “heart”.

Jing circulates throughout the body in the blood.

Shen color is white. Jing color is black. Qi is multi-colored in accordance with the racial and national specifics of the soul.

The soul of Hun after the death of the body requires preservation for eternal life in the Information Field of Heaven (Tian Hun).

In the prayer to the Holy Spirit (Shen), Orthodox Christians ask: “Come and dwell in us... and save our blessed souls.”

Poe's soul, laid to rest in the earth with his body after death, soon disintegrates. In the Russian proverb: “May the earth rest in peace.”

The soul of Hun in the invisible world needs to be nourished by rituals.

Orthodox Christians pray: “In the blessed Dormition there is eternal memory.”

Modern knowledge allows us to call the unity of Jing, Qi and Shen in the body, known to the ancient Chinese sages, a triplet of the mental code of the periodic law of the spiritual sphere.

The periodic law of inanimate nature is revealed in the Table of Chemical Elements of D.I. Mendeleev.

The periodic law of living nature is revealed in the structure of DNA.

And the correspondence of the number of protons in the periodic table of elements of inanimate nature and the DNA codons of living nature to the Code of Changes was revealed in 2000 by the Russian scientist S.V. Petukhov.

Razianism believes that in the metabolism of matter, energy and information, the soul, bifurcated between heaven and earth, filters the vibrations of this world by genotype (Po) and archetype (Hun). What are called, respectively, “the voice of the blood” and “the call of the heart.”

To understand the processes of Being, Razianism uses a model of frequency-time characteristics of oscillations in electrical engineering.

And so: Being is the exchange of substances, energy and information.

The soul of Po receives the energy of life Qi as a result of metabolism in the body, where the vital spirit Jing [spirals of DNA cells] acts as an information program of vibrations of the “subtle field”.

According to the electrical engineering model, in the circuit of electromagnetic oscillations of the life energy Qi: “fibers of the soul” Po is a resonator, where the DNA helix is ​​the genotype – this is an “inductance coil” (from the ground); and language and culture - the archetype - is the “capacity capacitor” of the Hun soul (from heaven).

The “quality factor” of the soul as an oscillatory resonator circuit in psychology is called responsiveness to external vibrations.

At the same time, the supply of life energy Qi in the “Heaven-Soul” (De) circuit is self-fueled by attunement (named “mood”) to the correct meanings of ethics (DaoDe). Where conscience (Chinese duty-justice I) acts as a detector of errors in the channel of the triple harmony of human connections with nature and society. For there are only “pangs of conscience” and no “triumph of conscience.”

The principle of triple harmony (the oddity of Heaven) in the ethics of Razianism differs from the binary ethics of dividing this world into good and evil. With an attitude towards the struggle between good and evil (even on Earth).

After all, conscience does not fight anything, but only signals a deviation from the Will of Heaven. And light does not fight darkness. For where light comes, darkness itself retreats.

Egoism can turn off the conscience detector in the De circuit.

You can raise the mood of the soul (with the name joy) both by the Spirit of Truth Shen (in the “charge capacity capacitor” from Heaven) and by the Spirit of Qi from the comfort and satiety of the body (in the “current inductor coil” from the Earth).

A corrupt soul is easily bought to improve his mood through well-fed peace and any sweet lie. However, the pull of life energy is very weak. There is no soul flame. The needs of the body are satisfied, but the ability to create new things is not realized.

And the soul enters the Kingdom of the Spirit of Truth with great effort, through asceticism (renunciation of the desires of the body) and awareness of the bitter truth of the inevitability of punishment for the discord between man and nature.

In the New Testament: “The kingdom of God is preached, and everyone enters by force” (Luke 16:17).

One way or another, the acquisition of the Grace of the Spirit of Truth from Heaven (Shen) begins with the induction (guidance and entrainment) of life energy (Qi) by the Spirit of Victory from the Earth (Jing).

Thus, the particular (earthly) rises to the general (heavenly).

In order for the pull of life energy Qi to appear (noble rage boiled like a wave), a discharge of the Spirit Shen (Spark of God) is needed. But for the spark to jump through, you need reliable grounding in the Spirit of Jing.

The flame of its soul will rage only in a closed circuit Earth - Sky (inductance of the Jing current and Shen charge capacity).

So the Psalm of David enthusiastically states: “Truth will shine forth from the earth, and righteousness will come from the heavens” (Psalm 84:12).

And the gospel of the New Testament points the way to grace: “Seek first the kingdom of God [on earth] and His righteousness, and all these things will be added [bowed and added] to you” (Matthew 6:33).

As for society as a whole, a three-phase traction electric motor serves as a model for it to gain grace.

To understand how this three-phase traction mechanism works in society, you need to understand the difference in the meanings of the words “Fatherland” (from the Heavenly Father) and “Homeland” (from Mother Earth).

A hint on how to find the driving force of creation in the Heaven-Earth circuit is given by the canonical image of the Wisdom of Sophia (智慧).

The seed of life, the Wisdom of God, Sophia receives according to the Will of Heaven from a wandering spark of the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth from Heaven (Shen) is the Spirit of time - after all, the grace of De flows.

And the Spirit of Victory (overcoming adversity) from the Earth (Jing) is the Spirit of space - after all, the energy of life (Qi) extends.

The spirit of space from mother earth initiates the Wisdom of Sophia, which arises as the induction of the triple harmony of the “heart” (human feelings) on Earth in resonance with the Will of Heaven.

The image of the Most High Wisdom in N. Roerich’s painting “Sophia-Wisdom” is revealed in the fire of passion flying over the earth on a white horse with a waving flag of the trinitarian harmony of the Will of Heaven.

In Abrahamic faiths, Sophia is a female figure, the mother of three daughters: Faith (with dogmas from the mind), Hope (with the cup of the spirit) and Love (with the feelings of the soul).

In the model of a three-phase electric motor, Faith (a), Hope (b), and Love (c) are three phases spaced 120 degrees apart in a circle.

The triggering impulse is the “Spark of God” - the Spirit of Truth.

The “heart” is the rotor of the engine of change—the human soul.

The current of life energy is provided by the earth terminal of the housing.

When the Heaven-Earth oscillatory circuit is closed, a powerful pull of vital force appears on the rotor. That's all the wisdom.

Three-phase motor. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Supreme wisdom

The trouble with the New Russia of the democratic choice is that the official government, having seduced society with the desire for comfort in a common European home and, following the Synodal Orthodoxy of the Russian Orthodox Church, relying only on love in humility, patience, meekness and repentance, has lost contact with the earth: the Motherland.

The “ground” terminal on the “heart” body became loose and burned. Due to the weakening of the earth in the Heaven-Man-Earth circuit, a phase imbalance occurred. The Spirit of Victory (Jing) has drooped, but still glimmers - after all, hope dies last. Overloads began inside the circuit. The torque of the vital force breaks through in jerks. Changes in Russia are increasingly being peddled.

And if New Russia, in the delight of liberal permissiveness, lost the Russian spirit of space from mother earth (Jing), then in People’s China, with the victory of the course of “small prosperity” (xiaokang), strictly in accordance with the Confucian canon, in earthly pure pragmatism, there was a loss of connection with Tao (The Way of Heaven).

And now the Chinese authorities are looking for where to urgently get a vaccination from the heavenly Spirit of Truth (Shen).

What should the authorities of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China do in the narrow window of opportunity of the crisis of the old world order of the industrial society of the West in order to catch the phase of the surge of cosmic energy of the new era of the constellation Aquarius?

The answer from Razianism on the three-phase motor model is:

The new Russia must urgently find grounding, and in this, in the family of peoples of non-Western civilizations, it may well rely on the pragmatism of the Chinese with their doctrine of the New Silk Road.

And People's China must urgently restore contact with Heaven. And here, in acquiring the Spark of the Spirit of Truth (Shen), he can fully rely on the archetype of people of Russian culture , at the core of which is Turkic Sufi Islam and the Eastern correct teaching (pre-schism Orthodoxy).

Symbols of closing the circuit of the grace of De in the family of peoples of non-Western civilizations could be:

Initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin with a toast at a reception in the Kremlin: “For the creation of the Cultural Belt of the Great Tea Road.”

And a counter step would be tea drinking rituals in the circle of Chinese President Xi Jinping at SCO events.

For the West, back in the 11th century, Metropolitan Hilarion said: “To you the Latins are law, but to us Orthodox - grace.”

Andrey Devyatov

No694-3 from 08/05/2019

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