Saint Job of Pochaev - churches, life, relics, what they pray for

St. Job Pochaevsky

Job of Pochaev
(c. 1551 - 1651), abbot, reverend Memory May 6 on the day of the namesake in monasticism [1], August 28 on the day of the discovery of relics, October 28, in the Cathedrals of Volyn and Galician (Lviv) saints

In the world, John Iron, was born around 1551 in Pokuttya in Galicia. At the age of 10, he came to the Ugornitsky Transfiguration Monastery, and in the 12th year of his life he accepted monasticism with the name of Job, upon reaching the age of perfection, that is, thirty years, he was elevated to the priesthood, and after a short time he was awarded the great schema, and he was The name John was returned. He especially loved this name and always signed himself with it, although he was canonized with the name Job.

Soon, at the request of Prince Ostrozhsky, he was transferred to the Dubno Holy Cross Monastery, which was in his possession, where he became abbot and ruled the monastery for more than 20 years in an environment of growing persecution of Orthodoxy by Roman Catholics and Uniates. He wrote a lot in defense of Orthodoxy.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the monk retired to Pochaevskaya Mountain and settled in a cave not far from the ancient Assumption Monastery. Having fallen in love with the holy hermit, the monks chose him as their abbot.

One day, arriving at the monastery threshing floor at night, he saw a thief who wanted to put a sack of grain on his back. The monk helped him lift this sack, but reminded him of the answer at the terrible Judgment of Christ. Shocked by the saint’s brief word, the sinner fell at his feet begging for forgiveness.

At the monastery of St. Job introduced communal regulations. He surrounded the monastery with a fence with the help of pious landowners Theodore and Eva Domashevsky and erected the Holy Trinity Cathedral, and then six more smaller churches. Zealously fulfilling the position of abbot, he was meek and affectionate with his brothers, he worked a lot himself, planted trees in the garden, strengthened the dams near the monastery.

He created the Pochaev printing house and continued to write in defense of Orthodoxy. One of his books has survived under the title “The Book of Job Iron, Abbot of Pochaev, written by his powerful hand.” In 1889 it was published under the title “Pochaev Bee”. Printing house Rev. Job, renewed at the beginning of the century by Archimandrite Vitaly (Maksimenko), was taken abroad by him after the Russian Revolution and now continues to exist in America, in the Jordanville Trinity Monastery, serving the spiritual needs of the Russian emigration.

The heir of Anna Goyskaya, the Lutheran Firlei, brought St. Job many sorrows. He took possession of the monastery lands and even the miraculous icon. But the holy icon was returned to the monastery after Firlei’s wife suffered God’s punishment for blasphemy against her, and the lands were returned by court shortly before the death of the saint.

In 1628 he took part in the Kiev Council, which condemned the union and decided to stand firmly for Orthodoxy. Under this decree there is a signature: “Ioann Zhelezo, Abbot of Pochaevsky.”

Sometimes he completely secluded himself in a cave for three days or a whole week. The Jesus Prayer was the constant work of his meek heart. According to the testimony of Dositheus, a disciple and compiler of the life of the Monk Job, one day during the saint’s prayer, a heavenly light shone into the cave.

He died on October 28, 1651 after fifty years of managing the Pochaev monastery, having lived just over 100 years.

Biography of Job Pochaevsky

The future saint (before monasticism, he bore the name Ivan Zhelezo) was born in Ukraine, little is known about his parents - they were small landowners who led a pious life. There were clergymen in the family.

During his short stay at the Ugornitsky Monastery, the young monk earned the love of the brethren and was appointed abbot. Having reached the age of 30, he was ordained a priest. His fame spread throughout the region, and people flocked to the monk for help and advice.

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Job Pochaevsky gave soul-saving advice to everyone. In the middle of the 16th century. At the request of Prince Ostrog, Job was transferred to the Holy Cross Monastery. Having served there as abbot for several years, the saint began to feel burdened by his duties.

Dubensky Monastery and test of faith

This was a difficult time for the Orthodox Church; due to the difficult political situation, Western Ukraine was increasingly drawn into the union. In 1596, as a compromise, the Greek Catholic Church arose, preserving the Orthodox rite, but accepting the main Catholic dogmas and submitting to the Pope.

Even when many intelligent people of that time accepted Uniatism, Job Pochaevsky firmly defended Orthodoxy. Iron, indicated his hardness .

Since 1580, at the numerous requests of Prince Konstantin of Ostrog, the monk moved to the Dubensky Cross Monastery.

Here, through their common efforts - the prince and the monk - a circle of spiritual enlightenment and firm standing in Orthodoxy is formed. Job supports educational activities. With his blessing, in 1581, Ivan Fedorov published the Ostrog Bible, and through the efforts of the monk, the works of the Church Fathers were translated at the monastery.

In a short time, Job became a famous person:

  • the fame of a monk, ascetic and educator spread about him;
  • Because of his educational activities, there is growing dissatisfaction on the part of those who converted to Catholicism or a more compromise union.

In this situation, Job Pochaevsky decides to retire somewhere near Pochaevskaya Mountain. But he was unable to completely retire. After some time, the Pochaev monks found him and invited him to become their abbot.

Feats of prayer

The day came when the monk secretly moved to the Pochaev Monastery. There he retired to his favorite cave, where he spent several days - on his knees praying for all sinners. The Monk Job of Pochaev was elected abbot in the new place. He had to combine monastic deeds with public responsibilities. He did not shy away from hard physical labor: he planted trees and strengthened the dam. At the same time, he wore chains (metal rings on his legs).

For more than half a century he ruled the holy Pochaev monastery. At the same time, he still found time for monastic solitude. Even during Job Pochaevsky’s earthly life, miracles happened around him. So, one day he was in a cave praying, at which time the icon placed at the entrance began to emit a beautiful radiance that lasted for several hours. The traces left by the kneeling prayer are still visible in the cave.

Not a single idle word came out of the monk’s mouth; all his thoughts were occupied with the unceasing Jesus Prayer and the good of his neighbors. Meek and merciful, he always showed love for his brothers in the monastery.

Troparion, voice 4*


Having acquired long-suffering forbearance from the long-suffering forefather, / resembling the abstinence of the Baptist, / sharing both divine zeal, / you were deemed worthy to receive those names / and you preached the true faith the day is fearless:/ you also brought multitudes of monks to Christ/ and you established all people in Orthodoxy, / Our Father is like Job, // pray for our souls to be saved.

Translation: Having acquired the long-suffering of the much-suffered forefather, being likened to the abstinence of John the Baptist and sharing the zeal for God of both, you worthily accepted their names and were a fearless preacher of the true faith, therefore you led many monks to Christ and established people in Orthodoxy, Job, our venerable father, pray about the salvation of our souls.


Saint Job of Pochaev died at the age of more than a hundred years. He was able to predict his day of death in advance, like many righteous people. The death was quiet and painless. His body remained in the ground for several years. Then they began to notice a glow over the grave, and Job Pochaevsky himself appeared in a dream to the Metropolitan of Kyiv and asked to open the relics.

At a gathering of many people, the incorruptible body was removed from the tomb and transferred to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. In the life, which his disciples began to compile immediately after the death of the saint, there is much evidence of healings. And today he gives grace-filled miracles to those who ask in faith.

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The Orthodox Church sings the troparion to Job of Pochaev three times a year and serves him a litiya - on the day of his death, the discovery of his relics and his glorification. On this day the canon and other prayers to the saint are read. It is believed that it is on holidays that turning to the saint will have special power.

In the memorials of the Pochaev Lavra, back in the 19th century, there was kept a record of the family of the Monk Job, from “the fate of God 1641,” apparently made by himself. From this entry we learn that his father’s name was John, and his mother’s name was Agathia, and that they were probably of a noble family, for only well-born people in those days retained in their name the nickname that is now called a surname, in this case - Iron.

He was born in 1551 and was named John. From an early age, John began to show a desire for a solitary and pious life. He was not even ten years old when he left his home, and, “avoiding the eyes of his beloved parents ,” secretly retired to the nearest Ugornitsky monastery, where he asked the abbot “to allow him to serve the brethren . Even then, “the perspicacious abbot saw in him the chosen one of God and the power of God that had to be in him ,” writes the first biography of the Rev., his disciple and successor in the abbot’s service, Dosifei. The young novice, trying to “please each of the smallest monastic workers,” soon earned everyone’s favor and love.

The abbot, “seeing his good morals, meekness and deep humility ,” accepted him among the monks, and soon - in the 12th year of his life - tonsured him into monasticism with the name Job. The Ugornitsa rector was not mistaken in Job, immediately recognizing him as a “good warrior” of the Church, for it was as if he had already been born a monk, “living as an angel of God among the brethren.” And at the age of 30 (in 1581) Job was ordained a priest (although for a long time, out of humility, he refused this rank), and soon after that he was tonsured as a schema, “for the sake of the inconceivable grace of God in his heart, with which he always zealously burned.” , as Dosifei writes about it. With the new tonsure, the Rev.'s former name John returned - in memory of St. John the Baptist.

However, in the history of the Russian Church, in the month of the month and in popular veneration, the name Job was preserved for him, for as his life says, “not only by name, but also by the thing itself, our blessed father Job was likened to the many-sick man in the Old Testament Job.”

The fame of the rare virtues of the Ugornytsky ascetic soon spread throughout Galicia and Volyn. It also reached Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich Ostrozhsky, who at that time was gathering forces to strengthen the Orthodox Church.

At his urgent request, Job was transferred from the Ugornitskaya monastery to Dubenskaya (in the city of Dubno in Volyn), “to show,” as the prince wrote, “an image of the monastic exploits of the brethren of this monastery . Soon after this, the Dubno monks elected Job as abbot, and he labored in this rank for about twenty years.

With the assistance and patronage of the prince, the abbot of Dubensky immediately rose to defend the oppressed Orthodoxy - first of all, by word, oral and written. He attached particular importance to education and the distribution of books among the Orthodox people. For this purpose, he hired skilled translators and scribes in his monastery, and even himself, according to the testimony of his life writer, “practised writing such books.” For books and sermons were at that time the only support for the Orthodox against Latin-Polish claims. The publication of the Slavic Ostrog Bible, this greatest monument of enlightenment of the 16th century, was not without the advice and blessing of the Reverend. It is not for nothing that the devout Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, as Polish sources say, so loved to retire to prayer in the Dubno Monastery, sometimes spending a whole week here and opening his soul to the holy abbot.

With his help, Job gathered around him a large brotherhood, which, according to his instructions, was engaged in translating and studying the writings of their fathers. Himself, being an example of piety, the Monk Job raised the moral and spiritual level of the monastery entrusted to him. “For this reason ,” writes Dositheus, “ all the surrounding countries began to gather and shower him with honor and praise . He, strict, first of all, towards himself, having acquired a spirit of meekness and humility from an early age, began to be burdened by worldly glory, “for he wanted to be glorified from the only Seer of God . And then his eyes turn to the deserted Mount Pochaevskaya, where in 1604 the Reverend secretly retired after twenty years as abbess, so that, having protected himself from worldly praise, he would become a simple monk here. In addition, Prince Ostrozhsky, competing at that time with Catholicism, wanted to transform all the monasteries on his lands into dormitories according to the charter of St. Basil the Great, which eliminated the possibility of a hermit's life, to which the soul of St. Job had strived since childhood.

That is why he went to the mountain, “shining with the lordship of many miracles since ancient times,” to save himself here in silence and desert life. However, God's Providence judged otherwise. The Pochaev Monastery has just received rich donations from Anna Goiskaya. The number of monks in it increased. The “fundus record” made it a cenobitic monastery, but this cenobitic order of his life, apparently, was just being created. The Monk Job had barely settled on the mountain when the Pochaev monks, sensing great spiritual strength in him, unanimously and with tears again installed him as abbot and head of the hostel they were establishing. And here’s what’s remarkable: neither written evidence nor oral traditions have preserved any information about the abbots who preceded the Monk Job.

Before him, the Pochaev hermits, following the example of the hermit dwellers of Athos, may not have had any special abbots, subordinate only to some spiritual elders, whose names have not been preserved, except for the First Chief Methodius. Job was the first real abbot of the Pochaev monastery, for, according to Dositheus, “the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, was very active and skillful in her heavenly monastery.” The monk introduced the ancient Studite Rule in his monastery, arranging life in it following the example of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

In those years when the union and Catholics oppressed the Orthodox everywhere, it was necessary to have extraordinary prudence, firmness of will, deep conviction and steadfastness in Orthodoxy, not only in order to manage the monastery that was being established, but simply in order to preserve one’s faith. However, the Monk Job, after twenty years of ruling the Dubno Holy Cross Monastery, already had sufficient experience and skill in this. And so the great ascetic, an experienced silent and desert dweller, zealously takes up this God-sent service, not disdaining the hardships associated with the material structure of the monastery. All these hardships, so alien to his inner spiritual structure and his inherent contemplative asceticism, he meekly bears until the end of his life, not even disdaining the courts and paperwork. For such tasks were assigned to him by the Providence of God.

The monastery soon had to be defended from Anna Goiskaya’s grandson and heir, Andrei Firlei. Firlei, who bore the title of Castellan of Belz, later the voivode of Sandomierz, was a Lutheran, and even during Goyskaya’s life he could not calmly look at the Pochaev Monastery, to which she gave a number of her estates and incomes. Not being afraid of the “last judgment before the throne of God,” to which the founder of the “fundush record” so resolutely “called” anyone who violated her will, Firlei, after her death (1617), began to “spoil” and violate the fundush in every possible way, gradually taking away from the monastery everything bequeathed to him property. Moreover, owning the land around the monastery, Firlei even forbade the transport of water from the Pochaev wells. In response to this, Job, having prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, ordered to dig a well right there on the rock. One can imagine how exhausting this work was for the monks who did not have any equipment, but the Lord crowned their labors with success: water appeared at a depth of 46 meters; the monastery still uses this well to this day.

Firlei, however, did not stop there. In 1623, he set a horde of his violent servants against the monastery, who, having plundered the monastery property, stole the miraculous icon. “For,” he thought, “if I take the miraculous icon, the monks will not be able to stay in this place . After this robbery, Job had to sue Firley for a quarter of a century, repeatedly visit the Kremenets and Lutsk courts, file various lawsuits and complaints, and, in the end, despite the unequal struggle with the rich nobleman, achieve partial success - to return what was left of the stolen property . Just before his death (1647), Firlei had to end the litigation with an act of reconciliation with the monks “who were not in a union .

And for himself, this “war” with the Mother of God and the Reverend ended in obvious defeat and admonition. Once, having called the guests and arranged a treat for them, Firlei, “for the joy of the devil, not knowing what else to do,” dressed his wife in church vestments and gave her a chalice in her hands, and for mockery he also brought the Pochaev miraculous icon of the Mother of God, apparently intending , have fun in public with some kind of buffoon performance. But the Most Pure One did not allow such desecration of Her icon, and as soon as this shameless action began, Firleev’s wife was “attacked by a fierce demon, with which she was oppressed for a long time.” This “shaking by the demon” made an impression even on Firlei himself, and he, in the end, resignedly returned the icon of the monastery. Only then was his wife abandoned by the demon.

Concussion of Firlei's wife by a demon

Job had to wage a similar struggle, along with lawsuits to protect property bequeathed to the monastery by various benefactors, with other important persons who were hostile to the monastery. And not only did the Reverend protect its interests, but also those of the churches neighboring the monastery, of which he was a “watchman,” that is, a guardian. All this required constant tension and a lot of effort from him, but he did not entrust anyone with conducting litigation, but always personally bore their burden. Like a proven fighter, until the end of his life he stood guard over Mount Pochaev, hoping only for God’s help.

Pochaev Lavra on an old postcard

The Reverend put a lot of effort into the organization and prosperity of the entrusted monastery. He participated in all the monastic works, delved into everything, had vigilant supervision over everything, in everything setting an example of hard work and feat for the brethren. With his own hands he planted trees, dug and cleaned the monastery ponds, and no one saw him sitting idle. His labors were great, and, according to the biography, only “God himself, who penetrates the secrets of human hearts, can conveniently count them.”

Upon arrival at Mount Pochaevskaya, Job continued his zealous struggle against the enemies of Orthodoxy in his sermons and took care of distributing books for the benefit of Orthodoxy, often rewriting them himself, as was the case in Dubno. He made extracts from the works of the Holy Fathers and composed teachings and conversations. One of these collections, or rather part of it (out of an estimated 900 sheets, 123 have survived), has reached us. In 1884, this work was published under the title “Pochaevskaya Bee”. The book is of an apologetic nature and is directed mostly against the Protestant sects that were spreading at that time in southwestern Russia, mainly against Socinianism. The manuscript of St. Job includes a presentation of the entire teaching of the Orthodox Church, starting with the dogma of the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ and ending with the teaching about icons, about churches, about monasticism, about the fight against the passions, etc.

The Monk Job in his writings is completely based on the Holy Scripture, Church Tradition and patristic works, and does not so much prove the truths of the Church as reveal and clarify them. This book, like other teachings of the Monk Job, was written in pure Church Slavonic, while other Orthodox writers of that time wrote in the Slavic-Polish language, widespread at that time, filled with local dialect expressions.

Let us remember that writing for St. Job was not an abstract matter, but a deeply ecclesiastical act, probably supplemented by oral conversations.

Around 1626, the Pochaev monastery was severely damaged by fire, and the Monk Job, not finding enough material support on the site, sent a letter to the Russian Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich on May 1, 1626.

From the letter it is clear that the Monk Job is not addressing the ruler of a distant state, capricious and inaccessible, as all European monarchs were at that time, but to a person close in spirit and worldview. The first part of the letter, filled with official addresses, is just a tribute to court etiquette and cannot be compared with the accepted multi-page flowery titleatures of even ordinary Polish nobles. The praises of the Saint addressed to the Tsar for his numerous benefactions to churches and monasteries are sincere, but laconic - after all, Saint Job does not even name at least some of the monasteries blessed by the autocrat, perhaps remembering that those who receive glory from people lose glory from God. This is not a letter to a foreign ruler, because the Holy Hegumen writes in his usual dialect, without even admitting that some phrases will not be understandable to the addressee. This is an appeal to a brother in Christ for help in difficult circumstances, from which, first of all, the most important thing suffers - the splendor of the temple of God and the harmony of serving God.

The fact that after the words about the fire in the monastery there follows a complaint that the pious Orthodox patrons and benefactors are now “not only diminished, but are not found at all,” may simply be an argument explaining why the Reverend turns to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich. But they also lead one to wonder: were not the apostate gentry themselves involved in the fire in the Pochaev Monastery, which often suffered from their predatory attacks. However, the Abbot himself humbly keeps silent about this. In essence, the addressee of the petition is indicated to the Reverend by the very logic of history, behind which for a believer there is often an at first incomprehensible Providence of God. After all, by that time there were no independent Orthodox states left in the world, except for the Kingdom of Moscow. Great Byzantium, together with the Holy Land, Syria and Egypt, famous for their ascetics, were long ago captured by the Ottoman Empire. The heart of Byzantium - Greece, as well as Bulgaria, Romania (Vlahia) and Moldova - came under its power. Georgia was virtually devastated by numerous conquerors, the lands of Kievan Rus were captured by the Poles and continued to be tormented by the Tatars. Serbia stood the longest, but it also fell under the blows of the Turks. And therefore, all the eyes of the Orthodox world, preserving the true faith of Christ, then turned to the north, where the great Orthodox kingdom arose after the Great Troubles. Mikhail Feodorovich responded to the request of the Monk Job and continued the tradition of his “ancestors of majesty”, sending rich gifts to the monastery.

Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich

Moreover, this was a gift of exclusively Christian love and reverence for the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos.

The authority of the Pochaev abbot was at that time very high among the Orthodox of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1628, he was invited to Kyiv to attend the Orthodox Council, convened to examine urgent matters. One of the main matters was the consideration of the request of the famous church writer and bishop Meletius Smotritsky, a former famous defender of Orthodoxy, who then transferred to the union, and now wished to return again to the Church, which he had once defended (and immediately after the Council left it again). Representatives of the Council stated that they “stand firmly in the Eastern Orthodox faith, do not think about retreating into the union and promise under oath not to yield and, moreover, exhort the entire Orthodox people.” This decision also bears the signature of the Reverend: “Ioann Zhelezo, Abbot of Pochaev.”

Firmness of character was combined in Saint Job with humility, brotherly love and complete goodness. Having once caught a man stealing monastery wheat, the saint himself helped him put a bag full of stolen grain on his shoulders and only reminded him of the commandments of God and of the “Unhypocritical Judgment” that he would have to answer for what he had done. And the thief, repenting, fell at the feet of the saint. He was a well-known man in the area, more than anything in the world he was afraid of publicity. But the Pochaev abbot kept his secret. The monk was peace-loving and so taciturn that, according to Dositheus, all one could hear from him was: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me...” Having acquired the grace-filled gift of the Jesus Prayer, he became “an incessant organ of the Holy Spirit.” However, the inner life of Orthodox saints most often remains a mystery. The only evidence of it is his cave in the Pochaev rock, where it is impossible to sit comfortably or lie down with your legs stretched out. The holy abbot left his brethren for whole days and even weeks in order to spend them in continuous prayer, in the words of his life-writer, “nourished only by tears poured out from a pure heart.” The same Dositheus, describing his spiritual exploits, adds: “If the stone cave in which he lived had a mouth, then it would have told us all the secret exploits of this long-suffering Job, according to the word of the Gospel: “ If people are silent, the stones will cry out” (Lk 19.40).

Entrance to the cave of St. Job

The Cave of St. Job with the shrine of his relics

From standing for many days in prayer, the legs of the Monk Job became so swollen that they became covered with ulcers, traces of which still remain on his incorruptible relics. So he prayed, according to the words of the same disciple, “for the well-being of the light that lies in evil.” Once Dosifei saw how an extraordinary light illuminated the cave of the Saint during his prayer, and for two hours this light from the depths of the cave illuminated the opposite wall of the church. “I,” says the witness, “seeing this, falling to the ground, was extremely frightened, overcome by such a strange vision.” Despite such ascetic and prayerful labors, the Lord blessed His saint with a long life: he lived exactly one hundred years. A week before his death on October 21, 1651, the Reverend had a revelation in his cave about the exact day of his death. On October 28, he himself served the Divine Liturgy, and after finishing it and giving the last kiss to the brethren, without any illness he peacefully departed to the Lord “at the same hour that he predicted.”

The body of the Monk Job lay in the ground for seven years and nine months after his burial. People sometimes saw a light over his grave. And then one day the deceased holy abbot appeared in a “dream vision” to the then Metropolitan of Kyiv Dionysius Balaban

Metropolitan Dionysius Balaban

with the following words: “I inform your Eminence that God wants you to open my bones.” It must be said that the Metropolitan, as a fairly enlightened person, although he recognized the elder, was in no hurry to immediately believe and follow the dreams. Then the Saint appeared to Dionysius again and again, and for the third time he added that he would be punished for his unbelief, and he understood that these dreams were “from God’s will.”

On the same day, the Metropolitan went to the Pochaev monastery and, having conducted an inquiry into the life of the deceased abbot, ordered the immediate opening of the coffin in which his relics lay. These relics were found “without any decay, as if buried at the same hour, and filled with an unusual fragrance.”

Then the Metropolitan took the incorruptible remains of the Reverend and with all honor, in the presence of a large crowd of people, transferred them to the recently erected Church of the Most Holy Trinity. It was August 28 (September 10, New Art.) 1659 - the day on which, along with October 28 (November 10, New Art.) - the day of the blessed death and May 6 (May 19, New Art.) - the day of remembrance Righteous Job the Long-Suffering - the memory of the Reverend is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church. So the monastery acquired a third shrine.

Pochaev Lavra

Father Alexander with parishioners in the Pochaev Lavra. Photo from 2003

Troparion to St. Job, Abbot of Pochaev, tone 4

The long-suffering forefather acquired long-suffering,/

Resembling the abstinence of the Baptist, /

Participating in the divine jealousy of both,/

those names you are worthy to receive/

and you were a fearless preacher of the true faith:/

Moreover, you brought multitudes of monks to Christ/

and you established all people in Orthodoxy,/

Our Father is like Job, //

pray for our souls to be saved.

Troparion to St. Job, Abbot of Pochaev, for the discovery of relics, tone 4

Place the yoke of Christ on everyone from youth,/

like Father Job, /

You labored holyly for many years/

in the field of piety in the monastery of the Ugornitsy and on the island of Dubenstem, /

and, having come to Mount Pochaev,/

the famous celibate foot of the Most Holy Theotokos,/

in a narrow stone cave/

for the sake of God-thinking and prayer you have concluded many times,/

and, strengthened by the grace of God,/

you worked courageously/

for the benefit of the Church of Christ and your monastery, /

especially against the enemies of Orthodoxy and Christian piety,/

and, having instructed the calico militia of the monastics,/

You presented those victors to the Master and God.//

Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Venerable Job, Abbot of Pochaev, tone 4

Thou hast appeared a pillar of true faith,/

zealot of the Gospel commandments,/

reproof of pride,/

for the humble the representative and teaching:/

Likewise, ask for remission of sins from those who please you,/

and keep your abode unharmed,//

Job is our Father, like the long-suffering one.

Kontakion to St. Job, Abbot of Pochaev, for the discovery of relics, tone 8

The incorruptible treasure of your relics shall arise from the depths of the earth,/ saint of God,/

for having lived godly in the faith of Christ our God,/

You have achieved the virtues of perfection,/

and leave the sweetness of a transitory life,/

in the cave of Mount Pochaev you labored holyly in fasting, prayers and labors,/

and by these you have withered away your body./

Now, having gone to God into serene and eternal rest, /

Pray for all those who come running to you in faith./

Rejoice, Job, glorious servant of God //

and the Pochaev monastery decoration.

Greatness to the Venerable Job, Abbot of Pochaev

We bless you,/ like our Father Job,/ and honor your holy memory,/ mentor of monks// and interlocutor of angels.

Prayer to St. Job, Abbot of Pochaev

Oh, Reverend Father Job, God-wise teacher of monks in hard-working life, meekness and self-control, purity and chastity, brotherly love and love of poverty, patience and vigilance from early youth to late hundred growth, tireless ascetic, great zealot of the Orthodox faith and invincible champion, blessed luminary of the lands of Volyn and Galicia and invincible protector of the holy Pochaev monastery! Look with the eye of your compassion on us, your unworthy children, who diligently come running to you all day long and on this God-loving people, gathered before your spiritual and multi-healing relics and falling in reverence, and ask for your intercession to the Most High Master of them and us for everything, even to life and piety, useful and beneficial: heal the sick, encourage the faint-hearted, comfort the sorrowing, intercede for the offended, strengthen the weak and the prostrate, restore, to all, with the grace given by God , grant according to any need and requirement, for the salvation of the soul and the health of the body . Offer up, O saint of God, your all-powerful prayer for the Russian state, may there be peace and silence, piety and prosperity, truth and mercy in courts, wisdom and good prosperity in councils, and affirmation In good people there is loyalty, in evil people there is fear and dread, Let them cease from evil and do good, so that in the Russian Empire the kingdom of Christ grows and multiplies, and may God be glorified in it, wondrous in His saints: To Him alone belongs all glory , honor and worship of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to St. Job, Abbot of Pochaev

Oh, all-holy and glorious servant of God, like our Father Job, the prayer book of the Lord for us and the warm representative for our souls, we flow to you now with all tenderness and, remembering the feat and your miracles that you have done and performed on earth, we ask and pray your goodness: as you labored firmly and unfailingly in the faith of Christ our God, and, to the end, in yourself and in all your relatives, you preserved intact and unharmed from all attacks of enemies and heresies. lethal, strengthen us in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness, driving away with prayers by yours all the darkness of unbelief and unrighteousness from our hearts and thoughts; Having served the Lord and your God with good deeds and unspeakable self-sacrifice in labor, vigils and sacrifices, guide us on the path of all virtue and goodness, delivering us from temptations and sins that remove us from God and overthrow leading into the abyss of evil all our lives; sometimes appearing with the Most Pure Virgin Mary at the top of Mount Pochaev to save your monastery from the invasion and deposition of the Agarians, and now speed up to help our country against all our enemies, outside external and internal, establishing peace and silence in our land, so that we may live a silent life in all piety and cleanliness; and to all those who flow to you and fall to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics and your help and intercession, unconditionally grant them endless mercy, do not leave us, the orphan and helpless, praying to you those who live, delivering them from all sorrow, anger and need, from famine and destruction , coward, flood, fire, sword, foreign invasion and internecine warfare. To her, O saint of God, look mercifully from the Throne of the King of Glory, to whom you now stand with the Archangels and Angels and with all the saints, to your monastery of Pochaev, where you are of ancient wisdom. Thou hast declared, having called it all-praiseworthy and wondrous by thy life, and preserved it by thy prayers and every city, and country, and everyone from everywhere, on the sea and on land, in deserts and in prisons of many different kinds calling you, from all evils, visible and invisible, yes, so by your help and intercession we are saved, in all this and at the end of our life Let us be honored with you to glorify and glorify the all-honorable name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Miracles near the relics

Job Pochaevsky is still known for his many miraculous deliverances from illnesses.

  • The abbot of the monastery where the monk lived became terminally ill. The saint appeared to one of the pilgrims and passed through her a cloth soaked in myrrh. Having applied the shrine, Abbot Dosifei became healthy.
  • A large monetary donation to the monastery was recorded by Ivan Lobos - he was healed after praying at the tomb of the saint.
  • Not only Orthodox Christians came, but also Catholics. A strong fever left the Polish Count Jaworski; G. Volyansky’s rheumatism stopped, and I. Ligurri, a gunsmith from Italy, also received healing.

According to the monastery chronicles, only from 1719 to 1830. more than 500 miracles were performed. They still happen today.

What do they pray to Saint Job for?

What do parishioners pray to Job of Pochaevsky? Everyone brings their own trouble. Many people ask for healing from bodily ailments. Helps the saint achieve spiritual perfection, arrange her worldly life, if it pleases the Lord, and delivers her from serious temptations. The cave where he prayed is still preserved.

  • The Akhtyrka Icon of the Mother of God, what they pray for, what it helps with
  • Icon of St. Olga - see here
  • Saint Alexander Svirsky -

The relics of the saint are located in the cave church, under the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pilgrims flock here. Today there is an opportunity for visitors to stay for a couple of days in a hotel at the holy monastery. This is done so that you can confess and take communion in a holy place, and pray longer about your troubles. The amounts taken are small, but the spiritual benefits from such a trip will be very great - after all, the Mother of God Herself appeared in the Pochaev Lavra. God bless you!

About the author About the book

Prayer to St. Job of Pochaev

Oh, Reverend Father Job, God-wise teacher of monks in hard-working life, meekness and abstinence, purity and chastity, brotherly love and love of poverty, patience and vigilance from early youth to late old age, tireless ascetic, great zealot of the Orthodox faith and insurmountable champion, God-bright luminary of the lands of Volyn and Galicia and invincible protector of the holy Pochaev monastery! Look with the eye of your compassion on us, your unworthy children, who diligently come running to you all day long and on this God-loving people, gathered before your spirit-bearing and multi-healing relics and falling reverently towards them, and ask for your intercession to the Most High Master of them and all of us, even to life and piety, useful and beneficial: heal the sick, encourage the faint-hearted, console the grieving, stand up for the offended, strengthen the weak and raise up the prostrate, grant to all, by the grace given to you from God, according to each need and need, for the salvation of the soul and the health of the body . Offer up, O servant of God, your all-powerful prayer, may there be peace and quiet, piety and prosperity in our country, truth and mercy in courts, wisdom and good progress in councils, may loyalty be established in good people, and fear and fear in evil ones May they cease from evil and do good, so that in our country the Kingdom of Christ grows and multiplies, and may God, wondrous in His Saints, be glorified in it: to Him alone belongs all glory, honor and worship to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy One Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, voice 4*

You have appeared as a pillar of the true faith,/ a zealot of the Gospel commandments,/ a reproof of pride,/ a representative and teaching for the humble:/ and ask for remission of sins to those who please you,/ and your abode is not save the harm, // Our Father Job, like the long-suffering one.

Translation: You have appeared as a pillar of true faith and a zealot of the Gospel commandments, a reproof of pride, having humility - an intercessor and teacher, therefore ask forgiveness of sins for those who glorify you, and keep your abode unharmed, Job Our Father, like the long-suffering one (Job).

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