How to stop masturbating and why you need to do it

A hangover is a post-intoxication state after drinking alcoholic beverages, which is accompanied by unpleasant psychological and physiological sensations.

To combat a hangover (in medicine, withdrawal syndrome), people use a variety of methods - from drinking herbal infusions, using cold compresses and going to the bathhouse, to taking self-prescribed medications. Traditional medicine, medications that are taken without the prescription of a qualified doctor, and even more so going to the sauna or bathhouse during a hangover - all this can lead to severe and irreversible consequences, and some methods even cause sudden death of a person.

A hangover should be treated by an experienced narcologist who will diagnose, select the optimal treatment program, safely and quickly relieve the acute condition, and return the patient to good health and performance without risks to health and life.

Features of withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a set of vegetative, somatic, neurological and mental disorders that occur in a person suffering from alcohol addiction when giving up alcohol after prolonged alcoholism or in the post-intoxication period after a single uncontrolled use of alcohol.

That is, a hangover can occur both in a person with alcohol addiction and in a person without addiction who periodically abuses alcohol or does not know the limits during a feast.

Specific signs of a hangover include:

  • Headache and dizziness;
  • Thirst, dry mouth;
  • Nausea, bloating;
  • Abnormal stool;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Discomfort in the chest, pain in the heart area.

How to distinguish a hangover from withdrawal symptoms?

If a person is addicted to alcohol, then during withdrawal symptoms, in addition to the above symptoms, he has an irresistible desire to drink (to get hungover). Alcoholics also exhibit other secondary signs of pathological craving for alcohol: internal tension, dysphoria, irritability, depression, and increased physical activity.

Chronic alcohol intoxication, which is observed in alcohol dependent people, significantly changes the functioning of the central nervous system. This leads to the following disturbances: sleep disorders (shallow and interrupted sleep, nightmares), shuddering, auditory and visual hallucinations (may be mild), tremors (body, limbs, eyelids, tongue), nystagmus, epileptic seizures, increased sweating, tachycardia etc.

If a person dependent on alcohol is young, then in some cases a compensatory mechanism is triggered, and therefore the symptoms of a hangover manifest themselves with less force. But the longer the binge lasts, the more pronounced the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms will be when you stop drinking alcohol.

It is easy to distinguish a hangover from withdrawal syndrome: a hangover can occur in a healthy person due to alcohol intoxication, and withdrawal syndrome can occur in a person addicted to alcoholic beverages.


From early childhood (I don’t remember exactly when, from 7-10 years old) I began to engage in masturbation. Consequences: poor vision, crooked penis, weak erection, acne on the face and body, circles under the eyes, fatigue. And now I’m 23 – I continue. But I significantly reduced the frequency of classes. Sometimes the break lasted up to 4-6 months. I admit that this is a real drug and it is very difficult to wean yourself off it, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. AND DRUG ADDICATORS ARE CURED. You need to FIGHT and use all possible methods of struggle. Now I’ll share my experiences, maybe they will help you. The first thing we need to do is learn to respect, love and accept ourselves as we are. After all, we are God’s creatures and we (our brains, our bodies) are worthy of love and respect. First of all, ourselves. There is no need to reproach yourself or hate yourself after another act of onanism. We must admit our temporary defeat, draw conclusions (how best to proceed further, how this can be prevented) and fight, fight... For example, I realized that it is better not to be alone with the computer, and on weekends it is better not to turn it on at all, spend time with friends (picnic, river), play sports.

We must overcome this disease... this addiction. We will overcome it. We are real men! We will have a wonderful family: a smart, beautiful wife and wonderful healthy children. This is our future, it completely depends on us, we are creating it right now, it depends on this very minute, second. We must not forget about this, we must fight and everything will work out for us. And if you succumb to weakness, then get up from your knees and fight again. The strong one is not the one who never falls, but who, having fallen, gets up and continues to walk. Good luck to all of us and may God help us.

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A couple of tips for those who want to get rid of a suicidal habit. The most important thing is to overcome the first temptation to touch your penis. As soon as you feel that you want to get comfortable and, as they say, “take matters into your own hands,” do 10 squats, leave the house, walk, in general, put yourself in conditions where masturbation is physically impossible. You will immediately see that it has become easier. After this, the main thing is not to celebrate the victory and do the same with every attack of desire. Over time, after about a week of abstinence, sexual desires will begin to move from the realm of fantasy to real women. This will be evidence of the beginning of healing. Along the way, I suggest regular exercise. But this is not enough - masturbation is not a physical disease, but a spiritual one. Therefore, I suggest you find a hobby you like. Some people benefit from books, others from church, others from wood burning. In any case, an activity where you can continuously improve your results will help you get rid of masturbation - push-ups and reading 100 pages a day are also good. Or both.

Now about those who have not yet found a girl. It is very difficult for such people to resist masturbation; those who managed to break out of the vicious circle can be proud of themselves - such people can be called men. But I advise guys with weaker willpower to drive out masturbation with work. Don't be idle - always do something. And look for your other half!

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I got rid of it and feel great. And, by the way, I’m very temperamental, this is all nonsense, you can’t hold back, nothing is harmful, I overcame it all and now I’m absolutely healthy according to gynecology, but before I thought it was unrealistic. My work involves mental work. After masturbation, you think hard, you feel terrible, I can even immediately identify the person who does this, he thinks so slowly, I feel sorry for him. When I stopped doing these things altogether, I took off at work and dug up something that, Mom, don’t worry, entire services have been working for years, and in one day I went and identified errors in their work. I feel incredibly happy. My advice is to get married - because the same thing will happen with the girl. Find yourself a good girl and get married right away.

I will quote from one article:

“The usual results of debauchery are a disorder of the nervous system, exhaustion of the body, and sometimes tabes of the spinal cord. The opinion that absolute chastity is harmful to health is completely wrong. Medicine does not know any cases of such harm, and only charlatans can assert such absurdity. On the contrary, the vice of fornication sometimes does not leave its mark on health, sometimes causing irreparable harm. The very appearance of an inveterate libertine speaks of how dearly one has to pay for secret pleasures. A sunken chest, a dull gaze, dark circles around the eyes, an unhealthy complexion, looseness in all members - this is the usual type of fornicator, whose entire appearance indicates a decline in strength and health. Let us add to this the possibility of the terrible consequences of bad diseases, the danger of which constantly threatens the libertine. What a terrible harvest this vice is reaping in Russia! The loss of semen and the nervous excitement that is experienced in debauchery lead, in addition, to bad consequences in mental life, lowering the abilities of the soul, especially memory, will and imagination. Currently, science considers it almost established that the excess of male semen in the body goes to strengthen brain activity.

The lack of semen, due to exhaustion or old age, is immediately reflected in the nature of mental activity. Mental abilities weaken, memory is lost, intelligence and sharpness of thought disappear - a person becomes dull. It is already difficult for him to concentrate his attention, at will, on one subject, and he often ends up in idiocy or madness.”

This is the opinion of the Orthodox bishop. This has been verified by my own experience. Practical advice: just go and confess, you won’t be able to quit right away, just go and confess. It's absolutely free. The fact that God helps is my answer))) Order a prayer service for creating a family and don’t make a mistake yourself and everything will be fine.

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I had the same problem as you, I’m 22 now, until I was 19 I regularly masturbated. I experienced problems with girls because of my reluctance and psychological problems, my physical condition was worse than ever. I got rid of this bad habit, for this I started bodybuilding, threw out all the porn from the house, tried not to stay at home alone, and as soon as I wanted to “pull” a weight in my hand, or lie down on the floor and do push-ups. Guys, you won’t believe how good I started to feel after a couple of months, I had so much energy that I could rot horseshoes, the girls suddenly became so beautiful - in general, everything got better. Six months later, I gained 10 kilograms and appreciated the difference between my hand and my girl. This is what I advise you, you will succeed, I’m sure. The main thing is not to give yourself any slack. Good luck!

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Masturbated 3-5 times a week. He didn’t respect himself or those who do this. My gut feeling told me that this would not make me any better. After masturbation you always feel tired, exhausted, disappointed, sad. Some kind of irritability, sometimes indifference to women.

AFTER I quit: Self-respect, self-confidence. My posture and gait have changed. He became more courageous and had more strength in his muscles. He began to treat the female sex differently.

And most importantly, I feel in harmony with myself and feel like a REAL MAN.

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I was attached to this vice for 8 years and this year I found a 100% effective method of getting rid of it. You will need:

1.Vegetarian diet

2. Favorite thing

3. Daily routine

1) The diet increases self-control, willpower and actually reduces libido. To control your mind you need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, eating meat (fish and eggs too), avoid mushrooms, garlic and onions (they increase lust and weaken self-control).

2) A favorite activity is important for any person, and of all three points this is the most important, because if a person does not have any lofty desires related to society, spiritual or material improvement, then such a person will never be able to control himself.

3) The correct daily routine - the time of rising and going to bed, as well as the time of eating, gives vigor and promotes self-control.

The daily routine allows you to get rid of not only masturbation, but also nocturnal emissions. It also restores lost strength.

To control yourself you need to get up before 6 am (ideally at 4:00).

Go to bed preferably before 9:00 (maximum before 10).

Now, regarding food intake, the most important thing is not to overeat at night (ESPECIALLY SWEETS!!!).

There are sweets only in the morning (before 10 am), also dairy, grains, bread and vegetables for lunch in the morning;

Vegetables and dairy for dinner.

Now smart people will come running in and criticize everything, and say that jerking off is wonderful, and vegetarianism has nothing to do with it, etc. and so on.

But I guarantee you, if you fight honestly in this direction, you will certainly achieve success, just like I did.

To hangover or not, that is the question

Many people prefer to take a hangover to relieve withdrawal symptoms, believing that this is how they help their body. In fact, everything is completely different. To get drunk means to consciously push yourself into a vicious circle, leading to a drunken state. It is already difficult for the body to cope with the load created by dangerous toxins - products of the breakdown of alcohol. If you drink alcohol again, it will only get worse. For a short period of time, the painful symptoms will subside, but the level of intoxication in the body will only increase, and the load on the liver, kidneys and heart will increase. Lack of timely medical care in this case can lead to stroke, exacerbation of chronic diseases, delirium tremens, epileptic seizures, and cardiac arrest.

How to stop masturbating

Quitting masturbation is a long and painstaking process. You must conquer the desire and behavior that you have been practicing for months, and possibly years. This may take time. But it is still possible to do it.

As with any habit that seems out of control, quitting masturbation requires a number of steps and strategies. These may include the following approaches.

  • Find a therapist

One way to stop masturbation is to have an open conversation with a therapist. They may refer you to a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in sexual health.

If you have sex therapists in your city, it is better to contact them immediately. These professionals are trained to help people with sexual health problems like yours and can provide guidance.

  • Be honest

Masturbation is taboo. Some religious, cultural and spiritual traditions associate masturbation with immorality or sin.

In fact, this is not bad or immoral. This is normal and healthy. If you feel guilty or upset about masturbation, talk to your therapist or doctor about it. It is very important that the two of you find the “root of evil” to overcome the problem.

  • Stay busy

Keeping a full schedule will reduce your opportunities to masturbate. Find a hobby that calms you and keeps you busy.

This could be exercise, focusing on a particular issue and how to solve it, yoga, starting a new hobby, meeting friends for dinner, or visiting new museums or exhibitions. When you're busy, you reduce your opportunities to masturbate.

  • Take care of your body

Eating healthy and exercising is good for your body in many ways. For people trying to stop masturbating, a new emphasis on self-care may reduce urges or provide motivation to resist.

  • Develop an action plan

Talk to your doctor or therapist to determine when you are having problems. Maybe you masturbate at night before bed. Maybe you masturbate in the shower every morning.

If you can identify when you will masturbate, you and your doctor can develop a plan of action to overcome the urge.

  • Find a support group

Accountability is important for anyone trying to change behavior that seems out of control. It can also help you develop new behaviors. Support groups are available for people with uncontrolled sexual behavior.

  • Meet your friends more often

Time alone can be difficult for people trying to change their behavior. Try moving activities you usually do alone to a more social setting.

For example, if you enjoy watching sports, go to a sports bar or pub instead of staying home. If you're looking forward to new episodes of a show, throw a party and have your friends come to your house.

  • Put on extra clothes before going to bed

Underwear creates only a small physical barrier between you and your genitals. But rubbing or touching yourself at night can mindlessly encourage you to masturbate. Wear extra shorts. This will reduce the likelihood of arousal by touching the genitals.

  • Stop watching porn

Throw away any movies, magazines or other types of pornography. Move your computer to a family room in the house. You can also install software that will block access to porn sites.

  • Be patient

Behaviors that seem out of control do not start overnight and do not end overnight. Be patient. Strive for the end result and know that there will be a lot of temptation along the way. Determination will help you overcome the inevitable mistakes and difficulties.

MC "KORSAKOV": how to get rid of a hangover safely and painlessly

When withdrawal symptoms occur, a person experiences the most unpleasant sensations. In this condition, it is better to immediately seek help from a narcologist in order to eliminate the risk of complications due to alcohol intoxication.

In the fight against hangover, medical doctors use modern, highly effective medications and techniques that, in a minimum amount of time, can relieve a person of painful signs of withdrawal, relieve an acute condition and normalize well-being.

Clinic patients are individually prescribed:

  • Detoxification of the body (drips, gastric lavage);
  • Painkillers, diuretics, sedatives, vasodilators;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures to accelerate the effect of therapy.

Treatment regimens for patients with a hangover are selected for each patient individually, taking into account the general clinical picture, chronic and acute diseases, contraindications, allergic reactions, etc. The task of doctors is to provide high-quality, and most importantly, effective medical care to the patient, avoiding any complications. Relief from withdrawal symptoms should be gradual, without severe stress to the body. Pharmacotherapy should be prescribed comprehensively in order to improve both the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person.

Detoxifying the body is an effective method of combating a hangover.

Detoxification drips for binge drinking have become the number one method in modern medicine in the fight against the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. Intravenous infusions of a special solution can neutralize the negative effects of ethyl alcohol on the body, relieve an acute condition, normalize the water-alkaline balance, and replenish fluid loss in the body.

The attending physician selects the necessary composition of the dropper for binge drinking and hangover in each specific case. The detoxification solution contains the following components:

  • Saline solution and electrolytes to restore electrolyte balance;
  • Corrective solutions to improve blood composition and replenish fluid loss;
  • Sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate to alkalize the body;
  • Powerful sorbents for neutralizing, binding and removing toxic substances;
  • Antioxidants, antihypoxic drugs and cytoprotectors;
  • Vitamin complex (vitamins B, PP, C, E);
  • Hepatoprotectors to improve liver function;
  • Choleretic drugs to normalize the flow of bile;
  • Drugs that accelerate metabolic processes in the body;
  • Antiemetic and painkillers;
  • Sedative medications to normalize mental state.

The composition of the dropper may vary depending on the situation, the intensity of symptoms, and the duration of the binge. Perhaps some of the drugs will be prescribed to the patient in tablet form or as intramuscular injections.

Why drips are better than other methods of fighting a hangover

A hangover usually goes away within one day after alcohol poisoning. Withdrawal syndrome in an addict can last from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the patient experiences real physical torment and a painful desire to drink. The lack of timely qualified drug treatment can prolong painful symptoms (nausea, vomiting, headache, tremors, weakness) or cause serious disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems of the body (stroke, epilepsy, mental disorders, etc.).

A detoxification drip after binge drinking and during a hangover is the simplest, safest and most effective method of combating withdrawal symptoms. The procedure is practically painless and does not require much time. The main thing is that infusion therapy is selected and carried out by an experienced narcologist who knows all the intricacies of treating alcoholism and relieving acute conditions.

At the KORSAKOV clinic (provided that alcoholism lasted no more than 3 days and that the client does not have serious health problems), the doctor can give the patient a hangover drip at home. In other cases, patients are recommended to undergo detoxification procedures in a medical facility, where they will be under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

When is masturbation a problem?2

Masturbation is common. People who are in a sexual relationship with a partner masturbate. People who are not in relationships masturbate. People who are not sexually active also masturbate. For most people, masturbation is a normal activity.

Sometimes masturbation can become problematic. This happens when you:

  • can't contain the urge to masturbate
  • skipping work, school, or social events so you can masturbate
  • planning when you can masturbate

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

It is important not to initially increase the frequency of masturbation to such a frequency that the question arises of how to stop masturbating. Yes, sexologists advise not to suppress your own sexual desire and engage in self-satisfaction whenever your heart desires. But even in this matter, moderation is important. It’s one thing if masturbation is a pleasant end to the day or a warm-up in the morning. Another question is when masturbation occupies all your thoughts and you simply cannot think about anything other than this. Don't let yourself get into such a critical state, and masturbation will only bring pleasure.

Message from the Editor

Do you want to know at what point many dating apps lie to us? Now we will tell you about one ineffective “trick” that is installed/purchased by a huge number of users. These are so-called “compatibility algorithms” - artificial intelligence that suggests potential partners based on similar interests. However, experts are confident that it is impossible to predict the success of a relationship, especially based on hobbies. Relationships between two opposite sexes are constant and painstaking work. And those who are not similar to each other can live harmoniously together.

How to get rid of a hangover and cure alcoholism

When turning to a doctor for help, you must understand that fighting a hangover and treating alcoholism are NOT the same thing. Relieving withdrawal symptoms is a series of procedures aimed at alleviating a person’s condition after alcoholism, that is, symptomatic treatment. The effect of such therapy is temporary and lasts until the person’s next uncontrolled alcoholism. Treatment of alcohol addiction requires much more effort, time, complex therapy with the involvement of a number of specialists, and the patient’s stay in a drug treatment hospital. Therefore, you should not confuse the treatment of a hangover and the treatment of alcoholism, because they are not the same thing. At the same time, the fight against a hangover is the first stage in the treatment of pathological craving for alcohol. Without detoxifying the body and relieving the acute condition, there is no point in talking about further drug treatment.

Requests for help Write your story Hello. I am tormented by thoughts about masturbation, I have been doing this for 8 years, I have taken breaks, but I cannot quit. Now I quit, I haven’t done it for 3 months, but I really want to. I know that this is a sin and looks disgusting from the outside, but in this world everything is so tempting that it is impossible to resist. I’m afraid of losing my temper, because of this I’m constantly depressed, I don’t want to live. I have a girlfriend, we have been communicating on the Internet for two years now and plan to be together forever, and I understand that if I do this, I will “cheat” on her. Help please, I don't know what to do.

Andrey, age: 20 / 01/31/2011


Hello, Andrey! Masturbation is not cheating, but a bad habit, like smoking, alcoholism or addiction to pornography. You can break bad habits without killing yourself. You are a strong person, you have free will, and you can dictate to yourself what you want. You are the master of yourself, not your habits. It would be better to take your relationship with a girl into real life, and lo and behold, you will be cured of masturbation. Before planning to be with a person “together and forever,” it is advisable to get to know him better in real life. This is true, by the way. read also these articles:

Passerby, age: 27 / 01/31/2011

Andrey, hello! You've been texting with a girl and "plan to be together forever." Haven't you even seen her? if not, then where do such plans come from? It seems to me that you are a maximalist and an incorrigible romantic! You need to be closer to reality. Communicate with real people, not in a dream world. What you call betrayal of a loved one is a much greater betrayal of yourself. You are stealing from yourself what rightfully belongs to you - the happiness of intimacy with your loved one. And you know what can help you? Patience. Remember that Tsarevich Ivan so wanted to always be near Vasilisa the Wise that he burned her skin ahead of time. hurry up. and you are in a hurry. Take your time to live, don’t steal from yourself. Your person will come to you in due time. Just know how to wait and get rid of unnecessary illusions!

Dusya, age: 29 / 01/31/2011

Hello, Andrey! Of course, masturbation is a sin, but it seems to me that it is not a mortal sin. And we must treat it the same way as other sins. Now, for example, you are clearly falling into the sin of despondency... But this doesn’t scare you, does it? And this is also a sin for which you will be asked at the Last Judgment... I think if you carefully study your life, you will find many other sins in it. And although masturbation is of course a sin, it has its source in another sin - the sin of lustful thoughts - this is what we must try to get rid of to the best of our ability with God’s help. For a person without His help is definitely not able to do this. But the most important thing is that you should never despair, you should never consider yourself a lost person. Even if you repent and sin again, this is not a reason for despair. You just need to get up and walk the intended path again, just as we do when we stumble and fall. At your age, when there is no wife, it is really difficult to refrain from this sin... You need to fight sin, but at the same time you must abstain from mortal sins - including adultery. And the surest thing is to find yourself a wife - and again, it is very difficult to make the right choice at your age, but with God everything is possible. And don't despair, this is the most important thing. And yet, believe me, most women do not consider male masturbation to be treason... But communicating on the Internet and living together is a big difference. You know, the easiest way to get to know a person better and understand whether you can be with him is to go on some kind of hiking trip for a week. And not together, so as not to really fall into the sin of fornication - but in a large company - so that the girl lives in a tent with women, and you with your friends. Then many things will become clearer.

Sergey, age: 42 / 02/01/2011

Andrey, you are not some kind of pervert! You have realized your problem, you hate it, you want to overcome it, and you hate it so much that you don’t even want to live. Depression is despondency, melancholy, caused by the fact that masturbation puts pressure on you and poisons your life. Your mental enemy, seeing that you do not want to engage in masturbation, gives you the idea that you do not want to live. what a delicate job?? how cunning is your mental enemy! There are excellent methods to combat masturbation. Firstly, if you are a Christian, then in the Holy Scripture of the Bible it is written that malakis (onanists) will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (do not go to Heaven), just like suicides (these will generally suffer in the next world). This means that the Lord God does not disapprove of onanists and I am always happy to help such people in order to save them from this scourge. this is the first thing, the second thing is that you have a girlfriend, and she really likes you, and for her sake you need to fight a bad habit. Here is the link, there is a lot of information, read how you can deal with this problem. Don’t say anything to the girl, fight and don’t desert the battlefield! Masturbation can be overcome. Many young people have this problem. But you don’t want to be with this problem, you decided to get rid of it, and you ask for help, because your enemy is strong. But you are not some kind of weakling!!! Fight to the end!! You will win!

Anastasia, age: 27 / 02/02/2011

Thank you very much for the advice.. Well, I’ll say the main thing - I, of course, saw her in real life, more than once. In this regard, it has already been decided that we cannot live without each other. And when you truly love, distance is not a hindrance. It’s just strange, of course, but regardless of this, the hormones burst out.. And still, thank you. Now I will come here when I feel this bad desire and manage to overcome my bad thoughts.

Andrey, age: 20 / 02/02/2011

Hello, Andryukha! First of all, you're not the only one with this problem. I don't want to hide anything from you here. The soldier himself. I myself confessed this sin to the priest about 10 times! Don't think that you did it out of nothing to do. Well, hormones put pressure on the brain! The evil one constantly tempts! The solution is either to go to a monastery or find a permanent girl and get married. I don’t know how it’s any other way in this world. In general, this matter greatly shakes the psyche. But it’s okay, be patient. God will help you for your patience. Not the worst thing. If you find a girl, everything will work out. The fact that you are fighting is already beneficial. Exercise helps with depression. In short, either look for a girl or go to a monastery. And don’t get too worked up about it.

Sergey, age: 27 / 02/02/2011

Is it true that abstinence is harmful to the body? I'm very concerned about this issue

Andrey, age: 20 / 02/10/2011

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Why choose the KORSAKOV clinic?

  • Highly qualified narcologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, resuscitators, physiotherapists, etc.;
  • Own laboratory where you can take any diagnostic tests;
  • Modern comfortable conditions for patients;
  • Fully justified fixed prices for services;
  • Maintaining patient confidentiality;
  • High-quality treatment of addictions and concomitant diseases according to treatment regimens selected individually for each patient;
  • The center is open 24 hours a day.

You can get specialist advice and make an appointment with a doctor by calling 24 hours a day.

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