Octoechos - liturgical texts of hymns altered according to voices.

Irmos of the Sunday Canon, tone 1

Irmos of the 1st song of the Sunday canon, voice 1:

Your victorious right hand/ Glorified by God in the fortress:/ Because the Immortal One,/ like the Almighty One, has erased the enemy,// Has remade the path of depth for the Israelites.


Їрм0сь №-th song of the Sunday cann, voice №:

Your victorious right hand/ is glorious in the fortress of glorification:/ so immortal,/ ћкw omnipotent, against 6vnyz era, // ї}ltznwm path of depth2 new made.

Irmos of the 3rd song of the Sunday canon, voice 1:

He alone knows the infirmity of the human being, / and mercifully imagined himself in it, / girt me from on high with strength, / even to cry out to Thee, O Holy One // animated in the temple of Thy ineffable glory her, more humane.


Їрм0съ G-th song of the Sunday channel, voice no.:

E #n1na, a bid man of a person creature,/ and 3 mi1lostivnnes in the same time,/ Hold ms with a height2 of the s1la,/ є4, you’re a yopee with ™ hus: // њ -spirited crama are not notable to have your owns.

Irmos of the 4th song of the Sunday canon, tone 1:

Mount Thee, overshadowed by the grace of God, / the perspicacious Habakkuk saw in his eyes, / from You come forth to Israel, / proclaiming to the Holy One, / for our Salvation and renewal.


Їрм0съ 7th canto on Sunday, voice no.:

G0ru ts blessed blessing,/ the perspicacious one of our eyes,/ and 3z8 you and 3zhti ї}left/ proclaiming with ™0m,// in our sleep and 3 renewal.

Irmos of the 5th song of the Sunday canon, voice 1:

Enlightened by the radiance/ of Your coming, O Christ,/ and illuminated by Your Cross the ends of the world,/ enlighten the hearts with the light of Your God-mind,// of those who sing Orthodoxy to Thee.


Їрм0с є7-th canon of Sunday, voice no.:

Enlightened s_snіem/ coming of yours,/ and 3 њLightly krt0m your1m mjra ends2,/ hearts enlightened2 with the light of yours,// Orthodox singing ts.

Irmos of the 6th song of the Sunday canon, tone 1:

The last abyss has come upon us, / there is no deliverance, / we are counted as sheep of the slaughter, / save Thy people, O our God: // Thou art the strength of the weak and the correction.


Їрм0с ѕ7-th song of the Sunday canon, voice no.:

Where we are in the last abyss, / there is no relief, / vmeni1khomsz ћkw џvtsy zakoleniz, / sp7si2 people of yours‰, b9e our // that is the fortress of the weak and 3 and 3 correction.

Irmos of the 7th song of the Sunday canon, tone 1:

You are wise, Mother of God, / let us consider the faithfulness of the cave: / as you saved three youths, O exalted One, / renew the world entirely in Your womb, / / ​​God, the praiseworthy father, and is glorified.


Їрм0съ з 7-th canto on Sunday, voice no.:

You have great honor,/ Let us consider the truth:/ Like the lines of sp7sE three2 exalted,/ the world is renewed in your womb entirely,// praiseworthy ntce1v bG, and3 glorified.

Irmos of the 8th song of the Sunday canon, tone 1:

In the cave, the children of Israel, / like in a crucible, / the kindness of piety, purer than gold, shines, saying: / bless all the works of the Lord the Lord, / / ​​sing and exalt to all ages.


Їрм0с }-th song of the Sunday cann, voice No.:

In the cave2 the troets are left,/ like in the crucible/ with goodness, pure gold shining, saying:/ bless all the deeds of the city, // sing and exalt1 to all ages.

We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, singing and exalting ourselves to all ages.

We praise, bless, bow to God, singing and exalting to all ages.

Irmos of the 9th song of the Sunday canon, voice 1:

The image of Your pure Nativity, / a burning bush showing the unscorched: / and now we pray to extinguish the furious misfortunes upon us, / let us magnify You, Mother of God, // unceasingly.


Їрм0съ f7th song of the Sunday canon, voice no.:

W$braz clean1stagw your joy2,/ ngnegali1maz kupinA showA newpalnaz:/ and3 nhne on us the ferocious misfortunes of our prayers,/ yes tS bcde// we constantly magnify.

Author: Administrator
Publication date: 08/10/2020

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Theology in voices. Voice one

In our life, we often get bored with something, but on the contrary, we like something, and we want to see it again and again.
In Orthodox worship there is a wonderful unity between repetition and originality. The unusual system of eight voices has been used in the Orthodox Church for over a thousand years. Eight voices replace each other every eight weeks. A new week - a new voice, starting at a church service every Saturday evening. “Voice” is, first of all, a chant, a melody, to which the texts of stichera, troparions, and irmos are sung. The vocal system concerns precisely these liturgical texts, which are used almost daily in Orthodox worship. All of them are contained in a book called “Octoichus” in Greek, and “Osmoglasnik”, or “eight-voice” in Slavic. The number eight, the eighth day, is a symbol of the Kingdom of Christ, the last endless, non-evening (i.e., which will not have an evening) day, which will complete earthly history and fulfill everything. Divine service is the beginning of this day and this Kingdom of Christ, its manifestation in our earthly life.

In addition to the melody, the chants of each voice have amazing theological content. This theology is not academic, but vital, practical. Its vitality lies in the fact that it is proclaimed not from an academic pulpit, but from a church choir and passes through the mind and heart of every believer.

Let us turn our attention to these texts, try to understand them, feel them, and explain their complexities.

First voice.

Saturday evening, Sunday morning

The solemn melodies of the first tone are in harmony with the texts, expressing a person’s feeling of gratitude to the Risen Christ. The hymns of Saturday Vespers and Sunday Matins shine with the light of the Resurrection of Christ, filled with the joy of the myrrh-bearers, who were the first to know that Christ has risen. We also stand in front of the empty tomb and glorify the Resurrection of Christ.

“Accept our vespers prayers, O Holy Lord, and grant us remission of sins, for Thou art the only manifestation of the Resurrection in the world,” we hear in the first stichera on “I cried unto the Lord,” and our usual everyday despondency goes away when we offer ours to the Risen Savior and “evening prayers” and our sins in confession.

The Mother of God Dogmatist encourages us to even greater hope - the chant sung during the entrance with the censer, before the singing of “Quiet Light”:

“Let us sing universal glory from man and the Lord who gave birth, to the heavenly Door, to the Virgin Mary, to the bodiless song and to the faithful: this is the heaven and the temple of the Divine; Having destroyed this barrier of enmity, peace was introduced, and the Kingdom was opened. This is a statement of faith, a champion of the imam of the Lord born from her. Be bold, be bold, people of God, for He will conquer the enemies, for He is All-Powerful.”

The Mother of God is the glory of the whole world, of all humanity: born by ordinary people, She gave birth to God, the Lord of the whole world, She became the heavenly Door (through which the Lord entered us), She is sung by angels, under Her protection it is good for believers, She became Heaven and Temple God, She (by the birth of the Son of God) destroyed the barrier of sin that separated man from God. We have the Lord born of Her, who fights for us - and, therefore, be of good cheer, people of God, i.e. – do not be afraid to follow the road of salvation to God – He is All-Powerful.

“Let the nations applaud with joy,” we hear in the stichera on the stichera, “because Christ put death to death and gave us life.” In the section on the second kathisma, we joyfully affirm: “...Christ captured hell, the only Mighty and Strong One, and raised up with Him all those subject to corruption, destroying the fear of condemnation with the Cross.” Remembering the prudent robber in Ipakoi, we exclaim: “The repentance of the robber robbed hell!”

The Mystery of the salvation of mankind by Christ is especially sung in the Sunday canon at Matins. “He who, with most pure hands, created me from dust, stretched out his hands on the cross, calling out my corruptible body from the earth... Christ incarnate adores me, Christ humbly lifts me up, Christ, suffering in the flesh, makes me dispassionate,... Christ, dying, resurrects me, Christ gives me life , therefore, I applaud with joy, singing a victorious song to the Savior...” “Thy cross brought good news to peace...”

Breaking out of our everyday bustle, we cry out: “You are the only One who knows the weakness of the human being, and having mercifully accepted it (in the Incarnation), gird me with strength from on high to cry out to You, Holy One!” “The abyss surrounds us and no one will help, we are accused of everything, save Your people, our God, for You are the strength of the weak and deliverance.”

We also especially glorify the Mother of God, who served the Mystery of the Incarnation: “What worthy song can we bring to You? Only the one that the Archangel Gabriel taught us: Rejoice, Virgin Mary, Mother of the Bride!”

“You have resurrected the world with You and death has disappeared, and Eve, now freed from the bonds (of death), rejoices, calling: You give to everyone, O Christ, the resurrection.”

“Hell groans and death weeps, but the world rejoices and everyone rejoices with it, because You, Christ, have given resurrection to everyone!”

“Your Cross, O Lord, was glorified by Your ineffable power, and Your weakness appeared to everyone more than strength, because the strong were cast down and the weak were raised to heaven.” The joy of the Resurrection of Christ is the joy of the salvation of every person from sin and death. This is the joy of communion with Christ God.

Sunday evening, Monday morning

Monday's theme is the repentance of the sinner and the glorification of the disembodied servants of God - angels and holy martyrs for faith in God.

“Know yours, cursed soul, divine nobility and incorruptible fatherland... Christ, You are the Physician, heal the passions of my heart and wash me from all filth, so that I sing and magnify Your compassion... In ancient times, Daniel tamed the lions, living together with virtue; compete with him, soul, and make the roaring lion that wants to grab you powerless by your constant appeal to God.”

Angels are “holy spectators of the eternal wisdom of God”, “sing the Trinumeric Unit of the Divinity with the triple unceasing voices of the seraphim, revealing the most pure sacrament of theology and teaching the Orthodox faith.”

Martyrs - “suffering with praise, the dignity of crowns, the glorious passion-bearers clothed themselves with You, Lord: and with the patience of wounds they defeated the lawless, and with divine power they received victory from heaven.” You are truly precious stones, stoned, but not rejecting the Stone of Life, and not making sacrifices to stone idols, glorious and crowned martyrs of the Lord... Having renewed your souls with the plow of faith, by the Divine Spirit you have increased the ear of suffering and have been granted blessed food.”

Monday evening, Tuesday morning

Humble repentance and glorification of John the Baptist

“Christ, You, being rich, became poor and enriched people with immortality and light. So enrich me with virtues, freeing me from the riches of torment of hell.”

Forerunner: “Thy voice of the dead proclaimed the Light from the Light that shone on the earth, and we, who were in darkness, were enlightened. Enlighten the gloomy me too! Here is a lamp shining in the darkness of life, here is a swallow heralding spring to everyone, the great Forerunner of Christ...”

Martyrs: Your testimony about Christ before the judges spat upon the power of demons and freed people from deception... The patience of Christ’s wise passion-bearers shone more than the sun’s radiance, and therefore destroyed with grace the chief of darkness (the Devil), and destroyed the night of godlessness and enlightened the hearts of the faithful.

Mother of God: Glorifying You, Mother of God the Word, we bring You the flowering gift of words, about which we believe to rejoice

Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning

The Day of the Cross and the Passion of Christ, the day of glorification of the Mother of God.

“You spread out Your palms on the Cross, O Generous One, and gathered the nations that were far from You (did not know You)…”. “Thy Cross, Christ, angels and people have become one flock, and in one cathedral heaven and earth rejoice, crying out: Lord, glory to Thee!” “Immortality has blossomed for us from an ever-flowing source - Spasov’s rib.”

Mother of God, “raise me, who have fallen asleep in spiritual death, lying in the grave of despair, shackled with the shackles of sins, by Your prayer..!”

Wednesday evening, Thursday morning

Day of the Holy Apostles and St. Nicholas

“The glorious apostles... who had found the Lord God... They clung to him in a divine way, both as God and as an all-perfect man in the world, and they clearly preached.” “The wise fishers of the universe” “God-voiced trumpets of Christ, horses that troubled the waters of atheism and drew people from the depths to the divine haven of salvation.” “Clouds that have shed the water of life, water my soul, dried up by the rainlessness of passions, so that it may grow ears of virtue.” “Like rays, the Great Sun emits you in the universe, illuminating those who sing with faith: bless all the works of the Lord the Lord, sing and exalt Him forever.” “Being vines of the divine mental grapes, you, the apostles, have grown divine grapes exuding saving wine, therefore deliver me from the drunkenness of passions.”

Nicholas: “We diligently pray to you, the great shepherd and imitator of the first Shepherd Christ in everything, Nicholas: save your slaves from the sacred heights, always delivering them from all everyday misfortunes.”

Thursday evening, Friday morning

Day of the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Christ

“You stretched out Your most pure hands on the Cross, calling those who were far from You, bringing them closer to You.”

Theotokos: “All the prophets preached You, Mother of God, in glorious images; We clearly see the fulfillment of the prophecies, and we ask You to receive divine quietness.” “I am defeated by the law of the flesh, I commit countless sins and do not dare to raise my eyes to You, pure Lady; but You, by the law of the mercy of Your Son, save me, the accursed, save me!” “Deliver me from the barrenness of thought, and help my soul to bear fruit with virtues, Most Pure Mother of God.”

Martyrs: “Putting aside the slumber of negligence with divine vigor, the passion-bearers, through faith, lulled the aspirations of the beasts and suffered rejoicing.”

Friday evening, Saturday morning

Day of Prayer for the Dead and Glorification of All Saints

Deceased: What sweetness of life remains without sorrow? What glory is immutable on earth? All this is weaker than a shadow, and more illusory than a dream; in an instant it is all taken away by death. But in the light of Your face and in the delight of Your beauty, there is peace for those whom You have chosen, O Christ!” “You were dead, and to the dead you bestowed Your divine life and immortality, so in faith make those who have left corruptible life partakers of Your Kingdom.”

Martyrs: “Armed with piety, you were not struck by the arrows of the Devil, and by the grace of God you were victorious and received crowns.”

End of the first voice

(To be continued)

Song 4


On divine watch, may the God-speaking Habakkuk stand with us and show us a luminous angel, clearly saying: today is salvation for the world, for Christ has risen, for he is omnipotent.

Christ is risen from the dead.

The male sex, as if Christ had opened the virgin womb, was called: like a man, He was called Lamb: and blameless, for the taste of filth is our Passover, and for the true God is perfect in His words.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Like the one-year-old lamb, Christ, the blessed crown for us, was slain for all, the cleansing Passover, and again from the tomb the red sun of righteousness rose for us.

Christ is risen from the dead.

God-father David, galloping before the hay ark, but the holy people of God, seeing the images of the event, rejoice divinely, as Christ is risen, as omnipotent.


Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having created Adam, Your forefather, the Pure One is built from You, and destroy the mortal dwelling with Your death today, and illuminate everything with the divine sparkles of the resurrection.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Whom you gave birth to Christ, who rose beautifully from the dead, Pure, seeing, kind and blameless in women and red, today for the salvation of all, with the apostles rejoicing, glorify Him.

Song 5


Let us morning the deep morning, and instead of peace we will bring a song to the Lady, and we will see Christ, the Sun of Truth, life shining for all.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Thy immeasurable compassion is visible through the bonds of hell, Christ walks toward the light with merry feet, praising the eternal Easter.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us come, O luminaries, to Christ proceeding from the tomb as a bridegroom, and let us celebrate God’s saving Pascha with lustful rites.


Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divine rays and life-giving rays of the resurrection of Your Son, Most Pure Mother of God, are enlightened, and the pious assembly is filled with joy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

You did not open the gates of virginity in the incarnation, you did not destroy the seals of the coffin, the King of creation: from where you saw the resurrected, Mother rejoiced.

Song 7


He who delivered the youths from the cave, having become a man, suffers as if he were mortal, and with the passion of death he clothes the mortal in incorruptibility with splendor. God alone is blessed and glorified.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Wives from the world of God-wise follow in your footsteps: Whom, as if dead, I seek with tears, bowing down, rejoicing in the Living God, and Your secret Pascha, O Christ, the disciple of the gospel.

Christ is risen from the dead.

In death we celebrate the mortification, the destruction of hell, the beginning of another eternal life, and playfully we sing of the Guilty One, the only one blessed by the fathers of God and the most glorified.

Christ is risen from the dead.

As truly sacred and all-celebratory, this saving night, and the luminous, light-bearing day, is the herald of the rising of beings: in it, the flightless Light from the grave rose carnally to all.


Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having put to death Your Son, the All-Immaculate Death, today, the life of all mortals remains free for all eternity, One blessed and glorified God of the Fathers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Reign over all creation, having been a man, you entered into Your, God-gracious, womb, and having endured crucifixion and death, you rose again divinely, making us like omnipotent.

Irmosy. Irmology.

Here you can download free irmos of different canons. Liturgical texts in Word format.

Most texts have accents and are written in the Kondak font; if you do not have such a font, then you can install it easily by simply dragging the file into the fonts folder in the control panel. Keep an eye out for additions.

Irmos of the canon in Oktoekha, Friday morning, tone 1

Irmos of the canon in Oktoeha, on Friday morning, tone 1: “To God who helped Moses in Egypt...”. Text file in Word format.

Irmos of the 1st canon of the Nativity of Christ, tone 1: “Christ is born...”

Irmos of the canon on Christmas Eve, tone 1

Irmos of the canon on Christmas Eve, tone 1: “Let us all sing a song of victory to God...”. Text file in Word format.

Canon on Epiphany Christmas Eve, tone 1

Canon of the forefeast of Epiphany on Epiphany Eve, tone 1: “Israel has been delivered from the bitter work...” Text file in Word format.

Irmos of the canon of the Mother of God: “Let us all sing a victorious song to God...”, tone 1

Irmos of the canon of the Mother of God: “Let us all sing a victorious song to God...”, tone 1. Text file in Word format.

Irmos of the canon on the Sunday of the Worship of the Cross, tone 1

Irmos of the canon of the triodion in the week of the Worship of the Cross, tone 1: “Moses, the most divine type of ancient times...”. Text file in Word format.

Irmos of the canon of indictment, voice 1: “We will drink all people from the bitter work of the Pharaohs...”

Irmos of the canon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tone 1: “Adorned with the Divine...”

Voice 2

Irmos of the Canon of the Circumcision of the Lord, tone 2

Irmos of the Circumcision of the Lord, tone 2: “Come, ye people...” Text file in Word format.

Irmos 1 canon of the pre-celebration of Epiphany, tone 2: “The impenetrable, wavering sea...”

Irmos of the canon of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, tone 2 “Come, ye people...”

Irmos of the canons of Epiphany

— Irmos 1 canon of Epiphany, tone 2: “He opened the depths, there is a bottom...”

— Irmos 2 of the canon of Epiphany, tone 2: “ moving ...”

Irmos of the canon of the triodion for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, tone 2: “The song of Moses...”

Voice 3

Irmos of the Canon of the Presentation of the Lord, tone 3: “I am drying up the deep earth...”

Voice 4

Irmos of the Sunday Canon of the Theotokos, tone 4

Irmos of the Sunday Canon of the Theotokos, tone 4: “Three hundred strong, be born of the Virgin...”. Text file in Word format.

Irmosa voice 4: “I will open my mouth...”

Irmos of the canon of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, tone 4: “I will open my mouth...”

Irmos of the Canon of the Annunciation, tone 4: “I will open my mouth...”

Irmos of the canon on the Week of Vai, tone 4: “The source of the abyss appeared...”

Irmos of the canon of St. Peter and Paul, tone 4: “There is no one like You...”

Irmos of the canon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, tone 4: “Persons of Israelites...”

Irmos of the canon of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tone 4: “I will open my mouth...”

Voice 5
Voice 6

Irmos on Holy Thursday, tone 6: “The cut is cut...”

Voice 7
Voice 8

Irmos voice 8: “Water has passed through...”

This file in Word format contains 4 versions of the Irmos “Water passed through...”. One of them is the Theotokos canon from the Book of Hours...

Irmos of the Octoechos canon, on Thursday at Matins, tone 8: “The water has passed through...”

Irmos of the Canon of the Mother of God, tone 8: “Let us sing to the Lord...”

Irmos of the Canon of the Mother of God, tone 8: “Let us sing to the Lord, who led His people through the Red Sea...”

Irmos of the canon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, tone 8: “Moses drew the Cross...”

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