Prayers before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tree of the Virgin Mary”

Although the Orthodox Church knows hundreds of icons of the Mother of God, new ones continue to appear. This is especially pleasing in years of testing - during the period of economic crisis, a new sign of the Virgin Mary’s favor appeared for people, this is the icon of the Tree of the Virgin Mary. The author remains unknown, but this is not the main thing. It is important that the image gives people faith, help and comfort.

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The Tree of Life is part of world culture

The topic of immortality has long been of interest to humanity.
Both those in power - kings, emperors, and ordinary people - were passionate about the search for the elixir of eternal life. The symbol that personifies immortality in most religious teachings of the world and cultural civilizations is the tree of life. It embodies strength and longevity. The meaning of the tree of life in religions and culture of the world

This concept can be found in the culture of many peoples and religious monuments of the most common beliefs.

Jewish Kabbalah

In Kabbalah, the world is presented as a composition of ten emanations or manifestations of the Supreme Mind. This composition is the tree of life, also called sephiroth or sefirot. It represents elements - sephira, which have Hebrew names and have magical potential. They are connected to each other by a line of “zivug”, which means “mating”. The Sephira also express the names of the planets of the solar system. The highest point - Kether - personifies God. Divine light passes through it, and with each element passed through, its energy weakens. The Divine radiation reaches its lowest point, Malkuth, having diminished many times over. The lower element of the sephirot is Earth.

The Tree of Life, according to Kabbalah, is the expression of a person who has reached the highest state of mind. In the composition of the tree, three main components can be identified, called pillars. The left side is the pillar of rigor, the center is the pillar of balance, and the right side represents mercy. All sephiras express human states at different levels of spiritual development. As a person's soul grows, it passes through all the stages or elements of the tree, and in the sephira of Binah reaches Paradise. And the highest point is available only with complete purification or “correction” of the world.


The tree of life is also mentioned in biblical stories. They say that God expelled the first people from Paradise, thereby depriving them of this wonderful symbol of wisdom. The tree is mentioned in the Apocalypse and other texts of the Old Testament monuments. In Christianity, this symbol was depicted hung with fruits and guarded by the Serpent, Dragon or Lion.

In other cultures

Also, the tree that bestows immortality is spoken of in many ancient legends, for example in the Hittite memorial text about Gilgamesh, and in Egyptian images. Among different peoples it is represented by different types of earthly trees. Thus, among the Germans the tree of life is the yew, among the peoples who practice shamanism it is the birch.

Commemorative specimens with the tree of life

There are several monuments of world culture that depict this symbol of immortality. For example, the “Tree of Life” icon, which depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by a grape vine. Therefore, this icon also has the name “Christ the Vine” or “Christ the Vine of Truth.” Around him are the apostles and, in some examples, also John the Baptist and the Holy Mother of God. This image is based on the stories of the Gospel.

There is another interpretation of the sacred text, which depicts the Holy Sepulcher, from which a vine with bunches of grapes grows. From the grapes Christ squeezes wine (which expresses wisdom and sacrifice) into a vessel.

The Germans preserved beautiful tapestries with the tree of life depicted on them, which were hung on the facades of fortresses and gates. They were also used as flags on campaigns.

Interesting Facts

Not far from the Persian city of Bahrain, a mesquite tree has been growing right in the desert for 400 years. Local residents call it the tree of life, as it grows in the sun-scorched sands, despite the lack of water. This phenomenon attracts many tourists from all over the world.

It is interesting that this symbol of immortality is used very often in our lives. For example, the philosophy of attracting wealth and abundance is common. Practitioners of this system grow money tree (crassula) at home. Various jewelry is also made that imitates this element, for example, beaded pendants. There are meditation techniques called “Money Tree of Life” that promote well-being.

This symbol has existed since time immemorial and continues to find its new meaning in the modern world. Even in the scientific world this concept is quite relevant. After all, the tree that gives eternal life personifies the genealogical structure of man, his evolution. Further study of this element can reveal new secrets of the universe to people.

“Icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Quote from LYUBOYAR's message

“Icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary”
“Icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

“The Icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos” depicts 16 main miraculous icons (images) of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Jesus Christ, located on a branchy tree. In the center of the tree is the Bethlehem Cave and the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus reclining in a manger. This Nativity of the Lord gave rise to the depiction of the Ever-Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. That is why the Nativity icon is placed on the trunk of a symbolic tree and is highlighted in a larger size compared to other icons. Under the Nativity icon on the trunk is depicted the “Sweet Kiss” icon, symbolizing the wondrous love and continuous connection between the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ. On the left and right along the branches of the tree there are 7 famous miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child of God. The meaning of this icon is that it reflects the connection of all the icons of the Mother of God, like branches of one tree that grew in the sacrament of the Nativity of the God-Man Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. You can pray in front of this icon to the Blessed Virgin and the Infant God. Since this icon is composite, i.e. consists of images of 16 icons of the Mother of God, then praying to her as one image is not suitable. You can pray to each icon depicted, or simply to the Mother of God Herself.

“Tree of the Virgin Mary” is an image of the most revered icons of the Mother of God in the form of medallions on the branches of a symbolic tree around the icon of the Nativity of Christ. This icon should not be confused with the “Tree of Jesse” icon (, where a similar tree depicts the genealogy of Jesus Christ along the line of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon “Tree of the Mother of God” is also called “Mountain Jerusalem”, since at the very base of the tree a city is depicted in a light white haze, above which there is an inscription - “Mountain Jerusalem”. Above the crown of the tree is the Trinity icon ( In the center is the icon of the Nativity of Christ ( On the branches, from top to bottom, in rows from left to right, the following icons of the Mother of God are located: Iverskaya It is worthy to eat Smolenskaya https://pravicon. com/icon-234 Pochaevskaya Kazanskaya Donskaya Chernigovskaya icon-134 or Feodorovskaya Quick to Hear Mammal 198 Tikhvinskaya Quench my sorrows The Inexhaustible Chalice The Sign -117 Vladimirskaya Source: PRAVICON.COM [2013]

The icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos” depicts 16 main miraculous icons (images) of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Jesus Christ, located on a branchy tree. In the center of the tree is the Bethlehem Cave and the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus reclining in a manger. This Nativity of the Lord gave rise to the depiction of the Ever-Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. That is why the Nativity icon is placed on the trunk of a symbolic tree and is highlighted in a larger size compared to other icons. Under the Nativity icon on the trunk is depicted the “Sweet Kiss” icon, symbolizing the wondrous love and continuous connection between the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ. On the left and right along the branches of the tree there are 7 famous miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child of God.

The meaning of this icon is that it reflects the connection of all the icons of the Mother of God, like branches of one tree that grew in the sacrament of the Nativity of the God-Man Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. You can pray in front of this icon to the Blessed Virgin and the Infant God. Since this icon is composite, i.e. consists of images of 16 icons of the Mother of God, then praying to her as one image is not suitable. You can pray to each icon depicted, or simply to the Mother of God Herself.

History of appearance

Iconography has a difficult fate - in the first centuries after its appearance, Christianity was not numerous, it was considered an incomprehensible sect, which was despised by both Jews and Romans. Christians had to hide, they were persecuted by emperors - they were thrown to lions, stoned, their heads were cut off for refusing to make sacrifices to the pagan gods. For the Romans, this was tantamount to refusing to serve Caesar.

Therefore, at first, images of Christ and saints were very rare and were preserved mainly only in the catacombs. Most often, they were also symbolic - the church canon was just being formed at that time, many objected to trying to express with drawings what is inaccessible to human understanding. After all, Christ is God, and Christians are just people. Instead of Jesus, they painted a shepherd or a fish.

Icons began to appear on wooden boards from the 3rd century. - this period is considered the beginning of icon painting as an art. Then in the 8th century. a period of iconoclasm began, during which they were mercilessly destroyed. 60 years later, the Council of Nicaea officially established the veneration of holy images. All these years, Christians carefully collected and preserved icons of Christ and the Mother of God.

The semantic load of the image of the world tree

The tree of life is firmly rooted in different cultures; it symbolizes the structure of the universe. The roots are the Navi world (the underworld), the trunk is the waking world (the real world), and the crown symbolizes the government - the world of the gods. Using the world tree growing on the Alatyr stone, located on the island of Buyan, many heroes of folklore travel through the worlds in search of their truth. After all, a tree is an axis that connects all worlds into one.

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Another meaning is the connection of times: the past is the roots, the present is the trunk, the future is the crown.

The image of the world tree is also a symbol of the clan, ancestral memory, where the roots are our parents (and all past generations), the trunk is ourselves, and the branches and leaves represent our descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren).

It is believed that the more powerful the family connection (roots), the stronger the crown (children and grandchildren), it is not for nothing that the history of the family is studied when compiling a family tree.

Legends and myths of different nations

In Slavic folklore, the tree often plays a dominant role; its image is associated with immortality.
In biblical mythology, the Tree of Life, created by God in Paradise, personifies the axis of the world and the principle of the universe. The base symbolizes the earthly component, the branches reach to heaven, the roots go to the underworld. Our ancestors perceived it as a connection with the Family, an interaction of times. The trunk is the existing generation, themselves. Roots going into the ground - the past associated with the ancestors. Crown - descendants who will live in the future. In Armenian culture, the tree was considered the personification of eternity and a religious symbol. The image was a trunk with branches extending symmetrically to the sides. One leaf grew on each of them. Similar signs were placed on fortress walls and warriors’ shields. The Assyrians imagined the tree of life in the form of various knots and crossed lines. It is assumed that it was a religious sign associated with the eagle-headed Gods. Used in rituals of priests to communicate with higher powers. These are just assumptions - scientists have not come to a consensus on this issue, and there is no evidence confirming this. According to ancient Egyptian legends, Iusat is a connecting symbol of two worlds. The sacred sycamore tree stands on the threshold of life and death. Among the peoples of Scandinavia, ash gave secret runic knowledge to God Odin. Persian legends tell of a tree from which all the seeds grow, giving new life. Archaeological finds in China have led to the conclusion that the symbol of immortality, the phoenix, and the tree are inextricably linked. According to legend, a peach fruit ripens on it once every millennium, and whoever tastes it gains eternity. In the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah, the Tree of Life is represented by a set of sefirot that form the kingdom of manifestation of God. The Celts and Aztecs had similar legends, according to which there is a tree that is the center of the world.

The meaning of the face

The main idea of ​​this image is that the Virgin Mary is the one and only Mother of Christ, but her personality is multifaceted and each of them is represented separately in different images by icon painters. Her entire personality is like a large tree, the branches of which are connected by a single trunk - the Birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Each image is the fruit of a given tree.

The icon appeared at the beginning of the 21st century during a period of serious economic crisis in the country and therefore it is especially important and has deep meaning for an Orthodox person. At a time when people are losing their jobs, money, the world is being shaken by wars and natural disasters, the Lord is still close to people. He also calls them to Himself and helps them. The Church is still waiting for people to come and worship their Lord.

Important! This board is designed to remind people that they are all brothers, that they should help each other in difficult moments of life. The main idea of ​​the board is that all life is from the Lord. Everything was created through Him and by Him, therefore forgetting about Him is tantamount to blasphemy.

He does not tolerate such an attitude towards Himself, as it is written in Scripture

Everything was created through Him and by Him, therefore forgetting about Him is tantamount to blasphemy. He does not tolerate such an attitude towards Himself, as it is written in Scripture

The main idea of ​​the board is that all life is from the Lord. Everything was created through Him and by Him, therefore forgetting about Him is tantamount to blasphemy. He does not tolerate such an attitude towards Himself, as it is written in Scripture.

Since the board represents several completely different Mothers of God, each of which is prayed to by completely different people, its meaning is to unite all of them together.

Review of faces

The icon depicts the following faces:

  • Iversky - maintains a calm atmosphere in the house, reconciles those who have quarreled, protects against witchcraft, the evil eye, evil spirits, and uninvited guests.
  • Smolensky - protects from those who wish an Orthodox person harm, attacks from enemies, thieves.
  • Kazansky - helps cure diseases of the eyes and lower extremities, protects the house from enemies.

These three images are protection of home and health. However, the Tree of Life is considered a female amulet, so the keepers of the hearth and the successors of the family are always under its protection. This is evidenced by the depicted “female” images:

  • Mammal - an ancient face where the Mother breastfeeds the Newborn. It protects nursing women, promotes the feeding of a healthy baby, adds strength to mothers who have recently given birth, and protects the mother and her child from illness.
  • Tikhvinskaya - according to legend, this icon was brought by Angels. She is the main protector from a variety of life's misfortunes.
  • Soothe my sorrows - protects orphaned children and women who are left without a husband, widows, as well as those who are unlucky in life;
  • The Inexhaustible Chalice - heals women from a variety of addictions - psychological and physical, eliminates internal demons.
  • The sign is a symmetrical medallion on the Tree of Life. He shows how kind the Most Holy One is to the human race, teaches us to pray and love her Son.

What types of icons of the Mother of God are there?

Church historians Nicephorus Callistus and monk Epiphanius have preserved for us information about the traditional writing of the image of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary certainly wears a purple maforium (a married woman's veil that covers her head and shoulders) and a blue tunic (long dress). Maforia is decorated with three stars on the head and shoulders.

The most common type of image of the Virgin Mary is Oranta. In the image, the Mother of God stands at full height with her arms outstretched to the side, with her palms turned outward. This gesture symbolizes intercessory prayer.

Such icons include, for example, the famous in Russia icon of the Most Pure Virgin “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, in front of which they pray for deliverance from drunkenness. We will talk in detail below about in what cases and in front of which icon believers pray for their needs.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The iconographic type of Eleus (Tenderness) was most popular in the subjects of Old Russian icon painting. Here the Virgin Mary is represented with the baby Jesus in her arms and pressed against Her cheek. The most famous Russian icons, such as “Vladimir” or “Pochaev” are the most striking examples of this type.

Among the icons of Hodegetria, a characteristic feature is the Most Pure Virgin with the Child Christ, whose right hand is clasped in a blessing gesture with two fingers, and a scroll or book is held in the left. For example, the “Kazan” icon of the Mother of God belongs to this type.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Panahranta or “All-Merciful” series of Mother of God icons depicts the Mother of God sitting on a throne, symbolizing Her royal majesty. One of the most famous icons of this type is considered to be “The Tsaritsa”.

Icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa”

But in the images of Agiosoritissa, the Mother of God is depicted in a three-quarter turn with hands folded in prayer. The type of this icon includes the “Bogolyubskaya” Mother of God (named after Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky). Having become widespread in Byzantium, Agiosoritissa was also popular in ancient Russian church art.

Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Tree of the Virgin Mary and its meaning

In the very center of this amazing icon is an image of the Nativity of Jesus in Bethlehem. Next to the manger in which the Divine Infant lies, the Virgin Mary sits.

It is this event, the great Birth of the Eternal Child, that is the basis of the Christian faith, and everything that is in it. This is the birth of not only our Lord Jesus Christ, but also the birth of the Most Pure Virgin as the Queen of Heaven, the birth of faith and the coming of Christians to their creator - God.

The image of the inextricable connection between the Mother of God and the Child is depicted in the image of the “Sweet Kiss”, which is located in front of the image of the Holy Nativity. It is a symbol of unconditional and pure love. The love of the Virgin Mary for the Son of God, the love of God for people.

Since the image of the Virgin Mary Intercessor is strong in the soul of a Christian, on both sides of the Holy Birth one can see the faces of the Mother of God, known to every believer for their miraculous appearances:

  • Iverskaya
  • Smolenskaya
  • Kazanskaya
  • Chernigovskaya
  • Quick to Hear
  • Tikhvinskaya
  • Unshakable Chalice
  • Vladimirskaya
  • The Omen
  • Quench my sorrows
  • Mammal
  • Fedorovskaya
  • Donskaya
  • Pochaevskaya
  • Worthy to eat

Three main types of iconography are represented on this holy image of the Tree:

  • Oranta or Sign
  • Guidebook or Hodegetria
  • Tenderness

Since the holy image is a composite image, prayer in front of the icon of the Tree of the Virgin Mary is directed as a whole to the Most Pure One and the Son of God, or to each individually depicted Her face. There are no special occasions when it is necessary to turn to this particular image, and it does not have its own day of veneration.

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The author of this image is also unknown, but its appearance at the beginning of the 21st century, in a difficult and transitional period for our country, indicates that the Mother of God still intercedes and patronizes the Russian land, pointing and instructing on the path of God.

How to pray

Since the “Tree” is a collective image, believers can pray to the Mother of God, Jesus, or separately to each face. This fact is not so important. It all depends on the specific situation.

Photo 6. “Tree” is a complex collective icon that allows you to pray about many everyday problems.

The unusual icon consists of individual images that have long been revered by Christians. Perhaps this is where her strength lies. Miraculous icons, collected together, make it possible to pray at any time. Not many people can afford to keep 16 images in the house at once. This is not necessary when there is a “Tree” that can help in the most difficult life situations.

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This unusual icon helps absolutely everyone who turns with prayer and an open soul. She is able to solve any difficult problem. They contact her:

  • To repent and find the true path.
  • To comfort people in grief and sadness.
  • To get protection from enemies and troubles.
  • In order to overcome illnesses: physical or mental.
  • To support and strengthen the shaky faith in the Almighty.
  • To protect the apartment and family from evil.
  • For the well-being of children and their protection from bad behavior.

It doesn’t matter how or when to read the prayer. It is important that it comes from a pure heart

Words must be pronounced clearly, aware of their meaning. Prayer should not be formal. A person needs to delve into every word and be aware of it. It is preferable to say the prayer out loud in order to understand its meaning.

God's protection can be obtained by hanging the image of the “Tree” in the house. The icon will become a powerful protection against troubles and bad people. With its help you can find peace and harmony.

Who can pray to the image and how it helps

Since the “Tree” has collected many icons, parishioners in the church have a fair question: “Which of them is praying and for what?” Let's try to answer it.

Read about Orthodox prayer:

  • How Orthodox Christians Should Pray
  • Is there any point in turning to God?
  • How to pray for the unbaptized

It is thanks to its ambiguity that the image is perfect for prayers at home. There is no need to fill the wall with many icons - just hang the “Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos” and the house will immediately have icons of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Trinity.

Advice! It is best to place the board in a quiet, private place where no one can disturb quiet personal prayer. Perfect for a bedroom or office. It should be a place where you can pray morning and evening to sanctify the coming day and give thanks for the past.

There is only one thing wrong with praying to the “Tree” - it consists of 16 different images and each of them is intended for certain situations and problems, which is its main advantage. You should pray to each icon separately, not forgetting about the main character - Jesus Christ.

This board is capable of providing assistance to anyone who comes to it with a sincere request and is concerned about the issue of the purity of their own heart. Everyone who:

  • needs consolation from sorrows and sorrows;
  • requires protection from enemies and their evil intentions;
  • needs physical and mental healing;
  • wishes to receive help in overcoming worldly difficulties and strengthening his spirit and faith;
  • wants to protect his family from scandals and difficulties;
  • strives to protect her children from adversity and loss.

Important! Any sincere prayer will be heard by the Lord and will certainly be answered. The answer that a person expects may not be the one he expects, but everything that comes from the Lord is good. The “Tree of the Virgin Mary” icon was first of all created with the purpose of reminding a person that his life is from the Lord and that he should not be forgotten. Watch a video about the icon *Tree of the Virgin Mary*

What does holy image mean?

The sacred icon of the Mother of God appeared in iconography relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. Its author is still unknown, which has given rise to many rumors about its truly divine origin. There are no variations of the icon, and it is quite easy to recognize it in a church or on store shelves. This is a collective image of the Protectress, consisting of 16 miraculous faces, presented in the form of a family tree. The main feature of the shrine is that there is no change of generations: only Jesus and the Virgin Mary are depicted. Each face represents fruit on the branches of a tree.

In the center of the icon is the main image, which differs from the others in size. This is the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem - the Protectress sits next to the manger in which the Divine Infant lies, and the heavenly light illuminates them. This event is the basis of the Christian faith and the postulates that it contains. It symbolizes not only the birth of God, but also the coming of Christians to him.

To the left and right of the Nativity of Christ there are seven faces of the Mother of God, one image is below, and above is the Holy Trinity. Sometimes on some lists the Mother of God is depicted with a smile - this is not at all typical for the canons of icon painting. Let us especially highlight the image of the “Sweet Kiss,” known to all believers. He is a symbol of the inextricable connection between the Intercessor and the Child, meaning the unconditional, pure love of the Almighty for people.

All faces are made in a classical manner, enclosed in elongated ovals, reminiscent of unique medallions. The appearance of the icon is completed by sketches of the city, labeled as Jerusalem on High. The tree is decorated with bright blooming red roses or green leaves. These symbols speak of eternal and beautiful life, unity with God.

Why was a tree chosen for the composition? There is a hidden meaning in this - the Protectress addresses Orthodox Christians through her face and asks them to remember that people are brothers. Everyone should help his neighbor. It's banal, but so vital. In times of difficulty, even the most righteous people forget about those around them. Perhaps because of this, the Lord sends trials to humanity to test its mercy. The essence of comprehensive assistance is easier to convey through the means of a tree, which is designed to unite and unite.

The meaning of the holy image

Icons began to be painted a few years after the execution of Christ. But the very first image was “The Savior Not Made by Hands” - Jesus created it by wiping his wet face with a towel. This was proof that the Lord blesses Christians to have icons and through them to turn to Him with prayers. The iconography of the Mother of God began a little later - it is believed that the first “Hodegetria” was made during the earthly life of the Virgin Mary.

The concept of the “Tree of the Virgin Mary” icon is very interesting - it includes 16 different images. What does the tree have to do with it? The icon painter depicted each as a separate fruit on the branches of a tree. In the middle is the main icon - the Nativity of Christ. It is larger in size and located in the very center. The tree is decorated with either blooming red roses or green leaves. It symbolizes life, unity with God.

The images themselves are arranged as follows:

  • seven icons of the Virgin Mary on the left;
  • seven icons of the Virgin Mary on the right;
  • one icon below;
  • the image of Christmas is central;
  • at the top there is another icon - the Holy Trinity;
  • below you can see the outlines of the city, signed as “Mountain Jerusalem” (“Heavenly Jerusalem”).

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An interesting composition in which you can find a very deep meaning. The timing of its appearance during such a difficult period for the country, when many are losing their jobs and countries are at war, is also significant. The Mother of God, as it were, calls on everyone to remember that all people are brothers and should help each other. A banality, but they began to forget about it. Perhaps this is why so many tests are sent.

People need to turn to the Lord, return to Him - this is precisely the meaning of the newly appeared icon “Tree of the Virgin Mary,” which consists of many images. The Queen of Heaven seems to be crying out to everyone who has ever prayed before them.

Is it possible to make a tree of life talisman with your own hands?

Objects, indirectly or directly, influencing our destiny, which are connected with the world of magic, have enormous power when made independently. If a person has the ability to do needlework, then making your own talisman will not be difficult. All the necessary elements to create your own talisman can be purchased at any hardware store. As already indicated in the article, the Tree of Life talisman visually represents a trunk with wide branches spread in different directions. The crown of a tree can be easily made from wire. The leaves of the tree will be made of beads or some decorative stones. The roots of the tree are buried in a protected circle, which can be made of metal. When creating, you need to focus on yourself, your thoughts, the problems that concern you at the moment. It is necessary to clearly formulate the question or problem that worries you. Necessary materials to create a talisman:

  1. Iron wire. Must be made of very thin and flexible metal.
  2. Ring for tree roots. It is desirable that it be metal.
  3. Beads for creating tree leaves.

Stages of creating your own Tree of Life amulet:

  1. Take the existing wire and cut it into 24 pieces. The parts must be even; you can use a ruler to ensure you do not make a mistake in the dimensions. The total length of the wire can be easily subtracted from the diameter of the ring of our tree. The total diameter must be multiplied by 2, add 10 centimeters.
  2. For each piece of wire of 24 parts, we determine the middle and in the middle, twist the wire to the base of the circle.
  3. Then braid each wire wound into a circle. Thus, the roots of the tree are obtained. Braid each braid approximately one-fourth the diameter of the bottom circle.
  4. You need to collect all the braided braids, the resulting roots, together into a single flagellum. Tighten the tourniquet approximately another fourth of the diameter. At the resulting point, make the first branch: take 6 wires, take them to the left and put them on the bottom ring.
  5. Twist the main wire to create another branch. Take him in the other direction - to the right.
  6. This is how the branches of the tree, its crown, will be formed. You need to twist each of the branches, and at the same time make one more such branch on each branch.
  7. The flagella do not need to be twisted all the way to the very base of the ring. Place beads on the remaining wire (there should be 3 on each branch). And only after that twist the remaining ends along the lower base.

Most often, amulets are created from silver. Pendants and pendants are worn near the heart. But wearing a talisman on a finger or wrist is not prohibited.

Texts of prayers

There are two main prayers that are usually read before the icon. However, the clergy do not prohibit reading before her any other prayer texts that are addressed to the Holy Trinity or Christ.


Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked and does not stand in the way of sinners and does not sit in the congregation of the wicked, but his will is in the law of the Lord, and he meditates on His law day and night! And he will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither; and in everything he does, he will succeed. Not so the wicked, but they are like dust blown by the wind. Therefore the wicked will not stand in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

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First prayer

My Blessing Queen, my hope, Mother of God, Friend of the orphans and the strange, the Representative of the sorrowing, the Joy of the offended, the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange.

Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will:

for I have no other help than You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever.


Tree of Life: Mythology of the Ancient Slavs

The Slavs were one of the peoples in whose culture the tree of life was located in a sacred area. It was the center of the interconnection of worlds, where they became a single whole.

According to legends, on the island of Buyan, in the very center of the Earth, there stood the sacred stone Alatyr, where the tree of life took root, and folklore heroes worshiped it, so that in their journey through many worlds the tree would help them find the truth.

It was believed that the roots of the tree symbolize the underworld, which was called Navya: here the kingdom of Chernobog, Mara and other dark gods ruled.

The trunk is Reality, the real world, where all people and living creatures are, and Rule, the crown of the tree, is the world of bright gods, paradise.

The tree of life was so revered among the Slavs that even temples were often built around a huge tree. Its crown rushed upward, above the roof, and personified the firmament.

What is depicted on the icon?

In the center of the canvas, Jesus Christ is depicted, and it is as if he is chained to a tree and his hands are like branches. This is if we talk about the famous painting of the 14th century, the author of which is Pacino di Buanoguida.

Branches extend from the trunk. There are six branches and they have inscriptions. Each of them has four medallions with Christian scenes, which display different virtues of Christ.

The last branch in the upper right corner symbolizes the entrance to heaven. In earlier icons, the symbol of God’s parental love for people and the redeemed sacrifice of Jesus is the image of a nest with a pelican. The bird has torn its chest and feeds its children with its own blood.

According to legend, the tree of life was grown by the Lord himself in the Garden of Eden. Every month the tree bears fruit, and the leaves have healing powers and heal people from illnesses. The tree itself is a symbol of life and immortality, since thanks to the fruits grown on it, it can be obtained.

In later versions, the icons are heroes from Holy Scripture. At their head sit the Mother of God and Jesus Christ.

Most often they depict Jesus Christ surrounded by his apostles. Or, in the center, the Mother of God with her baby is depicted, surrounded by sixteen Mothers of God.

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What does the face of life help with?

Since the miraculous “Tree of Life” is a composite image, the prayer can be addressed both to the Virgin Mary or Jesus, and to each face separately. There are no cases when you need to ask completely in front of this icon. Also, the face does not have its own day of veneration.

The image of the “Tree of Life” will help everyone who turns to it with an open soul and a pure heart. Any life situation and worldly problem can be solved if you resort to God's help. They come to the face in such cases:

  • to sincerely repent and receive guidance on the true path;
  • for consolation of sorrows and sorrows;
  • when intercession is necessary from enemies, evil intentions of enemies;
  • for healing from serious illnesses, both physical and mental;
  • for gaining strength, strengthening the spirit, faith in the Lord;
  • to protect the family hearth from quarrels and adversity, in order to protect children from undesirable acts.

It doesn't matter how or when to read the prayer. The main thing is that words must come from pious thoughts. You need to pronounce your speech clearly, delving into every word. It is advisable to read the prayer out loud.

You can receive God's favor by hanging the image of the Virgin Mary with her Son in your home. This is powerful protection against various misfortunes for the whole family and home. In addition, the “Tree of Life” replaces 16 faces. It is enough to hang just one to find harmony and tranquility.

An important question is where to place the image in the living room. You should choose a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb your prayer. For example, it is recommended to place it in the bedroom. Many believe that this place is unworthy of a shrine. However, there is nothing shameful or sinful about this. The image of the Virgin Mary in the bedroom is good for the soul. It sanctifies rest at night, and also blesses love relationships between legal spouses.

Relatively recently, at the beginning of the 21st century, the icon of the Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in the history of iconography. It can be found in many church shops and on the shelves of Orthodox stores. It is a collective image, since it depicts 16 miraculous faces of the Virgin Mary, which describe Her as the Queen of Heaven after the birth of the Savior Jesus. In appearance, the shrine resembles a family tree, only there is no change of generations. Having understood its structure, it becomes clear that everything grows from the very center of this tree.

Compositional features

The icon “Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary” appeared relatively recently - at the beginning of the 21st century. This is a very young age for an icon, but today it can be found everywhere - in churches, church shops and home altars. The main feature of the icon is its collectivity, since it depicts 16 faces of the Virgin Mary; in general, it somewhat resembles a family tree, but each individual image describes the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven.

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The icon is characterized by its collectivity - in total there are 16 different images of the Virgin Mary, which are arranged in the form of branches of one tree. Each Mother of God holds the Child Christ in her arms.

The composition consists of:

  • 7 images on the right;
  • 7 images on the left;
  • "Vladimirskaya" from below;
  • Birth of Christ from above;
  • outlines of heavenly Jerusalem under the image of “Vladimirskaya”.

The central link is the cave in Bethlehem, in which Christ was born, the Mother of God and the Baby Jesus, located in a manger. This image is larger than the others. Since the Child Christ is the only One who should be worshiped, He cannot but be on the board. It was His birth that made the Virgin Mary the Mother of God

That is why the picture of His birth is presented in the center - this is the most important event for humanity

Under the painting of the birth is the image of the “Sweet Kiss” as a symbol of the special love and connection between the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. And on the sides of the birth picture there are seven famous icons of the Mother of God, which are considered miraculous by the Orthodox world.

The tree is decorated with large roses and leaves as a symbol of life, which comes from the Lord God.


Each of the 14 images is made in a classic manner: the shape of an elongated oval, which is enclosed in a kind of medallion. The main difference between these images and canonical icon painting is that the Virgin Mary is depicted smiling in each image.

For reference! The only icon in which the Virgin Mary smiles is the “Bethlehem” one, but the author did not depict it on the “Tree”.

There is no analogue of this icon in Orthodox icon painting. Images of a tree, in principle, are quite often found in various images, but here the image of a tree is supplemented with fruits - separate paintings with the Virgin, and this method was no longer used by artists.

Immediately below the painting depicting the birth of Christ is the image of the “Sweet Kiss”. The image is made according to the type of Eleus - one of the main types of icons, with the Queen of Heaven drawn. This type is often used by Russian artists, since the gestures of the characters depicted are simple and understandable - this is a loving Mother and Son.

The distinctive features of the image are:

  • Baby and Mother touch cheeks;
  • they hug tightly;
  • Christ is depicted with a desire to hug the Mother’s neck with one hand.

In addition to the “Sweet Kiss,” the “Tree” also depicts the following images:

  • "Iverskaya";
  • "Smolenskaya";
  • "Kazanskaya";
  • "Mammal"
  • "Tikhvinskaya";
  • "Quiet my sorrows."

In total, the Virgin Mary is depicted 17 times on this board (mostly in the style of Eleus), including her in the painting of the birth of the Child.

Icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Blessed Virgin Mary”


The icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos” depicts 16 main miraculous icons (images) of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Jesus Christ, located on a branchy tree. In the center of the tree is the Bethlehem Cave and the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus reclining in a manger. This Nativity of the Lord gave rise to the depiction of the Ever-Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. That is why the Nativity icon is placed on the trunk of a symbolic tree and is highlighted in a larger size compared to other icons. Under the Nativity icon on the trunk is depicted the “Sweet Kiss” icon, symbolizing the wondrous love and continuous connection between the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ. On the left and right along the branches of the tree there are 7 famous miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child of God.

The meaning of this icon is that it reflects the connection of all the icons of the Mother of God, like branches of one tree that grew in the sacrament of the Nativity of the God-Man Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. You can pray in front of this icon to the Blessed Virgin and the Infant God. Since this icon is composite, i.e. consists of images of 16 icons of the Mother of God, then praying to her as one image is not suitable. You can pray to each icon depicted, or simply to the Mother of God Herself.

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