List of parenting days in 2021 and whether there will be one in July

Orthodox Christians celebrate parental days throughout 2021. This is the name of special memorial dates when the memory of deceased relatives, acquaintances, and friends is honored. In funeral prayers, they turn to God with a request to ease the suffering of the souls of the dead, to grant them the right to eternal existence in the Kingdom of Heaven.

On parenting days, it is customary to go to church for prayer services and memorial services. At the end of the funeral service, they go to the cemetery to clean the grave, wash the monument, light a candle, leave treats, pray, and talk with the deceased. Parents' days fall on Saturdays before the twelfth great holidays. Their dates are different every year because they are tied to Easter.

Why remember the dead?

The fact is that life continues after death. Moreover, the final fate of a person is decided not after death, but at the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting for. Therefore, before the second coming we can still change this fate. When we are alive, we can do this ourselves by doing good deeds and believing in Christ. Having died, we can no longer influence our own afterlife, but this can be done by people who remember us and have heart problems. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is prayer for him.

Funeral prayers for the deceased

The following are often used as funeral prayers:

  • prayer for the deceased until forty days;
  • prayer for the deceased after forty days;
  • prayer for the deceased on the ninth day;
  • Akathist (church singing or prayer) for the deceased, which is read every day until 40 days and 40 days before the anniversary.

When are the dead remembered? On what days are the dead commemorated? At what time of day can you remember?

The time of day when one can remember the deceased is not regulated by the Church.
There are folk traditions that go back to paganism and clearly prescribe how and at what hour to remember the dead, but they have nothing to do with Christian prayer. God lives in space without time, and we can reach heaven at any moment of the day or night. The Church has established special days of remembrance of those who are dear to us and have passed on to another world - the so-called Parental Saturdays. There are several of them a year, and all but one (May 9 - Commemoration of Dead Soldiers) have a moving date:

 Meat Saturday (Ecumenical Parental Saturday) 13 , 2021

 Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent 27, 2021

 Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent April 3, 2021

 Saturday of the 4th week of Lent April 10, 2021

 Radonitsa May 11 , 2021

 May 9 - Commemoration of deceased soldiers

 Trinity Saturday (Saturday before the Trinity Day) – 19 , 2021

 Saturday of Dimitrievskaya (Saturday before the day of memory of Dmitry Solunsky, which is celebrated on November 8 - November 7, 202 1

In addition to Parental Saturdays, the deceased are remembered in church at every service - at the proskomedia, part of the Divine Liturgy that precedes it. Before the Liturgy, you can submit notes “of remembrance.” The note contains the name with which the person was baptized, in the genitive case.

The meaning of the word remember

remember what, remember, not forget;

remember, recall, remind; keeping the past in memory, turning to it mentally, saying the past. Remember someone, think or talk about German.

To reproach, to reproach someone with the past. Whoever remembers the old, look out. Oh, groaning of the Russian land, remembering the first year and the first princes! A Word about Igor's Campaign

- someone to perform, according to the ritual of the church, a prayer for the repose of the soul.

To remember something, to mention, to touch upon in speech. Having mentioned the feasibility of the war, he moved on to consider our situation. Remembered, mentioned par. suffer. commemorated, old the one who was remembered, said in advance, above, or who was remembered in prayers, etc. Remember us, Lord, in Thy kingdom! Remember his name, he died, he died, he is no more. Remember what Ivan's name was, he died! Remember the name of the breadbush, he’s all out! Remember, if you remember my word, I’m telling the truth, you will regret that you didn’t listen. There is no point in remembering what to knead, that is, into the same lump. Remind him of the favor, remind him. For Christ's sake, please remember your parents in the Kingdom of Heaven! beggars' saying. If your parents are alive, honor them, but if they are dead, remember them! Know it, and when I die, remember it! Remember someone kindly, kindly, for good deeds. Sit quietly, don't worry! Don't remember me harshly, they say. saying goodbye, leaving. Grandfather remembered you with a gift, free of charge, sent a gift. If you find us better, you’ll forget us; if you find us worse, you’ll remember us! It’s not a century to live, but a century to remember. Do not remember the dead person in a bad way. Remember not with evil, but with kindness - as you wish. Know yours, remember ours! Know ours, remember yours! Eat horse hay, remember the red summer. What has passed - what to remember? Will you remember me (or: remember). And when you remember me, you will begin to lift a mare by the tail! He who commemorates death more often sins less. They remembered the wolf, and the wolf was there! Just remember him, and he’s already here! Be the wrong person to remember (speaking unkind things about). Whoever remembers, we will remember. If you catch me, you drink beer; if you don’t catch me, you drink beer. -sya, be remembered. Whoever hiccups is remembered. It is not good (not good) if someone is remembered, if he hiccups to the one who remembered. You are reminded of a sable from such and such an old man. sent, brought as a gift. In the next world everything will be remembered, remembered. Don’t say everything that is mentioned (what is regurgitated). You will remember how you stretch your legs. remember, remember, or

forget. Remind about something. Remember the past. They remembered the deceased and ended the funeral. Pomananie Wed. duration one-time mention commemoration m. commemoration f. about. valid according to verb.

Remembrance, synodik, list, sheet, notebook, with the names of the deceased, for commemoration in prayers.

Contribution, for the commemoration of the soul. A hundred rubles of remembrance are given, for the remembrance of the soul. He is easy to find, he appeared when they talked about him. There is no mention of this, there was no mention of it, they didn’t talk about it, they didn’t mention it; You can’t do this, and don’t remember it. Nowadays there is no trace of truth in the world. Don't leave us alone, don't forget us. In memory of the front are strong, experience and memory. We live in memory; life was better before. Happiness doesn't come easy. I gave money to Mina, but don’t keep a trace of her. As Malanya is, such is her commemoration.

Commemoration, commemoration, gift, gift, offering, bow, gift, offering as a sign of memory, love, etc. I wrote to the Tsar that (he) sent him few memorials, Nikon He honored me with a memorial. The Berezovsky Ostyaks, in addition to the tribute, in ancient times paid a funeral service to the governor. Mentions of m.m. funeral f. pl. wake, wake. - past Wed. prayerful remembrance of the deceased, a prayer for him, a memorial service, a prayer service for the deceased, or a memorial service at church. service.

A feast, a treat for the funeral, kutya, on the day of the funeral, and on thirds, on nineties, on half forties, on forties, on the anniversary, or once a year, on parental (Dmitriev’s) Saturday, or on Krasnaya Gorka, on Fomina; funeral feast He's going to a wake, and he's got a belly like seven sheepskins.

Funeral service Penz. promise, promise of something.

Gifts, gifts, honorable offerings. Send a wake. Remember Psk. hard remembrance, commemoration;

funeral of the dead, refreshments. Memorial or commemoration dinner, memorial and funeral, related to commemoration, commemoration. Funeral gift, funeral treat. Memorial book. Memorial days, St. Demetrius Saturday, Fomin Tuesday (Radonitsa) and Maundy Thursday; Great Saturday is also included here. Memorial days of the deceased: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 20th, 40th, etc. Write him down in the memorial book (i.e. he died). Memorial book, memorial book of the Moscow Synodik, memorial book. Memorial attendant m. -shchitsa f. remembering someone, commemorator, -nitsa, commemorator, -schitsa, the same. Pomi(ya)niknik m. funeral cake. Pomicious, who remembers the past well or for a long time, who has a good memory; rememberable, eager to remember the old, to reproach, to reproach. Commemoration Wed. a remembrance of the past, a reproach, a reproach. Remember what, remember, remember often, keep in mind, don’t forget. I remember your kindness and will always remember it. He still remembers the Pugachev war. I remembered (knew) the song about Vanka Cain, but I forgot. Take it and remember, it’s too much to give away. I remember who should; to whom I owe it (myself), I’ve already forgotten! Remember good, forget evil. Nyvka remembers the sweat, the harvest through labor. And the dog remembers who hits and who feeds. Remember the holiday, but know everyday life. The birch remembers the groove! shooting a rock. Remember God, fear sin. He drinks and doesn't remember himself. I don’t remember when I was baptized: I completely forgot how I was born! The pig remembers the log, he knows where he ate. The earth remembers manure. For a long time (a lot) to remember, not enough sleep at night, to care. Not everyone said (lie) what you remember. The rich man does not remember anyone - he only remembers himself! It is good for him to do good who remembers. It’s hard for those who remember evil. We, whom we offend, do not remember that evil! The belly of the villain: does not remember the old good. A slave and a belly do not remember good things. He will remember me. Remember yours, don't forget ours. I don’t know one, I don’t see another, I don’t remember the third? (death, age, birth). The bad is remembered, the good is forgotten. I remember (to me) you talking about this? I remembered, but forgot. And one remembers, but does not remember, an unpleasant thing. Old love is remembered for a long time. Don't lie everything you remember. Remember the past. Finish the matter before the deadline. Don't remember, don't forget. Remind me of this. Come to your senses, what are you? Don't forget the bad news. Do you remember when this was? You can't remember everything.

How do you remember for 9 days? How do you remember for 40 days? How to remember for six months? How to remember for a year?

The ninth and fortieth days from the day of death are special milestones on the path from earthly life to eternal life.
This transition does not occur immediately, but gradually. During this period (until the fortieth day), the deceased person gives an answer to the Lord. This moment is extremely important for the deceased; it is akin to childbirth, the birth of a little person. Therefore, during this period the deceased needs our help. Through prayer, good deeds, changing ourselves for the better in honor and memory of those close to us. For six months, such a church commemoration does not exist. But there will be nothing bad if you remember it for six months, for example, by coming to the temple to pray.

An anniversary is a day of remembrance when we, those who loved a person, come together. The Lord commanded us: Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). And joint remembrance, when we read a prayer for relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, resounding testimony to the Lord that the dead are not forgotten, that they are loved.

When is the next memorial Saturday in 2021?

List of parent memorial days in 2021:

So, the nearest memorial Saturday in 2021 will be Pokrovskaya. It comes on the eve of the great feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God, celebrated annually on October 14.

At first, on Intercession Parents' Saturday they commemorated the soldiers who died during the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible (1552). Later that day, they began to commemorate all the deceased.

Is it possible to perform funeral services for suicides? How to remember suicides?

The question of funeral services and church commemoration of suicides is very controversial.
The fact is that the sin of suicide is one of the gravest. This is a sign of a person's distrust of God. Each such case must be considered separately, because there are different types of suicides - conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question of whether it is possible to have a funeral service and commemorate a baptized person who committed suicide in a church rests entirely with the responsibility of the ruling bishop. If a tragedy happened to one of your loved ones, you need to come to the ruling bishop of the region where the deceased lived and ask permission for a funeral service. The bishop will consider this question and give you an answer.

As for home prayer, you can certainly remember a person who committed suicide. But the most important thing is to do good deeds in his honor and memory.

The Church's opinion on commemoration of the dead

The Church insists that commemorations must be made as often as possible: on special and ordinary days. People pronounce the main words at the Divine Liturgy, at which a bloodless sacrifice is made to God.

After the liturgy, it is recommended to hold a memorial service. The memorial service is served before the eve, which is a table with a crucifix and several candlesticks. Donations are also brought here for the temple and its repairs. They order magpie before and after the arrival of 40 days from the moment of death.

Thus, it was told how to remember the deceased and when the deceased are remembered after death. The days of obedience occur on the third, ninth and fortieth days after death.

At the same time, a number of Russian Orthodox rituals and prayers are performed, which carry the goal of praying for deceased parents, children or friends.

What can you remember? Can you remember it with vodka? Why are they remembered with pancakes?

Trizny, funeral meals, came to us from time immemorial.
But in ancient times they looked different. This was a treat, a feast not for the relatives of the deceased, but for the poor, crippled, orphans, that is, those who need help and would never be able to arrange such a meal for themselves. Unfortunately, over time, the feast turned from a matter of mercy into an ordinary home feast, often with copious amounts of alcohol...

Of course, such libations have nothing to do with real Christian commemoration and cannot in any way influence the posthumous fate of the deceased.

Should I give the deceased a glass of vodka and bread?

The tradition of leaving vodka with bread on the grave of the deceased has remained since pagan times and is not approved by Orthodoxy. You cannot help a soul get to heaven with drink or food. You need to show patience, endurance and pray for the dead, for the forgiveness of their sins, for the path to eternal life.

The ritual according to which a glass with vodka and a piece of bread lying on it is placed near the portrait of the deceased is also not worth carrying out. This will not help the soul in any way. By giving alms with vodka they show “respect” for people, but they forget the most important thing - prayers.

Calendar of days of remembrance of the dead

How to remember the dead in church?

In the temple, all those dead who united themselves with the Church of Christ in the Sacrament of Baptism are remembered.
Even if a person for some reason did not go to church during his life, but was baptized, he can and should be remembered. Before the Divine Liturgy, you can submit a note “for proskomedia.” Proskomedia is the part of the Divine Liturgy that precedes it. At the proskomedia, bread and wine are prepared for the future Sacrament of Communion - the transfusion of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. On it, not only the future Body of Christ (the Lamb is a large prosphora) and the future Blood of Christ for the Sacrament (wine) are prepared, but also a prayer is read for Christians - living or dead. For the Mother of God, the saints and us, ordinary believers, particles are taken out from the prosphora. Pay attention when they give you a small prosphora after Communion - it’s as if “someone picked out a piece” from it. It is the priest who takes out particles from the prosphoras for each name written in the note “for proskomedia.”

At the end of the Liturgy, pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of living or dead Christians, are immersed in a chalice with the Blood of Christ. The priest at this moment reads the prayer “Wash away, Lord, the sins of those remembered here by Thy Blood through the honest prayers of Thy saints.”

Also in churches there are special memorial services - requiems. You can submit a separate note for the memorial service. But it is important not only to submit a note, but also to try to be personally present at the service where it will be read. You can find out about the time of this service from the temple servants, to whom a note is given.

Funeral 1st year: traditions and rules

In Slavic countries, it is customary to celebrate significant dates for living people, such as name days and birthdays, and after death - a wake.

This date is extremely significant for Christians, since they sincerely believe in endless life and are looking forward to meeting God. It is for this reason, according to Christians, that there is no end to the human soul.

In addition to the prayer service, for one year of death in the church they often order:

  1. Commemoration during the service in the morning. The following ritual is carried out: everyone takes out small parts from a piece of bread for the newly deceased.
  2. Sorokoust - commemoration at forty church services.
  3. A memorial service is usually held on Saturday, but you can negotiate and choose any other day. This ritual can be performed at least every 7 days, but one year is a serious date.
  4. Litiya is the next type of service for the repose of the soul. It is much shorter than the above and can be produced at any time.

At any event, everyone who comes must pray for the repose, since it is believed that the priest will not have enough strength to put into prayers all the experiences that the relatives of the deceased experience.

How to remember the newly deceased?

From the first day of a person’s repose, the Psalter is read over his body.
If the deceased is a priest, then the Gospel is read. The Psalter must continue to be read even after the funeral - until the fortieth day. The newly deceased is also remembered at the funeral service. The funeral service is supposed to take place on the third day after death, and it is important that it is carried out not in absentia, but over the body of the deceased. The fact is that all those who loved the person come to the funeral service, and their prayer is special, conciliar. You can also remember the newly deceased with a sacrifice. For example, distribute his good, high-quality things to those in need - clothes, household items. This can be done from the first day after a person’s death.

How to properly order a memorial service in a church?

According to Christians, prayer makes it easier for a person to pass into another world and saves even the most hopeless sinners. In order for the memorial service to be served according to the rules, you must come to the temple, namely to the candle shop. There you can write down the name of the deceased person.

When submitting a note, you need to bring some food to the special memorial service table. Some people believe that this is food for the dead, but this has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Deceased people have absolutely no need for the simple food they ate while alive. They need the prayer of relatives.

It is important not only to leave a note with the person's name, but also to personally attend the memorial and service. Prayer has special power only when it expresses a personal request from a loved one for pardon for sins and peace. That's when she will bring maximum pose.

Often funeral services and other services are ordered before the funeral, and then on the third, ninth and fortieth day. In addition, the anniversary of death, as well as birthdays and name days are also considered important dates.



Remember - remember


1. Remember: Oh! groan the Russian lands, remembering the first year, and the right princes! 37


And scream out loud. And Peter will remember the words of Jesus, even as he said to him, that even before he could not raise the chickens, he had denied me three times. Spicy ev., 181 (1056-1057).

Remember, as it was said to you, that it is fitting for the son of man to be betrayed into the hands of a sinner and to be crucified;
and the third day to wake up. And I will remember his verbs. Ibid., 206-206 vol.
Lie down on the soft bed, and stretching out widely, remember him lying naked under one ruble.
St. 1076, 41 vol. Antiochus... spoke to his nobles: Sleep departed from my sight, and I fell with much sorrow;
and now I have remembered the evil that was done in Jerusalem, and I understand that for the sake of them I have acquired this evil, and behold, I am perishing in foreign lands. Chron.
Amart., 202-203 (XIII-XIV centuries ~ XI century). 912: And I came to him (Oleg) Kiev and stayed 4 years, in the fifth year I remembered the horse, from him the wolf screamed and said to die.
time years (Radz.), 29 (XV century ~ early XII century). Drink sweet drinks, but remember me, drinking warm water from the place is not ventilated.
Dan. Zat., 15 (early 17th century ~ 12th century). So [Serukh] began to create idols in her family in the name of brave people, so that their name would not be forgotten, but that by looking at the idol people would remember that former brave man.
Palea interpretation, 123 (1406 ~ XIII century)
We have begun to tell the story of the death, but let us sober up with thoughts and lands, and remember the times of the first years. Zadon.
Ist.-1, 541 (late XVI - early XVII century ~ XIV century). ▲ To remember the grave is for everyone to sigh. Ambassadors Sim., 120.

Dear, pretty, / Remember dear, / Remember, don’t forget, / Buy something.
adv. songs, IV, 617. I’ll still sit on the bed, / I’ll still lie down on the feather bed, / I’ll remember my dear friend.
/ Having remembered him, I will cry. Ibid., V, 116.
Grinchenko (Sl. Ukrainian language):
Remember - 1) Remember, mention, call by name.
Whoever remembered me, without passing by. Card index of Pskov.
region words: Remember - remember, remember.

|| Don't forget, remember.

Do not rejoice over the dead: remember that we all die. Izb. St. 1076, 162.

Children, as if you have done good for yourself and brought an offering to God in a worthy manner, remember that you cannot put a stop to death.
Ibid., 167-167 vol.
1146: The devil does not want good between the brethren, although he will do evil


to evil, and put in their minds not to seek out brother Igor, not to remember fatherhood and affirmation of Christ, nor divine love, as if it were wrong for the brethren to live like-mindedly. Ipat. years., 328-329 (XV century).

1229: I will accept the city of Danilov, who remembered the love of King Andrew, and let his son go and see him to the Dniester River.
Ibid., 759.
|| To remember for the purpose of revenge, punishment.

986: God was angry with Israel, and said: I will cast it away from myself and call upon other people to listen to me. If they sin, I will not remember their iniquity. Pov. time years, 68 (1377 ~ beginning of the 12th century).

1147: Send a message from Volodimir Davydovich and from Vsevolich: Do not have any complaint against us, but we will all be for one husband, and do not remember our malice, but kiss the cross to us.
years., 342 (XV century). 1238: Danil and Vasilko did not remember the evil, gave him his sister, and brought him from Lyakhov.
Ibid., 783.
|| Mention, remind about someone or something. (in speech, writing), indicate.

I also need to remember the demons, because they are glorified by the eternity of men and the unquenchable fire [to appear]. Chron. Amart., 71 (XIII-XIV centuries ~ XI century).

1152: Even if God has me, take my son to you;
And then the men told him to remember: Your fathers were blind. Ipat.
years., 450 (XV century). And we took the gold of Saint Macarius and distributed it to the poor.
The time has passed, since there was great honor for the name of the saint in Alexandria, he hesitated for fear of two (mononia) to remember him (about money). Prol.
1383, 100. Stasha, the men whom we remembered above, and who took captives, all the same as the Nazis, were clothed with the captivity.
Genn., 2 Chron. XXVIII, 15 (1499). In the evening I told the king about your business what I would do, and the king answered me: Today I am drunk, remember my injury, and we will talk.
cases II, 372 (1517). 2. Mention someone in prayer.

1125: Yaropolk, calling on the name of God and remembering his father, dared with his squad and defeated the filthy with the power of the honorable cross. Laurel. years., 296 (1377)

And Curr Kostyantinov gave this psalter to the Holy Mother of God for the blessing of the soul, and remember Kostyantinov in your prayers. Psalm.
(Syn. 235), entry, l. 338 (1296) .
Her master became sad, wrapped himself in sackcloth and wept over her. She also enjoys saying: Do not grieve, my lords, for I will give my relics for mine and for your sins. Remember me before the heavenly prince. Pubis.
prol., 39 (1262). ▲ If we don’t come back from that massacre of Mamaev, - / Bury our dead bodies / And remember the Russian heroes, / And there will be a lot of glory about us. Byliny Mill., 26.

Come, my horse, to the Russian land, / Take a bow to your dear mother... / Three thoughts to my young wife: / At least live as a widow, at least get married, / And the third one: at least remember me!
adv. songs, I, 474. 3. Show mercy, help, take care of smb.

And Jesus said: Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom. Spicy ev., 192 (1056-1057).

And sing Ambakum, saying: “Danile, take this dinner, which the Lord sent you.”
And Danil said: “You have remembered me, O God, and have not forsaken those who love you, O Lord.” Chron.
Amart., 190-191 (XIII-XIV centuries ~ XI century). Remember me, Savior;
That’s why I cry out to you: remember me, son of the Grand Duke Vsevolod, so that I [will not] cry, deprived of your mercy, like Adam of paradise. Last
Dan. Imprisonment, 62 (XVII century ~ XIII century) . And Muisei did this, and Semphora and her two sons went to the house


my father, until one day, I will remember my people, the Lord, who brought me out of Egypt, from the hand of Pharaoh. Tale about Moses, 47 (XV century).

◊ Remembered - valid. prib. past vr. them. pad. units h.

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