“God” or “god” – which one is spelled correctly? Spelling of other religious names


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With the introduction of an article about insulting the feelings of believers, the issue of spelling the word “god” and other religious names has become more relevant than ever. Of course, the terms “Book of Hours” or “Truncation of the Chapter of John the Baptist” are found extremely rarely in copywriting texts, so they must be specially memorized and kept in mind constantly.

But we use the phrases “thank God”, “forgotten by God” very often in texts. Let's talk about how to write competently and at the same time not hurt anyone's feelings and values.

Spelling and religious precepts are not the same thing

There are no rules in the Russian language that are based on a person’s religion. In other words, while adhering to spelling, it is necessary to compose literate phrases, regardless of whether a person believes in God (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and so on) or is an atheist.

It is erroneous for believers to assert that the word “god” is a proper name. If you look at the dictionary of proper names in the Russian language, you will see that the word “god” is not in it. However, in the last few years, the ideology has changed, and now it is believed that words denoting the Creator, such as God, Lord, Creator, Father, Creator, are individual names and are therefore written with a capital letter.

Messages found on various Internet sites, which indicate that a religious person can write the word “God” with a capital letter, and an atheist with a small letter, are misleading. If a believing copywriter writes an article in which he indicates the designation with a capital letter, he will expose himself to ridicule at best, and at worst he will be blacklisted by a customer familiar with the rules of the Russian language.

Writing the word “god” in small letters does not indicate a lack of conscience on the part of the author of the article, does not in any way offend the feelings of religious people and does not show disrespect for religion. It is based on the rules of the Russian language, which any creator of texts must adhere to.

Every person is free to believe in any god without adhering to a religion, or to be an atheist. He has every right to write articles about God, using the spelling of this designation of a highly developed being with a small letter, as required by spelling.

Dear friends! This is where you are about to be surprised!

...The Left Hand is...Lord!

The Russian words “Lord” and “Mister” originally contained a letter, which, depending on the circumstances, could be read as the letter P or the letter N.

You know it yourself: the capital letter N in the Latin alphabet is written in the same way as the letter P is written in Russian - that is, N. And in Arabic writing, the letters ف (Fa) and ن (Nun), that is, the letters P and N, are very similar to each other in cursive writing. It’s just not enough to clearly depict the loop of the letter ف (Fa) - that’s all...

In general, in Russian words the mutual replacement of the letters P and N is quite common. For example, if the word “Hospital” is written and pronounced with the letter P, then the word “Sanatorium” is written with the letter N. The initial weak letters in the word “(..)Sanatorium” are not readable.

It turns out that the word “Lord” can be the word “Lord”... But it was not so. The word "Lord" comes from the word "Hasan". And it is related to the Arabic words “Husan” and “Hussein”. And the word “Master” in Arabic is “Khusnuddin”.

All Arabic words-names “Hasan”, “Husan”, “Hussein”, “Husnuddin” and “Khusnullah” are about beauty. The fact is that the original word, approximately “Hasan” means “Beautiful”, “Okay”, “Good”. Moreover, the word “Hasan” speaks not so much about external, but rather about internal attractiveness - it speaks of the beauty of the soul and the purity of a person’s thoughts.

... And everything that is Beautiful and Good, we first of all associate with women. And, therefore, we associate everything beautiful and good with the female side of the body and with the left bank of the river.

... That's what it's all about!

It is no coincidence that in German the word for “Good” is “ Gut ”, and the word for “God” is “ Gott ”. It is no coincidence that the words “Gut” and “Gott” are very similar to each other. The same is true in all pro-Germanic languages.

Servants of God - Gotta have, so they say, San. And the word " San " also comes from the word "Hussein". The first letters are weak letters and they are not readable. From the full original Russian word both the Russian word " Host " and the Arabic " Hussein" .

... We have already said that initially the word “ Guest ” was the name for any river flowing into a large river from its Left Side. That’s why Guests were the name given to people from the Left Bank of the River.

So: Good, Handsome, Master, Guest, Gott, that is, Lord... - this is all the Left Side! And that's all for the Left Hand!

... But not everything is so bad, friends, not everything is so gloomy!

Better be surprised again...

The fact is that the Right Hand is called... ... God !

Yes! The Right Hand in Russian is God.

The Left Hand is Gott, and the Right Hand is God!

And everything that relates to the right side of the body and the right bank of the river is all Divine!

Like this. God and Gott are the Right and Left Hands .

Gott and God together are now read in Russian as Lord God . And not in Russian, as if in distant, distant antiquity, in the language that is now called Hebrew, Gott and God together are called Jehovah Elohim ... or Yahweh and Allah ...

In the word “Elohim” the last letter P was lost. It should be “ElohimP”. The words “ Elohimp ” and “ Olympus ” are words of the same translation, and their meaning is a Mountain that reaches the heights of the skies, up to the clouds.

And the Lord God is the Left and Right Hands .

… That’s why, throughout, People from the Left Bank of the River see themselves as Lords, call themselves Lords. That is why they consider the Slavs their Servants and Slaves. After all, Catholics and Protestants are in spirit immigrants from the Left High Bank of every river.

And they are all People. And they are all Left Hand People.

And the Slavs... The Slavs are Humans. And God is with us.

And God is Right, is Dexterity, God is Strength and Accuracy. God is Truth!

… Yes. Sometimes the Left Hand gets boring with its requests, claims, orders and habits... It gets boring. And so, it happens, she will get it! It’s so disgusting - I have no strength. The left can be very, very persistent. And, probably, he can’t do it any other way. The Right endures, endures, endures... until it can no longer bear it all - and the Right Hand will take it, and throw everything off the Left Hand! Everything will be swept away at once.

... The Left Hand is empty, and the Right Hand is Right and Strength, and there is still enough strength to live for pleasure.

And there is no more Lady, and there is no more Master. And no one will dominate the Right if the Right does not endure shouts and humiliation... If the Right is reasonable and does not put unnecessary things into the Left Hand. And not to push too much into the Left - this is divine! Divine! God is a Sense of Measure.

...By the way, interesting Mark.

We all know that it happens from time to time, a Husband loses his temper with his Wife... He breaks down and breaks away. And the Wife sometimes gets it from her Husband. And sometimes she gets it from him for no reason at all...

... But a family, like a person, has two hands! Right - Husband and Left - Wife.

The Right Hand is doing something, doing, doing, and the Left Hand is holding something, holding, holding... Somehow it helps her, spinning and spinning next to her, fussing... And then the Right Hand’s knife comes off, then the screwdriver, then the chisel goes in the wrong direction, then saw... And all this on the Left Hand, and all this on the Left Hand... Then it will hit the fingers of the Left Hand with a hammer!...

In general, in work the Left Hand gets it from the Right. And this is not Evil! This is Life... That's it...

Don't be discouraged, friends, and don't be sad. Don't fold too much to the left and remember: not giving too much to the left is divine.

Divine! God is a sense of proportion.

... We all need a sense of proportion. And how difficult it can be to measure this measure in the right place and at the right time!

But we are trying. It’s hard for us, but we don’t suffer from it and we’re not afraid of it. We brag about it!

God is with us.

When is the word "God" capitalized?

When composing and quoting religious texts, it is recommended to write the word “God” with a capital letter. It is understood that we are talking about an omnipotent being who rules the world and influences the destinies of everyone living on Earth. Capitalizing the word “God” will be justified in a forum or community dedicated to religion.

In 2000, changes were made to the 1956 rules, which are still in effect today - a new section was created “Names associated with religion”, which indicates that the word “God” is written with a capital letter in the names of religious holidays and holy books. At the same time, the word “God” is not classified as a proper name, but is written as such due to the established practice of using capital letters, which existed before the revolution and has been established in the modern press.

Many users of the global network are interested in whether the combination “thank God” is written in capital or small letters. Most often this interjection is used without reference to the Creator. Therefore, the word “god” in this case is written with a small letter. When addressing the Creator directly, one should write “glory to God.”

Depending on what meaning the author of the text puts into his essay, you need to write the word “god” with a capital or lowercase letter. For example, when making a request to the Creator, you can write “God help me.” And despite the fact that in this case the word “God” is not a proper name, it is still necessary to write with a capital letter the designation of the creator of this world.

When writing a text of a non-religious nature, it is permissible to use an appeal to God, indicating with a capital letter the word to which this article is dedicated.

He fell to his knees and, raising his head, shouted to the Almighty: “God forgive me!” Forgive me Lord!

She brushed the crumbs off the table and, looking at the icon, said: “And Mary Vanna was such a badass.” God forgive me for these words!

But if the text does not directly address God, but indicates that the hero of the story expresses his feelings and uses stable expressions, then it is recommended to write the word “god” with a lowercase letter.

He fell to his knees and, raising his head, shouted: “God forgive me!” God forgive me!

She brushed the crumbs off the table and said: “And Mary Vanna was such a badass.” God forgive me!

Orthodox stories

Testimony of Hieromonk Synesius:

“Several years ago I was the parish priest of the Church of St. Basil (Piraeus). One day I was invited to the hospital to confess to a 42-year-old man named Xenophon. When I arrived, I learned that his days were numbered. Cancer metastases reached his brain. The next bed in his room was empty, so we were alone with him.

This is what he told me about his path to faith, although he was previously a “hardened atheist”:

“I arrived in this two-bed ward about 35 days ago. Lying next to me was a patient about eighty years old. He also suffered from cancer, bone cancer, but, despite the unbearable pain, he constantly repeated: “Thank God! Thank God for everything!" He also said prayers, the text of which I heard for the first time in my life, because he was an atheist who had never crossed the threshold of a church. These prayers eased his suffering, he fell asleep for a couple of hours, and then woke up from excruciating pain and began again: “Lord, thank you! Glory to Your Name! God bless! Thank God for everything!" I groaned in pain, and my neighbor praised God. I blasphemed Christ and the Mother of God, and he glorified Them.

It pissed me off! Not only because I was hurt, but also because of his endless praise. He also took communion every day, and I was simply sick of this whole spectacle.

- “Please shut up! Shut up and stop saying, “Thank God for everything.” Don't you see that this God, Whom you love so much, is tormenting us mercilessly?! What kind of God is this anyway? There is no God, that’s obvious!”

And my neighbor in the hospital bed humbly answered me: “He exists, my friend, and He is the most loving Father, because through this illness He cleanses me from my many sins. If you were doing some work and your clothes and body became dirty and smelly, would you need a stiff brush to clean yourself? In the same way, God uses this illness as a dear balm for my soul to prepare it for the Kingdom of Heaven.”

His answers got on my nerves even more, and I continued to blaspheme God and the demons. All my reactions were entirely negative, and I continued to shout: “There is no God! There is no Kingdom! I don’t believe in anything!”

I remember his last words well: “Wait and you will see with your own eyes how the soul of a Christian who believes will be separated from his body. I am a sinner, but His mercy will save me. Just wait and you will see and believe.”

And this day has come. The nurses wanted to screen him because the rules required it, but I protested and said, “No, don't do that. I want to watch this old man die.”

I watched him as he continued to praise God. He repeated: “Rejoice, unmarried bride”; “Because of my many sins my body is weak...”, “It is worthy to eat...”, etc., constantly making the sign of the cross.

Then he raised his hands and said: “Hello, my angel! Thank you for meeting me to take my soul. Thank you! Thank you!" He raised his hands again, made the sign of the cross, crossed his arms over his chest and rested. Suddenly the chamber was illuminated with such light as if it had been illuminated by ten suns. At the same time, there was a heavenly aroma of such strength that it spread beyond our department. Those people who were not sleeping went out into the corridor to see the source of such a wonderful fragrance.

Thus, Father, I, an inveterate atheist and blasphemer, believed in the Lord and called you to confess.”

Xenophon was firm and resolute as he mercilessly dealt with his “old self,” and God’s mercy to him was great, truly great! He received Holy Communion several times and left this world with a feeling of deep repentance and glorification of the Lord on his lips.”

Protopresbyter Stefanos Anagnostopoulos

Is "God" capitalized or capitalized?

When it comes to beliefs, a person loses his head and not only defends his own point of view, but also imposes it on others. Therefore, most religious people dispute the capitalization of the word “god.” They do not understand that a copywriter, webmaster or writer must be guided by the rules of the Russian language when writing texts, and not by the opinions of those ignorant in spelling.

According to the rules of the Russian language from 1956, which are still in force, the first letter of a proper name is written with a capital letter. The word "god" is not a proper name, and unless the Creator of this world is implied, it is written with a small letter. But Jesus and Jehovah are proper names. And that’s why each of them begins with a capital letter.

It should be noted that the word “god” can be used to praise someone. For example, when a computer specialist is called a computer god for his skills, when describing his activities, it is justified to write the word “god” with a small letter.

Different peoples have many gods. All of them are listed in the mythology of past millennia. When mentioning in the text any of the gods invented by people, you should write the word “god” with a small letter. For example: god of war, god of fertility, god of the sun, god of the sky, god of the seas, god of fire.

[edit] History

In the USSR, the ideology approved by the state was atheism, and religion was criticized. In this regard, it was customary to write the words “god” and “lord” exclusively in lowercase letters, although in some cases capitalization could also be used. After the collapse of the USSR, these rules were abolished, for example, in the Republic of Belarus, where Russian is one of the official languages.[2]

In modern Russia, the word “god” is written according to the rules of the Russian language; believers usually write it exclusively with a capital letter when they mean the god of their religion.

In 2007, edited by V.V. Lopatin (head of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the book “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete academic reference book", according to which:

Names associated with religion - § 180. It is recommended to write the word God with a capital letter as the name of a single supreme being (in monotheistic religions). The names of God are written with a capital letter in different religions, for example: Jehovah, Sabaoth, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Allah, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu; names of pagan gods, for example: Perun, Zeus, Moloch, Osiris, Ra, Astarte, Aurora, Bacchus, Dionysus. The proper names of the founders of religions are also written, for example: Buddha, Muhammad (Mohammed, Mohammed), Zarathustra (Zarathustra); apostles, prophets, saints, for example: John the Baptist, John the Baptist, John the Theologian, Nicholas the Wonderworker (but: Nicholas the Saint), George the Victorious. Note. The word god in plural forms, as well as in the meaning of one of many gods or in a figurative meaning, is written with a lowercase letter, for example: gods of Olympus, god Apollo, god of war.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 2009 No. 195 “On approval of the list of grammars, dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation” approved a list of dictionaries that contain the norms of modern literary Russian language. This list contains the spelling dictionary of Bukchina and Sazonov, which indicates that “in Christianity and certain other religions” God is written with a capital letter.

The word "god" in stable expressions

According to the rules of the Russian language, in set expressions used in colloquial speech outside of connection with religion, the word “god” is always written with a small letter. Moreover, it does not matter whether the creator of the text is a believer or not:

  • — we were going God knows where;
  • - God sees;
  • - God kill me;
  • - God punish me;
  • - God forgive me;
  • - May God forgive me;
  • - God forgive me;
  • - God knows;
  • - as God puts it on your soul;
  • - God be with you;
  • - God bless you;
  • - God help you;
  • - God help me;
  • - God forbid me;
  • - God save me;
  • - not God knows what;
  • - God save me;
  • - not thank God;
  • - God bless him;
  • - God knows when;
  • - God knows what.

The word "god" in interjections

It is not difficult to remember whether the word “god” is spelled with a capital letter or with a small letter, if you understand that in most cases the spelling “god” is considered correct. Including in interjections:

  • - God bless;
  • - not thank God;
  • - by God;
  • - God be with you;
  • - for God's sake;
  • - God;
  • - My God;
  • - Oh my God;
  • - God forbid;
  • - God forbid;
  • - God forbid;
  • - Oh my God;
  • - Oh my God;
  • - God willing;
  • - God forbid;
  • - with God blessing;
  • - God forbid.

How to spell it correctly?

To summarize, we could outline several main points that allow us to remember when the word “god” is written with a capital letter and when with a lowercase letter:

  1. 1. The word “god”, without reference to religion, and when the Creator is not implied, is written with a small letter, because it is not a proper name.
  2. 2. For example, the combination “God in Orthodoxy” begins with a capital letter. After all, we are talking about a religious designation here.
  3. 3. When addressing an omnipotent being, it is recommended to use a capital letter when writing text. For example, “God give me strength.” As when mentioning the Creator: “God helped me.”
  4. 4. But when the stable expression “God give me strength” is used, you need to write the word “God” with a lowercase letter.
  5. 5. When quoting religious texts, listing religious holidays, creating messages on Orthodox-themed resources, you must write the word “God” with a capital letter.
  6. 6. Proper names, including those of the true God, are written with a capital letter. For example: Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh. In addition, the names of gods from mythology are written with a capital letter: Zeus, Prometheus, Ra.

Copyright © kak-pishetsa.ru

The author of the article is Oksana Stier: “Since 2008, I have been writing texts to order. At first it was a hobby, and later grew into a professional occupation. However, it did not become my main activity, because I have varied interests.”

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