The population of megacities is quite large. Along with the birth, a funeral is also held. Large cities are known for their large number of cemeteries. Some of them are closed due to overcrowding. Others are functioning. But there are some where getting a place is not so easy. It is granted only to those who have distinguished themselves in the public affairs of the state. These cemeteries also include the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye Cemetery. It is included in the list of the most famous burial places in Moscow.
Scheme of plots
The churchyard is divided into eastern and central parts. The number of plots is 172. You need to know one nuance: some of the grave numbers are missing, while others are duplicated. Therefore, when you first come to the cemetery, it will be difficult to navigate on your own.
Helpful advice: in order not to waste time, you should seek help from the necropolis workers.
The plot diagram is presented at the stand; it is simple and understandable to everyone. The only thing you need to know is the plot number.
Inna Makarova (1926 - 2020)
- She was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.
- Role: Nastasya, a maid at Rodion’s apartment.
The performer of the role of Lyubov Shevtsova in Sergei Gerasimov’s “The Young Guard” spent the last two years of her life at a dacha near Moscow with her famous daughter, actress and director Natalya Bondarchuk . Inna Makarova was tormented by asthma attacks and memory loss.
— Mom constantly asked: “Where is the folder?” That’s what she called my dad Sergei Bondarchuk ,” said Natalya. “Being between two worlds, she saw both her grandmother and Sergei Fedorovich. He replaced her father - her mother was orphaned early. I remembered him more than my second husband, surgeon Misha Perelman .
Grave of Inna Makarova. Photo by Ruslan Voronoi
Shortly before her death, Inna Vladimirovna was admitted to the hospital. Due to the coronavirus, visits are prohibited. Natalya Bondarchuk learned about the death of her mother on the way to the recording of Andrei Malakhov’s dedicated to quarantine.
“We were waiting for my mother to leave, because she was already suffering in her body,” admitted Bondarchuk. - I believe that we are immortal, and the body is our shell. At the 94th year of life, the shell was thin.
Makarova’s apartment near the Kievsky railway station, as well as a large house in Razdory near Moscow, were inherited by her daughter.
The grave of the miracle worker Sampson
The righteous man who lived in the 20th century, a monk named Simeon, who took the schema with the name Sampson, was not canonized, but information about the miracles of healing and the prayers he performed is still kept by pilgrims who constantly come to the monk’s grave.
Having survived persecution and arrests and retained his faith, the schema-monk Sampson, despite his outward severity, always prayed for people, having the gift of prophecy. Contemporaries collect all the miracles revealed at the elder’s grave. Cemetery workers claim that people suffering from possession cannot approach the grave. Once seven men could not let down a weak old man, he screamed, twitched, but was never able to cross the invisible barrier.
Through the prayer of neighbors for those who are mad and addicted to alcohol, drugs and computer games, liberation comes.
One day, a team of gravediggers turned on music without responding to the requests of people praying at the grave. Suddenly, behind the distant monuments, a figure in black appeared and began to quickly approach the workers. Out of fear, they abandoned their equipment and ran away, handing in their resignation the next morning, although this place of work was quite “grain-producing.”
Father wandered around apartments and dachas, did not have a residence permit in Moscow for a long time, and experienced all the horrors of those who do not have their own place of residence. Therefore, it is with housing problems that they go to the elder’s grave; he helps many.
Chapel-canopy over the grave of Elder Hieroschemamonk Sampson
Prayers at the grave of the righteous man, the miracle worker, people receive liberation from many diseases:
headache; depression; sciatica; infertility; oncology and others.
Irina Pototskaya
Irina Aleksandrovna Pototskaya is a famous Soviet theater and film actress. After graduating from the conservatory with a degree in piano, Pototskaya entered the school at the Moscow Art Theater, but did not have time to graduate due to the liquidation of the educational institution for political reasons. Nevertheless, Pototskaya and her fellow students were accepted into Moscow theaters. As a result, Pototskaya worked for about forty years at the N.V. Gogol Theater, where her most famous works are considered to be her roles in the plays “Shelmenko the Batman” and “The Last Victim.” Pototskaya also worked on the radio, including taking part in dubbing radio plays, and collaborated with Soyuzmultfilm, voicing cartoon characters. Pototskaya lived for 93 years and died on April 7, 2009. She rested in a grave without a fence, surrounded by a granite flower bed, thanks to which for most of the year the modest stele is surrounded by greenery on almost all sides. The stele is a classic black granite rectangle with a rounded top side. On the front side of the stele there is an engraving with the name and dates of Pototskaya’s life.
Outstanding Features
The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk necropolis was opened in the 60s of the 20th century. From the very beginning, it was divided into 2 parts - the Eastern and Central zones. In 1973, the largest crematorium in Europe was built on its square (it has 7 two-chamber ovens), which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The crematorium also hosts atheistic farewell ceremonies, for which special halls have been prepared. Next to one of the entrances, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in the 90s.
The military - heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, political activists, pop stars, writers, writers and other famous artists - found their final refuge on Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye.
Average prices for services at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery
Official starting prices for a plot for family burial at an open auction, established by the Moscow Government:
For burial with a coffin (at the Eastern Cemetery): from 232,887 rub. up to 838,393.20 rub. For burial with an urn (at the Eastern Cemetery): from RUB 102,470.28. up to 341,567.60 rub. For burial with a coffin (at the Central Cemetery): from 265,617.6 rubles. up to 531,235.20 rub. For burial with an urn (at the Central Cemetery): from 77,914.5 rubles. up to 233,743.48 rub.
Prices are as of January 2021; source:
The register of plots for family (tribal) burials in cemeteries in Moscow and New Moscow, put up for auction by the Moscow Government, is being updated. Keep an eye out for new offers on the website
Kinship (re-) burial at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is free.
How to get there
The cemetery area is well organized and properly maintained. To know how to get to the address, you need to remember exactly that the cemetery is located in the Balashikha district, on Nosovikhinskoye highway 16. If you get there by your own transport, then a navigator will come to your aid and show you the way to the given address.
But if you get there on your own, you should know how to get to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. There are several ways to get there, but they all have a starting point - a metro station. How to get there from the metro:
To do this, you first need to get to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Proezd metro station or the Second Moscow Crematorium. If you get from the Vykhino station, then use bus No. 706 or minibus 39m. From the Shchelkovskaya station there is bus No. 706 or minibus 102 m. From the Novokosino metro station - buses No. 706, 760, 760 K to the final stop "2nd Moscow Crematorium".
Must read: How to get to Khovanskoye Cemetery, celebrity graves, opening hours
Opening hours
There are also specific opening hours for the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery. They depend on the time of year:
Dear brothers and sisters! We invite you to visit the unique resource With its help, you can convey your aspirations to St. Petersburg churches, chapels, monasteries, and also contact the righteous at the place of their burial. We will write a note ourselves, take it to the temple and send you a photo report by email. Turning to God with the help of prayers has helped many people overcome grief, regain health and the joy of worldly life.
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from October to April from 9.00 to 17.00, from May to September from 9.00 to 19.00.
Also, for those who wish, on the territory of the cemetery there is a place for burying urns with ashes in the ground; there are also closed and open columbariums. New burials with a coffin are not carried out, but there is an exception for relatives when burial is carried out in family, kinship or ancestral graves. The work schedule of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is designed so that visitors can visit the graves of their relatives.
In addition, the necropolis is known for the presence of graves of famous people. And that’s why tourists and fans also come here who want to visit the graves of their idols.
How to get to the cemetery
The necropolis can be reached by metro, public transport or car. Cemetery address: Nosovikhinskoe highway, 16.
If you use personal transport, travel time will depend on the starting point and traffic jams.
If you get there from the Moscow Ring Road. First you need to get to Nosovikhinskoye Highway. Then head on Ilyich Highway until the intersection with Rudneva Street. There turn right, and then left. Once on Oktyabrskaya Street, move straight to the entrance to the cemetery.
If you get from the center , it will take a longer period of time. You need to go to the embankment of the Yauza River. The next point is Nikoloyamskaya Street. Afterwards you need to cross Andronevskaya Square and Radonezhsky Street. Once on Entuziastov Boulevard, the driver moves to the interchange at the Moscow Ring Road. And then along the already planned route.
If you get there by metro , the most convenient way to do this is from Novokosino station. There you can walk to the churchyard, the path is about 2 km. Or you can use public transport: bus route E-5 (it operates when a mass visit to the necropolis is expected), transit routes 706 or 760 to the “2nd Moscow Crematorium” stop, which is the final stop.
From other stations: "Vykhino" - bus 706 or minibus 39M, "Shchelkovskaya" - bus 760 or minibus 102M.
Victoria Fedorova (1946 - 2012)
- The monument was erected at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, although her ashes were scattered in the Pocono Mountains (USA).
- Role: Dunya, Raskolnikov's sister.
The daughter of the famous actress Zoya Fedorova and the military attaché at the US Embassy George Tate first saw her mother at the age of nine, when she served time for having an affair with her American father. Victoria followed in the footsteps of her parent and shone in the melodrama “Two” together with Valentin Smirnitsky . And then she emigrated to the USA. She married the pilot Frederick Richard Povey and gave birth to a son, Christopher. After the divorce, the pilot sued the boy from his ex-wife because she abused alcohol.
The grave of Victoria Fedorova. Photo by Olga Emelyanova
The married actress found female happiness with her last husband, fire department employee John P. Dwyer . In 2005, Victoria was diagnosed with lung cancer.
“And she died of emphysema,” sighed director Mikhail Bogin . — Vika did not give up her habit of tarring one cigarette after another until the very end. On the last day of my life, I sat at home, doing my usual things. And suddenly the attack began. Her husband immediately took her to the hospital, where an hour later the actress died.
Fedorova bequeathed her body to be cremated and her ashes scattered in the Pocono Mountains. John fulfilled his beloved's last wish.
History and structure
Balashikha, located in the Novokosinsky district of Moscow, was chosen to establish a new cemetery in 1960. Until 1973, the burial of the dead was carried out in the traditional way in coffins; after the opening of the crematorium, the State Unitary Enterprise “Ritual” managed to save hectares of land.
Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery. Avenue of Heroes
Burial prices depend on the type of burial and the status of the deceased. Outstanding people who have served Russia, and subburials are carried out free of charge. As it grew, free cars began to ply around the cemetery territory, serving not only the disabled, pensioners, but also everyone.
The Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery is still open for burials:
related; family (ancestral); urns in the ground; urns in an open or closed columbarium.
Those who want to put the graves in order can use the services of rental points where all the equipment is available.
In the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, consecrated in 2000, funeral services are held, and in the chapel of the martyr Huar, funeral services are often ordered for the unbaptized deceased, as well as for children killed during abortions.
Uarovskaya Church at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye Cemetery
Iya Arepina
Iya Alekseevna Arepina is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. After graduating from VGIK in 1954, Arepina got a job at the Theater-Studio of a Film Actor and began actively acting in films. Her first works were roles in the films “Big Family”, “Ilya Muromets”, “Walking Across Three Seas”, but Arepina became famous after her role in “The Captain’s Daughter” in 1959 - this film brought the actress not only all-Union, but also worldwide fame . Iya Arepina died at the age of 73 on July 24, 2003. Arepina's tombstone is a classic rectangular stele with a rounded top made of black granite, but what is of interest is the extensive engraving that occupies almost the entire front side of the stele. In addition to the dates of life and the name of the actress, an epitaph is engraved here (lines from M. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”), and also contains ceramic inserts with photographs depicting Arepina in her most famous cinematic images. In front of the tombstone there is a modest flowerbed without a fence.
Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye Cemetery: crematorium
In addition to the famous - the largest one - a new crematorium was opened in the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk necropolis. It was built near the old gate. Burial of urns with ashes is possible in open and closed columbaria. It is also possible to bury urns in earthen graves designed for 5–6 urns.
Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery - crematorium