Why you can’t do laundry on Sunday: is the ban justified?

Why you can't do laundry on Sunday

Those people who have repeatedly shown interest in the Bible know that it is not recommended to do laundry and other household chores on Saturday, and not on Sunday. And then, of course, the question arises, why can’t you do laundry on Sunday?

It turns out that the fact is that in our concept the week ends on Sunday, but according to the Bible on Saturday. Here is the answer to all the questions. Therefore, according to the church charter, it is better not to do household chores such as laundry, cleaning the house, washing floors and windows. On this day, it will be much better to devote time to your family, go for a walk with them, have dinner together and spend the evening usefully for your self-development.

Of course, the church allows laundry on Sunday, but only when failure to do so will lead you to sin. According to ancient beliefs, it is believed that the ideal day for doing laundry is “Clean Thursday”. People who visit the temple know about this belief, but not everyone follows this church instruction.

Moreover, people who are not interested in the issue of faith are unlikely to stop washing clothes on Sundays. There are quite a lot of things, besides washing, that are better done on days other than on the seventh day of the week.

What other things are not recommended to do on Sunday?

  • It is no secret to all believers that Sunday is considered a day of prayer and spiritual self-improvement. Therefore, on this day you cannot do any things that could interfere with you, improving your spiritual world.
  • We can include such things as: spending time on the Internet, games, music, alcohol, and so on. It is best to stop at prayer on this day. But even if you are not a believer, you can leave this day for rest and not burden yourself with laundry and cleaning.

What about other Christian countries?

The position of the Christian church is that on the last day of the week you need to forget about worldly affairs and devote yourself to spiritual ones. For Russians this is not always convenient, since often there is only time for cleaning on Sunday. I wonder if there really is a ban on Sunday laundry all over the world?

In the US, the attitude towards washing is completely different. A washing machine is very rare in the home, as Americans choose laundries to save space, time and money. Laundresses are located on almost every corner and offer quick cleaning. People living there do not set aside a separate “laundry” day, but throw things into the washing machines before or after work.

In Sweden, buying a washing machine is also considered irrational. There is a mini-laundry in the basement of each apartment building, and residents use it according to a special schedule. As a rule, one day of the week is allocated for laundry per floor or group of apartments. You don’t have to choose whether it’s Monday or Sunday—everything is by mutual agreement.

In foreign countries, not every citizen has a washing machine in their apartment - laundries or public washing machines are popular.

It seems that only in our region is washing treated as a long and labor-intensive process. For others, this activity does not cause difficulties and is not burdened by church beliefs. Everyone chooses for themselves whether to do laundry or rest on Sunday. If the fear of making a mistake is too great, then you should take care of peace of mind and choose a different day of the week.


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The prohibition against cleaning and washing on Sunday is associated with biblical scriptures. The Bible says that you cannot work or do any business on the seventh day of the week - Saturday. The fact is that according to the Holy Scriptures the week ends on Saturday, but in the modern world the seventh day is Sunday. That is why it is believed that washing cannot be done on Sunday.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy; six days thou shalt work and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: on it thou shalt not do any work, neither thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy livestock, nor thy stranger. who is in your dwellings; For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.”

Bible, Exodus, Chapter 20, 8–11

The day of rest is a picture of rest in Christ

When Jesus was on this earth, He intentionally worked on the Sabbath day, which displeased the religious leaders of the time and brought persecution against Him. Still, the Savior insisted on working on Saturday, that is, the day of rest, only to tell people that Saturday was a shadow of true peace, which can only be had by faith in Him. In one of these conversations, the Lord Jesus said that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, that is, the Lord of true Rest:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest ; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls ; For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Is it worth adhering to the ban on washing on Sunday?

The church charter does not advise doing laundry, cleaning and other household chores on the seventh day of the week. Sunday should be dedicated to God, prayers, going to church, helping those in need and communicating with loved ones. However, the church does not prohibit doing laundry on this day, but it must be done without forgetting the main purpose of Sunday - doing good deeds and drawing closer to the Lord.

There are no non-religious reasons not to do laundry on Sunday.

In Judaism, the seventh day of the week is considered sacred. It falls on Saturday and is called Shabbat. On this day it is officially forbidden to work; Jews celebrate Shabbat as a holiday: they light candles, have festive dinners and spend time with loved ones.

There are no signs or superstitions that prohibit a person from doing laundry on Sunday. The Orthodox Church only advises against doing laundry on the seventh day of the week, and even then only in the first half of the day.

Modern people, who work 8 hours 5 days a week, prefer to postpone most household chores until the weekend. Cleaning, washing, cooking - all this is much more convenient to do on Saturday and Sunday than on weekdays. However, there is an opinion that it is absolutely forbidden to do household chores on Sunday. Where did the ban come from?

Is it possible to embroider on church holidays?

Embroidery is a hobby of many girls, women and some men who do what they love every day. You can often hear that it is sinful to embroider on church holidays.

If you have free time, you can sit down and embroider. Free time refers to the time that remains after going to church, praying, confessing and taking communion.

There is information about queens embroidering in their free time and saying prayers at the same time. Therefore, embroidery can only be done under the conditions described above.

History of signs

The prohibition on Sunday cleaning is directly related to the Bible. According to the holy book, doing any physical labor on the sixth day of the week is a sin. In Israel, for example, this ban has reached the legislative level: every week people celebrate Shabbat.

But why can’t you clean on Sunday, if we are talking about the sixth day of the week? It's quite simple. In the Bible, it is the Sabbath that ends the week. In the modern world, the week ends on Sunday, so this day is worth dedicating to rest.

Seek first the kingdom of God

The body needs a day of rest throughout the week. We all know that Saturday for a married woman with children is much more loaded with work than other working days of the week. The fact that she does not have time to do everything and must also work on Sunday makes it clear to me that she is becoming tired physically and mentally. You need the peace that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give. He said:

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

Look for a church where the Word of God is preached and start going to worship every Sunday, with your children and your husband, and if they don’t want to, go yourself. In this way you will begin to seek the kingdom of God and everything else will follow you. God will arrange everything this way

Is it worth following the ban?

There is no logical basis for this sign. Is it worth following? Depends on what you believe. If you can organize your week in such a way as to completely free Sunday from business, then rest will clearly be beneficial. If you cannot shift household chores to another day, then do not worry, there will be no problems from cleaning or washing on Sunday. Any biblical prohibitions must be treated adequately and followed only when they do not interfere with normal life.

It is sinful when someone neglects a church holiday and misses the Divine service for the sake of laziness, selfishness or something else like that. It’s bad when a person can spend Sunday or a holiday with his family, with children, but neglects it. However, even in this case, work itself, even on a holiday, is no worse than wasting time and, of course, better than sinfully killing time in drunkenness, debauchery, gambling, etc.

Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky


The prohibition against doing laundry and other household chores on Sunday is biblical, so whether you follow it or not is up to you. If this does not interfere with your life, then you can rest on the last day of the week. And if you have a lot to do and you don’t believe in God, then there is nothing wrong with following plans.

Is it possible to treat teeth on a church holiday?

Church holidays must be honored. However, if you have an illness that needs urgent treatment, it would be unreasonable to suffer in pain. Therefore, dental treatment is allowed.

Neglecting health will not be approved by any church.

If the pain is minor or the procedure can be performed on another day, then it is better to reschedule plans for the next day. You should also try to make time for the Lord.

Thus, prohibitions on various types of work and activities on Sundays or church holidays are the lot of superstitions. Superstitions inspire fear; there is no real threat. Despite this, many continue to adhere to myths.

However, this is everyone's business. Priests recommend spending this time visiting church or temple, praying, and spending time with family and loved ones.

Where did this ban come from?

Where and why did the ban come from, why can’t you clean and do laundry on Sundays and holidays? A large number of recommendations regarding prohibitions of any activity are based on centuries-old Orthodox traditions.

The customs have been followed for many centuries, which is why people still adhere to them. In ancient times, it was believed that only lost souls were capable of committing sin.


There are not as many church prohibitions as there are signs that religion does not approve of. For example, it is believed that you should not clean on Sunday because you might sweep money out of the house. As a result, the family will go hungry. On some Orthodox holidays, it is forbidden to swim, braid your hair, or use sharp objects.

All these signs, sins and similar prohibitions have nothing to do with religion and should not be taken seriously. You can clean and do household chores if it does not cause much difficulty.

How to spend a Sunday?

Sunday is the best day to spend with your family. Most often, it happens that you are busy with business all week, of course, but you try to free Sunday for cleaning and other household chores. It's better to go for a walk with your children, chat with your husband, or visit your parents instead. This will bring much more benefit to everyone than running around the house with a rag in your hands.

Some women believe that the holidays have arrived, so cleaning should be organized first. This shouldn't happen.

On a day of pleasant time with your family, you can think about spiritual self-development and attending church services in the morning. Believers prefer to spend their day off in prayers and other important matters. This practice clears the mind and prepares for the coming week. As for other activities, choosing useful ones is not so difficult.

What is recommended to do

If previously only household tasks fell on Sunday, now you need to diversify your leisure time. You can read useful tips on repairs and do them on weekdays, study culinary recipes and please your loved ones on the next Orthodox holiday. And if a woman decides that I want and can - I will clean, and the house will be clean, then she has the right to this.

The main thing is not to bother yourself by doing other things. They are best done gradually.

What do the clergy advise?

The clergy keep up with the times and do not get hung up on the prohibitions that were common many years ago. The Church claims that no one forbids washing or doing handicrafts. You should only refrain from hard work. Also during church holidays, visiting the temple is recommended. Sunday is best dedicated to God and family.

Let's make a final conclusion

Any religious topic is not always completely clear even to believers, since there are many conventions.

Cleaning on Sundays and holidays is not strictly prohibited, so this ban can be called conditional.

There are stricter rules and commandments that must be followed. If there are any doubts about Sunday work, then in this case it is recommended to transfer all work to weekdays, and the last day of the week can be devoted to proper rest.

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